Beast Games (2024) s01e02 Episode Script
500 People Trapped In My City
[ominous music playing]
[electronic buzzing]
[MrBeast] 12 hours remain
until our 24 hour timer is up.
-[clock ticking]
-And this city's population of 493 players
are currently settling in
to their brand new home.
Welcome to the queen dorms. Welcome.
This is where all the queens are.
It feels surreal being in the city.
[man] This is pretty insane.
I don't think anybody really processes
that this is reality.
I mean, what a wicked crazy world
that we're in right now.
We’re with a bunch of crazy lunatics
who have all turned down $100,000 dollars
to be in a city that was built for us
to have fun, like, ridiculous.
-[woman] We were booing. $100,000.
-[man] We were boo--
Boo, we don't want it.
That's how much we want
to be here right now.
I don't even believe this is real.
I don't think anybody really
believes this is real. It's insane.
[woman] We made it to the city.
[MrBeast] But looming in the background,
time continues to tick,
and players remember that friendship
is not the reason they're here.
I'm standing behind $5,000,000,
and you can believe
it's coming home with me.
While we're making all these friends,
one of the things I have to keep in mind
is how am I going
to continue moving forward
as a competitor through these games?
Welcome to episode two.
Look at all those contestants over there.
The contestants are all hanging out
around the 5 million dollars.
I’m gonna call ‘em over for the next game.
-[ticking continues]
Can you slowly make your way
over to the giant towers?
-Bro, it's scary.
-Oh, my gosh.
It's like a zombie horde's coming at me.
[dramatic music playing]
-Are you guys ready for the next game?
Okay! Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna give each of you
a random token.
Come on up, grab a token.
These tokens will have a number on them
that correspond with a floor
of these massive towers.
Oh, my gosh.
Everyone's getting two and threes, hey!
[MrBeast] On the back of the token
will be a hint to the game
you'll be playing
on that floor of the tower.
Now, you can choose
to either keep your token,
or you can trade it with somebody else.
But choose wisely
because this token will decide your fate.
-[man] What you get? What you get?
-Level two. Less is more.
What'd you get? Three?
Get ready to throw it down.
-I got "less is more".
-"Use your brain." That's what I can do.
-What does four star say?
-"Hope you can catch."
-You guys can catch?
Most confident.
If I could choose any floor,
I would choose the fourth floor.
Feeling good?
Honestly, no.
I lost so many friends
before coming down here.
I feel like I’m going to be next.
Good luck.
Yeah, I’ll trade you, man.
Let’s do it. You wanna do it?
Uh, yeah.
-Let's shake?
-Good luck with your team. Let's go.
-Good luck, man.
I think this is a good trade, yeah.
[MrBeast] By now, everyone seemed happy
with their tokens,
but what they don't realize is
just how brutal this episode will get.
No. Open the door.
-We can't be having friendships right now.
-No, it's us against them.
[MrBeast] Oh, my God!
Find someone that money can't buy.
Everything is on the line.
[intense music playing]
[MrBeast] Attention, everyone!
It's time for the first challenge.
If you have a yellow token
with a number four on it,
come on up!
-[energetic music playing]
[MrBeast] The contestants will be split up
between the two towers.
If their token has a star on it,
they go to the right tower,
and if not, they go to the left.
You two teams will be going head to head.
Good luck.
Half of you are about to be eliminated.
[audio fades out]
[suspenseful music playing]
-Welcome to floor four. Come on in.
-[yelling and cheering]
Your game is very simple.
Your token said, "Hope you can catch."
Which is precisely what this next game is.
We are going to start dropping red balls
like this one.
If you'll look up, you'll notice
there are holes in your roof.
You have to catch the ball
and not let it touch the ground.
And if at any point, a red ball touches
the ground on your side,
your tower will turn red,
and your entire team will be eliminated.
We’re gonna drop balls until that happens.
It's literally that simple.
$5,000,000 on the line.
I'll give you some time to prep.
-[woman] Huddle up!
-Huddle up, guys! Come on.
-Huddle up! Huddle up!
-Let's go, let's go, let's go!
-I got a strategy.
-All right, let's hear it.
What do we think about tall and short
pairing up together?
-I don't think that's good idea.
If you're confident at catching, go here.
If you're a holder, go here.
-I can catch.
Can you pick a grid
or something to focus on?
I want this area right here.
Yes. I'm catching, she's holding.
-[woman] Get a quadrant!
-[man] I’d like to just suggest.
Once you can't hold on to any more balls,
you should move to the side.
-Strongest catchers-
-[woman] Have fun!
We need a few catchers right here.
Have fun!
Everybody stay cool. Keep your eyes up.
We got this. We got this.
Are you ready?
[yells and cheers]
Everybody stay calm.
[music intensifies]
-[audio cuts off]
-[wind blowing]
[ball bouncing]
[echoing] Ball! Ball! Ball!
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh! [laughs]
-[yelling continues]
-[MrBeast] All right. They both got one.
This is tense!
[MrBeast] Okay. They both got two.
[woman] Coming down. Coming down.
Oh, my God.
-[man] Get it, get it.
-[MrBeast] Oh, look at ‘em.
-[woman] Catch it!
-[MrBeast] All right.
[woman] Oh, my gosh. Good job.
-[MrBeast] They both got three.
-[man] Ball! Ball! Ball!
-[man] Got it.
-[woman] Got it.
Things are heating up.
[music continues]
-Get it, get it, get
-Watch, watch, watch your area.
[woman] Get it, get it, get it!
No, no, no!
That way, that way, that way!
-[man] Ball, ball, ball!
-[woman] Over here!
Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball!
[all] Oh!
-[audio fades out]
-[mechanical clicks]
[triumphant music playing]
[MrBeast] That was so fast.
They dropped the ball.
Literally and figuratively.
[music continues]
[woman] Breathe, girl. Breathe.
It's okay. It's okay.
Man, I’m going home with nothing.
We can take them out of the towers.
[producer] Uh, maybe not.
The Control Room caught something
that one of the guards missed.
Oh, my God.
[man] The thing that is curious to me
is why are we still here?
[mysterious music playing]
Um, can I talk to you over here?
The first one came down,
and I bobbled it and I dropped it.
-There's no reason to talk about it.
-They’re going to review it.
Let them review the footage.
-Don't worry, don't worry.
-I don't know what happened.
-You’re good, bro.
-No, I'm not.
Dude! Stop. Stop. Stop.
I'm not going to pretend
because they have cameras.
You're, like
I'm gonna put you on timeout.
You just got to stop talking
because we can’t
Dude, I know,
but the more you keep spreading it,
the more you’re putting it in the world.
Dude, it’s on camera, bro.
I don't care, dude.
Just sit down and be quiet.
-I'm just trying to set expectations.
-And I know you’re being honest.
-[woman] Like, just be quiet.
We just want you to be quiet, that’s it.
[MrBeast] All right. Can you hear me?
We're going to show some footage
because I think you guys
would find it interesting.
Show when Yellow Team dropped the ball.
[tense music playing]
Okay. That was Yellow Team's fourth ball.
That’s just like ugh.
Now, can you throw up the white team?
[music continues]
[shocked reactions]
That was White Team's first ball.
-No way!
-[MrBeast] Yes.
Which means
the decision has been reversed.
-Turn their tower red.
We did not catch it in the moment
because the guards did not have
a line of sight,
but every decision made
during this show is reviewed afterwards.
And when reviewing it,
we saw the correct call.
We are all bonded
for the rest of this game.
Anyone on this platform
is now part of our team.
Let’s go!
It's okay, it’s okay,
it’s okay, it’s okay.
No, no, no. It's okay. It's okay.
I feel terrible.
I let down my whole team.
I'm not going to forget this moment
for a long time.
Especially after celebrating too,
it’s just awful.
It's okay.
[MrBeast] Sadly, White Team,
you will be going home tonight.
But Yellow Team, you will continue
competing for the $5,000,000 grand prize.
-That went so fast.
-Just like that.
[MrBeast] All right, White Team,
take care. Sorry it didn't work out.
I was actually supposed to be
on that team. And guess what?
I traded my token
and that's why you go with your gut.
All right, I went for number two,
and guess what?
Number four is out.
Could have been me.
And with that, 62 people
have been eliminated. Next game.
I'm getting ready to watch
the next sections of the tower.
Super nervous about these next few games.
Literally anything can happen.
[MrBeast] All right, contestants,
it's time to begin.
If your token has a number two on it,
head to floor number two!
Let's have some fun.
-Less is more, baby.
Hopefully, you know,
I make it out of this.
They’re officially off to their challenge.
This might be their last time
competing in this game.
-Welcome to the next challenge.
-Thank you.
[MrBeast] Welcome to floor two.
As you put on your team colors,
feel free to get familiar with the space.
-Whoa, this is kind of scary.
-Oh, my God, I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
All right, teams, I hope you're ready.
At the end of this challenge,
only one team,
Green on the left or White on the right,
will move on,
and the other will be eliminated.
The back of your token said,
"Less is more."
And that's what this game is.
Whichever team has the least amount
of contestants at the end, will move on.
You guys will have
to convince your fellow teammates
-to eliminate themselves.
-Like sacrifice ourselves?
