Beast Games (2024) s01e05 Episode Script
Fight to Win a Private Island
[MrBeast] Nine of you took a bet.
A bet on yourselves to win
this $1.8 million dollar private island.
You guys separated from the pack.
And now, if you lose any of the games
that take place on this island,
your journey on this show
will come to an end.
Our first game is simple but terrifying.
We are going to be playing hide and seek.
-All right! Here we go.
But before I let you guys hide,
I need to introduce some special guests.
[intense music playing]
As of now, that team of Navy Seals
is actively hunting you down,
and whichever one of you they catch first
loses their chance
at winning
this $1.8 million dollar island.
And you're eliminated
from Beast Games entirely,
so say goodbye to that $5,000,000
if you get caught.
-[music continues]
-[helicopter whiring]
Good luck to all of you.
I don’t know why you’re here. Go! Go!
-They're gonna hunt you down!
-[man] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
[audio slows down]
[MrBeast] These Navy Seals are possibly
the baddest men on the planet,
and they will not stop
until one of the players is found.
[Timothy] Oh, my God!
[MrBeast] Even if it means searching
this entire 60-acre island.
Jimmy, I think it’s time
to let loose the dogs of war, yeah?
Yes! Let ‘em loose!
-Let's go, boys.
-Let's go.
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
I really want to go as deep as I can,
so it takes them longer to find me.
[music stops]
-Oh, there's birds. There’s animals.
-[music restarts]
[MrBeast] These players may look
terrified, but remember, they chose this.
Out of the 60 people
that advanced from episode four,
most of them said "no"
to this extra challenge.
-Give this island to someone else.
-Jesus leads the way.
Okay, that's a "no" from Jeremy.
And if you can believe it,
these nine players decided
to take the extra competition.
-I’m going for it.
-Let's go!
-Let's do it.
-Let’s do it.
[MrBeast] Risking their spot
at Beast Games for a chance to win
this $1.8 million dollar island.
[Seal] Coming through this trail,
look for signs of life.
Footprints. People breakin’ path.
So we just started.
We’re already knee deep in the woods.
-You lead the way, I follow you.
I think what we want to do
is make a little distance
-towards the other end of the island.
-[MrBeast] Okay.
I know if I was a contestant,
that’s what I would do.
-Getting in the mind of the contestant.
-You got to think like the enemy.
They’re not your enemy.
They’re civilians. [laughs]
I would say their best strategy,
being hunted, is to get off the X.
The danger zone is right
where we inserted from the helo.
The further away from the helo, the
better chance they have of hiding from us.
But player 952 decided to take a gamble
and hide right in the middle
of the danger zone.
[Mia] I'm close to the base camp.
[MrBeast] Hoping that the Seals
would go right past her.
[Seal] Yo!
[crunching footsteps]
I smell some blue shirts.
I want to get up there,
see if we can move around.
-Look, you see this?
Somebody definitely moved through here.
You got a trail. Hear anything?
We can be quiet for a second.
-[tense music playing]
[Seal] Another trail here.
So let’s go off this way.
Look for signs of life.
Footprints, people breaking trail.
Be honest with me,
am I useful to you at all?
-No, no.
-Okay. All right. That's what I thought.
[MrBeast] 952’s strategy of hiding
in the danger zone actually paid off.
But now Chandler and his Navy Seal
are moving right towards
two players who haven't found a spot yet.
There’s no way they’re going to go
through all this.
I think I see a cave.
There’s a little spot back there.
I don't even know what’s back there.
Could be spiders, snakes.
[Seal] Let’s see how motivated somebody
is to get inside the woods.
-[Chandler] Think they went through here?
-I haven’t seen anything blue yet, so
It’s time to put as much foliage
on me as possible.
[Seal] Where, oh, where, could you be?
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[heavy breathing]
I just wanna make sure
Please don’t find me. Please don’t
find me. Please don’t find me.
[Chandler] See anything?
[Seal] No, nothing back here.
[sighs] Man.
[Seal] Damn, that’d be
such a good spot right here too.
[MrBeast] But even with a few close calls,
these players were not making it easy
on these Navy Seals.
Digging in the mud,
and I know this is going to be gross,
but I think ideally, if I cover myself
with mud as much as possible,
-that could kind of blend in.
-My plan is to dig a hole. Bury myself.
I got to be careful of my footprints.
It’s muddy, so I’m looking for any trees
that I can possibly climb.
Get in here.
I would love to know
if somebody went high.
I’d probably be able to see some blue.
I am 30 feet up. I climbed a tree.
I climbed multiple.
I’m not going home.
I’m not going home.
I smell some blue shirts.
Man, somebody’s in here.
I hear voices.
-If somebody was ballsy enough to go--
-[Karl] Hey, Shanelly.
-Yes, sir.
-Is that you?
[Shanelly] Yes, sir.
I’m really nervous right now.
I don’t want to get found.
-[Karl] You guys want to do a
-FOD walkdown?
FOD walkdown, yeah. We got Jeff 25 meters
towards the beach right here.
-If you want to do one right here.
-[MrBeast] Fortunately for 457,
the Seals decided not
to look in the trees.
My heart is beating so fast.
[MrBeast] But to instead group together
for a new strategy.
We’re gonna do, what’s it called?
A FOD walkdown?
FOD walkdown, Foreign Object Detection.
Yeah. So basically, it allows us
to maximize the amount of space
and the distance our eyes
can cover collectively.
[MrBeast] So basically,
we're combining our eye lines,
moving together to scan
the area most effectively.
We’re doing a FOD walkdown,
four-man deep detection,
25 feet apart, walking through. [laughs]
Now, I can put some of these over me.
A little bit is showing.
So we’re all gonna be
about 25 feet apart, and then
-[MrBeast] Yes, sir.
-beeline it, bushwhack it through.
-[Seal] Yes, sir!
-We’ll do a FOD walkdown through all this.
-[MrBeast] Okay. This right here?
-[Seal] Yeah. You'll see me.
Ian, you want to push down
that way a little bit?
-Does that work?
-Oh, yeah.
I’ll cover a little more cas.
[Seal] Just keep climbing
in elevation, I think, Ian.
They’re all around me.
They’ve been around me the whole time.
[MrBeast] And while we were right
on the heels of some of the contestants,
Karl and his Seal
were struggling to get along,
-[Seal] Peter Pan, get over here.
-Oh, my name’s Karl.
-Stick your head into there. Take a look.
-You think?
-Yo. We found you. [laughs]
-Just get under there and look.
Are you one of those,
like, Make-A-Wish kids?
[laughs] I promise
this would not be my wish.
We should probably just head back.
Probably, maybe your friends found people.
Nah, no one’s found anyone.
We’re gonna check the perimeter here.
We’ll cut back in.
And we’ll hit ‘em.
You don't look like you've ever played
a sport in your life.
[MrBeast] But all the way
on the other side of the island,
Chandler and his Seal were closing in
on 797’s position.
[Seal] If I was trying to win an island,
I would hide pretty deep in here.
[MrBeast] And when she heard them coming,
she dropped her camera.
[Kelly] Aw, damn it!
[MrBeast] And knows that if she moves
to pick it up, she will be found.
-[Seal] Somebody was here.
-I feel like somebody wants to be in here.
[heavy breathing]
-[Chandler] We're coming to find you.
-[Seal] We know you're in there.
We know you're in there.
Like no joke, if you were down to do it,
I would hide in this.
Touch it. Maybe it’s a person.
[music intensifies]
[Seal] Oh, there's a blue shirt.
You see a blue shirt?
I see you.
Aw, all that hiding for nothing.
Tango down. Number 797. I repeat, 797.
[MrBeast] Now let’s let the other players
know they’re safe.
-[air horn blares]
That's the air horn. That's the sound
of us making it through to the next round.
They found people. I won.
I beat the first challenge.
Yes! Yes!
Aw, heck yeah! Atta' baby.
952, you know how we do. Nine is coming
for that $5,000,000 and sayin’ deuces.
[MrBeast] With our first elimination
from the island,
797 is officially saying goodbye
to Beast Games.
This was a fun experience,
I don't regret for one second
stepping into this challenge.
797, I have your flag right here.
Since you're eliminated
[dramatic music playing]
Now that your flag's gone,
-I need you to head to the boat.
And with that,
the eight of you now remain.
You’re all a little dirty, I’d clean up,
and in the morning, we have
a fun challenge prepared for you.
-Oh, man.
-Get some sleep.
Okay. Woo!
-[Mia] Bye, 797!
-[Brennan] See ya, 797!
-[fire crackling]
-[dramatic music playing]
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] The competition
for this private island is brutal.
And it's only going to get more intense.
Meanwhile, on a nearby island,
thanks to T-Mobile,
the contestants enjoyed
an elevated island vacation experience.
We are literally in Paradise.
-Welcome to our cabana!
[woman] Being here on the island,
I can finally relax.
I can just sit outside
and just listen to the waves hit.
[man] How many times in my life
will I ever be on an island
in the middle of nowhere
with these cool people again?
Look at the size. [laughs]
[MrBeast] So far, over 900 people
have been eliminated from Beast Games,
and these players have outlasted them all.
And because T-Mobile treats
their customers
like VIPs with Magenta Status,
they did the same for these contestants.
[man] We get to enjoy the beach. We get
to enjoy amazing massages that we get.
It’s been nothing but a blast.
I’m definitely glad I chose this
and not to compete for that island.
I’m going to live it up today,
but I’m not going to get too comfortable
because I know Jimmy always
has something up his sleeve.
And right after this,
we could do some massive eliminations.
[MrBeast] While some of the players
were enjoying this relaxing time off,
others were worried
about their fate in Beast Games.
These last few days have been
such an emotional roller coaster.
I went from the high of having people
gift me their coins
to bring me here, to villainizing me.
The preacher, he's been using
Jesus and religion
to kind of manipulate people.
[Jeremy] And having a massive,
massive target upon my back.
The vibe from the city
to this island is night and day.
[MrBeast] Not far away,
one alliance was discussing rumors
about another pair of players.
I heard that the habibi’s,
the brothers Karim and Hazim, argued--
It's like a fake argument, like acting,
to convince the third person
they didn't know well in the cube
that they were in a fight.
The two habibi brothers literally lied
to this person to trick them,
to get them to handcuff themselves.
-[man] Wow.
-They laughed.
And said,
"I can't believe we got away with that."
[man] He's definitely a threat.
[MrBeast] Meanwhile, on the other island,
the eight remaining players
are in for a long night.
-[thunder claps]
-[heavy rain]
[wind blowing]
But to be clear, I had nothing
to do with this. It's just mother nature.
This is the craziest storm
that I’ve ever experienced.
[dramatic music playing]
[MrBeast] There are eight of you left
competing for this island.
How are you feeling about the competition?
Anyone over there scare you?
Or do you think this is going
to be a cakewalk?
-Probably Jamal. [laughs]
-You're only afraid of 514?
-Honestly, I don’t think anybody here
-is too much of a competitor for me.
-I feel like they’re all afraid of you.
No, I mean,
maybe internally they actually are.
Who do you think
the fiercest competitor is?
-514. He was literally born in Panama.
-Oh. He was?
Yeah. He does have home field advantage.
How does it feel
being the only woman on the island?
It's a high calling because I have
to do it for the ladies out there.
-You gotta squash ‘em.
-Listen, I got to.
I think it's my responsibility.
[MrBeast] You ready for the next game?
