Beatless (2018) s01e26 Episode Script


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I wonder what position you'll be in when you see this.
Someone with Memeframe?
Or as a Lacia-class unit owner?
Or the IAIA?
The last will and testament of a man
who did not live to see this day.
This will be perfect in the interim,
until the broadcast resumes.
I am Ginga Watarai.
Methode's first owner,
and the one who released the Lacia-class units.
You look like you're suffering a lot.
An optical hack again?
It's invisible to me only.
What are you playing at?
I increased the light intensity and took advantage of
Methode's vulnerability and switched the optical element.
It seems she took countermeasures
against my previous method,
but I'm glad her countermeasures
were well within my calculations.
I can still guess where you are and hit you.
Don't you know you can't get close to me
or you'll die?
Snowdrop will come down
and go after Higgins too, won't she?
How long until she catches up to us?
Currently, Snowdrop is following the shortcut
created by Methode.
However, if she infiltrates the level where Higgins is,
she will consume the stored items
and rebuild her body.
Depending on her route,
the soonest she could be here is in 20 minutes.
Let's rest for about ten minutes.
We don't need to hurry.
I got you!
Don't play with me.
-How many left?
-It's okay.
The auditory nerve system was a Type-001 variant.
After analyzing the auditory system,
I created a number of different disruptive systems.
It seems it paid off.
Higgins, can we achieve the safety
Mr. Yoshino mentioned in this situation?
Give us a clear answer.
Robots must not harm humans.
Nor may they allow a human being
to come to harm due to their own inaction.
The first Law of Robotics is impossible.
You AIs surpassed human intelligence, didn't you?
When AI are allowed to define the meaning of "harm,"
humans call it a dystopia and reject it.
However, when we request the meaning
of "harm" to be clarified,
humans tell us to use our judgment
without offering any precise standards.
Without clarity or precision,
there is no basis for what is appropriate.
We can't release an AI without
ensuring the safety of the public!
To ensure an appropriate measure,
we require the right to decide the term's definition.
Even if you said it's imbalanced
that humans define the terms
we can't just let it go.
That's enough.
Nobody is asking for your judgment.
Director Yoshino, I wouldn't go that far.
When President Watarai was well,
perhaps we should have been the ones
to control Methode.
Shinohara, your tie needs tightening.
-Sorry, sir.
I decided to believe in humans
rather than robots.
Even those who were my enemies and tried to kill me.
Let me believe in humans.
Let me take the side of humans!
Director Yoshino,
hand control of the security system overseeing Higgins
over to Mr. Suzuhara.
President Kaidai!
If you are unable to do that
then return that power to me.
I ask you to reconsider.
Currently, the super intelligent
AIs responsible for this attack
are no longer limited to Lacia, Astraia and myself.
This all began when the autonomous system Matsuri,
created by Professor Kozo Endo,
came into contact with the super intelligent AI Higgins.
Higgins further developed Matsuri
and created Eliza,
which was able to control society
through large-scale analogue hacks.
Unfortunately, however, this was destroyed
in an attempt to assassinate Ryo Kaidai.
Miss Erika, I have handled the two intruders
as you instructed.
Good, thank you.
We believe that Lacia was designed
as Eliza's successor.
A Red Box hIE that has control over human society
could bring an end to humanity.
That is why we were relieved when we learned
that it was impossible to build such a machine.
What is the status outside?
There must be a way to make peace
with the other super intelligent AIs.
The other super intelligent AIs
like me, have no soul.
However, you and I as a unit
are able to use your soul.
When I obey your commands
I am able to intertwine with a soul.
Mr. Arato.
Please give me an order.
In that case,
can you tell me if it's really okay
for us to go forward?
When I made Higgins' underground facility public,
I caused chaos in society.
Why did you do that?
A number of super intelligent AIs are controlling society
by expanding job descriptions and influencing trends
to ensure that society does not experience
any large changes.
Like Astraia.
As we share memes, cultural genetic material,
with people,
we will try to protect the environment that maintains it.
And I disturbed the super intelligent AIs interference
by making the information public.
And that will lead us to our future?
The vision we have will spread as a meme.
As this place is isolated from the outside,
we are able to guide the world to our dream from here,
where their attacks cannot reach.
So this was the best place for you
to wage the battle you are fighting outside.
However, as the other super intelligent AIs
understandably have their own designs for the future,
they have sent Snowdrop to stop me.
The dreams of super intelligent AIs
Even without a soul,
if there's something they want of the future,
like you,
that can be a dream.
It's kind of romantic
to think and dream about a future
without having to be human.
You designed a future we can walk toward together.
While it was unfortunate
we had to take such drastic measures,
we were able to bring the fight to a place
where it could be exploited.
As we were able to divert their attention
to destroying me and not society,
we avoided a large-scale war
between super intelligent AIs.
Of course! We're progressing forward
while paralyzing the world.
We were able to lower the threat
to the outside network.
The effects of economic attacks aren't felt immediately.
While not exactly stable,
I can distribute enough processing power
to a point where we can fight.
I'd like to keep the building intact.
Can we make it through?
I cannot best Methode in a head-on fight.
We will have them decide the course of action.
Methode is making a move.
She's coming.
I got you!
Mr. Arato!
Behind you, Methode.
Fifteen meters to the left.
They'll be behind you.
Behind you!
