Band of Brothers s01e05 Episode Script


lf you're a leader, you lead the way.
Not just on the easy ones.
You take the tough ones too.
A good leader has to understand the people that are under him.
understand their needs.
their desires or how they think a little bit.
He always made the right decisions along the way.
He was a real soldier.
Some of the officers.
l don't think l'd follow them into water.
But he was one of the best.
He went right in there and he didn't-- He never thought of not being first.
or sending somebody in his place.
l don't know how he survived.
But he did.
Lew? Wake up.
They want us back at Regiment.
Come on Nix, get up.
Let's go.
-Something's up.
-l'll be right down.
-You got 1 0 minutes.
-Go away.
Come on.
Let's go.
-Leave me alone.
-Come on.
-Damn it! That's my own piss, for chrissake! Son of a bitch.
We're the only unit that's got the Germans on their side of the Rhine.
lf we'd taken Antwerp.
we'd be well-supplied and have the Krauts on their heels.
lf l can just get lke on the phone.
Are you listening? Hanging on every word.
-Moose, you too? -Yeah, Sink's not happy.
Nixon, Heyliger.
Colonel Dobie, British 1 st Airborne.
Nixon is our S2.
That's 1 st Lt.
The Brits lost 8000 men when Market Garden fell.
which is why Colonel Dobie has to coordinate a rescue.
for the troops who are trapped.
Dutch Resistance are hiding .
outside a town north of the river.
They'll assemble in the woods.
Pick a team and get them across the Rhine.
-1 40 men? -The Canadians have supplied six boats.
The rendezvous point is landable.
l swam it last night.
At 0030, they'll signal V for victory with a hand-held red torch.
That'd be a red flashlight.
Operation Pegasus.
Assist Colonel Dobie.
lf you need anything, come to me.
l can't ask for more.
You didn't endorse the Market Garden report.
or the TO&E.
Why? -l'll have them at CP 1 300, sir.
l want an inventory on material the British 43rd left.
Rations, supplies.
Yes, sir.
l need your report on that operation.
-Yes, sir.
-Light a fire under it.
We asked for this yesterday.
A day late and a dollar short.
Enemy maps in the S2.
Let's look at that.
There's 1 00 of them? This is it, boys.
They have to get across the river and over the dyke.
-That's a lot to cover.
-Where do we go? You, Hashey? You get the penthouse.
Thank you.
We're up top.
-How bad does it get? -You'll find out.
-That's a lot of ground.
-Couple of regular Gl Joes.
You said it.
Come on.
New guys giving the replacements the what-for and why-is.
-l swear one of them has never shaved.
This is a hell of a dog, Tab.
-There you go.
-What'd you call it, Tab? -Trigger.
-That's good, l like that.
-Got anything? -lt's quiet.
-Penetration! -Alley's hurt! All right, get him on the table.
lt's Alley.
l got this.
Alley, you're gonna be okay.
-Get Doc Roe.
-Where am l? What happened? -Where was it? -Crossroads.
-lt was because of your loud mouth! -Back off! Send for Lieutenant Welsh.
Assemble a squad.
Weapons and ammo only! Let's go, let's go! Get the boots off and elevate the leg.
Liebgott, use the sulfur.
Let's get this done quickly.
We gotta move.
Hey, Alley.
-MG42? -Yeah.
What are they shooting at? What's down there? Headquarters.
That's three miles away.
Why reveal position? -Not as smart as me and you? -l'll check it out anyway.
-Hold here.
Wait for my signal.
-Yes, sir.
Holding here.
l'm waiting for a signal.
This is our fallback position.
Mortars, deploy here.
Go! Second on the right.
First on the right.
Third on the right.
Nail the machine gun.
Second on the left.
First on the left.
Wait for my signal.
-Prepare to fire.
-Two rounds, ain't she quick? -Fall back! -Fire.
Fire! Higgins! Handful of Krauts, on the dyke, 1 2 o'clock! -How many Krauts are left? -l don't know.
But we got seven in one blow.
Bring on Boyle and Perconte.
Go! Come on, fall back! Suppressing fire! Suppressing fire! Hashey, Garcia, follow me! Tell Peacock to bring the balance of 1 st Platoon! And another machine gun squad.
Dukeman! Go get that machine gun on the right flank.
Go! Christenson! Fuck! Dukeman's down.
Sir, the balance of 1 st Platoon is here.
Gordon and More brought another .
30 cal.
Sir? They're behind a solid embankment.
We're in a ditch.
They can outflank us along the dyke as soon as they figure it out.
-How many Krauts are there? -There's a ferry crossing here.
so it could be a whole battalion.
