Balthazar (2018) s01e01 Episode Script
De chair et de sang
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
What, will you have enough?
M Jam
of my aunt's zucchini?
It is good.
- Do you remember?
- Yes.
- Thinner the crust,
- the bark
- and smaller pieces!
- and smaller pieces.
Raphael Balthazar
I'm going.
You can't stop here.
All right.
How are you, Balthazar?
Do I interrupt you?
I could not have breakfast.
I haven't even had coffee
- Want some?
- Nerd
Cholesterol and that, you know.
Oh yes? So much care is taken?
Everybody says
That is bad for your health.
Yes, it's bad,
Even bad.
But look, what is a heart attack
in front of a piece of paradise?
Who is in charge?
- Captain Bach.
- The new one?
Oh shit.
Montelimar's? It seems
that has cancer of smile.
Valence I come from Valence.
Dr. Balthazar,
Captain Bach.
Daddy, mom!
Can not be.
They are the neighbors.
The father discovered the bodies.
Marwan Akerma, right?
Can you imagine it?
To kill
brutally to his friends
20 meters from your house
Do you want to see the rest?
Yes, it's the best
To do my job.
A priori
is dead
Eric Darrodeau, 40 years old,
Prosecutor of the Audience of Paris.
The other victim is his wife,
St�phanie, 38 years. Housewife.
They came for him.
Probably someone who had
locked up and wanted to get revenge.
And I thought the jail was
a big place
to rehabilitate
My heart breaks.
Let's leave
socio-political discussions
about our system
penitentiary for later,
Now we have
a double homicide at hand.
Forgive my good mood,
Captain Bach
I know it's not funny
And that is the scene of a crime.
Especially having a girl.
- Where is it?
- The girl
How do you know that ?
Chloe, right?
His figures already have a trunk
What is he, five years old, six?
Six years.
Every Tuesday
I slept at a friend's house.
We will talk with the family,
So you don't watch TV.
I have pierced the eardrum
to approach the hypothalamus.
It is the center of the temperature.
Very good.
According to body temperature,
the lightness
and the cadaverous stiffness,
I would say he died
between 10
and 11 last night
Say? Very good.
Show me the other body
with a smile?
I was painting
when the killer arrived.
I tried to run away.
OK. Thank you, bye!
The prosecutor.
Have taken
the cases of Darrodeau.
Well, take two agents
and review them all.
St�phanie died
about nine p.m,
Eric, her husband,
after ten.
The killer was
An hour waiting. Why?
To kill Eric
as we said.
Except Do you see it?
It is called tattoo.
It is the trail left by the gunpowder
when he leaves the canyon
Given where the killer is
I shot a short distance away,
by far.
There are also
perimortem bruises.
Thin, perimortem?
Well, that's when, uh
At the time of death,
who fought with his attacker
But Eric has nothing.
Did not see it coming
Doesn't it pose a problem?
When you go for the one
He sent you to jail
You carry a gun, right?
But the killer found
The gun here.
It was not something premeditated.
St�phanie and his attacker
they find each other
somewhere in the kitchen,
they have a conversation,
they get hot
and she goes to look for a weapon.
Then they fight and there is a shot
creeps up here,
The killer gets scared
- spinning
- Eric Darrodeau arrives.
The killer surprises him,
it also kills him
and improvises a sunset
on stage to confuse us.
Let's see, wait, wait uncle
must have hundreds of people
who want their head
But for you, the housewife
Is it the main victim?
- It was the goal.
- Yes.
They didn't hear anything last night
between 10 and 11?
No. I was having dinner
with some friends.
Selim slept outside
and my wife
Always take sleeping pills.
Do you know if he had enemies?
In his work Eric
he faced difficult cases,
but other than that
They were very normal people.
Good neighbors, we took
a drink once in a while
And St�phanie, they noticed if I was
worried lately?
No Well, I don't know, I was studying
again psychology and
He was very kind and funny.
Have to find
who has done this.
And you must make him pay.
And with Chloe, what will happen?
- We will see
- Captain.
Excuse me,
They can go home.
Come on.
It is an antibiotic for children.
It is taken in the morning
and at night.
The kitchen is impeccable.
But the spoon is dirty.
In my opinion, I took it
after dinner.
The girl?
He was in the house!
No, but I don't care!
Lace up the neighborhood
and launch a search notice.
Yes, right now!
What is that door?
Balthazar! Balthazar!
Follow me!
It has a pulse. He has a pulse!
It has a pulse, it has a pulse,
has a pulse
- You're late.
- The train.
Well, we don't all have
Uber's papa account.
You think I don't know
that you sent me the codes?
It was a vital emergency.
It was raining.
Let's see
Have you finished the manicure?
The wound is very clear.
- Fatim?
- Yes.
Take out also
Hematoma of the neck
- Good morning.
- How are you?
- Captain Bach, Slim!
- Good morning.
- Welcome.
- Hi, captain.
Good morning
We finished with Eric
and we start with St�phanie.
They arrive just in time.
Eddy, put your finger, please
How is the girl, Chloe?
- The doctors are examining her.
- Oh yes?
Poor little girl
They are 120.
All right, I've checked
the ballistics results
with those of impacts
in the bodies
In St�phanie, the trajectory
It is descending.
In her husband, the trajectory
It is ascending.
It is caught with tweezers,
but the killer
it would be taller than St�phanie
and lower than Eric.
It will measure between 1.60 and 1.70.
I have finished.
Fatim, whenever you want.
We will open the body.
Have you attended an autopsy?
Oh no.
What's up?
The uterus goes up to the navel
and measures about 16 cm.
- And what?
- I was pregnant.
14 weeks
They were going to have a son.
Yes, but
That would miss me a little.
A vasectomy had been done.
I don't know who the father is,
but I guarantee
That is not Eric Darrodeau.
Thank you.
The suspect is the father.
But when the DNA speaks,
I'll be far away.
Search the life of St�phanie.
Ask your friends,
that can help identify
to that man. I'm going to see Chloe.
