Based on a True Story (2023) s02e05 Episode Script

Double Fault

[ANNOUNCER] Welcome back to the
USTA Bobby Curtis Florida Open,
where Nathan Bartlett has
dominated an epic finals match
against Christian DuPont.
[ATTENDEE] Let's go, Bartlett!
[ANNOUNCER] Let's see
if he can finish this.
- Oh, my God.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
Did I get you in the head? You okay?
- Yeah. Am I dead?
- [EXHALES] I hope not.
- Did you win?
- Not yet.
Did I win?
Can we get some medical
attention, please?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
What's your name?
Hi, Ava.
- I'm Nathan.
- I know.
- Hello ♪
Nathan Bartlett, you just won
Wimbledon. What are you gonna do next?
I'll tell you what I'm gonna
do. I'm gonna get naked.
Ooh! Might be a little problematic,
but you know what? I'm gonna go with it.
- You like being with a champ?
- Hell yeah, babe.
You like when I'm up 40-15
- Mmm.
- first game of the second set?
That is weirdly specific, but
yeah [KISSES] I like it.
- Yes! Yes!
- No, babe, babe,
that's that's the
score when we first met.
Oh! I love that. Keep going.
Okay, Danny Merrick, there's
a new sheriff in town,
and his name is Nathan Bartlett.
Honey, wait a minute.
Why are you [LAUGHS]
Why are you bringing Danny Merrick
into our little, playful fantasy
that is now slowly flying off the rails?
- No, I like it. I like Danny Merrick.
I love Danny Merrick.
Come back. Come back.
What's the matter? Oh, no.
Nothing. No, it's Uh, I should
- I gotta tell you something.
- Right now?
I'm actually playing a
match against Danny Merrick.
- Okay. What?
- It's an exhibition to, uh, raise money.
Oh. So people are gonna pay
money to watch you guys play?
- That's really cool.
- Well, not not quite
Well, I-I actually I
[EXHALES] I bid on it.
How much did you bid?
- Well, it's it's for charity.
- Sure.
- Yeah, it's for kids.
- Uh-huh.
How much?
Some of these kids are suffering
from traumatic brain injuries
You're about to suffer from
a traumatic brain injury
if you don't tell me how much you bid.
Twenty thousand dollars.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my G Please tell
Are you fuckin' serious right now?
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
I'm sorry. I know. It was
stupid. It w I fucked up.
I just Matt got me all excited.
Oh, of course. Why does
everything come back to Matt?
He just consistently
continues to fuck up our lives.
It's not about Matt. It's about Merrick.
You know what he did. He intentionally
hit me with that dirty shot.
There was no dirty shot,
and it was 17 years ago.
- I need to beat him.
Yeah, great. Get back into your phone.
I can't even fucking
look at you right now.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Uh Oh, my God.
Folks, this is tough.
We've got developing
news out of Los Angeles,
where we're learning that the
Copycat Killer has struck again,
claiming yet another victim.
This time, Oscar
award-winning actor Jared Leto
has been found murdered
in this terrible and tragic news.
Poor guy.
- I predicted this!
- This?
You said that the next
victim was gonna be medical.
Yes. Jared Leto was playing Dr.
Fauci in Aaron Sorkin's new movie.
- "Leto"?
- Mm-hmm.
Been saying "Leeto" all these years.
- Oh, my God.
My TikTok.
I have followers.
My Murder-Bunny account.
- Murder-Bunny?
- It has tons of fans.
They're calling themselves my "Fluffle."
If you're not following Murder-Bunny,
literally, what are you
doing with your life?
She's out here predicting a
whole-ass serial killer's next moves.
So Murder-Bunny names him
the Copycat Killer, right?
Then the LAPD admits
that they no longer believe
that this recent spate of murders
is the work of the Westside Ripper.
Power to the Fluffle.
So cheers to you, Murder-Bunny.
- [NATHAN] Fuck!
- You okay?
Let's take a second.
- What's going on? You all right?
[NATHAN SIGHS] Yeah, yeah.