It's a self-sacrifice challenge?
I know you guys aren't happy
about another self elimination challenge,
but this time it's a little different
because of course, there's a twist.
You might notice
that you can't see the other side.
You see, you're going to have no idea
how many players the other team has.
And you also might have noticed
that there's a telephone
somewhere on your floor.
That phone is actually
directly connected to the other team.
And since you can't see each other,
it's your only line of communication
to the other side.
It's up to you,
whether you want to try to work with
the other team or leave them guessing.
-You ready?
-[all] Yeah!
-Ready as you can be.
-Yeah. Go green!
It's about to get very emotional tonight.
[MrBeast] Three. Two. One.
Start the timer!
Whichever side has less people
in 30 minutes, will move on.
All right, everyone, let's take a knee.
Everybody, let's take a knee.
We need to find out if anyone's willing.
Does anybody want to go home?
-[dramatic music playing]
-Some of you might have school.
Some of you guys might need
to get back to a job.
Consider maybe to sacrifice yourself
for the greater good.
Hey, guys.
No one’s gonna leave.
If you leave, you get nothing.
Yeah, you get nothing.
And if you stay because you want to play,
you still get nothing
because then your team is out.
Somebody needs to sacrifice themselves
and go home.
Does anybody want to go home?
It depends on the circumstances.
It depends
Okay, so we have a “maybe”.
I don't want to leave here with nothing.
That's the only thing.
-Are you a “maybe”?
-I can't say "yes" or "no" yet.
Shouldn't we use the phone?
No, not yet. Not yet!
[music continues]
[Nolan] Whoa. He just got
on the phone immediately.
He didn't talk to this team at all.
Why is he on the phone already?
What's that guy doing?
[phone ringing]
-I’m gonna go answer it.
-Don't answer it. Don't answer.
I'm just gonna listen.
I'm just gonna hear what they say.
Let them stress for a minute.
Just listen for a second.
[dial tone]
-They don't want to talk.
-Let's try to like work as a team here.
Let's not just jump in on the phone
or anything without considering everybody.
Thoughts on listening at some point,
not responding at all,
or do we not let them
get in our heads at all?
[MrBeast] It seemed like both teams
were hesitant about using the phone,
so I decided to call both phones
at the same time,
just to mix things up a bit.
-[phone ringing]
-Wait, hang on. Wait, wait, wait.
[MrBeast] And some of the contestants
actually took the bait.
-I'm going to go in. I'm going to go in.
-Wait, wait, wait!
-Why is she doing that?
-What’s wrong with her?
-I do not trust her already.
-Do I answer it?
-No. We all are agreeing to not.
Why would you go against the team?
-No! No! No!
-It's always never pick it up.
This is absolute chaos.
Answer the phone.
Don’t respond. Don’t respond.
Just hang up and tell us what they said.
The longer we don’t answer,
the more it's going to drive me crazy.
-I think that's a bad idea.
-We still have time.
We're running out of time.
-[dial tone]
-All right. There's no one pickin’ up.
-They didn't answer?
-[all] No.
Oh, really?
Green’s just not talking to you?
Nah, they’re ghosting us.
-Dang. Dang.
-This is crazy.
Hey, Green Team,
you're not talking to them on the phone?
[MrBeast] At this point of the challenge,
there was only five minutes left,
but both teams still had
all their contestants.
Since a lot of you keeping asking, yes.
If at the end of this challenge, you both
have the same amount of contestants,
we will be doing a tiebreaker.
But trust me,
you don't want that to happen.
At any point in this process,
have you had that thought,
“I don't think I can make it
all the way to episode ten?”
If you have had that thought, now's
the time not to lie to yourself anymore.
Okay, bye. I’m gonna go.
-We love you, Katie!
We have our first person leaving.
It's okay. It's okay.
Thank you so much.
You guys win. Win this. Okay. Love you.
It’s brave of you.
I’m just hoping it’s enough.
Well, let’s hope.
[MrBeast] And just like that,
White Team had their first sacrifice.
And when the phone rang again,
they had worked out a plan
to manipulate the other team.
The strategy for the conversation
is to convince them
let's get to the tiebreaker,
let's get to the tiebreaker.
All right, go pick it up. Go pick it up.
-If nobody eliminates anybody right now,
we'll get to the tiebreaker.
He'll offer something.
I’ll talk to the team, and I’ll call back.
Thank you, bye.
-Okay. Okay.
They propose that we make it a tiebreaker.
We vote nobody out right now.
What if we say "yes," and don't?
You guys are asking us
not to eliminate anybody, correct?
And we go to the tie. We forced the tie.
[MrBeast] Both teams had agreed
to not eliminate anyone.
Which is funny, because White
already had a person out.
And with Green's attempt to backstab White
by eliminating someone,
they actually brought the score
to a tie.
But soon after,
Green had their first elimination,
White Team had some volunteers
of their own.
I will leave if that ensures
that the team wins.
-I'm gonna go.
-Baby girl, I’m so proud of you.
You sure you want to give up
your shot at $5,000,000?
I'm good. I want this team to go far.
White Team now had the advantage.
So Green desperately
needed people to leave
if they were going to have a chance.
[Tareq] It's either two more people for
Green Team or everyone else going home.
-[groans] But they don't know.
-[Tareq] They have no idea.
[MrBeast] All right, teams,
you have 20 seconds on the clock.
If anyone wants to take one for the team,
now is the time!
[Nolan] They have to make decisions now,
or else they're all going to get out,
and it's complete chaos.
Nobody’s communicating.
I want to leave. I think I’ll do it.
-I want you to make it to the end.
-Thank you.
If I can save you at least,
it’s good enough for me.
-[MrBeast] 10 seconds left.
-Out of my way! Out of my way.
[MrBeast] Last five seconds!
If you’re going to leave, do it now!
Three. Two. One. Time is up.
At this point, neither team had any clue
how many players were left on their team,
or the other team.
Boys, pull back the curtains.
Now, for the first time
since the challenge started,
the teams will be able to look each other
in the eyes.
[dramatic music playing]
It is time to reveal the results.
To my left, the white team
convinced four people to leave.
And to my right, the green team
-convinced only three people.
You’re still in! You made it! Yes!
Oh, my God, by one! By one!
[triumphant music playing]
-We’re meant to be here, bro.
-We're very much meant to be here.
I traded to get on to this team,
so I feel like this is just meant to be.
I had a feeling this is my team.
I'm glad we're all moving on
as a team and everything.
I'm sorry for my friends
that were on the other team,
but we knew this was going to happen.
[MrBeast] White Team, if you will direct
your attention over to that scissor lift,
you will see a gentleman
that stepped out with two seconds left,
-getting you over the edge.
He really sacrificed himself
for the greater good.
[dramatic music playing]
That one person.
-Look at me, look at me.
-I guess I should have kept my token.
-You traded?
I traded last second.
[MrBeast] As hard as that was,
the show must go on.
[clock ticking]
I know it's only been
a short amount of time,
but my heart is broken
into pieces right now.
I have friends that are making it through
to the next round.
I have friends that are eliminated,
and I can't even say goodbye.
The next group to go on the tower
is the group holding
the token number three, the red token.
I'm three star. I have no idea
what it's going to be, but I'm excited.
[MrBeast] All right, you guys get
the gist. Everyone come up to floor three.
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
You guys are going home. Bye!
[echoing] Bye!
Welcome to floor three.
Are you guys ready?
Your token on the back said,
"Get ready to throw down."
There's a large cup down there.
And your rooms are filled with balls.
Your goal is to hit these balls
in that cup.
If you make it in,
your team will get a point.
All 61 people on each team
will get one throw each.
So once everyone has thrown their ball,
the game is over, and the team
with the least points will be eliminated.
[man] Hey, folks,
let's gather round, guys.
I want a couple people
to volunteer to come up first.
Follow through is everything.
-You know, I just think we take a breath.
-Guys throw it with a arch.
We want to ricochet
inside of there, right?
I don't think there's any strategy
to this, actually, at all.
So the best technique is a bank shot.
If this was me up there, I'm going first,
guaranteeing a point, right?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
-That's it?
-I only get one shot.
[MrBeast] Are you ready?
Send up your first players.
When you're ready
This is immense pressure.
Alright, the first throw
[suspenseful music playing]
-is off.
Yeah, you don’t want to do that.
All right, your go, man.
Let's see if you can do better.
-Let's go!
-You think it's going in?
No shot.
[MrBeast] Oh! Bounce? Wait!
One point for white.
Bring out your next contenders.
Do we get points if we dunk it?
Don't jump off. [laughs] Please don't.
-Oh! Buckets!
-[cheering continues]
-Come on! Let’s go pink!
-Alright, go for it.
[classical music playing]
-Good try, good try.
-What's the wind telling you?
-The wind’s telling me it’s blowing back.
-Okay, so throw it harder.
Okay. Oh!
-White Team has some shooters!
[MrBeast] Now, clearly, both teams
got a hang of this pretty quickly.
I play this with my kids all the time,
so if I miss this thing,
I'll never hear the end of it.
[MrBeast] So, like always,
we decided to up the stakes of it.
Like I said before,
this game is all about teamwork.
Let's see how much
you really care about your team.