Oh by the way, let's play
to poker tonight,
in the File.
Do you want to come?
I'm sorry. I can not.
that uncle would have killed the girl
If I had found her.
Quiet, we will catch you.
Tell me it's fine.
That is safe
My little Chloe
My love
Be alive.
In a coma, but alive.
I promise we will take care of her.
You have to come back with us.
The doctors will take care of you.
You will get well.
You will get well.
What can you tell me?
No injuries
No signs of sexual violence.
The dextrous is normal.
But it is catatonic.
Can be
for a psychological trauma.
After what ends
Living is normal.
We can't do much
except wait
to have your psyche repaired.
All right. You already know
The procedure.
As soon as
the request is received,
- A coroner will see her.
- In agreement.
- Take care of her.
- Clear.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
- Sorry. They can not enter.
- Let me see her!
I'm Chloe's aunt,
I want to see her, fuck!
We are your family
I'm sorry,
I have strict orders.
Excuse me, I'm Captain Bach.
What relationship did they have?
with his sister and his brother?
- We didn't see each other much
- Do not.
Almost nothing.
When was the last time?
four or five months ago,
No, Benjamin?
Yes, that's more or less.
It was on the birthday of the girl.
And they know if they had
any problem? Or enemies?
He was a prosecutor. So
He must have many enemies.
We are looking out there.
But we are worried about St�phanie.
We think he had a lover.
- Did you know?
- St�phanie? A lover?
I did not know.
She was my sister
and I don't know anything
Come on, honey.
No, no, but
You're crazy, it's a thousand times
Too big every time.
Nerd. Look guys.
Watch this.
- I'm not sure.
- Yes. OK.
No, it's fine.
- Yes, just fine?
- But it's cheese, isn't it?
- Come on, leave the spoon.
- What?
You are not going to eat anymore.
Do not touch it. There, okay?
You will not touch the plate.
What is this only cheese?
It is burrata, the real one.
- And what?
- It's buffalo milk!
This is not just "cheese."
It's Italy on your palate!
And the new boss?
Not bad, huh?
If you like cold women
They never smile, it's not bad.
You like.
Of that nothing.
Well, she's pretty.
What are you doing? It is a colleague.
You have slept with half
of the Paris polis.
- Is not the same.
- Because you like it.
Ok, you like that one. Right?
Yes I like that.
I leave the children alone.
- No, no, I invite.
- How kind, thanks.
You've discovered the burrata.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Ok, I get it.
It's me!
You are late, honey.
I have a complicated case
It is a girl.
He doesn't speak since they've killed
their parents
And then there is
My lieutenant, Slim.
- He invited me to play poker.
- Oh yes?
It's great. You said yes.
Do not.
10 years ago,
would have been the first
in plucking your colleagues.
We have been here for four months
And you haven't made a single friend.
What happened to you?
That has happened.
- Give me that!
- Leave me.
Come back, come on, sow!
- Out! Out!
- Close that mouth, virgin!
Hey guys!
Stop talking to you like that!
- Come here to kiss me.
- Do you dream?
On top of that you force us
to live here!
Well, can you give it to me?
I'm sorry, mom. I'm not doing that.
Antoine, can you put me another drink?
- What was your name?
- What's more!
Do you want a last drink?
Ah yes, give me one.
- Ready, right now.
- Hurry up.
- Do you mind me putting on music?
- Of course not.
I told you that you have
to save your stuff
How bad you are
Don't make fun of me.
No, forgive me.
Forgive the guasa.
And what?
Did you enjoy the night?
I wish
- What do you have for me?
- The analysis of the Darrodeau.
Look, there isn't much,
except that St�phanie
I was taking an antibiotic.
Amoxicillin It is to cure
Lyme disease,
typhoid, pneumonia
It is also given
to pregnant women
to treat chlamydia
extremely contagious
Thanks, Eddy.
Yes I should have thought about it.
I recognize it. I recognize it.
In agreement.
Well thank you very much. Good morning
No friends of St�phanie
I knew his adventure. None.
There are no suspicious messages.
There are no calls at rare times.
There is nothing at all.
And what do you have?
I may have something. See.
For three months, St�phanie
Withdrawn 2000 euros in cash.
Always between 8 and 9.
Maybe he took money
for the month.
I do not know. I pay now
Almost everything with card.
In cash, how much do I get?
200 or 300?
It's a lot of 2000 euros, right?
Wait. Three months?
And how much was she pregnant?
14 weeks
Three and half months.
Do you think it has to do
with her lover?
Maybe he was with him later.
I can track your movements
and find where they looked.
We will discover his name.
Well do it.
- No thanks.
- Sure?
It is a friend's recipe
I studied at Bocuse
- They are good.
- Do you want to kill me or what?
No thanks.
And if I say "chlamydia."
What a shame.
Well, that will give us the name
of the lover of St�phanie.
Are you sure?
Place it to close it.
No, you need some fat.
Sure ?
Give it to me
Does Sthanie's lover say?
Hi. Mr. Akerma.
- Yes.
- Selim.
We have
To ask you some questions.
But Selim!
- Selim!
- Selim!
We want to ask you some questions.
The doctor would tell you, right?
it's a complication
of your chlamydial infection.
Rare, but known.
And you know
who else had chlamydia?
St�phanie Darrodeau.
What are you suggesting?
That his son had
An adventure with her.
How long was Selim?
Fuck Selim! He was 40 years old!
I was married!
Listen to me, Selim.
It is a double homicide
And you are my main suspect.
So answer:
How long ago?
Wait a moment.
You were with your friends, right?
You have nothing to fear.
"Four or five months ago
took care of Chloe and then "
one night
she had drunk and passed.
�The money he took out
Every month was for you?
What money? He never gave me anything
Who does it take me for?
And the baby?
Did you talk about it?
- I was going to abort.
- Do not.
Had already exceeded
The legal term.
So what? He wanted to stay
with the baby and not you?