I just need to beat this guy.
Come on. That's not it. What else?
Ava's pissed at me.
I told her about how
much I spent on the match.
Oh, my God.
I told you Why would you do that?
I felt guilty.
I don't know. Maybe this whole
thing is just a stupid idea.
It's not stupid, Nathan.
This is how you get your life back,
the life you wanted,
the life you deserve.
What's the point of it if
I don't have Ava on my side?
Come here. Look
How do you think you got her
on your side in the first place?
I don't know. I like to
think it was my charm.
Yeah, no. You're not that charming.
It was your power, buddy.
[LAUGHING] You almost killed her
with a forehand to the face.
- That was an accident.
- Was it?
Or was it fate?
It was an accident.
- Well, Gustaf would say there are no accidents.
- Can we not?
Nathan, guys like us, we
have to forge our own path.
No one's gonna give us anything.
You know, not everyone's
a fucking killer, okay?
Okay. You fucking
kidding me? This again?
- I'm stressed out over this Ava stuff. I'm sorry.
- I know you are,
which is why I thought you might
want someone in your corner.
You're right.
You're right.
Let's hit more.
Hi. Oh, my God. Sorry I'm late. Ugh.
- Don't even worry about it.
- One of those weeks, huh?
- Ugh!
I'm just still so pissed
at Nathan for lying to me.
Can I get one of those, please?
Yeah, well, it's been a
shitshow on my end, too
- with all this Killer-Kitty shit.
You mean Murder-Bunny?
- You've heard of that freak?
- No.
No. No, I Barely.
One of the moms at the park was
talking about the Copycat Killer.
- So, this came up, naturally.
See, this is why
TikTok is such a menace.
Now, every moron with 5G and a dream
thinks he's freakin' Sherlock Holmes.
There is no Copycat Killer.
Well, let's I mean
Jared Leto
Is a classic Westside Ripper target.
- He's not a woman.
- He's a hot brunette
who was ripped on the
Westside. It's on the damn tin!
- I'm sorry. I've been fighting my office on this all day.
And they've all gone down the
Murder-Bunny rabbit hole, so
- Yeah, no, I I feel you on that.
Let me talk to Nathan, tell
him to stop texting you.
Oh, God, no. No, you
don't have to [LAUGHS]
It's actually Tory. You know, the
whole That boyfriend is [TUTS]
- Ah, right. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, I could talk to her if you want.
You know I got a PhD in shitty exes.
No. That-that's okay.
- Can I get a margarita, please?
- Yes, ma'am.
It's That's all right.
Are we okay?
Us? You and me?
Yeah. You've been distant lately.
- You know, I've missed having you to talk to,
and things
Are you even listening?
Yes. Yes.
[DREW] Okay, I think
I'll take a rain check.
- Um
- Oh
- I'm gonna go.
- No, no. Wait, Drew. Hold on one second. Can we
Oh, my God.
[QUIETLY] I'm gonna
find a serial killer.
- Hey, Ava.
- Ah!
Don't do that!
God, you're so jumpy.
I just wanted to take a
second to talk about Nathan.
He's all up in his own head
about this fight you guys are in.
And I just think, for
the sake of the match,
you could just stop being mad at him.
Okay, yeah, totally.
You really know women.
We love to be told to turn off
our feelings when asked, you know?
- Ooh, is that the cipher?
- Yes. Yes, it is.
- Everyone's talking about it.
- Hmm.
It's all over the news and TikTok,
and they're saying I'm the reason
he sent it in the first place.
Wow. I bet you love that.
Are you kidding? Yeah. I
can beat him at his own game.
Plus, I'm getting all
these sponcon offers.
Frito-Lay is offering
Murder-Bunny $2,000 a TikTok ad.
Hmm. Seems like you could
use some help with this.
No. I'm good. Thank you.
You and Nathan have your thing.
I have mine. Let's just
keep the lines drawn.
Wouldn't want you to relapse.
And then you get all the glory.
I'm not looking for glory.