-Let’s go!
Inside of here is a coconut for each
of you. Take whichever one you want.
-Here you go.
-Gracias. Ooh! It's heavy.
Follow me. Welcome to the next game.
-Oh, my God.
[MrBeast] Stand on the color
that coordinates with your coconut.
We're gonna start on the left
and go to the right. Hold up your coconut.
You're each going to take turns rolling
or throwing your coconut.
Attempting to get as close
to the red line as possible.
But if your coconut touches the red line,
or if you throw it past the red line,
you're eliminated from Beast Games.
-Oh, dude.
-Oh, my God.
Instead of eliminating just one of you,
if two coconuts don't cross the red line,
whichever two coconuts are the furthest
from the red line are eliminated.
The game ends when two people are gone.
-Come on.
Okay. Alright.
-This is nerve wracking.
[MrBeast] All right, 895, you're up first.
I got to do a good throw.
I got to get a solid throw
and put pressure
on the rest of these people.
This is the most expensive
bocce throw of your life.
Oh, gosh.
895, $1.8 million dollars on the line.
[music intensifies]
-He's off.
-[Brennan] Woah!
-Not bad. Not bad at all.
-That was nice.
-I’m pretty happy with that.
That is probably a good enough throw
to secure a top spot.
-I hope so.
Oh, my gosh.
I think we're sitting pretty over here
because we're going last.
It might not even get to us
if that coconut goes past the red line,
then we don't even have to go.
All right, 895, I need you
to stand in this red circle.
Since you're the only one to throw,
technically, your coconut
is the furthest away from the red line,
so you technically are
on the chopping block.
All right, 672, you're up.
Whenever you're ready.
That is a tough one to beat.
Yeah. [exhales]
[audio slows down]
[slow-motion] Oh, no!
[slow-motion] Oh! Bro.
-[Laric] Oh, no. Oh
-[MrBeast] Oh!
-[MrBeast] It's only our second throw.
-And we already have an elimination.
You pushed me closer, so
Woah. I need you to hop in the red circle.
-672, you're eliminated.
-I'm officially out.
This is where the strategy comes in.
We already have
one of the two eliminations.
There's a chance one of them overthrows,
and you instantly move on.
But if you accidentally overthrow,
the game's over, and they all move on.
All I have to do is not be last.
I want to get decently close, but not too
close. It’s not going over, don’t worry.
Okay. All right.
Do you think that's enough?
I hope it's enough.
So you are now guaranteed to move on
unless someone knocks your coconut off.
-Don't do that. [laughs]
514, I need you to come over here.
You're in the chopping block.
-That might be a mistake for me.
-895, how does it feel to be moving on?
-Oh, it feels really good.
-The only way you do not move on
is if he just Tom Brady’s
your coconut over that.
-Oh, boy.
Hey, 711, I would just not overthrow it.
Oh, my gosh. Okay. For the win,
I'm going to go for a roll this time.
[tense music playing]
Yes! Yes! Let's go!
I need you to step on
to the green platform. You secured a spot.
514 remains on the chopping block.
-And 952, you're up next.
You just have to get your coconut
closer to the red line than purple.
I think I'm going to try
to do a kettlebell swing.
Aka, the granny shot.
-[Mack] Here we go.
-Oh, oh, oh!
-[Mack] Oh, my gosh.
-[MrBeast] Oh, oh.
Yes! Congrats!
Head on over to the green platform.
At this point, five of
the eight contestants had gone,
and it was now up to 413
to give it a shot.
Whenever you’re ready, man.
-Don’t overthrow it.
[music continues]
-Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[MrBeast] No way. No way. No way!
-It's in!
[MrBeast] And with 413 safe, that means
there's only two contestants remaining.
All right, 441, you're next.
$1.8 million dollar island on the line.
Okay. All right.
Oh! Oh!
441 is now safe. It is either 514
that goes home or 457.
-This throw decides.
-Let's go.
[music intensifies]
-Whoa, wait.
-[Brennan] What, wait, wait.
-Get away from mine! Oh!
-[Harrison] Let's go!
-[MrBeast] You move on.
[Jamal] It’s so disappointing. It’s just--
I know that I could have done
so much better
if I just made any effort
to make it close.
-Don’t beat yourself up.
-I will.
You guys are true competitors.
You all said yes to this. Love you guys.
[emotional music playing]
[MrBeast] 514 and 672 were two of
the most feared competitors on the island.
And while they must now say goodbye
to Beast Games,
the battle for this island still rages on.
So brutal.
[dramatic music playing]
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
Now that 672 and 514 have been eliminated,
I say we jump right into the next game.
-Let's do it. Let's get it over with.
[MrBeast] You may have thought that you
were safe from your fellow competitors,
but I'm bringing them into this fight.
You see, out on the water
is an enormous super yacht.
On it are the other 51 contestants,
and they've been having a great day,
enjoying the ocean.
-But Karl is about to kill the mood.
-[clears throat]
-Hello, everybody!
-[glass breaks]
The next elimination on the island
is gonna be a vote
-to determine who leaves the island.
-But it's gonna be a vote from you guys.
-[all] No!
[MrBeast] That's right.
Your fates are now in their hands,
as each one of them will vote
for who they would like
-to see eliminated.
And that person will lose out
on the chance of the island,
as well as the $5,000,000.
-Oh, my gosh.
The other players are going to be voting
based on whether you've made
a connection with them.
Were you selfish or a team player?
Were you rude to them, or were you kind?
Were you a loner, or did you make friends?
Every decision you've made
in this show matters.
-Wait, did you say "crap"?
-You guys, you are so mean. So mean.
The hard part is like, we all like
everyone over there. This is brutal.
Yeah, it is pretty bad.
-Who are you rooting for?
-Misha. He saved me on the helicopter.
-[Karl] That's awesome.
-[Mischa] I have made a lot of friends.
They're definitely not gonna vote for me.
I wish I would have met you
like everyone else, but I didn't.
-So that's why I voted for you.
-I kind of vibe with everybody,
but I'm not in a necessary clique
or anything.
Mia’s the only girl,
so I'm not gonna bring her out.
Me and this person have a past.
They might be out to get me,
so hopefully I can get them out.
I think I would either get
the least amount of votes,
or somehow the most amount of votes.
This might be the easiest chance
to get rid of a real threat.
Do you think 930 is on that yacht
currently advocating for you?
930, please!
Brennan, you must make it, Brennan.
Sorry, man. You're a strong competitor.
I think you might win,
so you gotta go.
A lot of the people here are very popular.
I feel like I've been flying
under the radar.
-I don't even know his name.
-Escoban? Escobar?
They could be like,
"Oh, 457. I don't even know him."
Esteban, it’s nothing personal.
I just don't know you that well.
Nah I wasn't mean to anybody,
but I lost most of my friends.
I do got a good group that I think
will vouch for me over there.
Do you know which number Laric is?
I don't want to vote for Laric.
895, I think you're
the biggest physical threat.
I'm feeling pretty good about my friends,
and their network of friends.
He's funny. I like him.
Is he?
But I know all the other people.
At the end of the day,
it's gonna be painful no matter what.
It's like ripping a Band-Aid off.
Someone has to go.
[MrBeast] The votes are in,
and we're blindfolding all of you now
and giving you a chance to save yourself
from being voted out.
You can quit this competition right now
and go party on the yacht,
but you'd be giving up your chance
to win this $1.8 million private island.
So if you think you're the one
that got the most votes,
I would raise my hand if I were you.
Ooh! Nervous.
Karl now has the votes, and you have
until he arrives to make a decision.
Three. Two. One. Go!
I do not envy the stress all of you
are going through right now.
This is gonna be rough.
Karl’s about to pull up
with their decision.
This is your final chance to leave
if you think you got the most votes.
-Oh, my gosh!
-No one raised their hand.
-No one raised their hand. Okay.
[Karl] Guys, that was crazy.
-Which means– Karl! Run.
-Thank you, Karl.
-Here you go.
-All 51 contestants voted?
-Oh, my gosh.
I got the shakes.
[MrBeast] The first contestant saved
from elimination
-with the least amount of votes are 413.
-952 and 457.
-The next person safe is 711.
-Aye! Let's go.
You live to fight another day.
What’s going through your guys’s minds?
-This would be a sucky way to go.
Yeah. Do either of you regret
not going back to the yacht?
-I'll let you know. [laughs]
-No, I don't regret it.
I have both their flags here.
I'm just gonna show you who lost.
The loser of this private island
and going home
[dramatic music playing]
-[gasps and groans]
-[man] Wow.
-You are safe, 441.
-Oh, wow, wow, wow.
-[MrBeast] You received ten votes.
-895 received 17.
[MrBeast] 895, you're eliminated.
-[sighs] That's a bummer.
-[MrBeast] It is a bummer.
I thought there'd be a few more to vouch
for me, but I kind of kept to myself.
-I need you to head to the barge.
-My wife's gonna kill me.
-[Karl] Why?
-‘Cause I didn't come home with anything.
-Nah, come on.
[MrBeast] And although they're competing
against one another,
something about this elimination
hit different.
I didn't see that coming.
I didn't see that coming.
Laric. He did nothing wrong.
He was a great guy.
He just wasn't very social.
And that's a terrible way to go.
[music continues]
-We love you, Laric.
I voted for, uh, Laric.
The vibe around the camp
is a lot of people
didn't want Laric to go.
So I gotta keep my vote a little low key.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[dramatic music playing]
-And now, you guys are in the top five.
Let's go to the next game.
Welcome to our next game.
Bring in the contestants.
This next one might be my favorite.
Come on in. Come on in.
Oh, man.
[music intensifies]
[MrBeast] I need you guys
to agree on a leader.
That's it, that's all you're telling us?
I can't tell you anything else
until you pick a leader.
-Oh, my gosh.
-I'd be happy to lead.
I also would be happy to lead.
I think I have
the most life experience, so
So you want to also nominate yourself
as captain, is what you're saying?
-Yeah. [laughs]
-Okay, so we have three people that–
I want to be the captain too.
We have four people. But you don't want
to be the captain. [laughs]
So maybe you should choose
who you want to be the captain.
-I think that's the most fair.
-Sounds like they want you to choose.
I'll choose 441.
All right, 441, come on up here.
Here's what we're going to do, in a moment
all four of you are going to leave.
When you leave,
your team captain that you picked
is either gonna put a check
or an "X" inside of those boxes.
He will then call you back one at a time,
in whatever order he wants.
You will then choose a box.
If you get a check, you move on,
and if you get the one "X",
you are eliminated.
And at the end, we will reveal
what is in everyone's boxes.
If he hates you, he could lie
and say he put the "X"
in that box or he can tell you the truth
and help you get a check.
I hope you guys are happy
with your captain choice.
Mia, you don't look very convinced.
-What are your thoughts?
-Nothing. That’s my thoughts.
Okay. I don't know how to read that.
Do you think I should be doing
something different as a leader?
You are the leader, so it's your choice
what you want to do.
All right. You all head out.
I'll see you guys in a bit
while he decides your fate.
This is a sick game.
If by sick, you mean awesome,
then I agree.
Man, so the real question is,
when we go up there,
-are we gonna trust what our captain says?
-Absolutely, absolutely not.
I don't know him.
Why would I trust someone I don't know?
We are gonna start off with box one.
[mechanical clicks]
What do you want to put in the first box?
I thought out of everyone
he was gonna be the one
that wasn't gonna get picked. [laughs]
What do you want
to put in box two? All right.
