Ancient Aliens s19e03 Episode Script

Mystery of the Lost Civilization

Incredible megalithic sites
unearthed after
thousands of years.
We're talking about
a complex that is so vast,
that it's almost
beyond our comprehension.
Mysterious subterranean dwellings
that stretch for miles.
We have multiple underground
cities that have been discovered
that are potentially
10,000 or more years old.
Could recent discoveries
provide evidence
of a civilization
that existed far earlier
than we ever imagined?
Perhaps even before
the biblical story
of the Great Flood,
at a time when humans
shared the earth
with otherworldly beings?
The knowledge for building
these megalithic structures
was imparted
by the so-called gods, who were
the extraterrestrials.
There is a doorway
in the universe.
Beyond it is
the promise of truth.
It demands
we question everything
we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us.
The future is
right before our eyes.
We are not alone.
We have never been alone.
Abu Shahrain, Iraq.
6,000 years ago,
this ancient mound
was the site of Eridu,
the oldest city
of the Sumerian empire.
According to
mainstream archaeologists,
this is the cradle
of civilization.
Many archeologists will
say civilization began
in Mesopotamia
some 6,000 years ago.
It is built on small bands
of hunter-gatherers who then
become settled in that area
as, kind of,
semi-sedentary communities.
They adopt agriculture,
the population starts to grow,
and we begin to
recognize we need
to organize our communities.
You start seeing these
step-sided pyramids,
where the religious practitioner
might conduct his rites
or rituals and so on.
And we have
an urban planning environment
that also means
we've got a lot
of engineering going on.
We have a lot of science,
a lot of mathematics.
It has all of those elements
we would call a civilization.
Many researchers
around the world
believe there is
evidence to suggest
civilization existed on Earth
long before the Sumerians.
And one key source
is the writing of
the Sumerians themselves.
Ancient cuneiform tablets
list kings who ruled tens
of thousands of years ago,
and they tell of an earlier age
when humans lived
among powerful beings
that came down from the sky
called the Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki were
the builder gods
behind the creation
of the civilizations
of Sumer and Babylon.
They provided humanity with
the rudiments of civilization.
They gave humanity
animal husbandry,
but also agriculture
for the first time.
The Sumerians also
wrote that the Anunnaki
were responsible for bringing
a devastating cataclysm
upon the Earth
eerily similar to the story
that would later appear
in the Hebrew Bible
as the Great Flood.
This was only just
discovered in 2009,
when Dr. Irving Finkel,
one of the world's foremost
experts on cuneiform writing,
translated a 3,700-year-old
Sumerian tablet.
In the Bible, God decided,
because the human race
was so sinful and wicked,
to destroy everything,
and at the last minute,
relented enough to inform Noah
that he has to build
a boat really fast,
and put all the animals
in it and shut the doors,
then, afterwards,
life could continue
when the waters went down.
Everybody in the world is
interested in Noah's flood
and where it might've come from,
so when this tablet
came across the desk to me,
and I realized,
clearly, how important it was,
it was one of those
heart-stopping moments.
When I picked it up
for the first time
to look at it properly,
and started to read it,
one of the first things you read
is when a human being finds out
from the gods up in heaven
that there's going to be
a dreadful flood,
and the world and all its life
is going to be destroyed,
and a boat has to be built.
So, I thought to myself,
"This is very exciting."
The tablet is at least
a thousand years older
than the story in the Bible.
So, of course, this
means that the question
of where the story came from
has a whole
different explanation.
Could the translation
of this ancient cuneiform tablet
be evidence
that a great flood did,
in fact, occur
in the distant past?
While nearly identical
stories of a great deluge
can be found
in the ancient texts
of many religions and cultures,
mainstream archaeologists
had argued
that there was no evidence
of any civilization
existing more than
6,000 years ago
to support the idea
that such a cataclysm
actually took place.
But in the early 1990s,
Klaus Schmidt
of the German
Archaeological Institute
began excavations
at the ancient site
of Göbekli Tepe
in southeast Turkey,
and what he unearthed
changed everything.
Once Klaus Schmidt
started excavating Göbekli Tepe,
it just blew everybody away
because we'd never before
known or imagined, even,
that people 12,000 years ago
could produce such spectacular
monumental structures
as he found at Göbekli Tepe.
It is the first archaeological
site in the world
that proves its age,
dating as far back
as 12,000 years,
around 10,000 BC.
The discovery and
the official acceptance
of Göbekli Tepe's dating
has changed the history
of archaeology.