I'm doing this anonymously.
Really? Just like our podcast?
Okay, I'm actually preventing
someone from being killed,
not giving a killer a platform.
No offense. Actually,
you should take offense.
I meant to be very offensive.
"I'm having so much fun copycat killing.
I think I'll pounce again
unless you save the mouse first.
You have 24 hours!
P.S. IDC."
Very vinyl. The guy's old-school.
What is that supposed to mean?
Probably nothing.
Okay, well, then why did you say it?
I'm late for Nathan. [CLEARS THROAT]
You know, you can't just
come in here and offer
Be nice to him. He's fragile.
Tory Thompson?
Detective Drew Stephens.
I didn't order that Canadian Adderall.
It just showed up at my door.
Yeah, that's still a crime.
But I'm not here about that.
I'm actually a friend of your sister's.
Ava's friends with a cop?
I'm a detective.
I'm sorry.
Your sister said you might be having
some trouble with your boyfriend.
Uh He's my fiancé.
That's good. You're not married
yet. You can still get out of this.
- Excuse me?
- People think homicide investigations
are all serial killers and stalkers.
That's fascinating. I'm
actually late for Torts.
But I'd say that 75% of
the murders I investigate
are domestic violence
cases turned fatal.
My fiancé would never hurt me.
I know you think you're in too
deep, but you don't have to be.
So if you ever wanna
unburden yourself
I'm here to listen.
- Have a good class.
[DANNY] Hey, everybody.
Thanks for coming out.
Thank you. Thank you. Good
to see you guys. Thanks.
Hello there. Hello. Good to see
you. Good to see you. Hi. Hey.
Yeah! Good to see you out, man. Yeah.
[NATHAN] Hey, Danny.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you, man.
I'm so sorry about this
brain thing, the TBI.
The what?
Traumatic brain injury.
I know what it is. I don't have it.
I donated to the charity.
This is a rematch.
Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
'Cause we-we-we played
that time in the, um
in the, uh
September 7th, 2006,
when I suffered my career-ending
knee injury. You remember that?
That was brutal.
That was so rough.
- But, hey, I'm glad the brain's all good, yeah?
- Yeah.
Let's do this! Huh?
I'll see you out there?
All right. You just ignore
that Buzz Lightyear-looking
motherfucker, all right?
I want you to take what
you're feeling right now,
all that shame, all that powerlessness,
and I want you to harness
it. I want you to
Oh. Look who's here.
Oh, shit. Ava.
- Hey.
- [NATHAN] Hey, babe.
I am so glad you came. I-I
Honestly, I wasn't gonna be able
to do this without you. Thank you.
Well, I'm still pissed at you.
But I did get to wear
this cute outfit, so
I came to talk to Matt. All right?
Good luck.
- Come here.
- They all come crawling back.
The handwritten note is part
of the cipher. I get that now.
This is not about you. This
is about saving other people.
A little bit about me, isn't it?
Copycat Killer DMed me.
So, he knows who you are?
He knows who Murder-Bunny is,
and he's speaking directly to me.
If I don't solve his cipher
in the next four hours,
people will die.
- Whoa. That sounded pretty cool.
- It did.
No, but really, people are gonna die.
Look at these messages.
this is an ad for shampoo
that regrows your hair after pregnancy.
What? Okay, there's the message.
- Can you bookmark that pregnancy shampoo?
- Mm-hmm.
"I'm disappointed you haven't caught on
to my game by now, Murder-Bunny.
Four hours left.
I'd hop to it if I were you."
Can you believe?
I can believe.
- Well?
What are we doing?
- Let's fucking do this!
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Yeah!
Oh, my God. We are actually going
to catch this goddamn motherfucker.
I'm sorry.
Can you please watch the cursing?
I'm sorry. I apologize.
"The Lord will not hold him guiltless
that taketh his name in vain."
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
But she's fine with "motherfucker"?
[MAN] Ladies and gentlemen,
make your way to center court.
- The match will begin shortly.
- Ugh. I feel bad.
