Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s04e23 Episode Script

A Pig Is a Boy Is a Dog

Come on, Rocky, pick up the pace.
Let's get moving.
Don't worry, Rocky.
You know what? You take your time.
Nice work.
Well, maybe he needs a rest.
Donna, what he needs is exercise.
He's more out of shape than I am.
Don't you listen to David.
You are the most wonderful dog in the whole wide world.
And this afternoon, Brenda and I are going to an animal rights meeting to make sure they never experiment on doggies like you again.
What's the matter? I think he's saying, "Less talk, more rub.
" Here, how's that? Hey, what's this? New fashion statement, Bren? Very interesting.
It's for Rocky.
Although you could use it more.
I didn't realize I was dogging it these days.
No, just straying a bit.
So is it Kelly you're slipping away with every night? Oh, you'd really love to see her and Dylan break up, wouldn't you? Me? I only want what's best for you.
Sorry, it's not Kelly.
I didn't really think so.
You left behind your new cologne when you went off with her last weekend.
Don't you have any ex-fiancés to harass? Brandon, it's obvious that you're seeing someone serious.
And you promised me that I would be the first to know.
Did I? Well, actually, you're gonna be the second.
Kelly already knows.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, I'm sorry.
I had to tell her.
She's been covering for me.
Why do you need a cover? Because I've been seeing Lucinda, okay? Lucinda? As in Lucinda Nicholson, my teacher? The same.
How long has this been going on? A while.
Is that why she broke up with her husband? Man, you sound like Josh Richland.
- Hey, I'm on your side.
- Good.
Then you'll forget what I just told you.
My butt's hanging way over the line on this.
I'm on the task force, she's a teacher.
It's not a good thing.
- I understand.
- Good.
And with that, I bid you fondly.
I'm going to meet Steve at a golf course.
Golf? My sentiments exactly.
You and Lucinda Nicholson.
That is so hot.
Sorry, not another word.
One decaf.
Oh, the new Condor.
I see that the animal rights issue made front-page news.
Yeah, it would seem the trustees are voting whether or not to ban animal testing in all the university labs.
Yeah, Donna and Brenda are really getting into the thick of it.
So where do you stand? Testing or no testing? Well, I don't know.
I think equating the death of broiler chickens to Schindler's List is a little extreme, but a lot of it's cruel and unnecessary.
Did the article on Brandon come out yet? No, but they have some lovely candid shots of your weekend there.
That was taken at a square dance.
How many do-si-dos did you and your partner do? Please.
Well, you do take a lot of what Lucinda Nicholson says to heart.
And, Kel, we both know the woman defines monogamy as jumping into the sack with one person at a time.
I don't get it.
Why do you have all this animosity towards Lucinda? I'm just kidding, Kel.
No, I don't think so.
In fact, I think that the real reason you don't wanna finance her documentary is because she is a strong woman with a feminist point of view and you can't handle it.
Can you picture this? Me standing there quaking in the shadow of Lucinda Nicholson's gargantuan feminist intellect.
Well, all I know is last week, you loved her proposal.
And this week I decided not to back the project.
I have the right to change my mind.
Yes, you do.
But let's just have her over for dinner and we'll talk this out.
Kel If you still don't wanna back the film, I will understand.
But if we don't give her a second chance, she's just gonna think we're a bunch of kids, and I wouldn't be able to face her again.
I don't know.
Come on.
You're cheating.
You know that.
Thank you.
Hey, I thought you were Walsh's girl.
Brandon and I are just friends.
- Really? - Yeah.
Last weekend, it looked like you guys were practically swapping spit.
Why don't you do the planet a favor? Call Dr.
Steve, I've known you for four years, man.
When did you learn how to play golf? Well, it's like driving a car, Brandon.
Once you learn how to do it, it's natural.
So you've had a few lessons, huh? Well, when I was in junior high school, my dad tried to turn me into the next Jack Nicklaus.
Well, I'd say he did a pretty good job.
You know, C.
's got a golf team.
