Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s06e05 Episode Script

Lover's Leap

Sorry, kid.
Attempted suicide attempted suicide attempted suicide Daddy! Val, what's the matter? Are you okay? Hey, I heard a scream.
Are you all right? Yeah, yeah.
It was just a weird dream.
I'm I'm fine.
You're sure you're okay? Yeah.
You guys go back to bed.
I'm fine.
It was just a dream.
Good night.
School bus is here.
You can take the morning off, Bruno.
I'll, uh I'll drive the lady to school.
I know.
She told me.
She'll be right down.
My favorite.
- Dylan.
- Thanks.
Hey, there you are.
Good morning.
Good morning.
So, are you ready to go? I'm just finishing my coffee.
You want to come in? I don't know.
Is your father in there? No.
He's out of town.
Come on.
I'll give you the grand tour.
All right.
This is quite some humble abode.
My father built this place about ten years ago.
After my mother passed away, he really couldn't stay in Dana Point anymore.
Yeah, I know what that's like.
My father died two years ago.
I'm sorry.
Come on.
Let's go in here.
This is the dining room.
Like it? Yeah.
What's not to like? Good.
Because you're going to be having dinner here tomorrow night.
- What? - Yep.
You and all your closest friends.
Excuse me? I knew, if I told you, you wouldn't let me go ahead with it, so I got their numbers from Nat, and I pretty much invited everyone you know.
And you want that kind of riffraff hanging out here in your nice house? Yeah.
I want to get to know them, and I want them to get to know me.
Well, you were right about one thing.
If I had known, there's no way I would ever let you go through with it.
And this is my father's study.
This is actually my favorite room in the house.
Everything in here has special meaning to my father.
See that desk? When I was little, I used to sit there and do my homework.
See, this is where you and I differ, because me, I was never really too big on the homework thing.
Is this your dad? On the right.
- Who's the other guy? - I don't know.
Must be a friend, or someone he does business with.
Thanks, Dad.
I guess I'm going.
I mean, I said yes.
I know.
I mean, I was so shocked when Toni called.
I know.
Doesn't that seem a bit pushy? I mean, she hardly even knows us.
Oh, come on.
She's just trying to be nice.
You're just jealous because she likes Dylan.
- Am not.
- Am, too.
- Am not! Guys, regardless, we still can't say no, right? Well, here you go.
A plate of fried food for the tutor who got me through my first math quiz.
Mmm! Onion rings and French fries.
Half and half.
Oh, I see you've gotten him up to fractions now.
Have any of you guys heard or seen David in the last few days? He hasn't been in class in the last week.
I talked to Mel the other day.
He said that he's really depressed about his mother.
How's she doing? Not great.
That's why I'm worried.
Hey, Ma.
How you doing? The doctor says you're doing better.
You look good.
Nurse told me you got a bath today.
Would you talk to me, please? I know you're awake.
Please? Come on.
Let her rest.
So when is she going to get better? I've been through this with her before, David.
You've got to give it time.
Dad, she won't even look at me.
She won't even talk to me.
I know this has been rough, David, but that's why we all have to stay strong.
Are you keeping up with your classes? My classes? What, are you kidding? How can I concentrate on school? Do you just go to the office and fill cavities and pretend like nothing is happening? Actually, yes, I do.
Life goes on.
Not for me.
Could I talk to you both for a moment? - How's she doing? - I wish I had better news.
Come on.
Let's sit down.
She's not responding to the treatment? We may have to get more aggressive.
What does that mean? When drug therapies don't work, we have to look at alternative approaches.
Like what? Given her age, her physical health and her history, my recommendation would be a short course of low-level electroconvulsive therapy.
What? You mean electric shock treatment? It may sound barbaric, but we know a lot more about ECT than we used to, and I have to tell you, we've had some terrific results.
Isn't this a little extreme? Actually, no.
She's not coming out of this depression.
This may help.
Come on, Dad.
You can't let them do this.
What exactly is involved? We sedate her, give her a heavy dose of muscle relaxants.
Then, through electrodes attached to her skull, we administer brief pulses of low-voltage electrical current.
No more than that which would make a 100-watt bulb flicker for just a second.
And what are the side effects? There may be some short-term memory loss.
Studies show that most missing memory returns within six months.
I also must tell you there is a mortality rate one in 20,000.
You mean she could die? For someone as depressed as your mother, there's a lot greater chance that, without this therapy, she'll attempt suicide again, and succeed.
No, forget it, all right? You're not turning my mom into a reading lamp.
I don't want to hear anything else about this.
