Balthazar (2018) s02e10 Episode Script


By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
Do you not see the end?
I already know him.
Also the Titanic
and it didn't stop you from seeing her 12 times.
They haven't found anything?
They are still analyzing
the video, but no, nothing.
The only thing that looks
You don't distrust.
Because never
I have been distrustful.
That's for sure.
Come on. Let's Dance.
Let's Dance.
You should relax.
But what happened to him,
What happened to you? Is she injured?
Is it ok?
Don't move to the ground!
On your knees, hands up!
It’s not my fault,
It is not my fault.
They wanted to hurt mom, you know?
They wanted to hurt him.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
He's inside, but he doesn't want to talk.
We have to identify it
If we want to find his victim.
Ok, count on me.
I'm in shape.
Are you sure it's ok?
I am very well.
Balthazar, he shouldn't have stayed
With a copy of the video.
How many nights have you been without sleep?
What is he taking?
Anxiolytics, as always.
Why don't you go
a few days with Maya
to rest?
Is that Maya has left,
to New York, she alone.
We have left it.
I Dont Want To Talk About It.
To work. Goodbye, captain.
Well, I'll take you
some samples and then
I will clean your face to see
If you have any injuries below.
Do you understand?
Did you hear me?
That's it
What's your name?
I don't tell him because mom
He won't let me talk to strangers.
Sure, I understand.
But I am not a stranger.
Raphael Balthazar,
I'm a coroner Do you see it?
We already know each other.
What's your name?
Max. It's very pretty, Max.
And now tell me what happened.
They wanted to kill mom
and I had to protect her.
I didn't want to hurt them,
But I had no other choice, you know?
- Do you understand?
- Sure, yes.
Your mother
He's lucky to have you.
And can we locate it?
I will be worried.
No! No!
Sorry. I didn't want to do it.
I didn't want to do it,
It was not on purpose.
No. Sorry, sorry.
Well, I'll be right back.
Only with Max,
It will not be easy to identify.
We have asked to check
the footprints and the DNA,
But it will take time.
And if we want to find
to his victim, we don't have it.
- Is there ?
- I may have something.
I have seen brands
of injections in the arm.
But it's not the junkie classic
That no longer has veins.
It is also right handed, there would be
punctured on the left.
No, these are medical brands,
blood type analysis
or transfusions. Do you know?
And given the amount of punctures
and the color of the bruises
peripherals are recent.
So I would look
In the hospitals.
And given his profile,
I would say that of psychiatry.
You are welcome.
Of course I know him.
Maxime Van Delpen
I entered five years ago.
He ran away today knocking out
to a caretaker
and using his pass.
But we have checked
and it hasn't ripped him off
No one's hair.
Thin, have you heard?
The victim is not from the hospital.
Listen, take some men
and check the route
between the hospital and police station.
You have to find it.
Mr. Fourniol, we have
what to know who attacked,
It is the only way
of locating his victim.
Clear. I'll take
security measures.
This is Dr. Faure,
Our new psychiatrist.
It will be more useful than me. Goodbye
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Follow me.
We will enter the UMD.
What is the UMD?
for difficult patients.
It is for patients
that represent a danger
for themselves or for others.
They bring them here
By court order.
Is our department
more sensitive.
The one that requires
Greater vigilance and security.
And this is where the cell is
by Maxime Van Delpen.
What can you tell us about him?
I arrived three weeks ago,
so I haven't been with him much.
But according to your history,
had not committed
an aggressive act in several years.
Since I attacked
to your hall neighbor,
in an acute delusional state
five years ago
What happened?
Maxime was convinced
I wouldn't let him talk
with his mother and ripped him
the scalp
The press nicknamed him and Indian.
The poor man
survived but suffered
important physical sequels.
- And his mother?
- He killed himself.
20 years ago Maximea was 8.
He discovered the body.
That psychological trauma
so important I thought
a complete break
between him and society.