It was going to be a stain
in your request
- for Boston University?
- I tell him I was going to have an abortion.
No! Do not.
You know that is not true.
What happened? Huh?
What I think
You didn't want to kill her.
You fought and there was a shot.
And then Eric came home
- and you killed him too, right?
- Look, that didn't happen, no
Selim, shut up.
I will call a lawyer.
And don't say
not a word more!
Come on, come with me.
Nothing happens, son. Quiet.
Come on!
If something bad happens to you,
I denounce them
for police violence.
I think he was going to talk.
But if we keep squeezing,
the parents will be thrown out
above and bye case.
And what do we do?
We are stuck
Not talk
And less if you have a lawyer.
So I propose that we do
What your mother wants.
Take care of him.
And check that your health
It supports arrest.
Why do they look at me like that?
And take the opportunity to talk
with him, as if nothing
and try
to get information, right?
You are very smart
And very cunning,
But he still needs me.
Thank you.
Hi Selim.
I'm Dr. Balthazar,
I come to examine you.
Okay, well.
- Ear.
- What does he do?
My job. I am a medical examiner.
I'm not dead!
It is a preconceived idea.
of the coroner's work
is to examine the detainees.
Come on.
- I don't have to talk to you?
- Of course not.
All right.
This is there.
Give me your hand,
I will take your pulse.
- What does he do?
- Yes.
What does it do?
Have you been doing works?
No, why?
Your hand smells like mothballs.
It seems to wait.
It is used to clean the paint.
The day of his death, St�phanie
I was painting a door
And you touched her.
You were at his house.
What about you, I would tell you
to Captain Bach.
"I know very well that it doesn't seem like it,
but I will tell you that she is very clever. "
Well, do what you want.
Tell him what I want
to talk with her.
Excuse me?
I want to talk to her.
Ok, ok.
OK. Perfect.
Selim is
in preventive prison.
Have you confessed?
Do not.
He says he went to see St�phanie
and that he found
With the two bodies.
That got scared. And he left.
Well, a few days in a cell
and the boy will confess.
What does it do?
Nothing, I drink lemonade.
Come on, say it once.
And stop with the straw.
It looks like my son.
A Does your child have children?
Are you surprised?
No, it's just
I didn't really imagine
I had children.
What does he tell me about Selim?
Eh Selim? Yes, Selim.
I already told him.
The firing angle
and the ballistic reports
indicate a shooter
between 1.60 and 1.70.
Selim measures 1.80
He may be wrong
It would be very weird.
He could duck.
Do it twice in a row
to shoot St�phanie
and her husband?
And those two times
just at the same height?
It is not impossible.
No, it is not impossible.
Win four times in a row
The lottery is not impossible either.
But that does not happen.
Listen, Balthazar
It has a good mobile.
I was on the scene
of crime and minti�.
So I don't know
what else do you need
Ten centimeters
Well, I will see
Chloe to the hospital.
Call me when you both
They think I'm right.
What a wonder.
Has it always been like that?
Raphael Balthazar Director
youngest of the Paris IML
Professor and everything you want.
Look, uncle
it's super bright
But too heavy.
Look at that, not even
He has paid the lemonade.
And also
He did not always want to be a coroner.
But there was something
I ate the coconut.
What happened?
I don't know, but I think uncle
He has a body in the closet.
Do you want another tea?
No thanks.
I also like buns.
And I have a pen.
It's cool.
I give it to you, okay? For you.
I leave it on the table
so next time
Draw pictures with me.
Benzos? Psychotropic?
And there is no reaction
to the stimuli.
Your state
It is post-traumatic stress.
For 36 hours?
- I know. Its alot.
- No, that's abnormal.
I see many traumatized children,
Do you know
At six years old,
a child needs to talk
So 36 hours is too much.
There is something that escapes us.
And I don't like it
"Case of Castel,
June 14, 2005.
The victim, Lise Castel,
32 years old,
I worked as a tattoo artist
in a downtown store "
I have arrived!
"His body was discovered
for her boyfriend,
Raphael Balthazar
There were no signs of theft "
Love, I'm here!
"Research suggests
that the victim knew
to his killer. "
No, no!
"The victim was tied
and then slaughtered.
There were no signs
of sexual violence
Your neighbor, Robert Sarlat,
was found, covered
With the victim's blood.
It was requested
a psychiatric report. "
You have drunk too much.
You are going through, you know?
Does it bother you?
I knew I would.
I don't care, Raph,
I'm dead!
It is just that
gut corpses,
get drunk
and chain an aunt
after another before returning
to have a conversation
with the woman of your life
who has been dead for 12 years
I find it strange
as a way of fun.
And forget
about free fall
drive like crazy
the extreme sports,
the fighters,
paragliding, driving cars
Seriously, Lise, you know that.
You know I'm not kidding
I enjoy
Because life is short.
And yes better than anyone
How it ends.
So you have to live it
to 100 %.
Why am I still here?
I do not know.
The dead disappear once
That your case is resolved.
Leave it
Do you hear me?
You have read it a hundred times.
You have looked at the photos
of my autopsy until I vomit.
If I'm still here,
maybe it's that
It's easier to hold me back
Let me go.
I love you my love.
The car's GPS has spoken.
Each month,
after taking out 2000 euros,
I was going to a place north of Paris
near La Chapelle
- La Chapelle?
- Yes.
That neighborhood doesn't hit anything
- Do you think it was with Selim?
- I don't know.
But last week I paid
a sandwich with a card
in a place that is
in the harbor, Le Beau Soleil.
He was docked twice
and that's why they put cameras.
You have the video.
- Yes, of course.
- Well, let's see it.
It is your date.
But it doesn't look like
Selim in nothing.
Would you have another lover?
It looks like blackmail, don't you think?
Secret Encounter,
About with money.
Yes, it could be.
And it is a good reason to kill.
You have to identify this guy.
My mother.
The husband of his sister.
Benjamin Drapier
They cordon off the area.
No one can happen.
