Bandish Bandits (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

A Separation

Chocolate fudge praline!
I always drown my
sorrows in this big drum.
Come on, scoop it up, girl.
- You're engrossed in that laptop again.
- Dad
I've said this before.
You can't take these
trolls so seriously.
You know what they say
They trolled you because
they can't be you.
Even I don't want to be me.
Don't doubt your talent.
What talent?
Singing with auto-tune.
- Listen to me.
- No, you listen to me!
You've always glorified
my half baked success.
And dismissed my failures.
Even if I sang nursery rhymes
you would talk about
giving me the Grammy.
If I ever got hurt,
you would give me ice cream.
If the teacher scolded me,
you made me change school.
And when Mom left us
Let's go on holiday.
Dad, now I am so
delusional that
I don't know what's real anymore.
Dad, I know you were
trying to protect me.
I wish you would've just said once,
that you're not good enough.
Try a little harder.
Let's face it, Dad.
I am just a performer.
Not a singer.
And no amount of chocolate
fudge praline can change that.
Radhe, take your sacred thread off.
Panditji, you can punish
me in any way you want
I will even go through
the sanctification again.
But please don't
take away the thread.
Atonement is when you make mistakes,
not when you cheat.
- Take your sacred thread off.
- No.
Please don't take my thread.
Panditji, I made a big mistake.
I am the one who made a mistake,
so I deserved to be punished.
I hereby renounce
my music and my voice.
I shall never speak again.
What have I done?
everyone's out for my blood. Alright.
In fact, there's so
much pressure on me, that
if I shove some coal up my ass,
I'll get diamonds.
What's the plan?
There is no plan.
No Great.
Then let's make a plan.
Let's make a fucking plan, right.
I mean you may never sing again.
Arghya, maybe I don't
want to sing again.
Sorry sir.
Triple shot cappuccino
with almond milk.
Sir, I've spoken with
Tamanna and she's set.
- She's onboard.
- Let it be.
We're doing this as
a favor to her mother.
I called you here for Radhe.
Talk to Radhe
Convince him to meet with Brad.
And Tamanna?
- Who cares about Tamanna?
- I do.
Since when did you get so
emotional about your job, Arghya?
Pop stars like Tamanna
come and go every day.
Tamanna is not going anywhere, sir.
She is a very talented artist.
I know she's going
through a rough phase but
I genuinely feel
that she is the best choice
to collaborate with Queen Eli.
This is an impossible
dream of a stupid artist.
But don't worry.
Just do as you're being told.
I don't pay you to think.
Sir, magic happens when stupid
artists see impossible dreams.
But you see you don't
even drink real milk
so I can't expect
you to recognize real talent.
Will running away
solve your problems?
I am the trouble.
I betrayed Panditji, and
I couldn't be with Tamanna
when she needed me the most.
I ruined everything, mother.
Are you going to run
from your problems now?
Learn to handle your problems.
I can even give my
life for this family.
But how can I defeat Digvijay now
Who will help me to prepare?
The one who defeated
Panditji 26-years-ago.
In those days singing on
the same platform as Panditji was
itself a huge achievement for me.
But Goddess of knowledge blessed
me with her grace
and I defeated Panditji that day.
I was the first Queen
of Music of Jodhpur.
Panditji asked for my hand
in marriage for your father.
And I became his daughter-in-law.
Welcome to the Rathore family, dear.
But from today you must
promise me to renounce your music.
And do your duty as
a daughter-in-law, a wife
and later that of a mother.
And I've been abiding
by that promise to date.
You start preparing from tomorrow.
Can I get a day?
I am sorry, Tamanna.
I should have been here with you.
Please forgive me.
I love you, Tamanna.
I love you too.
We can't be together.
I mean
I am responsible for
the rift in your family.
And I cannot do anything without you.
That's why we need
each other the most now.
Can't you see we're
not good for each other?
Panditji isn't speaking.
Your family is in danger,
and you're here.
As for me, Radhe,
my self-esteem is over.
I am beginning to feel that
I cannot do anything on my own.
And I must emerge from it on my own.
This collaboration was beautiful.
We must go our separate ways.
I think you should go.
And if you really love me
then don't text or call me.
Please don't make this
any harder than it already is.
You haven't eaten anything.
You once made me renounce my music
in order to abide by my duties
but now I must return to
that world in order to do my duty.
I am taking this step without
your consent and I apologize.
But I must help Radhe prepare
for the upcoming competition.
Forget all this.
Mother Mom
Panditji clearly said that there
is only one way to defeat Digvijay
and that's the
confluence of two ragas.
Learn to trust your abilities, Radhe,
and not on Digvijay's weaknesses.
What is the specialty of our family?
So the emotion behind every
song you sing should be yours
and not Panditji's
or Digvijay's, or mine.
Your emotions, your song,
We'll start your preparations by
trying to find the singer inside you.