We don't know him.
I don't know how y'all picked this leader.
He was almost eliminated by voting.
Unfortunately, I didn't get
to know him well, so
I am so sorry.
-Someone has to go.
[woman] I would actually hate
to compete against you.
Yeah. Already technically
the most hated person here.
I'm happy that I'm captain.
I feel like I'm in control.
I will try to manipulate people
to leave this game. So sorry, mom.
-[MrBeast] All right.
The boxes are now sealed.
Which contestant do you want first?
-Bring out 457!
457, you're going first, big boy.
It's time. Let the games begin.
-What's up? [laughs]
-How's it going?
457 here is the reason you are a captain.
Are you gonna repay him?
I will be repaying for sure.
-I want to target 413.
-[Esteban] Okay.
And also 711. I'd love to have
either of them going home.
Hm, I'm gonna go with box number one.
I just want to know if I'm safe.
-You're safe.
-Do you think he's telling you the truth?
-I do, I think so.
That's why I picked him as captain.
All right. He has chosen box number one.
How crazy would it be if he lied?
-He might be celebrating in his head.
-I guess only time will tell.
And to make this
even more nerve wracking and fun,
I have a special guest.
A master of deception and mind games,
known for his unpredictability.
And today, he's here to up the stakes.
You know him, you fear him.
Bring him out!
-[music cuts out]
-[jewelry clinking]
-[Mack] You alright?
-Lil Yachty.
All right.
-He has no idea which one has the "X".
-All right.
-Or what's going on.
-[fly buzzing]
Bring in the next contestant. Come on in.
Hey, hey. What's up?
-Oh, hey. Hey. How are you?
-Hello. Good.
-Good, good, good.
-Um, it’s Lil Yachty.
I don’t know if you’ve ever
heard his music before.
-Hey. How are you?
-Hi. I'm alive.
All right. He chose you next. Have fun.
Do you want to say anything first?
[classical music playing]
-You're the leader.
Okay. You didn't have too much trust in me
when I got elected as leader,
-so I just wanted to kind of hear you out.
-That's a rough start.
I just was surprised
that you didn't have faith in me as a–
-Why would I?
-Okay, that's fair enough.
-Does one have a check?
-Does one have a check?
I'm going to keep
that information to myself.
How come you weren't willing
to just tell me?
I don't know. I'm nervous.
When you're honest,
you don't have to be nervous.
-Alright now.
-I believe you should be here.
So I want to to guide you to the box
without the "X".
I'm going to trust God and trust myself,
and I wish you well.
So you're just going
to ignore him and pick.
-All right. She's locked in five.
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling really attacked
and horrible right now.
-It's getting intense.
-Yachty, you have any advice for him?
-Yeah. I mean, it seems pretty tough.
-Do you have any advice? Yachty?
-Oh, advice? No, I have no advice.
-No, nah, I don’t.
We can bring out the next one
if you're ready.
-I'd like to bring out 413.
-Come with me, son.
Oh, my gosh.
-All right.
-How you feeling? Good?
-Good. Yeah.
-Do you want to say anything?
-No. Do you want to say anything?
-Yeah, sure.
-Some tension there.
Well, you guys are
a little short with each other.
-He knows the answers.
I do know the answers. So [laughs]
I'm not going to guide you
specifically to a check.
-So which one would you choose?
-Which one would I choose?
-I'm gonna look down.
Because I'm not giving you– I'm not
gonna guide you. I'm not gonna guide.
[Karl] Who do you trust
out of everybody over there?
I would have equally trusted everybody
more than the captain.
-[Karl] Oh, really?
-[Brennan] Yeah.
Oh, he's trying to see your reaction
when he goes in front of a box.
[classical music playing]
-Not even a flinch.
-Oh, my gosh. I'm gonna throw up.
-Choosing box number two.
-[MrBeast] Number two.
The last one.
And then you get what's left.
711, you got two boxes to choose from.
Why is Lil Yachty here?
[MrBeast] Oh, by the way,
I brought Lil Yachty.
What do I do? Oh, wow. Three and four.
Has the X been picked yet?
The X has been picked.
-Do you guys believe him?
-Honestly, I don't know.
-[Brennan] You don't know?
-[MrBeast] 3 or 4.
[Brennan] It was in three.
There's a chance
that you didn't move it at all,
so I think I might pick number three.
[MrBeast] All right, stand in front of it
and lock it in.
-I'm locking in three.
-Which means you get case number four.
All right, let's see what's in one.
457, did he lie to you?
Nah, I don't think he lied to me.
I trust him.
[MrBeast] All right, pull that lever.
[mechanical clicks]
You are safe. All right, let's open up
case number five. Go for it.
[mechanical clicks]
-You are also safe.
-How are you feeling?
-I feel good.
-That's the most like–
-[Mack] Calm.
-She just made the top four for an island.
-And she's like, "I feel good."
-I'm sorry! Okay, I feel good!
All right. Case number four. What's inside
of here? You put it in there.
[??] That would be a check.
-Okay. Imagine if it was an "X".
It pains me to say
that one of you two is going home.
We’re gonna open them both
at the same time.
[intense music playing]
Reveal their fate!
-Oh, my gosh!
-[MrBeast] There you have it.
You're still in, buddy.
Congratulations, brother.
-I'm sorry. Brutal.
[emotional music playing]
-You good?
Do you wanna have a seat over here?
-[music cuts out]
-Yeah, come on over.
-[music starts again]
-I don't know. I wanted to pick four.
Dang, dog. It's so crazy ‘cause
it’s like you almost didn't even pick two.
All right, you guys know the deal.
Every time someone loses, we burn
their flag, so if you could do the honors.
Dang, dog.
Burn the flag.
413, you have been eliminated.
-Sorry, Misha.
-Bye, Misha.
-Thank you.
-It was great playing with you, man.
Hey man, I'll see you later.
Probably won’t see him later.
-I don’t know why I said that.
-And now, one of you four is gonna win it.
Everyone get some rest
while I prepare the next game.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[electronic music playing]
So that was a psychological pain.
That was also really wild that Lil Yachty
was standing right next to me
as I was having basically
a mental breakdown.
Life is weird, but, hey, I'm having fun.
[MrBeast] All right, everyone, follow me.
For this next game, I have something
very special to show you.
We're heading to the pirate ship.
-Oh, my gosh!
Also, we're leaving Lil Yachty
on the island.
I'll take good care of it.
[MrBeast] Have any of you ever been
on a pirate ship?
[all] No!
[MrBeast] All right, well,
that changes right now.
-[Brennan] Yes!
-[MrBeast] Welcome to the pirate ship.
-[Brennan] Yeah!
So there are four of you.
Which means you guys all have
a 25% chance of winning that island.
-And if you look right here,
you will see real cannons that you will
be firing at each other's ships.
If your ship gets sunk,
you will be eliminated.
-Oh, man.
-Oh, this is dope.
And before we start firing,
I have an offer.
-Follow me to the treasure chest.
This is going to be arguably
the biggest decision of your lives.
-Since you've never shot cannons
and might not be confident
in your ability to do it,
I wanted to give each of you an out.
Inside of this treasure chest
is $450,000 of gold,
aka, 25% of the value of that island.
-[Brennan] Dude.
-What are you thinking?
This is crazy.
Why do you think I have 450 grand,
exactly 25% of the value of the island,
aka, your odds of winning
the island right in front of me?
To bribe somebody to leave.
Wow. Am I that predictable?
I'm going to be offering each of you
$450,000 to eliminate yourselves.
But it's first come, first serve.
I’m gonna give the offer first
to whoever picked the first cube
in the last challenge.
-[Brennan] Oh, my gosh.
You chose the first cube
at the last challenge.
Do you want to eliminate yourself?
Go home right now.
Lose $5,000,000,
but receive $450,000 in gold.
-Oh, my God.
-If you say no,
I'll pass the decision over to him.
And then him and then her.
I think my family and my girlfriend
would kill me if I didn't take this.
Do you want $450 grand?
Or do you want to roll the dice
for a $1.8 million private island,
plus a shot at the $5,000,000 grand prize?
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, my gosh.
I think every choice that I've made
up to this has led me right here.
I think I chose box one for a reason.
-Oof. Ahh.
-If he says no, I would take it.
-You would?
[Brennan] Yeah.
Here's the thing.
Maybe leave it up to fate.
-You want to flip for $450 grand?
-Absolutely not. I'm taking the money.
-You’re taking it?
You’re taking the $450 grand?
-Alright. It's yours.
Congrats, dude.
That’s awesome! Nice job!
-That’s crazy. That’s crazy.
-You made the right decision.
-Oh, my gosh.
-[MrBeast] Bring in the red boat.
And now you probably already know this
from previous episodes,
but this was brought to you by MoneyLion!
And to make things even better,
we're also giving away $450,000
to those of you watching at home.
All you need to do for a chance to win
is go to,
or just scan the QR code on 711's face
right now and you can win.
-Can I scan it?
-Uh, no. Because you're here.
Thank you, MoneyLion, for helping us out
and enjoy the money, man.
I knew from the moment
that I was going first
that I was going to take the money, 100%.
This is too much money
to give up on a gamble.
Best experience of my life.
I just can't believe it,
I'm still in shock.
I feel like I'm going to pass out
right now, so this is crazy.
-711, you were one box choice away.
-I know.
From the opportunity at $450 grand.
How are you feeling?
If 457 hadn’t, I 100% would have taken it.
I still have no regrets, the way
it happened happened for a reason,
so I'm very happy for him.
[electronic effects]
-[register dings]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] And because 457 took the bribe
and they ended up
not shooting the cannons,
I'm going to do it for them.
-Fire in the hole!
-[cannon booms]
[intense music playing]
-[birds chirping]
-[music continues]
I don't know. My editors thought
blowing up the moon would be funny.
But if you're not in shock already,
you won't believe what's coming next.
A game of trust and deceit.
The winner will win
that golden immunity coconut
that they can give to someone else
to move on with them.
In other words, they choose
who's eliminated.
[MrBeast] The rules are simple.
Each of you are going to receive
a container like this one.
At the start of every round,
you will each secretly choose to play
a one, three, or five tile.
This number represents how many steps
you'll take towards the finish line.
But there's a catch.
If more than one of you
chooses the same number,
those numbers cancel out
and those players have to stay
where they are for the round.
You will have a chance to communicate
and plan out your moves together.
You can use honesty or deceit.
Whatever strategy you use,
remember that the winner will be choosing
who moves on with them to the final game
and who goes home with nothing.
This game is all about trust.
Two of you are moving on, and
then you guys decide which two it will be.
Let's see what happens.
Let's start the first round.
Choose the number you want to play
and don't let another contestant see it.
All right, is everyone happy
with their number?
-[MrBeast] You’ve got 15 steps
between you and victory.
Let's see who gets there first.
Three. Two. One. Reveal!
-[Mack laughs]
-Five. Three. One. Oh my gosh!
No one picked the same number,
so you can take a step.
You can take three steps.
711, you can take five.
-Everyone moves forward.
-Four, five.
-Hey, man, how ya doing?
-Welcome, welcome, welcome.
-Why don't you just pick five every time?
I'm just going to do that. Yeah.
I feel like you need
to jump in on this action.
You can get one every time,
but that's not going to do anything.
-I know, this would be the slow approach.
-By slow approach, you mean last place?
I know that's the bad approach.