You should try and go out for it.
There's no way.
If I join the golf team, that would make my father way too happy.
Seriously, if playing golf is so painful for you, how come you entered in this father-and-son golf tournament? No, never mind me.
What's up with you, pal? What's going on with you and Kelly? People are talking.
Yeah, well, people have empty, squalid lives, Steve.
Come on, Brandon.
Confess, deny, show me a secret video, a Polaroid, anything.
It's just politics, man.
She helps me out with the task force and that's all that's on the agenda.
I am sorry to hear that, man.
I was hoping you were a better politician than that.
In the past year alone, the movement has had enormous successes.
Burdick Industries halted their barbaric experiments on one-week-old puppies.
Arcadia University suspended funding for a series of grotesque experiments on pregnant monkeys.
Look, we have every reason to believe that the board of trustees is going to vote to ban all animal testing at California University when they convene in two days, people.
But to make sure that they decide to do the right thing, it's really important that we have a huge turnout at the rally.
That's right.
So thank you for your passion and your commitment.
- And we'll see you then.
- Thanks.
- So, what are you gonna do now? - I don't know.
Allan, that was incredible.
And I just want you to know that Donna and I will do anything we can to help.
So how's Rocky? Have you heard anything? Yeah, we just got him back from the lab.
That's great.
Let's hope he's all right.
A lot of times, these animals are really sick.
- Oh, not Rocky.
- Well, that's good.
And thanks for all your help.
So, what do you think? I'd march in his army any day.
Well, it looks like your task force accomplished its mission.
Yeah, and you know, the best part for me was how we worked out a national strategy with the other schools.
Dylan didn't mind you going off with Kelly? Well, why should he? I mean, they're not an item.
- Are they? - No, mother.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey, Bren.
- What's that smell? - Dinner.
It's red meat, isn't it? I'll pass.
There's no way that I can eat animal flesh.
Not after the meeting I just came from.
That was that animal rights thing, right? Yes.
And it was quite an education.
You know, we have no right to impose our power on other species.
It is totally immoral.
We might as well eat our young.
Listen, Bren, if you wanna become a vegetarian, that's really cool, but before you get too crazy, those boots aren't exactly made out of broccoli, chief.
Brandon, I'm changing my diet first, then my leather products.
I'll get it.
Why can't she ever do anything halfway? - Hi.
- Hi.
Is Brandon here? Brandon, Kelly's here.
You know.
So, what's the problem? Dylan doesn't wanna back Lucinda's film.
But he's willing to have dinner with her to reconsider the whole thing.
And I still think that there's a good chance he can come around.
Lf If what? If you'll come to dinner too.
Kelly, the fewer people that know about me and Lucinda, the better.
Yeah, I know.
But he's getting a little weird about you and me.
I just don't think it'll work unless you come.
You didn't tell him what almost happened between us, did you? No, but he saw the picture in the Condor.
And even though he says he's joking, obviously it's bothering him.
But if he sees that you're dating Lucinda, then it could just smooth everything over.
Kelly, I am not dating Lucinda.
We're just sleeping together.
Why won't he back her film? I think it's because he's intimidated by her.
But if he sees that you're comfortable with her, then he'll be comfortable with her too.
Hurry, David.
I think he needs water.
There you go, boy.
Look, Rocky, doesn't that look nice? Rocky.
What's the matter with him? He won't eat, he won't drink.
He hasn't been right all day, Donna.
Should I give him some food? I already tried that.
Listen, first thing tomorrow morning, I'm gonna take him to the vet.
Well, you don't think he's sick, do you? I don't know, but we gotta find out.
David, what if something's wrong with him? Don't worry, we'll take care of him.
Come on, Rocky.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Yeah, see, it's gonna be all right.
It'll be all right.
You're mad, aren't you? No.
More like betrayed.
I'm sorry.
Keeping us a secret from everyone has been next to impossible.
Who else knows besides Kelly? My sister.
Two students from my class.
It's a nightmare.
I could've just blown Kelly off, told her dinner was a bad idea and you never would've known.