All right, Dad? Why don't you get a dorm room, man? You spend more time on this campus than I do.
Yeah, well, I'm just waiting for Toni.
She gets out of class in a minute, and we're going to the beach.
Ah! Young love.
Ain't it grand? So what's with this dinner party? You coming? Of course.
I can't wait to meet the old man.
Oh, neither can I.
Too bad he's out of town.
She showed me around the house the other day.
You would not believe what this guy has in his study.
A signed confession? A picture of him with his arm around Jack.
He's sick.
And Toni doesn't know anything about this? Not a clue.
Should be an interesting evening.
Anybody else know what you know? I haven't said a word.
- Keep it that way.
- Yeah.
Espresso, please.
Actually, make that a triple.
Rough night, huh? Yeah.
I didn't get much sleep.
Anything you want to talk about? No, I'll be all right.
Do you want something? No, thanks.
I got a meeting with my editor.
Oh, yes.
The illustrious Susan Keats.
You guys are getting pretty cozy.
Not as cozy as I'd like.
Why don't you bring her to the dinner party? Already one step ahead of you.
Think she'll come? How could she say no? No.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Wait a minute.
It's just a dinner party.
What's the big deal? A dinner party with all your friends.
So? So I just don't think we should go out together, that's all.
Then what was that kiss about? It was a moment of weakness.
Weak women my specialty.
You'll live to regret that remark.
Close the door.
Sit down.
You have a choice.
I can fire you and we can go to the dinner party, or you keep your job and we go our separate ways.
That's ridiculous.
I don't think so.
I get it.
You're afraid of workplace romances.
That's easy you fire me, we go to the dinner, you rehire me tomorrow.
Brandon, I'm serious, okay? Look, I know we can get involved.
I just don't happen to think it's a good idea.
So you are attracted to me.
Oh, i-if I admit it, will you go back to work? Sure.
Okay, fine, I admit it.
I am attracted to you.
I'm attracted to a lot of things: hot fudge sundaes, acid jazz, big headlines.
Now, do me a favor, go write your column.
David, open up, please.
Go away, please.
What? It's almost 2:00 you're not up yet? No, I've been up.
You know, it smells in here.
You should probably open up some windows, let some air in.
How's your mom doing? She's nutty as a fruitcake.
Haven't you heard? How about you? I'm fine.
Would you guys leave me alone now, please? David you have to get on with your life.
And how long is that supposed to take, Kel? Why don't you tell me how I'm supposed to feel when the only hope for my mother is if they attach electrodes to her head and fry her brain.
I'm sorry.
Be as sorry as you want to be.
David, please let us help, all right? You need some help.
Thanks a lot, Kel.
Maybe they should strap electrodes to my head.
Come on, you're talking crazy.
Maybe I am crazy.
I don't know.
Maybe it's in my blood.
David, don't do this.
Who is it? It's Brandon.
Brandon?! I'm really busy.
Well, this is kind of important.
Well, what do you want? You're not looking at me through that peephole, are you? - What? No.
- Mm-hmm.
Look, couldn't you have used the phone? I'm right in the middle of trying to finish with an article here.
This will only take a minute.
Okay, but only for a minute.
Can I, uh, come in? Oh, yeah, sure, come on in.
This is quite a place you have here.
Private bathroom and everything.
You must know all the right people.
Look, I really am busy, so, um, what is it? All right, I'll get right to the point.
I thought about it, and I quit.
You are not gonna give up, are you? I think that some things are more important than others, and I think that going out with you may be more important than my job, maybe, possibly, kinda, what do you think? I'm not sure how to take that.
Well, as an editor you should be devastated, - but as a woman - As a woman, I'm a little concerned you have this much trouble getting a date.
Is that a yes? Well, a girl's got to eat.
So, what time are you gonna pick me up? Tomorrow night.
I'll be here at 7:30, right after I finish - cleaning out my desk.
- Brandon, relax.
You don't have to quit.
You called my bluff.
- No, no, no, I insist.
- Didn't anyone ever tell you that when you strike oil that you stop drilling? No.
So, anyway, uh I finished my column.
It's on the value of persistence.
As they say, write what you know.
That's what you got to do.
Well see you tomorrow.
Sorry I don't sound more cheerful, but since the incident with David's mom, things have been kind of rough for me.
Brandon's fine.
Give my love to Jim.
Love, Valerie.
Steve, I'm telling you, this is gonna work out great, man.
We're gonna have more games on Sundays, we're gonna have better games on Sunday, - I don't think so.
- no more Rams, no more Raiders.
Life is good, my friend.
is the center of the universe.
