Asura (2025) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[emotional music playing]
Oh, good morning.
You're here early as usual, Takezawa-san.
[chuckles softly]
[phone ringing]
Yeah, hey, sis. It's me.
It's Takiko.
I'm doing all right.
Well, I
I need to talk to you.
[Takiko] No,
it's nothing as silly as that.
Hey, what are you saying?
I'll have you know,
marriage isn't silly at all.
How old are you again?
Hmm? Saki-chan?
It's Takiko.
Hey, listen. It all starts to go downhill
after a woman turns 30.
I think you should find--
[Takiko] I already told you.
It's not about that.
So what is it? Don't drag it out.
You're fighting with your sister
on the phone first thing in the morning?
Well, tell me, then.
- Now what?
- I want us to be all together
[woman] What?
- [boy] I had to buy a book.
- when I tell you.
[Saki] What book?
[boy] It's
Advanced Stories for Reproduction.
[woman] I have no idea what that means.
What's it for?
- [Saki] Hmm?
- You got that the other day, didn't you?
No way, that was
Elementary Stories for Reproduction.
I still don't understand it.
You should've asked for that
last night, Hiroo.
- What? Hey.
- [woman] Do you really need it?
[Hiroo] Yeah, I do.
[woman] Make sure
you bring me the receipt, okay?
- [Hiroo] Okay.
- [sighs] Here.
- [girl] Hey.
- A goodbye would be nice to hear, guys!
- See you later. Bye!
- [girl] Bye! See you!
- Yoko, your skirt seems short!
- [Yoko] It's long!
[woman] Ugh, kids these days.
Sorry, what were we talking about again?
Really, sis? You can at least say,
"Hold on a minute," right?
[woman] I just said I'm sorry, didn't I?
[Takiko] You can't just say,
"What were we talking about?"
Hey, you called when you know I'm busiest.
[Takiko] Let's all get together
at your place tonight.
I can tell you then.
And I'll take care of calling
Tsunako and Sakiko too.
We'll make sure to eat
before we come by there.
[woman] You can at least have dinner--
That one's a real treat, isn't she?
You work too long at a library,
it happens.
[man] Well, working for the government
is better
than worrying about sales all the time.
[woman] She won't work there
the rest of her life. It's about time--
That she gets full-time work
as a housewife instead?
Well, that's
the most reliable work there is.
[woman] Don't say it like that.
Tsunako's coming as well?
I'm not sure she can make it
on such short notice.
Got a meeting?
Weren't you going to Ikegami
later on today?
[woman] Seems Mom's hidden savings account
has matured.
She used our address, remember?
Why wouldn't she use her own address?
She thinks Dad will start to slack off,
maybe, if she lets on.
It pushes Dad to keep working.
[sighs] Goodness,
we men have it tough at any age.
It's tougher for us, I assure you.
Tell your dad I say hello.
- [woman] "Hello" just to my dad?
- Mom, too, of course.
I'll write it out like a storybook
if you want.
- Have a good day!
- [man] Yeah.
[opening theme music playing]
Yeah ♪
Keep on going higher ♪
Burning with desire ♪
Everything is brighter ♪
Whenever you're around
Whenever we get down ♪
Going higher ♪
Feelings like a tiger ♪
Everything is lighter ♪
Yeah ♪
[birds chirping]
[woman] Well, I'm back.
Ah, wonderful.
Oh, she's here, miss. She came early.
- Is that so?
- Yes.
They took two whole hours
to set this style.
I think they need to talk less
and work more.
That's what their trouble is.
It seems especially lovely today.
Although, your work is always, of course.
I don't quite know how to say it.
- They're just so alluring, flowers.
- [clippers click]
You're too kind.
I had a teacher tell me
that my work lacked charm
and that it was all much too neat.
Quite the opposite.
To me, it looks like a stunning lady
who's barely dressed.
Right, honey? Don't you agree?
[man] I don't know.
I'm not much of a flower guy, anyway.
[phone ringing]
[man] Thanks for your work.
[woman] Hello, this is Masukawa.
Oh yes, hello. How are you doing today?
You want Tsunako?
- Tomorrow, at one o'clock.
- [woman] Yes, she's right here.
Just one moment, please.
[door slides open]
[woman] Ma'am?
Your sister's on the phone for you.
- I told you.
- [woman] Have a good day.
This isn't about marriage, okay?
- [Tsunako] Then what is it about?
- I'll tell you when I see you.
I do have my own schedule to keep,
you know.
You can't just call
and say we're meeting tonight.
[woman] Your month's pay.
All right, I'll go. When?
Why don't you ask me instead of just
demanding that I go over at eight?
This is really selfish of you.
Well, fine,
don't come if you don't want to, then.
