Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches (2023) s02e03 Episode Script
Cover the Mirrors
- I tried to kill him.
- Oh, I doubt that very much.
MAN: I didn't know they were so weak.
I thought Mayfairs were strong.
Mayfairs? That girl last night
was a Mayfair, too?
So, I ran the blood sample you sent.
It came back as non-human.
ROWAN: I need his help.
I thought you'd want to be here
when I wake him up.
He won't know anything.
Okay. I'll figure something else out.
- This is Ciprien.
- Can you come, please?
MAN: Alicia's dead.
It looks the same as Gifford.
What does Lasher want?
I have no idea.
Come on. You have a lot to do.
And you work for me now.
Is that blood?
What you been up to tonight, friend?
Hey, you're not my friend.
is that how it's gonna be?
What are you?
What the damn hell are you?
I don't know.
I remember praying
kneeling on the cold
stone floor of a church,
asking for forgiveness.
Maybe I was a priest.
That's why I feel like this.
That feeling's guilt.
That's a human thing.
Makes them behave like sheep
easy to kill.
I don't find it easy.
Oh, it'll get easier.
Did for me.
But, uh
I had a good teacher.
Why? What did he tell you?
tell me what he said.
We're meant to cull the herd.
It's a natural thing,
like Mr. Darwin taught.
- But I'm not what you are.
- No shit.
I smell you a mile away
a smell I ain't ever smelled before.
So there's no one else like me?
You're a new thing
new rules.
Listen to your appetites,
your instincts.
It's all you can do.
You live by their rules
and you'll go
Two of our own, yeah,
within a matter of hours.
Yeah, well, they're
saying natural causes,
but the mind does reel.
I mean, there's nothing
natural about it.
And we know what a curse
looks like, don't we, cousin?
So Rowan is offering to have
everyone here at First Street
to drink a spell of protection.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
there'll be cocktails
and charcuterie, of course
What's that?
Well, yes, uh
Well, I-I think so. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah, I feel the same way.
All right. See you soon.
You feel the same way? About what?
Oh, well, he asked if our
young Lasher would be present
and finally taking visitors.
Well, I said he would.
A few people have asked.
Cortland, you promised the family
they're gonna meet Lasher?
Well, it'll get him here. [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, it's gonna be a lot worse
when I have to tell them the truth.
Why this obsession with the truth?
Since they were children,
these people have been told
stories about Lasher's coming,
about transformations and miracles
and loaves and fishes.
You tell them Lasher's
out on a killing rampage,
they'll make up a dozen stories
why you're wrong, or worse.
And they'll blame it on you.
Just stick to the script.
Don't bring him up at all, okay?
You're the boss.
It hurts me to say it,
but my brother's not wrong.
Lasher is their God.
You tell them what he's done,
they'll abandon you, not him.
- How are you going to do it?
Brutally, like you did my sister?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Oh, I think you do.
I'm just glad that you're
finally seeing things clearly.
Praise God.
You have no idea what I'm planning.
Just stay out of it.
I hope when the moment comes,
you're strong enough
to go through with it.
I'm sure he'll agree.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- She one of ours?
- No, but her boss is.
We should be all set.
Were you able to get a read on her?
It didn't happen against her will.
Afterwards, she started to bleed.
Her last memory was
of Lasher standing there,
watching her die.
He just stood there?
Didn't even looked surprised.
Well, it's worth making a few calls,
finding out if anyone at the morgue
is there for similar reasons.
Oh, that was my uncle.
Rowan is gathering
the family to protect us.
Did she say from what?
Yeah, a curse. [SCOFFS]
- Are you going?
- Are you kidding me?
I am not gonna watch her
just spin my mom's death
into something that benefits her.
Well, as terrible as it sounds,
if you want to bring your
mother's killer to justice,
it's what you need to do.
You won't be alone. We'll help you.
Oh, here, use this. It's harmless.
- Hollyhock.
For a protection spell?
I don't think that's gonna do it.
Hang on.
I'm looking for Julien's recipe.
We don't need a recipe.
I don't care
if it actually works or not,
as long as it's safe.
All that matters is that we get
them here and they stay here.
Why do you even want them here?
If what you said
about their scent is true,
then he's gonna be drawn here, too.
That's right.
And when he gets here,
I'm gonna trap him in a thrall.
It's like being stuck in
the house in an endless dream.
He did it to me not that long ago, so
call it karma.
And after that?
No, no.
[CHUCKLES] Don't tell me.
There's so many ways this can go wrong.
Well, what would you do?
These people would jump
off a cliff for him.
I'm trying to save them from themselves.
Grab me that bone wart, will you?
My knees are not what they used to be.
Bone wart, bone wart.
Now, where would I find a corkscrew?
Well, if it isn't my favorite cousin.
Did you call everyone?
Yes, I did.
How about my sister? Did you call her?
I left her a voicemail.
You might want to follow up.
You're lucky Rowan found a use for you.
If it were me,
I'd have kept you under
that sheet in the basement.
Uh, you know, if it's all right,
I'd like to hop
back to my place and change.
Oh, absolutely not.
I've done everything you asked me to do.
If you want me to play my part,
I'll have to look like myself.
There's a trunk full of
clothes in your father's room.
I'm sure you can find
something suitable enough.
- My father's clothes?
- Mm-hmm.
Ha! Absolutely not.
This is the New Orleans Office.
Oh, yes, hello.
Uh, this is Cortland Mayfair.
I'm calling for Albrecht Escher.
Hold, please.
Cortland Mayfair, do not connect him.
He's done. He's a dead wire.
Yes, I have the passport.
[OVER PHONE] I'm sorry.
Mr. Escher is in a meeting.
Oh. Well, all right,
I'll, uh I'll try him back
In positions?