No problem, I hope.
Thank you.
We found this on the table
All empty.
Cyanosis on the lips, nails
and toquilla-shaped trunk,
a suffocation syndrome.
Mushroom-shaped foam
in nose and mouth,
which may indicate pulmonary edema
for injury.
A suicide?
Would you have reasons?
This is your computer.
Blackmailed St�phanie.
She wanted me to stop,
they fought
and well, you know the rest.
It would mean that Selim
is innocent.
- I'll be glad, right?
- I'm always glad to be right.
Yes, okay. Very good.
Less when it comes
of a death
It was the prosecutor.
As soon as I certify
the suicide,
we will file the case
But we have not questioned
to the woman.
Tell the prosecutor that no
I will certify nothing for now.
Foam mushroom,
may indicate a drowning
an intake of morphine,
or both.
So, if it's suicide
or murder, I don't know yet.
But if you want you can tell
to the prosecutor who comes tomorrow
to attend the
live autopsy
and I will have the results.
Last time,
I threw up three times.
So tomorrow opens my gut.
I don't like being dead, leave
A taste of something unfinished.
Look at the bright side of things,
At least you are gone.
The ones that are left
We clean the shit.
The shit? What does it mean?
the ghosts
Your wife will have to do it.
And alone.
Ah, okay. Yes, of course. OK.
- I get it
- Understand what?
Well, he has not overcome it.
And he doesn't want to do it,
He says he wants to enjoy
of life and what is the truth?
He wants it to end quickly.
Because life without her
He doesn't like it anymore.
Boss. I have looked again
the analysis of the Darrodeau.
There is something very strange.
Does 8% carboxyhemoglobin?
- But they weren't smokers, right?
- Do not.
Healthy as Americans, and
They didn't have a fireplace at home either.
Strange, right?
Captain Bach
I'm Raphael Balthazar. "
Sorry to bother you so early.
Not calm.
"Good news.
If the girl does not speak, it is not
by posttraumatic stress. "
It is because of the heater.
The heater?
What does that mean?
- Good morning.
- Tired?
I'm fine.
So, if I have understood,
went to the crime scene
- you alone.
- Yes.
- At night.
- Yes.
To prove a theory.
Is that so?
And just to clarify it
Is it your job?
My job is to know
what happened, right?
Well now I know.
Can you explain it to me?
Mutism, ataxia, catatonia,
it wasn't normal for chloe
would not have recovered
of all that after 48 hours.
There had to be an explanation.
And there comes the heater.
The exit was obstructed.
Between combustion
of the heater
and the lack of oxygen,
carbon monoxide was formed.
And Chloe
- Sorry.
- Chloe,
was locked
between 8 and 10
In that small place.
Enough to make it seem
posttraumatic stress.
And will it heal?
Yes, it already is.
I entered a hyperbaric chamber
2 hours ago and has recovered.
Did you say anything?
Did you see the killer?
Yes He watched him go that night.
Who is it?
He will not like it.
Is it a rabbit? Very good.
Does he tease me?
What do I say to the prosecutor,
that we don't close the case
because the new suspect
is it a rabbit? That?
�You know the first thing you learn
in medical school?
What to look for a problem
from all angles.
Does that sound to you now?
- Well of course.
- If something bad happens to you
I denounce them
for police violence.
And voil�.
Pediatrician, tell me.
Yes, do not hang up.
Lord Captain Bach
on the phone It is urgent.
Thank you.
Say, say?
Release the pillow.
Roll over
With your hands up.
Do it, Mrs. Akerma.
It's over.
I didn't want to kill them
I had no other option
It was an accident.
I was going to kill a girl.
Call that accident too?
My son and my wife?
I will report it:
police violence,
abuse of power
He has confessed.
- He has, sir.
- Have you done what?
He has confessed that he killed them.
Chloe was in the
crime scene
and recognized his bag
It's over.
My wife?
Why would I do
something like that my wife?
I knew I was pregnant
and I wanted him to abort
for Selim to go to Boston.
Kill those people
because of me?
No, you are not to blame.
You are another victim
of this story
Come here, honey.
I leave you with your aunt.
Will you call me?
Thank you.
Why did you choose
forensic medicine?
And you, why?
did you choose to be a cop?
Don't you want to answer?
Her children, her husband
If something happens to them,
Like what you see every day.
It wouldn't be good for someone
could explain exactly
what happened to them?
Not from the point
police view,
if not from one
human. Doctor.
There it is,
That's why I became a coroner.
To bring some peace
To the families.
I'm a doctor but I became a coroner
To repair souls.
Nice, right?
Oh no, now he will tell me
something solemn.
- What?
- Ah, no, I've seen it,
I have seen it,
It has become superstitious.
Actually no,
It will spoil everything.
No, save it. When
let's get to know each other better?
- It almost turns red
- It's true, sorry. Excuse me.
Well, I'm coming. I will take a taxi.
A new case
Oh yes, not for ever, right?
That is what my husband says.
Ah, well, well well.
I can take her.
In the car.
Thank you. Yes
We arrived!
Does it always lead?
Why, how?
What forensic doctor
are you in charge?
One Margueritte,
I think you know him?
Yes, of course. I crush him
In the pool on Thursdays.
Do you mind if I'm going to greet you?
Of course not.
- What?
- Thursday, I'll beat you up!
Come on! We'll see that.
Hey, Balthazar!
What are you doing here?
Bring the captain
and tease you a little.
Captain Bach
Well, what do we have?
Teen. Male sex
from 13 to 17 years.
Injuries that indicate
in the cervical region.
Well, according to the rigidity, I would say
that death occurred
about 30 hours ago
What's up?
Who has done it?
Who has touched the body?
- Who has touched the body?
- Balthazar, nobody.
No one has touched
the body except
to do the tests
as usual, uncle.
�You have taken
a thumb sample?
I have not taken any samples.
What's up?
Hey, Baltha, but what's wrong with you?
What happens to him?
No idea.
You were right.