I asked you, for the record.
This is really serious,
so don't you dare complain about it
when us three decide without you.
- [man] Welcome in.
- Welcome, miss.
[woman] This way, please.
you can't just phone me at work like this.
I know,
but tonight I'm closing up the place.
[Takiko] Just tell the manager
your parents got sick.
I already used that excuse last week.
They won't buy it.
[footsteps approaching]
[Takiko sighs] Sorry about that.
It's fine.
So were you able to
More or less.
It went smoothly?
Yes. But it wasn't
what I'd call ideal, though.
[Takiko] Oh yeah?
Do you really want this?
[scoffs] Of course not.
I don't want any of this.
But I can't let it go.
Here's your order, miss.
Just one bill for it all.
[waitress] Certainly, miss. Please enjoy.
[man] Oh, uh, I ordered weak coffee.
They brought
That's so strong.
Oh! [grunts]
[man] I'm sorry.
Excuse me?
[gentle music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
- Excuse me.
- [man] Oh, hello, miss.
- This. Yes.
- [man] Apples? Sure.
- I'll take four.
- [man] Okay, four?
- Thank you very much.
- This one.
[woman] Once upon a time, the story goes,
there lived an old man and his wife.
The old man went
to the mountain for firewood,
while the old woman went down
to the river to do laundry.
It was there,
as the old woman was washing clothes,
that a huge peach floated down the river.
It was bobbing up and down,
up and down in the water.
[woman] Ah!
- [woman 2] Huh?
- [man] Hey.
[woman 2] If it isn't Makiko!
[man] What's so funny?
- [Makiko] Look at you guys!
- What?
The old man's
in the garden trimming trees,
right beside the old woman
doing laundry in the garden.
There's nothing funny about that.
We're just missing
the peach in this scene.
It's not the season for peaches yet.
And since you share a name,
I thought I'd get these for you.
- Oh, really?
- Look.
Ah! Fuji apples?
Thanks, honey.
But when you visit your parents,
you don't need to buy
anything so expensive.
Besides, we can't eat all that.
Four Fuji apples is far too much.
I'll eat one. Don't worry.
- Really?
- Dad, do you want one as well?
No, I'm fine. I really need to get going.
- Oh. Is he going to work today?
- [Fuji] Mm-hmm.
Only Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He's pretty reserved, huh?
[Fuji chuckles]
[man sighs]
- Is that
- Hmm?
your laundry he just hung?
Really? That's not at all
like the dad I know.
[imitating Dad] "Hey, I think
some clothes just fell off."
He's been handling the treatments
for the windows too.
- Really, he does?
- Mm-hmm.
Could be he's getting close to the end.
My guess is he's sorry for the trouble
he always caused you then.
Our finances
or how he'd be finicky now and then.
I don't resent a single second.
You're a very lucky wife, in that case.
Don't you think?
- What should we do?
- Ah. Yes.
It looks like they want you
to continue banking there.
They do, eh?
[indistinct chatter]
Uh, say, did, uh
Takiko talk to you recently?
Mm-mm. Is anything wrong?
She wants to talk. Sounded serious.
Maybe she's
finally gotten herself a partner.
I asked about that,
but she said it's nothing that silly.
The tofu vendor's here. Do we need some?
There's plenty leftover from dinner still,
I'm pretty sure.
Oh, okay.
Oh, hold on.
I already brushed your coat for you,
so you can wear it.
- Not that, the brown one.
- [man] Thanks, this one's fine.
- [liquid pouring]
- [papers rustling]
[Tsunako] You came home early, huh?
Just as soon as he heard
that you were going to be coming over,
he rushed all the way back.
I should thank you for visiting us.
Hey, it's just
that the meeting I had got canceled.
Takao-san has no sisters,
so he wants girl time with us four.
[Takao chuckles]
- [Tsunako] Hmm? What are you doing?
- All right!
Wait. Is today the day
we break the rice cakes?
- It's not, no, I think
- Oh!
- It's actually on the 11th, right?
- Mmm.
He just seems to prefer doing things
the way he did as a kid.
[chuckles] Most men are like that.
Back when he was still alive,
my husband liked
holiday decorations put up early,
or he thought
we'd all get bad luck instead.
So I'd tell him, "We're nobodies.
All that bad luck couldn't find us."
[Takao] You miss it
now that he's gone, huh?
These are best when fried with salt
- He likes them the same way you do.
- [chuckles] I'll lend a hand, then.
- [Takao chuckles]
- Oh.
[Takiko] Hey! Sorry I'm late!
- [Takao] I'll go.
- It's her meeting, but she's the last one.
- You said it.
- There!
[sighs] This is hard.
Oh, you got some rice cakes?