I got to rethink my strategy.
Are you going to pick five again
for this next one?
Tell me what you want me to do.
I'm going to pick a five.
Obviously, one of you guys
can also pick a five to stop me,
but that also stops you.
It's a game of trust, and I'm telling you,
it's going to be a five.
This guy is running the game.
[dramatic music playing]
-952, I'd like to work with you.
-Um, let me see.
But I don't want him to get so far ahead.
Do you not want to work together?
He's going to do five.
The only option I have is three.
I'm going to choose five
because I'm going to try to block him.
You go for three.
So If you want to work together
to get to the end
and compete together
in the final challenge and try to--
One of us wins, and I would choose you.
952 and I, we were
on the same helicopter together.
-She trusted me to hold that ball,
and we got there together.
I trust that you can return
the favor for me
being able to get you that golden ticket
to the private island.
[MrBeast] Alright, guys,
it's time to start the next round.
Choose a number and choose it wisely.
Let's see what you have.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
-Five. Five. Three.
-Holy [coughs]
They cancel out, and she gets
to take three steps forward.
One. Two. Three.
952 is now in the lead.
I'm okay with us canceling each other out
if she wants to do the right thing.
She will repay me back
for helping our team get to this island.
952 got here on her own gut and belief.
She doesn't owe me anything,
and I personally believe
she doesn't owe you anything.
-She doesn’t owe me anything at all.
Nice. I appreciate that.
I respect both of you guys, I do.
[MrBeast] Everyone was starting
to feel pressure to build an alliance
because in the back of their minds,
they knew that this $1.8 million
private island could be theirs.
And right now,
952 is in total control of the situation.
They're both helping her win.
Banking on her choosing them.
-She can only choose one.
She's basically playing them both
right now.
-I'm picking five again.
-I'm also going with five.
-952, who do you like more?
-Don’t ask her that. Don’t ask her that.
-I don’t want to answer that because--
-You don’t have to answer.
-Don’t you dare ask that.
-Yeah, I don't want to answer that.
Alright, everyone, lift up your boards.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
Five, five, and three.
952 gets to move forward three more steps.
She's getting close to guaranteeing a win.
Gentlemen, your stubbornness
is keeping you in the same spots.
Guys, if she gets a five, she'll be one
step away from winning.
-I was going to do five.
-[Brennan] You're going to do five?
-Okay, I'm going to do three.
-I’ll do three.
You guys are just going
to leave it up to her?
[MrBeast] This is going to be crazy.
If she actually gets five,
she'll be one step away.
I mean, let's see if people are bluffing.
Lift them up.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Someone's winning this thing!
-Let’s go!
-I'm not touching you, man.
-952, you can take five more steps.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Guys, it's do or die.
I mean, it quite literally
could be our last round.
Thank you to both of you guys.
I'm going to do the right thing.
Trust me, I will.
-I trust you.
-I trust her.
This is crazy.
You can’t both trust her
to do the right thing.
-What is the right thing?
-What is the right thing?
-What’s the right thing. Can you tell me?
-I'll do the right thing.
What's the right thing?
Someone tell the right thing.
I need to know the right thing.
I'll tell you the right thing
when I get in the position
to tell you what I'm going to do.
Because he thinks the right thing
is to pick him.
He thinks the right thing is to pick him.
For the love of God,
tell me what the right thing is.
She doesn't have
to give me the golden coconut.
But we were on the helicopter together.
You are confident she's going to pick you.
But so is he.
I'm just confident
in the conversations that I've had.
I just know that she's a fair person.
I have no other reason not to be.
I'm going to be fair.
-Is everyone good with their numbers?
-[Mia] I'm good.
[MrBeast] Three. Two. One. Reveal!
Five. Five. One.
-She won!
-Congrats, Mia.
-Thank you.
-Alright, before you take your final step
and choose who is going on
to compete and who is going home,
I want to give them
each a chance to talk to you.
If you don't mind,
I'd like to hear from 441.
I know we met only a few days ago,
and our moment in the game yesterday,
that felt like a judge of my character.
I want to to guide you
to the box without the "X",
but in return, I would also hope
that you work with me to--
How do I know that he's not going
to screw me over and convince me
that the "X" is in the box that I'm in.
But it was more you were trusting God.
I appreciate you for that.
This is my journey.
This is my healing journey.
And I'm happy that you were part of it.
So thank you.
952, you trusted me in holding that ball.
We had met that moment,
and you trusted a complete stranger
to hold your fate
literally in my hands, and it worked out.
So I hope that the same thing
happens for me
where you are about
to hold my fate in your hands.
I appreciate that, and I respect you, 711,
we've been through a lot.
We could have played this game
a whole different way,
and I feel like
this is the right way to play.
Not because I'm in the lead,
but because we're being fair.
952, take your final step,
you have officially won.
952, claim your immunity coconut.
You can only give it to one of them.
It's a big decision.
This has to be weighing on you.
If I could split this coconut in half,
I would, but I can’t.
So my decision is
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, wa--
-[chuckles and sighs]
Does one have a check?
-Does one have a check?
-[Mia] Yes.
I'm going to keep
that information to myself.
How come you weren't willing
to just tell me?
I don't know, I'm nervous.
When you're honest,
you don't have to be nervous.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my gosh.
[MrBeast] That means that 711 and 952
are moving on to compete head to head
for the deed to
this $1.8 million dollar private island.
This was a healing journey for me.
I feel a lot more like myself,
-and I'm grateful for that, so
-I’m glad it was a good experience.
But I’m not sad I lost, I’m just
disappointed that the journey’s over.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] The competition for
this $1.8 million dollar private island
is now down to just two players.
They were hunted by Navy Seals,
tested by games of skill and chance,
and nearly broken
by the twisted mind games of Lil Yachty.
And after this next game,
someone will be a millionaire.
[intense music playing]
Welcome to the final game.
Contestants, come on up!
-711 and 952.
-What do you guys think?
-Can I touch it?
[mimicking flute noise]
It’s been a wild ride.
Is there anything the two of you
want to say before we begin?
I just want to say good luck
and don’t hold back.
I respect your hustle,
and I respect that you got us
where we needed to be
and wish you the best.
This is crazy.
You carried her through a challenge.
[music continues]
And she also carried you
through a challenge.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh.
You both played a big part in each other
getting here, and now only one can win.
The rules to the final game
are simple, but brutal.
This is going to test your strategy,
your poker face,
and how well you can read lies.
Guards! Bring in the deeds.
Oh, my goodness!
I need you to grab the pens
and sign your names.
What you will both notice though,
is my signature is missing
from both these deeds.
So as of right now, they are worthless.
But if you win this final game,
I will sign your deed that will decide
which one of you wins
this $1.8 million dollar island,
re-enters Beast Games,
-continues to compete for $5,000,000,
-[register dings]
and which one of you goes home tonight.
[nervous laughs]
It all comes down to this.
In a moment,
you guys will open up your briefcases
and place the deed in one of them.
I will have you shuffle your briefcases
while the other person is blindfolded.
After both of you have mixed up
your briefcases,
the opposing person will get to choose
to steal one of your two briefcases
and vice versa.
After that occurs,
if you only have one deed,
and you only have one deed,
we will do another round.
But if one of you has both the deeds,
you will win the island
and the other
that has neither of the deeds
will be eliminated
from Beast Games altogether.
Oh my gosh! 50-50 chance at this.
This is nuts.
Your odds could be higher
if you lie to her correctly.
It all comes down to what you say
and also how you interpret her.
In the next ten minutes,
one of you will be a millionaire.
-952, can you please turn around for me?
711, place your deed
in either of these briefcases.
I don't want to know.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Am I good to turn around?
-Yes, you are.
You're sure? You're good with this?
Yup, I am.
Okay. Alright, 952, you can turn around.
711, I need you to face that way.
Same thing. Whichever one you want.
Oh, she’s mixing ‘em up.
You didn’t do much moving.
-How does that make you feel, 711?
-[sighs] It's okay.
What is going on?
-Alright, you good?
Alright, you may turn around 711.
Let’s have some fun.
Who wants to pick first?
-I can go first.
-You want him to go first?
He can.
You’ll pick first, but beforehand,
you need to ask her some questions.
Get some intel.
The logical thing to ask is,
which case did you put the deed in?
And you’ll either say
the truth or you’ll lie.
And we’ve been talking a lot
about good character,
and I don’t think you would lie.
Then why don't you ask her?
It doesn't hurt.
I don’t want to put you in a position
where you feel like
you have the need to lie.
-So I’m going to leave it to fate.
-You’re not going to ask her anything?
-I’m not going to ask her anything.
-I know which briefcase I’m going to pick.
Do you want to tell him
which one the deed’s in?
I don't.
[laughs] This is so fun in a twisted way.
Hey, I agree.
Finally, someone appreciates our games.
-I don't.
-I think this decision
has already been made,
and that the right person will receive it.
I think either one of you
winning is awesome.
Do you want this briefcase
or that briefcase?
One of them has a deed.
The other has a "X".
No matter what happens,
this has been life changing for me.
In a lot of ways, I’ve already won,
but my heart is telling me
to choose the right.
I’m going to choose my right.
Which is that briefcase.
This is the official lock in.
Which briefcase are you locking in?
I'm locking in that briefcase.
Alright. That will be coming to your side
after she picks one of yours.
What's going through your mind?
-A sense of peace.
-[MrBeast] Really?
Most people would be nervous
in your position.
I'm not nervous at all. [crying]
I’m not nervous at all, I prayed for this.
[emotional music playing]
I’m ready to receive what I know is mine.
You're that confident
you're gonna pick the right one?
I I don’t know what to think right now.
I mean [sighs]
I feel like we are both deserving of this.
I talked a little bit about
what I would use the money for
in the last challenge.
I would use the money
to retire my parents.
I don’t know if you’ve gotten a chance
to talk about what you would
use the money for if you were
to sell the island, so I want to know.
I want to take this opportunity
before any final decisions are made.
What would you do with the money?
I haven’t had an easy life,
and I know a lot of people
haven’t had an easy life.
I’ve worked hard all my life
and try to make the right decisions.
But I've lost my house.
I’ve lost a lot of friends.
I’ve lost everything.
So I know that [choking up]
That God is going to bless me.
I know, I feel it in my bones.
I know this is my opportunity
to change my life.
I will use it to buy my house back
that I lost when I was 23 years old.
-I will buy my house back,
so I can have somewhere to live.
I love it. That was very touching.
Oh, man.
You made a really good decision
back there in the last game.
That was a real show of character
that everyone is going to see now.
So regardless of whether or not
you win this island,
I know for a fact you’re going to be
blessed for making those right decisions,
and [sighs] I’m just going to leave it
in God’s hands at this point,
and I’m going to let you decide
which case to pick.
That’s fair.
I’m going to choose this case.
-I will officially lock in with this case.
She’s officially chose that case.
You officially chose that one.
Hand me yours.
[stirring music playing]
You both chose to give
very little information to each other,
basically leaving it up to chance.
We’re about to see if that paid off.
They have officially swapped.
None of us know except for these two.
I’m gonna potentially pass out,
I can’t imagine how you two feel.
$1.8 million dollars.
If one of you has two deeds, you win.
If neither of you have two deeds,
we do another round.
If you guys could each put a hand
on each of your briefcases
and open them up on my countdown.
When I say go.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
[credits music playing]
[MrBeast] Nine of you took a bet.
