Batman and Robin (1949) s01e09 Episode Script

The wizard strikes back

(Narrator) Batman
persuades the authorities
to pay the ransom
demanded by the Wizard,
to release his control
over the railroads.
Batman has made the money
enabling him to trace it
to a warehouse.
[Man grunts]
What happened to you?
Well, somebody hit me
from behind.
What started the fire?
The radioactive money
burst into flames.
Then the Wizard won't get
his ransom money.
No, he won't. And there's
liable to be more trouble.
It's Dunne,
the private Detective.
What are you doing
around here, Dunne?
Oh, just looking around.
Are you sure that's all?
Maybe I should ask why Barry
Brown, radio announcer,
is snooping around here.
I'm just looking for
some spot news.
You haven't given me
any lately.
You've been doing all right.
Either of those men
could be the Wizard.
Yeah, but so could
professor Hammil.
He invented the machine
that caused all the trouble.
But he's a wheel chair invalid.
Yeah, but he could
still be the brains.
Leave it on the desk, Carter.
Don't you want me
to serve it, sir?
No, I'm not hungry. Get out.
Very good, sir.
Start the power,
so the machine will warm up.
[Machine humming]
I'll prove to 'em that
I'm ready to strike back.
You ought to make 'em
pay twice as much
after the way they crossed
you up on that money deal.
Before I'm through with them, they'll
be glad to meet any terms I name.
I've stopped the railroads.
Now I'll demoralize all traffic.
[Machine whirring]
[Machine droning]
[People chattering]
What's wrong with it?
The power it develops
is too strong
for its working parts.
In this section, where
the greatest friction is,
the diamond bearings
are burned out.
Commissioner. Hello, Bruce.
How are you, Vicki? Hello.
Could you join us for lunch?
No, thanks. I won't have time.
You know, Bruce, you have a much
better head than most people realize.
I'm certainly glad
Vicki heard you say that.
His head's all right.
He just doesn't use it enough.
Bruce, I'd like to get
your opinion on something.
Certainly, commissioner.
Why do you suppose
the Wizard has stopped using
his remote control machine?
Maybe it's out of order.
You may be right. But there's
still a chance he can repair it.
He'll certainly try
since the machine is
his main offensive weapon.
And that suggests
more robberies,
possibly synthetic diamonds.
Very good.
Tell your contact he'll be
rewarded for the information.
I'll inform you later
of my plan.
I've located a new supply
of synthetic diamonds.
Where is it?
The research council has
developed a new type
which resists heat and friction
better than the real ones.
It'll take a great deal
of strategy to get them.
Thanks for the lunch.
[Telephone ringing]
It was a pleasure, Vicki.
Ooh, I hope that's something
exciting for me to cover.
We better get out of here before
we get roped in on something.
Vicki Vale speaking.
It's her brother.
Where are you?
What kind of trouble?
I can't talk much. I need help.
Is this another trick
to trap me?
No, I swear it isn't, Vicki.
You've got to come here
and help me.
All right. Where are you?
All right, I'll be right there.
I wonder how
she got out of here.
You got me.
(Bruce) The Harbor Club.
That means trouble.
Batman and Robin
have got to follow through.
I'm glad you made it, sis.
Hurry up. The guard
will come back any minute.
Why didn't you
call me before this?
I'll tell my story
at police headquarters.
It's important for them
to know what's going on.
Well, I'll take you there.
Come on.
[Tires screeching]
What are you gonna do with me?
Turn you over to the police.
Come in, Batman.
You're just in time
to hear Jimmy Vale's story.
I just brought in
another of the Wizard's men.
All right. Sergeant,
have Batman's prisoner questioned
and bring me a complete report.
Now, Vale,
how did you get in
with the Wizard's outfit?
I thought I was being
hired as a pilot
for a chartered flight.
It took me a little while
to find out what was going on.
Did you ever meet the Wizard?
No. First, I took my orders
from a man named Nolan.
it was man named Neil.
Neil, yeah. Well, go ahead.
Well, the Wizard is planning
another big job.
His remote control machine
broke down
because the diamond insets
burned out.
Bruce was right, Vicki. Go on.
Well, uh, Neil said
that he heard
the research council was
making synthetic diamonds.
They plan to attack
the place tomorrow.
I'll put a stop that now. No!
I'll have the diamonds
moved to the main plant.
As long as you don't intend
to question Jim any further,
I suggest you release him
to the custody of his sister.
It's a good idea.
I'll still want you
as a material witness.
Anytime. I've got a long account
to settle with that bunch.
Thank you, commissioner.
Come on, Jimmy.
[Door closes]
Oh, I've got to rush these negatives
over to the enlargement room.
Go ahead, sis.
I'll hang around here.
I'll be right back.
Take your time.
Neil? This is Jimmy Vale.
Gordon fell for the story.
He's having the diamonds
moved this afternoon.
OK. I'll wait
till I hear from you.
[Telephone ringing]
Hello, Albert.
Commissioner Gordon?
Put him on.
Hello, commissioner.
What's on your mind?
He's telling me about the
prisoner Batman brought in.
Well, that's most unusual.
I don't know, but
I'll think it over.
Thanks for telling me. Goodbye.
The man who was guarding Jimmy
had blanks in his gun.
Blanks? Why?
Maybe he wasn't
supposed to shoot Jimmy.
I don't get it.
Maybe they wanted him
to escape and tell that story.
Batman and Robin
had better get right over
to that synthetic diamond
[Horn honking]
[Tires screeching]
Have the synthetic diamonds
left you yet?
Yes, a few minutes ago.
Headed for the research plant.
[Tires screeching]
(Batman) Are you injured?
I'm all right. They, uh,
they slugged me.
Did they get the diamonds?
Yes. Yes, they did.
They had a big lead on us.
They may turn off anywhere.
I realize that.
This route leads to
that secret getaway of theirs
near the ocean.
I'm betting they'll go there.
There's a car coming up
fast behind us.
Looks like Batman's.
It is Batman's.
Call headquarters
and tell the Wizard.
Car 4 calling headquarters.
This is headquarters.
Come in, car 4.
I don't know how he got there,
but Batman is
close on our trail.
What is your location?
About 10 Miles South of town,
on highway 18.
Very good.
I'll take care of Batman.
[Machine whirring]
The Wizard's using his remote
control machine on us.
Well, no chance to catch
those diamond thieves now.
Maybe we can borrow this one.
[Brakes squealing]
Batman! Robin!
That's right. We're after
some jewel thieves,
but our car's been disabled.
May we use yours?
Sure, hop in.
No, we'll take yours
and you stay with ours.
There might be trouble.
Well, trouble
don't bother me none.
But if that's the way
you feel about it,
take her, and welcome.
If anything happens to it,
the police will
give you another one.
Tell 'em to get me one with a red
light and a siren on it, will you?
There's another car
trailing us.
Moving fast, too.
Call headquarters.
Car 4 calling headquarters.
Headquarters. Come in, car 4.
There's another car
trailing us.
Can you look it over
through your televiewer?
Yes. Stand by.
[Machine buzzing]
Batman and Robin
are in that car.
Batman's too clever
for his own good.
This time I'll do
more than stop him.
This ought to be good.
[Machine droning]
The Wizard has taken control!
(Narrator) Has Jimmy vale at
last broken with the Wizard's men?
What bold move
of the Wizard's is this?
[Narrator speaking]
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