Batman and Robin (1949) s01e07 Episode Script

The fatal blast

(Narrator) Robin rescues
Bruce from a Wizard hideout,
which Bruce entered
in disguise.
Informed of this,
the Wizard orders
2 of his men liquidated,
then sets a deadly trap
for Batman and Robin.
[Pounding on door]
[Batman and Robin coughing]
Breathe through this.
(Barry on radio) This is
Barry Brown with a bulletin
that will hit like a bombshell.
Information has just reached me
of a mysterious tragedy
that occurred tonight,
at an abandoned
Marine Street warehouse.
The police will learn
that 2 victims,
to be found
in a gas-filled storage vault,
are none other than the
supposedly invincible Batman
and his boy wonder
companion, Robin.
Don't believe
everything you hear.
Sorry to startle you, Alfred,
but any resemblance between us
and a couple of ghosts
is purely coincidental.
I ought to sue
that Brown character.
The fact remains
that mr. Brown knows
a great deal more about us
than is good for us.
That's right.
You know, I wonder
how he found out
Batman and Robin
were in that warehouse.
I don't know. But it's a cinch
that the prisoner
comm. Gordon is holding
deliberately made
a false confession,
in order to lead us
into a trap.
Maybe he and Brown
are working together.
All we have to do is prove it.
That's all.
I'll call comm. Gordon
and tell him
that Batman and Robin
are still alive.
And we'll drop in on him
first thing in the morning.
This case is loaded
with suspects,
yet we haven't uncovered
a single clue in the whole lot
that would help us
identify the Wizard.
Only last night,
we investigated the warehouse
on Marine Street
and found exactly nothing.
Dick and I heard some
reference made to a warehouse
Last night on Barry
Brown's broadcast
yeah. Brown is
suspect number one in my book.
If Brown isn't the Wizard,
he'll do until
a better suspect comes along.
Thank you, commissioner.
Barry Brown.
This is a surprise.
Hello, Bruce.
Surprise? It's a shock.
Don't tell me you've come
to give yourself up.
As a matter of fact,
I'm low on news copy.
I thought perhaps you might
have a few scoops to spare.
Well, if I had, you'd have
broadcasted them a long time ago.
Who's been feeding you
your material?
Oh, it's confidential.
I'm not at liberty to say.
Well, if I could arrange it, you
wouldn't be at liberty, period.
Yes, Walker?
Commissioner, our short wave
monitor picked up this message.
The voice identified itself
as the Wizard.
Thank you.
What is it, commissioner?
It's a threat.
The Wizard demands
that the railroads pay him
an unspecified sum
to be named later.
And if they refuse?
Prof. Hammil's stolen
remote control machine
will be used to stop every train
entering and leaving Gotham City.
What's the deadline?
Oh, just about now.
He's going to stop
every train for 5 minutes,
just as a warning.
I'm surprised this hasn't been
on Barry Brown's broadcast.
Yeah, that's right.
How about that, Brown? Did
Now we know how he gets
some of his news, anyway.
[Chair creaking]
[Machine humming]
[Machine buzzing]
[Wheels screeching]
[Typewriter clacking]
Yes, yes. I know, I know.
Every train in Gotham City
is affected
by the mysterious force.
I can only tell you
that the unknown Wizard
is responsible for it.
We're doing everything we can.
See you later, commissioner.
[Machine rattling]
5 minutes are up.
Too bad.
I was just beginning
to enjoy this.
You'll get plenty of chance
to play with those trains
if the railroads refuse
to kick in on demand.
They won't dare refuse.
I've shown them
a sample of my power.
Now that Batman is
no longer here to help them,
they'll meet my terms.
Or the full force of X-90
will blast their industry
to oblivion.
You don't make
any mistakes, do you?
No, I don't, Neil.
You and Earl
better learn that at once.
I won't tolerate mistakes
from any of my men.
[Buzzer buzzing]
This is your up-to-the-minute
news vendor, Barry Brown,
interrupting the program now in progress
to bring y an emergency bulletin.
Through a secret source,
I have just learned
that Winslow Harrison,
president of
the associated railroads,
will personally investigate
the strange phenomena
that halted all trains
for 5 minutes,
in the Gotham City area today.
Harrison is already
on his way here.
In a long distance
telephone call
to police commissioner Gordon,
he flatly refused to submit to any
blackmail attempts by the Wizard,
regardless of the consequences.
And now, for other news.
What's bothering you?
Harrison's safety.
The Wizard must have
heard that broadcast.
Perhaps he even inspired it.
Harrison's decision must have
really knocked the props out
from under
his blackmail scheme.
Yeah, that's What I'm afraid of.
And what's to prevent the Wizard
from attacking Harrison
on his way here?
Batman and Robin might.
I'll check with Gordon
and find out his route.
Are you sure we're headed
in the right direction?
Gordon said
this is the right road.
The Wizard and his men may
be around here somewhere.
But they won't expect us.
Comm. Gordon is
the only man who knows
Batman and Robin
are still alive.
There's a car
coming up behind us.
Round that next curve,
then stop.
[Tires screeching]
[Tires screeching]
Surprised to find us alive?
No, I didn't believe Barry
Brown's report of your death.
Why are you following us?
Well, did it ever occur to you
that only the Wizard's man
would know of
your supposed demise?
What of it?
Well, doesn't that mean that Barry
Brown is tied up with them?
Maybe even leading them.
I've suspected Brown
for some time.
But you haven't
answered my question.
Does Bruce Wayne know
that you're driving his car?
Of course.
You know, if I didn't know
Bruce Wayne so well,
I'd almost think that you
and he were the same man.
That's absurd.
If you won't tell me where
you're going, I'll tell you.
You saw us on the way here,
knew we were on a mission,
followed us to get pictures
for your magazine.
Any objections?
Not up until now.
But this is as far as you go.
Oh, is that so?
And just how do you
expect to stop me?
By keeping your keys.
You mean you're going to
keep me stranded out here
in this this wilderness?
not for long.
As soon as I get to a phone,
I'll call Bruce and tell him
to come get you.
[Car engine starting]
The car is coming.
Are you sure it's Harrison's?
The license checks.
Neil to headquarters.
Neil calling headquarters.
Come in, Neil.
Harrison's car is approaching.
Remote control mechanism
is ready for operation.
Stand by.
[Machine buzzing]
It's stopping all right.
You stand by.
The rest of you, come with me.
What's the matter
with it, Martin?
I don't know, mr. Harrison.
It just stopped.
My appointment in Gotham city
is less than an hour away.
(Neil) Your appointment
has been cancelled, mr. Harrison.
What is this?
Just play along, you'll find out.
Who are you?
[Tires screeching]
I'll help Harrison. You take
care of those other fellows.
Batman! How did you get here?
Never mind that.
Let's get to that cabin.
Batman and Harrison
are in the cabin.
Why didn't you take care of 'em?
I left a little package
in there to do that.
Then we'll make sure
they don't get out.
Cover the other side.
You stay here.
I'll check on Robin.
[Gun fires]
What's the matter
with that clock?
Look at my watch, the
second hand's racing.
What's causing all this?
That's what I'd like to know.
(Narrator) What is in
this mysterious package?
Is the Wizard finally
to come into the open?
[Narrator speaking]
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