A bet on yourselves to win
this $1.8 million dollar private island.
You guys separated from the pack.
And now, if you lose any of the games
that take place on this island,
your journey on this show
will come to an end.
Our first game is simple but terrifying.
We are going to be playing hide and seek.
-All right! Here we go.
But before I let you guys hide,
I need to introduce some special guests.
[intense music playing]
As of now, that team of Navy Seals
is actively hunting you down,
and whichever one of you they catch first
loses their chance
at winning
this $1.8 million dollar island.
And you're eliminated
from Beast Games entirely,
so say goodbye to that $5,000,000
if you get caught.
-[music continues]
-[helicopter whiring]
Good luck to all of you.
I don’t know why you’re here. Go! Go!
-They're gonna hunt you down!
-[man] Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
[audio slows down]
[MrBeast] These Navy Seals are possibly
the baddest men on the planet,
and they will not stop
until one of the players is found.
[Timothy] Oh, my God!
[MrBeast] Even if it means searching
this entire 60-acre island.
Jimmy, I think it’s time
to let loose the dogs of war, yeah?
Yes! Let ‘em loose!
-Let's go, boys.
-Let's go.
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
I really want to go as deep as I can,
so it takes them longer to find me.
[music stops]
-Oh, there's birds. There’s animals.
-[music restarts]
[MrBeast] These players may look
terrified, but remember, they chose this.
Out of the 60 people
that advanced from episode four,
most of them said "no"
to this extra challenge.
-Give this island to someone else.
-Jesus leads the way.
Okay, that's a "no" from Jeremy.
And if you can believe it,
these nine players decided
to take the extra competition.
-I’m going for it.
-Let's go!
-Let's do it.
-Let’s do it.
[MrBeast] Risking their spot
at Beast Games for a chance to win
this $1.8 million dollar island.
[Seal] Coming through this trail,
look for signs of life.
Footprints. People breakin’ path.
So we just started.
We’re already knee deep in the woods.
-You lead the way, I follow you.
I think what we want to do
is make a little distance
-towards the other end of the island.
-[MrBeast] Okay.
I know if I was a contestant,
that’s what I would do.
-Getting in the mind of the contestant.
-You got to think like the enemy.
They’re not your enemy.
They’re civilians. [laughs]
I would say their best strategy,
being hunted, is to get off the X.
The danger zone is right
where we inserted from the helo.
The further away from the helo, the
better chance they have of hiding from us.
But player 952 decided to take a gamble
and hide right in the middle
of the danger zone.
[Mia] I'm close to the base camp.
[MrBeast] Hoping that the Seals
would go right past her.
[Seal] Yo!
[crunching footsteps]
I smell some blue shirts.
I want to get up there,
see if we can move around.
-Look, you see this?
Somebody definitely moved through here.
You got a trail. Hear anything?
We can be quiet for a second.
-[tense music playing]
[Seal] Another trail here.
So let’s go off this way.
Look for signs of life.
Footprints, people breaking trail.
Be honest with me,
am I useful to you at all?
-No, no.
-Okay. All right. That's what I thought.
[MrBeast] 952’s strategy of hiding
in the danger zone actually paid off.
But now Chandler and his Navy Seal
are moving right towards
two players who haven't found a spot yet.
There’s no way they’re going to go
through all this.
I think I see a cave.
There’s a little spot back there.
I don't even know what’s back there.
Could be spiders, snakes.
[Seal] Let’s see how motivated somebody
is to get inside the woods.
-[Chandler] Think they went through here?
-I haven’t seen anything blue yet, so
It’s time to put as much foliage
on me as possible.
[Seal] Where, oh, where, could you be?
-[suspenseful music playing]
-[heavy breathing]
I just wanna make sure
Please don’t find me. Please don’t
find me. Please don’t find me.
[Chandler] See anything?
[Seal] No, nothing back here.
[sighs] Man.
[Seal] Damn, that’d be
such a good spot right here too.
[MrBeast] But even with a few close calls,
these players were not making it easy
on these Navy Seals.
Digging in the mud,
and I know this is going to be gross,
but I think ideally, if I cover myself
with mud as much as possible,
-that could kind of blend in.
-My plan is to dig a hole. Bury myself.
I got to be careful of my footprints.
It’s muddy, so I’m looking for any trees
that I can possibly climb.
Get in here.
I would love to know
if somebody went high.
I’d probably be able to see some blue.
I am 30 feet up. I climbed a tree.
I climbed multiple.
I’m not going home.
I’m not going home.
I smell some blue shirts.
Man, somebody’s in here.
I hear voices.
-If somebody was ballsy enough to go--
-[Karl] Hey, Shanelly.
-Yes, sir.
-Is that you?
[Shanelly] Yes, sir.
I’m really nervous right now.
I don’t want to get found.
-[Karl] You guys want to do a
-FOD walkdown?
FOD walkdown, yeah. We got Jeff 25 meters
towards the beach right here.
-If you want to do one right here.
-[MrBeast] Fortunately for 457,
the Seals decided not
to look in the trees.
My heart is beating so fast.
[MrBeast] But to instead group together
for a new strategy.
We’re gonna do, what’s it called?
A FOD walkdown?
FOD walkdown, Foreign Object Detection.
Yeah. So basically, it allows us
to maximize the amount of space
and the distance our eyes
can cover collectively.
[MrBeast] So basically,
we're combining our eye lines,
moving together to scan
the area most effectively.
We’re doing a FOD walkdown,
four-man deep detection,
25 feet apart, walking through. [laughs]
Now, I can put some of these over me.
A little bit is showing.
So we’re all gonna be
about 25 feet apart, and then
-[MrBeast] Yes, sir.
-beeline it, bushwhack it through.
-[Seal] Yes, sir!
-We’ll do a FOD walkdown through all this.
-[MrBeast] Okay. This right here?
-[Seal] Yeah. You'll see me.
Ian, you want to push down
that way a little bit?
-Does that work?
-Oh, yeah.
I’ll cover a little more cas.
[Seal] Just keep climbing
in elevation, I think, Ian.
They’re all around me.
They’ve been around me the whole time.
[MrBeast] And while we were right
on the heels of some of the contestants,
Karl and his Seal
were struggling to get along,
-[Seal] Peter Pan, get over here.
-Oh, my name’s Karl.
-Stick your head into there. Take a look.
-You think?
-Yo. We found you. [laughs]
-Just get under there and look.
Are you one of those,
like, Make-A-Wish kids?
[laughs] I promise
this would not be my wish.
We should probably just head back.
Probably, maybe your friends found people.
Nah, no one’s found anyone.
We’re gonna check the perimeter here.
We’ll cut back in.
And we’ll hit ‘em.
You don't look like you've ever played
a sport in your life.
[MrBeast] But all the way
on the other side of the island,
Chandler and his Seal were closing in
on 797’s position.
[Seal] If I was trying to win an island,
I would hide pretty deep in here.
[MrBeast] And when she heard them coming,
she dropped her camera.
[Kelly] Aw, damn it!
[MrBeast] And knows that if she moves
to pick it up, she will be found.
-[Seal] Somebody was here.
-I feel like somebody wants to be in here.
[heavy breathing]
-[Chandler] We're coming to find you.
-[Seal] We know you're in there.
We know you're in there.
Like no joke, if you were down to do it,
I would hide in this.
Touch it. Maybe it’s a person.
[music intensifies]
[Seal] Oh, there's a blue shirt.
You see a blue shirt?
I see you.
Aw, all that hiding for nothing.
Tango down. Number 797. I repeat, 797.
[MrBeast] Now let’s let the other players
know they’re safe.
-[air horn blares]
That's the air horn. That's the sound
of us making it through to the next round.
They found people. I won.
I beat the first challenge.
Yes! Yes!
Aw, heck yeah! Atta' baby.
952, you know how we do. Nine is coming
for that $5,000,000 and sayin’ deuces.
[MrBeast] With our first elimination
from the island,
797 is officially saying goodbye
to Beast Games.
This was a fun experience,
I don't regret for one second
stepping into this challenge.
797, I have your flag right here.
Since you're eliminated
[dramatic music playing]
Now that your flag's gone,
-I need you to head to the boat.
And with that,
the eight of you now remain.
You’re all a little dirty, I’d clean up,
and in the morning, we have
a fun challenge prepared for you.
-Oh, man.
-Get some sleep.
Okay. Woo!
-[Mia] Bye, 797!
-[Brennan] See ya, 797!
-[fire crackling]
-[dramatic music playing]
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] The competition
for this private island is brutal.
And it's only going to get more intense.
Meanwhile, on a nearby island,
thanks to T-Mobile,
the contestants enjoyed
an elevated island vacation experience.
We are literally in Paradise.
-Welcome to our cabana!
[woman] Being here on the island,
I can finally relax.
I can just sit outside
and just listen to the waves hit.
[man] How many times in my life
will I ever be on an island
in the middle of nowhere
with these cool people again?
Look at the size. [laughs]
[MrBeast] So far, over 900 people
have been eliminated from Beast Games,
and these players have outlasted them all.
And because T-Mobile treats
their customers
like VIPs with Magenta Status,
they did the same for these contestants.
[man] We get to enjoy the beach. We get
to enjoy amazing massages that we get.
It’s been nothing but a blast.
I’m definitely glad I chose this
and not to compete for that island.
I’m going to live it up today,
but I’m not going to get too comfortable
because I know Jimmy always
has something up his sleeve.
And right after this,
we could do some massive eliminations.
[MrBeast] While some of the players
were enjoying this relaxing time off,
others were worried
about their fate in Beast Games.
These last few days have been
such an emotional roller coaster.
I went from the high of having people
gift me their coins
to bring me here, to villainizing me.
The preacher, he's been using
Jesus and religion
to kind of manipulate people.
[Jeremy] And having a massive,
massive target upon my back.
The vibe from the city
to this island is night and day.
[MrBeast] Not far away,
one alliance was discussing rumors
about another pair of players.
I heard that the habibi’s,
the brothers Karim and Hazim, argued--
It's like a fake argument, like acting,
to convince the third person
they didn't know well in the cube
that they were in a fight.
The two habibi brothers literally lied
to this person to trick them,
to get them to handcuff themselves.
-[man] Wow.
-They laughed.
And said,
"I can't believe we got away with that."
[man] He's definitely a threat.
[MrBeast] Meanwhile, on the other island,
the eight remaining players
are in for a long night.
-[thunder claps]
-[heavy rain]
[wind blowing]
But to be clear, I had nothing
to do with this. It's just mother nature.
This is the craziest storm
that I’ve ever experienced.
[dramatic music playing]
[MrBeast] There are eight of you left
competing for this island.
How are you feeling about the competition?
Anyone over there scare you?
Or do you think this is going
to be a cakewalk?
-Probably Jamal. [laughs]
-You're only afraid of 514?
-Honestly, I don’t think anybody here
-is too much of a competitor for me.
-I feel like they’re all afraid of you.
No, I mean,
maybe internally they actually are.
Who do you think
the fiercest competitor is?
-514. He was literally born in Panama.
-Oh. He was?
Yeah. He does have home field advantage.
How does it feel
being the only woman on the island?
It's a high calling because I have
to do it for the ladies out there.
-You gotta squash ‘em.
-Listen, I got to.
I think it's my responsibility.
[MrBeast] You ready for the next game?
-Let’s go!
Inside of here is a coconut for each
of you. Take whichever one you want.
