Babylon 5 s02e09 Episode Script

The Coming of Shadows

Is everything ready? Yes.
The royal liner is standing by.
| We have adequate warships for protection, and they're prepared | to set forth as soon as we arrive.
As soon as I arrive.
You will remain here.
I must protest, Majesty.
As I expected.
But someone has to | remain here, in case there is a crisis.
And you, as my prime minister, | are the first in line of authority.
I wish you would change your mind.
| The doctors say your condition is very delicate.
| The least amount of stress All the more reason why | I should go now, while I still can.
What I must do cannot wait any longer.
No need for that now.
When you get to be as old as I, | the trappings of status are not as important as they used | to be.
I think our women are right when they shave their heads | and rise above these things.
- Majesty | - I will go among them as I am.
There's no need for further discussion.
You have always served me well, | old friend and sometimes I think I do not | thank you as much as I should.
It's absolutely intolerable.
This visit by the Centauri emperor is | unacceptable to my government.
He's a monster, an aberration, a criminal! His family is directly responsible | for strip-mining my world.
His father personally ordered | the execution of 100,000 Narns.
- But he himself did nothing, am I correct? | - A technicality! In fact, unless I'm mistaken, the current | emperor has gone out of his way to offer your world concessions | and return lost territory.
- Stolen territory! | - Whatever! Look.
I appreciate the fact that 100 years | of blood isn't something you forget overnight.
| But the bottom line is, G'Kar that is not my problem.
| This station is open to everyone.
Now, if the emperor wants to come | and visit Babylon 5, I think it's great.
It raises our visibility, and | it helps the folks back home think that maybe | we're doing some good.
So you're going to allow this, | even over my objections.
What, did I suddenly turn | invisible or something? Yes, ambassador.
The emperor | is allowed to come aboard.
Now, if this bothers you, | I suggest you stay in your quarters stick your fingers in your ears | and hum real loud until it's over.
Unless you'd like to try something | as breathtakingly rational as trying to open up a dialogue.
G'Kar, you are in a position | to negotiate directly with the head of the Centauri Republic.
And you're wasting it on a tantrum.
I shouldn't have expected you to | understand, captain.
My mistake.
I will not make it again.
Don't do something we'll both regret.
It's too late for that, captain.
Too late by far.
The Babylon Project was our last, | best hope for peace.
A self-contained world, five miles long, | located in neutral territory.
A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million | humans and aliens.
A shining beacon in space, | all alone in the night.
It was the dawn | of the Third Age of mankind.
The year the Great War | came upon us all.
This is the story of the last | of the Babylon stations.
The year is 2259.
| The name of the place is Babylon 5.
Back again? | That's three times this month.
- I do a lot of business here.
| - Anything I can help you with? No, thank you.
| I've found what I'm looking for.
And after the emperor has made | his speech, I've arranged for him to give you an audience.
- The whole thing will be recorded.
| - Does he know what it's about? He believes it's nothing more than | a progress report on your situation here.
We've taken the liberty | of writing your speech for you.
I've had experts in psycho-linguistics | working on it for weeks.
It's perfect.
Fiery but dignified, elegant but strong.
It outlines the decline of our government | and our need for change.
It also makes a few predictions | about what will go wrong next with the economy and the military.
And these predictions, | they will come true? Already arranged.
Sabotage? A word or two in the right ear, | a critical food shipment delayed.
The method is unimportant.
What matters | is that when it comes true the emperor will look weak | and shortsighted whereas we have our eyes | on the future.
Well, you | You're asking quite a lot of me.
After I make this speech, I won't be | in favor with the emperor and his court.
For as long as he's alive.
Which shouldn't be much longer.
| I'm told his health is fragile at best.
When he passes, all that will remain | is the memory that we were right.
We must position ourselves | to move in when the time is right.
Well, I will leave you | to study the speech.
If you have any questions, | you know where to find me.
This conversation | makes you uncomfortable? Yes.
Yes, it does.
Then, for once, | we have something in common.