How can we be without a football team? The sun is the center of the universe, Steve.
Val, you want an apple? No.
Did I say something? Probably.
I'm gonna go find out.
Catching some Z's? Yeah, trying.
Why don't you go upstairs and go to bed.
I want to stay here.
Do you remember my father? Sure.
He had a heck of a jump shot.
You don't remember all those games of two on two we used to play, me and Jim against you and your dad? No.
No, I wish I did.
I don't have any nice memories of my father anymore.
Why not? Did you know I was the one who found him the night he killed himself? I had no idea.
Yeah, it was really horrible.
His brains were all over the bathroom wall.
Val, are you sure you want to talk about this? Yeah, I have to.
David's mother, huh? Yeah, bad luck for me.
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You know, it took me a whole year afterwards to be able to sleep through the whole night and and now I'm right back in that place again.
Do you ever call your mother and talk about this? I can't.
She blames me.
That's why I can't go home again.
How could she possibly blame you? I was pretty wild, Brandon.
I mean, I was a big disappointment to my folks.
I mean, they weren't getting along, and they were always fighting about me.
Yeah, but, Val, that's no reason for someone to kill themselves.
There must've been other problems.
Yeah, there were.
But, as far as my mom was concerned, it was me.
Can you grab me a pillow? I think I'm gonna try sleeping down here tonight.
Anything else? Yeah.
Tell Steve it's his turn to take out the trash.
God, what a cast! Danny De Vito and Christopher Lloyd.
They were so young.
And so much more hair.
I love Nicholson.
Nobody plays a crazy guy better than him, you know? That's 'cause he wasn't crazy, and that was the whole point.
You guys have got to read the book.
Kesey wrote Cuckoo's Nest while he was an orderly in a mental hospital.
Uh, I'll just take that cold, actually.
David, come sit down we were just about to get some coffee.
I've got a lot to do.
Come on, you really shouldn't be alone.
I shouldn't be awake.
Uh, you guys have a good time.
David better snap out of this, or he's gonna find himself in the cuckoo's nest.
That's not funny.
Sorry, Don, I'm afraid she's right.
Daddy! No! No! - Val? Val? Val, it's okay.
- No no no - It's okay.
It's all right.
- Oh, my God It's okay.
What's going on? I can't get rid of it.
I can't ever get rid of it.
Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay.
Let me get you some water, okay? No, no, just stay, please.
- Okay.
All right.
- Please don't leave me.
Okay, I'm right here It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Get your hands off the mushrooms, Bruno.
You better be nice to me, Antonia, or I'm gonna tell your father you're throwing a dinner party without asking his permission.
I am so tired of this, Bruno.
I'm 20 years old.
This is my house.
When is my father gonna stop checking out everyone I have a hamburger with? I've been watching you with this McKay boy.
You're getting too involved.
Then stop watching.
Hello? Hello, sweetheart.
Hi, Daddy.
What are you doing calling me in the middle of the day? Are you playing hooky? Well, actually, I've been in meeting after meeting.
But you've been on my mind all day, and I wanted to hear your voice.
You holding down the fort for me? Everything's fine.
When are you coming home? Well, hopefully, tomorrow night.
I can't wait.
Bring me something? Don't I always? Yes.
I love you, Dad.
I love you, too, sweetheart.
And I miss you.
I miss you, too.
See you tomorrow.
Toni, listen to me.
There are things about this boy that you don't know.
There are things about this boy that are not gonna make your father happy.
Then don't tell him, Bruno.
Marchette, Mr.
McKay is here to see you.
He's out at the pool.
Thank you, Douglas.
You're six hours early.
Party's not till 8:00.
Yeah, I know.
That's why I thought we'd hit the beach.
I can't go.
I'm making dinner for 12 people.
No, no, no, you're supervising dinner for 12 people.
And that takes a lot of work.
Why don't you try it sometime? 'Cause I'd rather try something else.
What? Well, to be perfectly honest Oh, can you believe that? That little stinker took the bait out of all the traps.
I know he's down there.
I saw him run under.
What kind of cheese are you using? Camembert.
Cam? Steve, can you believe? He's using an imported French cheese to catch a mouse.
Well, why not? After all, it is a Beverly Hills mouse.
Here you go.
Steve, you're, uh, you're paying me.
You don't have to keep buttering me up.
It's okay.
You deserve it.
Okay, if you insist.
Now, Monday morning, you've got another test.
Are you prepared? You tell me.
Very good.
Yeah, I'm actually getting my money's worth out of you.
Yeah, you might even pass the course.