What's it remind you guys of?
Something with Mom. Anybody?
- Uh
- [gasps]
- Oh! It's her heels! Look!
- [laughs]
- You got it! They do!
- That's what I was gonna say! [laughs]
Yes! Here and here are those cracks!
[Makiko] They're looking
just about done now.
[Tsunako] That's good, now.
I can still remember it so clearly,
the sound of Mom taking off her socks.
When she'd get ready for bed.
After lights out, she'd do it next to us.
The socks would get caught
on her cracked heels,
and it would make
that indescribable scratchy sound.
Why were her heels so badly cracked?
Did she tend to have dry skin?
It's because she had a tough life. There
were times she didn't eat much at all.
[Makiko] It was just after the war,
so there wasn't much.
She gave all the best food to Dad and us.
She basically survived
on just rice porridge.
And her hands were badly cracked.
The soapy dish water and all.
She used to have
that ointment on her hands.
Yes! She did! She did!
And the old chopstick
she'd heat it up on too.
Then she'd just rub it
into her chapped skin.
It would always stink too.
And the sound of the sizzling
and the smoke.
[Makiko] I still remember that. Wow.
I can't anymore, I guess.
- Ah!
- You'll burn yourself! Watch it!
- [Takao] Mmm.
- [doorbell rings]
Oh, Sakiko's here?
I'll go.
- [Sakiko] Takiko
- That's all of us, then.
- Hey, did you really need to call Sakiko?
- [Sakiko] Unlike you, I have things
She'd just complain later about it.
[Sakiko] I don't have a fancy job
like the rest of you.
- Oh!
- Hey, wash your hands first.
Last week, Mom strained her back,
and this week, Dad had appendicitis.
Next, I'll have to say
you guys had a car accident.
- Oh!
- Oh, she's so scary.
Isn't she?
[Takao] Well, that's not entirely true.
No, it's not really every week.
But the managing director loves it,
so I have to go along.
Always winning the booby prize
is embarrassing,
so he got it through mail order instead.
Now, it's just an ornament.
Hard to clean around it.
[Takao] You've just never seen me use it,
that's all.
I have some.
They were Masaki's when he was alive,
so they never get used now. So
You lift like this?
Or go sideways like this, right?
- [Takao] Exactly.
- And you know
- The one you use to hang on to?
- So, Dad is
spending money on a stranger.
A lady?
Well, it wouldn't be on a man, sis.
What if he's just sponsoring
a student monthly?
Maybe a local college student.
You're so naive.
Are you really sure?
[Tsunako] I'd believe it
about someone else.
I just can't believe
our dad would do something like that.
He's such a clumsy guy!
He can't go buy a shirt himself
at the mall,
and yet now he's hooked a lady?
Buying a shirt takes
a different skill set.
- [Takao] That's a good one.
- Well, that's true!
So Dad has a girlfriend, now, huh?
[Makiko] Wouldn't surprise me
if we were talking about this man.
Oh, hey, what does that mean?
You don't need
to get so defensive about it,
unless there's
some part of it that's true, right?
[chuckles] I didn't do anything.
You're angry with your dad.
[Makiko] Dad just turned 70 this year.
It's ridiculous.
First of all,
Dad can't afford a girlfriend.
Tuesdays and Thursdays only, right?
That's thanks to his old subordinates.
He may still have an executive title,
but it's just a gesture.
He's not the type, anyway.
He's just too reserved.
[Sakiko] The reserved type?
That means he's quiet.
He doesn't talk much.
A reserved old man who heads to work
a couple days a week. [chuckles]
- I like that.
- [laughing]
I saw it for myself, okay?
I saw it just last month.
I have a friend I, uh,
happened to meet by Senzokuike.
The three of them
had gone to an amusement park, I think.
Three, you said?
"Papa, I'll race you," he said.
Was it Dad? Are you sure?
[Takiko] I hired an investigator to check.
The girlfriend is Tomoko Tsuchiya.
She's 40.
And her boy just started second grade.
They live nearby the house.
And Dad seems
to visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Instead of going to work?
He stops by the office, then goes to them.
A reserved man, huh?
Cheating almost a decade by now.
Is there evidence?
[Takao] What? Wait, what?
The family register?
- There are photos. They're all together.
- [Makiko] No, I don't wanna look at them!
- Makiko!
- [Tsunako] Makiko!
We can't look at the photos.
It's Pandora's box, you guys.
Because once we look, it's all real.
- [Takiko] This is already real.
- Hon, you agree with me, don't you?
- It's better not to look, right?
- Uh, well
Yeah, but what about the fact
that he might have a kid? Then he's our
[Takiko] Our sibling.
A son, you say?
Then I guess
I'm not the youngest after all.