I should be over there supporting him,
but I'm still so pissed.
Honestly, it's better for his focus.
And you do kinda need
me to crack this case.
Let's all take a "calm down" here.
- I don't need you.
- I'm calm, Ava. You chased me here, all right?
Admit it. I'm the, uh the-the
Hannibal Lecter to your, um
whatever Jodie Foster's name was.
Okay, whatever. I admit the note
is actually key to this whole thing,
but none of the words
actually fit in the key.
- And by the way, it's Clarice.
- What?
"Hello, Clarice."
- Oh, the
- The movie. Jodie Foster.
She's the protagonist of the whole film.
Uh, I'm pretty sure Hannibal Lecter
is the protagonist of that film.
Not surprised you would think that.
Yeah, 'cause I saw the movie.
Sweet patterns of light shine bright ♪
- Yes!
- Come on, man.
It's supposed to be for fun, right?
I'm having a great time playing, pal.
Maybe you should start.
- Oooh!
[MAN] Another game for Bartlett.
Hey, kid. You're young and cool.
What does "IDC" mean to
you, those letters together?
Does it say something to you?
"I don't care."
Well, you know what? We
don't care about you either.
Kids today! [MOCKINGLY] "I don't care."
Yeah, "IDC" does stand
for "I don't care," though.
- Hmm.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- But that's not gonna be the key.
At least, not directly.
- What do you mean?
- I studied the Zodiac Killer.
I know what I'm talking about.
That's a comforting thought.
You wanna be the best,
you gotta study the best.
You know what I bet it is?
Letters, numbers.
Wait. Okay.
If that's true,
the A would be 1, B would be 2.
That would mean "IDC "
- 943.
- Okay. "P.S. 943." 943.
- P.S. Palm Springs.
- That's not a thing.
- Uh, pastrami sandwich?
- That's food.
Paul Simon. Does he have
something to do with this?
That guy looks like he would
have something to do with this.
Or, like, Psalms?
Hello. Excuse me. Hello,
friend. Remember me?
- [LAUGHS] Yes, I do.
- Yes. I bet.
You seem like someone that
might carry a Bible on them.
Is that true?
Yes, you do!
May I borrow that, please?
Well, you need it more than I do.
Yes. Yes, I do.
- Okay. 94:3.
- 943.
Psalm 94:3. Here we are.
- Okay, read it.
- Here we are. Here we are.
"Lord, how long shall
the wicked triumph?"
The guy's got a flair for the dramatic.
Okay, so if the circle
with a line in it's a W
Yes, okay. And the little
backward Js with the beauty mark,
- that's a T.
- Yeah, well
Okay, and we tie those
in there. We have this.
Oh, my God. It's actually
spelling something.
I mean, I knew that it would,
but I just cannot Oh, my God.
"Chief Nye on the Mount."
- Wow. Yeah, it's another puzzle.
- What?
Okay, so who's Nye?
I only know Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Wait. It says, "Chief."
He's targeting chief of police?
No. Chief of police isn't named Nye.
Okay, what other chief chief ?
He's gonna kill Travis Kelce.
You're the one that figured out
all the victims are connected
via the medical world.
- Chief of surgery! Of course.
- There she is.
Yeah, but there's gotta be,
like, 20 hospitals in L.A.
Yes. "Mount Mount Mount."
Mount Sinai.
"Dr. Samuel Nye,
Chair of Cedars' department of surgery."
- You're a genius.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God, Ava!
Two hours, fifty-eight minutes
before the Copycat's countdown expires.
Wait. Are we sure? What if we're wrong?
- What if this is not
- Ava, listen to me.
Your instincts got you here.
Don't start doubting them now.
Okay, all right. Fuck it. Fuck it.
- Fuck it.
- Blah! Let's do it. [GRUNTS] Okay, here we go.
Fluffle, Murder-Bunny here
with an exclusive you won't hear
from "Sisters in Crime" or anyone else.
Because I have been communicating
directly with the Copycat Killer,
and I solved his cipher.