This is where things
get a little interesting.
You now have a choice.
You can aim for the red cup
and score a point for your team,
or you can aim for the Gold Cup
and win $250,000 for yourself.
I like that Gold Cup.
We're gonna find out
if you're a team player,
-or if you just want some money.
-That’s the most he’s offered yet.
And now that you know about the Gold Cup,
which one are you going for?
I'm going for the Red.
I’m here for the team.
She's here for the team. Let's see it.
[suspenseful music playing]
-She did it!
It is now tied up,
but we're just getting started.
Despite $250,000 on the line,
nobody wanted to go for the Gold Cup.
-Are you gonna go for the Gold Cup or not?
Can't risk getting rid of a point
for our team.
We've got to get ahead of them.
Buckets! Are you gonna fire back?
[woman] Not being greedy
is why you're here right now.
So help your teammates help you.
Bro, how awkward would it be
if you went to the 250 grand and missed
and had to go back to your team?
He got it. He got it, he got it. He got–
-Yeah. Especially if you're losing.
-That’d be crazy.
-Wait, wait. Was–
-Were you going for the gold cup?
-No, just the red.
Oh, but it was closer to the gold cup
than the red.
-I do not believe that at all.
[MrBeast] After the white team’s
failed gamble in the gold cup,
the pink team started hitting
shot after shot after shot.
And the white team
just couldn't seem to get it together.
[laughing and cheering continue]
-[MrBeast] Whoa!
-White Team. You're real–
-Guaranteed in.
-Oh, it's falling apart.
It is falling apart.
White Team, White Team.
I think we need to have
an inspirational speech over here.
You guys are in a deficit.
It is up to you to dig out of it.
Give ‘em some words of inspiration.
We are not in a deficit.
Every shot is your shot.
It's the only one that matters.
There is no lead that is too great.
I was playing, um
What's that game?
Cornhole today.
Everything is–
-Yo! Lock in.
-[man] Lock in!
Lock in. Get inside that red cup.
If that doesn't get them hittin’ shots,
I don’t know what will.
-Let’s go!
And while the motivational speech
might have helped
for some people in the white team
-Go make it!
-Keep the morale high, baby.
For others, the difference in the score
was a bit too high to feel the same way.
I did this for my kids
that I take care of.
[crying] My jobs are on the line.
-[audio drops out]
-[sad music playing]
Oh. That’s okay. That's okay.
You got this, just chill.
-You got it.
-We gotta keep everybody composed.
-Oh, okay.
-You think they’re coming back?
-They might, bro.
[MrBeast] And even though
Team White eventually started hitting
some of their shots
-They still had a long way to go.
I can’t watch. I can’t watch.
[MrBeast] And with most people
now having thrown their shots,
-the game was slowly coming to an end.
-[faint yelling]
-You got this, baby. You got this.
-You're so fine.
-I just don’t wanna–
-Don’t be sorry. Don’t be sorry.
-I don't want to ruin it for the team.
Don't be sorry. It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay. You are so okay.
[dramatic music playing]
They always answer back.
[faint] Pink is not messing around.
-[woman] It’s all good. It’s all good.
-This is not when I’m meant to go home.
[music continues]
All right.
It is currently 13 to 8, and each team
only has five throws remaining.
So if he misses, pink wins.
[music intensifies]
[clock ticking]
[MrBeast] Any last words?
-[man] Breathe. Breathe.
-All right, we'll see.
[wind blowing]
-[MrBeast] Oh, my god.
Congrats, everybody! You made it.
We did it, baby!
You're moving on! Pink! Pink!
[all] Pink! Pink! [echoing] Pink! Pink!
I love you guys. Win for your kids.
-I’m feeling amazing.
-You won, why are you crying?
-It's her birthday.
-Oh, it’s your birthday?
That was the best birthday
present ever, Jimmy.
And even though the game was over,
I let the remaining contestants
try their luck at the gold cup.
-It's time for the final game.
We’ve done floor four,
floor three, floor two.
And now it's time for floor one!
-Are you ready?
Okay. As you can see,
there are 63 of you on each side
and 63 tiles on each floor.
I think naming shapes is gonna
be relevant, whatever the game is.
-Just get an idea of the shapes.
-Walk around and memorize.
Wait, wait. Let's hear the rules.
All right?
I need you each
to pick one and stand on it.
Choose carefully which tile you stand on.
-Everybody on a tile is eliminated.
Now, if you look at your feet,
you'll see a symbol.
What do you think these symbols mean?
We have to memorize things. It’s memory.
It’s like the game “Memory.”
So we're all banking on this
being a memory game?
-[MrBeast] They mean absolutely nothing!
-[man] What?
-I just wanted to throw you off.
-Oh, my God.
[MrBeast] With that out the way,
let's get to the actual challenge.
Your token said, “Use your brain,”
and that's what we're gonna be doing
in some good old fashioned trivia.
Oh, man.
You'll notice your tiles
are in groups of four.
Each group of four will compete
against the same group of four
in the opposing team.
The team that has
the least questions answered correctly
by the end of the challenge
will be eliminated.
So will the first group from each team
come on down.
-It's time for the first round of trivia.
Also, the boys do not know
the questions or answers.
-I don't know anything.
-I don't have a brain.
-[clears throat]
-For our first question of trivia,
what group has the most number one songs
on Billboard's Hot 100?
You both have 30 seconds to answer
the question. Start the timer!
-What do we think? Guys, I don’t know.
-Rolling Stones.
-How do you
-I write it. I--
Okay. They now have their answers written.
We'll start off with the white team.
Let's see what they have written down.
The Rolling Stones.
-Do we feel good about the Rolling Stones?
Okay, now let's see
what the orange team has written down.
-The Beatles?
The correct answer
-is The Beatles.
Orange has one point.
Bring out the next groups.
The second question is,
what is the biggest animal on our planet?
Blue Whale, Indian Rhinoceros,
or a Spiny Lumpsucker?
-Start the timer.
-Let’s turn around.
-No, no, no.
-Did I read that improperly?
[laughing] Spiny Lumpsucker.
Guys, it's the rhino.
I literally studied this in college.
Is it the rhino?
No, they’re joking.
They’re trying to throw us off.
What is a Spiny Lumpsucker?
-The rhino.
-We know what y'all doing.
Don’t try to throw us off. Come on.
Let's see what your answer was.
Blue whale. Blue whale.
-Both got it correct.
-Spiny Lumpsucker, is that even an animal?
Which is the biggest U.S. state by area?
Oh, wow.
They didn't even need the full time.
-What do you have written down?
-[both] Alaska!
Both got it correct.
In what European city does
Paris. Both got it right.
And from this point forward,
for some reason,
both teams kept getting
every single question right.
That is the correct answer.
Which is the correct answer.
-Once again, they both got it right.
-[Mack] These are some easy questions.
Jeff Bezos is the correct answer.
Shout out to Amazon. [clears throat]
All right, because you guys
were way better at this than I expected,
I'm going to bring out
some way harder questions. Oop.
-Don't worry. Those are old questions.
Because these are my final questions,
Team White needs to take the lead soon,
or they risk being eliminated.
This is definitely
the hardest question so far.
The number 100 is represented
by what letter in Roman numerals?
I'll be honest,
I don't even know the answer to this one.
I'm just having a surreal moment
that you're five feet away from me.
-This is great.
-Why are they talking?
-Are they speaking Roman?
-I gotta tell the students this.
-Wait, you're a teacher?
Do you teach your students Roman numerals?
-That's kind of cheating
because she's a teacher.
What do you have written down?
-And you?
-Oh, we have different answers.
One side has a C, one side has an X.
All right. The correct answer
-[laughs] is C.
-The teacher got it wrong.
-You teach your students Roman numerals.
-What is happening?
-You were so busy talking to me.
-I'm so sorry.
I'm gonna go back home and lose my job.
What two planets in our solar system
have no moons?
-Did you know the answer?
White Team.
This could be your way back in the game.
-What did you write down?
-Pluto and Neptune?
Is Pluto a planet anymore?
I don't think Pluto's a planet.
They both got it wrong.
White Team,
if there was a chance to claw back,
I think this one's going to be it.
If you guys get this question right,
and you guys get it wrong,
-the game will be over.
Your deficit will be impossible
to climb out of.
In 2001, Apple released what now
genre-defining piece of tech hardware?
Start the timer.
[dramatic music playing]
Three, two, one. Pens down.
$5,000,000 on the line.
Team facing elimination,
what did you write down?
-Okay. What did you write down?
-All right. They have different answers.
If their answer is wrong
and theirs is right, the game is over.
[music intensifies]
The correct answer
-is iPod. And orange is moving on!
Orange has officially won.
The game is over.
-I'm so excited right now.
Like Team Orange clean swept the board.
My husband was here, and he couldn't
make it. I'm doing this for my husband.
The $5,000,000 is mine.
[MrBeast] Now that you've lost,
do you regret not taking
the 100 grand earlier?
-[conflicting answers]
-It’s funny to see the different answers.
We're gonna miss ya. A lot of people
didn't get to see the city.
I got to not just see it.
I got to live in it.
I got to play in it. I got to cry in it.
I think my family will be proud of me
because I was the last Woo standing.
