Ancient Aliens s04e10 Episode Script

Aliens and Dinosaurs

Ancient carvings, depicting dinosaurs with humans.
Sometimes the humans are even writing on the back of the dinosaurs.
The fossilized tracks of the dinosaurs and men discovered side by side We've found human footprints, dinosaurs and all types of fossils that scientists tell us that should not be in the same level, we find them coexisting.
And high levels of radiation found in the bones of a tyrannosaurus rex.
The reason they had to paint them with lead paint is because they discovered were very, very intensely radioactive.
Did the dinosaurs fall victim to a cosmic collision? Or were they deliberately killed off? Is it possible that what we have here was in fact not an extinction, but an extermination event? Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, will science reveal the connection between aliens and dinosaurs? Oxfordshire, England, 1819.
In a quarry just outside the village of Stonesfield, paleontologist William Buckland discovers several fossilized bones of an enormous unknown animal, including portions of a lower jaw with teeth still in place.
Though similar bones had been found in the past, Dr.
Buckland was the first European to officially record the discovery of a "dinosaur," or as he called it, a megalosaurus.
Since then, dinosaurs have been discovered on every continent in the world.
There are all kinds of dinosaurs that have been found.
You have plated dinosaurs like the stegosaurus, you have horn dinosaurs, you have meat-eating dinosaurs, you have all sorts of dinosaurs.
They live in very different environments, deserts, subtropical forests, by the seashore.
There are over a thousand species of dinosaur that we know, and no doubt thousands more that we don't know.
But the elephant would be a midget in comparison to one of these titanosaurs.
You're talking an animal that weighed maybe 25 times the weight of an adult male elephant.
These animals reached lengths of about a 120 feet and weights of a hundred tons.
The plant-eaters would have been dangerous simply because of their size.
Walking in between a herd of titanosaurs that weighed at a hundred tons, you know, would have been deadly, probably, let alone being face-to-face with a T rex.
The dinosaur really speaks to us.
Every child has his fascination with dinosaurs, and we know that they were able to fly.
We know that they are able to frighten you.
They are, to some extent, supernatural creatures.
One of the things with planet Earth was that in ancient times, everything was bigger and all the animals were bigger and plants were bigger.
Everything was gigantic.
The world of the dinosaurs was completely different from our world.
During the age of the dinosaurs, many other animals lived.
You have giant reptiles swimming in the ocean, flying reptiles flying over the heads of dinosaurs.
You also have insects, mammals, amphibians and other creatures.
But dinosaurs were the king of the land.
We imagine in science fiction what it would be like to travel to an exotic, exciting, strange alien world where these giant creatures roaming around the planet, and it happened here on Earth in our pre-history.
While scientists have been studying dinosaur fossils for nearly 200 years, their theories about what these giant creatures were and how they lived often change with each new discovery.
Recently, paleontologists have determined that tyrannosaurus rex was most likely covered not with scales, but with feathers.
We found feathers of dinosaurs that are actually preserved in amber, and so dinosaurs, we now believe that many, if not most of them, had a feathery covering of some kind.
We know they had very complex behaviors.
They ate eggs that we find show that many dinosaurs made nests on the ground that they protected from predators, and they brought food to the developing young.
In the past, we envisioned dinosaurs as lethargic, gigantic reptiles that were slow and sluggish.
That notion has changed completely.
We interpret them now as being much more active.
Many of them were feathered and presumably they were warm-blooded.
We know that they grew very fast.
Essentially dinosaurs were very atypical reptile, if you want.
We still have a lot to learn about the dinosaurs.
It used to be easy to define a dinosaur.
But defining a dinosaur has become more complex.
But while paleontologists continue to discover information on the lives of dinosaurs, ancient astronaut theorists believe there may be an otherworldly connection to their demise.
When looking at dinosaurs, there's some key questions that really need to be answered.
We don't know their level of intelligence, we don't really know what happened to them.
More importantly, where do they come from? Scientists truly believe that dinosaurs ruled this planet for In comparison, modern homo sapiens-- humans-- have only been around for about 200,000 years.