[OVER RADIO] Yep, good to go.
[OVER RADIO] Copy that.
All right, I'll call you when I land.
- All right?
Yes. Okay. Goodbye.
Who was that on the phone?
Oh, it was Amsterdam,
asking for a blow by blow.
They have an escort agent on standby,
ready to jump on a plane as
soon as we have Lasher in hand.
An escort agent?
- To take him where?
- To a safe house.
- Did you get anything out there?
- What safe house?
Ciprien, I'm sorry.
I asked for authorization
to share that with you,
and I was turned down.
Any reason given?
At this point, their treatment
of me is beyond disrespectful,
and I'm goddamn sick of it.
Let's just be professional, hmm?
I have been through hell on this case,
and I've always been professional.
But it's personal, too.
It just is.
I used to walk by that house
when I was a kid.
Did you know that?
Wondering about the people inside.
And I became the people inside.
I'm a part of this story.
This is my case.
I should know everything
there is to know.
Well, if you want to walk away,
walk away.
What can I get you?
I like milk.
Hey, Ma.
She called again.
Sorry about that, sugar.
Milk, two tall glasses.
That's a first.
But, okay, two glasses
of milk coming up.
- Hi.
- Sorry that took so long.
Hector at Fleur de Lis
insisted on making a tray
of crawfish beignets.
- Oh, my gosh.
He didn't have to do all that.
If you want this family to stick around,
you better have plenty
of Prosecco and pâté.
- There's more in the car.
- Okay, I'll go get it.
Uh, wait.
I wanted to get Daphne out of that house
while the coroner was there.
She's in shock.
She's barely said a word.
She's sitting out back
and won't come inside.
Can you help me with her?
- Yeah, of course.
- Oh, okay.
Hey, Jojo, um, just
I'm so sorry.
Your father our father is upstairs.
I'm sorry.
You looked me in the eye.
- You promised me.
- I know.
- I had to I had to do it.
- Wh
You and I alone, we couldn't
get the whole family here,
no matter how many crawfish
beignets we promise them.
And what happens when he turns on you?
Then I'll
I'll set him on fire.
You don't have the power
to do that without Lasher.
So you better come up with a plan B.
You want to come inside?
I'm waiting for my sister.
Can I wait with you?
I'm sorry about your mom.
When my mom died,
I felt everyone was talking,
but no one was actually saying anything.
It took me a while to figure out
that everyone was trying to
tell me how much they loved her
and how sad they were.
What happened to my mom?
Jojo said it was like Auntie Gifford,
but she didn't say what
happened to Auntie Gifford.
They both had injuries
to their internal organs.
- Is it contagious?
- No.
And I'm not gonna let it
happen to anyone else.
I promise.
Don't tell anyone
but I have chocolate eclairs
in the kitchen,
and they're not gonna eat themselves.
Thanks, Rowan.
Ah, come in. Come in.
Lilia, Desmond, come on in.
- You know our hostess.
- Hi.
Rowan, these are my cousins
from my Uncle Remy's side.
How are you? Hi.
Thank you so much for coming.
How are you?
There are drinks in the parlor,
if you're interested.
Right this way.
Josephine, a word, please?
Rowan, I need you to talk to her for me.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
What about Lasher?
I thought he was here.
He'll be downstairs soon.
Sorry to interrupt.
I promised Dolly Jean
that I would cover the mirrors
- or it could weaken the spell.
- Yeah, follow me.
I'll get you some sheets.
- Where have you been?
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry it took so long.
They made me stay and fill out
a bunch of paperwork and stuff.
Cousin Eric says I'm gonna have to live
with a bunch of strangers.
Oh, no, Cousin Eric is dumber
than a box of hair.
I'm not gonna let that happen.
So why don't you go find Mabery?
And I will find you
in just a little bit.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
You should start handing this out soon.
All the women aren't here yet.
Who's missing?
- All these people.
Doreen and Marjorie are late
for their own parties.
They'll be here.
And what about Evelyn?
I've been calling.
- I'll try again right now.
- Please.
Uh, how's it going?
It's okay.
Sorry I had to leave so quickly.
- When's your flight out?
- Tomorrow morning.
Uh, I am at this incredible
little café in the Quarter.
And apparently I'm
I'm super into trumpet music.
- You want to meet me out?
- Oh
I wish I could. I can't.
Family stuff.
Yeah, but maybe you
could cancel your flight.
I mean, this should all be over
by tomorrow morning,
and then I'll be free.
We can go to this incredible
little café of yours.
Ah, you know what? Why not?
Flight canceled.
They serve breakfast,
so I may still be here.
Text me when you wake up.
Yeah, I'll do that.
What makes you so sure
it's going to be over by tomorrow?
Thank you.
Man, how you doing?
Can I get you a drink?
No, nothing for me tonight.
I need to be on my toes
in case the police call.
Oh, they're out looking for her.
God, I hope so.
You can see it in their eyes.
They think she's just
out partying, but
my Lucy isn't like that.
Yeah, well, of course you're worried.
Somebody turn that damn thing off!
Look, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- Ben, hi.
- Hi.
- Rowan.
I heard about your daughter.
You must be so worried.
Thank you.
It's nice to finally meet you.
Lucy's been looking forward
to meeting you, too.
She has some ideas
about medical school
though, uh
yeah, I don't think
I'm sure it's difficult,
but she's really excited,
and you're such an inspiration to her.
It's lovely to meet you.
Thank you. Excuse me.
Hey, Mr. Milk, last call.
It's not Mr. Milk. It's Mr. Darwin.
Sure thing.
You want another or not?
If you'll sit with me while I drink it.
That's not gonna happen.
- Your eyes are captivating.
- Let go of me.