On behalf of the Centauri Republic, | I offer the hands of friendship.
On behalf of the Earth Alliance, I accept.
This is my second, | Commander Susan Ivanova.
Chief of Security Michael Garibaldi.
| Dr.
Stephen Franklin the chief of staff | of our Medlab facility.
It's an honor.
News of the work | you're doing here has reached even the Royal Palace | on Centauri Prime.
I'm deeply moved by the knowledge that | you'd choose to stand in harm's way in the interest of peace.
| - Thank you.
If you'd like to come this way, | we can begin your tour.
Doctor, have you seen much of the | Vorlon? I believe his name is Kosh.
No more than anyone else sees.
He's always in that encounter suit | of his.
Why? I've never seen a Vorlon before, | in or out of his shell.
But over the centuries, we've sent | many expeditions into Vorlon space.
None of them returned.
I've heard | many strange stories about them.
The first circle of the Kha 'Ri | have concluded their deliberations.
After much debate, | they have endorsed your plan.
When does the Kha'Ri feel | would be the best time? The reception, just before | he gives his speech.
There will be greater exposure.
Are you | still prepared to go through with this? Yes.
It is a strange feeling, Kha'Mak, | to know suddenly that all the decisions in your life | have brought you to this place.
That there is no longer | doubt or uncertainty.
The future now consists | of only three probabilities: In the moment that I strike, | the emperor and I will both die.
Or he will die, and I will | spend my life in prison.
Or I will fail and be killed.
For the first time in my life, | the path is clear.
Your Majesty, you asked to see me? Captain, may I ask you a question? Depends on the question, I guess.
Why are you here? | In this place, in that uniform? Was it your choice, | or were you pressed into service? It was my choice.
The planetary draft didn't start | until the war, a few years later.
I guess I wanted to serve something | that was bigger than I was.
Make a difference somewhere, somehow.
You seem interested in why people | chose to be here.
It has occurred to me recently | that I have never chosen anything.
I was born into a role | that had been prepared for me.
I did everything I was asked to do | because it never occurred to me to choose otherwise.
And now, at the end of my life, | I wonder what might have been.
That's why my father taught me | to live each second as though it were | the last moment of my life.
He said, "If you love, | love without reservation.
If you fight, fight without fear.
" He called it "the way of the warrior.
" - No regrets, then? | - A few.
But just a few.
- You? | - Enough to fill a lifetime.
So much has been lost, | so much forgotten so much pain, so much blood.
| And for what? I wonder.
The past tempts us, the present | confuses us and the future frightens us.
And our lives slip away | moment by moment Iost in that vast, terrible in-between.
But there is still time to seize | that one last fragile moment.
To choose something better.
| To make a difference, as you say.
And I intend to do just that.
I want this whole section cleared.
Every entrance and exit checked and | rechecked.
They'll be down any second.
From now on, nobody | gets in without proper ID.
I don't care if you recognize them | by sight or not.
I take this action without the knowledge | or permission of my government.
Neither should my aide Na'Toth | be held accountable for my actions.
The responsibility is mine alone.
I ask that my remains and my personal | property be sent back to Narn.
To my family.
My copy of the Book of G'Quan | I leave to Na'Toth in the hope of her | eventual enlightenment.
What's the deal on those veiled Centauri | women who follow the emperor around? Londo says they're telepaths, | raised together since birth.
They're linked 24 hours a day, | no matter how far apart they are.
What one sees, the others see.
Traditionally, when the emperor leaves, | two go with him and two stay behind.
Guarantees that he knows what's | going on back home, and keeps the Royal Court up to speed | on what he's doing.
Did the emperor say what this | speech is about? No, he just said it was important.
| I was hoping that would be enough to bring out Ambassador Kosh.
| Looks like I was wrong.
That's too bad, considering what | the emperor said about the Vorlons.
He might not get another chance | to see one.
But I guess it was too much to hope for.
Well, speaking of too much to hope for, | look what just walked in.
Excuse me.
- Ambassador.
| - Captain.