-Here you go.
-Gracias. Ooh! It's heavy.
Follow me. Welcome to the next game.
-Oh, my God.
[MrBeast] Stand on the color
that coordinates with your coconut.
We're gonna start on the left
and go to the right. Hold up your coconut.
You're each going to take turns rolling
or throwing your coconut.
Attempting to get as close
to the red line as possible.
But if your coconut touches the red line,
or if you throw it past the red line,
you're eliminated from Beast Games.
-Oh, dude.
-Oh, my God.
Instead of eliminating just one of you,
if two coconuts don't cross the red line,
whichever two coconuts are the furthest
from the red line are eliminated.
The game ends when two people are gone.
-Come on.
Okay. Alright.
-This is nerve wracking.
[MrBeast] All right, 895, you're up first.
I got to do a good throw.
I got to get a solid throw
and put pressure
on the rest of these people.
This is the most expensive
bocce throw of your life.
Oh, gosh.
895, $1.8 million dollars on the line.
[music intensifies]
-He's off.
-[Brennan] Woah!
-Not bad. Not bad at all.
-That was nice.
-I’m pretty happy with that.
That is probably a good enough throw
to secure a top spot.
-I hope so.
Oh, my gosh.
I think we're sitting pretty over here
because we're going last.
It might not even get to us
if that coconut goes past the red line,
then we don't even have to go.
All right, 895, I need you
to stand in this red circle.
Since you're the only one to throw,
technically, your coconut
is the furthest away from the red line,
so you technically are
on the chopping block.
All right, 672, you're up.
Whenever you're ready.
That is a tough one to beat.
Yeah. [exhales]
[audio slows down]
[slow-motion] Oh, no!
[slow-motion] Oh! Bro.
-[Laric] Oh, no. Oh
-[MrBeast] Oh!
-[MrBeast] It's only our second throw.
-And we already have an elimination.
You pushed me closer, so
Woah. I need you to hop in the red circle.
-672, you're eliminated.
-I'm officially out.
This is where the strategy comes in.
We already have
one of the two eliminations.
There's a chance one of them overthrows,
and you instantly move on.
But if you accidentally overthrow,
the game's over, and they all move on.
All I have to do is not be last.
I want to get decently close, but not too
close. It’s not going over, don’t worry.
Okay. All right.
Do you think that's enough?
I hope it's enough.
So you are now guaranteed to move on
unless someone knocks your coconut off.
-Don't do that. [laughs]
514, I need you to come over here.
You're in the chopping block.
-That might be a mistake for me.
-895, how does it feel to be moving on?
-Oh, it feels really good.
-The only way you do not move on
is if he just Tom Brady’s
your coconut over that.
-Oh, boy.
Hey, 711, I would just not overthrow it.
Oh, my gosh. Okay. For the win,
I'm going to go for a roll this time.
[tense music playing]
Yes! Yes! Let's go!
I need you to step on
to the green platform. You secured a spot.
514 remains on the chopping block.
-And 952, you're up next.
You just have to get your coconut
closer to the red line than purple.
I think I'm going to try
to do a kettlebell swing.
Aka, the granny shot.
-[Mack] Here we go.
-Oh, oh, oh!
-[Mack] Oh, my gosh.
-[MrBeast] Oh, oh.
Yes! Congrats!
Head on over to the green platform.
At this point, five of
the eight contestants had gone,
and it was now up to 413
to give it a shot.
Whenever you’re ready, man.
-Don’t overthrow it.
[music continues]
-Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[MrBeast] No way. No way. No way!
-It's in!
[MrBeast] And with 413 safe, that means
there's only two contestants remaining.
All right, 441, you're next.
$1.8 million dollar island on the line.
Okay. All right.
Oh! Oh!
441 is now safe. It is either 514
that goes home or 457.
-This throw decides.
-Let's go.
[music intensifies]
-Whoa, wait.
-[Brennan] What, wait, wait.
-Get away from mine! Oh!
-[Harrison] Let's go!
-[MrBeast] You move on.
[Jamal] It’s so disappointing. It’s just--
I know that I could have done
so much better
if I just made any effort
to make it close.
-Don’t beat yourself up.
-I will.
You guys are true competitors.
You all said yes to this. Love you guys.
[emotional music playing]
[MrBeast] 514 and 672 were two of
the most feared competitors on the island.
And while they must now say goodbye
to Beast Games,
the battle for this island still rages on.
So brutal.
[dramatic music playing]
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
Now that 672 and 514 have been eliminated,
I say we jump right into the next game.
-Let's do it. Let's get it over with.
[MrBeast] You may have thought that you
were safe from your fellow competitors,
but I'm bringing them into this fight.
You see, out on the water
is an enormous super yacht.
On it are the other 51 contestants,
and they've been having a great day,
enjoying the ocean.
-But Karl is about to kill the mood.
-[clears throat]
-Hello, everybody!
-[glass breaks]
The next elimination on the island
is gonna be a vote
-to determine who leaves the island.
-But it's gonna be a vote from you guys.
-[all] No!
[MrBeast] That's right.
Your fates are now in their hands,
as each one of them will vote
for who they would like
-to see eliminated.
And that person will lose out
on the chance of the island,
as well as the $5,000,000.
-Oh, my gosh.
The other players are going to be voting
based on whether you've made
a connection with them.
Were you selfish or a team player?
Were you rude to them, or were you kind?
Were you a loner, or did you make friends?
Every decision you've made
in this show matters.
-Wait, did you say "crap"?
-You guys, you are so mean. So mean.
The hard part is like, we all like
everyone over there. This is brutal.
Yeah, it is pretty bad.
-Who are you rooting for?
-Misha. He saved me on the helicopter.
-[Karl] That's awesome.
-[Mischa] I have made a lot of friends.
They're definitely not gonna vote for me.
I wish I would have met you
like everyone else, but I didn't.
-So that's why I voted for you.
-I kind of vibe with everybody,
but I'm not in a necessary clique
or anything.
Mia’s the only girl,
so I'm not gonna bring her out.
Me and this person have a past.
They might be out to get me,
so hopefully I can get them out.
I think I would either get
the least amount of votes,
or somehow the most amount of votes.
This might be the easiest chance
to get rid of a real threat.
Do you think 930 is on that yacht
currently advocating for you?
930, please!
Brennan, you must make it, Brennan.
Sorry, man. You're a strong competitor.
I think you might win,
so you gotta go.
A lot of the people here are very popular.
I feel like I've been flying
under the radar.
-I don't even know his name.
-Escoban? Escobar?
They could be like,
"Oh, 457. I don't even know him."
Esteban, it’s nothing personal.
I just don't know you that well.
Nah I wasn't mean to anybody,
but I lost most of my friends.
I do got a good group that I think
will vouch for me over there.
Do you know which number Laric is?
I don't want to vote for Laric.
895, I think you're
the biggest physical threat.
I'm feeling pretty good about my friends,
and their network of friends.
He's funny. I like him.
Is he?
But I know all the other people.
At the end of the day,
it's gonna be painful no matter what.
It's like ripping a Band-Aid off.
Someone has to go.
[MrBeast] The votes are in,
and we're blindfolding all of you now
and giving you a chance to save yourself
from being voted out.
You can quit this competition right now
and go party on the yacht,
but you'd be giving up your chance
to win this $1.8 million private island.
So if you think you're the one
that got the most votes,
I would raise my hand if I were you.
Ooh! Nervous.
Karl now has the votes, and you have
until he arrives to make a decision.
Three. Two. One. Go!
I do not envy the stress all of you
are going through right now.
This is gonna be rough.
Karl’s about to pull up
with their decision.
This is your final chance to leave
if you think you got the most votes.
-Oh, my gosh!
-No one raised their hand.
-No one raised their hand. Okay.
[Karl] Guys, that was crazy.
-Which means– Karl! Run.
-Thank you, Karl.
-Here you go.
-All 51 contestants voted?
-Oh, my gosh.
I got the shakes.
[MrBeast] The first contestant saved
from elimination
-with the least amount of votes are 413.
-952 and 457.
-The next person safe is 711.
-Aye! Let's go.
You live to fight another day.
What’s going through your guys’s minds?
-This would be a sucky way to go.
Yeah. Do either of you regret
not going back to the yacht?
-I'll let you know. [laughs]
-No, I don't regret it.
I have both their flags here.
I'm just gonna show you who lost.
The loser of this private island
and going home
[dramatic music playing]
-[gasps and groans]
-[man] Wow.
-You are safe, 441.
-Oh, wow, wow, wow.
-[MrBeast] You received ten votes.
-895 received 17.
[MrBeast] 895, you're eliminated.
-[sighs] That's a bummer.
-[MrBeast] It is a bummer.
I thought there'd be a few more to vouch
for me, but I kind of kept to myself.
-I need you to head to the barge.
-My wife's gonna kill me.
-[Karl] Why?
-‘Cause I didn't come home with anything.
-Nah, come on.
[MrBeast] And although they're competing
against one another,
something about this elimination
hit different.
I didn't see that coming.
I didn't see that coming.
Laric. He did nothing wrong.
He was a great guy.
He just wasn't very social.
And that's a terrible way to go.
[music continues]
-We love you, Laric.
I voted for, uh, Laric.
The vibe around the camp
is a lot of people
didn't want Laric to go.
So I gotta keep my vote a little low key.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[dramatic music playing]
-And now, you guys are in the top five.
Let's go to the next game.
Welcome to our next game.
Bring in the contestants.
This next one might be my favorite.
Come on in. Come on in.
Oh, man.
[music intensifies]
[MrBeast] I need you guys
to agree on a leader.
That's it, that's all you're telling us?
I can't tell you anything else
until you pick a leader.
-Oh, my gosh.
-I'd be happy to lead.
I also would be happy to lead.
I think I have
the most life experience, so
So you want to also nominate yourself
as captain, is what you're saying?
-Yeah. [laughs]
-Okay, so we have three people that–
I want to be the captain too.
We have four people. But you don't want
to be the captain. [laughs]
So maybe you should choose
who you want to be the captain.
-I think that's the most fair.
-Sounds like they want you to choose.
I'll choose 441.
All right, 441, come on up here.
Here's what we're going to do, in a moment
all four of you are going to leave.
When you leave,
your team captain that you picked
is either gonna put a check
or an "X" inside of those boxes.
He will then call you back one at a time,
in whatever order he wants.
You will then choose a box.
If you get a check, you move on,
and if you get the one "X",
you are eliminated.
And at the end, we will reveal
what is in everyone's boxes.
If he hates you, he could lie
and say he put the "X"
in that box or he can tell you the truth
and help you get a check.
I hope you guys are happy
with your captain choice.
Mia, you don't look very convinced.
-What are your thoughts?
-Nothing. That’s my thoughts.
Okay. I don't know how to read that.
Do you think I should be doing
something different as a leader?
You are the leader, so it's your choice
what you want to do.
All right. You all head out.
I'll see you guys in a bit
while he decides your fate.
This is a sick game.
If by sick, you mean awesome,
then I agree.
Man, so the real question is,
when we go up there,
-are we gonna trust what our captain says?
-Absolutely, absolutely not.
I don't know him.
Why would I trust someone I don't know?
We are gonna start off with box one.
[mechanical clicks]
What do you want to put in the first box?
I thought out of everyone
he was gonna be the one
that wasn't gonna get picked. [laughs]
What do you want
to put in box two? All right.
We don't know him.