You couldn't even keep a secret about not keeping a secret.
I know how much your film means to you.
And I know how little the money means to Dylan.
Listen, Brandon, I've already embarrassed myself once.
Okay, Dylan made up his mind, he didn't wanna get involved.
- Let's move on, okay? - Lucinda.
If you get your film funded, then maybe you can become a full-time filmmaker.
Then just maybe you and I can go out in public somewhere.
You ever think of that? Yeah.
Look, I'm sorry.
I know you're under pressure too.
And I know Dylan.
If all of us are there and we work him a little bit, maybe he'll come around.
And you're willing to help convince him? Funny, that's what I've been trying to say.
Nicholson, can I talk to you a minute? Oh, man, it's Josh Richland.
You gotta get rid of him.
- Yes? - Hi.
I'm Josh Richland from the Condor.
I hope this isn't about a subscription.
I guess this is a bad time, but I'd like to interview you for an article I'm finishing up on Brandon Walsh.
You know Brandon, right? Sure.
Why don't you come by my office tomorrow and we can talk? Okay.
That was easy.
- Have a good night.
- You too.
How'd he know I was here? I have no idea, but I can't dodge any more bullets like that.
Me neither.
So we'll do the dinner tomorrow night? You, me, Kelly and Dylan.
Yeah, maybe it does have its possibilities.
I've never thrown a dinner party.
I probably bought way too much food, but I'm still nervous it's not enough.
Well, as long as there are no more surprise guests.
You're not upset with me for inviting Brandon, are you? No, of course not.
I really appreciate all the trouble you're going to.
Anything to help.
Your weekend with Brandon seems to have done him a world of good.
I don't know what went on up there, but whatever it was, he's come back a new man.
Come to tomorrow's rally.
Stand up for animal rights.
Don't let the torture of innocent animals go on any longer.
- What's up, Bren? - Hey.
David, what did the vet say about Rocky? Not too much.
But he seems to be doing better.
- Did he have anything to eat? - Yeah, I fed him when we got home.
That is such a relief.
Oh, Andrea, you know about tomorrow's rally, right? You guys know how I feel about this stuff.
Why don't you just come over and look at some literature? - It might change your mind.
- All right.
Listen, Bren, I finally got Rocky's blood test back, and the vet says there's nothing more he can do for him.
He has cancer.
Oh, my God.
I don't know what I'm gonna do about Donna.
I mean, should I tell her? You might wanna wait for the right time.
I'll see you later.
I can't believe you guys are involved with this mindless kind of radicalism.
It isn't mindless.
You're always the one who believes in standing up for a good cause.
That is, unless you think the abuse of innocent animals doesn't count for anything.
You know, Brenda, there is another side to this.
Come on, I wanna show you something.
If you guys are gonna protest something, at least see what it's all about before you try to tear it apart.
Welcome to Lab 33.
- What are they doing? - Behavioral research.
They're studying the sleeping patterns of cats.
Oh, that's just what the world needs.
Bren, have a little faith.
The work here may be the only hope we have in finding a cure for SIDS.
Wait, Andrea, speak English or I'm leaving.
I'm sorry, SIDS is short for sudden infant death syndrome.
It's the leading killer of babies in their first year of life.
That's right, I've heard of it.
They don't know what causes it.
That's what's so heartbreaking.
I mean, there are no warning signs.
Every year, 10,000 babies die of crib death because we don't understand how the brain controls breathing during sleep.
I'm sure putting electrodes in these animals' skulls isn't very pleasant for them either.
I know it looks awful, but they don't feel a thing.
You guys, I had the same concerns you did.
But I checked out Dr.
Reardon's approach.
She does everything possible to minimize suffering.
So that makes it all right? You know, it may seem cruel, but if experimenting on these animals can help find a cure, I'm sorry, I can live with that.
I mean, who knows? What's learned here could maybe help save my baby's life.
I had no idea.
Look, maybe this lab is doing worthwhile research, but I'm sure that it's the exception.