So dinosaurs are by far the dominant species in the history of this Earth.
But in the early 1800's, if you told someone the Earth used to be teaming with giant beasts, some of which weighed over a hundred tons, that person would say to you, "You're crazy.
" And yet, today, the dinosaurs are scientific fact.
Dinosaurs could very well have been an early experiment by extraterrestrials with life on Earth.
This planet has been capable of supporting life for millions if not billions of years.
The accepted belief within the scientific community is that dinosaurs dominated the planet until a catastrophic event wiped them out There was a mass extinction that essentially exterminated maybe 50% of what was alive.
Among the 50% are the last dinosaurs that lived during the age of the dinosaurs.
Things like triceratops, T rex.
We are speculating, and we have seen science trying to come up with answers, and so how the dinosaur disappeared is something which is still an open question to which science has no answer so far.
It is possible that extraterrestrials may have wanted to trade out the dinosaurs for a more intelligent species in their likeness and Earth was the perfect place to do it.
Were the dinosaurs killed off by a cosmic natural event as mainstream scientists believe? Or might the dinosaurs have been the target of extermination? Perhaps the answer may be found by examining numerous ancient carvings and other artworks -- in which dinosaurs and man are shown to have coexisted.
Planet Earth An eight-mile-wide asteroid hurtles towards the planet at approximately 12 miles per second and strikes the region now known as the Yucatan Peninsula with a force of According to mainstream science, this catastrophic event forever changed the climate and the topography of Earth and ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
The object that came in was eight or ten miles in diameter.
That impact dug a deep hole, lofted material into the atmosphere, black dust, which shrouded the planet in darkness for months, maybe for a couple of years.
There would have been a time in which the sunlight was simply shut out from the Earth's surface, and photosynthetic organisms, like plants, would begin to die.
The plant-eating dinosaurs would have nothing to eat and would have died off.
The meat-eating dinosaurs would then have nothing to eat either, and this might've lasted anywhere from five to ten years.
How quickly the extinction took place is a matter of debate.
But is it possible that some species of dinosaur actually survived this cataclysmic event? And not only survived but thrived for several thousands, or even millions, of years? Perhaps clues can be recovered near a crater where scientists believe the giant asteroid struck the Earth, right in the heart of what is now the Yucatan Peninsula.
Today, less than 90 miles from the epicenter of the asteroid impact, lies one of the largest and best-preserved cities of the ancient Maya, Chichen Itza.
You have to wonder if it's not some strange coincidence that the same spot, the Yucatan, which experienced this devastating asteroid strike, which caused extinction of the dinosaurs, is also the main habitation area of the ancient Maya.
Chichen Itza is said to have been the place where the Mayans made contact with the gods.
And I find it an extraordinary coincidence of all the potential places around the Gulf of Mexico, which they could've chosen, they took a place where literally something fell from the sky 65 million years ago.
And the Mayans believed that this contact with the gods, this contact with the sky, happened there, up until the most recent of times.
And so, what we have here is either a coincidence or something else going on.
And, really, this something else is only something, which hardly anybody has touched upon, but I think it is something which really needs to be explored in far more detail.
In the Mayan area and other areas of Mexico, there are curious depictions of dinosaurs.
There's pterosaurs.
There's a famous dinosaur that appears on one of the paintings at Bonampak.
So you have to wonder just how the Mayans knew about dinosaurs.
Supposedly, dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
But if, as mainstream scientists believe, the dinosaurs had been extinct for millions of years before the evolution of mankind on this planet, then what would explain the wealth of Mayan art depicting interactions between humans and what appear to be dinosaurs-- found in the very area where they supposedly died off? Ancient astronaut theorists believe that additional evidence can be found in northern Cambodia, at one of the largest temple complexes in the world, Angkor Wat.
Here, among the intricate stone carvings that adorn the walls of the sacred site, researchers have been fascinated by numerous images of animals that supposedly roamed the region where the temple was built.
But one, depicting what appears to be a dinosaur, has archaeologists and scholars scratching their heads.