That's right. I know who
the next victim's gonna be.
[MAN] Set point, Bartlett.
- Double fault.
- That was in.
- No. Totally. I meant in.
- Yeah.
- That's out.
- No. That was in.
- You need glasses. That is out.
- Nate, are you trying to lose the point?
I'm advocating for a fair match.
Are we playing tennis or not?
Dude, you're winning. We're
good. It was an amazing serve.
You're not playing, okay? I know you.
You won three Grand Slams.
You're a great player.
I've played you, right?
- This isn't you playing.
- I know, and I'm playing.
Come on. What are you
It's just a It's a
charity event. It's good.
Oh, it's a charity event? Okay,
I see what you're doing. Yeah.
You're above the charity
event? You're above me?
You know, it really feels
wonderful doing such a good deed.
- Mm-hmm.
- [SIGHS] Anonymously, of course.
- Mm-hmm.
- But, you know
Although, uh, you did just broadcast it
to thousands of people.
Yeah, well, anonymously, so
It's fine. I get it.
The thrill of notoriety
under the cloak of anonymity,
there is no better drug.
Okay, that's great.
Wonderful words, but I'm not like you.
- I'm not doing this for
- [NATHAN] Dick!
- I'll fuck you both up. I will fuck you both up.
- Oh, my God. Is that my husband?
[NATHAN] You fucking prick!
- This is my life!
- Oh, my God.
- Nate.
- You know what?
Don't call me Nate,
okay? It's not my name.
It's Nathan fucking
Bartlett, you motherfucker!
You fucked up my ACL.
You fucked up my knee. You
fucked up my whole life.
I'm here to kick the shit out of you.
- [AVA] Hey, can
- I will fuck you up!
- Babe! Can I talk to him for a second?
- Hey. How's it going?
- What the hell are you doing?
- I just
- You look like you're freaking out here.
- No, I'm good.
No, you're not good.
You don't look good.
I'm confronting my demons.
I got this guy. I'm gonna
fucking beat him now.
Beating him today is not gonna
change what happened in the past.
I'm not trying to change the past.
I'm trying to change the future.
Look, if I win today,
I can finally get some fucking respect.
Respect from who?
You have my respect.
That's all that matters.
We have Jack and our family.
Please. I love you.
Let's go home.
- Okay.
- I love you.
Come on. Let's go.
- Let's go home.
- Yes?
- I'm sorry.
- He's just pretending he doesn't know who I am.
- I know. It's okay.
- Let's just go home.
- Okay.
What? Why are you
looking at me like that?
[SUCKS TEETH] You know what?
No. Look, you've already
made your mind up, buddy.
Yeah, I did. I have a wife
who loves me and forgives me,
and I'm going home.
Did she forgive you?
Or did she just say whatever she had to
to get you to stop embarrassing her?
Uh, Nathaniel, are we doing this?
'Cause I gotta be in the
'Bu in, like, an hour.
They're gonna name a
LaCroix flavor after me.
Wow, that's cool.
You motherfucker!
I think I lost my mind ♪
I swear I'm outta control ♪
You LaCroix motherfucker.
[CHOKING] Nathan.
- Nathaniel.
- I swear I'm outta control ♪
- [POLICE OFFICER] Let's go. Up.
- Ava! [GRUNTS]
Which one of you is Ava?
Well, whoever Ava is, she
can pick him up at the station
after we print and process him.
Let's go.
Oh, my God!
- You okay?
- Yeah. Um
I'm fine. I'm just [SIGHS]
I wanted to [SIGHS]
talk to you about
something in-in person. Um
One of Ava's friends came to see me.
It was a detective.
Came to see you about what?
You say anything about me?
I'm sorry. I
I'm just not really
sure what to-what to say.
I j I just don't want this to
be triggering for your recovery.
I'm really glad you told me.
We shouldn't have any
secrets between us.
Did you tell Ava?
No. Not yet.
But I did
get the detective's info.
I'm so sorry that you
got dragged into all this.
You did the right thing,
though, not telling Ava.