My killer is still loose.
And it has started again.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
What, will you have enough?
M Jam
of my aunt's zucchini?
It is good.
- Do you remember?
- Yes.
- Thinner the crust,
- the bark
- and smaller pieces!
- and smaller pieces.
Raphael Balthazar
I'm going.
You can't stop here.
All right.
How are you, Balthazar?
Do I interrupt you?
I could not have breakfast.
I haven't even had coffee
- Want some?
- Nerd
Cholesterol and that, you know.
Oh yes? So much care is taken?
Everybody says
That is bad for your health.
Yes, it's bad,
Even bad.
But look, what is a heart attack
in front of a piece of paradise?
Who is in charge?
- Captain Bach.
- The new one?
Oh shit.
Montelimar's? It seems
that has cancer of smile.
Valence I come from Valence.
Dr. Balthazar,
Captain Bach.
Daddy, mom!
Can not be.
They are the neighbors.
The father discovered the bodies.
Marwan Akerma, right?
Can you imagine it?
To kill
brutally to his friends
20 meters from your house
Do you want to see the rest?
Yes, it's the best
To do my job.
A priori
is dead
Eric Darrodeau, 40 years old,
Prosecutor of the Audience of Paris.
The other victim is his wife,
St�phanie, 38 years. Housewife.
They came for him.
Probably someone who had
locked up and wanted to get revenge.
And I thought the jail was
a big place
to rehabilitate
My heart breaks.
Let's leave
socio-political discussions
about our system
penitentiary for later,
Now we have
a double homicide at hand.
Forgive my good mood,
Captain Bach
I know it's not funny
And that is the scene of a crime.
Especially having a girl.
- Where is it?
- The girl
How do you know that ?
Chloe, right?
His figures already have a trunk
What is he, five years old, six?
Six years.
Every Tuesday
I slept at a friend's house.
We will talk with the family,
So you don't watch TV.
I have pierced the eardrum
to approach the hypothalamus.
It is the center of the temperature.
Very good.
According to body temperature,
the lightness
and the cadaverous stiffness,
I would say he died
between 10
and 11 last night
Say? Very good.
Show me the other body
with a smile?
I was painting
when the killer arrived.
I tried to run away.
OK. Thank you, bye!
The prosecutor.
Have taken
the cases of Darrodeau.
Well, take two agents
and review them all.
St�phanie died
about nine p.m,
Eric, her husband,
after ten.
The killer was
An hour waiting. Why?
To kill Eric
as we said.
Except Do you see it?
It is called tattoo.
It is the trail left by the gunpowder
when he leaves the canyon
Given where the killer is
I shot a short distance away,
by far.
There are also
perimortem bruises.
Thin, perimortem?
Well, that's when, uh
At the time of death,
who fought with his attacker
But Eric has nothing.
Did not see it coming
Doesn't it pose a problem?
When you go for the one
He sent you to jail
You carry a gun, right?
But the killer found
The gun here.
It was not something premeditated.
St�phanie and his attacker
they find each other
somewhere in the kitchen,
they have a conversation,
they get hot
and she goes to look for a weapon.
Then they fight and there is a shot
creeps up here,
The killer gets scared
- spinning
- Eric Darrodeau arrives.
The killer surprises him,
it also kills him
and improvises a sunset
on stage to confuse us.
Let's see, wait, wait uncle
must have hundreds of people
who want their head
But for you, the housewife
Is it the main victim?
- It was the goal.
- Yes.
They didn't hear anything last night
between 10 and 11?
No. I was having dinner
with some friends.
Selim slept outside
and my wife
Always take sleeping pills.
Do you know if he had enemies?
In his work Eric
he faced difficult cases,
but other than that
They were very normal people.
Good neighbors, we took
a drink once in a while
And St�phanie, they noticed if I was
worried lately?
No Well, I don't know, I was studying
again psychology and
He was very kind and funny.
Have to find
who has done this.
And you must make him pay.
And with Chloe, what will happen?
- We will see
- Captain.
Excuse me,
They can go home.
Come on.
It is an antibiotic for children.
It is taken in the morning
and at night.
The kitchen is impeccable.
But the spoon is dirty.
In my opinion, I took it
after dinner.
The girl?
He was in the house!
No, but I don't care!
Lace up the neighborhood
and launch a search notice.
Yes, right now!
What is that door?
Balthazar! Balthazar!
Follow me!
It has a pulse. He has a pulse!
It has a pulse, it has a pulse,
has a pulse
- You're late.
- The train.
Well, we don't all have
Uber's papa account.
You think I don't know
that you sent me the codes?
It was a vital emergency.
It was raining.
Let's see
Have you finished the manicure?
The wound is very clear.
- Fatim?
- Yes.
Take out also
Hematoma of the neck
- Good morning.
- How are you?
- Captain Bach, Slim!
- Good morning.
- Welcome.
- Hi, captain.
Good morning
We finished with Eric
and we start with St�phanie.
They arrive just in time.
Eddy, put your finger, please
How is the girl, Chloe?
- The doctors are examining her.
- Oh yes?
Poor little girl
They are 120.
All right, I've checked
the ballistics results
with those of impacts
in the bodies
In St�phanie, the trajectory
It is descending.
In her husband, the trajectory
It is ascending.
It is caught with tweezers,
but the killer
it would be taller than St�phanie
and lower than Eric.
It will measure between 1.60 and 1.70.
I have finished.
Fatim, whenever you want.
We will open the body.
Have you attended an autopsy?
Oh no.
What's up?
The uterus goes up to the navel
and measures about 16 cm.
- And what?
- I was pregnant.
14 weeks
They were going to have a son.
Yes, but
That would miss me a little.
A vasectomy had been done.
I don't know who the father is,
but I guarantee
That is not Eric Darrodeau.
Thank you.
The suspect is the father.
But when the DNA speaks,
I'll be far away.
Search the life of St�phanie.
Ask your friends,
that can help identify
to that man. I'm going to see Chloe.