This is indications
of a major civilization
at that remote time,
a time when the standard
historians all along have said,
"Well, no, civilization
didn't occur at that time.
"They were just simple
hunter and gatherers.
They were primitive people."
But we now have
evidence to the contrary.
It really did send shockwaves
through the whole world
of early prehistory,
because we have never ever
seen anything like this
from anywhere in the world
at that time, 12,000 years ago.
Göbekli Tepe's nearly two dozen
enormous T-shaped pillars,
some weighing more than 20 tons,
feature numerous carvings that
include depictions of animals,
human hands,
and intricately
designed symbols.
Archaeologists estimate
that it would have taken
a team of 50 men an entire week
to move just one of
the monolithic pillars
from the limestone quarry,
to the top of the hill
where they stand today,
and over 300 hours
to carve the bas-reliefs.
The structures seem to reflect
coordinated effort among
significant numbers of people,
which is not how
we typically imagine
hunter-gatherer societies,
which are usually
smaller in size.
For years, mainstream
scholars maintained
that Göbekli Tepe was
a completely unique site,
and while highly impressive,
it was not large enough
to constitute
what would be considered
a civilization.
But then, in 2004,
author Andrew Collins
was shown photographs
of a location that
looked remarkably similar
to parts of Göbekli Tepe.
I was visiting Göbekli Tepe,
and some children came up to me
and showed me a picture
of this T-shaped standing stone
with this snake along the side.
And I thought,
I've never seen this before.
Where is this?
And it became clear
that it was some
unexcavated site
in the Tektek Mountains,
which is about 25 miles
away from Göbekli Tepe.
And so I set out to find it,
and eventually,
I came to this
bare limestone hill.
And as I walked up towards it,
I could then see,
sticking out of the ground,
these heads of these
T-shaped pillars,
again, exactly as you
see at Göbekli Tepe.
And I realized
that somewhere beneath this soil
was something as grand
and spectacular as Göbekli Tepe.
For 15 years, only
a small group of researchers
were aware of the pillars
protruding from the earth
at the site
known as Karahan Tepe.
When it was finally excavated,
archaeologists were shocked
once again.
In 2019, digging begins
and beneath
the surface layers,
the archaeologists
start uncovering
dozens of these
T-shaped pillars.
We have about 200
of these T-shaped megaliths.
They're typically 13 feet high,
weigh about 11 tons.
You have other phallic stones,
you have, uh, certain
depictions of animals,
and some human faces as well.
So, we have really, uh,
a pretty extensive site.
The discovery of
the vast megalithic complex
made headlines around the world,
as it was estimated by experts
to have been inhabited
somewhere between 11,000
and 12,000 years ago,
just like Göbekli Tepe.
Both Karahan Tepe
and Göbekli Tepe
are striking in beauty,
striking in how
massive and incredible
those megaliths are.
And, in my opinion,
they are related.
So, it's also possible
that at some point
a long time ago,
that entire region
was one gigantic city.
Could these sites confirm
the written accounts
found both in the Bible
and on Sumerian tablets
of a sophisticated civilization
that existed on Earth
in the remote past?
One in which humans
lived alongside
powerful visitors from the sky,
but ultimately fell victim
to a devastating cataclysm?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes
and claim there is evidence that
these vast megalithic complexes
were built with the help
of otherworldly visitors.
Nevsehir Province,
central Turkey.
Here, 300 miles northwest
of the 12,000-year-old
megalithic sites
of Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe,
there is an ancient subterranean
city called Derinkuyu
that archaeologists believe
once housed more
than 20,000 people.
First discovered in 1963,
the maze of carved
tunnels and rooms
lies 200 feet below ground.
Who built it and when
remain unknown.
Derinkuyu is a multileveled city
that has existed
since time immemorial.
It was certainly used
during Christian times,
but there's also evidence
that there's
prehistoric activity
going on at these places
as early as 11,000,
perhaps even 12,000 years ago,
right after the end
of the last Ice Age.
Much like Göbekli Tepe,
Derinkuyu was thought
to be an anomaly.
But in 2014,
just six miles to the north,
a local construction crew
excavating for an urban
renovation project
stumbled across a strange
series of carved rooms
and tunnels deep underground.
Upon further exploration,
they found
a subterranean network
known as Kaymakli,
which spans several miles
and extends hundreds
of feet below
the surface of the Earth,
much like the nearby
underground city
of Derinkuyu.
I was many times
in the underground cities
in Turkey,
and this is
a fantastic experience.
They are linked together.