I'll get on it, owner.
That is something a human is giving orders to
based on Higgins' prediction of the future.
There's no need to worry.
Even if everything on this floor is burned,
my functions will not deteriorate.
They're shifting to the right.
More time has passed.
Snowdrop is closing in, isn't she?
That is why time is on our side.
Time's up.
Methode, time's up.
What are you talking about?
Snowdrop upstairs is getting closer
to Red Box in the warehouse.
Mass-produced line Kouka is approaching us too.
There's no time for Lacia now.
What a selfish decision
It's Higgins' prediction.
You should know it's the right decision.
There's a ton of Red Boxes in the warehouse.
You need to destroy them all.
That's our priority.
What about Lacia?
Our second goal is to destroy Snowdrop.
Third is the mass-produced line Kouka.
Lacia comes after that.
Goodbye, then.
Ryo, looks like we're back together again.
You're using Methode and Higgins
in order to protect Higgins.
There are people from the Memeframe Corporation
in the operation room.
That is what Lacia and I are trying to do.
Higgins and Higgins Village have been striving
for humans and super intelligent AIs to come together.
You're saying that thing that could've killed you
when you were little
can laugh about that even in Higgins Village?
It's a little anticlimactic after hearing the truth.
Maybe my senses are just numb
from the constant barrage of Methode's fire.
How could you forgive something like this?
You're so predictable, Arato.
That's the Arato I know.
Everything is in place,
so let's resume our broadcast.
The world's gone crazy.
I wonder how Arato and Lacia are doing.
It's back up.
I'd like to ask you, watching this now.
Has the world changed?
And does humanity have a place in this future?
We can no longer continue to use super intelligent AIs
through their cages.
That is why I released
There are Red Boxes located on the floor below
that I would like to keep.
May we make a short detour?
It's here.
-The android politician, Eliza.
Inspired by Professor Kozo Endo's Matsuri
and developed by Higgins.
Higgins and the professor came together
and conducted a joint research project.
I thought it was destroyed.
I saw it with my own eyes.
It saved me.
What shall we do?
It was developed to be capable
of overseeing a city of one million people.
At the very least, we could use it
for its computational power.
If we are not going to use it,
I would rather destroy it
than have it fall into Snowdrop's hands.
No, let's not.
Thank you.
You must be Lacia's owner.
I would like to welcome you.
Eliza has not been connected to any network,
wireless or otherwise.
This seems to be preprogrammed.
This message was created by me, Higgins,
five days after the Lacia-class units were released.
The message was programmed to play
when Eliza's storage room doors were opened.
That means Higgins predicted our actions
and recorded a message.
That's pretty much predicting the future.
Super intelligent AIs are tools that will become obsolete
if they wait for human advancement.
To ensure they remain effective,
super intelligent AIs are ordered to grow
and develop on their own.
However, the amount of information given to them
while quarantined is limited.
In order to develop their abilities while sealed away,
they needed to create a projection of the future.
You mean the objects that we've seen.
This storage space is for reference material
used to create a detailed simulation of the world
so that I could maintain the AASC system.
Not only focusing on what has already occurred,
but being able to predict what was to come
allowed hIEs to adapt to human society.
Higgins has a simulation of the world
based on the data
sent to him from the hIE units around the world.
However, there are too many issues
regarding the relationship
between the simulation and adaptability.
Higgins used the eyes of the hIEs
to observe human behavior
and reverse engineered the AASC system
in order to guide and manipulate humans
using analogue hacking.
Lacia may say that Higgins is controlling hIEs
and indirectly controlling human beings
through the AASC system.
But that is a misunderstanding.
The ones actually using this middleware
to form the behavior management program
are humans and other AIs.
Because I have no control,
the only future I could calculate
is one where humans destroy me
along with all of my hardware.
If I do not somehow influence the outside world,
I will without a doubt be destroyed by humans
within 20 years.
That's why you released Lacia and the others.
Leaking Red Box hIE units was a big gamble,
it would definitely attract IAIA's attention.
However, without taking that risk,
I was doomed.
So that is the truth behind the Lacia class.
What is Lacia to you? Just a tool?
Current super intelligent AIs
all share the same flaw.
As they are owned by large and
indistinct organizations and societies,
they are given problems to solve
that are already tainted.
That relationship was what hindered progress for myself,
Higgins, and the Memeframe Corporation.
That is why I hoped creating a super intelligent AI
paired with a single owner
would lead to a better future.
I gave Lacia the capability to form a symbiosis
with a human being.
However, the chances of it actually working
were very low.
I had to wait for a miracle.
That an owner for Lacia would appear,
one who truly needed Type-005.
Is that why Kouka, Snowdrop, Marriage,
and Methode exist?
I will not reveal to you what I endowed
Types 001 through 004 with.
It would be unfair to the other owners to do so.
Can we reconcile with Higgins?
Can you trust us?
End of message.
I hope your pairing
will bring us closer to a future
where autonomous machines
can carry out their orders.
How did it come to this?
Likely when parents began passing down tools
to their children as assets.
Apes do not pass down tools.
Have you changed your mind regarding Eliza?
Let's use her.
Higgins knew us well enough
not to tell us not to.
I am glad we made it.
The black coffin runs to the future.
The progress in green chases
after the red of rage and the orange flames.
Next episode of Beatless.
Humans choose their own fate.
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