I don't know how y'all picked this leader.
He was almost eliminated by voting.
Unfortunately, I didn't get
to know him well, so
I am so sorry.
-Someone has to go.
[woman] I would actually hate
to compete against you.
Yeah. Already technically
the most hated person here.
I'm happy that I'm captain.
I feel like I'm in control.
I will try to manipulate people
to leave this game. So sorry, mom.
-[MrBeast] All right.
The boxes are now sealed.
Which contestant do you want first?
-Bring out 457!
457, you're going first, big boy.
It's time. Let the games begin.
-What's up? [laughs]
-How's it going?
457 here is the reason you are a captain.
Are you gonna repay him?
I will be repaying for sure.
-I want to target 413.
-[Esteban] Okay.
And also 711. I'd love to have
either of them going home.
Hm, I'm gonna go with box number one.
I just want to know if I'm safe.
-You're safe.
-Do you think he's telling you the truth?
-I do, I think so.
That's why I picked him as captain.
All right. He has chosen box number one.
How crazy would it be if he lied?
-He might be celebrating in his head.
-I guess only time will tell.
And to make this
even more nerve wracking and fun,
I have a special guest.
A master of deception and mind games,
known for his unpredictability.
And today, he's here to up the stakes.
You know him, you fear him.
Bring him out!
-[music cuts out]
-[jewelry clinking]
-[Mack] You alright?
-Lil Yachty.
All right.
-He has no idea which one has the "X".
-All right.
-Or what's going on.
-[fly buzzing]
Bring in the next contestant. Come on in.
Hey, hey. What's up?
-Oh, hey. Hey. How are you?
-Hello. Good.
-Good, good, good.
-Um, it’s Lil Yachty.
I don’t know if you’ve ever
heard his music before.
-Hey. How are you?
-Hi. I'm alive.
All right. He chose you next. Have fun.
Do you want to say anything first?
[classical music playing]
-You're the leader.
Okay. You didn't have too much trust in me
when I got elected as leader,
-so I just wanted to kind of hear you out.
-That's a rough start.
I just was surprised
that you didn't have faith in me as a–
-Why would I?
-Okay, that's fair enough.
-Does one have a check?
-Does one have a check?
I'm going to keep
that information to myself.
How come you weren't willing
to just tell me?
I don't know. I'm nervous.
When you're honest,
you don't have to be nervous.
-Alright now.
-I believe you should be here.
So I want to to guide you to the box
without the "X".
I'm going to trust God and trust myself,
and I wish you well.
So you're just going
to ignore him and pick.
-All right. She's locked in five.
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling really attacked
and horrible right now.
-It's getting intense.
-Yachty, you have any advice for him?
-Yeah. I mean, it seems pretty tough.
-Do you have any advice? Yachty?
-Oh, advice? No, I have no advice.
-No, nah, I don’t.
We can bring out the next one
if you're ready.
-I'd like to bring out 413.
-Come with me, son.
Oh, my gosh.
-All right.
-How you feeling? Good?
-Good. Yeah.
-Do you want to say anything?
-No. Do you want to say anything?
-Yeah, sure.
-Some tension there.
Well, you guys are
a little short with each other.
-He knows the answers.
I do know the answers. So [laughs]
I'm not going to guide you
specifically to a check.
-So which one would you choose?
-Which one would I choose?
-I'm gonna look down.
Because I'm not giving you– I'm not
gonna guide you. I'm not gonna guide.
[Karl] Who do you trust
out of everybody over there?
I would have equally trusted everybody
more than the captain.
-[Karl] Oh, really?
-[Brennan] Yeah.
Oh, he's trying to see your reaction
when he goes in front of a box.
[classical music playing]
-Not even a flinch.
-Oh, my gosh. I'm gonna throw up.
-Choosing box number two.
-[MrBeast] Number two.
The last one.
And then you get what's left.
711, you got two boxes to choose from.
Why is Lil Yachty here?
[MrBeast] Oh, by the way,
I brought Lil Yachty.
What do I do? Oh, wow. Three and four.
Has the X been picked yet?
The X has been picked.
-Do you guys believe him?
-Honestly, I don't know.
-[Brennan] You don't know?
-[MrBeast] 3 or 4.
[Brennan] It was in three.
There's a chance
that you didn't move it at all,
so I think I might pick number three.
[MrBeast] All right, stand in front of it
and lock it in.
-I'm locking in three.
-Which means you get case number four.
All right, let's see what's in one.
457, did he lie to you?
Nah, I don't think he lied to me.
I trust him.
[MrBeast] All right, pull that lever.
[mechanical clicks]
You are safe. All right, let's open up
case number five. Go for it.
[mechanical clicks]
-You are also safe.
-How are you feeling?
-I feel good.
-That's the most like–
-[Mack] Calm.
-She just made the top four for an island.
-And she's like, "I feel good."
-I'm sorry! Okay, I feel good!
All right. Case number four. What's inside
of here? You put it in there.
[??] That would be a check.
-Okay. Imagine if it was an "X".
It pains me to say
that one of you two is going home.
We’re gonna open them both
at the same time.
[intense music playing]
Reveal their fate!
-Oh, my gosh!
-[MrBeast] There you have it.
You're still in, buddy.
Congratulations, brother.
-I'm sorry. Brutal.
[emotional music playing]
-You good?
Do you wanna have a seat over here?
-[music cuts out]
-Yeah, come on over.
-[music starts again]
-I don't know. I wanted to pick four.
Dang, dog. It's so crazy ‘cause
it’s like you almost didn't even pick two.
All right, you guys know the deal.
Every time someone loses, we burn
their flag, so if you could do the honors.
Dang, dog.
Burn the flag.
413, you have been eliminated.
-Sorry, Misha.
-Bye, Misha.
-Thank you.
-It was great playing with you, man.
Hey man, I'll see you later.
Probably won’t see him later.
-I don’t know why I said that.
-And now, one of you four is gonna win it.
Everyone get some rest
while I prepare the next game.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[electronic music playing]
So that was a psychological pain.
That was also really wild that Lil Yachty
was standing right next to me
as I was having basically
a mental breakdown.
Life is weird, but, hey, I'm having fun.
[MrBeast] All right, everyone, follow me.
For this next game, I have something
very special to show you.
We're heading to the pirate ship.
-Oh, my gosh!
Also, we're leaving Lil Yachty
on the island.
I'll take good care of it.
[MrBeast] Have any of you ever been
on a pirate ship?
[all] No!
[MrBeast] All right, well,
that changes right now.
-[Brennan] Yes!
-[MrBeast] Welcome to the pirate ship.
-[Brennan] Yeah!
So there are four of you.
Which means you guys all have
a 25% chance of winning that island.
-And if you look right here,
you will see real cannons that you will
be firing at each other's ships.
If your ship gets sunk,
you will be eliminated.
-Oh, man.
-Oh, this is dope.
And before we start firing,
I have an offer.
-Follow me to the treasure chest.
This is going to be arguably
the biggest decision of your lives.
-Since you've never shot cannons
and might not be confident
in your ability to do it,
I wanted to give each of you an out.
Inside of this treasure chest
is $450,000 of gold,
aka, 25% of the value of that island.
-[Brennan] Dude.
-What are you thinking?
This is crazy.
Why do you think I have 450 grand,
exactly 25% of the value of the island,
aka, your odds of winning
the island right in front of me?
To bribe somebody to leave.
Wow. Am I that predictable?
I'm going to be offering each of you
$450,000 to eliminate yourselves.
But it's first come, first serve.
I’m gonna give the offer first
to whoever picked the first cube
in the last challenge.
-[Brennan] Oh, my gosh.
You chose the first cube
at the last challenge.
Do you want to eliminate yourself?
Go home right now.
Lose $5,000,000,
but receive $450,000 in gold.
-Oh, my God.
-If you say no,
I'll pass the decision over to him.
And then him and then her.
I think my family and my girlfriend
would kill me if I didn't take this.
Do you want $450 grand?
Or do you want to roll the dice
for a $1.8 million private island,
plus a shot at the $5,000,000 grand prize?
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, my gosh.
I think every choice that I've made
up to this has led me right here.
I think I chose box one for a reason.
-Oof. Ahh.
-If he says no, I would take it.
-You would?
[Brennan] Yeah.
Here's the thing.
Maybe leave it up to fate.
-You want to flip for $450 grand?
-Absolutely not. I'm taking the money.
-You’re taking it?
You’re taking the $450 grand?
-Alright. It's yours.
Congrats, dude.
That’s awesome! Nice job!
-That’s crazy. That’s crazy.
-You made the right decision.
-Oh, my gosh.
-[MrBeast] Bring in the red boat.
And now you probably already know this
from previous episodes,
but this was brought to you by MoneyLion!
And to make things even better,
we're also giving away $450,000
to those of you watching at home.
All you need to do for a chance to win
is go to,
or just scan the QR code on 711's face
right now and you can win.
-Can I scan it?
-Uh, no. Because you're here.
Thank you, MoneyLion, for helping us out
and enjoy the money, man.
I knew from the moment
that I was going first
that I was going to take the money, 100%.
This is too much money
to give up on a gamble.
Best experience of my life.
I just can't believe it,
I'm still in shock.
I feel like I'm going to pass out
right now, so this is crazy.
-711, you were one box choice away.
-I know.
From the opportunity at $450 grand.
How are you feeling?
If 457 hadn’t, I 100% would have taken it.
I still have no regrets, the way
it happened happened for a reason,
so I'm very happy for him.
[electronic effects]
-[register dings]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] And because 457 took the bribe
and they ended up
not shooting the cannons,
I'm going to do it for them.
-Fire in the hole!
-[cannon booms]
[intense music playing]
-[birds chirping]
-[music continues]
I don't know. My editors thought
blowing up the moon would be funny.
But if you're not in shock already,
you won't believe what's coming next.
A game of trust and deceit.
The winner will win
that golden immunity coconut
that they can give to someone else
to move on with them.
In other words, they choose
who's eliminated.
[MrBeast] The rules are simple.
Each of you are going to receive
a container like this one.
At the start of every round,
you will each secretly choose to play
a one, three, or five tile.
This number represents how many steps
you'll take towards the finish line.
But there's a catch.
If more than one of you
chooses the same number,
those numbers cancel out
and those players have to stay
where they are for the round.
You will have a chance to communicate
and plan out your moves together.
You can use honesty or deceit.
Whatever strategy you use,
remember that the winner will be choosing
who moves on with them to the final game
and who goes home with nothing.
This game is all about trust.
Two of you are moving on, and
then you guys decide which two it will be.
Let's see what happens.
Let's start the first round.
Choose the number you want to play
and don't let another contestant see it.
All right, is everyone happy
with their number?
-[MrBeast] You’ve got 15 steps
between you and victory.
Let's see who gets there first.
Three. Two. One. Reveal!
-[Mack laughs]
-Five. Three. One. Oh my gosh!
No one picked the same number,
so you can take a step.
You can take three steps.
711, you can take five.
-Everyone moves forward.
-Four, five.
-Hey, man, how ya doing?
-Welcome, welcome, welcome.
-Why don't you just pick five every time?
I'm just going to do that. Yeah.
I feel like you need
to jump in on this action.
You can get one every time,
but that's not going to do anything.
-I know, this would be the slow approach.
-By slow approach, you mean last place?
I know that's the bad approach.
I got to rethink my strategy.
Are you going to pick five again
for this next one?
Tell me what you want me to do.