I see you've changed your mind | about opening up a dialogue.
I make no promises, but I will | hear what he has to say.
Okay, pal, you've got 10 seconds | to explain why you're following me.
- I need to talk to you.
| - About what? Relax, I got him.
So talk.
That's what I figured.
Take him down to Holding and keep | him there until the reception's over.
Your Majesty.
I wish I'd known of your condition | when you arrived.
I could've done something, | tried something.
Your government is asking to have | you transferred to your warship.
Moving you right now could be fatal.
| I want your permission There is something more important | than where I die.
A message you must give for me.
Well, if it's important, perhaps | one of your people should deliver it.
If I did that, the message | might never be delivered.
Now listen to me, doctor.
| Listen carefully.
I hear word of this has already | reached Homeworld.
Our competitors are moving into position, | setting themselves up to ascend the throne | the moment he dies.
Before that happens, | we have to rise above the others.
We must do something extraordinary.
| Something unparalleled.
He said, "Just pick a target.
" I'm sorry? I believe there is a Narn colony on the | border of Centauri space.
Quadrant 14.
- Londo | - A colony? It's a listening post.
They've been using it | to spy on us for years.
By all rights, that entire | planet should be ours.
Well, then, let us take it back.
We couldn't take it | without a major assault.
- We would lose thousands of lives.
| - I will take care of it.
Have your contacts in the military | send an expedition to Quadrant 14.
- I can only guarantee a few ships.
| - It will be enough.
I hope you know what | you're doing, Mollari.
Find Mr.
Bring him here.
- Londo, don't do this.
| - I have no choice.
Yes, you do! Londo, please, | I know you don't listen to me but I'm asking you just this | one time, don't do this! There's no turning back | once you start down that road.
Do I have to go find him myself? No.
No, I'll go.
I'll go, and I'll bring him back.
And someday I'm going to | remind you of this conversation.
And maybe then you'll understand.
I understand just fine.
By this time tomorrow, | we will be at war with the Narn.
May the Great Maker forgive me.
I was ready.
I had prepared myself.
I had made | my peace with the universe put all my affairs in order.
| I had the dagger in my hand! And he has the indecency | to start dying on his own.
Never in my life have I seen | a worse case of timing.
Well, you'd think he could have | waited a few more minutes before - Who is it? | - Dr.
Maybe it's good news.
| With luck, he's feeling better.
All they have to do is prop him up | for two minutes I'll call you back.
Just came from seeing the | Centauri emperor.
How is the poor fellow? I was so looking | forward to meeting him and opening up a dialogue.
| - Funny, he was looking forward to meeting you too.
| He had a message for you.
Given his condition, he asked me | to relay that message for him.
I have no time for threats.
He wanted to say he's sorry.
What? He came all the way out here, risked | his health and endangered his life so that he could stand beside a Narn | in neutral territory and apologize.
For all the things the Centauri | have done to your people.
For all the things his family did.
He said: "We were wrong.
The hatred between | our people can never end until someone is willing to say, | 'I'm sorry' and try and find a way to make things | right again.
To atone for our actions.
" Said it was the only choice | he ever made in his life and now that's been | taken away from him.
I had I had no idea.
No, I'm sure you didn't.
Maybe that's the biggest tragedy | of the whole damned story.
Keep this up, G'Kar, and soon you | won 't have a planet to protect.
The time.
What is the time? It has begun.
All wings attack! Where are they coming from? | What are they? Keep them away from the colony.
Can 't let them get past us! You're sure it's done? Yes, the Narns should hear about it soon.
| Our forces can move in at any time.
Then I'll have to move quickly.
There's still one more thing | I have to take care of back home.
- An obstacle to remove.
| - What's that? Better you don't know.
Mollari! - You! | - No, I can explain everything - I'm going to get you a drink.
| - I don't know Sit, sit, Mollari.
It's not every day | I have a revelation, you know.
Two of your finest.
I've heard something, and it makes me | think there is still hope for us after all.
