Ben 10 (2005) s01e12 Episode Script

Side Effects

getting paid to smash stuff, Ha ha.
You gotta love this job.
loo--uh-- get out of our home.
yeah Well, I hate to break it to you, Pal, but this building's Condemned by order of Councilwoman liang.
yeah, so move it, or lose it.
This place is coming down, Like it or not.
ah! aah! Aah! Uh, get these things off of me! well, if you think we're Bugging you now oh, they'll never catch me.
there he is! you sure? totally.
look out! Banzai! Coming through.
Hey! huh? some people just can't hang On to their money.
no way.
well, I did just nab A bad guy.
Now we're talkin'.
look, I'm telling You--that--that motorcycle, It was driving itself.
where's ben? long chase, hot day, I'm thinking-- uh.
you ok? ah-choo! I'll, uh, take that as a no.
well, 101.
Sorry, ben, it's official.
You have a summer cold.
maybe from now on you'll Think twice before having snack Time inside an ice cream truck.
uh--uh-- hey! That's my new blouse.
ah-choo! Maybe from now on you'll think Twice about leaving your new Clothes just lying around.
cold tablets, decongestant, Cough suppressant, Hospital mask.
uh, I don't need all That junk.
they're not for you, dweeb.
They're for me.
Once a bug like that gets out, There's no stopping it.
why don't you just lock me Away in some closet somewhere Until I'm better? oh! Can we can grandpa? Pretty please? all ben needs is a dose of My famous song ju yen pien Cold remedy.
Let's go, chinatown's just down The block.
you know, it's so hard to Find fresh potikadon root Anymore.
It's all freeze-dried nowadays.
Can I get a milkshake or Something? Uh, my throat is killing me.
don't worry.
The stinkweed honey in the Song ju yen pien coats your Entire esophageal area.
And that's a good thing? so, where exactly did you Learn how to make this stuff, Grandpa? I picked it up from a monk in Guangdong, china.
They have plumbing in china, Too, you know.
ladies and gentlemen.
I want to thank all of you for Your support of my downtown Redevelopment program.
It's truly a dream come true.
better make that a nightmare, Councilwoman.
wasps! you're not tearing down our Apartment building.
We won't let you.
you're the nut job who Wouldn't leave.
nice to know we've made an Impression.
what are you doing? just bringing you home For dinner.
You're the main course.
this looks like a job for-- Ah, ah, ah-- has ben gone rabid or what? ben's cold must be effecting Wildmutt's sense of smell.
With his schnoz clogged, He can't tell where he's going.
ok, fur ball.
I'm driving.
Oh! Go left! No, your other left! Oh! Uh! Help! Thanks, grandpa.
just hope you don't mind Smelling like chicken dumplings.
Oh, man.
Just when I thought it couldn't Get any worse.
here, this will help.
uh, yuck! don't worry, it smells worse Than it tastes.
Or is that the other way around? It's not just you I'm worried About.
Seems like your bug has spread To all your aliens as well.
No telling how it'll effect Them.
uh, uh.
That was so grim.
don't worry, after 10 or so Doses, you'll start to get used To it.
uh, I don't know what's Worse, the cold or the cure.
got it.
Bug guy said something about Knocking down his apartment Building.
Well, the only apartment Downtown left for demolition is At 8610 chester street.
what grandpa doesn't know Won't hurt me.
please, don't hurt me.
black widows.
You shouldn't make any sudden Moves.
Our grandfather built this Building.
We grew up here.
Just me and my little friends.
They are the only ones who Understand, and no one is Evicting us.
nice place to visit, but I Wouldn't want to live here.
let's all stay together.
They've gotta be here somewhere.
something tells me we're Getting close.
where's ben? aah! Mega bug! Ha ha, real funny.
I thought so.
help! that came from right Above us.
I'm on it.
it's your hives.
The cold must've turned them Into pus-filled pockets of-- pure putridness.
I can't help it, I'm sick.
you're tellin' me.