I'm going to pick a five.
Obviously, one of you guys
can also pick a five to stop me,
but that also stops you.
It's a game of trust, and I'm telling you,
it's going to be a five.
This guy is running the game.
[dramatic music playing]
-952, I'd like to work with you.
-Um, let me see.
But I don't want him to get so far ahead.
Do you not want to work together?
He's going to do five.
The only option I have is three.
I'm going to choose five
because I'm going to try to block him.
You go for three.
So If you want to work together
to get to the end
and compete together
in the final challenge and try to--
One of us wins, and I would choose you.
952 and I, we were
on the same helicopter together.
-She trusted me to hold that ball,
and we got there together.
I trust that you can return
the favor for me
being able to get you that golden ticket
to the private island.
[MrBeast] Alright, guys,
it's time to start the next round.
Choose a number and choose it wisely.
Let's see what you have.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
-Five. Five. Three.
-Holy [coughs]
They cancel out, and she gets
to take three steps forward.
One. Two. Three.
952 is now in the lead.
I'm okay with us canceling each other out
if she wants to do the right thing.
She will repay me back
for helping our team get to this island.
952 got here on her own gut and belief.
She doesn't owe me anything,
and I personally believe
she doesn't owe you anything.
-She doesn’t owe me anything at all.
Nice. I appreciate that.
I respect both of you guys, I do.
[MrBeast] Everyone was starting
to feel pressure to build an alliance
because in the back of their minds,
they knew that this $1.8 million
private island could be theirs.
And right now,
952 is in total control of the situation.
They're both helping her win.
Banking on her choosing them.
-She can only choose one.
She's basically playing them both
right now.
-I'm picking five again.
-I'm also going with five.
-952, who do you like more?
-Don’t ask her that. Don’t ask her that.
-I don’t want to answer that because--
-You don’t have to answer.
-Don’t you dare ask that.
-Yeah, I don't want to answer that.
Alright, everyone, lift up your boards.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
Five, five, and three.
952 gets to move forward three more steps.
She's getting close to guaranteeing a win.
Gentlemen, your stubbornness
is keeping you in the same spots.
Guys, if she gets a five, she'll be one
step away from winning.
-I was going to do five.
-[Brennan] You're going to do five?
-Okay, I'm going to do three.
-I’ll do three.
You guys are just going
to leave it up to her?
[MrBeast] This is going to be crazy.
If she actually gets five,
she'll be one step away.
I mean, let's see if people are bluffing.
Lift them up.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Someone's winning this thing!
-Let’s go!
-I'm not touching you, man.
-952, you can take five more steps.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Guys, it's do or die.
I mean, it quite literally
could be our last round.
Thank you to both of you guys.
I'm going to do the right thing.
Trust me, I will.
-I trust you.
-I trust her.
This is crazy.
You can’t both trust her
to do the right thing.
-What is the right thing?
-What is the right thing?
-What’s the right thing. Can you tell me?
-I'll do the right thing.
What's the right thing?
Someone tell the right thing.
I need to know the right thing.
I'll tell you the right thing
when I get in the position
to tell you what I'm going to do.
Because he thinks the right thing
is to pick him.
He thinks the right thing is to pick him.
For the love of God,
tell me what the right thing is.
She doesn't have
to give me the golden coconut.
But we were on the helicopter together.
You are confident she's going to pick you.
But so is he.
I'm just confident
in the conversations that I've had.
I just know that she's a fair person.
I have no other reason not to be.
I'm going to be fair.
-Is everyone good with their numbers?
-[Mia] I'm good.
[MrBeast] Three. Two. One. Reveal!
Five. Five. One.
-She won!
-Congrats, Mia.
-Thank you.
-Alright, before you take your final step
and choose who is going on
to compete and who is going home,
I want to give them
each a chance to talk to you.
If you don't mind,
I'd like to hear from 441.
I know we met only a few days ago,
and our moment in the game yesterday,
that felt like a judge of my character.
I want to to guide you
to the box without the "X",
but in return, I would also hope
that you work with me to--
How do I know that he's not going
to screw me over and convince me
that the "X" is in the box that I'm in.
But it was more you were trusting God.
I appreciate you for that.
This is my journey.
This is my healing journey.
And I'm happy that you were part of it.
So thank you.
952, you trusted me in holding that ball.
We had met that moment,
and you trusted a complete stranger
to hold your fate
literally in my hands, and it worked out.
So I hope that the same thing
happens for me
where you are about
to hold my fate in your hands.
I appreciate that, and I respect you, 711,
we've been through a lot.
We could have played this game
a whole different way,
and I feel like
this is the right way to play.
Not because I'm in the lead,
but because we're being fair.
952, take your final step,
you have officially won.
952, claim your immunity coconut.
You can only give it to one of them.
It's a big decision.
This has to be weighing on you.
If I could split this coconut in half,
I would, but I can’t.
So my decision is
[dramatic music playing]
-Oh, wa--
-[chuckles and sighs]
Does one have a check?
-Does one have a check?
-[Mia] Yes.
I'm going to keep
that information to myself.
How come you weren't willing
to just tell me?
I don't know, I'm nervous.
When you're honest,
you don't have to be nervous.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my gosh.
[MrBeast] That means that 711 and 952
are moving on to compete head to head
for the deed to
this $1.8 million dollar private island.
This was a healing journey for me.
I feel a lot more like myself,
-and I'm grateful for that, so
-I’m glad it was a good experience.
But I’m not sad I lost, I’m just
disappointed that the journey’s over.
-[electronic effects]
-[music sting]
[MrBeast] The competition for
this $1.8 million dollar private island
is now down to just two players.
They were hunted by Navy Seals,
tested by games of skill and chance,
and nearly broken
by the twisted mind games of Lil Yachty.
And after this next game,
someone will be a millionaire.
[intense music playing]
Welcome to the final game.
Contestants, come on up!
-711 and 952.
-What do you guys think?
-Can I touch it?
[mimicking flute noise]
It’s been a wild ride.
Is there anything the two of you
want to say before we begin?
I just want to say good luck
and don’t hold back.
I respect your hustle,
and I respect that you got us
where we needed to be
and wish you the best.
This is crazy.
You carried her through a challenge.
[music continues]
And she also carried you
through a challenge.
-[MrBeast] Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh.
You both played a big part in each other
getting here, and now only one can win.
The rules to the final game
are simple, but brutal.
This is going to test your strategy,
your poker face,
and how well you can read lies.
Guards! Bring in the deeds.
Oh, my goodness!
I need you to grab the pens
and sign your names.
What you will both notice though,
is my signature is missing
from both these deeds.
So as of right now, they are worthless.
But if you win this final game,
I will sign your deed that will decide
which one of you wins
this $1.8 million dollar island,
re-enters Beast Games,
-continues to compete for $5,000,000,
-[register dings]
and which one of you goes home tonight.
[nervous laughs]
It all comes down to this.
In a moment,
you guys will open up your briefcases
and place the deed in one of them.
I will have you shuffle your briefcases
while the other person is blindfolded.
After both of you have mixed up
your briefcases,
the opposing person will get to choose
to steal one of your two briefcases
and vice versa.
After that occurs,
if you only have one deed,
and you only have one deed,
we will do another round.
But if one of you has both the deeds,
you will win the island
and the other
that has neither of the deeds
will be eliminated
from Beast Games altogether.
Oh my gosh! 50-50 chance at this.
This is nuts.
Your odds could be higher
if you lie to her correctly.
It all comes down to what you say
and also how you interpret her.
In the next ten minutes,
one of you will be a millionaire.
-952, can you please turn around for me?
711, place your deed
in either of these briefcases.
I don't want to know.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Am I good to turn around?
-Yes, you are.
You're sure? You're good with this?
Yup, I am.
Okay. Alright, 952, you can turn around.
711, I need you to face that way.
Same thing. Whichever one you want.
Oh, she’s mixing ‘em up.
You didn’t do much moving.
-How does that make you feel, 711?
-[sighs] It's okay.
What is going on?
-Alright, you good?
Alright, you may turn around 711.
Let’s have some fun.
Who wants to pick first?
-I can go first.
-You want him to go first?
He can.
You’ll pick first, but beforehand,
you need to ask her some questions.
Get some intel.
The logical thing to ask is,
which case did you put the deed in?
And you’ll either say
the truth or you’ll lie.
And we’ve been talking a lot
about good character,
and I don’t think you would lie.
Then why don't you ask her?
It doesn't hurt.
I don’t want to put you in a position
where you feel like
you have the need to lie.
-So I’m going to leave it to fate.
-You’re not going to ask her anything?
-I’m not going to ask her anything.
-I know which briefcase I’m going to pick.
Do you want to tell him
which one the deed’s in?
I don't.
[laughs] This is so fun in a twisted way.
Hey, I agree.
Finally, someone appreciates our games.
-I don't.
-I think this decision
has already been made,
and that the right person will receive it.
I think either one of you
winning is awesome.
Do you want this briefcase
or that briefcase?
One of them has a deed.
The other has a "X".
No matter what happens,
this has been life changing for me.
In a lot of ways, I’ve already won,
but my heart is telling me
to choose the right.
I’m going to choose my right.
Which is that briefcase.
This is the official lock in.
Which briefcase are you locking in?
I'm locking in that briefcase.
Alright. That will be coming to your side
after she picks one of yours.
What's going through your mind?
-A sense of peace.
-[MrBeast] Really?
Most people would be nervous
in your position.
I'm not nervous at all. [crying]
I’m not nervous at all, I prayed for this.
[emotional music playing]
I’m ready to receive what I know is mine.
You're that confident
you're gonna pick the right one?
I I don’t know what to think right now.
I mean [sighs]
I feel like we are both deserving of this.
I talked a little bit about
what I would use the money for
in the last challenge.
I would use the money
to retire my parents.
I don’t know if you’ve gotten a chance
to talk about what you would
use the money for if you were
to sell the island, so I want to know.
I want to take this opportunity
before any final decisions are made.
What would you do with the money?
I haven’t had an easy life,
and I know a lot of people
haven’t had an easy life.
I’ve worked hard all my life
and try to make the right decisions.
But I've lost my house.
I’ve lost a lot of friends.
I’ve lost everything.
So I know that [choking up]
That God is going to bless me.
I know, I feel it in my bones.
I know this is my opportunity
to change my life.
I will use it to buy my house back
that I lost when I was 23 years old.
-I will buy my house back,
so I can have somewhere to live.
I love it. That was very touching.
Oh, man.
You made a really good decision
back there in the last game.
That was a real show of character
that everyone is going to see now.
So regardless of whether or not
you win this island,
I know for a fact you’re going to be
blessed for making those right decisions,
and [sighs] I’m just going to leave it
in God’s hands at this point,
and I’m going to let you decide
which case to pick.
That’s fair.
I’m going to choose this case.
-I will officially lock in with this case.
She’s officially chose that case.
You officially chose that one.
Hand me yours.
[stirring music playing]
You both chose to give
very little information to each other,
basically leaving it up to chance.
We’re about to see if that paid off.
They have officially swapped.
None of us know except for these two.
I’m gonna potentially pass out,
I can’t imagine how you two feel.
$1.8 million dollars.
If one of you has two deeds, you win.
If neither of you have two deeds,
we do another round.
If you guys could each put a hand
on each of your briefcases
and open them up on my countdown.
When I say go.
Three. Two. One. Reveal.
[credits music playing]