A derealization.
Since then, he has lived
as if she were here
with him by his side.
It is about
of a pathological prolongation
that manifests
with visual hallucinations,
auditory hallucinations,
The patient cannot differentiate
between her presence
and that of those
They really surround him.
It is completely unbalanced.
And it is possible that he attacked
to someone who imagined it was
a danger to his mother?
Like his neighbor five years ago.
Yes, exactly.
That has affected you
of the pathological duel, huh, friend?
Do we know each other?
Do you not remember me?
My father-in-law shot me
The day of my wedding.
In full waltz.
To these too
you opened them in the channel,
Did you forget it?
You are good at compartmentalizing.
Hi Raph. How are you
are you going with the majaretas?
Great. I pass it bomb.
And you?
Very good.
On the scalp
we have found pollen
from Quercus Myrsinifolia.
It is an oak with leaves
of mirsina, native of Asia.
And it's weird around here.
How weird?
Well weird,
Very very rare, very rare.
So much that there is only
twenty specimens in France
and only one
in the region of Paris.
In the Vall�e-aux-Loups park
in Ch�tenay-Malabry.
- Already, can you specify more?
- Yes.
Thanks to the earth
that was in his shoes,
we have an area
of potential search.
In a residential neighborhood
from Sceaux.
Good job.
I will tell Captain Bach.
Wait. And ask if we can
stay the scalp.
It’s for Fatim,
I think he misses his hair.
Good morning
- They're all dead.
- Everyone?
How many are they?
The entire Besnard family.
Father, mother, son, grandmother
They lived here for years.
No background,
It was a normal family.
They were killed at four
and it was exactly
in the same way.
A single wound in the abdomen,
of white weapon.
As a result of this, they died
by massive internal hemorrhage.
- I would say that of the aorta.
- What about the hair?
The scalp thing
Performed peri-mortem.
- Slim, peri-mortem?
- What?
Peri-mortem, you know it
What is peri-mortem?
Oh yes, it's a periscope
That is dead.
A few minutes before
or just after death.
Why did he take Grandma's
and not that of the others?
The truth, I don't know.
It will remind him of his mother.
Long gray hair
Who knows
Fuck, it's like in Psychosis.
As for the chronology
of the deaths,
and given body temperature,
the lightnesses
and the cadaverous stiffness,
I killed Grandma first.
And then he brought her
to this chair and I felt it.
An hour later,
The parents arrived.
I have found some injuries
in the forearms of the father.
So I attacked
To the mother first.
She must have shouted.
The father intervened.
At least I tried.
No success.
And the son was inside the closet.
I have found
drops of blood inside.
I stabbed him
and then brought it here.
Do you think I acted alone?
Of course.
Nothing suggests
That there was someone else.
OK. All right.
The uncle escaped from the hospital
and traveled 30 kilometers
To kill them.
So there has to be
Some link with this family.
You have to investigate everything
and find out why he attacked them
specifically to them.
Very good.
That is what you have to do.
I better not tell you the cut.
And I promised them
so happy.
The aunt goes and tells me:
Ah, you are not you are not very skilled,
To be a coroner.
And then he laughed, in plan:
Jiji, how good is my joke.
So I said:
Well, you're not very aesthetic,
To be an esthetician.
Nor was it for so much,
but if you saw the face he put on
Well, buddy,
What can I do to help you?
You seem to be dusty.
No, not anymore.
I'm fine
You already know what they say:
Friendship is enriched
With the losses of love.
Don't fuck me
Come now.
It is one of the three
Proverbs that you know, right?
I didn't know you liked them
The proverbs
Clear. But you trust too much
of appearances, Baltha
It's late. I have to go now.
Goodbye, friend. Thanks for coming.
Come on. You are strong.
You will get over it.
And here you have me if you need me.
We have the link between Maxime
and the Besnard family.
Tell me
The Besnards have been
host family
the last 20 years.
Including one Julie Lopez.