Between Derinkuyu and Kaymakli,
there are seven kilometers
long underground tunnels
connecting the two cities.
Evidence that these cities
once housed thousands of people,
has been further supported
by the discovery of air vents
and water wells that
would have made it possible
for people to live underground
for years at a time.
These are huge, vast cities
that have been cut out of
the living rock themself.
Who exactly built them?
The fact that Göbekli Tepe
was built right at the end
of the last Ice Age
tells us that there
is a possibility
that there is connection
between these underground cities
and the building
of Göbekli Tepe and Karahan.
It could have been
the same people.
Is there a connection
between Turkey's mysterious
underground dwellings
and the extremely ancient sites
of Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe?
Could both have been built
by a preflood civilization?
But if so, who would
have had the ability
to manufacture such
sophisticated structures?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the answer may lie
within sacred texts
that describe interactions
between early humans
and otherworldly beings.
Uruk, southern Iraq.
In the early 19th century,
archaeologists excavating
this ancient city
unearthed clay tablets covered
in a form of symbolic writing
known as cuneiform.
It remains the world's
first known writing system.
When the tablets were
deciphered in the 1820s,
they revealed a record
of Sumerian daily life,
names of important figures
and rulers,
and accounts of sky gods
called the Anunnaki.
These clay tablets
are 5,000 years old and more,
and they tell of the arrival of
the Anunnaki,
the pantheon of gods.
The chief was Anu.
This is the sky god who came
along and created everything.
So, the origin
of the civilization
on the planet came from the sky.
The high god of the Anunnaki,
Anu, presided over
the divine council.
There were a multitude of beings
that came to this council.
They deliberated with Anu,
they made decisions
for humanity,
they intervened
in human affairs.
Karahan Tepe and Göbekli Tepe
are in an area that is
well-known for its mythology.
Which suggests that the Anunnaki
were responsible
for giving humanity
the rudiments of civilization.
It was said that they gave
humanity animal husbandry,
but also agriculture
for the first time,
both of which we know
occurred in the area
of Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe.
At Göbekli Tepe,
there's a carving
of these three handbags
that appear above
this bird-like creature.
And what's
fascinating about this
is that you can find
carvings of similar handbags
about 400 miles to the south
where the ancient
Sumerians lived.
And there, the handbags are held
by these winged figures
with bird-like heads
called Anunnaki,
and the bags are said to hold
all the knowledge
of the universe.
Professor Klaus Schmidt,
the rediscoverer of
Göbekli Tepe in 1994,
actually wrote that he believed
that the founders
of Göbekli Tepe
were the Anunnaki.
Similarly, the Bible
also tells of early humans
having help from beings
who came down from the sky
called the watchers.
The watchers are
the fallen angels
who came to Earth and
intermingled with humans.
We are told that
they are here to observe,
and they're not going
to interfere
in human development,
although some of them did.
They're also seeding
humanity with knowledge
that will help us to progress.
Both the watchers
and the Anunnaki, who almost
certainly were the same,
have been associated
with this culture
at Göbekli Tepe and Karahan.
And is it possible, therefore,
that they are behind
the creation of these sites?
And if we consider
the possibility
that there was a huge cataclysm,
the chances are, the underground
cites of Cappadocia,
they would have been used
as places of refuge.
As mainstream scholars
struggle to explain
how people living
12,000 years ago
were able to carve out
millions of square feet
of rock from the earth,
and build sprawling
megalithic sites,
could the answer be found
in the ancient writings
that describe
our earliest ancestors
receiving assistance
from extraterrestrials?
Perhaps further clues
can be found
by more closely examining
the T-shaped pillars
at the ancient sites,
and the curious features
carved into them.
Karahan Tepe is really
something quite spectacular.
Authors Andrew Collins
and Hugh Newman
have spent decades
investigating ancient sites
around the world,
and have made multiple trips
to Karahan Tepe
in southeast Turkey.
In the last couple of years,
they've uncovered it,
only a small amount,
but enough to provide
some remarkable insights
into what was going on
here in southeast Turkey.
Absolutely. I mean, it's like
this is pieces of a jigsaw
that's just waiting
to be put together.
In September 2022,
Andrew and Hugh traveled
to the site together
in search of further clues
as to just who built it and why.
Upon their arrival
at Karahan Tepe,
Andrew and Hugh were joined
by local researcher
Taha Ozyavuz.
Nice to meet you.
This is Hugh.
Thank you, and good to meet you.
