Batman Beyond (1999) s02e25 Episode Script

Where's Terry?

Warner bros.
What'd you think of it, Howard? Been there, done that.
He's talking about the movie, Howard, not the snack bar.
It was a nice change seeing you at night.
You're not gonna start that again, are you? It's a very common practice, going out at night, or so I've heard.
And you know why I can't always do it.
Yeah, I know.
Your job.
Hope it's worth it to you.
Most of the time it is, but not right now.
See you tomorrow.
Mary: Matt? Matt, where's your brother? Don't know.
It doesn't look like he slept here last night.
Maybe he came in after we were asleep and left before we woke up.
He does that all the time.
Except when has he ever made his bed? He's probably sick, that's all.
He seemed fine last night.
Yeah, but you never know what you might wake up with.
That's what I'm worried about.
Mcginnis, can you hear me? Mcginnis? He's not sick, Max.
I just called his house, and he hasn't been there all day.
All day? Maybe Mr.
Wayne had an emergency.
You know how old people are.
But why wouldn't he call? [Knock on door.]
Dana, I gotta go.
Somebody's here.
If it's Terry-- yeah, I will.
Where's Terry? I haven't seen him since last night.
Where was he? Down the street at the subway station.
Go home.
Listen, I could be very valuable to you.
In fact, I've already been very valuable, more times than I can count.
I said go home.
Make me.
He could've gone anywhere.
Max: Anywhere.
What happened? There was a cave-in, obviously.
I remember now.
I must've been out for a long time.
How am I gonna explain it to-- to who? Never mind.
What were you doin' down here, anyway? I was following somebody, somebody I thought I recognized.
He spotted me, and then Then this happened.
What are you doin' down here? Right now, I'm findin' you the fastest way out.
Got a problem with that? It's got to be him.
[High-pitched tone.]
[No audio.]
[Tone stops.]
What did you say? Batman's still alive.
I'm sure of it.
This old shelter's made a good hideout except for one thing-- the tunnels twist so much I can barely aim my sound blast.
When I heard you screaming last night that Batman was chasing you, all I could do was estimate his position and fire away.
I thought for sure you got him.
Maybe I did.
Maybe this is someone else.
It doesn't really matter.
Batman: You want me out of here pretty bad, don't you? This is my place.
Nobody tells me what to do here-- no parents, no teachers, and definitely not you.
Runaway, huh? How'd you guess? We're bottled up.
No way out now.
Can you hear me? I'm down in the shelters under the subway.
Can you hear me? Talkin' to yourself? It's a radio.
Might as well be talkin' to yourself.
Radios don't work down here.
Any idiot knows that.
I'll bet that one got him.
Keep an eye on the scope just in case.
Still here? I want to find him just as much as you do.
Have you seen anything? No.
Then why do I need you? Have you seen anything? [People talking.]
That backpack.
What about it? It's Terry's.
What are you doin'? Looking for a weak spot.
Then what, genius? I got explosives, lots of 'em.
What's with this condensation? Must be something cold on the other side.
Ever hear of the Gotham river? Runs all around here underground.
If you break through, we'll be dead real quick, instead of real slow, which is what's gonna happen now.
Look at that guy.
Yeah, nice vest, buddy.
Anything good on tonight? Stay here.
What do you want? A backpack.
This look like a store to you? I'll pay a fair price.
A very fair price.
Anybody got a backpack they want to sell? Who wants to know? Some old guy.
You were in the subway, weren't you? Yes.
That's where I saw your backpack.
And you followed me all the way here because you just had to have it? Something like that.
You really want it, don't you? How about 10-- no, 20 credits.
Deal, but I want to know where you got it.
How about for 30? Now, tell me why you really want this old thing.
Back at school, half the kids want to be you.
I was in the other half.
Who do you want to be? Maybe blight or spellbinder.
Or somebody in the royal flush gang.
Are you serious? Hey, they did what they wanted and wouldn't let anyone tell 'em what to do.