What are your orders? We got no choice.
Talbert, you'll take Peacock, take 1 0 along the left flank.
l'll take 1 0 up the middle.
Questions? Go.
-l don't know why l'm still doing this.
-What, drinking? No, hiding it in your footlocker.
l'm a captain, for chrissake.
Well, why don't you.
? Why don't you just give it up? -Drinking? -No.
Hiding it in my footlocker.
You're a captain, for Pete's sake.
Maybe this is the place to stop drinking.
Right here on the business end of the Allied advance.
That's not literature, just keep it simple.
Try using the first person plural.
Say ''we'' a lot.
Thanks for the tip.
Fix bayonets.
Go on the red smoke.
No! Wait for the signal! Jesus.
Come on, pour it on! Shoot your targets! Let them have it! Come on, boys! Four.
Holy shit! -lt's a whole other company! -No shit! Easy Beaver to Easy Minor! Reinforce Easy at phase one yellow! Plus one, strike three.
Fire concentration Charlie.
Drop 200, left 1 00.
Repeat, plus one, strike three! Fire concentration Charlie.
Drop 200, left 1 00! Krauts in the open! Fire for effect! Over! -What's he saying? -He says they're Polish.
There are no Poles in the SS! Move! Jesus Christ! Oh, shit! -Send Lightning a report.
Boyle! -Lightning, Lightning.
Go up and spot the fall of those rounds.
lncoming rounds! Easy Company, take cover! -Boyle's hit! -Jesus Christ, they got me! Take cover! lt's German artillery! Get Boyle, he's down! Come on, help me! Jesus, captain, they're SS.
Joe? -Joe, knock it off.
-Goddamn it, what? -You're hit.
-l'm okay.
Take these prisoners to CP, and get cleaned up.
Yes, sir.
Come on, Kraut boys.
-Joe? -Yeah.
-Drop your ammo.
-What? -You kidding me? -Give me your weapon.
You have one round.
Johnny, how many prisoners are there? Got 1 1 right now, sir.
Drop a prisoner, the rest'll jump you.
l want all prisoners alive.
Yes, sir.
''They got me.
'' You believe that? You believe l said that? -Can you make it back to CP? -Yeah.
l will see you someplace else.
Take these to Battalion.
-And split them up.
-Yes, sir.
All right.
Here you are.
-We had them on the run.
-How's that? They were flooding back when we hit them with artillery.
lt was a turkey shoot.
They hit us with their 88s, zeroed in on this crossroad.
Now we were lucky, though.
Only 22 wounded.
-Captain Winters? -Down there, sir.
All right, carry on.
All right, Krauts.
Twenty-two wounded, huh? You okay? -Yeah.
One killed.
-Who? Dukeman.
You're looking at two full companies of SS.
About 50 dead, probably another 1 00 wounded.
Seven back in the regimental cage, plus a whole string of them up there.
That's not bad for Dukeman.
You got a drink? Of water? Yeah, that's water.
about the same time your SS made a run for my CP.
-Ollie Horton was killed.
-Major Horton's dead? They hit 2nd Battalion CP in force.
He was organizing the defense.
Captain, excuse us just for a minute.
How would you feel about handling a battalion? Sir? You're XO of 2nd Battalion.
Colonel Strayer is.
Well, he could use some help.
l can handle them in the field.
You're a solid tactician and a good leader.
Don't worry about administration.
-Who will be taking over Easy, sir? -Moose Heyliger can command Easy.
-Heyliger would be my choice, sir.
You pack your gear and come on up to Battalion CP.
Like some coffee, sir? -Yeah.
Thanks, doc.
-All right.
Hey, Dick! You finish your novel yet? -That's a lot of homework.
-And l thought XO was a fun job.
-Who are you? -Zielinski, sir.
-Who is he? -Zielinski's my orderly.
Rank has its privileges.
-Orderly? l suppose you get coffee? -Can do, sir.
Black, no sugar.
And a bacon sandwich.
You? Bacon sandwich! Give that to Colonel Sink.
With my compliments.
All that for two pages? Guess that's gonna take a while.
Yeah, it is.
You want a job? There it is.
Wishes he were back in charge of Easy.
You just here to gloat? Just to rub it in.
Moose is leading his first mission.
Operation Pegasus is set to go off.
Yeah, great.
Everybody know their job? We drilled with the boats.
Welsh and the Canadians are coming.
-Dobie's good.
-How many times will you cross? lf there are 1 40 Brits, three trips.
What time is jump-off? -We'll be ready at 01 00.
-Speed is the key.
-Keep moving and lead the way.
Easy's in good hands.
-Yeah, right.