I'm absolutely astounded
by this site,
how vast it is,
how, like, immaculate it is,
and how it is just
literally one of the most
astonishing places
I've ever visited.
Well, this is just,
you know, just enormous,
everything that's here.
We can see T-pillars
going in every direction.
And just think
what is below
our feet right now.
And if you do compare
it to Göbekli Tepe,
it is it's got the T-pillars,
it's got the enclosures,
it's got the remarkable
3D relief carving,
the statues, the serpents
and everything else.
There are incredible, uh,
images of different
animals and creatures
of the natural world.
What do they mean?
Most mainstream scholars
identify the sites
of Göbekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe
as temples of worship.
Others have suggested
that the round enclosures
may have been used
as corrals for animals,
and that the T-shaped pillars
once supported roofs.
However, Klaus Schmidt,
the archaeologist
behind the excavation
of Göbekli Tepe in the 1990s,
was certain that
the T-shaped pillars
represent human forms,
but with some curious features.
I think what we see
when we look at these
T-shaped pillars
is abstract
human beings basically.
The heads are the actual
T-shaped terminations.
The stems of the stones
are the bodies.
Sometimes we see belts
around them.
But what's so weird about these
is that the arms here
almost seem like
an abstract animal as well.
Perhaps a bird, perhaps a snake.
That is intriguing.
And this is a tradition
we find linked with giants
all around the world.
Even in the Bible
we have the giant of Gath
that had extra fingers.
We have stories of Goliath
and his family
having extra fingers.
We have stories of
great Irish giant gods
having extra digits as well.
And the fact that the watchers,
the Nephilim, and the Anunnaki
would seem to be associated
with the mythology
of this region
suggests to us
that they could be
one of the builders
of Karahan Tepe.
According to the Bible's
Book of Genesis,
prior to the Great Flood,
angels known as the watchers
defied God's will,
and came down to Earth
to live among humans.
These otherworldly beings
mated with their human subjects,
producing a race
of hybrid human giants
that were known
as the "Nephilim."
One of the most tantalizing
small tidbits
in the Hebrew Bible,
is found in the opening
verses of Genesis, chapter 6,
where we hear the story
of the Nephilim,
who are described as, basically,
being the hybrid offspring
of humans
and divine beings
who are called
the "sons of God."
Who were these sons of God?
Legend expands and tells us
that they were
rebellious angels.
But yet, we must
understand angels
to not be spiritual beings,
but very tangibly physical.
Or else how could they take
human wives
and bear children?
Now, the children of these
sons of God and human women
became known as the hybrids
called the fallen ones.
In Hebrew, the Nephilim.
They existed
in the days before Noah.
Aside from the Bible,
religious texts
that talk about these
demigods, these hybrids,
are the Hindu Upanishads,
and if we look at
Sumer, again,
gods coming down from the Earth,
fraternizing with
the natives, which are us,
and creating
a new race of people:
Half-human and
half-extraterrestrial gods.
Yes, we can speculate
were those who were
to become known
as the sons of God
originally inhabitants
of a place like Karahan?
Does the eight-fingered figure
found at Karahan Tepe
provide evidence to support
the biblical accounts
of giants existing on Earth
before the Great Flood?
And if so, might they
have been involved
in the creation of
Turkey's mysterious sites,
both above ground and below?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,
and claim that
these hybrid beings
not only built megalithic sites
in Turkey,
but all over the world.
At the famous site of Stonehenge
in Wiltshire, England,
are concentric circles
of massive boulders,
each nearly 13 feet tall,
and weighing up to 25 tons.
On the island of Malta
in the Mediterranean Sea,
the Ggantija Temples
contain megalithic blocks
weighing as much as 50 tons.
And on the remote South
Pacific Island of Rapa Nui,
better known as Easter Island,
there are nearly 900
ancient stone statues
that stand as tall
as 30 feet high,
and weigh up to 90 tons.
These ancient megalithic sites
are thousands of miles
from each other.
However, the local traditions
of the indigenous cultures
at each location claim
that they were constructed
by giants.
It's fascinating
that around the world,
wherever you have
megalithic ancient sites,
there are local legends
that the giants
built these places.
For example,
in Puma Punku, they say
it was built overnight
by giants.
They say Stonehenge may
have been built by giants.
In Malta, they are suggesting
that all this megalithic walls
and structures
were built by giants.
To me what's astonishing
is that you have
ancient sites associated with
giants building them
all around the planet,
but you also have
historical documents
that talk about the unearthing
of giant bones at these sites.
Like at Baalbek, Lebanon,
in Stonehenge, in Sardinia.