Black widows.
there's gotta be some way To help her.
uh-- Ah-choo! Oops.
uh, thanks.
don't mention it.
you are trespassing.
uh! we will rule mankind.
grandpa, look out! huh! termites! Aah! you want to be king? Get ready to be crowned.
Aah! Ants in my pants! Ow! Ow! uh! yah! you're destroying our home! No! the whole place is coming Down! we have to get out of here.
no time.
uh, it's a good thing I can't Feel my head.
no, no, no! You will all be sorry.
We will exterminate the entire City.
this has been a really weird Day.
welcome to our world.
uh, at least my hives Are gone.
where'd that smelly 4-armed Guy go? I wanted to thank him.
I'll let him know.
can you find your way back Home? so, where do you think Bug brain crawled off to? only one way to exterminate A whole city.
oh, turn on the heat, Grandpa, it's freezing in here.
it's already on, ben, But you're shaking like an Earthquake.
Gwen, get him another dose of my Song ju yen pien.
no, no, no--I mean, I just Finished it off.
All gone.
I'm sure it's gonna start Working any minute now.
wow, listen to this.
Ants can lift 10 times their own Body weight, grasshoppers can Leap 100 times their length, And cockroaches can hold their Breath for over an hour.
uh, we don't need their Resumes, we need to know how To squash them.
duh, I'm saying insects are Pretty tough little suckers.
Short of another ice age or a Tanker full of pesticide, looks Like holding a bug barbecue Is our best option.
and I know just the chef.
What's happening? Is that bad? no.
I'm sure anytime an alarm goes Off inside a nuclear plant it's Good news.
core temperature rising.
Approaching critical.
he must be fooling around With the reactor's controls.
Let's go.
core temperature critical.
Meltdown imminent.
all the controls are smashed.
We'll have to shut it down Manually.
how do we do that? just outside the reactor core There's an emergency override System.
let me guess, you learned About nuclear reactors from A monk in china.
came for a front row seat? this place goes nuclear, You're gonna wind up blowing Along with the rest of us.
we don't think so.
When the reactor goes Supercritical, we'll be snug As bugs in a rug.
of course! Scientists think cockroaches are The only things that would Survive the blast.
so, the guy's gonna wear a Bug suit to protect himself from The meltdown? wait.
Something's weird about you.
uh, we don't have time for You to dis me.
You guys shut down the reactor.
I'll take care of bugsy.
Uh! you can't escape us.
that's it.
Time to turn up the heat blast Around here.
Ah-choo! Hey, what happened? You should be a bunch of Briquettes by now.
My cold! It froze my flames.
Remember the old expression, Mean as a hornet? meltdown in 5 minutes.
uh! Oh, man, maybe we could talk About this.
Whoa! Hey.
core temperature critical.
Meltdown in 1 minute.
uh! grandpa, I can't hold these Bugs off much longer.
meltdown in 30 seconds.
did somebody call for a hero? I don't get it.
Since when are you an automatic Ice cube maker? I guess for some aliens Getting a cold isn't just an Expression.
I can't override, all the Manual controls have overheated.
Ben, look out! core meltdown in 10 stand clear, I've got An idea.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Core temperature falling.
Returning to below critical Limits.
all right! way to go, ben.
thanks, heh heh.
Now, can we please get some hot Chocolate or something? Bad guy's on ice, the reactor's Chillin', and I think--ahh, That steam knocked out the last Of my cold.
don't you just love it when Everything works out? sorry, mr.
This is going to hurt you a lot More than it's going to hurt me.
Aah! Company, lots of company! we didn't appreciate that Cold shoulder you gave us in the Power plant.
hah! I thought you turned mr.
Bug Into a snow cone.
he must've thawed out.
Oh, man.
We're on our own, any ideas how To get rid of them? uh, not unless you've got A 6-foot candy bar to tempt Them with.
nope, but I have the next Best thing.
Come and get it! what's happening? fetch! heh heh heh.
Oh! good.
That guy was really starting to Bug me.
I'm calling the police, I'll be right back.
ah--ah--ah-choo! Oh, no.
hey, what do you know.
Everything really did work out After all.
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