Don't do that.
Do what? Don't take your arm away.
It felt good.
You have a date for the dinner party tonight? Actually, I was, um, I was gonna invite this guy named, uh, Tenderheart.
He's busy.
He's taking a girl named Cuddles.
Steve? Yes? Are you playing footsie with me? No.
A mouse! What? Where? A mouse! Come on.
We can talk about this over dinner.
I'm not hungry.
All right, then we'll talk about it here.
I saw your mom's doctor again this afternoon.
I'm not going along with this electric shock stuff.
You heard the doctor, David.
This could be her only hope.
You have to help me here.
You have to talk to her.
She won't listen to me.
What's the difference? Why don't you just hook her up and pull the switch? She has to give her permission.
She has to sign a release.
If she doesn't want to do it, why should I convince her? Because your mom doesn't know what's best for her now.
We do.
She won't even look at me.
This isn't about you, David.
This is about her.
You have to make the effort for her.
Are you gonna back me up on this? Think we're fashionably late enough? I think we timed it perfectly.
Are you sure I wore the right dress? Hi, guys.
Uh, you wanna come on in? Kelly, you look stunning.
Oh, thank you.
So do you.
I told you to go with the red.
This place makes us look like we're from the wrong side of the tracks.
Well, at least you know she's not after your money, Dylan.
Well, it must be my dazzling sense of humor.
Oh, yeah.
You're a regular laugh riot, my friend.
Come here.
Excuse me.
Don't start with me, Brandon.
Not here and not now.
You know what the worst part about this is? I really like Toni.
Yeah, you're not the only one.
Look who's here.
Whoa, lady in red.
I'm suddenly feeling very underdressed.
Ah, she's just showing off.
She's got a lot to show off.
Do I detect a twinge of jealousy? When you're dating a guy whose ex-girlfriend happens to be a cover girl, you tend to get a little self-conscious.
That's all I'm saying.
Kelly looks absolutely stunning tonight, doesn't she? I really hadn't noticed.
I was too busy looking at you.
Good answer.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Don.
- Hi, Donna.
- Hi, Donna.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Oh, don't worry about it.
Where's Ray? He was gonna pick me up, but there's some big pileup on the 405.
He should be here soon.
Well, that's what you get for dating someone from Reseda.
You Westside snob.
I'll tell you what, Donna.
Why don't you grab an hors d'oeuvre or something? I'll be right back.
Deserting me so soon? Well, nature calls.
Where's David? Isn't he coming? He called.
He isn't feeling well.
Excuse me.
I'm gonna go check something out in the kitchen.
I feel like we should be doing something for David.
I agree, but what? I wish I knew.
Is this an Antista? The last one I saw was in New York at the Whitney.
I see it as a celebration of line and form.
The negative space creating a visual magnetism and tensegritous relationship between the tangent points.
In other words? It makes me horny.
Can I help you? I'm sorry.
I know I'm not supposed to be up here.
I just had to see something.
What's that? This is my father.
I know.
I know who you are.
Does Marchette? Of course.
Does Toni? I met your father.
You're a lot like him.
I don't know exactly how to take that.
Obviously, not everybody thought that much of my dad.
He was always right by me.
I think you should go back to the dinner party.
One more thing, Dylan.
Antonia's like a daughter to me.
Don't forget that.
David, if you're in there, please open up.
David! He's not in there.
What do you guys do, draw straws or something? Excuse me? Never mind.
Listen, I just wanted to see how you were.
I haven't seen you around for awhile.
Yeah, well, I kinda want to eat this while it's hot, and I'm not really in the mood for any company.
David, wait.
How's your mom doing? Never better.
You want something to eat? Um, no, thanks.
Listen, I know what you're going through.
Yeah, sure.
No, I really do.
A couple of months before I moved out to L.
, my father committed suicide.
I'm sorry.
You're scared, huh? Yeah.
Me, too.
Listen, why don't you come with me? I want to show you something.
Look, I'm really not in the mood to go anywhere or see anyone right now.
Do this for me.
Come on.
Get your jacket.
I'll take you for a ride.
Come on.
So what now? Did you know they have a mouse problem at the Peach Pit? What? Yeah, Nat's going crazy.
They keep setting traps, but the mouse keeps stealing the cheese.
Isn't that a riot? That's hysterical.
I kinda feel sorry for the mouse, though.
Look, Val, I really don't care, okay? I don't care about the Peach Pit.
I don't care about mice.
I don't care about anything right now.
What are we doing here? You'll see.
I found this place the first week I was here in L.
Yeah, it's a great view.