[laughs] Honestly,
I didn't envision going out at all.
I just feel sad.
I didn't want to leave yet. [chuckles]
[dramatic music playing]
What they don't know is
that they're not done with this tower.
-What does that mean?
-You’ll see.
No, don't do that to me.
What does that mean?
Just tell me. I'm not one of them.
-Just tell me what you’re talking about.
-Wait for the Jimmy V.O. to come on.
-No, no, no no. Just tell–
-Wait for the Jimmy V.O.
-No, no, don't cut me–
-[MrBeast] Congratulations
-on surviving your floor of the tower.
-Oh! Let's go.
We are almost done with episode two.
-Notice, though, how I said "almost".
-Oh, my gosh.
We still have one more game
to close this out.
You are currently in rows
that line up for the floors you're on.
Oh, no.
He's going to put us against each other.
And now I need each of you
to pick a captain
to represent your team.
-Oh no.
I am going to offer
that captain massive bribes
in exchange for eliminating their team.
So I need you to pick someone
incredibly trustworthy
that won't bow under the pressure
of large, giant piles of money.
This is not good.
-I want to take it.
-I got it.
You guys, let's get together.
We're all one team.
-All right, let’s vote. Let’s vote.
-I would like to be captain.
Raise your hand if you want to be
team captain, let's figure that out first.
Okay, there's way too many, so some
of you just need to lower your hand.
There needs to be five.
Dear Lord heavenly father,
we thank you for this opportunity.
[all] Jeremy! Jeremy! Jeremy!
Jeremy’s pretty popular. Why do you think
this team trusts you so much?
Because God is good.
Do we trust the beard?
All right, so I want to win.
I'm not here to grab some
a little bit of money.
I want to win. I want to get there.
[woman] Someone had told me already
that you would take a bribe.
I don't remember who it was,
but someone did tell me
that you said you would take a bribe.
I am a veteran. I live in a vehicle.
I travel full time.
I planned on driving to Argentina
after this.
That automatically gets you out.
Did he say he's living out of his car?
Guys, he's not homeless. Okay?
-He lives in a car, that's like
-But that's his choice.
I make money through social media.
I do not envy their position right now.
Dude, this is insane.
Unless you get to be the captain.
Oh, man. Bro, this is crazy. Dude.
I can vouch for Harrison.
Me too.
Out of those two,
I don't know the other one.
I don't know the other one at all either.
I say, Harrison,
is everybody okay with that?
-Yeah, Harrison. Yeah.
-It's Harrison.
-Listen, man, we got you.
I feel like Harrison seems
like he's a really good guy.
I think we can trust him.
He seems to have genuine integrity,
and that's what we need in the leader.
I think he's going to do a good job.
Can you find someone
on your team that money can't buy?
-Bro! You are crazy!
-'Cause you really need to.
You need to chill.
They will be tempted
with an insane amount of money.
Whatever you're thinking,
it is going to be higher than that.
-They're going to tell you
they won't crack,
but we will find that breaking point.
Okay? All right, all right. Okay.
-I just want to make sure it's clear.
-It's clear. It's very clear.
-Everyone has a price.
-Oh, Jimmy, please stop!
-And we're gonna find what it is.
-[woman] Deano!
-[man] Deano!
I just know myself, I'm 60 years old.
My kids are grown. I'm a retired fireman.
[man] Yeah!
I'm good to go. I'm a no-bribe guy.
[MrBeast] Deano seems like
the perfect choice for the pink team,
-but he wasn't the only choice.
-[all] Deano! Deano!
Can I talk for just a second?
I know that most of you
do not know who I am,
but I have never screwed anyone over.
[man] You got it, man.
-I am not going to take any bribe.
-Can I say something?
-[man 1] I want to go with Deano.
-[man 2] Yes!
-[all] Deano! Deano! Deano!
[chanting continues]
[Twana] Anyone who's met me knows
I'm not taking no bribe.
-[man] One mil?
-I never, No!
-Two mil?
-Because it’s blood money!
-No! Because no!
You know why? I would be betraying you.
-Everyone here has a reason to fight.
-Hey, listen up.
And I would never,
ever take that from any of you.
-Would you self-sacrifice?
If I have to.
If that's what it takes, it will crush me.
But I won't take this away from you.
-[man 1] I trust her.
-[man 2] I trust her.
[woman] Yes, Twana!
All right, contestants,
I hope you chose your captains wisely.
-Yellow Team! Send your captain forward.
-Let's go, Jeremy!
-Pink Team! Send your captain forward.
Let's go!
-White Team!
And Orange Team,
come to the top of the tower!
[dramatic music playing]
I just wanna remind you,
$5,000,000 is on the line.
If he throws you under the bus,
you're going home.
Somebody is gonna break.
So you just gotta hope it's not yours.
Yeah, no, I know.
I don't know who's going
to buckle on the other teams,
-but I know that we're not going to.
So like for us,
Jeremy is going to represent us,
and we're going to sleep well tonight.
Captains! Stand behind the button
that corresponds with your color.
Here's how this is gonna work.
This screen is gonna display a number,
and that number is gonna grow
exponentially faster with time.
At any point, any one of these captains
can press the button in front of them
and eliminate their entire team
in exchange for that money.
Let’s hope it’s not white.
Yeah, let's hope it's not white.
[MrBeast] Oh, one more thing
Your fate is in their hands,
but if they press the button,
they are not eliminated, just you guys.
-[suspenseful music playing]
Wait. They stay in the game,
and they get the money.
No way!
This is so crazy. It's insane.
[music continues]
And the last thing that's actually
good news for all of you down there.
There is a cap
to how high this number will go.
And if it reaches that cap without
any of them pressing their buttons,
no one has to be eliminated.
-Let's go.
-Come on, Harrison!
So if all four of these captains
truly can't be bought,
-then we'll just go to bed and move on.
-[cheering continues]
But I'll just let you know that cap
is an unfathomably large amount of money
that I would probably puke
if it got that high.
-Oh, wow.
-And I just do not see it happening.
Captains, are you ready?
-Let's go!
-Yeah, Jimmy!
Alright! Start the money counter.
[mechanical clicks]
Let's have some fun.
-[man] Oh, my God.
-[MrBeast] All right, $2,000. $3,000.
If any of them press this button,
they will win $5,000.
-Don't even look at it.
-[MrBeast] Now, they will win $6,000.
If somebody presses right now
-Look at him. He's locked in.
-He's locked in.
-[MrBeast] Now, here's the thing.
This counter is gonna go up faster
with time.
[dramatic music continues]
So I was doing $1,000 a second.
Now, every second it is going up $2,000.
-[laughs] It’s going up fast!
-Oh, that's fast, that's so fast.
-30 grand.
-That's a Tesla, right there.
It’s going up
thousands of dollars a second.
-[man] Come on, Deano, we don't do it.
-Yeah, what is he doing?
-[man] 50 grand!
-No, no, no! Back up, back up, back up!
Stop moving your hand!
It's going up faster.
What are you thinking?
I’m thinking I don’t even need to look
at that number, Jimmy.
Oh, my god, 90 grand!
No one wants it?
-You've got to be nervous now.
-It’s done.
-[man 1] Oh, my God!
-[man 2] Get away from the button.
There’s $115,000,
and you're not eliminated.
-[indistinct yelling]
-[man] Somebody’s going to press it.
-Somebody’s gotta press it.
-[Karl] You gotta be kidding me!
All right, it’s about to hit $200,000.
[Karl] This is a house!
[woman] Somebody getting antsy,
somebody getting antsy.
If neither these captains press a button,
I will puke.
Get the bucket, Jimmy.
-200 grand!
-Oh, my God!
[man] Deano, look at that.
-He’s close to his button.
-Here we go.
Deano, don’t do it!
-[Tareq] Yo, Pink looks nervous.
-[man] Come on, Deano!
They do! [laughs]
-What is happening?
-[audio fades out]
-[clock ticking]
[muffled] Stay strong!
[MrBeast] There are literally four people
currently saying "no"
to half a million dollars!
500 grand! What is going on?
It’s over half a million dollars!
Are you guys chronically insane?
[ticking speeds up]
Don’t move.
You do realize that is real money?
-[man] Don't press.
-[woman] No!
[man] Don't press. Everybody, hold tight!
-[Karl yelling] What is happening?
-How can anybody resist that?
[screaming] What are you guys doing?
They’re delusional,
I don't think these are real humans.
-[Karl yelling] What is happening?
-Sir, that’s 700 grand,
and I will wire it to you
if you press that button.
-Please don’t fold, please!
-This is the most insane show ever.
-This is crazy. [laughs]
-[MrBeast] $800,000.
-Woah! That's a lot of money.
-No, Deano!
-This is crazy.
-Come on, Deano.
-None of you want 800 grand?
Jeremy's turning around,
looking at the screen a little bit now.
The viewers are gonna think this is fake.
This is real!
[Karl] 900! Oh, my God!
-Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
-Surely somebody has to take it.
It's almost $1,000,000.
-Come on, Deano, don't do it.
-[man] Please, Deano!
-[man 1] Oh, my God.
-[man 2] Is he taking it?
-[woman] Is he taking it?
-[man] Oh, my God.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh!
-[Karl] Oh!
