Ben 10: Ultimate Alien s02e32 Episode Script

The Ultimate Enemy (2)

Previously on Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Face the herald of my arrival, now reborn in my power.
If you're really Vilgax, you're not serving anybody but yourself.
At last.
I am Diagon.
Behold my might, and tremble.
Have at thee! Hyah! That's gonna leave a mark.
Insignificant speck! You dare? Vilgax, destroy him.
Vilgax, where are you? Your herald, as always, is the first to arrive at the conclusion.
You have lost, and he has abandoned you.
My resources aren't limited to Vilgax.
Aah! Ungh! Where'd I leave that new plumber rifle? I swear, you'd lose your head if it weren't attached.
Let's not test the theory.
Protect George! On it.
What are you planning? Something big.
Way big! Hey, Diagon, why don't you pick on someone your own size? - I'm-- - You are a slightly larger speck than the other specks infesting this world.
But still, you are beneath my notice.
I wasn't finished talking yet.
Ultimate Way Big! Hyah! That's new.
Just getting started.
Raaaaaaaah! Oh.
My bad.
Hyah! Aaah! Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaah! Ugh! Come on, Ben! Get out of there! Unh! Turbo! They can't teleport through your shield.
They don't really teleport.
They move between dimensions.
But manna is multidimensional, so we got something going for us.
How do we use it to help Ben? By helping George.
Azmuth's sword was hurting Diagon.
Maybe it can finish the job.
You guys want a fight? You got one.
Still you fight.
Is this sublime bravery, or are you simply too unintelligent to realize how hopeless your struggle? Doesn't make any difference, does it? Either way, you're about to get your butt kicked.
Actually, I can't tell if you even have a butt in that pile of spaghetti.
Call it a metaphor.
Had enough? I most assuredly have.
Ultimate Way Big: Come back and fight! You think I've run? Why would I leave and miss your destruction? Whatever Ben did, it didn't take.
I don't see him.
You don't think Diagon? Don't jump to conclusions.
He probably just changed back to normal.
His sacrifice purchased this respite.
I won't let it go to waste.
Diagon, taste my sword! You grow exponentially tiresome, knight.
Ultimate Wildmutt! Hyah! It's not gonna hold! I don't think we can take another one of those.
How many more do you think he can take? Let me get back to you on that.
Oh! Ugh! Save your manna.
Before the night's over, I got a feeling we'll be needing it.
You're worried about Vilgax.
I hate to look past the gi-demon raining down fire from the sky, but yeah.
Vilgax probably is up to something.
Which we can deal with after we save the world from Diagon.
Makes sense, but I still can't help wondering what Vilgax is doing.
Is it ready? Patience, my master.
An undertaking of this scale requires the greatest care in every detail.
Fail me, toady, and you will not live to regret it.
Of this, I have no doubt.
No threats.
No clever words.
Do you tire, George the triumphant? Chromastone! Give him a break.
He's 2,000 years old, and he's been fighting ninjas all day.
Of course he's tired! You got any juice left in the sword, now would be a good time to use it! Hyah! Hyah! Aah! Aah! Aah! That's it! I'm out! Maybe not! How much power can you absorb? A lot.
Wait-- Why? I'm learning to improvise.
Magnus Vox! Gwen, what are you-- Ugh! Ohh! Hyah! This shall not continue.
What wizardry is this? Clouds cannot protect you from my wrath! Do not fear the clouds, George.
Fear the lightning.
Aah! Aaaaaaaaaaaah! It was working pretty good there for a while.
Ben, George didn't make it.
Then it's up to us.
We're right here with you, Ben.
Such is the fate of all who dare defy the will of Diagon.
I'm skeptical Master.
You presume yourself even capable of betraying me? I do.
I have won a great victory today, and I'm overflowing with generosity.
Beg me for forgiveness.
Debase yourself before my magnificence, and I may grant you a less agonizing demise.
Did you truly think I would allow you to conquer my universe? After I destroy you, I'm going to run yours, as well as this one.
I'm going to destroy your precious weapon, then consign you to an eternity of pain.
Then strike me down-- if you dare.
I Can't stop! Of course you can't.
That machine isn't a weapon.
It's a Vox Peniculus.
Under normal conditions, this machine simply absorbs power-- Draws it into itself.
But my substance is power.
Most regrettable for you.
Agh! Aggggggggggh! You know what to do, Psyphon.