There's a temple called Ta Prohm, and it has a series of medallions that are carved into its surface and one medallion in particular has attracted attention because it looks like a stegosaurus.
And so some have cited this as an example of a dinosaur that lived into historical times.
It's a stegosaurus not as a skeleton, but it's a stegosaurus with its skin and muscles, as if somebody saw it while it was alive.
So how is it possible that the artist was able to carve something like this? Did they receive the knowledge of something like this? There is no doubt that ancient civilizations must have encountered dinosaur remains.
Many of them lived in areas where dinosaurs are very abundant and I'm sure they found them here and there.
I think that the fact that they have incorporated what appears to be dinosaurs in their artistic depictions speaks of an attempt to interpret them.
How exactly they interpret them, I don't believe is clear.
Even 200 years ago, we had a hard time figuring out how the bones of dinosaurs fit together.
What could explain the ancient builders of Angkor Wat having such a sophisticated knowledge of dinosaur anatomy? Could it be, as many ancient astronaut theorists believe, that their knowledge came firsthand, as the result of actual interaction? The Tsodilo Hills, Northern Botswana, Africa.
Here, in 2001, archaeologists discover what many believe to be the world's oldest-known religious artifact, a 20-foot-long serpentine rock carving, made over 70,000 years ago, by the ancient San People.
Serpent worship is one of the oldest known form of religious worship.
And it's absolutely everywhere that you look.
But might the enormous scale of the serpent's head, measuring six-and-a-half feet tall, suggest that the carving represented not a python but a dinosaur? There's a lot of ancient artwork that clearly shows a actual reptilian species being worshiped by humans.
Some sort of reptilian presence that was here on the Earth in the ancient past.
The question is, is it possible that our ancestors saw something that they tried to imitate and the answer is a resounding yes.
Whenever it comes to evidence of the possibility that dinosaurs and mankind existed, each time science has tried to explain it away.
But we know the archeological evidence really suggests that it is not that straightforward.
It is definitely possible that our earliest ancestors met dinosaurs.
Might ancient depictions of dinosaurs really be proof that humans and dinosaurs did, at one time, coexist? According to mainstream scientists, the notion is not only incredible, but downright impossible.
Unless, of course, they are confronted with evidence in the form of a fossilized footprint of a dinosaur, side by side with that of a human being.
Dinosaur Valley State Park.
Glen Rose, Texas.
Here, in 1930, Roland T.
Bird, field explorer for the American Museum, reported finding "clearly defined" human footprints alongside dinosaur tracks in the same exposed layer of riverbed limestone.
Some researchers found human footprints alongside the footprints of dinosaurs.
There is other evidence, from other parts of the world, that shows that human beings like us were present during the time of the dinosaurs.
We've found human footprints, dinosaurs and all types of fossils that scientists tell us that should not be in the same level as man, but we find them coexisting.
Now, we have never thought about this because science has told us that there are 65 million years between us and them.
But there is, again, archaeological and geological evidence to suggest that this is not the case.
There are footprints which show ancestors of ours and dinosaurs in the same stratum.
Could these fossilized footprints really be evidence that, at some point, humans actually coexisted with dinosaurs? According to mainstream scientists, the fossil evidence found at Dinosaur Valley is inconclusive at best.
There are three basic dinosaur eras-- the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.
Actually, these were named not for the dinosaurs, but for the various rock structures that were found at that time.
The Triassic dates back about the Jurassic, 200 to 135 million years ago; and the final, the Cretaceous, 135 to 65 million years ago.
It is simply impossible to say that every single dinosaur of planet Earth completely disappeared, and the likelihood is that at least some definitely survived for at least several more million years.
The most widely used scientific method to determine the age of fossils is by a process known as carbon dating-- a technique that measures the rate of decay and radioactivity in an organic object.
Carbon-14, it's not a stable isotope, so it decays over time, whereas the C-12, carbon-12, does not decay, so by measuring the two against each other, we're able to get very general age.
In order to do carbon dating, you need organic material.