I'd believed your people capable | of only murder and pain.
But apparently there is still a spark of decency | in your genetic code.
It's not much of a foundation, | I'll grant you that, but it's a start.
I never thought I would be saying this, | Mollari, but To the health of your emperor.
| And, perhaps, to your health as well.
To the emperor.
And thank you.
It's destroyed? All of it's gone.
Who could have done this? Centauri warships detected.
| Closing fast.
Alert the Homeworld.
Prepare to attack.
Who is it? Who's there? Guards! Guards! Chief, the prisoner's asking | to speak to you again.
Come on, Zack, give me a break.
| You know the kind of day it's been.
He says it's important.
Okay, fine.
Send him in.
All right, you've got five minutes.
I was sent to find you.
I have a message.
I believe it will explain everything.
Hello, old friend.
It's been a while.
I'm entrusting this message to | an associate of mine, who has sworn to bring it to you at any cost, | including his own life.
My job on the Minbari Homeworld | is more than just representing Earth.
The president doesn 't know about | that part yet, and I don 't think it'd be wise | for you to tell him.
There's a great darkness | coming, Michael.
Some of the Minbari have | been waiting for it a long time.
We intercepted a message from the | Narn Homeworld to Ambassador G'Kar.
I thought we didn't eavesdrop | on ambassadors.
We don't.
This was on an open channel.
| I think they wanted us to hear it.
The Centauri have launched a full-scale | assault on a Narn colony in Quadrant 14.
Damn it.
The bearer of this message | is one of my Rangers.
Some are Minbari, most are humans.
| They've been drawn here to learn to work together and prepare for | the fight ahead.
We've been here for almost two months | now, keeping an eye on things.
We are an army, Mr.
- We're small, but we're growing.
| - An army needs weapons.
- Are they coming through here? | - No, but we do have friends here.
And that's all I can say for now.
- Resume.
| - Their job for now is to patrol the frontier.
| To listen.
To watch.
And return with reports too sensitive | to entrust to regular channels.
They are my eyes and ears.
Where you see them, you see me.
The first reports from Quadrant 14 | were confused.
They weren 't sure who was attacking.
| But the returning fighters confirmed that Centauri warships | were leading the assault.
What about our people? There were | over a quarter million of us there.
There were heavy casualties.
Most of those killed died in the | first few minutes of the assault.
As for the survivors | You know how the Centauri are.
Now that they've taken control, | I doubt that we'll see any of them again.
I don't understand how they could have | destroyed our defenses so quickly.
I'll report more when I learn of it.
I reached out my hand and he betrayed me.
He knew and he betrayed me! In the name of our friendship, | I ask that you give them every courtesy and cooperation.
I wish I could tell you more, | wish I could warn you but the others don 't think it's time yet.
| Stay close to the Vorlon.
And watch out for shadows.
They | move when you're not looking at them.
Well, I'll be a son of a - Yeah? | - Yellow alert in the ambassadorial wing! We need help fast! It's Zack Zack! Mollari! Mollari! That's far enough.
Go to your quarters | and no charges will be pressed.
I mean it, G'Kar.
You will go | to your quarters, and you will go now.
They're doing it to us again.
Step aside, Sheridan.
| I won't let this happen, not again! Then you're gonna need | all the help you can get.
Set one foot in Ambassador Mollari's | quarters, you'll be either dead or gone.
Either way, you won't help your people.
They'll kill everyone, | don't you understand? They've done it before.
| They'll kill everyone! Then you're gonna have to decide | what's more important to you, G'Kar.
Revenge or saving the | lives of your people.
No, leave him alone.
Just Leave him alone.
It's okay.
You should try and save your strength.
Is there anything you want? I would very much like | to have seen a Vorlon.
How will this end? In fire.
What makes you think you can trust | this source of yours? Let's just say he comes | highly recommended.
- You're holding something back.
| - Yes, sir.
- Why? | - I gave my word.
You're asking me to accept | sensitive information without any idea | where it comes from.
I could order you to tell me.