- Look, Brenda - Andrea.
You have your opinion and I have mine, okay? Donna, come on, let's go.
Very impressive.
Where'd you get all this stuff? It pays to have a mother with fine taste in crystal and bone china.
I wouldn't know.
Be sure and tell me which fork to use.
All right, maybe I should take away the floral arrangement.
Kel, relax.
It's perfect.
Really, everything looks great.
Why the fourth setting, though? I was gonna just tell you about that.
See, it's been kind of a hectic day, and you were out surfing.
Well, I invited Lucinda's boyfriend to come.
She has a boyfriend already? The woman's been divorced for 15 minutes.
Who is this guy? He must be a piece of work.
Actually, it's Brandon.
Don't you think you'd better get that? Lucinda, Brandon.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Dylan, this place is incredible.
California Craftsman.
When was it built? Late teens, early '20s? Something like that, yeah.
Why don't I give you the grand tour? Yes.
Well, bro, I guess the cat's out of the bag.
I would say the cat hasn't even begun to show her face yet, man.
But since when did Lucinda recruit you for fundraising duty? Hey, it's a great project.
You said so yourself.
Did I say that? Come on, Rocky.
Come on, take your medicine.
Come on, I know it doesn't taste good, but it's gonna make you all well.
Come on.
What are we gonna do? Maybe if we put a blanket over him to keep him warm.
I'll get it.
Listen, Donna, I don't think you should expect too much.
What do you mean? You said he was getting better.
Yeah, well, I didn't wanna hurt you, but the fact is, he's pretty sick.
Well, that's why he has to take his medicine so he can get well, right? You've gotta tell her, David.
Tell me what? Donna Rocky has cancer.
Cancer? Yeah.
The vet says he thinks it's about time we put him to sleep.
How can you say that? He's gonna get well, okay? Yeah.
You're gonna be okay.
Kelly, this crème brûlée is delicious.
Did you make it yourself? I bought it myself.
No, thanks, Kel.
Really, it's great.
You know, you might wanna consider letting Kel here work on the old menu there at chez Peach Pit.
Well, why don't we get back to why we're here? Brandon, you've seen the film.
What do you think? I'm far more interested in what Dylan thinks of it.
Well, I'm no Roger Ebert, but it looked okay to me.
I hope you have good luck with it.
Thank you.
Maybe you could go over your marketing ideas for us one more time.
We've already done that.
There is money to be made when it's sold to television.
I mean, it has a built-in audience.
Every woman in America is gonna wanna see it.
Sounds like what you guys need is a woman producer, a woman distributor.
You know, Lucinda, I think it's probably time we left.
Yeah, I think we reached that point a long time ago.
- Kelly, thanks for everything.
- Thanks.
You guys, look, I'm really sorry.
I don't know what got into him.
- It's okay.
Don't be mad at him.
- No, be furious.
Good night.
- Good night, Kelly.
- Bye.
Thank you for ruining my first dinner party.
I just didn't know any other way to handle it.
You know, I don't care so much that you don't wanna help her out.
But I don't understand why you had to be so rude.
She's somebody who means a lot to me.
Why? When you grow up, you wanna be just like her? Yeah, maybe I do.
You know what? The only person that you hurt here tonight was yourself.
This is gonna be a great film and you're not gonna be part of it.
Don't worry about me, Kel.
Worry about Brandon.
Why? Because he's got an incredible woman? What? Are you jealous? Yeah.
Yeah, your role model, she is so incredible.
When you and Brandon were having your little square dance last weekend, she tried to use some of that Guatemalan mumbo jumbo to get me into bed.
What are you talking about? Why would she do something like that? You think she wants your money so bad? Well, I thought so at first.
But actually, I think it's a little more basic than that, Kel.
I just happened to be the closest available warm body.
You have lost it.
Hey, how nice was I supposed to be, huh? Did you want me to sleep with her? He ate and slept? Well, Donna, that's great.
- What's crazy? - Oh, nothing.