You need wood or bone-- something that lived.
A piece of stone can't be carbon-dated, and often, archaeologists are reduced to finding something under that piece of stone, which is organic, and dating that, and then making the assumption, not necessarily correct, that the carving of the stone dates to the period of the thing under it.
For objects that are millions of years old, there is no scientific method that will allow us to date the object or bone itself.
They have to date the dinosaur bone according to the age of the deposits in which it is found.
There are methods that will allow them to date these deposits.
Carbon dating results don't get published in peer review journals.
We have so many things happening in the world of science whereby it is clear that scientists are playing a game.
And so this notion that somehow dinosaurs completely disappeared something which science as such is really beginning to push holes in, as well.
Carbon dating assumes that the concentration of radiocarbon, carbon-14, is always a constant.
And I think this is an assumption which may not be may not be true, because carbon-14 is produced as a result of certain cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere.
But if those cosmic ray interactions changed in the past, which they may well have done, then the production of carbon-14 that is present in the atmosphere at the time when it was fixed in whatever it is that are being tested, will have not been the same as it is now.
But if the fossil evidence of dinosaurs cannot be reliably dated, might some bones actually be from a time thousands, or even millions, of years after paleontologists believe they became extinct? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer is yes, and they point to additional evidence found in South America.
Ica, Peru.
Here, in 1961, workers in the Ocucaje Desert unearthed a collection of carved andesite stones, many depicting what appear to be human encounters with dinosaurs.
And since then, approximately stones have been found across the region.
I have photographed some hundreds of them in a collection in the city of Ica.
And there was an old professor, Dr.
The Indians brought him stones from all over the country of Peru, and on these stones is these fantastic engravings.
Peruvian physician Javier Cabrera began researching what have become known as the Ica stones in 1966.
Ranging in size from small pebbles to large boulders, Dr.
Cabrera's museum preserves over All dinosaurs died about ago, so normally, no human being should ever have seen a dinosaur.
But there are wonderful pictures, engravings on stone, where you see humans and dinosaurs together.
Sometimes the humans are even riding on the back of the dinosaurs.
What we have here is an Ica burial stone, which is very unique, and what it depicts is that man and dinosaurs lived contemporaneously.
We see the various triceratops, brachiosaurus and T.
rex-- those type of creatures.
So these Icas had to either see them or they knew a lot more about the dinosaurs, because they drew them precisely.
Although many ancient astronaut theorists believe the stones date from the fifth century BC to the early in the scientific community who remain skeptical about their origin.
But consider this-- just the enormous number of stones would have required that an artist carve more than 1,000 of them a year every year for 45 years.
But even if the Ica stones are proven to be real, more questions remain.
What happened to the dinosaurs? Did they simply get hunted to extinction? If so, by whom? And why? Imagine a period in time when there are very few human beings about on this planet.
And maybe there are dinosaurs about.
These beings could easily kill our ancestors.
If our ancestors were in an environment where there were dinosaurs, this would be the greatest threat to their survival.
Might the dinosaurs have proven to be too big too territorial or simply too deadly for mankind to allow their survival? Or was their demise part of a larger plan, not by humans, but by otherworldly beings, as many ancient astronaut theorists speculate? And they believe further evidence can be found in the study of Earth-threatening asteroids.
The United States Capitol, 1992.
Congress authorizes funding for the Spaceguard program, a global network of telescopes designed to scan the skies for Earth-threatening asteroids.
As of 2011, NASA has identified approximately 10,000 near-Earth objects that could potentially hit our planet.
Of all the natural hazards that we know of-- earthquakes, volcano, hurricanes, typhoons-- the impact hazard, the possibility of us being hit by a comet or asteroid, is the only one we can eliminate.
You could never stop an earthquake or a volcano.
But if we had a decade, two decades warning of an object that might hit the Earth, we do have the technology, at least in principle, to send a spacecraft out and give it a nudge and just slightly change its orbit so it misses.
If we can control the trajectories of asteroids to direct them away from Earth, then it's certainly possible that highly advanced extraterrestrials could have had the technology to direct an asteroid towards Earth.