Panditji, what are you
My maid's on leave.
So come over to my
place and rehearse too.
Stay in your limits, Panditji.
You're going to wash clothes today.
Only five months to
go to the competition.
And for the last 15 days, I've
been doing everything except singing.
Doing the laundry, sweeping, dancing,
cutting vegetables, and now this
What is all this, mother?
Dancing makes you
understand the beats.
When your feet start
to understand the beats
then all the tones
start falling in place.
There's a rhythm in
everything in this world.
If you want to learn music
then you must try to find the tone,
rhythm, and beat in everything you do.
Then the emotion behind
every song will be yours.
Thank you.
I am glad to see that when it comes
to aesthetics, you've taken after me.
And not Harsh.
Look, I am sorry for everything.
Why did you do it?
Why did you get me JP's contract?
Because I knew how much
you wanted to sing with Queen Eli.
- And it was in my power to help you.
- I just don't get you.
All my life you
made me feel mediocre.
And now you made my dreams come
true even when I didn't ask for it.
What does this mean?
Charity? Guilt?
What did you want to do?
I was being a mother.
I saw potential in
you so I pushed you.
And I kept pushing
you till I just pushed you away.
Anyway, there's no point
in telling you my sad story
about what I had
to go through when
I left my marriage and my
only daughter behind.
But I've always loved you.
And I always fuck it
up when I love someone.
I am sorry.
It was easy for me to have a villain
in my life and motivate myself.
But you ruined that too.
Thank you for trying.
You always loved singing.
And you were actually good.
Harsh and I couldn't
even sing a word in rhythm.
Sometimes we wondered whether
you got exchanged at the hospital.
Remember this.
I brought this along
to emotionally manipulate you.
The commode used to be your stage
and the faucet
used to be your mic.
You should've known
back then that I was shit.
I know you feel like shit right now.
But trust me, as you get older,
life gets even worse.
Crying only gives you dark circles.
What you need is a change of scene.
Why don't you come work with me
at Accord for sometime?
You understand the millennials.
You can write articles.
No, Mom.
It's really sweet of you, but
I cannot take any more help from you.
I am not helping you,
I am just trying to distract you.
And don't worry
I'll see to it that you're
overworked and underpaid.
By the way, the coffee is shit.
I'll make some.
50 million-plus views
on the masked man's video.
But sir is a Padmashree holder.
At the age of 21, he made
two videos and became a millionaire.
And this is the King
of Music competition
not some TV reality show.
Only the best singer will win here.
Not the most popular one.
Do you really think
Panditji is stupid?
He himself chose Radhe
instead of Viju sir.
Yes. And understand one more thing.
Till the yesterday 40
paise was sir's rate.
But today it's 25 paise.
Do you know why?
- Why?
- Because Panditji is shit-scared.
He's stopped talking.
Now Radhe's mother is teaching
him how to cut vegetables.
And no one's ever
heard this woman sing
you think she can make
your masked man the King of Music.
Sorry you were looking so sexy
while sleeping, that I couldn't resist.
Is Tamanna here too?
No, sweetheart, it's just me today.
Don't be so disappointed.
People are crazy about me.
I had to get 11 restraining
orders in my life.
Arghya, what are you doing here?
I want to represent you.
The Masked Man is over
Did I say I want to
represent the Masked man?
No. I want to represent you.
Radhe Rathore Junior.
Marry me.
I don't want to sign
any contract with JP
nor am I interested
in fusion music.
I was only doing it for Tamanna.
Fuck JP, man. I dumped them.
I want to help you
win the competition.
You cannot win in
the existing format.
Thank you.
Don't be so disappointed.
You know your voice
gives me a hard-on.
But I've been stalking your uncle.
And he's like Panditji
had sex with Pavarotti.
So you have to play it smart, right.
And that's where I come in.
I don't need any of this.
So please Arghya
Every Arjun needs his Krishna.
Let me help you win.
Single-handedly keeping
a traditional art form alive
you deserve a Gem of India award.
It's a small kingdom, and the
families come together to celebrate.
- It's a very intimate affair.
- Exactly
Small intimate
The whole the country should
know about this, Your Highness.
The whole fucking country!
I mean take Radhe for instance,
the Masked Man.
He is huge.
His following in the youth is insane.
I mean look at his fan following.
Basically, your next King of Music event
you have the opportunity
to make it bigger.
It can be a game-changer.
I understand what
you're saying, Arghya.
But the competition
has its own identity.
And I don't want to
taint its purity and legacy.
If this art form is not taken
to the youth of this nation
it will go extinct,
like this reindeer.
It's a royal stag.
Patato-Potato whatever.
I mean we won't
do it during the day.
We will do it at night.
Lighting, setting, beautiful.
Social media across social media.
We'll invite the media.
Live streaming.
We'll get satellite deals.
It will be the works.