[audio fades out]
[credits music playing]
[ominous music playing]
[electronic buzzing]
[MrBeast] 12 hours remain
until our 24 hour timer is up.
-[clock ticking]
-And this city's population of 493 players
are currently settling in
to their brand new home.
Welcome to the queen dorms. Welcome.
This is where all the queens are.
It feels surreal being in the city.
[man] This is pretty insane.
I don't think anybody really processes
that this is reality.
I mean, what a wicked crazy world
that we're in right now.
We’re with a bunch of crazy lunatics
who have all turned down $100,000 dollars
to be in a city that was built for us
to have fun, like, ridiculous.
-[woman] We were booing. $100,000.
-[man] We were boo--
Boo, we don't want it.
That's how much we want
to be here right now.
I don't even believe this is real.
I don't think anybody really
believes this is real. It's insane.
[woman] We made it to the city.
[MrBeast] But looming in the background,
time continues to tick,
and players remember that friendship
is not the reason they're here.
I'm standing behind $5,000,000,
and you can believe
it's coming home with me.
While we're making all these friends,
one of the things I have to keep in mind
is how am I going
to continue moving forward
as a competitor through these games?
Welcome to episode two.
Look at all those contestants over there.
The contestants are all hanging out
around the 5 million dollars.
I’m gonna call ‘em over for the next game.
-[ticking continues]
Can you slowly make your way
over to the giant towers?
-Bro, it's scary.
-Oh, my gosh.
It's like a zombie horde's coming at me.
[dramatic music playing]
-Are you guys ready for the next game?
Okay! Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna give each of you
a random token.
Come on up, grab a token.
These tokens will have a number on them
that correspond with a floor
of these massive towers.
Oh, my gosh.
Everyone's getting two and threes, hey!
[MrBeast] On the back of the token
will be a hint to the game
you'll be playing
on that floor of the tower.
Now, you can choose
to either keep your token,
or you can trade it with somebody else.
But choose wisely
because this token will decide your fate.
-[man] What you get? What you get?
-Level two. Less is more.
What'd you get? Three?
Get ready to throw it down.
-I got "less is more".
-"Use your brain." That's what I can do.
-What does four star say?
-"Hope you can catch."
-You guys can catch?
Most confident.
If I could choose any floor,
I would choose the fourth floor.
Feeling good?
Honestly, no.
I lost so many friends
before coming down here.
I feel like I’m going to be next.
Good luck.
Yeah, I’ll trade you, man.
Let’s do it. You wanna do it?
Uh, yeah.
-Let's shake?
-Good luck with your team. Let's go.
-Good luck, man.
I think this is a good trade, yeah.
[MrBeast] By now, everyone seemed happy
with their tokens,
but what they don't realize is
just how brutal this episode will get.
No. Open the door.
-We can't be having friendships right now.
-No, it's us against them.
[MrBeast] Oh, my God!
Find someone that money can't buy.
Everything is on the line.
[intense music playing]
[MrBeast] Attention, everyone!
It's time for the first challenge.
If you have a yellow token
with a number four on it,
come on up!
-[energetic music playing]
[MrBeast] The contestants will be split up
between the two towers.
If their token has a star on it,
they go to the right tower,
and if not, they go to the left.
You two teams will be going head to head.
Good luck.
Half of you are about to be eliminated.
[audio fades out]
[suspenseful music playing]
-Welcome to floor four. Come on in.
-[yelling and cheering]
Your game is very simple.
Your token said, "Hope you can catch."
Which is precisely what this next game is.
We are going to start dropping red balls
like this one.
If you'll look up, you'll notice
there are holes in your roof.
You have to catch the ball
and not let it touch the ground.
And if at any point, a red ball touches
the ground on your side,
your tower will turn red,
and your entire team will be eliminated.
We’re gonna drop balls until that happens.
It's literally that simple.
$5,000,000 on the line.
I'll give you some time to prep.
-[woman] Huddle up!
-Huddle up, guys! Come on.
-Huddle up! Huddle up!
-Let's go, let's go, let's go!
-I got a strategy.
-All right, let's hear it.
What do we think about tall and short
pairing up together?
-I don't think that's good idea.
If you're confident at catching, go here.
If you're a holder, go here.
-I can catch.
Can you pick a grid
or something to focus on?
I want this area right here.
Yes. I'm catching, she's holding.
-[woman] Get a quadrant!
-[man] I’d like to just suggest.
Once you can't hold on to any more balls,
you should move to the side.
-Strongest catchers-
-[woman] Have fun!
We need a few catchers right here.
Have fun!
Everybody stay cool. Keep your eyes up.
We got this. We got this.
Are you ready?
[yells and cheers]
Everybody stay calm.
[music intensifies]
-[audio cuts off]
-[wind blowing]
[ball bouncing]
[echoing] Ball! Ball! Ball!
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh! [laughs]
-[yelling continues]
-[MrBeast] All right. They both got one.
This is tense!
[MrBeast] Okay. They both got two.
[woman] Coming down. Coming down.
Oh, my God.
-[man] Get it, get it.
-[MrBeast] Oh, look at ‘em.
-[woman] Catch it!
-[MrBeast] All right.
[woman] Oh, my gosh. Good job.
-[MrBeast] They both got three.
-[man] Ball! Ball! Ball!
-[man] Got it.
-[woman] Got it.
Things are heating up.
[music continues]
-Get it, get it, get
-Watch, watch, watch your area.
[woman] Get it, get it, get it!
No, no, no!
That way, that way, that way!
-[man] Ball, ball, ball!
-[woman] Over here!
Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball!
[all] Oh!
-[audio fades out]
-[mechanical clicks]
[triumphant music playing]
[MrBeast] That was so fast.
They dropped the ball.
Literally and figuratively.
[music continues]
[woman] Breathe, girl. Breathe.
It's okay. It's okay.
Man, I’m going home with nothing.
We can take them out of the towers.
[producer] Uh, maybe not.
The Control Room caught something
that one of the guards missed.
Oh, my God.
[man] The thing that is curious to me
is why are we still here?
[mysterious music playing]
Um, can I talk to you over here?
The first one came down,
and I bobbled it and I dropped it.
-There's no reason to talk about it.
-They’re going to review it.
Let them review the footage.
-Don't worry, don't worry.
-I don't know what happened.
-You’re good, bro.
-No, I'm not.
Dude! Stop. Stop. Stop.
I'm not going to pretend
because they have cameras.
You're, like
I'm gonna put you on timeout.
You just got to stop talking
because we can’t
Dude, I know,
but the more you keep spreading it,
the more you’re putting it in the world.
Dude, it’s on camera, bro.
I don't care, dude.
Just sit down and be quiet.
-I'm just trying to set expectations.
-And I know you’re being honest.
-[woman] Like, just be quiet.
We just want you to be quiet, that’s it.
[MrBeast] All right. Can you hear me?
We're going to show some footage
because I think you guys
would find it interesting.
Show when Yellow Team dropped the ball.
[tense music playing]
Okay. That was Yellow Team's fourth ball.
That’s just like ugh.
Now, can you throw up the white team?
[music continues]
[shocked reactions]
That was White Team's first ball.
-No way!
-[MrBeast] Yes.
Which means
the decision has been reversed.
-Turn their tower red.
We did not catch it in the moment
because the guards did not have
a line of sight,
but every decision made
during this show is reviewed afterwards.
And when reviewing it,
we saw the correct call.
We are all bonded
for the rest of this game.
Anyone on this platform
is now part of our team.
Let’s go!
It's okay, it’s okay,
it’s okay, it’s okay.
No, no, no. It's okay. It's okay.
I feel terrible.
I let down my whole team.
I'm not going to forget this moment
for a long time.
Especially after celebrating too,
it’s just awful.
It's okay.
[MrBeast] Sadly, White Team,
you will be going home tonight.
But Yellow Team, you will continue
competing for the $5,000,000 grand prize.
-That went so fast.
-Just like that.
[MrBeast] All right, White Team,
take care. Sorry it didn't work out.
I was actually supposed to be
on that team. And guess what?
I traded my token
and that's why you go with your gut.
All right, I went for number two,
and guess what?
Number four is out.
Could have been me.
And with that, 62 people
have been eliminated. Next game.
I'm getting ready to watch
the next sections of the tower.
Super nervous about these next few games.
Literally anything can happen.
[MrBeast] All right, contestants,
it's time to begin.
If your token has a number two on it,
head to floor number two!
Let's have some fun.
-Less is more, baby.
Hopefully, you know,
I make it out of this.
They’re officially off to their challenge.
This might be their last time
competing in this game.
-Welcome to the next challenge.
-Thank you.
[MrBeast] Welcome to floor two.
As you put on your team colors,
feel free to get familiar with the space.
-Whoa, this is kind of scary.
-Oh, my God, I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
All right, teams, I hope you're ready.
At the end of this challenge,
only one team,
Green on the left or White on the right,
will move on,
and the other will be eliminated.
The back of your token said,
"Less is more."
And that's what this game is.
Whichever team has the least amount
of contestants at the end, will move on.
You guys will have
to convince your fellow teammates
-to eliminate themselves.
-Like sacrifice ourselves?
It's a self-sacrifice challenge?