I'll get you your check.
He's undermining you,
gathering his forces.
Yes, I'm sorry about that.
I've been here helping Rowan.
It's hard for her to manage him.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you so much for being here.
I hear that you're the, uh,
Mayfair genealogy expert.
We make quite an unusual-looking tree,
I can tell you that much.
When things settle down,
I'd love to sit down with you
- and hear everything about it.
- Of course.
I would be happy to.
So when do we get to meet him?
Rowan, when do we get to meet him?
I know you're all excited to see him.
- But the thing is
- She is lying to us, everybody.
Lasher isn't even here.
I have looked everywhere for him.
No, the thing is,
- we don't know where he is.
- What?
You don't think he's somehow
involved in this thing?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, dear Ryan.
In your grief, you you've got
things twisted around.
Lasher has protected
this family for centuries.
It's because he's gone
we find ourselves
vulnerable to this harm.
Is that true, Rowan?
Yes, it is.
Moira, can I talk to you
in the other room?
Look, I'm so sorry about your mother.
You know, when Tessa told me
about you, I actually thought that
maybe there would be another
Mayfair who understands
just how fucked up this family
is, but clearly not.
Lasher killed your mother and Gifford.
So don't just tell me.
Go back in there
and tell the whole family.
They would leave.
You know they would leave.
And I need them to be here
so I can protect them.
I've been over this 100 different ways.
The only way it works is
to have everyone here
so I can make sure Lasher comes here.
And then when he does, I can kill him.
- You can kill him?
- Yes.
you're his witch.
- I'm not his witch.
- But you're his mother.
He gives you a shitload of power.
Go ahead.
Read my mind.
I'm telling you the truth.
Go ahead.
- Ah!
- What's wrong?
- What did you just do?
- Nothing.
That has never happened.
It's like a knife in my brain.
I mean[SIGHS]
I guess sometimes
it's harder with people
who have stronger magic.
Look, I swear to you,
the second he walks through those doors,
I'm gonna take care of him.
So what happens if I believe you?
I know you've been talking
to the Talamasca.
But I can't have them or
anyone else derailing my plan.
I need you to trust me.
I know how powerful you are, Moira.
I'm not your enemy, okay?
[ON PHONE] Hello?
- Uh, Lasher is missing.
He's not in the house.
- Does Rowan know where he is?
- No.
so her plan is to draw him to her,
and then when he gets there,
she's gonna kill him.
I want to believe her, but I don't know.
What do you think?
[SIGHS] I don't know either.
I think we have to proceed
with our plan.
Got it.
You're just hanging out in here?
Keeping watch from upstairs.
- We have a nice sight line.
- Okay.
I guess just text me
if you spot him first.
Sip, I'm
trusting you here.
Tell me if I'm doing the right thing.
You are.
I won't let you down.
Moira says he's not in the house.
We're not gonna get him as he leaves.
We're gonna get him coming home.
And you?
Are you with us?
I'm here, aren't I?
I imagine you would like
the satisfaction.
So we've got to get going. Where is she?
I've left messages.
I've talked to her son.
She knows there's a gathering.
She knows it's important. [CHUCKLES]
Tell me what you're not telling me.
I think she might rightly assume
Cortland is here.
Hmm, there's just
so much you don't know.
Suffice it to say
Things happened between them.
Evelyn won't be
in the same room with him.
Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
you were taking Cortland's advice
not mine.
- Hi. Alonso, hey.
- Hey.
I need you to drive down
to Evelyn Mayfair's right now
- and bring her here.
- Everything all right?
Yeah, just
if she asks about Cortland,
tell her he won't be here, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay, thank you.
Hey, have you seen Cortland?
I'm tired of waiting. Let's go.
Oh, no, no, don't leave. Don't leave.
We're gonna start the spell any minute.
We're just waiting on one or two people.
Don't worry. I'll be right back.
I'll just be a minute. Okay.
Support her?
Who got all these people here? I did.
Who stood up in her defense?
Who hasn't said one word to anyone
about what her son has actually done?
Lasher? You were his accomplice.
You helped bring him to life.
You're half the reason
this is happening.
Oh, Jojo, darling, please,
decide what it is you're angry about.
- Or don't.
Come on, let's go downstairs
and talk like civilized folk.
I mean, you know how much
[SHIVERS] How much I hate this room.
Yes, because it was your father's
and you're so very different
than your father.
He was a terrible man who
who used Lasher to steal power
from the women in this family.
You know, I keep thinking
over and over about that
about that day that we
we sat underneath the crepe myrtle
and you held my hand
and said you supported my decision.
That's right.
That all you wanted was
for me to be my most authentic self.
I felt so loved.
Now I don't think it was love.
You wanted a daughter,
because in this family,
- daughters are more powerful.
- That is not true.
Jojo, can I talk to you?
Rowan, you're here. I need your help.
Can you talk some sense into her?
No, not you. No.
I hope she turns you back
into a fucking garden gnome!
Wait. Rowan.
Rowan, is this a joke?
Evelyn won't come here because of you,
but you knew that!
You were willing to leave her
out there unprotected!
No, no, no! It's not what you think!
Rowan, you need me. Please.
- Please open the door.
Night, Stu. See you tomorrow.
We're closed.
What are you doing?
You're not being very welcoming.
That's because you're not welcome.
David! David!
David, run!
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. [DOOR CLOSES]
Alonso, hey.
Lasher attacked Evelyn and her son.
Are they okay?
[ON PHONE] Evelyn's got
some cuts and bruises.
He choked David pretty badly,
but it looks like he'll be okay.
Okay. Um, do me a favor
and stay there with them
and help them with anything
that they need, okay?
watch out.
He's probably headed your way.
Hey, listen up!
