Batman s03e02 Episode Script

Second Chance

You think Dr.
Crest is right? You think this operation will make Harvey okay again? I don't know.
We can only hope.
Give me that file.
- I'll get him.
- Look out, Harvey! Harvey! Harvey.
Your bad side is almost completely submerged.
You've done very well in therapy, Harvey.
You're more in control now able to make decisions for yourself without relying on chance.
Now it's time for the final step: Erasing the scars that created Two Face.
I believe that once you are whole again your mind will be strong enough to banish Two Face permanently.
- Bruce Wayne picked up the tab for this? - Yes.
Good old Bruce.
He's never given up on me.
Always been my best friend.
I remember when we used to close the town at the Half Moon Club.
Most fun we ever had.
Heard they were tearing the old place down.
I guess nothing good lasts forever.
He's ready.
Let's do it.
No! What are you doing? Stop! Come on.
Sorry, his insurance don't cover this.
Don't hurt him.
Boss wants to handle Dent personally.
Said he wants to teach him some respect.
Take a load off.
Man, talk about malpractice.
Slow down.
You take the sedan.
I'll go after the other one.
Clean your windshield, mister? Scratch one bat.
The van was registered to Rupert Thorne.
But Harvey was in the sedan.
It was headed for Stone Gate.
The Penguin's in Stone Gate.
He's had a grudge against Two Face for a while now.
Maybe this is his revenge.
Sorry I wasn't able to stop them.
I'm sure you did your best.
Don't gush all over me.
It's embarrassing.
Harvey's my friend.
I'm worried about him.
Right, and I'm just the kid in tights.
I'll see you after I've checked out Thorne.
I remember when we used to close the town at the Half Moon Club.
Most fun we ever had.
May I help you? Frankie here says they found you snooping around my roof.
Why? - What are you trying to find? - Not "what," Thorne, "who.
" Somebody grabbed Harvey Dent out of Gotham Central Hospital.
Somebody nabbed Two Face, and you thought I did it? That's great.
I wish.
I really hate that guy.
He tried to put me out of business.
I've been planning what I'd do if I ever got my hands on him again, and I'll tell you No, better yet, as long as you're here I'll show you.
Boys, take the Boy Wonder here down to Gotham Gate Bridge and see how well he flies.
Thanks for giving an old man a good laugh, kid.
Nice knowing you.
You know, when I was a kid, I used to fish around here.
Can't do it anymore.
Know why? Too much garbage.
You wouldn't believe the stuff people toss in the river.
It's disgusting.
People today got no respect for Mother Nature.
Sooner or later, just you wait they'll be sorry.
Not all the garbage is in the river.
Dance, my little ones.
Dance for Penguin.
A terpsichorean triumph.
And what might you be doing out there? Catching insects for dinner? I'm looking for Two Face.
Why? Did you lose him? Somebody kidnapped him from Gotham Central tonight.
You and he had a disagreement some time ago.
- Didn't you? - It's true.
Harvey stole a rara avis right out from under my beak several months ago.
A jewel-encrusted statuette of a two-headed roc.
It was worth millions.
But, my dear rodent, I'd never kidnap a fellow rogue out of a sickbed.
It just isn't done.
- Honor among thieves? - Absolutely.
If I were going to attack Harvey, I'd do it face-to-face to-face, so to speak.
Like this! Over here, you fools.
He's down there.
Down there.
Any luck with Thorne? Thorne didn't kidnap Harvey.
Neither did the Penguin.
But I think I know who did.
Doctors and nurses working in the O.
R wear paper socks over their shoes so this footprint had to be made by one of the kidnappers.
Masonry dust.
I know where to find him now.
Find who? Who did this? Harvey's worst enemy.
I'll take it from here.
Wait a second.
You might need me.
Not this time, Robin.
This is something I have to do alone.
You may as well come out.
I know everything now.
You hated Harvey Dent and would do anything to destroy him.
Why not? He was gonna destroy me just like I'm gonna destroy you.
You kidnapped yourself.
I should've seen it right away.
One red herring clue wasn't enough.
You had to leave two.
I couldn't let that wimp Dent destroy me.
I had to teach the little man some respect.
Everybody needs respect.
You're your own worst enemy, Harvey.
I'm your worst enemy.
See this? It's the remote control for that detonator.
Once my boys and I get down to the ground I’ll use it to set off that dynamite.
Unless, of course, the coin says different.
What do you say, Batman? Feeling lucky? Looks like I don't have much choice.
Let it hit the floor.
I wanna see it.
That can't happen.
It isn't possible.
It can't land on edge.
It has to be heads or tails.
How can I decide if it isn't heads or tails? On edge, it's still on edge.
No! Heads or tails.
I have to know.
Heads or tails.
Pull yourself up.
I can't.
I'll drop the coin.
Drop it.
Save yourself.
I don't know what to do.
The coin won't tell me.
It can't tell you anything.
I switched coins when you grabbed me.
Good thing I decided to tag along after all.
It's a trick coin.
It'll always land on edge.
It's your decision now, Harvey.
Life or death.
The coin or me.
Batman, help me.
Harvey! Bruce.
Good old Bruce.
Always there.
You never give up on me.
He's right.
- You're always there for him.
- Yes.
Just like you're always there for me.
Hey, what are friends for?
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