Internship in the same hospital
than Maxime.
Let me guess.
�We have to go back and interrogate
Julie Lopez?
Do you have a problem?
Let's say I don't like it very much
the environment.
I can go without you if you want.
No, it doesn't matter. See you there.
All right.
Yes, Captain, I have arrived.
- Now I go out ..
- Ok, I wait for her.
What, doctor? Do you remember?
Let's see
2010. Work accident.
Who are you talking to?
With myself.
- With yourself?
- Yes, with me, I like it.
Unless there is someone invisible.
Ya, the psychiatrist
He will take us with Julie Lopez.
Julie, can you hear me?
Julie, can you look at me?
I'm in front of you.
Hello Julie.
I am Dr. Balthazar.
I came with Captain Bach,
We have to ask you something.
Can you talk to me?
What medication do you have?
Haloperidol If not,
It is uncontrollable and dangerous.
Especially for her.
Lately it hits
head against the walls
and scratched his face.
If we don't sedate it, it doesn't stop.
I'm sorry, captain,
But we will not get anything.
Julie! Julie, still!
Get him out! Come on!
Julie, calm down!
We need help!
Come on! Calm down, please.
Nothing happens. Nothing happens.
Calm down. Breathe
Calm down.
- Does it take a long time?
- She was admitted 10 years ago.
I was 19.
I tried to kill his family
of welcome, the Besnard.
And are they still in touch?
No, my predecessor
I finished with the visits.
She said
I didn't paint anything here.
Dr. Faure, I need
Sign the recipe for 12.
Thank you.
Julie tried to kill
to your host family
and interned for it.
What reinforced hate
I felt for them.
Would you send Max to avenge her?
Is it possible?
When it is not sedated,
She is a very intelligent patient.
Maxime is fragile
and influenceable.
Maybe she manipulated it.
It was enough to know
What keys to press.
For example, telling
that the Besnards
They were going to hurt their mother.
2013. Shooting in a club
of exchange of couples.
How does it say?
No, nothing.
Can you move your car, please?
It's in the middle
and it seems to me that it hinders people.
They are talking to him.
�You can move your car,
- Yes, of course. Sorry.
- Thank you.
If Julie influenced him,
It will cost us to prove it.
And he doesn't run another risk
To remain locked.
Call the prosecutor to find out
What are you going to do with Maxime.
Call me
when I finish the report
of the autopsy
from the Besnard family.
- All right.
- Balthazar?
I won't have to come back here.
Julie shattered our lives.
I locked myself
in the basement for hours.
He told me he was going to kill
to my parents and to force me to look.
It was a great relief
when they took her away
But it is not enough.
We tried.
But it always ended badly.
One day, he pulled on the roof
and broke his right arm.
To say we hit her.
They had him
You put a metal plate.
He had a scar on his arm,
You saw it in his record.
Julie took my hand
in his room.
With the right hand.
He had no scar.
He did everything to make us
Go through monsters.
He succeeded several times.
That girl was bad,
But it was ready.
Quite like
to exchange for another.
Yes, Balthazar?
Captain, they have tricked us.
The person in the cell is not her.
Julie is elsewhere.
On freedom.
Miss, can you hear me?
It is important.
We know it's not Julie Lopez.
We have to find her.
Is it urgent to know?
with the painkillers he has taken,
it will take about 12 hours
in recovering.
Take her to the hospital and call me
As soon as I can speak.
There has to be some clue here.
What is this?
No thanks.
This is
the psychiatrist's signature!
It's Julie Lopez!
It was the first day
of the new psychiatrist.
You were your first visit.
He immediately realized
that he had a vague similar
with her, right?
I was waiting for him.
So it got on top
and disfigured it.
So, I stole his robe, the pass,
the glasses, the money
and locked her in her cell.
I'm going to take them off, they bother me.
Ah, the bun too.
Throws me.
He managed to impersonate her.
The staff still didn't know her.