You have these
historical documents
that talk about giant bones
that were unearthed.
We have an account
from the American geographic
society in the 1860s
where giant bones were
unearthed and documented.
Until recently, the megalithic
sites in southern Turkey
were hidden beneath the earth,
and completely unknown,
even to the local populations,
so no record
or ancient legends exist
to explain how
they were constructed.
But might certain details,
like the eight-fingered figures
and the large stone head
found at Karahan Tepe,
connect these sites
with giants as well?
Could they have been built
before the biblical event
known as the Great Flood,
and with the help
of the Nephilim,
the hybrid beings
described in the Hebrew Bible?
As we go round the world,
there's talk about
a race of giants
involved in the construction
of these megalithic sites.
Well, so what can we say
about this?
Were these the descendants
of the builders of Karahan Tepe
and Göbekli Tepe?
And did their giant genes get
passed down from this early era
to these other megalithic
areas around the world?
many of the megalithic sites
around the world
have features
that perfectly align
with specific constellations,
star systems,
or celestial events.
Stonehenge in England
was built to align
with the sunrise
on the summer solstice,
as was the Temple of Mnajdra
on the island of Malta.
Pyramids in both Egypt
and Mesoamerica
were positioned to line up
with the belt stars of Orion.
And celestial alignments have
also been found at Karahan Tepe,
with a stone face
that is positioned
to align with the sun
at certain times of the year.
One of the enclosure's structure
at Karahan Tepe
points directly towards the sun
as it sets at the time
of the summer solstice.
Another alignment is at
the mid-winter solstice
at Karahan Tepe.
The sun, just after sunrise
on this date,
would've illuminated this head
so that anybody actually
inside this shrine
would've seen the head light up.
These are people who are now
watching the stars,
they're looking
at constellations,
they're seeing the movements,
they're studying it.
In a way, they become
the first astronomers.
And that would be, perhaps,
what Karahan Tepe was,
in a sense,
an astronomical observatory.
But at the same time,
perhaps they're interested
in certain stars
because these are the stars
where the Anunnaki came from.
Could it be that Karahan Tepe,
and other megalithic sites
around the world,
were intentionally aligned
to the stars
to indicate that
their architects
came from somewhere
far beyond Earth?
Perhaps further clues
can be found by examining
one of the most curious
mysteries regarding Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe:
The fact that both ancient sites
were deliberately buried.
In the Bible's Book of Genesis,
chapter 6, verse 9,
begins with the story
of Noah and the flood
in which God
unleashes a great deluge
to rid the Earth of evil.
In Genesis, only Noah
is warned of
the coming cataclysm
so that he may build the ark,
and restart life on Earth
after the flood.
However, a very different story
is told in the Book of Enoch,
a controversial text that
can be found in the Bible
used by the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church,
but was omitted in all
other Christian traditions.
In this version of the story,
Noah's great-grandfather Enoch
learns of the coming cataclysm
long before Noah is even born.
The Book of Enoch is sensational
because he speaks of
the first person.
He says, it was evening,
then he hear the noise
in the firmament.
And two beings crossed him.
And he said, "They had not
the breathe of humans."
So, if somebody does not breathe
like humans, what are they?
Enoch describes, "They brought
me over the Earth.
I saw the round face
of the Earth."
Enoch was teached by
the extraterrestrials.
When he came back down to Earth,
he told to the humans,
a gigantic flood would come
and destroy everything.
One of the oldest religious
traditions in the Middle East,
Zoroastrianism, also teaches
that it was not just one person
who knew of a coming cataclysm.
In the Vendidad, which predates
all the books
of the Hebrew Bible,
a young priest named Yima
is warned of a disaster
by the god Ahura Mazda,
who is often depicted
seated inside a winged disk.
Yima is instructed to share this
information with his people,
and even to build
an underground shelter
that sounds very similar
to the ancient man-made caves
that have been found in Turkey.
Ahura Mazda instructs Yima
to build a vara.
This is a huge structure,
two miles long, two miles wide.
An underground hall, of sorts,
where things can be protected
from the terrible winter.
Yima was to hide
a remnant of the people,
and an extensive seed bank,
also a pair of each
of the animal species.
Once Yima is finished
building the vara,
he takes 2,000 people in,
a representation of mankind.
So again, we have a warning
to tell the people, "Get ready,
this terrible cataclysm
is gonna happen."
And these underground cities,
like Derinkuyu, are huge.
They are vast.
They go many, many stories
There's all kinds
of streets and rooms.