I was just thinking that maybe the reason Rocky chose us is because he knew we could help him get better.
Well, you're certainly making me feel better.
Look, I've got to go if I'm gonna catch a ride with my mom to school.
So I'll see you at the rally.
I just hope Andrea understands why we're doing it.
Let's hope the board of trustees understands.
Get there early, all right? We wanna be in front.
Rocky's feeling better, huh? Yeah, he had a good night's sleep.
At least somebody did.
Why? Your double date get a little confusing? Dylan totally bailed.
You know, I'm actually starting to believe he thinks something's going on between me and Kelly.
Is there? That's why I shouldn't be telling you these things.
Have fun at your rally.
We will.
Today is the day C.
Stops animal testing.
- I'm sure they will.
- Be there or beware.
Give them hell, sis.
Now get out of here.
Are Brenda and Donna running late? They're at the animal rights rally, no doubt.
Good for them.
But they're going to miss our class on folk medicine.
I brought in some artifacts.
Yeah, Kelly? I didn't think we finished Wednesday's discussion on fidelity.
Oh, I think it ran its course.
I didn't think we ever really explored the concept of betrayal.
Well, if you're looking for an anthropological model, you can try the Eskimos.
Do they go after each other's mates? As a matter of fact, when a man goes off hunting, he expects other men to satisfy his wife.
And when the women go off gathering, do other women head straight for their boyfriends? They might.
It's so much a part of their culture, they even have a word for it.
It describes the close bond they all feel for sharing the same lover.
Fortunately, we are not Eskimos.
Or are we? Kelly, we talked about how men and women aren't monogamous by nature.
Traditional monogamy only works when everyone adheres to the same morality.
So going after a friend's husband is actually a natural reflex? Not quite.
But I do believe, like the Eskimos, that relationships can be healthier if people are more honest with each other about their sexual impulses.
And that's as honest as I can be.
Does that make sense? Yeah, I'm afraid it does.
Well, if you all wanna come up to my desk, you could check out some of these different items which were used by women who were healers.
The board of trustees' meeting will be letting out at any minute.
Victory is only seconds away.
An important victory with historical significance.
Because for once, this campus is going on record as saying that life, in all its forms, is more important than profits.
You can all be proud of yourselves because we all did it together.
I've just been informed that despite their assurances to the contrary, the board of trustees has voted to table the issue.
What does that mean? It means that they've postponed the vote.
They've avoided taking a position.
Therefore, funding for animal research continues.
- They can't get away with this.
- They promised us.
Animal rights now! Animal rights now! Come on! Animal rights now.
Animal rights now.
Animal rights now.
Animal rights now.
Here comes Callahan.
He's one of the trustees.
- Killer! - Get out of here.
Move out of the way and let him go, please.
Hey, stop it! This is a movement against violence.
All right, what do you say we name him Emmanuel? For me, it'd be after my cousin Manny.
And for Andrea, it'd be after the temple.
- That's good, that's good.
- Right.
And if it's a girl, what, maybe we should name her Beth Israel.
Well, I'm not gonna name him Guacamole.
I didn't say Guacamole.
I suggested, merely suggested, Margarita.
- Hi, guys.
- Hey, Kel.
Wanna sit down and help us with baby names? - Brandon.
- No.
We've actually got some business to discuss.
Excuse us.
- Thanks for meeting me.
- You're welcome.
What's up? I don't really know where to start.
You think there's something going on with them? I don't know.
I mean, I never would have thought so, but you should've seen Kelly in class today.
I mean, she and Lucinda were supposedly discussing monogamy, but there was, I don't know, a whole lot more going on than a theoretical discussion.
So that's why Dylan's been acting so weird.
Do you think it could be true? She's certainly capable of it.
It's not as if she's ever claimed to be anything other than what she is.
I just never thought she'd try it with Dylan.
Any more than Dylan ever thought I would try it with you.
At least some of us know when to stop ourselves.
But did we stop ourselves any sooner than Dylan did? I mean, maybe Lucinda's right.