Well, hang tough.
-l could say the same to you.
-Good luck, Moose.
-Are we sure on the intelligence? -Well, l think it's pretty good.
ls Easy walking into another company of Germans? Why don't we ask Moose when he gets back.
Right, yeah.
lf they do run into any trouble, you'll let me know? Yeah.
You run into any bacon sandwich, do the same, all right? Yeah.
-Line secure, sir.
-Fall back into position.
-l got the .
30 cal.
on the left flank.
-Extend it out 1 0 yards.
So, colonel, where are they? -Leicester.
Come on in.
-Welcome back.
-Good to be back.
506 of the 1 01 st Airborne.
l'm so glad to see a bloody Yank.
-Your show, colonel.
-l'll be back shortly.
Go! -Boats are all secure, sir.
-Bull! The Brits are on their way.
Pass the word.
Sir, you missed a signature here.
-Moose Heyliger.
-That's me, sir.
-God bless you.
-We're ready.
Where's the rest of you? l'll get them.
-And here we all are.
-Well, let's go.
-Wahai Mohammed! -Wahai Mohammed! Moose and the American 1 01 st have done the Red Devils a great service.
Making it possible for us to return and fight the enemy another day.
-To Easy Company, victory and Currahee! -Currahee! l was CO only four months.
Before that, Meehan, Sobel.
You were the only combat CO.
And l'm from another company.
You know where they came from and what they've been through.
Hang tough.
Train your new platoon leaders.
Trust your noncoms.
-Halt! -lt's Moose! Hold your fire! Okay, buddy.
Oh, my God.
Send for Lieutenant Welsh.
Stay awake on me, Moose.
Send for Lieutenant Welsh! Okay, okay.
l'm sorry, sir! l'm so sorry! l didn't know.
Jesus Christ! -Where are you from? -Wyoming.
You're a long way from home.
-Stretcher! -You give him morphine? -How much? -Can't remember.
Two, three Syrettes.
-Were you trying to kill him?! -l think it was two.
lt might be important to know the dosage! l don't see one Syrette on his jacket! -He's a big man.
Maybe he has a chance.
-We didn't know.
You are officers, you are grownups, you ought to know! All right, let's go! Come on, move it! -Once more.
-About face! Forward, march! Easy still has only 65 percent strength, most are replacements.
including their new CO.
How's Lt.
Dike doing? The guys are calling him ''Foxhole Norman.
'' They're talking mid-March action.
Train them 3 months, go into Berlin, end it.
The only thing holding Easy together is the NCOs.
Sir, Sergeant Guarnere is here.
-Look what just came in.
-The daredevil.
-Hi, captain.
-Welcome back.
-Never thought you'd be behind a desk.
-Someday, he'll sit behind it.
l'm AWOL from the hospital.
Hope that won't cause trouble.
-Would you care if it did? -Not a bit, sir.
Got a letter for you here from Moose.
Lieutenant Heyliger, sir.
-He's recovering, but it'll be tough.
-Thanks, Bill.
There's gonna be a football game? Those guys in the 502nd? -Oh, yeah, Christmas Day.
-Great! Skytrain boys.
Can't wait.
-Well, l'll just go find some trouble.
-You do that.
-Hey, Bill? -Sir.
No more joy riding, right? Anybody ever heard of a little joint called Lulu's? Got me.
l'll just ask around.
Well, l guess now is as good a time as any.
l don't wanna see another paper.
General Taylor's in Washington.
General McAuliffe's in charge.
-Sink is in Rheims to see Dietrich.
-Marlene Dietrich? l'm going to Rheims.
Strayer will be in London for another week.
l'm heading to Aldbourne to look up a young lady.
-What are you telling me? -You are headed to Paris.
That's a 48-hour pass.
lt's been decided you need a little civilization.
Bon voyage.
Second that.
-l got two friends in the Airborne.
-Give me a break.
We're all on the same side.
-Marines? -Marines are the toughest bunch going.
-Marines? -Wait a second.
No, the Airborne is as tough as they come.
You should see the basic training.
You know what l did in basic training? l had to eat rats in basic training.
Well, that's the first time.
When I look at you, I see eight or nine of you.
-I'll be all right.
-''Look at me.
l'm John Wayne.
The costume department gave me these Navy whites--'' -Luz, shut up.
-l'm trying to watch this.
-l've seen this film 1 3 times.
-l haven't, so shut up.
-Watch the movie, fine.
-Skip! Come on! -Where you been? -Well, l was at home in Tonawanda.
then Hitler started this, so now l'm here.
-How'd you make out in craps? -Here's the $60 l borrowed.