I have some news I have
to share with all of you.
Lasher killed
Alicia and Gifford.
I'm so, so, so sorry
for lying to all of you.
Why did you keep this from us?
I needed all of you to be
here so I could protect you.
What else are you not telling us?
That's what happened to Lucy, isn't it?
He killed her?
Lasher is a curse on this family.
We've been shackled to him
for hundreds of years,
and he's done nothing but use us.
- And now he's trying to kill us.
- Wait, wait. Please, stay.
But I've come up with a plan
to protect us all,
if you'll please just take the spell.
you lied to me.
Daphney, I was trying to keep you safe.
Daphne, no!
Jojo, stop her!
Don't leave the house!
What did you do to them?
I was trying to stop them.
You put them in a thrall, didn't you?
He's here.
Stay inside.
It looks the same ♪
Do it.
But something's changed ♪
Please, Mother.
What have you done ♪
What have you done ♪
I'm safe and sound, down river deep ♪
A place so close
Now gone for keeps
Let's go. Get him in the car.
What have you done ♪
They're trapped.
I don't have the power
to fix this without Lasher.
I was sent to escort
Lasher to his confinement.
Your captive isn't here.
Julien. Lasher's been
his whole life's work.
You go in there, you're at his mercy.
Now I'm determined to help,
whether it serves me
or sends me to hell.
No! No! No!
Tell me what he said.
We're meant to cull the herd.
It's a natural thing,
like Mr. Darwin taught.
But I'm not what you are.
No. Smell you a mile away.
SPALDING: In episode three,
the scene with Lasher and Felix
really came out of a story instinct
that Lasher needs to meet
another kind of magical being
as a means to understand himself.
And then there was just that feeling
that I wanted to give the
audience some kind of connection
to the whole Anne Rice universe
and to "Interview with the Vampire."
And so I went to Rolin Jones, and said,
"What could we steal from your world
that would be an overlap?
Is there a vampire
who could talk to Lasher?"
And there was this character
in their world,
and he's a student of Lestat.
[WHOOSH] Is that blood?
What you been up to tonight, friend?
Hey, you're not my friend.
- Is that how it's gonna be?
Shooting in Jackson Square,
it's an amazing place to shoot.
You feel the history
and you feel the magic
and the voodoo and all the rest of it.
And it was great having Felix.
What the damn hell are you?
I don't know.
It shows that this can turn into
a real amazing monster universe,
bringing over those crossovers
with the vampires
and the witches and Lasher,
whatever the hell he is.
Maybe I was a priest.
That's why I feel like this.
That feeling's guilt.
SPALDING: So that idea
that he's teaching Lasher
something about how to live
because he has learned from Lestat
was too fantastic not to run with.
You live by their rules,
and you'll go crazy.
SPALDING: I think, in terms of trust,
we want to feel the way
one does feel in a family,
because family, again, was what
we were delving into so much
in the season, which is like,
- who has your back and who doesn't?
- Hi.
Sorry that took so long.
We've watched Rowan really build
a relationship with Jojo,
and here she is,
very early on in our season,
betraying one of the people
who's really,
really had her back
and helped her into the family.
Our father is upstairs.
You looked me in the eye.
You promised me.
Ultimately, what she
does in episode three
is she decides
to use Cortland as a model
for leadership in the family
because he's won the family over,
and it really works against her.
These are my cousins
from my Uncle Rémy's side.
Hi. Thank you so much.
She lies and she manipulates.
She does things that Cortland would do.
Josephine, a word, please.
And we just wanted our Rowan
to not quite pull it off.
What about Lasher?
I thought he was here.
Um, I know you're all excited
to see him,
- but the thing is
- She is lying to us.
It was also a great opportunity
for Moira to be a real antagonist.
- You're his witch.
- I'm not his witch.
But you're his mother.
He gives you a load of power.
DADDARIO: I like the themes
in the show that we're playing with.
We're playing with power,
and everyone knows
that power is a slippery slope.
And that's true for Rowan.
I know how powerful you are, Moira,
I'm not your enemy, okay?
You want another or not?
If you'll sit with me while I drink it.
Let go of me.
HUSTON: It's Lasher trying
to figure out who he is.
I'll get you your check.
And he's tempted by Felix to say.
"Take what you want. You are a one-off."
But it's not in his nature,
so when he does try to take control,
and he does try to sort of impose
this sort of strength and this force
doesn't turn out the way
he thinks it will
because it doesn't sit right with him.
David, run.
I think that's so interesting.
So, you know, like, when
he is cut, bruised, battered,
beaten, the only person
he wants to see is his mother
and his lover, Rowan, and
that's when he goes back there.
And that's where
the ultimate betrayal happens
He's here.
and not just to me but to her, too.
Stay inside.
I remember that stakeout day.
It was like 2:00 A.M. in the morning.
It was cold.
I don't know if it was cold,
but it was 2:00 A.M. in the morning.
Staying up all night.
That's a huge scene,
and it was my first scene
working with Tongayi this season.
We had a great time.
SPALDING: I'm so happy
with that quelling scene
because it feels very, very intimate.
It feels like it's
between Lasher and Rohan.
And then there's this element
of Cip entering the Talamasca,
entering their story.
MOIRA: Do it.
- Now.
We really talked about it
kind of like a western.
There's a feeling of a long street.
Please, Mother.
So that showdown becomes
a moment of her protecting him
and her kind of taking
the bullet for him, in a way.
I remember us mostly making fun
of the queller machine.
The queller. 2024.
It's that new standard version.
Buy it.
dot com.
SPALDING: When Rowan falls
to the ground,
our director, Logan, framed
the shot really beautifully.
It's just half of her face,
and then everything is
in her point of view
as she has to register what's happening
but can't do anything about it.