I know you guys aren't happy
about another self elimination challenge,
but this time it's a little different
because of course, there's a twist.
You might notice
that you can't see the other side.
You see, you're going to have no idea
how many players the other team has.
And you also might have noticed
that there's a telephone
somewhere on your floor.
That phone is actually
directly connected to the other team.
And since you can't see each other,
it's your only line of communication
to the other side.
It's up to you,
whether you want to try to work with
the other team or leave them guessing.
-You ready?
-[all] Yeah!
-Ready as you can be.
-Yeah. Go green!
It's about to get very emotional tonight.
[MrBeast] Three. Two. One.
Start the timer!
Whichever side has less people
in 30 minutes, will move on.
All right, everyone, let's take a knee.
Everybody, let's take a knee.
We need to find out if anyone's willing.
Does anybody want to go home?
-[dramatic music playing]
-Some of you might have school.
Some of you guys might need
to get back to a job.
Consider maybe to sacrifice yourself
for the greater good.
Hey, guys.
No one’s gonna leave.
If you leave, you get nothing.
Yeah, you get nothing.
And if you stay because you want to play,
you still get nothing
because then your team is out.
Somebody needs to sacrifice themselves
and go home.
Does anybody want to go home?
It depends on the circumstances.
It depends
Okay, so we have a “maybe”.
I don't want to leave here with nothing.
That's the only thing.
-Are you a “maybe”?
-I can't say "yes" or "no" yet.
Shouldn't we use the phone?
No, not yet. Not yet!
[music continues]
[Nolan] Whoa. He just got
on the phone immediately.
He didn't talk to this team at all.
Why is he on the phone already?
What's that guy doing?
[phone ringing]
-I’m gonna go answer it.
-Don't answer it. Don't answer.
I'm just gonna listen.
I'm just gonna hear what they say.
Let them stress for a minute.
Just listen for a second.
[dial tone]
-They don't want to talk.
-Let's try to like work as a team here.
Let's not just jump in on the phone
or anything without considering everybody.
Thoughts on listening at some point,
not responding at all,
or do we not let them
get in our heads at all?
[MrBeast] It seemed like both teams
were hesitant about using the phone,
so I decided to call both phones
at the same time,
just to mix things up a bit.
-[phone ringing]
-Wait, hang on. Wait, wait, wait.
[MrBeast] And some of the contestants
actually took the bait.
-I'm going to go in. I'm going to go in.
-Wait, wait, wait!
-Why is she doing that?
-What’s wrong with her?
-I do not trust her already.
-Do I answer it?
-No. We all are agreeing to not.
Why would you go against the team?
-No! No! No!
-It's always never pick it up.
This is absolute chaos.
Answer the phone.
Don’t respond. Don’t respond.
Just hang up and tell us what they said.
The longer we don’t answer,
the more it's going to drive me crazy.
-I think that's a bad idea.
-We still have time.
We're running out of time.
-[dial tone]
-All right. There's no one pickin’ up.
-They didn't answer?
-[all] No.
Oh, really?
Green’s just not talking to you?
Nah, they’re ghosting us.
-Dang. Dang.
-This is crazy.
Hey, Green Team,
you're not talking to them on the phone?
[MrBeast] At this point of the challenge,
there was only five minutes left,
but both teams still had
all their contestants.
Since a lot of you keeping asking, yes.
If at the end of this challenge, you both
have the same amount of contestants,
we will be doing a tiebreaker.
But trust me,
you don't want that to happen.
At any point in this process,
have you had that thought,
“I don't think I can make it
all the way to episode ten?”
If you have had that thought, now's
the time not to lie to yourself anymore.
Okay, bye. I’m gonna go.
-We love you, Katie!
We have our first person leaving.
It's okay. It's okay.
Thank you so much.
You guys win. Win this. Okay. Love you.
It’s brave of you.
I’m just hoping it’s enough.
Well, let’s hope.
[MrBeast] And just like that,
White Team had their first sacrifice.
And when the phone rang again,
they had worked out a plan
to manipulate the other team.
The strategy for the conversation
is to convince them
let's get to the tiebreaker,
let's get to the tiebreaker.
All right, go pick it up. Go pick it up.
-If nobody eliminates anybody right now,
we'll get to the tiebreaker.
He'll offer something.
I’ll talk to the team, and I’ll call back.
Thank you, bye.
-Okay. Okay.
They propose that we make it a tiebreaker.
We vote nobody out right now.
What if we say "yes," and don't?
You guys are asking us
not to eliminate anybody, correct?
And we go to the tie. We forced the tie.
[MrBeast] Both teams had agreed
to not eliminate anyone.
Which is funny, because White
already had a person out.
And with Green's attempt to backstab White
by eliminating someone,
they actually brought the score
to a tie.
But soon after,
Green had their first elimination,
White Team had some volunteers
of their own.
I will leave if that ensures
that the team wins.
-I'm gonna go.
-Baby girl, I’m so proud of you.
You sure you want to give up
your shot at $5,000,000?
I'm good. I want this team to go far.
White Team now had the advantage.
So Green desperately
needed people to leave
if they were going to have a chance.
[Tareq] It's either two more people for
Green Team or everyone else going home.
-[groans] But they don't know.
-[Tareq] They have no idea.
[MrBeast] All right, teams,
you have 20 seconds on the clock.
If anyone wants to take one for the team,
now is the time!
[Nolan] They have to make decisions now,
or else they're all going to get out,
and it's complete chaos.
Nobody’s communicating.
I want to leave. I think I’ll do it.
-I want you to make it to the end.
-Thank you.
If I can save you at least,
it’s good enough for me.
-[MrBeast] 10 seconds left.
-Out of my way! Out of my way.
[MrBeast] Last five seconds!
If you’re going to leave, do it now!
Three. Two. One. Time is up.
At this point, neither team had any clue
how many players were left on their team,
or the other team.
Boys, pull back the curtains.
Now, for the first time
since the challenge started,
the teams will be able to look each other
in the eyes.
[dramatic music playing]
It is time to reveal the results.
To my left, the white team
convinced four people to leave.
And to my right, the green team
-convinced only three people.
You’re still in! You made it! Yes!
Oh, my God, by one! By one!
[triumphant music playing]
-We’re meant to be here, bro.
-We're very much meant to be here.
I traded to get on to this team,
so I feel like this is just meant to be.
I had a feeling this is my team.
I'm glad we're all moving on
as a team and everything.
I'm sorry for my friends
that were on the other team,
but we knew this was going to happen.
[MrBeast] White Team, if you will direct
your attention over to that scissor lift,
you will see a gentleman
that stepped out with two seconds left,
-getting you over the edge.
He really sacrificed himself
for the greater good.
[dramatic music playing]
That one person.
-Look at me, look at me.
-I guess I should have kept my token.
-You traded?
I traded last second.
[MrBeast] As hard as that was,
the show must go on.
[clock ticking]
I know it's only been
a short amount of time,
but my heart is broken
into pieces right now.
I have friends that are making it through
to the next round.
I have friends that are eliminated,
and I can't even say goodbye.
The next group to go on the tower
is the group holding
the token number three, the red token.
I'm three star. I have no idea
what it's going to be, but I'm excited.
[MrBeast] All right, you guys get
the gist. Everyone come up to floor three.
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
You guys are going home. Bye!
[echoing] Bye!
Welcome to floor three.
Are you guys ready?
Your token on the back said,
"Get ready to throw down."
There's a large cup down there.
And your rooms are filled with balls.
Your goal is to hit these balls
in that cup.
If you make it in,
your team will get a point.
All 61 people on each team
will get one throw each.
So once everyone has thrown their ball,
the game is over, and the team
with the least points will be eliminated.
[man] Hey, folks,
let's gather round, guys.
I want a couple people
to volunteer to come up first.
Follow through is everything.
-You know, I just think we take a breath.
-Guys throw it with a arch.
We want to ricochet
inside of there, right?
I don't think there's any strategy
to this, actually, at all.
So the best technique is a bank shot.
If this was me up there, I'm going first,
guaranteeing a point, right?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
-That's it?
-I only get one shot.
[MrBeast] Are you ready?
Send up your first players.
When you're ready
This is immense pressure.
Alright, the first throw
[suspenseful music playing]
-is off.
Yeah, you don’t want to do that.
All right, your go, man.
Let's see if you can do better.
-Let's go!
-You think it's going in?
No shot.
[MrBeast] Oh! Bounce? Wait!
One point for white.
Bring out your next contenders.
Do we get points if we dunk it?
Don't jump off. [laughs] Please don't.
-Oh! Buckets!
-[cheering continues]
-Come on! Let’s go pink!
-Alright, go for it.
[classical music playing]
-Good try, good try.
-What's the wind telling you?
-The wind’s telling me it’s blowing back.
-Okay, so throw it harder.
Okay. Oh!
-White Team has some shooters!
[MrBeast] Now, clearly, both teams
got a hang of this pretty quickly.
I play this with my kids all the time,
so if I miss this thing,
I'll never hear the end of it.
[MrBeast] So, like always,
we decided to up the stakes of it.
Like I said before,
this game is all about teamwork.
Let's see how much
you really care about your team.
This is where things
get a little interesting.
You now have a choice.