But look how they ended up.
Yeah, thanks to you, and I'm gonna end up that way, too, now, thanks to you.
Do that again, same spot.
It sounds different here, and there's no condensation.
What are you doin'? My explosives.
You sure this is gonna work? I mean, if you use too much, you could blow up.
You think blight would have worried about something like that? I don't even know your name.
It's dak.
Dak? Sounds like a throat lozenge.
It's short for Darius Arthur kellman.
Darius Arthur kellman.
Well, that explains it.
Just get behind me, ok? I'm not afraid.
Hey! No.
That's what I heard, one of the support beams.
Must be hollow.
Dak, we got through.
Use some more of your explosives.
I would if I had any left.
You could make it through there, and you know how to find your way around here.
You trust me to get help for you? After everything I've said? Better one of us gets out than neither of us.
Come on, old man.
Why do you want that backpack so bad? [Door opens.]
Max: You guys can't be the ts.
I always heard the ts knew how to party.
We're the ts, all right.
Nobody parties heartier than us, babe.
Slapping around some old man.
You call that partying? You got a better idea? I might.
Why don't you both close your eyes? Sorry.
We like to watch.
Then don't say I didn't warn you.
Ahh! Mace! Water! Water! Ahh! [Groans.]
Now are you gonna tell me where you got that backpack? I'm never gonna tell you nothin'.
Would you step out for a moment, please? He found it this morning down in the old shelter below the subway station.
He didn't see anyone near it.
You sure he's telling the truth? Yes.
Shriek: Batman.
I know you're down here somewhere.
This is your old pal shriek.
I've got your little friend with me here in the main shelter, and I want you to Well, you know the rest, don't you? Better hurry, Batman.
Better hurry.
Nobody sacrifices their life for somebody else, not in this world.
You don't know Batman.
I know people.
Perhaps you'd like to bet on it.
Your life, say? Too easy.
Even if he wanted to give himself up to you, he couldn't.
And why's that? He's trapped in-- you know right where he is, don't you? Tell me.
Tell me! Maybe I don't owe Batman anything, but I sure don't owe you anything, either.
You're about to owe me your life, but only if you take me to him.
You're not coming.
I won't let you.
Aren't you forgetting something? I saved you tonight, not the other way around.
You're good-- better than I thought-- but this isn't about you.
What, then? I don't know whether Terry's dead or alive, and that's enough for my conscience.
Wayne, with all due respect, your conscience don't mean diddly to me, so I'm just gonna go right ahead and-- there's no way into the shelter now, unless Unless what? Unless I distract them for you.
You mean now you want me to-- yes, but be careful.
Working late, fellas? Our seismograph picked up something down there, maybe a cave-in.
Ooh, a cave-in.
Sounds dangerous.
Might be.
Speaking of dangerous, should that young lady be down there? Hey, you! Get outta there! What are you doing?! Hey, come back here! That old man told me to do it! You should arrest him, too! He's right over th-- there.
He's right behind that wall.
How could you possibly-- I know these tunnels like the back of my hand.
[Dial clicks.]
[Sonic whine.]
Aah! Dak: Help! Help! Help! Help! Aaah! [Pants.]
All for nothing.
All that effort wasted, but at least it allows me the pleasure of dispatching you myself.
Wayne: Why do they always talk so much? I just happened to be in the neighborhood.
Where's he going? Told me he was headed for home.
Said he find me and kill me if I ever told anyone he cried.
Does Max have any idea what happened? As a matter of fact, I spent most of the evening with her.
Really? Then the two of you must have finally come to an understanding.
You could say that.
Max: You can't do this to me! It's not fair! I'll sue! [Yawns.]
Well, now it all makes sense.
Huh? You've started making your bed.
Uh, yeah.
Anything to help you out, mom.
And here I was, thinking you weren't coming home at night.
Who, me? Go eat your breakfast.
You don't want to be late for school.
Warner bros.
Captioned by the national
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