- I tried to kill him.
- Oh, I doubt that very much.
MAN: I didn't know they were so weak.
I thought Mayfairs were strong.
Mayfairs? That girl last night
was a Mayfair, too?
So, I ran the blood sample you sent.
It came back as non-human.
ROWAN: I need his help.
I thought you'd want to be here
when I wake him up.
He won't know anything.
Okay. I'll figure something else out.
- This is Ciprien.
- Can you come, please?
MAN: Alicia's dead.
It looks the same as Gifford.
What does Lasher want?
I have no idea.
Come on. You have a lot to do.
And you work for me now.
Is that blood?
What you been up to tonight, friend?
Hey, you're not my friend.
is that how it's gonna be?
What are you?
What the damn hell are you?
I don't know.
I remember praying
kneeling on the cold
stone floor of a church,
asking for forgiveness.
Maybe I was a priest.
That's why I feel like this.
That feeling's guilt.
That's a human thing.
Makes them behave like sheep
easy to kill.
I don't find it easy.
Oh, it'll get easier.
Did for me.
But, uh
I had a good teacher.
Why? What did he tell you?
tell me what he said.
We're meant to cull the herd.
It's a natural thing,
like Mr. Darwin taught.
- But I'm not what you are.
- No shit.
I smell you a mile away
a smell I ain't ever smelled before.
So there's no one else like me?
You're a new thing
new rules.
Listen to your appetites,
your instincts.
It's all you can do.
You live by their rules
and you'll go
Two of our own, yeah,
within a matter of hours.
Yeah, well, they're
saying natural causes,
but the mind does reel.
I mean, there's nothing
natural about it.
And we know what a curse
looks like, don't we, cousin?
So Rowan is offering to have
everyone here at First Street
to drink a spell of protection.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
there'll be cocktails
and charcuterie, of course
What's that?
Well, yes, uh
Well, I-I think so. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah, I feel the same way.
All right. See you soon.
You feel the same way? About what?
Oh, well, he asked if our
young Lasher would be present
and finally taking visitors.
Well, I said he would.
A few people have asked.
Cortland, you promised the family
they're gonna meet Lasher?
Well, it'll get him here. [CHUCKLES]
Yeah, it's gonna be a lot worse
when I have to tell them the truth.
Why this obsession with the truth?
Since they were children,
these people have been told
stories about Lasher's coming,
about transformations and miracles
and loaves and fishes.
You tell them Lasher's
out on a killing rampage,
they'll make up a dozen stories
why you're wrong, or worse.
And they'll blame it on you.
Just stick to the script.
Don't bring him up at all, okay?
You're the boss.
It hurts me to say it,
but my brother's not wrong.
Lasher is their God.
You tell them what he's done,
they'll abandon you, not him.
- How are you going to do it?
Brutally, like you did my sister?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Oh, I think you do.
I'm just glad that you're
finally seeing things clearly.
Praise God.
You have no idea what I'm planning.
Just stay out of it.
I hope when the moment comes,
you're strong enough
to go through with it.
I'm sure he'll agree.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- She one of ours?
- No, but her boss is.
We should be all set.
Were you able to get a read on her?
It didn't happen against her will.
Afterwards, she started to bleed.
Her last memory was
of Lasher standing there,
watching her die.
He just stood there?
Didn't even looked surprised.
Well, it's worth making a few calls,
finding out if anyone at the morgue
is there for similar reasons.
Oh, that was my uncle.
Rowan is gathering
the family to protect us.
Did she say from what?
Yeah, a curse. [SCOFFS]
- Are you going?
- Are you kidding me?
I am not gonna watch her
just spin my mom's death
into something that benefits her.
Well, as terrible as it sounds,
if you want to bring your
mother's killer to justice,
it's what you need to do.
You won't be alone. We'll help you.
Oh, here, use this. It's harmless.
- Hollyhock.
For a protection spell?
I don't think that's gonna do it.
Hang on.
I'm looking for Julien's recipe.
We don't need a recipe.
I don't care
if it actually works or not,
as long as it's safe.
All that matters is that we get
them here and they stay here.
Why do you even want them here?
If what you said
about their scent is true,
then he's gonna be drawn here, too.
That's right.
And when he gets here,
I'm gonna trap him in a thrall.
It's like being stuck in
the house in an endless dream.
He did it to me not that long ago, so
call it karma.
And after that?
No, no.
[CHUCKLES] Don't tell me.
There's so many ways this can go wrong.
Well, what would you do?
These people would jump
off a cliff for him.
I'm trying to save them from themselves.
Grab me that bone wart, will you?
My knees are not what they used to be.
Bone wart, bone wart.
Now, where would I find a corkscrew?
Well, if it isn't my favorite cousin.
Did you call everyone?
Yes, I did.
How about my sister? Did you call her?
I left her a voicemail.
You might want to follow up.
You're lucky Rowan found a use for you.
If it were me,
I'd have kept you under
that sheet in the basement.
Uh, you know, if it's all right,
I'd like to hop
back to my place and change.
Oh, absolutely not.
I've done everything you asked me to do.
If you want me to play my part,
I'll have to look like myself.
There's a trunk full of
clothes in your father's room.
I'm sure you can find
something suitable enough.
- My father's clothes?
- Mm-hmm.
Ha! Absolutely not.
This is the New Orleans Office.
Oh, yes, hello.
Uh, this is Cortland Mayfair.
I'm calling for Albrecht Escher.
Hold, please.
Cortland Mayfair, do not connect him.
He's done. He's a dead wire.
Yes, I have the passport.
[OVER PHONE] I'm sorry.
Mr. Escher is in a meeting.
Oh. Well, all right,
I'll, uh I'll try him back
In positions?