Just gonna stress her out, you
know? She's already had a day.
Did she not solve the cipher?
She thinks she did.
She got carried away as
soon as she saw anything.
She rushed.
She didn't see
there was more to the message.
[TORY] "Hey, Ripper.
I'm better than you."
Oh, my God.
He's not talking to Ava.
He's talking to the Westside Ripper.
He's talking to you.
- Oh, my God!
Oh, Nathan, you fucking idiot.
- I mean
"Copycat Killer strikes again.
Police find note at murder
scene signed by killer." [GASPS]
"Deceased's name is Clark
Miller. 59, father of two.
CEO of Snowfall Mattresses"?
That's not medical!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
- Con artist!
- Fraud!
Your 15 minutes are up, babe.
You lied about solving the cipher.
You hardly solved a quarter of it.
No. I didn't know.
What kind of a sociopath announces
the name of the wrong victim
to millions of people?
Now, someone else is dead, and
it's all your fault, Moron-Bunny.
- [ALL] Moron-Bunny. Moron-Bunny.
- Moron-Bunny.
- Hello?
- You gotta come bail me out, okay?
I got bigger problems over here.
The Fluffle turned on me.
- Would you forget about the Fluffle?
- Hey. Time's up.
Uh, yeah. I'm just talking
to my wife. One second.
Look, there's a line for
the phone, and I gotta go.
Just get in the car Get in
the car and come get me now.
Guess what, you're not the only
one that got carried away today.
- I gotta fix this.
- Okay.
So are you gonna bail me out or not?
Sorry, babe.
There's something I have to do first.
What do you mean there's
something you gotta do?
- You gotta come
- [MAN] Hey. Let's go.
- I was just talking to my
- Let's go.
Just talking to my wife.
Do you know how long
I gotta stay in here?
[AVA] Hi. I need to speak to
one of your detectives, please.
Before you go any further,
I'll inform you that
California's new CAREN Act
carries up to a one-year
sentence for identity profiling.
Oh, no, no, no. [LAUGHS] No.
I'm not a racist. I'm not a Karen.
I just came from a country club.
[INHALES] I heard that. Sorry.
We're not members. My husband
actually bid on a tennis match.
Then he played and got himself arrested.
- We don't book arrests here.
- Right. I'm not even here for that actually.
Detective Stephens is a friend of mine.
Well, maybe not for long,
after finding out
that I am Murder-Bunny.
Uh, but you know, whatever. I
am here to do the right thing.
You guys have a tech department, right?
Can you guys, like,
track people through DMs?
[WHISPERS] Like the Copycat Killer?
If I have to forfeit Taco
Tuesdays with my friend, so be it.
I don't think we're friends.
I think our friendship has
gone in different directions.
Ma'am, please stop talking.
[AVA] Sorry.
- Hey.
- [OFFICER] Sorry to bother you, detective.
I've got a woman here who says
she has information
about the Copycat Killer.
Should I send her back?
Yeah, that's fine.
Room 23.
[QUIETLY] Thank you.
No way out ♪
No way out ♪
You'll have to see it all ♪
Until the curtains fall ♪
Oh. Sorry. I must have the wrong office.
I'm looking for Drew Stephens.
I'm Detective Stephens.
How can I help you?
- Your secrets come to light ♪
- Uh
Deep in this ♪
- Olivia Carter?
- Yeah.
I got an Amazon Prime package for ya.
Oh, wow. Already? [CHUCKLES] Thanks.
It's, uh, so nice and peaceful out here.
Thanks. Yeah.
I like to be away from
the fray of the city.
Especially with all
these murders lately,
can't be too careful, right?
You just really never know.
You never know.
No pretense here at night ♪
Out of power ♪
The witching hour ♪
Ninety minutes slowly
spin you Upside down ♪
You can't drown it out ♪
You cry in the morning ♪
You cry in the night ♪
No way out ♪
You write me a story ♪
Honey, don't fool me ♪
You tell me you're doing fine ♪
All the time ♪
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