Oh by the way, let's play
to poker tonight,
in the File.
Do you want to come?
I'm sorry. I can not.
that uncle would have killed the girl
If I had found her.
Quiet, we will catch you.
Tell me it's fine.
That is safe
My little Chloe
My love
Be alive.
In a coma, but alive.
I promise we will take care of her.
You have to come back with us.
The doctors will take care of you.
You will get well.
You will get well.
What can you tell me?
No injuries
No signs of sexual violence.
The dextrous is normal.
But it is catatonic.
Can be
for a psychological trauma.
After what ends
Living is normal.
We can't do much
except wait
to have your psyche repaired.
All right. You already know
The procedure.
As soon as
the request is received,
- A coroner will see her.
- In agreement.
- Take care of her.
- Clear.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
- Sorry. They can not enter.
- Let me see her!
I'm Chloe's aunt,
I want to see her, fuck!
We are your family
I'm sorry,
I have strict orders.
Excuse me, I'm Captain Bach.
What relationship did they have?
with his sister and his brother?
- We didn't see each other much
- Do not.
Almost nothing.
When was the last time?
four or five months ago,
No, Benjamin?
Yes, that's more or less.
It was on the birthday of the girl.
And they know if they had
any problem? Or enemies?
He was a prosecutor. So
He must have many enemies.
We are looking out there.
But we are worried about St�phanie.
We think he had a lover.
- Did you know?
- St�phanie? A lover?
I did not know.
She was my sister
and I don't know anything
Come on, honey.
No, no, but
You're crazy, it's a thousand times
Too big every time.
Nerd. Look guys.
Watch this.
- I'm not sure.
- Yes. OK.
No, it's fine.
- Yes, just fine?
- But it's cheese, isn't it?
- Come on, leave the spoon.
- What?
You are not going to eat anymore.
Do not touch it. There, okay?
You will not touch the plate.
What is this only cheese?
It is burrata, the real one.
- And what?
- It's buffalo milk!
This is not just "cheese."
It's Italy on your palate!
And the new boss?
Not bad, huh?
If you like cold women
They never smile, it's not bad.
You like.
Of that nothing.
Well, she's pretty.
What are you doing? It is a colleague.
You have slept with half
of the Paris polis.
- Is not the same.
- Because you like it.
Ok, you like that one. Right?
Yes I like that.
I leave the children alone.
- No, no, I invite.
- How kind, thanks.
You've discovered the burrata.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Ok, I get it.
It's me!
You are late, honey.
I have a complicated case
It is a girl.
He doesn't speak since they've killed
their parents
And then there is
My lieutenant, Slim.
- He invited me to play poker.
- Oh yes?
It's great. You said yes.
Do not.
10 years ago,
would have been the first
in plucking your colleagues.
We have been here for four months
And you haven't made a single friend.
What happened to you?
That has happened.
- Give me that!
- Leave me.
Come back, come on, sow!
- Out! Out!
- Close that mouth, virgin!
Hey guys!
Stop talking to you like that!
- Come here to kiss me.
- Do you dream?
On top of that you force us
to live here!
Well, can you give it to me?
I'm sorry, mom. I'm not doing that.
Antoine, can you put me another drink?
- What was your name?
- What's more!
Do you want a last drink?
Ah yes, give me one.
- Ready, right now.
- Hurry up.
- Do you mind me putting on music?
- Of course not.
I told you that you have
to save your stuff
How bad you are
Don't make fun of me.
No, forgive me.
Forgive the guasa.
And what?
Did you enjoy the night?
I wish
- What do you have for me?
- The analysis of the Darrodeau.
Look, there isn't much,
except that St�phanie
I was taking an antibiotic.
Amoxicillin It is to cure
Lyme disease,
typhoid, pneumonia
It is also given
to pregnant women
to treat chlamydia
extremely contagious
Thanks, Eddy.
Yes I should have thought about it.
I recognize it. I recognize it.
In agreement.
Well thank you very much. Good morning
No friends of St�phanie
I knew his adventure. None.
There are no suspicious messages.
There are no calls at rare times.
There is nothing at all.
And what do you have?
I may have something. See.
For three months, St�phanie
Withdrawn 2000 euros in cash.
Always between 8 and 9.
Maybe he took money
for the month.
I do not know. I pay now
Almost everything with card.
In cash, how much do I get?
200 or 300?
It's a lot of 2000 euros, right?
Wait. Three months?
And how much was she pregnant?
14 weeks
Three and half months.
Do you think it has to do
with her lover?
Maybe he was with him later.
I can track your movements
and find where they looked.
We will discover his name.
Well do it.
- No thanks.
- Sure?
It is a friend's recipe
I studied at Bocuse
- They are good.
- Do you want to kill me or what?
No thanks.
And if I say "chlamydia."
What a shame.
Well, that will give us the name
of the lover of St�phanie.
Are you sure?
Place it to close it.
No, you need some fat.
Sure ?
Give it to me
Does Sthanie's lover say?
Hi. Mr. Akerma.
- Yes.
- Selim.
We have
To ask you some questions.
But Selim!
- Selim!
- Selim!
We want to ask you some questions.
The doctor would tell you, right?
it's a complication
of your chlamydial infection.
Rare, but known.
And you know
who else had chlamydia?
St�phanie Darrodeau.
What are you suggesting?
That his son had
An adventure with her.
How long was Selim?
Fuck Selim! He was 40 years old!
I was married!
Listen to me, Selim.
It is a double homicide
And you are my main suspect.
So answer:
How long ago?
Wait a moment.
You were with your friends, right?
You have nothing to fear.
"Four or five months ago
took care of Chloe and then "
one night
she had drunk and passed.
�The money he took out
Every month was for you?
What money? He never gave me anything
Who does it take me for?
And the baby?
Did you talk about it?
- I was going to abort.
- Do not.
Had already exceeded
The legal term.
So what? He wanted to stay
with the baby and not you?
It was going to be a stain
in your request
- for Boston University?