The view's not what I come here for.
You coming? Would you get back over here? There's slides all the time.
That's right.
The bottom can fall out from under you without any warning at all.
Just like life.
Scared? Yeah, I'm scared.
If you want to end it here's your chance.
If you want to jump, go ahead.
I won't stop you.
What's the matter? Scared to die or scared to live? You know when the demons get too close, the ones that say that I'm going to end up like my father, I come here for a gut check.
I don't want to die.
I know.
Toni, this was a perfect end to a perfect evening.
Thank you.
I just wish Ray could've made it.
Well, he tried.
Just got too late.
It is late.
We should get going.
Hey, Nat, could we get a check over here, please.
Yeah, I'll split that with you, chief, although I'm not even sure exactly why I showed up.
Believe me, it wasn't exactly a cakewalk for me either.
Then why don't you do something about it.
Tell Toni the truth.
I'm going to.
I'm just waiting for the right time.
Would that be before or after she falls in love with you? Willie, check the trap.
I think we got him.
No luck.
You little rat.
I'm gonna smash him when I get my hands on him.
Nat, Nat, Nat.
- You're handling this all wrong.
- I am? Why, Donna? You got a better mousetrap? As a matter of fact I do.
Perhaps you guys should stand back.
I think I saw him go over here behind the jukebox.
What are you gonna do? Oh, it's very, very scientific.
Come here, mousie.
Come here, yeah.
Is this the little mouse you guys were scared of? Get him out of here! Bye-bye, Mr.
Have a nice life.
Good night, guys.
Good night, Don.
You sure got a way with the critters, I'll tell you.
Good night, Donna.
You're my hero.
Bye, guys.
Bye, Donna.
And you're my hero, Nat.
Don't you get any ideas, Willie.
Well, there you go.
Door to door service.
I had a really good time tonight.
Who would have thought? Well, lots of women actually.
Not that I want to pat myself on the back.
I'll do it for you, Steve.
You're a stud.
You know, Clare, I'm not just another dumb blonde.
I know.
And just because you're not that great in math, doesn't mean you're not smart.
I'm not that great at English, either.
I can tutor you in any subject you want, Steve.
Except one.
So, what do I say to her? You know what to say to her.
I'm nervous, okay? Don't be.
She's your mother.
What if I can't get through to her? Just tell her what we talked about.
All the things I didn't get the chance to tell my dad.
What about the, uh, shock treatment stuff? I don't know.
Let the doctors worry about that.
You just worry about her heart, not her head.
Uh, thanks a lot for everything.
I don't know what I would have done tonight if you hadn't come to drag me out of the house.
Well, you're a crazy person, David.
It takes one to know one.
Now go on in there.
Hey, Mom.
Look, I know you don't want to talk to me right now and that's fine, because you don't have to look at me for me to talk to you.
I know you're going through a lot right now and believe me, I know it's not your fault, but I got to tell you something.
I want you to live.
It's real important to me.
We've got a lot to look forward to.
I mean, think about it.
Someday, I'll be married and have kids, and you'll be a grandmother.
You got to get better for us to share those things together.
Dad told me what what they want to do to you.
And I know it sounds scary, but the doctor thinks there's a real good chance it could make you better.
Mom, you've got to give it a chance please.
Do it for me.
Do it for us.
Give me your hand.
Will you be there when I wake up? I want your face to be the first one that I see.
Yeah, I'll be here.
Now you better go home and get some sleep.
You look as if you could use it.
Good night, Mom.
Good night, David.
You looked like a million bucks tonight.
Really? You think so? Come on.
I swear I saw Dylan and Brandon's eyes pop out of their heads.
Well, as it turns out, I'm much more interested in what you think.
Well, I think I love you.
Stay the night? I brought my toothbrush.
"Dear Valerie, "Jim and I are so sorry to hear that you're having to go through "all those horrible memories again.
"I pray that as the years go by, "your recollections of the past will soften.
"I can assure you, you're not just a survivor, "you're a fighter.
"And as you grow older, "those things that tear at your soul "will make you a stronger and more loving person.
Best to you and Brandon, Love Cindy and Jim.
" Hey, Val.
Hey, how did it go? You missed a great party.
I didn't mean the party I meant Susan.
So, that's all the dirt I'm gonna get, huh? What can I say, I'm a gentleman.
Well, your mom raised you right.
You know, she's a very wise woman.
She had her moments.
Well, I'm tired.
Hey Val, you going to be okay? Yeah.
I may actually get some sleep tonight.
Good night.
Good night.
You don't have to be afraid anymore.

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