Banshee Origins (2013) s02e07 Episode Script

Webisode 7 - The Priest

Banshee Origins 2x07 - "The Priest" TEN YEARS AGO Bless me father, for I've sinned.
We are an eastern orthodox church.
- we do not hear a confession.
- That's a shame.
- So how you repent? - Oh, it depends.
If you've sinned against God, then that's between you and him.
If you've sinned against your fellow man, well that's between him and you.
And what about you, Father? Do priests sin? Every day.
You're a cop.
Is it that obvious? On a certain point, when we are suited to our professions what we do becomes who we are.
Oh I like that, I do.
So you know who I am.
I'm not so sure to figure out who you are.
The black robes usually give it away.
- There is no smoking in here.
- Hm that's just a rule and we pick and choose which rules we follow, don't we? Like, for instance "Thou shalt not kill.
" - I-I am sorry, Agent ? - Racine.
Jim Racine.
Why don't you say what you came here to say, Agent Racine? I'm tracking a criminal, a murderer who calls himself "Rabbit.
" - You know him? - You'd be more efficient if you asked me questions to which you didn't know the answers.
Fair enough.
I follow Rabbit.
It's kind of a thing we do.
Arrogant prick like that thinks he's smarter than me so he enjoys it.
Anyway a little while ago he suddenly started going to church.
This church.
Seems odd behavior for a violent sociopath.
So I did some digging and long story short Rabbit has a brother.
And that brother is a priest.
I could've told you all this if you'd simply stopped by.
Would you have told me about Leila? You were married.
I've seen the pictures.
That struck me as funny 'cause I've seen pictures of the late Mrs.
Rabbit and unless you boys married twins, seems to me your older brother stole your wife and ran off to America.
Which is not cool, by the way.
You have my sympathy.
I'm not good at very much.
But the things I'm good at I am very good at them.
There are things I am very good at too, Agent Racine, we all have hidden talents.
My bad.
Look, I'm not here to pick at these scabs of an old heartbreak Well Fuck ! That's not true, is it ? that's exactly why I'm here.
And whatever happened broke your heart bad enough that you became a priest.
That's some tragic shit, father.
But my sources in the Ukraine tell me that before you became a man of God, you're quite a button man yourself back in the old country.
So I'm figuring there is still some desire in you for justice or revenge.
Justice, revenge those are godly pursuits.
A man must strive for forgiveness.
- How's that working out for you? - Like you, I'm just a man prone to the same base impulses as everyone else.
Jealousy, envy, rage in my youth, as you seem to have gleaned.
I let those impulses rule me.
Now, I'm older, maybe a bit wiser, but just wary.
So there are days when I rise above.
And sadly there are days, when those impulses get the better of me.
I'd like to see you in one of those days.
I don't think so.
I don't think you'd like that at all.
- It must have been one hell of a childhood.
- Good bye, Agent Racine.
God bless you.
Give the Rabbit my best.

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