-You're paying me back? -And a thank-you.
-A tip! -Jesus! -Shut up! -Only $3600 left.
-What'll you do with that? -Blow most of it in Paris.
-Give me a tip.
That climate doesn 't agree with you.
I've been worried about your health.
-Hey, Buck.
-You don 't look well.
How are you feeling? Your wounds heal? All four of them? You seen this before? Buck.
ls it any good? Yeah.
lt's a real corker.
Lip, favorite part.
''Got a penny?'' ''Got a penny?'' ''Got a penny?'' -Got a penny? -Sure.
What? Quiet! -Come on.
-Quiet! l said, quiet! The 1 st and the 6th SS Panzer Divisions broke through in Ardennes.
They overran the 28th lnfantry and the 4th.
Officers, report to respective HQs.
All passes are canceled.
Enlisted men, report to barracks and your platoon leaders.
-Damn, what a day.
Got a light? All right, there you go.
Sir, have you seen Colonel Strayer? -Where's the company commander? -Dike? l'm looking.
How is it the 4th Army's problem gets dumped on us? -Lieutenants.
Captain Winters.
-Dike, l've been looking for you.
We've a problem.
Colonel Strayer hasn't returned.
You believe that? We're going to the front and our CO isn't even here.
You've a bigger problem.
The men don't have winter clothing or enough ammo.
Take a canvass of the entire base.
Get all materials before we roll out.
Have you done that? -No, sir.
-K rations.
As many as you can find.
We might not be resupplied.
-And ammo? -There's no more.
Distribute it as best you can so everybody has something.
lnform Lieutenant Shames of the situation.
Get all your platoons as best equipped as you can and report back.
The blackout's not in effect.
Luftwaffe must be asleep.
What a difference a day makes, huh? -Christ, l miss those C-47s.
-Got a tailgate jump here.
Where are we going with no ammo? Hey, kid, what's your name again? -Suerth.
Suerth Jr.
-Got any ammo, Junior? -Just what l'm carrying.
-What about socks? You got extra? -A pair.
-You need four, minimum.
Feet, hands, neck, balls, extra socks warms them all! We all remember that, but we didn't remember the socks! -l want a cigarette.
-l want ammo and socks.
-l bet Junior's got plenty of both.
-l don't.
-How about a hat? -You got extra ammo? -What about a coat? -Shut up with the coat.
-How about some smokes? -l got that.
-Now you're talking! -Hook me up! Pass them down! Pass them down! Keep moving! Come on! -Go to the left! -Keep coming! Keep it moving! All the way down! Keep moving! All right, 1 5 minutes.
Smoke them if you got them.
-Where the hell are we? -We ain't in hell, it's too damn cold.
Stand back, l been holding this for the last hour! Anybody got any matches? Gather round, guys, gather round.
Wait right here.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome to Belgium.
This area is Bastogne, strategic crossroads town.
Seven roads leading in, seven roads leading out.
ldeal for Kraut armor.
lke wants to make sure they can't use those roads.
We'll put a perimeter around Bastogne, dig in tight.
-2nd Battalion will be placed here-- -Thank God.
Barely made it.
Better get yourself some ODs, Bob.
-Let's roll! -We're short on ammo.
-How short? -Supply was limited.
Captain, you beg, borrow or steal ammo, but you defend this area.
Jesus Christ! -Bill, Don, come here.
Look at this.
-What? Hold on.
Jesus, l'm done.
What the--? -What the hell is going on? -You're going the wrong way.
Hey, pal.
Hey, pal-- What happened? Where are you going? They slaughtered us.
You gotta get out of here.
-We just got here.
-Give me your ammo.
-Take it.
You'll need it.
-Go on, get out of here.
Holy Christ.
-Who's got ammo? -Got ammo? Hold on, give me your ammo.
You got any grenades? Hand them over.
-You got grenades? -Thanks, buddy.
Got any grenades? Who's got grenades? Private, what do you got? Make a hole! Make a hole! Make a hole! l got ammo! Grab what you can! Lieutenant, you're a godsend.
What's the situation? l heard you were coming.
There was an ammo dump.
-ls it just you guys in the 1 01 st? -Looks like.
-What hit you? -Everything.
The Krauts had Tigers, Panthers.
SPs, Stukas.
Arty and infantry just kept on coming.
-What's your name? -George Rice, 1 0th Armor.
-Good work.
-Got any more mortar rounds, sir? l'll make another run, but don't count on it.
Thank you, sir.
l'll take this.
A panzer division's about to cut the road south.
-Looks like you'll be surrounded.
-We're paratroopers.
we're supposed to be surrounded.
-Good luck.

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