So, you have to wonder
if these underground cities
served as a refuge
for survivors of this cataclysm.
If a great civilization
of humans and giants
existed on Earth long ago,
is it possible that they
received advanced warning
of a worldwide cataclysm
by an extraterrestrial race?
Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest
the evidence of such a warning
lies in the fact
that both Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe
were not overcome
by the sands of time,
but were intentionally buried.
Archaeologists are
now pretty well certain
that Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe
were intentionally buried.
Why do you do that?
Perhaps they knew
of an impending cataclysm.
The flood of the Old Testament,
we're told, was premeditated.
People had foreknowledge
that it was coming,
and they were preparing for it,
and they were trying to preserve
elements of their civilization.
It was intended for us
to ultimately discover it
later in the future.
Is it possible that the builders
of Karahan Tepe
buried the entire site
because they had been forewarned
of a coming cataclysm,
and wanted to preserve
some record of a civilization
that was on the verge
of extinction?
A civilization
that was, perhaps,
far different from our own?
There are legends
from around the world
that speak about a great,
highly advanced,
wonderful civilization
that predated our own.
We're familiar with this
by names like Atlantis
or Lemuria and the like.
There are many legends
which speak about
the existence of giants.
We know about them
from the Bible.
Very famous story
of David and Goliath.
It is also said that,
in these days,
many of what
we today call "angels"
walked among
human beings openly.
Now today, we call these
entities extraterrestrials.
When we see imagery
from around the world,
and when we read
about these things
in the ancient traditions,
we need to ask the question,
is there some literal fact
behind this?
And when we look at these
excavations today in Turkey,
can we speculate
that these were the remnants
of that civilization?
These sites that we're talking
about, these super ancient,
super complex sites,
they are telling us something.
They're telling us about
mythology being true.
They're telling us
there's a larger story
to the-the history of humanity.
Now that Göbekli Tepe
and Karahan Tepe
have been exhumed from the Earth
after being hidden
for more than 11,000 years,
might we learn that
the history of humankind
is much different
than we ever imagined?
Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,
and propose that new excavations
in southern Turkey
suggest that these sites
have only begun to reveal
their ancient secrets.
Sanliurfa Province.
June 27, 2021.
Turkish Culture and Tourism
Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy
appears before
the international press corps
to make an historic announcement
regarding the ongoing
excavations in southern Turkey.
The minister of tourism
for Turkey announced
that we now have 12 sites,
many of which remained
to be excavated.
And all of this forms
part of what they call
the Tas Tepeler culture.
The Turkish authorities
have been making
a series of announcements
of new incredibly ancient sites.
Incredible number of sites,
we have at least a dozen sites
now that are known.
And what this
is really reconfirming
is that this was a major area
of early civilization.
Since it was initiated in 2019
by Istanbul University,
the Göbekli culture
and Karahan excavations project
has determined that these
ancient settlements
cover a region
that spans an astonishing
125 miles
from one end to the other.
This suggests that approximately
12,000 years ago,
the area was an extensive
and highly advanced metropolis.
This site is absolutely massive.
What we are working with
right now represents,
perhaps, 1% of the entire site.
And they're forecasting it's
literally gonna take centuries
to uncover everything that is
at Karahan Tepe
and Göbekli Tepe.
We're talking about
a complex that is so vast,
that it's almost beyond
our comprehension.
I love this idea
of a megalopolis,
a mega, ancient city,
where some archaeologists say,
"Oh, that could
have never happened."
Well, maybe it did.
And Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe
and the other sites
that have been found there
was a worldwide city
of millions of people.
These excavations in
the whole Tas Tepeler region,
are gonna rewrite history.
They're already doing so.
They're like the smoking gun
of an advanced
lost civilization,
a supercivilization, I believe,
where there was highly advanced
cultures working together.
And you have to,
you know, really question
if the further they look,
they're gonna find evidence
of these legendary Anunnaki,
these extraterrestrial beings.
Our ultimate questions
have always revolved around
who are we,
where did we come from,
why are we here,
where are we going from here,
and how do we get there?
These questions are now
being answered for us.
Is it possible that
what archeologists
are uncovering
in southern Turkey
is the true record
of the beginning
of mankind's development
on Earth?
Do the ancient reliefs
carved into limestone
depict advanced beings
that traveled to our planet
to create hybrid humans,
and set in motion
the dawn of modern civilization?
Perhaps as excavations continue,
we will unearth, not only
startling new evidence
about the past,
but undeniable proof
of our otherworldly origins.
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