Maybe under the right circumstances, we are all capable of betrayal.
This is really bad.
If I wanna have an honest relationship with Dylan, I am gonna have to tell him what happened between you and me at the retreat.
No, I think you should let me tell him.
I think it would be best if I was the one to tell him first.
Come on.
Just hang on, Rocky.
Hang on.
You're gonna be all right.
Maybe he'd be more comfortable if we just let him rest.
I'll just get him some more medicine.
Donna, look.
Maybe you should just let him go, okay? I mean, this is no way for him to live.
How can you say that? Guys, I think he's stopped breathing.
Donna, I'm sorry.
Brenda, they killed him.
You know that they killed him.
It's just not fair.
They won't get away with this, Donna.
I won't let them.
You're late.
Not like you.
Yeah, well, I got held up at the Peach Pit talking to Kelly.
I see.
- And now you're all upset.
- Is it true? There are some things I need to say Why don't you tell me what went on between you and Dylan? Are you hungry? Because I've got some food over here.
What went on? Nothing.
When Dylan was here last weekend, things might have been taken the wrong way.
I thought he was more like you.
More like me.
So in other words, you came on to him? We flirted a little bit.
But I do get the sense that he was offended.
You make this all sound so matter-of-fact.
What about us? Come on, Brandon.
When I did my Richland interview yesterday, he told me how cuddly you and Kelly were up at the retreat.
Now, how is it any different? Because I feel bad about that.
Dylan's an old friend.
Well, if he is, he'll understand.
Just like I do.
Right, of course.
You have a convenient philosophy for everything.
Brandon, listen to me.
What happened between me and Dylan in no way changes or diminishes what I feel for you.
I thought you might say that.
But I gotta tell you something.
I don't know what you are to me anymore.
A fantasy.
Just like you are to me.
No, thanks.
So then we called the vet.
And they said we needed to decide whether we wanted him cremated or buried.
You mean, like in a pet cemetery? Yeah.
I just I don't know if I can handle that.
I mean, I want a memorial for him.
You know, something to remember him by.
I know.
It's gonna be okay.
You know, I read somewhere that the loss of a pet is actually harder to handle than the loss of another human being.
I mean, with other people, our feelings are so complicated.
But with a dog or a cat, it's just about love.
I know.
So how's Brenda? She must have had a hard time with this too.
Yeah, she's pretty torn up about it.
I guess it was a rough week for all of us.
Why? What's the matter? I just finished telling Dylan the truth about my weekend with Brandon.
It was awfully nice of you and your father to invite Brandon and Jim to go golfing next week.
Now if I can only uninvite myself.
- Hi, Dylan.
- Hi.
Well, hurry on in, boys, I'm gonna put some brownies in the microwave.
Hey, D.
Good to see you.
Yeah, I think we need to have us a little man-to-man, Brandon.
Yeah, I was coming over to see you regarding the same matter.
- Come on inside.
- No, I think right here's just fine.
What's going on, ladies? It's private, Steve.
Would you mind taking these in to my mother? Yeah.
Look, you know I gotta do this, right? I'm sorry, bro.
No sorry.
You've been getting on my nerves for weeks and you know it.
Guys, what's going on here? Listen, Dylan, the problem has been mine, not yours.
You can say that again.
Since I bought the Pit, you put me on a guilt trip.
I can explain that, all right? Hey, I lent you my girlfriend, you made a move on her.
- You made a move on Kelly? - Nothing happened.
Then you send your little sex freak over to my house trying to look for some handout.
It was temporary insanity.
I wasn't thinking with my head.
- You weren't thinking at all.
- Hold on a second.
Let's back up to the part about the sex freak.
You obviously got some kind of problem with me, don't you? Right now's your chance, make your move.
- Guys.
- I'm not gonna hit you, man.
- Guys.
- You're like a brother to me.
- You have to.
- No, I don't have to.
But if you feel like you wanna hit me, why don't you go ahead? All right.
Do you know how much this nose costs? God! You know, I still have two good eyes left.