If I told you, you'd never trust me | with anything confidential knowing that someone above you | could order me to talk.
All right.
Go on.
Since New Year's, we've been hearing | about another major race on the prowl.
My source tells me the rumors are true.
There may be some link to the Centauri | government.
Who or what that link is I don't know.
But they're | definitely getting support.
And you think this other race was | behind the assault on Quadrant 14? - It's possible.
| - Lf it's true they won't want that | information to get out.
Information? | All we have is supposition.
Sheridan's rule number 29: Always make your opponent think | you know more than you do.
Now, if your source is right, | we may be able to play a bluff.
Majesty, we have wonderful news.
We have retaken the | Narn colony in Quadrant 14.
It fell within a matter of hours and not one of our people | was hurt or killed in the process.
All of Homeworld is rejoicing.
| We are again what we should be.
All we lack is your blessing.
He's dead.
What did he say? He said, | "Continue.
Take my people back to the stars.
" Mollari.
What did he say, really? He said that we are both damned.
It's a small enough price | to pay for immortality.
Ambassador? We think we have an idea | of how we can help.
I've called a Council meeting.
| I hope you'll come.
I will attend.
Thank you.
For stopping me.
Ambassador Mollari, what about | the Narn civilian population? I'm told there are over a quarter | of a million of them at the colony.
Now, will you let them return | to the Narn Homeworld? I'm afraid we can't do that, but I am sure | that my government will find some productive activity for them.
| - Forced labor camps.
Simple retraining.
We have no | desire to misuse anyone.
I should mention that I have just | received permission by my government to send observers to the colony.
| Their job will be to monitor the treatment of civilians.
| - They are not welcome.
We're sending them anyway.
| Unless you'd like to try shooting down an Earthforce transport.
| Personally, I'd advise against it.
My people aren't looking | for another war but they don't take kindly | to being shot at.
The observers will assess the situation, | interview the survivors and put together a full report, | including as much as they can find out about how the colony | was conquered so quickly.
I'm sure we'd all be interested | to find that out, ambassador.
And trust me, | if those observers do go there they will find out.
I believe I believe that I may be able | to convince my government to allow the colony's civilian | population to leave the area and safely return to the Narn | Homeworld as a gesture of goodwill.
That would remove | the need for observers from Earth.
Wouldn't you agree, captain? Under those conditions, yes.
I'm sure your gesture of goodwill will be appreciated | for what it is, ambassador.
Ambassador G'Kar? Before coming here, I received | a communiqué from my government.
For a hundred years, the Centauri | occupied our world.
Devastated it.
We swore we would never | let that happen again.
This attack on our largest civilian colony | has inflicted terrible damage and loss of life.
They have crossed a line | we cannot allow them to cross.
As a result, two hours ago my | government officially declared war against the Centauri Republic.
| Our hope for peace is over.
We are now at war.
We are now at war.
And the unfortunate death of the prime | minister so soon after the emperor has had the effect of tilting | the balance of power back home.
Several competing families | have been neutralized leaving the emperor's nephew | to claim the throne.
A young man who feels | as we do about the future.
For the first time in | a hundred years, ambassador our people are on the right track again.
And we have you to thank for it.
You will find the new emperor's | gratitude most rewarding.
- Good day, Mollari.
| - Good day, Refa.
I'm surprised.
You could've asked | to be named to the Royal Court.
It would've put you in a position | to become emperor yourself someday.
That's what you want, isn't it? I have no desire to be emperor.
No, I prefer to work behind the scenes.
The reward is nearly as great and the risk far, far less.
I want to thank you | again for your help.
You may have saved the lives | of a quarter-million Narns.
So then you will give us | the cooperation we need? On one condition.
I want you to keep me informed as to | what you and the other Rangers hear.
We've got a war on our hands, and we | can use all the information we can get.
Consider it done.
As long as you | keep our presence here a secret.
You got a deal.
One last thing.
Aside from me, does anybody | else know you're here? Just one other.
Hello, old friend.

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