It's not just four of us? It's five?
Well, let me check.
- Hmm.
- [Makiko] What's wrong?
[Takiko] What is it?
- [gasps]
- Oh, my false tooth.
- [Takiko] Hey, what are you doing?
- What? Come on!
What? You had a fake tooth put in front?
All four of the front ones are false.
Hey, don't look.
[Takiko] You shouldn't serve
deep-fried rice cakes.
What? Why not?
After you said it reminded you
of our mother's heels!
I'm eating. Let's drop the heel stuff!
[Takiko] Sakiko, how are you
still munching away?
What? I came here with an empty stomach
so you wouldn't have to wait. Let me eat.
[Takao chuckles] Hey, guys,
this isn't the time for fighting.
[lisping] So anyway, about this child
You sound like you sprung a leak now!
Talking is making it sting.
- We shouldn't be laughing like this.
- [Takiko] This isn't funny!
- That's right.
- Oh no, sis. I laugh every time you talk.
Do you have a mask?
- Huh?
- A mask!
- A mask?
- [Tsunako] Mm-hmm!
- I don't know.
- [Tsunako] An old one's fine.
Masks are irrelevant right now.
What about Dad's other kid?
An old one's fine.
I need a fresh dress, though!
[Makiko] Huh?
[Tsunako] No, not a dress. Gauze.
- I meant gauze.
- Really, sis.
[Makiko laughs] Oh my God, wow.
[announcer] Marcano is attacking!
He's losing speed! A left straight!
You're all so immature!
A situation like this,
breaking your teeth,
while you're watching boxing?
[Sakiko] Hey, boxing
is a legitimate sport, you know.
Hey, are you listening?
Aren't all of you mad?
Dad has a girlfriend. Didn't you hear?
Dad is a man after all, huh?
[Tsunako] It hasn't sunk in yet.
The news is so sudden.
I mean, 70 is the new 50, isn't it?
[Tsunako] Maybe it's the food he's eating.
His complexion looks really good too.
[Makiko] To keep my husband faithful,
I just need to cut his rations, huh?
Well, I personally like it
when men are full of lust, anyway.
- Sakiko!
- [Sakiko] What?
How can you just sit there?
[Sakiko] If you ask me, Takiko,
you're the one who's acting all sneaky.
Sneaky? Really?
It's for the sake of our mother, okay?
- I paid for an investigation to--
- That's why I said that you're sneaky.
Why not just ask outright?
- [Takiko] Ask who outright?
- Who? Our dad!
[Tsunako] That's hard.
I don't think he'd tell the truth, anyway.
[Takao] Well, he is a reserved man,
like we've been saying.
don't you feel sorry for Mom at all?
She devoted her life to her husband,
only to be betrayed by him at 65!
[Tsunako] Well, it's Dad
who should be blamed.
[Makiko] I never thought
he'd do something like that.
I can't forgive him as a human!
I think that Dad
should cut ties with the woman
or fess up and get a divorce.
It's only fair.
[Makiko] Of course Dad should break up
with that other woman.
Right? That's common sense.
Well, yeah, sure, that's right.
Well, of course, that's the way it goes.
[Takiko] What?
That's just the way of the world.
Either way, for Mom's sake, what if we
- Taki-chan, do you believe all that?
- Huh?
I'd say it's less about what's really
the best for our mother than for you.
- What?
- You just want to start something.
You're probably sick of work,
with no men as friends.
Now you're so spiteful,
it's poisoning you.
How dare you?! You--
This is a marital issue, a private thing.
So we can't just try
to step in and interfere.
If Dad has a girlfriend,
how I'd look at it is that, really,
it's our mother's fault, too, then.
She's a good housewife, sure,
but women still need
to have sex appeal, too, after all.
- That's going too far.
- [Sakiko] Boys are like that.
- Don't say "boys."
- Well, what do you say?
They're men.
That dirty mind of yours
is running wild again.
Hang on.
Taki-chan, your mind's the dirty one.
You dress plain
and say makeup's a total waste,
but way down deep inside,
you want to attract guys.
You're mad you get passed over
and end up lashing out instead.
- Sakiko!
- Whoa! What the--
- [Takiko] You little
- Ow!
[Makiko] Stop it!
Both of you, knock it off!
[Takao] Cut it out! Stop it!
That's enough!
The two of us can talk later.
[Takiko] Who do you think you are?
[indistinct chatter on TV]
[Takao] Well, anyway
You can't let your mother
hear about this, all right?
[indistinct chatter on TV]
Hey, did you watch the fight tonight?
Did you see that left hook Gushiken did?
It was so good,
the other guy fell into his corner.
Huh? You didn't watch?
I watched.
He's younger than me, two whole years.