Perhaps you'd each like to gouge one of those out.
Get off of me! This is my fault, guys.
Hey, nothing's your fault till I say it's your fault, all right? - It's your fault.
- Thanks.
I was looking forward to giving you a beating.
I can obviously see now, the beating's gonna come from Lucinda.
You're telling me.
Look at us.
She's got us at each other's throats.
She's gotta be loving every minute of this.
Are you seeing Lucinda? I was.
But no more, man.
- That's over.
- Brandon? I've got brownies and ice cream for you and your friends.
Must be us.
Hello, excuse me.
- Steve! - Steve! Hey, how you feeling there, big fella? Not loved.
This is crazy.
Keep your voice down.
They can hear you.
I don't care.
I don't want anything to do with these people.
They're terrorists.
Janet, look, if you'd please keep quiet No, forget it.
They're gonna discredit the entire movement.
And you're gonna let them.
I'm out of here.
Look, I still think we can reason with the trustees.
They tabled the issue, they didn't defeat it.
Economic loss is the only thing they understand, Allan.
We went through the same runaround with Burdick Industries in Seattle.
I guess we have no choice.
I knew she'd change her mind.
- Brenda.
- Hi.
Can I come in? This really isn't a good time.
Look, Rocky died today.
I'm sorry.
I wanna know what you're gonna do about it.
Who knows how many more animals are in there? How many are gonna die unless we do something now? Well, actually, that's what we've been discussing.
Do you really think talk is gonna do anything to stop it? No, but action will.
Brenda, what are you doing here? Welcome.
Oh, no.
I think the fewer people involved in this, the better, right? We have to build for the future.
I look at Brenda and I see myself ten years ago.
Are you a member of any law-enforcement agency? - Excuse me? - FBI, L.
, ATF? If you are, you are required by law to admit it now.
- Of course not.
- Good.
- Join us.
- No, wait.
I don't think this is a good idea.
We don't know anything about this girl.
You know, I am as committed to this cause as anyone here.
Jonathan, she's all right.
We know nothing about her, Harvey.
I say she's in.
Okay, let's work out some strategy.
Allan, you make sure you got an alibi.
You can't be anywhere near the labs when it goes down.
How can I not be a part of it? You'll be the obvious suspect.
We need you free to continue the work.
And Brenda will be a perfect lookout.
Just another student roaming the halls.
What do you say, Brenda? I'll do whatever it takes.
I can't believe that you and Brandon would ever actually come to blows.
And all because of me.
Yeah, he's just lucky Sanders was there.
It would've gotten really nasty.
Yeah, joke all you want.
But I am flattered.
I guess when it comes down to it, I'm just an old-fashioned girl.
Well, that's a good thing, because I am certainly an old-fashioned guy.
You know, possessive, vindictive, yet tender.
Tender? After tonight, maybe they'll take us seriously.
Okay, Brenda, you'll be posted in the hall.
If anybody shows up, starts asking any questions, start talking loud enough so we can hear.
Remember, you're a student working in one of the labs.
You're just taking a break.
First time's always the hardest.
I'll be fine.
Here it is, Lab 33.
Do your thing.
Wait, what are you doing? Keep your voice down.
You don't understand.
This lab isn't like that.
Brenda, calm down.
They are doing research on infant death syndrome.
- They're not hurting the animals.
- No, just enslaving them.
You've got to go to the other labs.
We will.
This connects to the others.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait in the hallway.
They know what they're doing.
- FBI.
Now get your hands up.
- What's going on? You have the right to remain silent.
If you give up that right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney and have that attorney present during questioning.
If you so desire and cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you without cost by the court.
Do you understand each of these rights as I've explained them to you? Do you wish to give up the right to remain silent? Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney and have him present during questioning? Hi, I'm Tori Spelling, and this is one of my favorite co-stars, Pound Cake.
And as you can see, we're both alive and well and happy you watched our 100th episode tonight.
And on behalf of everyone involved with the making of 90210, I would just like to say thank you.
And Rocky would like to say:
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