[OVER RADIO] Yep, good to go.
[OVER RADIO] Copy that.
All right, I'll call you when I land.
- All right?
Yes. Okay. Goodbye.
Who was that on the phone?
Oh, it was Amsterdam,
asking for a blow by blow.
They have an escort agent on standby,
ready to jump on a plane as
soon as we have Lasher in hand.
An escort agent?
- To take him where?
- To a safe house.
- Did you get anything out there?
- What safe house?
Ciprien, I'm sorry.
I asked for authorization
to share that with you,
and I was turned down.
Any reason given?
At this point, their treatment
of me is beyond disrespectful,
and I'm goddamn sick of it.
Let's just be professional, hmm?
I have been through hell on this case,
and I've always been professional.
But it's personal, too.
It just is.
I used to walk by that house
when I was a kid.
Did you know that?
Wondering about the people inside.
And I became the people inside.
I'm a part of this story.
This is my case.
I should know everything
there is to know.
Well, if you want to walk away,
walk away.
What can I get you?
I like milk.
Hey, Ma.
She called again.
Sorry about that, sugar.
Milk, two tall glasses.
That's a first.
But, okay, two glasses
of milk coming up.
- Hi.
- Sorry that took so long.
Hector at Fleur de Lis
insisted on making a tray
of crawfish beignets.
- Oh, my gosh.
He didn't have to do all that.
If you want this family to stick around,
you better have plenty
of Prosecco and pâté.
- There's more in the car.
- Okay, I'll go get it.
Uh, wait.
I wanted to get Daphne out of that house
while the coroner was there.
She's in shock.
She's barely said a word.
She's sitting out back
and won't come inside.
Can you help me with her?
- Yeah, of course.
- Oh, okay.
Hey, Jojo, um, just
I'm so sorry.
Your father our father is upstairs.
I'm sorry.
You looked me in the eye.
- You promised me.
- I know.
- I had to I had to do it.
- Wh
You and I alone, we couldn't
get the whole family here,
no matter how many crawfish
beignets we promise them.
And what happens when he turns on you?
Then I'll
I'll set him on fire.
You don't have the power
to do that without Lasher.
So you better come up with a plan B.
You want to come inside?
I'm waiting for my sister.
Can I wait with you?
I'm sorry about your mom.
When my mom died,
I felt everyone was talking,
but no one was actually saying anything.
It took me a while to figure out
that everyone was trying to
tell me how much they loved her
and how sad they were.
What happened to my mom?
Jojo said it was like Auntie Gifford,
but she didn't say what
happened to Auntie Gifford.
They both had injuries
to their internal organs.
- Is it contagious?
- No.
And I'm not gonna let it
happen to anyone else.
I promise.
Don't tell anyone
but I have chocolate eclairs
in the kitchen,
and they're not gonna eat themselves.
Thanks, Rowan.
Ah, come in. Come in.
Lilia, Desmond, come on in.
- You know our hostess.
- Hi.
Rowan, these are my cousins
from my Uncle Remy's side.
How are you? Hi.
Thank you so much for coming.
How are you?
There are drinks in the parlor,
if you're interested.
Right this way.
Josephine, a word, please?
Rowan, I need you to talk to her for me.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
What about Lasher?
I thought he was here.
He'll be downstairs soon.
Sorry to interrupt.
I promised Dolly Jean
that I would cover the mirrors
- or it could weaken the spell.
- Yeah, follow me.
I'll get you some sheets.
- Where have you been?
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry it took so long.
They made me stay and fill out
a bunch of paperwork and stuff.
Cousin Eric says I'm gonna have to live
with a bunch of strangers.
Oh, no, Cousin Eric is dumber
than a box of hair.
I'm not gonna let that happen.
So why don't you go find Mabery?
And I will find you
in just a little bit.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
You should start handing this out soon.
All the women aren't here yet.
Who's missing?
- All these people.
Doreen and Marjorie are late
for their own parties.
They'll be here.
And what about Evelyn?
I've been calling.
- I'll try again right now.
- Please.
Uh, how's it going?
It's okay.
Sorry I had to leave so quickly.
- When's your flight out?
- Tomorrow morning.
Uh, I am at this incredible
little café in the Quarter.
And apparently I'm
I'm super into trumpet music.
- You want to meet me out?
- Oh
I wish I could. I can't.
Family stuff.
Yeah, but maybe you
could cancel your flight.
I mean, this should all be over
by tomorrow morning,
and then I'll be free.
We can go to this incredible
little café of yours.
Ah, you know what? Why not?
Flight canceled.
They serve breakfast,
so I may still be here.
Text me when you wake up.
Yeah, I'll do that.
What makes you so sure
it's going to be over by tomorrow?
Thank you.
Man, how you doing?
Can I get you a drink?
No, nothing for me tonight.
I need to be on my toes
in case the police call.
Oh, they're out looking for her.
God, I hope so.
You can see it in their eyes.
They think she's just
out partying, but
my Lucy isn't like that.
Yeah, well, of course you're worried.
Somebody turn that damn thing off!
Look, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- Ben, hi.
- Hi.
- Rowan.
I heard about your daughter.
You must be so worried.
Thank you.
It's nice to finally meet you.
Lucy's been looking forward
to meeting you, too.
She has some ideas
about medical school
though, uh
yeah, I don't think
I'm sure it's difficult,
but she's really excited,
and you're such an inspiration to her.
It's lovely to meet you.
Thank you. Excuse me.
Hey, Mr. Milk, last call.
It's not Mr. Milk. It's Mr. Darwin.
Sure thing.
You want another or not?
If you'll sit with me while I drink it.
That's not gonna happen.
- Your eyes are captivating.
- Let go of me.
I'll get you your check.