I managed to fool everyone.
And kept Audrey
always high
To keep her quiet
I was all thinking.
Even his family from Canada.
We found the messages
I sent them,
So they don't worry.
I could have been like that
long time.
But his signature has betrayed her.
I don't know if he notices,
but I've been 10 years
in this hospital 10 years
And I just cut myself
the bangs, put on carmine
and glasses
and nobody recognized me.
They invited me to coffee,
they laughed at my jokes
So there is no reason
So it is hospitalized.
The sociopaths
They perform very well.
There, the great phrases.
Why did he do it?
It will be a joke, right?
I've been locked up for 10 years now.
I wanted to get fresh air.
I thought it was
to manipulate Maxime
and that he would kill his whole family.
But what do you think?
What am I going to cry
screaming is it true?
- It would be fine, yes.
- And why would I do it?
We know you always wanted
Kill your family.
That's why they interned her, right?
And today has finally succeeded.
Show it.
He is right.
We can not prove it.
If we don't do it,
Only Maxime will bear the blame.
Balthazar, eh! Can you hear me?
Yes Always, captain.
Julie Lopez Can you do something?
I am not a psychiatrist.
Well, let's see if we can think of anything.
It is stopped.
I don't know, maybe I can press it,
make him make a mistake or
Girls like her don't commit
mistakes. I will not commit it.
He has made them kill
Four people Four!
I promise nothing!
Golf game that will degenerate.
2013. Accidental drowning.
Screw unscrewed.
Sabotaged material.
Passionate crime
Hi, Miss Lopez.
I have come to examine it.
Are you sure?
Because he doesn't have a good face.
I've been hospitalized for a long time
and I know crazy people well.
What's wrong with him?
It is I who must do it
that question, right?
No, I'm fine.
Well i mean
that when we finish
our little conversation,
I will return to my cell
For my daily routine.
What time is it?
Thank you.
We are both the same.
- Excuse me?
- That we are the same.
When everyone is crazy,
The crazy people are sane.
So will you tell me?
The what?
Why did he want to kill
to your host family.
I am going to propose a game.
Answer your questions
If you answer mine.
You start.
Because I found them .
Stupid and unworthy of breathing
The same air as me.
Not really
it was because they forced me to give myself
Cold showers to calm me down.
No, because they condemned me
to live in 9 square meters.
And if you ask my psychiatrist,
I will surely say why
they represented the family
that I never had
and that I will never have.
That's it
It’s his turn.
Who are you talking to, doctor?
- With nobody.
- Oh no.
This is not played.
I have answered your question,
- answer mine.
- I have done.
Dilated pupils.
Marks and smell
excessive sweating
He is afraid.
What are you afraid of? Who?
No you don't have
fear of death
- Not even pain.
- Shut up.
How? Is there anyone here?
Well of course.
You are afraid of losing
- and pain.
- Shut up!
Ah, yes.
I know he's very crazy.
I lost Lise.
And you fear that it will begin again.
Because you are to blame!
I said shut up, fuck!
Do you know?
Here the canteen is not bad.
We could be cell neighbors.
Is there anyone here?
So then
I know he's crazy.
You are the one who is crazy!
You killed that family!
You should feel guilty,
but you can't because you don't have
the right connections
in that fucking brain!
Do you understand what I am telling you? No?
It's not complicated.
It is not very complicated to understand!
- Balthazar. Call yourself! Call yourself!
- Get me up, let me go!
You are completely tared!
Tell me what time is it?
What has that been?
- Nothing nothing. It was nothing.
- Of course I do.
It has been nothing!
I'm sorry, captain, are you?
I know, I do.
I'm fine. Very good.
When I was a resident, you are
I do not care about them
Your stories of residents.
What matters to me is that I put
My research is in danger.
- Tell me the truth. What's wrong with him?
- I told him the truth!
I'm not a psychiatrist!
I don't know how to make talk
That woman, is that clear?