You can aim for the red cup
and score a point for your team,
or you can aim for the Gold Cup
and win $250,000 for yourself.
I like that Gold Cup.
We're gonna find out
if you're a team player,
-or if you just want some money.
-That’s the most he’s offered yet.
And now that you know about the Gold Cup,
which one are you going for?
I'm going for the Red.
I’m here for the team.
She's here for the team. Let's see it.
[suspenseful music playing]
-She did it!
It is now tied up,
but we're just getting started.
Despite $250,000 on the line,
nobody wanted to go for the Gold Cup.
-Are you gonna go for the Gold Cup or not?
Can't risk getting rid of a point
for our team.
We've got to get ahead of them.
Buckets! Are you gonna fire back?
[woman] Not being greedy
is why you're here right now.
So help your teammates help you.
Bro, how awkward would it be
if you went to the 250 grand and missed
and had to go back to your team?
He got it. He got it, he got it. He got–
-Yeah. Especially if you're losing.
-That’d be crazy.
-Wait, wait. Was–
-Were you going for the gold cup?
-No, just the red.
Oh, but it was closer to the gold cup
than the red.
-I do not believe that at all.
[MrBeast] After the white team’s
failed gamble in the gold cup,
the pink team started hitting
shot after shot after shot.
And the white team
just couldn't seem to get it together.
[laughing and cheering continue]
-[MrBeast] Whoa!
-White Team. You're real–
-Guaranteed in.
-Oh, it's falling apart.
It is falling apart.
White Team, White Team.
I think we need to have
an inspirational speech over here.
You guys are in a deficit.
It is up to you to dig out of it.
Give ‘em some words of inspiration.
We are not in a deficit.
Every shot is your shot.
It's the only one that matters.
There is no lead that is too great.
I was playing, um
What's that game?
Cornhole today.
Everything is–
-Yo! Lock in.
-[man] Lock in!
Lock in. Get inside that red cup.
If that doesn't get them hittin’ shots,
I don’t know what will.
-Let’s go!
And while the motivational speech
might have helped
for some people in the white team
-Go make it!
-Keep the morale high, baby.
For others, the difference in the score
was a bit too high to feel the same way.
I did this for my kids
that I take care of.
[crying] My jobs are on the line.
-[audio drops out]
-[sad music playing]
Oh. That’s okay. That's okay.
You got this, just chill.
-You got it.
-We gotta keep everybody composed.
-Oh, okay.
-You think they’re coming back?
-They might, bro.
[MrBeast] And even though
Team White eventually started hitting
some of their shots
-They still had a long way to go.
I can’t watch. I can’t watch.
[MrBeast] And with most people
now having thrown their shots,
-the game was slowly coming to an end.
-[faint yelling]
-You got this, baby. You got this.
-You're so fine.
-I just don’t wanna–
-Don’t be sorry. Don’t be sorry.
-I don't want to ruin it for the team.
Don't be sorry. It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay. You are so okay.
[dramatic music playing]
They always answer back.
[faint] Pink is not messing around.
-[woman] It’s all good. It’s all good.
-This is not when I’m meant to go home.
[music continues]
All right.
It is currently 13 to 8, and each team
only has five throws remaining.
So if he misses, pink wins.
[music intensifies]
[clock ticking]
[MrBeast] Any last words?
-[man] Breathe. Breathe.
-All right, we'll see.
[wind blowing]
-[MrBeast] Oh, my god.
Congrats, everybody! You made it.
We did it, baby!
You're moving on! Pink! Pink!
[all] Pink! Pink! [echoing] Pink! Pink!
I love you guys. Win for your kids.
-I’m feeling amazing.
-You won, why are you crying?
-It's her birthday.
-Oh, it’s your birthday?
That was the best birthday
present ever, Jimmy.
And even though the game was over,
I let the remaining contestants
try their luck at the gold cup.
-It's time for the final game.
We’ve done floor four,
floor three, floor two.
And now it's time for floor one!
-Are you ready?
Okay. As you can see,
there are 63 of you on each side
and 63 tiles on each floor.
I think naming shapes is gonna
be relevant, whatever the game is.
-Just get an idea of the shapes.
-Walk around and memorize.
Wait, wait. Let's hear the rules.
All right?
I need you each
to pick one and stand on it.
Choose carefully which tile you stand on.
-Everybody on a tile is eliminated.
Now, if you look at your feet,
you'll see a symbol.
What do you think these symbols mean?
We have to memorize things. It’s memory.
It’s like the game “Memory.”
So we're all banking on this
being a memory game?
-[MrBeast] They mean absolutely nothing!
-[man] What?
-I just wanted to throw you off.
-Oh, my God.
[MrBeast] With that out the way,
let's get to the actual challenge.
Your token said, “Use your brain,”
and that's what we're gonna be doing
in some good old fashioned trivia.
Oh, man.
You'll notice your tiles
are in groups of four.
Each group of four will compete
against the same group of four
in the opposing team.
The team that has
the least questions answered correctly
by the end of the challenge
will be eliminated.
So will the first group from each team
come on down.
-It's time for the first round of trivia.
Also, the boys do not know
the questions or answers.
-I don't know anything.
-I don't have a brain.
-[clears throat]
-For our first question of trivia,
what group has the most number one songs
on Billboard's Hot 100?
You both have 30 seconds to answer
the question. Start the timer!
-What do we think? Guys, I don’t know.
-Rolling Stones.
-How do you
-I write it. I--
Okay. They now have their answers written.
We'll start off with the white team.
Let's see what they have written down.
The Rolling Stones.
-Do we feel good about the Rolling Stones?
Okay, now let's see
what the orange team has written down.
-The Beatles?
The correct answer
-is The Beatles.
Orange has one point.
Bring out the next groups.
The second question is,
what is the biggest animal on our planet?
Blue Whale, Indian Rhinoceros,
or a Spiny Lumpsucker?
-Start the timer.
-Let’s turn around.
-No, no, no.
-Did I read that improperly?
[laughing] Spiny Lumpsucker.
Guys, it's the rhino.
I literally studied this in college.
Is it the rhino?
No, they’re joking.
They’re trying to throw us off.
What is a Spiny Lumpsucker?
-The rhino.
-We know what y'all doing.
Don’t try to throw us off. Come on.
Let's see what your answer was.
Blue whale. Blue whale.
-Both got it correct.
-Spiny Lumpsucker, is that even an animal?
Which is the biggest U.S. state by area?
Oh, wow.
They didn't even need the full time.
-What do you have written down?
-[both] Alaska!
Both got it correct.
In what European city does
Paris. Both got it right.
And from this point forward,
for some reason,
both teams kept getting
every single question right.
That is the correct answer.
Which is the correct answer.
-Once again, they both got it right.
-[Mack] These are some easy questions.
Jeff Bezos is the correct answer.
Shout out to Amazon. [clears throat]
All right, because you guys
were way better at this than I expected,
I'm going to bring out
some way harder questions. Oop.
-Don't worry. Those are old questions.
Because these are my final questions,
Team White needs to take the lead soon,
or they risk being eliminated.
This is definitely
the hardest question so far.
The number 100 is represented
by what letter in Roman numerals?
I'll be honest,
I don't even know the answer to this one.
I'm just having a surreal moment
that you're five feet away from me.
-This is great.
-Why are they talking?
-Are they speaking Roman?
-I gotta tell the students this.
-Wait, you're a teacher?
Do you teach your students Roman numerals?
-That's kind of cheating
because she's a teacher.
What do you have written down?
-And you?
-Oh, we have different answers.
One side has a C, one side has an X.
All right. The correct answer
-[laughs] is C.
-The teacher got it wrong.
-You teach your students Roman numerals.
-What is happening?
-You were so busy talking to me.
-I'm so sorry.
I'm gonna go back home and lose my job.
What two planets in our solar system
have no moons?
-Did you know the answer?
White Team.
This could be your way back in the game.
-What did you write down?
-Pluto and Neptune?
Is Pluto a planet anymore?
I don't think Pluto's a planet.
They both got it wrong.
White Team,
if there was a chance to claw back,
I think this one's going to be it.
If you guys get this question right,
and you guys get it wrong,
-the game will be over.
Your deficit will be impossible
to climb out of.
In 2001, Apple released what now
genre-defining piece of tech hardware?
Start the timer.
[dramatic music playing]
Three, two, one. Pens down.
$5,000,000 on the line.
Team facing elimination,
what did you write down?
-Okay. What did you write down?
-All right. They have different answers.
If their answer is wrong
and theirs is right, the game is over.
[music intensifies]
The correct answer
-is iPod. And orange is moving on!
Orange has officially won.
The game is over.
-I'm so excited right now.
Like Team Orange clean swept the board.
My husband was here, and he couldn't
make it. I'm doing this for my husband.
The $5,000,000 is mine.
[MrBeast] Now that you've lost,
do you regret not taking
the 100 grand earlier?
-[conflicting answers]
-It’s funny to see the different answers.
We're gonna miss ya. A lot of people
didn't get to see the city.
I got to not just see it.
I got to live in it.
I got to play in it. I got to cry in it.
I think my family will be proud of me
because I was the last Woo standing.
[laughs] Honestly,
I didn't envision going out at all.