[chuckles] Hang on!
You know what, Hide?
I think you're just a late bloomer.
I'll never get there, then.
[cheerful music playing]
[Sakiko] Hey now!
[Hide exhales]
[Sakiko exhales]
Hey, hold on!
Hold on!
[man] Oh, Hide! How're you doing?
- Better than ever!
- Here, take this!
[man laughs]
- Oh! Here, you too!
- Whoa!
- Nice catch, kid!
- Wait! Hold on!
He's too fast. [sighs]
[man] Hey, I'll be there
with my wife to cheer him on!
Close the shop and come early,
or else you're gonna miss the KO!
[man chuckles] Okay!
[Sakiko panting]
Don't throw it!
- [Hide] Ow, ow, ow!
- Huh? What is it?
- [Hide] Got in my eyes.
- The shampoo?
Ow. Ah, that hurts.
[Sakiko] Here, rinse it out.
[Hide] I'm okay now.
[Sakiko] Uh.
- Whoa, hey!
- [Hide chuckles]
Hey. [chuckles]
- [Hide] What'd they say to you?
- Hmm?
[Hide] You said your sisters got together.
It was about another thing completely.
It wasn't about me.
[Hide] Don't be so cynical.
Hey, I can't wait to move
into a nice place with an actual shower.
[Hide] If I win, we definitely will.
Oosh, oosh, oosh, oosh, oosh, oosh!
- Oosh! Oosh, oosh, oosh, oosh!
- [Sakiko] Oosh, oosh, oosh, oosh.
[gentle music playing]
[train passing]
I can't.
I can't.
Oh, I hate this.
[breathing deeply]
[water running]
[Makiko] Is he serious?
[Makiko] Dad, I mean.
That's all you've done.
You keep on groaning.
Oh, I meant to wash this last night.
The problem is the boy, his son.
It's simpler without the kid.
So if the woman doesn't wind up pregnant,
it's fine, then?
[Takao] That's not what I meant.
I'm just saying
the situation would be simpler, then.
It's still best for us
to wait it out and not say anything.
Just allow time
to solve the problem for us.
It really isn't fair how time works.
I heard people fall deeper in love
if they meet when they're older.
And that can end
even the longest relationships.
[curious accordion music playing]
[Makiko] Once upon a time, the story goes,
there lived an old man and his wife.
And the old man
was secretly cheating on the old woman.
And he and his lover
had a cute little boy.
[Tsunako] Yes, I'm coming. Just a minute!
[man] What? Is that it already?
[Tsunako] Ah, well, this happens
when you don't dry off properly.
[man] How much?
[Tsunako] No, please.
It's okay. You don't have to pay.
[man] It's probably 2,000 yen. That right?
- [Tsunako] No, I said it's okay, really!
- [man] You don't need to feel bad.
Take it! [gasps]
- Ah.
- [exhales]
[curious music playing]
- Oh, hey, hey, watch out!
- [Makiko] Ah!
[curious music continues]
[footsteps approaching]
[Makiko] Oh.
- Please.
- Don't! I said no!
[Makiko grunting]
- Just let go!
- No, don't!
Go away! Just stop it, already! [grunts]
- Let go! Hey! Stop it!
- So sorry, everyone!
[Makiko grunting]
[Makiko sniffling]
No smoking for you, right?
It's very quiet around here.
[Tsunako] Here, have some tea.
[door slides open]
So it's back. Your tooth, huh?
I got a temporary one first thing.
Out of the four of us,
I'm the only one
who got bad teeth like Mom.
Probably because Dad's salary was low
when I was born,
and I didn't get
good nutrition for my teeth.
Go ahead and ask, already.
"Who was that?"
"He has a wife, doesn't he?"
- "How long has it gone on?"
- [Makiko] Come on, sis.
[Tsunako] "And with your husband's
memorial tablet right there?"
"You have a son who's old enough
to be married by now."
[Makiko] Tsunako.
"You said you couldn't forgive Dad,
and look how you behave
when you're alone!"
You want to say that, don't you?
Say something, then.
Don't just sit there in silence.
Don't be cruel.
Aren't you going to say a word?
Go on. Say it if you want.
"My husband's broken his wedding vows."
"I can't forgive you for sleeping
with a guy with a wife and kids."
Is that better, huh?
[Tsunako] Makiko.
I didn't mean to
force you to say something like that
just 'cause you discovered my secret.
It has nothing to do with you.
And are you sure?
Unlike Takiko, I've never liked
going and poking around
in people's business.
Investigators aren't free either.
And worries make you wrinkly.
Better not to know, right?
That's what Mom would say, right?
And that's why
we need to act on it
before she can find out.
Wait, act on it?
Go to Dad, then?