I'm sorry,
But we have a problem.
Ask the time every two minutes.
He is waiting for something.
There is something that escapes us.
I don't know what, but I feel it!
There is something I would like to understand,
why did you keep playing
to the psychiatrists in the hospital
after Maxime
He will kill the Besnards.
It could have disappeared,
But he did not.
Because it's not just Maxime.
Maybe he has manipulated several,
To kill someone else.
But who?
We need the patient list
who have been with Julie
in the last 15 days.
Julie never forgave the Besnards
for having admitted her.
Responsible for their destiny,
But they won't be the only ones.
The order of internment
A doctor's signature, right?
It was done in the frame
of an emergency procedure.
It would be the psychiatrist who signed it.
Wow It's Jean Fourniol.
The head of the department.
- It's the next goal!
- Fuck, let's go!
Don't even think about it,
It is not fit.
I've had a lot of things
but not this one
Go home!
May I go home?
Pray for us,
Holy Virgin
Now and in the hour
- Tell me?
- Mr. Fourniol? I'm thin.
We believe it is the following.
If he is in his office,
close the door.
Yes, yes, okay, okay.
Have you locked?
There is a problem,
I can't find her.
I can't find the key.
Then block it
with a piece of furniture, whatever!
But Mr. Fourniol.
Lock the door!
- OK OK.
- Right now we are going.
Mr. Fourniol?
Mr. Fourniol!
Can you hear me, Mr. Fourniol?
Leakage alert!
Leakage alert!
Leakage alert!
I'm covered in your blood
You can't see me anymore.
And now I will kill you.
I will kill you to release
To all tied souls.
All tied souls,
all tied souls,
all souls
Still! Still!
Barth�l�my, drop the knife.
Get it out right now!
No, the Virgin has told me.
- It's the devil.
- Barth�l�my, it wasn't the Virgin
- who spoke to you.
- Yes! It was her!
- She was very pretty. Very pretty.
- Do not.
- Glowing.
- No no no.
She is a woman who is sick
and her name is Julie Lopez.
I manipulated you, okay?
Me, it's not the devil.
Barth�l�my, listen to me,
Put the knife down.
He told me you would say that.
What were you going to try
The Virgin is always right.
He is always right.
He is always right.
He always has it.
- Ave Maria
- No, Barth�l�my!
Barth�l�my, still!
Are you sure you don't want to talk?
There is nothing to say.
I saved an innocent. That's it.
Nothing happens.
How is the psychiatrist?
He is recovering.
But it's still not right.
And Julie?
The hospital change
and they will give you another treatment.
And that is all?
Yes, it is everything.
Come on, there is something.
If we are here,
It's because you know it.
Get connected, Balthazar!
We are all with you.
To help you.
It's because you don't trust
in no one, Balthazar.
Not in your loved ones.
They always betray us.
My killer You know him.
Come on, you will find it.
It is not there. Put it on fast.
Concentrate, Raph.
You have already seen that detail.
You saw something
very small.
Come on come on
That's. That watch.
Do you know him. You've seen.
Oh, wow. It's late.
I have to go now.
It was not a robbery. I let him in.
We thought it was Sarlat.
But it wasn't him.
He was someone I knew.
What did you know?
Raphael, you said
That could be a doctor.
You can't escape me.
I am your conscience.
Your brain. Remember!
Remember now!
You trust too much
of appearances.
Do you know why?
haven't you wanted to see it before?
Do you know it?
Because that would mean that I
I introduced you to your murderer.
Hi, this is the answering machine
Dr. Margueritte's automatic,
I'm sorry,
But I am not available.
IML, good morning.
Good morning, I want to talk to
Dr. Margueritte, please.
Now it is not,
Do you want to leave a message?
Tell him he has called you
Dr. Balthazar.
Rapha Balthazar?
Yes, it is.
Dr. Margueritte
He has left a message.
By Eng. Ali Al Mansouri
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