Pardon me, Your Highness.
It shouldn't look like
we're turning it into a business.
Your Highness,
you could go down in history
as the king who saved
Indian Classical Music.
This year there will be
three rounds in the competition.
First Round, Instrumental Round.
Second Round, Emotion
Round where the competitions
will choose one of the nine
emotions and present their rendition.
And you're well aware
of the third round
This year we're streaming
live on YouTube and Instagram.
And our judges will be
three masters of classical music.
That's our King of
Music Competition 2.0
This is good. This is good.
This will help us.
The two new rounds will
give us an opportunity to win.
We can prepare to win.
I was thinking if we use
the Devlin for instrumental round.
I mean the audelin,
then that will be right.
Good idea, uncle.
I love the Devlin's sweet tune,
but it's not an original instrument.
Why don't you play the Sarangi?
And I was thinking I should
speak with Chauhan ji for the Tabla.
Chauhan teaches at Digvijay's school.
I will talk to Alok.
Why don't you play the
pakhawaj this time?
Don't be foolish.
It's been 12 years since I even
touched the pakhawaj.
But Panditji always
said that you're the best.
Yes, brother. It's a good idea.
My hand's shiver.
Mohini, tell him.
He's right.
One never forgets to
recognize the beat and rhythm.
Try to understand, son.
One needs a good partner
to win the competition.
Right now we just
need one another, father.
Because only we know that this isn't
about winning just the competition.
It's about saving our family.
Yes, ma'am.
You remember I said your
cousin couldn't work here
because this isn't Bollywood
and I am against nepotism.
- Yes.
- Good.
Meet Tamanna. My daughter.
She'll be working here,
starting today.
Introduce her to the bloggers.
Masked man.
Was that you singing or shivering?
Stillness in every condition.
Now practice.
Learn to master your tones
from your throat and not your jaws.
The purer your rendition,
the more effective.
Maybe you never loved her, Radhe.
I think you should
choose another emotion.
You cannot master romance, Radhe.
Mother, did you meet Digvijay?
Yes, he was asking
about Panditji's health.
Sister-in-law has made
your favorite sweet porridge.
Don't worry, this isn't for you.
I am going to take
advantage of your situation.
I sing radio jingles.
Barkha umbrellas, Chirag Saree
"Can turn Mona into Meena."
"Chirag Saree."
Imbibes culture in you.
Such music advertisements.
And your older song,
Rajender Rathore
had mortgaged this manor and
borrowed 100 million from the bank
in order to build a music school.
But the builder ran
away with the money
and the music school
could never materialize
and this manor was on
the verge of being auctioned.
Radhe wanted to prepare only
for the King of Music competition.
But in order to save this manor
he sang for everyone from
birthdays to memorial services.
At an age when children
splurge their parent's money
this boy took on such
a huge responsibility, Panditji.
I admit he made some mistakes.
Even we made mistakes.
And you did too.
The home is safe.
But now we must save our family.
And we're all preparing for this
battle, together.
If you don't want to be a
part of this battle, then so be it.
But the least you can
do is give him your blessings.
He loves you a lot.
It will give him some strength.
Don't forget to eat the porridge.
It's delicious.
The King of Music Competition this
year is going to be very interesting.
In this corner is Digvijay Rathore
who has left an
impression worldwide.
And made Indian Music proud.
And in the other corner is Radhe
Rathore who is just 22-years-old.
Aka the Masked Man
who has made the entire
world a fan of
his voice without
stepping out of Rajasthan.
So what can I comment
for these two masters?
So I open the
house for questions.
Yes, we'll take some questions.
One at a time,
please one at a time.
Yes, ma'am in the white.
Radhe, why did you
take off your mask?
I didn't want to
but someone made me.
Maybe he was jealous
of my popularity.
Radhe what was the reason
for the breakup of Bandish Bandits?
This is not the right
time to talk about it.
Yes, the guy in the checkered shirt.
Digvijay sir, my question is for you.
Are you regretting
challenging a successful
internet viral sensation like him?
The competition will decide
who is going to regret in the end.
Even flu gets viral.
This competition isn't about views
it's about the voice.
Radhe, my question is for you.
What do you expect
from this competition?
To win.
You're looking good.
Radhe, there is still time.
You should step down
from the competition.
Are you threatening me because
you are scared of the questions?
I am not threatening you.
I am just saving you
from public humility.
If you lose,
Mohini will be devastated.
And I can never see Mohini like this.
Why are you so concerned
about my mother?
Mohini and I were in love.
Much more you can fathom.
We're ready?
Yes, sir.
Sir, back-to-back.
Here Like this.
- Radhe. Please just turn around.
- Like that.
Yeah. Just turn on.
Please. Thank you.
- Like this. Back-to-back.
- Okay.
Back-to-back. Good.
Keep a low angle, bro.
This should look larger than life.
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