I've already asked Takao to deal with Dad.
We get the woman to end it.
- How do we do that?
- We can offer her cash.
[curious music playing]
All right, then.
I'll pay half of it.
Seems fair.
Hey, you wanna eat?
[chuckles] I do, yeah.
[both chuckle]
The new smile suits you.
Cost me 20,000.
[both laugh]
[Tsunako] One of my dentist's younger
brothers is actually an orthodontist.
So what does the other one do?
I'd bet he's an ENT.
[Tsunako] You're so silly!
[Makiko] Me? No I'm not!
I laughed at his joke,
and he pulled out the rest.
[both laughing]
[both sigh]
A little something I think you'll enjoy.
Here you go.
All right, then. Where did you get this?
[Makiko] Did that man bring it?
[Tsunako] Makiko.
Oh no, it's a mess.
Why is that?
[both chuckle]
Isn't it a lot to ask of her
to end things for just 500,000 yen?
I mean, it's all I have in my savings.
Well, if she wants, I can get on my knees,
and I'll cry and say to her,
"Try to think of our mother."
Would you? Seriously?
Of course, I'm serious.
I even decided to wear lucky underwear.
Makiko, this is hardly a yakuza raid.
Come on. That's ridiculous.
[boy] Mama,
I know what I want for dinner tonight.
I wanna eat brown rice.
And, uh, a salad
with lots of lettuce, okay?
Oh, and shishamo!
- With the eggs!
- [woman] Okay.
[boy] That sounds good.
Make sure you get
the shishamo with the eggs, okay?
- [woman] Okay.
- [boy] And a rolled omelet.
[Fuji in Japanese] Snail, snail ♪
Come out from your shell ♪
Where, oh, where ♪
Does your head hide? ♪
[breathing heavily]
Reveal your horns ♪
Reveal your spears ♪
Reveal your head ♪
[phone ringing]
Yes, hello there. Fuji Takezawa speaking.
Ah, Sakiko!
Hi, honey. How are you?
Great, great, thanks.
So, I'd actually
really like to talk to you.
Just don't tell anyone else,
though, all right?
Not Dad or the girls either.
Why does she wanna talk to you, then?
[Fuji] I don't know.
She said she'll tell me at the apartment.
Apartment? At Sakiko's?
[Fuji] Actually, she asked me
to keep it secret
from your father, you, and your sisters.
But I thought, just in case,
I should tell you where it is.
Are you still there?
And then it's here.
Well, half of all the apartments here
are Asahi-so or Hinode-so.
Better to get an exact address, you know?
Are you sure you got the right area?
I asked for the exact address, Tsunako.
It could be this block
isn't the right one.
- No, this is the right one. I know it.
- How lovely! Camellias.
Oh, a bathhouse too, huh?
You fell down when we went as kids, remember?
- [chuckles] Still got the scar.
- Look! Oh my God, yes, you sure do.
Hey, come on. We gotta get going,
or else she'll definitely talk.
[Tsunako] She's always
done things differently.
Ugh, don't I know it.
- Look, he's drinking milk.
- Oh, yeah.
Cold milk after a hot bath
is so delicious.
[Makiko] Yeah, it's so good.
[Fuji] Oh.
I, uh
I've probably seen you on TV before.
Only once you get to my age,
everyone starts to appear similar.
- [Sakiko] He hasn't been on TV, Mom.
- Well, not yet.
Is that so? Ah!
It must be painful
when you get hit, right?
Depends on where I get hit.
A hit in the liver is painful, yeah.
[Fuji] The river?
- The liver.
- [Hide] The liver.
Ah, the liver.
[Hide] If I get hit in the sweet spot,
it actually feels good,
and then I get really dizzy.
[Fuji chuckles]
Um, I didn't know
that part could get hit, huh.
[Hide] What?
Oh, no, it's not
It's his chin! The jaw.
- The jaw?
- [Hide] Yeah, my jaw.
[gasps] Oh!
[chuckles] My!
[Sakiko chuckles]
We were waiting until he makes it
to tell you about us.
It's just
I wanted to tell you before anyone else.
[man] Jinnai-san!
You left your garbage cans outside!
[Sakiko] Hmm.
All right, it's not like I'm having
a conversation here or anything.
Garbage cans just can't wait, I guess.
[man] Jinnai-san!
[Sakiko] Yeah! I'm coming!
[Fuji] Hmm.
Is that
No, are you sure this is right?
[Makiko] Wait, could it be this one?
Oh, hey, look, look! There's someone!
- Oh.
- What's going on?
Why are you two here?
[Tsunako] Hey, where's Mom?
Inside, why?
[Tsunako] Did you tell her?
We agreed to take care of this
without telling her.
Hey, I didn't say anything to her
about any of that stuff.
She's meeting my
boyfriend right now.
- Boyfriend?
- [Tsunako] Boyfriend?
Yeah, and he lives with me.
He's an okay boxer too.
- Ah, those are the ones who
- [Sakiko] Yeah.
Uh, hold on.
There are plenty of athletes out there.
There are baseball players and golfers,
all sorts. And you chose a boxer? Why?
[Tsunako] Oh, that's why you watched it
the other day on TV?
Mom's reaction so far?
- Pretty shocked, yeah.
- Of course she's shocked!
"Can you two earn enough?
How's his career look?"
"He could get injured.
Are you going to have a wedding?"
She's not asking me the questions,
but still
She just made this expression
All afternoon, just like this.
Stop being a bad daughter, Sakiko.
You shouldn't do this to her now.
It's making her worry,
making things even worse
than they already were!
Is that so? Really?
And I thought I was the good person here.
Sakiko, you can't.
I just thought that I'd make it
so she'd have a few
new things to worry over.
That way, in case she does
suspect anything to do with Dad,
she won't obsess about it all the time.
So leave now.
I invited Mom here to talk to her alone,
and now you guys
are just getting in the way.
- Well, you don't have to put it that way.
- Get lost.
- Go away now. Go.
- We could have some tea.
After we walked all this way to see you.
- Hey!
- Get going. Go on!
Just a little tea and then--
- All right, bye-bye. You take care, okay?
[Makiko] Hey, wait!
- She's gone.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Fuji] Okay!
- [thud]
- [Fuji laughing]
- [Hide] That was awesome!
- You can actually hit pretty hard!
- [gasps] She's laughing.
- [Hide] Impressive.
- Uh-huh.
- Oosh.
- [Sakiko] Here.
Good night, honey.
[Hide sighs]
- [grunts]
- [Sakiko] Ah!
Hey, what do you think you're doing?
[both grunting]
Ow! Ah!
- What the Right in my liver!
- [Sakiko] The light!
Hey! Oh God.
You just stay right there!
Let's get this straight!
"Until I win, I'm gonna stay patient
'cause if I get a woman,
then it'll slow me down."
"Everyone will notice."
Who said that?
All right.
I did.
Yeah, don't act surprised then, all right?
- [Hide sighs]
- [sighs]
better work hard, then.
- Reach champion status first and soon.
- [Hide sighs]
Mmm. Sweet dreams.
[Sakiko] Hey, come on.
Hide, you need to change into this
before you go to sleep. Come on.
[Hide] Fine, I got it.
- Damn, it still hurts.
- Mmm. [chuckles]
I'm Satomi. I called earlier.
- Thanks for helping my sister.
- Oh.
No, it was my pleasure.
[Takao chuckles]
[gentle piano music playing]
You're single?
- Hmm?
- No need to answer.
I can tell by your shirt collar.
Oh. [chuckles]
[both chuckle]
Uh, here.
I heard
you've been
very kind to my younger sister-in-law.
Is there any chance
that you're interested in her?
- [waitress] Excuse me.
- Oh, uh, one coffee, please.
[waitress] Certainly, sir.
I'll investigate you. [chuckles]
So who's the investigator now, huh?
Oh, and, uh,
with this issue concerning
their dad's new lady
Can't you say this was sort of a snafu?
You didn't find anything?
[inhales sharply]
So you want me to say it's nothing?
Look at the photos.
They're a bit blurry, right?
Why not say it was a mistake?
That's just
I can't do that.
Why not?
Well, my my whole career
as an investigator relies on how trust--
The truth is only going to hurt
in this situation. Don't you think?
- For years and years now, that old--
- Please excuse me, sir.
With his cheating going on this long,
telling his wife now is catching her
at the summit of her marriage
and pushing her off a cliff.
His children might see
their father as ornery, maybe,
but they still respect the guy.
If all this comes out,
they'll have to hate their father.
Hate? Why would they?
He's not a thief or anything, right?
You see, for ladies, usually they look at
any sort of adultery as stealing, yeah?
They're both heinous acts.
[Takao] Oh.
[Takao chuckles]
Takao-san, wh why are you here
with Katsumata-san?
[Takao] Oh, don't worry about that.
So how'd you find us?
Well, Katsumata-san's office
said he was out
and told me where to find him.
- Can I?
- [Takao] Sure.
[Katsumata chuckles nervously]
I wanted to ask him a favor, you see.
[Takiko] Of course.
Katsumata-san isn't real chatty,
but he is observant
and worth the price of hiring.
- [Takao] Mm-hmm.
- [chuckles]
Oh, that thing. You got it?
Oh, allow me.
[Takiko sighs]
Does that show the kid's dad?
It looks like he
isn't actually our dad's child after all.
It says he's eight,
and his father is another man,
Minoru Takamizawa.
Well, hey, why not just answer
when I asked, then? Goodness.
Legally, she's my sister,
you know, just like I said.
[Katsumata] Hmm, but I
I didn't have her permission to.
That's true. [chuckles]
He's great. You're right. [chuckles]
It seems like we're still just
four sisters after all, huh?
[Takao sighs]
I wanted to talk to you,
uh about a sensitive subject
without the ladies.
I figured it would happen one day.
[sighs] Like the old saying goes,
where there's smoke, there's fire.
So I'll just ask. Is there a fire?
There is a fire, so smoke is rising, yes.
Want me to snuff it out?
It's okay. Just leave it.
But, Dad
what'll you do about it, then?
There's nothing I can do now.
But I deserve what comes of it.
[man] No.
[Takao] Why not?
What apology would be enough for this?
- [man singing in Japanese]
- [shamisen playing]
Oh, swelling rage! ♪
On whom shall I retaliate now
That my lover is in the arms of another? ♪
Or shall my body turn to mere detritus ♪
Here on the river's floor? ♪
As I approach ♪
The water's edge ♪
My image reflected ♪
On the still surface ♪
Has become ♪
That of a great serpent ♪
[Takao] Ah,
Mom's homemade broth is really good.
- [Tsunako] Yeah, the egg is so good!
- [Fuji] Oh, thank you.
How was the Bunraku, then?
It was the first time I'd seen it, so
- It turned out surprisingly good.
- It was so, so good!
[Fuji] I just love
traditional Japanese arts!
And her face split open!
I thought that was cool too!
[Tsunako] Yeah, that was intense.
"How infuriating you are!"
[laughs] It's so scary, right? Isn't it?
Taki-chan's the same way.
- How's that?
- Little things, you know?
Sakiko, the soy sauce.
- How's that doll like me at all? Go on.
- Right there.
Look at her face now.
That's nightmare stuff. Don't you think?
- Sakiko, pass the soy sauce.
- [Takao] Here, take it.
Ah. Oh, Dad.
- Have some clam.
- [man] Oh.
Here. It's good.
Will that stuff be okay for you, Dad?
Your teeth, be careful. It's hard.
Oh, guess what.
The other day, we had some rice cakes,
but Tsunako's tooth broke on it!
- Yeah, that was funny, huh?
- [Sakiko] Mm-hmm!
"Oh no, my tooth fell out!"
- Hey, quit it!
- [Sakiko laughing]
By the next day,
she'd taken care of the problem.
Was it all so she could be
presentable for someone?
Mmm. You're scary. Wow.
It's poor taste to talk about it here
with Takao-san,
but isn't Makiko the scariest of us?
[Takao] She's not scary at all. No.
She's scared of dogs and fighting.
She watches TV like this.
You just don't know, Takao-san.
You'll be hit when your guard is down,
so watch out.
No, no, no, no.
We've been together for almost 20 years.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks, Mom.
[Fuji] Mmm.
No one's as good as Dad and Mom,
but I know what my partner's thinking
for the most part now. Right?
So simple-minded.
Takao-san, naïveté doesn't suit you.
- Stay sharp,
- Oh! [chuckles]
"And so his life was lost."
[Makiko] Well, if I do it,
it won't come from behind.
The only fair way
is to attack straight out, right?
Well, I think Makiko's
the scariest one in the family, for sure.
Like how every time we eat sushi,
she takes
the soft, tasty ones for herself.
- She grabs all the best salmon roe.
- She totally does!
She takes all the expensive ones
and wolfs them down.
Don't go accusing
your sister of such things.
There's a saying, "Birds with
the sweetest voices still eat insects."
Don't start talking about lizards
with this giant shrimp dangling here.
You take it.
- No way!
- You still get all the best pieces. Look.
While I always just end up
with octopus or some squid.
Whatever you say about it,
my girls all get the sushi
that makes them happiest.
No, no. I know exactly
what you're doing, Mom.
You always snatch up all the eggs
and conger eels, don't you?
- Ah, is that so, honey?
- [Tsunako mockingly] "Is that so, honey?"
- They're something, aren't they?
- Yes, very impressive.
- [Takiko] You want the shrimp?
- [Makiko] I don't want it.
[Takiko] Eat the mantis shrimp.
So sliding doors can break,
even in this house.
[man] Sure they can. We're only human.
[closing theme music playing]
[man] You're surprised?
- [Makiko] I wouldn't have guessed!
- [Takiko] Hang on. Just try a little bit.
[indistinct chatter]
[closing theme music continues]
[dramatic music playing]
Next Episode