Did advanced E.
's direct an asteroid to that spot? It's within the realm of feasibility that advanced E.
's indeed directed an asteroid to the Yucatan Peninsula.
The question is: Was the impact enough to trigger the extinction? And that's what's controversial.
Some people believe that that was enough; some people believe that it wasn't.
For decades, mainstream scientists believed that the asteroid that may have been responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs was a fragment of a giant asteroid called Baptistina.
But on September 19, 2011, NASA concluded that the deadly asteroid may have had a different origin.
Some people think that they can guess what the origin was of the object that hit us 65 million years ago.
Others disagree.
We simply don't have enough data.
But if the asteroid did not break off of Baptistina, where did it come from? And is it possible, as some ancient astronaut theorists believe, that the object may not have been an asteroid, but an extraterrestrial weapon? Perhaps the extinction was triggered by advanced E.
Specifically, they might have used something to destroy the dinosaurs.
In 1980, physicist Luis Alvarez discovered a thin, global layer of sediment nearly contains high levels of iridium, an element not naturally found on Earth.
Those materials probably came from an asteroid.
They could have come from a comet.
But they definitely came from somewhere in the solar system far beyond the Earth and moon.
Iridium is believed to be deposited on Earth by celestial masses like meteors, comets and asteroids.
But the rare element can also be introduced into the atmosphere as a byproduct of something else.
Fallout from a nuclear weapon.
But could the Earth's iridium layer be physical proof that advanced nuclear weapons had at one time devastated our planet? And might they have been deliberately deployed in an effort to wipe out the dinosaurs? Most people don't realize that most of the T.
Rex skeletons that are on display at various museums around the world-- for instance the Field Museum in Chicago has these dinosaur skeletons, these T.
rex skeletons, and they're painted with a very specific high-density lead paint.
Now, the reason they had to paint them with lead paint is because when they discovered the bones of these T.
rexes, they discovered that they were very, very intensely radioactive.
But if dinosaurs really fell victim to a nuclear attack, might there be some sort of tangible evidence? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the evidence does, in fact, exist-- in the pages of the ancient Hindu texts.
We can look into the ancient Indian texts like the Mahabharata, and there are clear stories that describe lizards of various sizes-- some even the size of buildings-- at were all mass-exterminated.
And it was because of the angry gods.
Now, we can look at this and say it's mythology, or was there some type of mass extinction-level event caused by ancient aliens? If we look at the records left in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India, we see descriptions of weapons resembling modern atomic weapons.
We also see descriptions of advanced technology, such as spacecraft.
In the Mahabharata and other sacred Indian texts, we can read that weapons of mass destruction were used that were brighter than a thousand suns when they were deployed.
And afterwards, silence fell over the affected land.
If nuclear weapons were deployed, the only logical conclusion is that their origin was in fact extraterrestrial.
Is it possible that what we have here was in fact not an extinction, but an extermination event? Might the dinosaurs really have been exterminated by extraterrestrial beings, as some ancient astronaut theorists believe? And if so, could it be that some of them have in fact survived to this day? There are those who believe the answer is yes and that the evidence can be found in the creatures that exist right before our eyes.
Solnhofen, Germany.
Archaeologists discover a strange fossil embedded in limestone.
Its features clearly identify it as a dinosaur, but with one exception: it has wings.
They called it Archeopteryx, or "ancient wing.
" Archaeopteryx-- it's like the-the Mona Lisa of the fossil world.
It's an animal that lived about 150 million years ago.
It had a long bony tail, big claws, teeth in its mouth.
It was a small animal.
It was certainly a flyer.
We don't know anything about feathers before then.
But we certainly see in Archaeopteryx that has feathers that are designed for flying.
Now, the feathers may have been for warmth, they may have been for display to attract mates or perhaps to help them move faster when either chasing prey or being pursued themselves.
The evidence appears to be very strong, because there are actually over 100 anatomical characteristics that are similar to birds and dinosaurs.