Psyphon, don't! With Diagon's power added to his own, Vilgax will be unstoppable! Yes.
That was, after all, the point.
No! The esoterica worshiped me because I look like Diagon.
Now I am the Diagon.
The universe is mine, Tennyson.
You won't thwart me ever again.
Eo recedentia! I gotcha.
Nice teleport.
This is the old plumber base in South Dakota.
That's got to be a record.
I just wanted to get us out of there.
Drink some juice or something.
You got to be wasted.
How long do you think we have? About two minutes to figure out he didn't disintegrate us, some time to learn how to use his powers well enough to track us.
Maybe a few days.
Tennyson! You can't hide from me! I could be wrong.
Destroy them, my esoterica.
I do not like our odds.
You would if boys ever bothered to read the manual.
Manual? Plumber manual-- Instructions for this base's self-defense system.
No! You will not escape me again! That's gonna be kind of hard to cover up.
More immediate problem! Ugh! And here we are again-- Me on the cusp of total victory, you the last man standing, the only slim hope left in this world-- This universe.
Who will it be? Diamondhead? Swampfire? One of your tiresome ultimate aliens? Perhaps you have yet another new transformation to spring on me.
No transformations-- Not this time.
But I do have one last surprise.
Azmuth's sword! Goes nicely with the watch, don't you think? I'm going to miss these little get-togethers.
Hyah! This is a good sword.
I'm not afraid of you.
You should be.
I just figured out how to use this thing.
As my old friend George used to say, "have at thee!" Unh! Somebody should have done this a long time ago.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! You stabbed me.
Don't be such a baby.
I just took Diagon's power from you.
Kind of had us worried for a second.
I wasn't worried.
Then you are a fool.
You have the Ultimatrix, the sword of Azmuth, and the power of Diagon at your fingertips.
Yeah? So? You claim to be a hero.
What will you do with all this power? Turn everybody on earth back to human, for starters.
You think too small.
We are alike, you and I.
We take the universe in our hands and mold it to our will.
You say you want peace and justice? Use your power.
With little more than a thought, you could wipe out all evil.
I really could.
What are you saying? He's saying that the end of your struggles is at hand.
He can create whatever universe he imagines.
Do it.
Just wipe out evil.
Do it! Are you really considering taking moral advice from Vilgax? I thought we agreed to make all of our big decisions together.
Ship's a good hunting dog.
That's how you found us, right? Ship! You know we all love you, Ben, but if you try to do this, you're the same as Vilgax-- or Diagon or Aggregor or any of the others.
You'd try and stop me? We would stop you.
You're not afraid of me? You've never given me any reason to be afraid.
Ben, you're always telling me that I should use my technology to help more people.
Now I can help everybody at once.
Look, there's a line.
I'm not sure where it is exactly, but I'm sure this is won the wrong side of it.
Power is meaningless if it isn't used.
Do it.
Be quiet! Don't you see, Ben? It's the power.
You're tempted-- like I was tempted to go full anodite.
And like when I lost control of my powers.
You can't force your answers on everybody.
After everything we've been through, is this the way you want it all to end? Everybody stop talking! Let me think! What did you do? What I said I was going to do-- turn every esoterica on earth back to human-- With all the free will that goes along with that.
Oh, Ben! Mmmmwah! That was totally worth giving up all that power.
Knew you'd do the right thing.
Way to go.
Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with this.
I suggest you return it to its creator.
Azmuth! You were right.
That's too much power for any-- What? The Ultimatrix-- Give it to me.
But, Azmuth, I thought I'd proved I was worthy.
As usual, you don't understand.
You have proved your worth.
But this inferior copy of my Omnitrix isn't worthy of you.
I don't-- Oh, for the love of-- Look at your wrist! An Omnitrix? The Omnitrix-- An improved version I've been working on ever since you were given the prototype six years ago.
I don't know how to thank you.
Keep doing the right thing.
I don't suppose you'd consider giving me the master control? Perhaps for your 18th birthday.

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