He's undermining you,
gathering his forces.
Yes, I'm sorry about that.
I've been here helping Rowan.
It's hard for her to manage him.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you so much for being here.
I hear that you're the, uh,
Mayfair genealogy expert.
We make quite an unusual-looking tree,
I can tell you that much.
When things settle down,
I'd love to sit down with you
- and hear everything about it.
- Of course.
I would be happy to.
So when do we get to meet him?
Rowan, when do we get to meet him?
I know you're all excited to see him.
- But the thing is
- She is lying to us, everybody.
Lasher isn't even here.
I have looked everywhere for him.
No, the thing is,
- we don't know where he is.
- What?
You don't think he's somehow
involved in this thing?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, dear Ryan.
In your grief, you you've got
things twisted around.
Lasher has protected
this family for centuries.
It's because he's gone
we find ourselves
vulnerable to this harm.
Is that true, Rowan?
Yes, it is.
Moira, can I talk to you
in the other room?
Look, I'm so sorry about your mother.
You know, when Tessa told me
about you, I actually thought that
maybe there would be another
Mayfair who understands
just how fucked up this family
is, but clearly not.
Lasher killed your mother and Gifford.
So don't just tell me.
Go back in there
and tell the whole family.
They would leave.
You know they would leave.
And I need them to be here
so I can protect them.
I've been over this 100 different ways.
The only way it works is
to have everyone here
so I can make sure Lasher comes here.
And then when he does, I can kill him.
- You can kill him?
- Yes.
you're his witch.
- I'm not his witch.
- But you're his mother.
He gives you a shitload of power.
Go ahead.
Read my mind.
I'm telling you the truth.
Go ahead.
- Ah!
- What's wrong?
- What did you just do?
- Nothing.
That has never happened.
It's like a knife in my brain.
I mean[SIGHS]
I guess sometimes
it's harder with people
who have stronger magic.
Look, I swear to you,
the second he walks through those doors,
I'm gonna take care of him.
So what happens if I believe you?
I know you've been talking
to the Talamasca.
But I can't have them or
anyone else derailing my plan.
I need you to trust me.
I know how powerful you are, Moira.
I'm not your enemy, okay?
[ON PHONE] Hello?
- Uh, Lasher is missing.
He's not in the house.
- Does Rowan know where he is?
- No.
so her plan is to draw him to her,
and then when he gets there,
she's gonna kill him.
I want to believe her, but I don't know.
What do you think?
[SIGHS] I don't know either.
I think we have to proceed
with our plan.
Got it.
You're just hanging out in here?
Keeping watch from upstairs.
- We have a nice sight line.
- Okay.
I guess just text me
if you spot him first.
Sip, I'm
trusting you here.
Tell me if I'm doing the right thing.
You are.
I won't let you down.
Moira says he's not in the house.
We're not gonna get him as he leaves.
We're gonna get him coming home.
And you?
Are you with us?
I'm here, aren't I?
I imagine you would like
the satisfaction.
So we've got to get going. Where is she?
I've left messages.
I've talked to her son.
She knows there's a gathering.
She knows it's important. [CHUCKLES]
Tell me what you're not telling me.
I think she might rightly assume
Cortland is here.
Hmm, there's just
so much you don't know.
Suffice it to say
Things happened between them.
Evelyn won't be
in the same room with him.
Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
you were taking Cortland's advice
not mine.
- Hi. Alonso, hey.
- Hey.
I need you to drive down
to Evelyn Mayfair's right now
- and bring her here.
- Everything all right?
Yeah, just
if she asks about Cortland,
tell her he won't be here, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay, thank you.
Hey, have you seen Cortland?
I'm tired of waiting. Let's go.
Oh, no, no, don't leave. Don't leave.
We're gonna start the spell any minute.
We're just waiting on one or two people.
Don't worry. I'll be right back.
I'll just be a minute. Okay.
Support her?
Who got all these people here? I did.
Who stood up in her defense?
Who hasn't said one word to anyone
about what her son has actually done?
Lasher? You were his accomplice.
You helped bring him to life.
You're half the reason
this is happening.
Oh, Jojo, darling, please,
decide what it is you're angry about.
- Or don't.
Come on, let's go downstairs
and talk like civilized folk.
I mean, you know how much
[SHIVERS] How much I hate this room.
Yes, because it was your father's
and you're so very different
than your father.
He was a terrible man who
who used Lasher to steal power
from the women in this family.
You know, I keep thinking
over and over about that
about that day that we
we sat underneath the crepe myrtle
and you held my hand
and said you supported my decision.
That's right.
That all you wanted was
for me to be my most authentic self.
I felt so loved.
Now I don't think it was love.
You wanted a daughter,
because in this family,
- daughters are more powerful.
- That is not true.
Jojo, can I talk to you?
Rowan, you're here. I need your help.
Can you talk some sense into her?
No, not you. No.
I hope she turns you back
into a fucking garden gnome!
Wait. Rowan.
Rowan, is this a joke?
Evelyn won't come here because of you,
but you knew that!
You were willing to leave her
out there unprotected!
No, no, no! It's not what you think!
Rowan, you need me. Please.
- Please open the door.
Night, Stu. See you tomorrow.
We're closed.
What are you doing?
You're not being very welcoming.
That's because you're not welcome.
David! David!
David, run!
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. [DOOR CLOSES]
Alonso, hey.
Lasher attacked Evelyn and her son.
Are they okay?
[ON PHONE] Evelyn's got
some cuts and bruises.
He choked David pretty badly,
but it looks like he'll be okay.
Okay. Um, do me a favor
and stay there with them
and help them with anything
that they need, okay?
watch out.
He's probably headed your way.
Hey, listen up!
I have some news I have
to share with all of you.