And one theory is that T.
rex, for example, has relatives today among chickens and ostriches.
Nowadays, it's very well accepted that dinosaurs are not extinct.
If you consider that we live with 10,000 species of living birds, that means 10,000 species of living dinosaurs.
So many primitive birds that are very dinosaur-like, these are all missing links, if you want.
To date, Archaeopteryx is the only species of dinosaur paleontologists believe capable of flight.
But if this is the only flying dinosaur ever discovered, how is it, as ancient astronaut theorists argue, that all modern birds could have stemmed from this one creature? And how is it possible that birds and certain reptiles with dinosaur genes were able to evolve? According to evolution, all dinosaurs died out about 60 millions of years.
First, there are many speculations what the reason is.
It was said that it was an impact maybe created by a meteorite.
But if this would be true, why only the dinosaurs died? It should be that all kind of animal were killed on Earth if you have a meteorite impact.
So that's not the case.
So the question is: why only the dinosaurs died? Some creatures that we are familiar with have survived from very long ago, cockroaches, crocodiles, sharks, lizards.
So the possibility exists that there are some that we have not seen that may live at the very deep part of the ocean or in unexplored lakes.
We don't know.
We have a number of reports of lake monsters around the world.
The most famous, of course, Loch Ness in Scotland.
Are these dinosaurs that actually survived the devastation from 65 million years ago and found an ecological niche to survive in? For skeptics who believe that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, I point to the case of the coelacanth.
This is a so-called fossil fish that was discovered off the coast of Madagascar back in 1938.
Now, it was believed extinct for millions of years.
It actually predated the dinosaurs.
This is a large fish about five to six feet in length and 100 pounds.
Is it possible that the so-called evolutionary offspring of dinosaurs are a result of extraterrestrial intervention, as many ancient astronaut theorists believe? And if so, how and why? Some believe the answers can be found in the very bones of the dinosaurs themselves.
In 1993, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer publishes a groundbreaking study concerning the fractured leg bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex, one presumed to be almost 70 million years old.
Here, Schweitzer discovered the remains of blood vessels and what appeared to be whole cells.
Her discovery contradicted what most mainstream scientists had long believed about the perishable nature of the soft body tissue of dinosaurs.
I think that the possibility of finding proteins or portions of DNA, say, in animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago is certainly exciting because it opens up a world of paleogenetics, a world in which we can look at the genetic structure of this ancient organism in a way that we haven't been able to do thus far.
Now, the current thinking has been that everything of a soft nature like that would've been ossified and would not exist today.
Her research apparently shows that there could be DNA samples inside dinosaur fossils that could be extracted and it could be used to actually recreate one or more dinosaurs, to actually give us a real Jurassic Park.
If scientists are getting closer to extracting viable DNA from dinosaur fossils, is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that extraterrestrials may have pioneered this technique thousands, or perhaps millions of years ago? And might they have manipulated that genetic material to make dinosaurs into numerous smaller, and arguably more manageable, species? I think it is possible that the coelacanth survived due to a direct guarantee by extraterrestrials.
That they might have saved the coelacanth DNA and reintroduced the coelacanth into the world's oceans millions of years after it was extinct.
And the same counts for crocodiles and turtles and all of those animals that we know of today that have survived from the age of the dinosaurs.
It's very difficult to say what would have happened if the large dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era didn't become extinct.
But there's no doubt that the world as we know it today, in my opinion, must have been forged by the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Maybe it was made on purpose by extraterrestrials simply because if the dinosaurs would have survived, they would have overtaken the planet Earth, and that was not in their plan.
It was in their plan to create something like themselves, a human-like being.
So the dinosaurs were not helpful in this game.
Might the extinction of dinosaurs have actually been a planned extermination by extraterrestrials? And could some dinosaurs have actually survived the event and even coexisted with man and still exist in another form? Perhaps the answers lie buried in every region of our globe.
Because the more we learn about dinosaurs, the closer we may come to discovering the truth about the extraterrestrial nature of the strangest creatures that ever lived on Planet Earth: ourselves.

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