I just feel sad.
I didn't want to leave yet. [chuckles]
[dramatic music playing]
What they don't know is
that they're not done with this tower.
-What does that mean?
-You’ll see.
No, don't do that to me.
What does that mean?
Just tell me. I'm not one of them.
-Just tell me what you’re talking about.
-Wait for the Jimmy V.O. to come on.
-No, no, no no. Just tell–
-Wait for the Jimmy V.O.
-No, no, don't cut me–
-[MrBeast] Congratulations
-on surviving your floor of the tower.
-Oh! Let's go.
We are almost done with episode two.
-Notice, though, how I said "almost".
-Oh, my gosh.
We still have one more game
to close this out.
You are currently in rows
that line up for the floors you're on.
Oh, no.
He's going to put us against each other.
And now I need each of you
to pick a captain
to represent your team.
-Oh no.
I am going to offer
that captain massive bribes
in exchange for eliminating their team.
So I need you to pick someone
incredibly trustworthy
that won't bow under the pressure
of large, giant piles of money.
This is not good.
-I want to take it.
-I got it.
You guys, let's get together.
We're all one team.
-All right, let’s vote. Let’s vote.
-I would like to be captain.
Raise your hand if you want to be
team captain, let's figure that out first.
Okay, there's way too many, so some
of you just need to lower your hand.
There needs to be five.
Dear Lord heavenly father,
we thank you for this opportunity.
[all] Jeremy! Jeremy! Jeremy!
Jeremy’s pretty popular. Why do you think
this team trusts you so much?
Because God is good.
Do we trust the beard?
All right, so I want to win.
I'm not here to grab some
a little bit of money.
I want to win. I want to get there.
[woman] Someone had told me already
that you would take a bribe.
I don't remember who it was,
but someone did tell me
that you said you would take a bribe.
I am a veteran. I live in a vehicle.
I travel full time.
I planned on driving to Argentina
after this.
That automatically gets you out.
Did he say he's living out of his car?
Guys, he's not homeless. Okay?
-He lives in a car, that's like
-But that's his choice.
I make money through social media.
I do not envy their position right now.
Dude, this is insane.
Unless you get to be the captain.
Oh, man. Bro, this is crazy. Dude.
I can vouch for Harrison.
Me too.
Out of those two,
I don't know the other one.
I don't know the other one at all either.
I say, Harrison,
is everybody okay with that?
-Yeah, Harrison. Yeah.
-It's Harrison.
-Listen, man, we got you.
I feel like Harrison seems
like he's a really good guy.
I think we can trust him.
He seems to have genuine integrity,
and that's what we need in the leader.
I think he's going to do a good job.
Can you find someone
on your team that money can't buy?
-Bro! You are crazy!
-'Cause you really need to.
You need to chill.
They will be tempted
with an insane amount of money.
Whatever you're thinking,
it is going to be higher than that.
-They're going to tell you
they won't crack,
but we will find that breaking point.
Okay? All right, all right. Okay.
-I just want to make sure it's clear.
-It's clear. It's very clear.
-Everyone has a price.
-Oh, Jimmy, please stop!
-And we're gonna find what it is.
-[woman] Deano!
-[man] Deano!
I just know myself, I'm 60 years old.
My kids are grown. I'm a retired fireman.
[man] Yeah!
I'm good to go. I'm a no-bribe guy.
[MrBeast] Deano seems like
the perfect choice for the pink team,
-but he wasn't the only choice.
-[all] Deano! Deano!
Can I talk for just a second?
I know that most of you
do not know who I am,
but I have never screwed anyone over.
[man] You got it, man.
-I am not going to take any bribe.
-Can I say something?
-[man 1] I want to go with Deano.
-[man 2] Yes!
-[all] Deano! Deano! Deano!
[chanting continues]
[Twana] Anyone who's met me knows
I'm not taking no bribe.
-[man] One mil?
-I never, No!
-Two mil?
-Because it’s blood money!
-No! Because no!
You know why? I would be betraying you.
-Everyone here has a reason to fight.
-Hey, listen up.
And I would never,
ever take that from any of you.
-Would you self-sacrifice?
If I have to.
If that's what it takes, it will crush me.
But I won't take this away from you.
-[man 1] I trust her.
-[man 2] I trust her.
[woman] Yes, Twana!
All right, contestants,
I hope you chose your captains wisely.
-Yellow Team! Send your captain forward.
-Let's go, Jeremy!
-Pink Team! Send your captain forward.
Let's go!
-White Team!
And Orange Team,
come to the top of the tower!
[dramatic music playing]
I just wanna remind you,
$5,000,000 is on the line.
If he throws you under the bus,
you're going home.
Somebody is gonna break.
So you just gotta hope it's not yours.
Yeah, no, I know.
I don't know who's going
to buckle on the other teams,
-but I know that we're not going to.
So like for us,
Jeremy is going to represent us,
and we're going to sleep well tonight.
Captains! Stand behind the button
that corresponds with your color.
Here's how this is gonna work.
This screen is gonna display a number,
and that number is gonna grow
exponentially faster with time.
At any point, any one of these captains
can press the button in front of them
and eliminate their entire team
in exchange for that money.
Let’s hope it’s not white.
Yeah, let's hope it's not white.
[MrBeast] Oh, one more thing
Your fate is in their hands,
but if they press the button,
they are not eliminated, just you guys.
-[suspenseful music playing]
Wait. They stay in the game,
and they get the money.
No way!
This is so crazy. It's insane.
[music continues]
And the last thing that's actually
good news for all of you down there.
There is a cap
to how high this number will go.
And if it reaches that cap without
any of them pressing their buttons,
no one has to be eliminated.
-Let's go.
-Come on, Harrison!
So if all four of these captains
truly can't be bought,
-then we'll just go to bed and move on.
-[cheering continues]
But I'll just let you know that cap
is an unfathomably large amount of money
that I would probably puke
if it got that high.
-Oh, wow.
-And I just do not see it happening.
Captains, are you ready?
-Let's go!
-Yeah, Jimmy!
Alright! Start the money counter.
[mechanical clicks]
Let's have some fun.
-[man] Oh, my God.
-[MrBeast] All right, $2,000. $3,000.
If any of them press this button,
they will win $5,000.
-Don't even look at it.
-[MrBeast] Now, they will win $6,000.
If somebody presses right now
-Look at him. He's locked in.
-He's locked in.
-[MrBeast] Now, here's the thing.
This counter is gonna go up faster
with time.
[dramatic music continues]
So I was doing $1,000 a second.
Now, every second it is going up $2,000.
-[laughs] It’s going up fast!
-Oh, that's fast, that's so fast.
-30 grand.
-That's a Tesla, right there.
It’s going up
thousands of dollars a second.
-[man] Come on, Deano, we don't do it.
-Yeah, what is he doing?
-[man] 50 grand!
-No, no, no! Back up, back up, back up!
Stop moving your hand!
It's going up faster.
What are you thinking?
I’m thinking I don’t even need to look
at that number, Jimmy.
Oh, my god, 90 grand!
No one wants it?
-You've got to be nervous now.
-It’s done.
-[man 1] Oh, my God!
-[man 2] Get away from the button.
There’s $115,000,
and you're not eliminated.
-[indistinct yelling]
-[man] Somebody’s going to press it.
-Somebody’s gotta press it.
-[Karl] You gotta be kidding me!
All right, it’s about to hit $200,000.
[Karl] This is a house!
[woman] Somebody getting antsy,
somebody getting antsy.
If neither these captains press a button,
I will puke.
Get the bucket, Jimmy.
-200 grand!
-Oh, my God!
[man] Deano, look at that.
-He’s close to his button.
-Here we go.
Deano, don’t do it!
-[Tareq] Yo, Pink looks nervous.
-[man] Come on, Deano!
They do! [laughs]
-What is happening?
-[audio fades out]
-[clock ticking]
[muffled] Stay strong!
[MrBeast] There are literally four people
currently saying "no"
to half a million dollars!
500 grand! What is going on?
It’s over half a million dollars!
Are you guys chronically insane?
[ticking speeds up]
Don’t move.
You do realize that is real money?
-[man] Don't press.
-[woman] No!
[man] Don't press. Everybody, hold tight!
-[Karl yelling] What is happening?
-How can anybody resist that?
[screaming] What are you guys doing?
They’re delusional,
I don't think these are real humans.
-[Karl yelling] What is happening?
-Sir, that’s 700 grand,
and I will wire it to you
if you press that button.
-Please don’t fold, please!
-This is the most insane show ever.
-This is crazy. [laughs]
-[MrBeast] $800,000.
-Woah! That's a lot of money.
-No, Deano!
-This is crazy.
-Come on, Deano.
-None of you want 800 grand?
Jeremy's turning around,
looking at the screen a little bit now.
The viewers are gonna think this is fake.
This is real!
[Karl] 900! Oh, my God!
-Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
-Surely somebody has to take it.
It's almost $1,000,000.
-Come on, Deano, don't do it.
-[man] Please, Deano!
-[man 1] Oh, my God.
-[man 2] Is he taking it?
-[woman] Is he taking it?
-[man] Oh, my God.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh!
-[Karl] Oh!
[audio fades out]
[credits music playing]