Lasher killed
Alicia and Gifford.
I'm so, so, so sorry
for lying to all of you.
Why did you keep this from us?
I needed all of you to be
here so I could protect you.
What else are you not telling us?
That's what happened to Lucy, isn't it?
He killed her?
Lasher is a curse on this family.
We've been shackled to him
for hundreds of years,
and he's done nothing but use us.
- And now he's trying to kill us.
- Wait, wait. Please, stay.
But I've come up with a plan
to protect us all,
if you'll please just take the spell.
you lied to me.
Daphney, I was trying to keep you safe.
Daphne, no!
Jojo, stop her!
Don't leave the house!
What did you do to them?
I was trying to stop them.
You put them in a thrall, didn't you?
He's here.
Stay inside.
It looks the same ♪
Do it.
But something's changed ♪
Please, Mother.
What have you done ♪
What have you done ♪
I'm safe and sound, down river deep ♪
A place so close
Now gone for keeps
Let's go. Get him in the car.
What have you done ♪
They're trapped.
I don't have the power
to fix this without Lasher.
I was sent to escort
Lasher to his confinement.
Your captive isn't here.
Julien. Lasher's been
his whole life's work.
You go in there, you're at his mercy.
Now I'm determined to help,
whether it serves me
or sends me to hell.
No! No! No!
Tell me what he said.
We're meant to cull the herd.
It's a natural thing,
like Mr. Darwin taught.
But I'm not what you are.
No. Smell you a mile away.
SPALDING: In episode three,
the scene with Lasher and Felix
really came out of a story instinct
that Lasher needs to meet
another kind of magical being
as a means to understand himself.
And then there was just that feeling
that I wanted to give the
audience some kind of connection
to the whole Anne Rice universe
and to "Interview with the Vampire."
And so I went to Rolin Jones, and said,
"What could we steal from your world
that would be an overlap?
Is there a vampire
who could talk to Lasher?"
And there was this character
in their world,
and he's a student of Lestat.
[WHOOSH] Is that blood?
What you been up to tonight, friend?
Hey, you're not my friend.
- Is that how it's gonna be?
Shooting in Jackson Square,
it's an amazing place to shoot.
You feel the history
and you feel the magic
and the voodoo and all the rest of it.
And it was great having Felix.
What the damn hell are you?
I don't know.
It shows that this can turn into
a real amazing monster universe,
bringing over those crossovers
with the vampires
and the witches and Lasher,
whatever the hell he is.
Maybe I was a priest.
That's why I feel like this.
That feeling's guilt.
SPALDING: So that idea
that he's teaching Lasher
something about how to live
because he has learned from Lestat
was too fantastic not to run with.
You live by their rules,
and you'll go crazy.
SPALDING: I think, in terms of trust,
we want to feel the way
one does feel in a family,
because family, again, was what
we were delving into so much
in the season, which is like,
- who has your back and who doesn't?
- Hi.
Sorry that took so long.
We've watched Rowan really build
a relationship with Jojo,
and here she is,
very early on in our season,
betraying one of the people
who's really,
really had her back
and helped her into the family.
Our father is upstairs.
You looked me in the eye.
You promised me.
Ultimately, what she
does in episode three
is she decides
to use Cortland as a model
for leadership in the family
because he's won the family over,
and it really works against her.
These are my cousins
from my Uncle Rémy's side.
Hi. Thank you so much.
She lies and she manipulates.
She does things that Cortland would do.
Josephine, a word, please.
And we just wanted our Rowan
to not quite pull it off.
What about Lasher?
I thought he was here.
Um, I know you're all excited
to see him,
- but the thing is
- She is lying to us.
It was also a great opportunity
for Moira to be a real antagonist.
- You're his witch.
- I'm not his witch.
But you're his mother.
He gives you a load of power.
DADDARIO: I like the themes
in the show that we're playing with.
We're playing with power,
and everyone knows
that power is a slippery slope.
And that's true for Rowan.
I know how powerful you are, Moira,
I'm not your enemy, okay?
You want another or not?
If you'll sit with me while I drink it.
Let go of me.
HUSTON: It's Lasher trying
to figure out who he is.
I'll get you your check.
And he's tempted by Felix to say.
"Take what you want. You are a one-off."
But it's not in his nature,
so when he does try to take control,
and he does try to sort of impose
this sort of strength and this force
doesn't turn out the way
he thinks it will
because it doesn't sit right with him.
David, run.
I think that's so interesting.
So, you know, like, when
he is cut, bruised, battered,
beaten, the only person
he wants to see is his mother
and his lover, Rowan, and
that's when he goes back there.
And that's where
the ultimate betrayal happens
He's here.
and not just to me but to her, too.
Stay inside.
I remember that stakeout day.
It was like 2:00 A.M. in the morning.
It was cold.
I don't know if it was cold,
but it was 2:00 A.M. in the morning.
Staying up all night.
That's a huge scene,
and it was my first scene
working with Tongayi this season.
We had a great time.
SPALDING: I'm so happy
with that quelling scene
because it feels very, very intimate.
It feels like it's
between Lasher and Rohan.
And then there's this element
of Cip entering the Talamasca,
entering their story.
MOIRA: Do it.
- Now.
We really talked about it
kind of like a western.
There's a feeling of a long street.
Please, Mother.
So that showdown becomes
a moment of her protecting him
and her kind of taking
the bullet for him, in a way.
I remember us mostly making fun
of the queller machine.
The queller. 2024.
It's that new standard version.
Buy it.
dot com.
SPALDING: When Rowan falls
to the ground,
our director, Logan, framed
the shot really beautifully.
It's just half of her face,
and then everything is
in her point of view
as she has to register what's happening
but can't do anything about it.