- I tell him I was going to have an abortion.
No! Do not.
You know that is not true.
What happened? Huh?
What I think
You didn't want to kill her.
You fought and there was a shot.
And then Eric came home
- and you killed him too, right?
- Look, that didn't happen, no
Selim, shut up.
I will call a lawyer.
And don't say
not a word more!
Come on, come with me.
Nothing happens, son. Quiet.
Come on!
If something bad happens to you,
I denounce them
for police violence.
I think he was going to talk.
But if we keep squeezing,
the parents will be thrown out
above and bye case.
And what do we do?
We are stuck
Not talk
And less if you have a lawyer.
So I propose that we do
What your mother wants.
Take care of him.
And check that your health
It supports arrest.
Why do they look at me like that?
And take the opportunity to talk
with him, as if nothing
and try
to get information, right?
You are very smart
And very cunning,
But he still needs me.
Thank you.
Hi Selim.
I'm Dr. Balthazar,
I come to examine you.
Okay, well.
- Ear.
- What does he do?
My job. I am a medical examiner.
I'm not dead!
It is a preconceived idea.
of the coroner's work
is to examine the detainees.
Come on.
- I don't have to talk to you?
- Of course not.
All right.
This is there.
Give me your hand,
I will take your pulse.
- What does he do?
- Yes.
What does it do?
Have you been doing works?
No, why?
Your hand smells like mothballs.
It seems to wait.
It is used to clean the paint.
The day of his death, St�phanie
I was painting a door
And you touched her.
You were at his house.
What about you, I would tell you
to Captain Bach.
"I know very well that it doesn't seem like it,
but I will tell you that she is very clever. "
Well, do what you want.
Tell him what I want
to talk with her.
Excuse me?
I want to talk to her.
Ok, ok.
OK. Perfect.
Selim is
in preventive prison.
Have you confessed?
Do not.
He says he went to see St�phanie
and that he found
With the two bodies.
That got scared. And he left.
Well, a few days in a cell
and the boy will confess.
What does it do?
Nothing, I drink lemonade.
Come on, say it once.
And stop with the straw.
It looks like my son.
A Does your child have children?
Are you surprised?
No, it's just
I didn't really imagine
I had children.
What does he tell me about Selim?
Eh Selim? Yes, Selim.
I already told him.
The firing angle
and the ballistic reports
indicate a shooter
between 1.60 and 1.70.
Selim measures 1.80
He may be wrong
It would be very weird.
He could duck.
Do it twice in a row
to shoot St�phanie
and her husband?
And those two times
just at the same height?
It is not impossible.
No, it is not impossible.
Win four times in a row
The lottery is not impossible either.
But that does not happen.
Listen, Balthazar
It has a good mobile.
I was on the scene
of crime and minti�.
So I don't know
what else do you need
Ten centimeters
Well, I will see
Chloe to the hospital.
Call me when you both
They think I'm right.
What a wonder.
Has it always been like that?
Raphael Balthazar Director
youngest of the Paris IML
Professor and everything you want.
Look, uncle
it's super bright
But too heavy.
Look at that, not even
He has paid the lemonade.
And also
He did not always want to be a coroner.
But there was something
I ate the coconut.
What happened?
I don't know, but I think uncle
He has a body in the closet.
Do you want another tea?
No thanks.
I also like buns.
And I have a pen.
It's cool.
I give it to you, okay? For you.
I leave it on the table
so next time
Draw pictures with me.
Benzos? Psychotropic?
And there is no reaction
to the stimuli.
Your state
It is post-traumatic stress.
For 36 hours?
- I know. Its alot.
- No, that's abnormal.
I see many traumatized children,
Do you know
At six years old,
a child needs to talk
So 36 hours is too much.
There is something that escapes us.
And I don't like it
"Case of Castel,
June 14, 2005.
The victim, Lise Castel,
32 years old,
I worked as a tattoo artist
in a downtown store "
I have arrived!
"His body was discovered
for her boyfriend,
Raphael Balthazar
There were no signs of theft "
Love, I'm here!
"Research suggests
that the victim knew
to his killer. "
No, no!
"The victim was tied
and then slaughtered.
There were no signs
of sexual violence
Your neighbor, Robert Sarlat,
was found, covered
With the victim's blood.
It was requested
a psychiatric report. "
You have drunk too much.
You are going through, you know?
Does it bother you?
I knew I would.
I don't care, Raph,
I'm dead!
It is just that
gut corpses,
get drunk
and chain an aunt
after another before returning
to have a conversation
with the woman of your life
who has been dead for 12 years
I find it strange
as a way of fun.
And forget
about free fall
drive like crazy
the extreme sports,
the fighters,
paragliding, driving cars
Seriously, Lise, you know that.
You know I'm not kidding
I enjoy
Because life is short.
And yes better than anyone
How it ends.
So you have to live it
to 100 %.
Why am I still here?
I do not know.
The dead disappear once
That your case is resolved.
Leave it
Do you hear me?
You have read it a hundred times.
You have looked at the photos
of my autopsy until I vomit.
If I'm still here,
maybe it's that
It's easier to hold me back
Let me go.
I love you my love.
The car's GPS has spoken.
Each month,
after taking out 2000 euros,
I was going to a place north of Paris
near La Chapelle
- La Chapelle?
- Yes.
That neighborhood doesn't hit anything
- Do you think it was with Selim?
- I don't know.
But last week I paid
a sandwich with a card
in a place that is
in the harbor, Le Beau Soleil.
He was docked twice
and that's why they put cameras.
You have the video.
- Yes, of course.
- Well, let's see it.
It is your date.
But it doesn't look like
Selim in nothing.
Would you have another lover?
It looks like blackmail, don't you think?
Secret Encounter,
About with money.
Yes, it could be.
And it is a good reason to kill.
You have to identify this guy.
My mother.
The husband of his sister.
Benjamin Drapier
They cordon off the area.
No one can happen.
No problem, I hope.
Thank you.
