Baby (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

The Last Shot

1 - Hey.
- I called you like 20 times.
Is everything okay? Yes, everything's fine.
- I got back late.
- So, how did it go? I don't know.
Chiara, I sent you a five-minute voice message about the dentist.
Come on.
He was really nice.
He treated me like Like a grown-up.
- Then we went back to his place.
- What? Are you crazy? You don't even know him.
He's a normal guy.
I was fine.
I swear I wasn't even scared.
Did you do it? It was nice.
I knew exactly what I was doing.
So, it went well? Yes.
Then he gave me this.
I don't know.
Listen, it went well.
So, fuck it, okay? - No regrets.
- Do you want a cigarette? Hush.
- I don't smoke.
- Are you scared your dad will find out? I don't smoke ordinary cigarettes.
- What do you mean? - You know, I smoke e-cigarettes.
We'll spend it all this afternoon.
Then you won't have to think about it.
- Just a drag.
- One drag.
Come on.
Light one up.
- I'm not really a smoker.
- Go on.
Take a cigarette! Got a problem? No.
Do you? Is she nuts? - Is there something you want to tell me? - Is this an interrogation? You kissed Camilla and you weren't going to tell me? What about you and Virginia? When were you going to tell me about that? - Has word gotten around? - Of course.
Everyone knows.
Well, to tell the truth I didn't enjoy it that much.
- Maybe she wasn't the right girl for me.
- Maybe there's no such thing.
Listen, Damiano.
You've met a cool guy like me.
You've stopped dealing.
You even kissed Camilla.
So, don't you think it's time for you to try to be happy? Okay.
But only if you try, too.
The space-time theory can apply to the real world.
Because the past doesn't disappear.
It lingers inside us, in our present.
Time rewinds like a video that plays the same frames over again.
An old scooter, a scraped knee, a simple gesture.
The idea of going forward is an illusion.
Just like Einstein said.
Things change on the surface, but deep down they remain the same.
What if pain isn't an obstacle to overcome? Maybe it's just a road you walk on.
A detail carved on that scooter's bumper " that never leaves you.
" Well done, Damiano.
The shortest essay of the year, but also one of the best.
I thought he was my friend, but he's on Damiano's side.
What's going on, Niccolò? Nothing.
Come on, guys, two laps.
Let's go! Do you know who did that to Brando? No, but he thinks it was one of Damiano's friends.
- One of Damiano's friends? - Yes, but that's bullshit.
It's just that Brando has it in for him.
Monica! Let's have a race.
- What? - Let's have a race.
- I'll give you a head start.
- No, no.
I don't run.
I haven't run since my accident.
Don't you miss it? - Sorry, maybe it's none of my business.
- It's okay.
I got a lot out of this sport, but I also had to give up a lot.
When I was your age, I couldn't do anything.
No smoking, no drinking.
I've never even smoked a joint.
There are things you need to try for the first time then? Way to go, Damiano.
Great job.
Come to my office.
Your mother isn't answering her phone and you have outstanding fees.
- What do you mean? Hasn't she paid them? - No, Ludovica.
She hasn't been in contact.
You need to get her to sign these forms.
They're for your transfer to a public school.
I'm sorry.
Mom? Ludo.
This is Leonina.
She's a French bulldog.
We did something crazy.
We just couldn't resist.
Mom, we need to talk.
We'll be in the other room.
Why haven't you paid my school fees? Honey, don't worry.
Leave those things to me.
What happened to the money? Nothing happened to it.
Lele and I decided to invest it.
- You gave my money to Lele? - It's not your money.
It's your father's.
It's 1,000 euros I'll get back this week.
There's no reason to worry.
Come on.
Are you listening to what you're saying? You should start to trust him.
Look, I don't think that school is working out.
You don't seem happy.
For years, you guys went on about how I should go to a rich kids' school.
Now that I've finally found a friend, you're saying it's not right? Her boyfriend's such a leech.
I'd like to strangle him.
Can you get the money from your dad? I don't want to be like my mom.
I don't want to depend on anyone.
Ludo, take this.
Are you kidding? That won't solve anything.
Why not? It's easy to come across money.
What I need is a mother who's not crazy.
Okay, here's what we'll do.
We'll blow this on a shopping spree.
Then get a pizza and play videogames.
What do you say? Count me in.
It's lovely.
Excuse me.
- Do you like it? - It's gorgeous.
Are you still alive in there? - Did you hear that? He whistled at you.
- It's such a skimpy dress.
A skimpy dress that looks divine on you.
Saverio has just invited us to a party tomorrow night.
If you go wearing that, you'll turn heads.
At his club? No, a secret location.
FABIO FEDELI LOOKING FOR - DATING Ludovica's mother finally called me.
She wants two more days to pay the fees.
Do you still believe her? She's a single mother with two kids.
It's not easy for her.
We single parents have to be tougher than the others because we have nobody to support us.
I think it's important to have a partner to help raise you little devils, wouldn't you agree? HI FABIO, ARE YOU NEW? I'm lucky to have a kid like you.
That's true.
- I'm just going to my room.
- Okay.
At last, Batcave.
MAMMA WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME? Is that the bad boy? What? You should have seen your face when you saw it.
Don't be silly.
It's just my mom bugging me.
It was Fiore that beat up Brando.
What? Are you kidding? - He said he did it for me.
- Ludo.
He broke his nose! I know, he overreacted, but he had it coming.
And I thought that Saverio was the dangerous one.
Saverio knows what he wants.
Fiore's just crazy.
He wants to see me tonight.
Are you going to? If I asked him for the money, he'd give it to me.
- I thought you wanted to be independent.
- I'm just saying.
What's going on between you two? I told you, nothing.
Wanna play? - No, I have to go.
Fuck's sake.
- What about our pizza night? I know.
But my mother wants me home.
Can I leave this stuff here? My mother would have too many questions.
- Sure.
- Thank you.
And if you need money, we can always ask my granddad.
He would do anything for me.
We'll find a solution, okay? Bye.
LUDOVICA I CAN'T COME TONIGH I was thinking of inviting Damiano over for dinner.
Khalid's son? - The one they suspended? - Yes.
Are you seeing that kid? "That kid" has a name.
Darling, don't you think that boy might be troubled? Mom.
- Connie.
- Yes.
- Can we cook something Arabic tonight? - Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
I think the context calls for, perhaps, more extensive support.
No, no.
It's in this context that this situation of instability came to be.
And most importantly, there is still the risk of a political and diplomatic crisis, don't you think? Yes, there's a risk.
Not to mention the situation of the neighboring countries.
We'll be at the southern border, but it's a difficult situation.
It's best for the country.
Doesn't this guy ever stop talking? Intervention at the northern borders is crucial to preventing growing contrasts with the neighboring countries.
It's a touchy subject, and the tenuous balance - Don't you feel like getting drunk, too? - More than anything.
But right now isn't the time.
- Why not? - Monica.
Look at what's happening in the South.
The border is now under assault, wouldn't you agree? Sure, but it's not easy.
That's true, but I fear that's where the smuggling of people and goods will keep escalating.
It's a serious problem, for everybody.
I think support for the southern border would be necessary.
Imagination was in power.
For three days we ran the place ourselves.
We had a system of self-management? - Self-management.
- Self-management.
Now do you see why I'm expected to be class president? Those were different times, Rosi.
That's true.
That principal was a fascist.
Well, ours doesn't mess around either.
Fedeli is a well-respected man.
Sure, I was just saying You know, when he suspended me Given the damage, you're lucky to get away with suspension.
Would you say the same if I'd done it, Dad? Nico, you would never do anything like that.
More wine anyone? In any case, I think your father handled it all admirably.
I'd like some wine.
Let's move these.
It's well done.
Arab food, with Italian wine.
If only every day ended like this.
Actually, it's 500.
Saverio said three for you and two for him.
He must have made a mistake.
It's 500 for me.
That's no problem.
Gaius Valerius Catullus was born in Verona So, it went well then? Yes, but he seemed weird.
Did you try talking to him? Do you think I should? Yes, you need to be direct with Damiano.
You're right.
If I hadn't made the first move, I'd be waiting for him to kiss me.
With this woman, called "Lesbia" in his poems All things considered, dinner went well.
He's coming over today, too.
Ma'am, can I go to the toilet, please? Yes.
Yes, go ahead.
In Rome, the poet had the chance of meeting some important figures of the literary world, such as Helvius Cinna, Cornelius Nepos.
What a drag.
I wish it was summer.
Me too.
- Did you go out with Fiore last night? - No.
But I saw the doctor.
Again? - How did it go? - It went well.
- What's he like? - He's nice.
But you know what? It was just like you said.
You have that feeling that you know it's all wrong but You know everything's under control.
- He gave me a present.
- What? I don't believe it.
The guy's a genius.
A fucking genius.
About Damiano there used to be something between us.
But not anymore.
Why not? What's the problem? He's going out with my best friend.
Stop there.
I'm your best friend.
And how can you be sure he even likes her? - Camilla's perfect.
- Please.
- She's so stuck up.
- Ludo, at least she's being herself.
- I can't wait to get drunk tonight.
- It's going to be full of awesome people.
- I hope so.
- My God, it'll be amazing.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
What's wrong? Nothing.
I'm fine.
I'm just a bit tense.
Do you want to talk about it? I'll text you later, okay? Okay.
You know what it's like for me in my home? I say "mine," but I live in a tiny room.
I sleep in a tiny bed.
That's not true.
Not true? What do you mean it's not true? I'm not happy.
It's stifling.
I feel that I can't decide things for myself Sometimes he comes home and sometimes he doesn't.
Doctor, everything I do, my decisions You do whatever you like.
Not true.
Everything I do, I do for them Your idea of doing something is getting your daughter a car, which she then uses to run away from home.
So, Chiara why did you run away from home? Because I felt like I was suffocating.
Do you often feel like that? It's a difficult period, but we're always there for her.
Even the fact that we're separated but still living together - Yes, we decided to act as parents.
- Yes, it's a matter of priorities.
That's too much.
Do you believe the crap you're saying? Chiara! You're not doing it for me.
Hey! You haven't changed a fucking bit.
You still hang around with that asshole friend of yours? - Who? - What's his name? Eagle? Pigeon? You mean Falcon? I came this close to breaking his face this summer.
- Thanks.
- What happened to him? He's exactly where he was before.
I like you because you want to move forward.
Try some.
Really? Is this your first hit? No, of course not.
Try it.
Those rich kids love this stuff.
It's good stuff.
I'll take some.
If it's okay with Saverio, it's fine by me.
Who's Saverio? My cousin.
He's in charge here.
He's not here now.
We're preparing for an event tonight.
A toast.
- Cheers.
- To your health! Chiara.
I'd almost forgotten about it.
You were right.
It does look like an asterisk.
Are you okay? - No.
How about you? - No.
- Do you need a hand? - No, thanks.
I can manage.
Do you want to be left alone? I'd better go.
It could be the exhaust.
No, there's no point in trying to be happy.
It's not your fault, or Camilla's.
It's inside me.
You've got to try to move on.
I don't want to move on.
I don't even want to try.
If I'm not hurting, then there'll be nobody left to feel bad for her.
If you get picked for America, you can go.
Understand? You can go.
Here he is, the greatest of them all! Hi, Saverio.
My brother.
Look who I've brought! - Our divas! - You meet them at last! My pleasure.
Let's get started? First me.
With them.
Go on, with Saverio.
Both of you.
Here they are! Get in close.
Hug each other.
Hug each other.
Come on, Saverio.
That's it.
Get in close.
You're great.
That's it.
Come on.
That's it, Saverio.
- Thank you! - Great! - I'll leave you to work.
- Come on.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Okay, let's get some shots of you two.
You look great.
That's it.
Now look at each other.
You’re beautiful.
Good, Ludovica.
Now look at me, Ludovica.
And now you, Chiara.
You're both beautiful! We've hit the jackpot.
One more.
Look this way.
That's it.
What? I see how it is.
You're in love with the girl? Remember, this is work.
What kind of work is it, Saverio? Those two aren't ordinary girls.
Do you see them? I see them.
It just doesn't seem to me they're looking for a pimp! What are you talking about? We're offering a service.
We're helping them do something they freely chose to do.
Did I force them to come here tonight? Did you? Of course not.
We're businessmen.
Keep that in mind.
Look at her.
She's so beautiful.
She's crazy, too.
- What an amazing girl.
- Are you taking photos? - I just wanted a souvenir.
- Keep your souvenirs in your head.
You're right.
You're right.
Forgive me.
Come and dance with me.
Cool place, right? Are you drunk already? No, but I soon will be.
- You're not normal.
- Neither are you.
Who knows what'll happen tonight.
What do you think will happen? I don't know.
What I said before about Fiore was all bullshit.
Really? I never would have guessed.
Thanks! Thanks.
I think I love him.
- How does he feel about you? - He's an idiot.
He keeps asking me what happened with the dentist.
I know it's because he's jealous.
Look at the two of us.
Your guy lets you sleep with other guys, and my guy is sleeping with my friend.
We should be in the loony bin.
What now? DAMIANO ANY PLANS TONIGHT? WANNA FEEL LIKE SHIT TOGETHER? You have to try everything once! No.
I only have one and it's mine! No.
These cocktails are great.
Do you know the difference between you and Ludo? She's crazier than me? There are two types of crazy.
One messes with your mind and makes you do crazy things.
Like charging over the agreed price.
That's Ludo's type of crazy.
What money? What's Ludo got to do with it? Then there's lucid crazy.
Are you scared of me? Yes.
Good girl.
That's why you're my favorite.
Ludo, Damiano's here.
Turn around! - Help me, please! - Chiara.
- Saverio said you wanted to meet me.
- Yes.
I just need to go to the bathroom.
Understand? - Saverio.
- A little surprise.
This is the kid I was telling you about.
This is our head of operations.
You could have put a shirt on! Let's go upstairs.
We can talk better, here you can't - What the? - Here she is.
Life and soul of the party! Bad boy, why are you here? Do you know each other? Why aren't you with? You're always talking about work.
Get us a drink.
You want a drink? CHIARA HAS HE GONE? Are you going to stay in there all night? LUDO, ARE YOU OKAY? LUDOVICA WE'RE COMING THERE! You can stay if you want to.
Leave me alone.
Who are you texting? Let's go outside.
- Outside? - Yes, I need some fresh air.
- Aren't you feeling well? - No, I'm fine.
- You don't feel well.
I'll take you home.
- Why? She wants to go outside.
Let's go.
- Will I get the other one, too? - No, she's busy.
Let's go for a drive, real fast! LUDOVICA THE COAST IS CLEAR.
Watch your step.
Be careful! That's it.
- Here, you drive.
- I don't feel like it, Saverio.
- How did you get here tonight? - By taxi.
Okay, first of all, pay for his taxi.
It's only fair.
That's it.
Now give him the car keys.
What the hell? He probably doesn't even have a license.
What's your problem? Are you a traffic cop? Let's get in the car.
Into the car.
Here we go.
I'll get in first.
This way.
In you go.
Are you okay? Where are the others? Manuel's downstairs.
He says you broke his heart.
I'm pretty sure your friends left.
- Everything okay back there? - Who's that? We're doing great.
How about you? Ludo, do you need to throw up? - Leave her be.
She's not well.
- Mind your own fucking business! No! LUDOVICA THE COAST IS CLEAR
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