We found this on the table
All empty.
Cyanosis on the lips, nails
and toquilla-shaped trunk,
a suffocation syndrome.
Mushroom-shaped foam
in nose and mouth,
which may indicate pulmonary edema
for injury.
A suicide?
Would you have reasons?
This is your computer.
Blackmailed St�phanie.
She wanted me to stop,
they fought
and well, you know the rest.
It would mean that Selim
is innocent.
- I'll be glad, right?
- I'm always glad to be right.
Yes, okay. Very good.
Less when it comes
of a death
It was the prosecutor.
As soon as I certify
the suicide,
we will file the case
But we have not questioned
to the woman.
Tell the prosecutor that no
I will certify nothing for now.
Foam mushroom,
may indicate a drowning
an intake of morphine,
or both.
So, if it's suicide
or murder, I don't know yet.
But if you want you can tell
to the prosecutor who comes tomorrow
to attend the
live autopsy
and I will have the results.
Last time,
I threw up three times.
So tomorrow opens my gut.
I don't like being dead, leave
A taste of something unfinished.
Look at the bright side of things,
At least you are gone.
The ones that are left
We clean the shit.
The shit? What does it mean?
the ghosts
Your wife will have to do it.
And alone.
Ah, okay. Yes, of course. OK.
- I get it
- Understand what?
Well, he has not overcome it.
And he doesn't want to do it,
He says he wants to enjoy
of life and what is the truth?
He wants it to end quickly.
Because life without her
He doesn't like it anymore.
Boss. I have looked again
the analysis of the Darrodeau.
There is something very strange.
Does 8% carboxyhemoglobin?
- But they weren't smokers, right?
- Do not.
Healthy as Americans, and
They didn't have a fireplace at home either.
Strange, right?
Captain Bach
I'm Raphael Balthazar. "
Sorry to bother you so early.
Not calm.
"Good news.
If the girl does not speak, it is not
by posttraumatic stress. "
It is because of the heater.
The heater?
What does that mean?
- Good morning.
- Tired?
I'm fine.
So, if I have understood,
went to the crime scene
- you alone.
- Yes.
- At night.
- Yes.
To prove a theory.
Is that so?
And just to clarify it
Is it your job?
My job is to know
what happened, right?
Well now I know.
Can you explain it to me?
Mutism, ataxia, catatonia,
it wasn't normal for chloe
would not have recovered
of all that after 48 hours.
There had to be an explanation.
And there comes the heater.
The exit was obstructed.
Between combustion
of the heater
and the lack of oxygen,
carbon monoxide was formed.
And Chloe
- Sorry.
- Chloe,
was locked
between 8 and 10
In that small place.
Enough to make it seem
posttraumatic stress.
And will it heal?
Yes, it already is.
I entered a hyperbaric chamber
2 hours ago and has recovered.
Did you say anything?
Did you see the killer?
Yes He watched him go that night.
Who is it?
He will not like it.
Is it a rabbit? Very good.
Does he tease me?
What do I say to the prosecutor,
that we don't close the case
because the new suspect
is it a rabbit? That?
�You know the first thing you learn
in medical school?
What to look for a problem
from all angles.
Does that sound to you now?
- Well of course.
- If something bad happens to you
I denounce them
for police violence.
And voil�.
Pediatrician, tell me.
Yes, do not hang up.
Lord Captain Bach
on the phone It is urgent.
Thank you.
Say, say?
Release the pillow.
Roll over
With your hands up.
Do it, Mrs. Akerma.
It's over.
I didn't want to kill them
I had no other option
It was an accident.
I was going to kill a girl.
Call that accident too?
My son and my wife?
I will report it:
police violence,
abuse of power
He has confessed.
- He has, sir.
- Have you done what?
He has confessed that he killed them.
Chloe was in the
crime scene
and recognized his bag
It's over.
My wife?
Why would I do
something like that my wife?
I knew I was pregnant
and I wanted him to abort
for Selim to go to Boston.
Kill those people
because of me?
No, you are not to blame.
You are another victim
of this story
Come here, honey.
I leave you with your aunt.
Will you call me?
Thank you.
Why did you choose
forensic medicine?
And you, why?
did you choose to be a cop?
Don't you want to answer?
Her children, her husband
If something happens to them,
Like what you see every day.
It wouldn't be good for someone
could explain exactly
what happened to them?
Not from the point
police view,
if not from one
human. Doctor.
There it is,
That's why I became a coroner.
To bring some peace
To the families.
I'm a doctor but I became a coroner
To repair souls.
Nice, right?
Oh no, now he will tell me
something solemn.
- What?
- Ah, no, I've seen it,
I have seen it,
It has become superstitious.
Actually no,
It will spoil everything.
No, save it. When
let's get to know each other better?
- It almost turns red
- It's true, sorry. Excuse me.
Well, I'm coming. I will take a taxi.
A new case
Oh yes, not for ever, right?
That is what my husband says.
Ah, well, well well.
I can take her.
In the car.
Thank you. Yes
We arrived!
Does it always lead?
Why, how?
What forensic doctor
are you in charge?
One Margueritte,
I think you know him?
Yes, of course. I crush him
In the pool on Thursdays.
Do you mind if I'm going to greet you?
Of course not.
- What?
- Thursday, I'll beat you up!
Come on! We'll see that.
Hey, Balthazar!
What are you doing here?
Bring the captain
and tease you a little.
Captain Bach
Well, what do we have?
Teen. Male sex
from 13 to 17 years.
Injuries that indicate
in the cervical region.
Well, according to the rigidity, I would say
that death occurred
about 30 hours ago
What's up?
Who has done it?
Who has touched the body?
- Who has touched the body?
- Balthazar, nobody.
No one has touched
the body except
to do the tests
as usual, uncle.
�You have taken
a thumb sample?
I have not taken any samples.
What's up?
Hey, Baltha, but what's wrong with you?
What happens to him?
No idea.
You were right.
My killer is still loose.
And it has started again.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri