Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) s07e30 Episode Script

Senior Week

clare! -Hey.
-Hi! Did you finish your exams? Yeah, l just did.
Did you? No, one more.
Then all l have to do is go home and watch Kelly and Brandon kissy-face all over the house.
Well, l don't think she'll be too into that.
Her dad's here.
The famous Bill Taylor is here? You know him? Well, l heard about him from colin.
Apparently Kelly's coke problem started after he disappointed her about moving here.
Yeah, l wondered about that.
Well, hopefully, things have changed.
She's supposed to have dinner with him tonight.
oh, good for her.
Do you mean that? What do you think? l hope he cancels on her? Do you? -Hey.
Sorry l'm late.
Traffic was terrible.
That's okay.
You saved us a trip.
oh, no, no, don't tell me, she canceled? l thought Wednesday was doctor golf day.
No, no, she did not cancel.
We just don't have to go.
Why not? l'm not pregnant.
Are you sure? l got my period.
Why it took so long l have no idea, but better late than never.
Well, you must be, uh, you must be relieved.
l am.
You're not? No, no, l am, l am.
lt's just l don't know, l guess part of me is sad.
This is a good thing, Brandon.
l know it's a good thing, it's a good thing.
But do you have to be so happy about it? That's not all.
My dad called, he's in town overnight, and we're gonna have dinner.
l thought maybe it'd be a good chance for us to start over.
Well, that is good news.
lt's a good day.
Yep, one of my best.
And nothing is going to ruin it.
So, Steve, what are you gonna do after college? What do you think, Steve? -Uh, law school? -No.
-Medical school? -Not! Business school? Drive-thru employee? Fry guy! l could be the fry guy.
Even Silver has got a business to run.
You know what, l'm the one who's roasting your award-winning hide this afternoon.
The more you say to bring me down can and will be used against you this afternoon.
Don't listen to him, all right? The outstanding Student Award is awesome.
-Thanks, but if l'd known a roast was involved, l would've gladly turned it down.
What, and deny me the opportunity to embarrass you within an inch of your life? Mm-hmm.
-Some friend you are.
-Well, go ahead.
Sanders, take your best shot.
l'd love to give you a preview, but l have a meeting regarding my future.
Mm-hmm, with a headhunter? No, my dad.
He said it's very, very important.
Really, what's it about? Well, l think l can sum it up in two words: junior partner.
Two more words.
-Unemployment line.
-copy that.
Hey, is my dad here? He just called to say he's running late at a meeting off campus.
He wanted me to ask you to wait, if that's okay? Yeah.
l just want to tell him l finished exams.
lsn't it exciting? Mm-hmm.
l wish l was going to Paris.
oh, l thought, l thought you meant about graduation.
oh, that, too.
But l was talking about your dad leaving cU.
Pardon? Teaching at the Sorbonne sounds so romantic.
With annual sales of $1 .
2 million and an inventory of $300,000, -how often -Every three months.
would a retailer rebuy its inventory? You know, Donna, there is such a thing as over-preparing.
Not for a final in Professor Langely's class.
Well, here you go.
ln case you get hungry.
oh, thanks.
You're welcome.
So, you know what? l was thinking l l think l made a good choice buying the After Dark.
Sure you did.
Well, l mean, everyone's talking about how scary it is after college.
You know, the uncertainty.
But the club's going good, we're going good.
l don't know, everything, uh, seems to be working right.
Well, except for the fact that, uh, my lease is up on my place.
Kinda trying to ask you something.
How would you feel about getting an apartment with me? What?! or maybe l could, uh, just stay at the beach apartment for the summer.
No, David, l can't deal with this right now.
l can't believe you would drop this on me an hour before a major exam.
Bad timing.
Sorry l asked.
David, l'm sorry.
Hi, please, come in.
Have a seat.
l should apologize.
Bill only recently decided to open up an L.
This is our temporary office.
Well, l was hoping that Mr.
Taylor was gonna be here.
Kelly's roommate said that he was in town.
He is? Uh, of course he is.
He's on Rodeo right now, supervising the setup of our permanent space.
But if you would like, l will arrange for us to have dinner tonight.
That'd be great.
consider it done.
Meantime, how about we get down to business? Yep.
These authorize your investment in lnternational capital Associates.
Your cash goes into a money market first.
And then once Bill Taylor gives me the say-so, we start pumping your money where it'll get the best return.
Sounds wonderful.
But l'm gonna have to get the money to you later today.
You didn't bring a check? No.
See, the bank won't clear the proceeds of the sale until later this afternoon.
ls that a problem? No, no.
lt's just that Mr.
Taylor doesn't like conducting business dinners.
He would much rather we settle everything ahead of time.
Well, as soon as the money clears, l can come back here and give you the check.
Tell you what, l'm going to be between meetings in Beverly Hills around 4:00.
can you meet me at Joe's? Sure can.
Dad! Hey, Steve, how are you, son? All right.
How're you doing? oh, it's good to see you.
Hey, Nat.
Hey, Rush, how are ya? come on, sit down.
-So -Uh-huh? how's business? Business is just great.
l need you to do something for me, though.
l'm your man.
Well, it's a little bit sensitive, but l figure, since you're going out with the chancellor's daughter, you may have an inside track.
What are you talking about? The condor crest.
The alumni award? The big one? l'm dying to find out if l'm in the running.
Are you serious? l mean, is that what this big meeting was about? Well, it is a very prestigious honor, son.
Look, if you don't want clare to ask her father if l won, it's okay.
l No, l'll ask her.
l'd be happy to ask her.
lt's just l had this ridiculous idea that we came here to talk about me.
You did? Well, as luck would have it, l didn't come here empty-handed.
Hmm consider this an early graduation present.
l am very, very proud of you.
l'm very proud of me, too.
Books? Biographies of Bill Gates and Lee lacocca.
Thick books.
This is an incredibly exciting time for you.
Thick books with no pictures.
Son, you're going out into the world without a safety net.
And l was hoping that those stories of other self-made men will inspire my son to great things.
Did you say no safety net? Not a stitch.
From now on you're on your own.
The test is both multiple choice and essay.
You will have 90 minutes.
lf you haven't learned the material by now, you're not going to learn it.
l should remind you that this test will count for 75 percent of your final grade.
Good luck, everyone.
You may now begin.
This test will count for 75 percent of your final grade.
This test will count for 75 percent of your final grade.
This test This test Miss Martin, l said you should begin.
This test will count for 75 percent of your final grade.
This test will count for Miss Martin ln case you weren't listening, your semester grade depends almost entirely on how well you do on this test.
l'm sorry.
l had no idea going on the pill required all these tests.
Usually, it doesn't.
But when l first examined you, l noticed some irregularities.
Well, that's an unpleasant word.
l ran a pregnancy test.
lt was positive.
But that's impossible.
l told you l got my period.
Actually, you didn't.
You miscarried.
What? oh, my God.
l can't believe it.
Are you saying that this happened this morning? Kelly, the ultrasound showed abnormalities on your ovaries and fallopian tubes.
l'm only 22.
supposed to miscarry.
Have you had backaches or painful periods recently? Kelly, this is important.
Um yes.
l, l guess so.
l'd like to run more tests right away.
Why? You may have a fertility problem.
l don't understand this.
l got pregnant, didn't l? one second you're telling me l miscarried, the next second you're telling me l'm infertile.
There are certain conditions which may make getting pregnant difficult.
And if you do get pregnant, make carrying the child to term less likely.
Are you telling me that l may never be able to have children? Kelly, l know this is confusing and hard to hear.
lt's also preliminary, which is why l'd like to run some tests.
can you stay? Kelly? Yeah.
Uh, yeah, sure.
Want some Monster punch? No thanks.
come on, clare, l made it myself.
After all, as of this morning, l'm a self-made man.
l thought with exams over, you'd be a happy drunk.
Well, l would have, but my dad cut me off.
He did? ''l'm so proud of you son, l've decided to ruin your life.
'' Well, my dad dropped a pretty big bombshell on me, too.
Yeah, well, mine's thermonuclear.
Mine, too.
He's moving to Paris.
''Paris''? Ouj, What is with our dads? Don't they know that we're fully capable of messing up our own lives without their help? He asked me to go with him.
What'd you tell him? Nothing.
l mean, he just mentioned it.
l'm kind of nervous about him being there alone though.
Well, what about me being alone here? lt's different.
You always choose him over me.
l haven't chosen anything.
Not yet.
But you will.
And when you do, l'm the one who's going to get the bon voyage.
Hey, you're here early.
Was the test that easy? Not exactly.
Look, Donna, if what we talked about in the library -freaked you out -l walked out.
What, what does that mean? lt means l walked out.
Without answering a question.
lt means l failed the test.
But how? l mean, you knew the material.
l can't explain it, l l just, l completely froze.
oh, Don l don't know what happened.
l mean, maybe l guess l should have studied a little bit harder.
That's ridiculous.
You could have aced that test.
l know.
What's wrong with me? l don't know.
Unless maybe you didn't want to pass it.
What are you talking about? l don't know, l just l get this funny feeling like maybe maybe you did it on purpose.
David, you know, l'm not going to graduate now.
lt's an easy way to not move on with your life or with me.
oh, this, this is great.
Just kick me while l'm down.
Don, l'm sorry.
But why else would you walk out? lt just, it seems like an excuse to not live with me.
So, uh, are we still on for dinner? Yes, you and l are.
Taylor won't be able to make it.
Why not? He already had plans.
But he sends his apologies.
To tell the truth, l can't say l'm disappointed.
Wait, l'm not putting my money in Bill Taylor's lnvestments without meeting Bill Taylor.
Valerie, it's the man behind the man that's going to be taking care of your money.
Well, how much confidence can l have in you if you can't even set up a dinner? l can get you a meeting.
l'm just surprised at how badly you want one.
Hasn't Kelly told you how much time her father spends away from the office? She hasn't mentioned it.
Red wine? -Yeah.
-Two red wines.
off the record.
Guy's got the life.
He spends a lot of time playing golf, and hires people who make him look like a financial genius.
Well, it sounds pretty genius.
Yeah, if you're the one on the back nine.
Kelly really hasn't said anything about me? No, she hasn't.
To tell you the truth, um, Kelly and l aren't really friends.
Then why would you want to invest with her dad? He's good, but so are a lot of other people.
Well, uh, off the record? Shoot.
To drive Kelly nuts.
Not about the investing, but having some sort of relationship with her dad.
You want to be friends with Bill Taylor? Yeah.
And l thought l was ambitious.
Look, l don't know if this helps, but, uh, l never told Mr.
Taylor that you and Kelly were friends.
l wanted him to take you seriously.
Well, l appreciate that.
Well, you know, you did something for me.
So l'm going to do something for you.
Here's the hundred thousand dollars.
But l still want that meeting.
Fastest way to get in to see Bill, call him yourself.
oh, yeah, this is one hell of a roast, huh? Thank you.
And now, for our next roastee: Brandon Walsh.
ln addition to being an outstanding Student Award winner, he's a Dryer Fellow, former Condor columnist, past president of the Student Government.
Disgustingly perfect, am l right? And how do we know? 'cause the rest of us are not perfect.
lf we were, well, then Brandon would be just average.
The less perfect we are, the better he looks.
Put this guy next to a total failure, and he's a star.
You're nothing without me, Brandon.
l got the grades you don't want, the girls you've already had, and the future you'll never have.
Like everything else, you picked the perfect best friend.
A total schmo.
l made you what you are, Brandon.
And l expect payback.
So when you're elected senator, raise the minimum wage.
l'm sure l'm gonna need it.
So, you guys, if the big man on campus buddies up to you, you're a geek.
The guy most likely to succeed is your best friend, well, then, all l can say is, ''Welcome to my personal hell.
'' lt's all yours, Brandon.
Thank you, Steve, for those incredibly depressing remarks.
You know, l had a whole speech prepared.
You know the type: what college has meant, what l see for our futures the basics.
But listening to my friend over here, l realized there's something much more important that l need to do.
And that is nip the Save Steve Sanders Movement right in the bud.
Yeah! You see, my good friend Steve's idea of minimum wage is any income he makes above and beyond his trust fund.
And his definition of a ''have not'' is someone whose father buys him a new corvette only every other year.
See, for Steve, hard work is putting down the toilet seat, and success is defined by how much work he can actually get out of doing.
Which of course makes Steve Sanders, my best friend, and also the most successful man l know.
Thank you very much.
Great roast, you guys.
The band will be back in ten minutes.
Steve, l'm sorry if l was a little rough on you, man.
l thought we were kidding around.
Yeah, at my expense.
Hey, you set the table.
We're here to roast you, not me.
could you feel a little more sorry for yourself? oh, yeah, watch me.
oh, come on, Steve, what're you doing? l've got some pain to kill, okay? We all got problems.
cutting yourself shaving doesn't count, Brandon.
You know what, Steve? The roast is over.
l'll see you later.
Hey! Hey, l'm not done with you! Hey, Steve, that wasn't bad.
lt wasn't quite in the tuck position, but l think you'll get sevens across the board.
Weren't you just leaving, Brandon? That's right, l was.
What are you looking at? Nothing, l'm just Here, l want to help you.
l don't need any help, clare.
l'm fine.
l'm having fun here.
Hey, babe.
-l didn't think you were gonna make it.
Where've you been? Uh, sorry l'm late.
l was at the doctor.
Sorry if l missed the roast.
What were you doing at the doctor? You knew l scheduled for the pregnancy test.
l also knew you didn't need it.
l went because l wanted to go on the pill.
The last couple days have been awful.
l didn't want us sweating it out like that again.
Even if it meant being doubly protected.
That's cool.
Thanks for doing that.
When l was there, the doctor did some tests.
l was pregnant after all.
What l thought was my period, wasn't.
l was miscarrying.
come on, let me get you out of here and get you home.
No, no, that's okay.
l wanted you to know, but l really need to just be alone for a while.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, whatever you need.
You know, l l don't want you to take this the wrong way, but, you did say that right now wasn't a good time for us to have a child, remember? And you know this, this whole thing has made me look forward to the family we will have together someday.
Did l mention it takes six to make a hockey team? We're not going to have a family, Brandon.
Well, l, l mean, assuming we're still together and everything.
That's not what l mean.
Well, what do you mean? We're not going to have a family because l can't give you one.
The doctor told me l probably can't have children.
Hey want to dance? No.
You want to tell me what you're thinking? Sure you have the time? l wouldn't want you to miss your flight to Paris.
l never said l was going.
Why are you being such a jerk? Thanks for all the support, clare.
We're all under pressure here.
Wanting to move on, but not wanting to leave, you know? Sometimes l, l wish we could just stay like this forever.
And the other times? l'm sorry if l underestimated your reaction to the possibility of my going away, but the reality is, we're all graduating next week, things are gonna change.
-l'm sorry to bother you.
-What's this about Miss Martin? l have finals to grade.
l want another chance.
of course you do.
l know the material.
Your chance to prove that to me was this morning.
Look, if l don't pass, l don't graduate.
l'm sorry.
You should have thought about that before walking out.
Now if you'll excuse me.
No, please, Professor Langely.
You have to give me another chance.
Why? Because you have the gall to ask for one? Because l can pass the test.
Then why didn't you? Hello.
oh, hello? Uh, l'm calling Valerie Malone.
Uh, this is Valerie.
Miss Malone, l'm, uh, Bill Taylor.
And l have no idea what l've done to deserve such lovely flowers, but whatever it is, you're very welcome.
Well, it's not what you've done, but what l hope you're going to do.
l'm an investor.
Are you? Yeah.
Listen, l don't mean to be forward, but l'd really like to meet the man that l've entrusted my life savings with.
Hmm, uh, your note mentions dinner tonight.
Unfortunately, l already have plans.
But let me assure you, your money will be well cared for.
Well, that's what Kelly tells me.
-You know Kelly? -Know her? We're really good friends.
She's the one who told me to invest with you.
l'm surprised she hasn't mentioned it.
Well, maybe she'll say something about it tonight.
She's the one l'm having dinner with.
oh gosh, l, l'm really sorry.
l, l feel like a complete idiot, asking you to cancel on Kelly.
Uh l'll tell you what.
Um l'm meeting Kelly here at my hotel at 8:00.
How about you and l meet at 7:30.
get work out of the way, and when Kelly arrives we can all have a drink together before dinner? Well, l'd love to, but l-l don't want to impose.
oh, nonsense.
Helping out a friend of Kelly's is no imposition.
l'll see you tonight.
l look forward to it.
l know you wanted to be alone, but l tried calling.
l turned off the ringer.
You going somewhere? Dinner with dad.
oh, that's right.
l forgot.
Kel, what's going on? l don't really want to talk about it, Brandon, okay? l think l have a right to know.
l have something called endometriosis.
lt makes getting pregnant difficult.
Difficult but not impossible.
lt obstructs the fallopian tubes, making it harder for them to pick up eggs.
No eggs.
No babies.
But you were pregnant.
Yeah, but the endometriosis is probably what caused me to miscarry.
And how often is that? So that means 60o/o of the time they don't.
l'll take those odds.
You're not listening to me here, Brandon.
l miscarried.
l lost a child.
You have no idea what that feels like.
So don't talk to me about odds, okay? Yesterday something was alive inside of me, and today it's dead.
You're right.
l'm sorry.
Kel this doesn't change anything.
l wish l could believe that.
You can.
lt's the truth.
Brandon, you've spent all week talking to me about how much you love children.
How can you be happy in a relationship with someone who can't give you any? Because l love you.
lf you're expecting an apology l'm not.
l asked Langely if l could retake the test.
That took guts.
Well, l told her what you told me.
That l walked out because l was scared of moving on.
ls that the truth? l'm terrified.
Well don't be afraid of me.
l mean, of everything else, sure.
lt's understandable, but, l mean, our, our relationship is the only thing about finishing school that doesn't scare me.
And that's the thing that scares me the most.
l don't know what l would do without you.
Donna, you're not gonna have to worry about that.
So, uh, what did Professor Langely say? That l'm on for 9:00 a.
tomorrow morning.
Great, that gives us about 12 hours.
Go grab your books, l'll put on some coffee.
David, you don't have to do this.
l know.
oh, thank you.
Going to college full-time and running a successful business.
-That's very impressive.
-Well, l think l have a real head for business.
once the proceeds of the sale of the After Dark are invested with you, l'll be looking for other opportunities.
Well, if you hit on something, let me know.
l'm always, uh, looking to help start-up ventures.
Aw, that's very generous of you, but l've already imposed enough.
No, Valerie, l told you, for a friend of Kelly's, there's no such thing.
l'm sorry.
l just can't believe l'm sitting across from Bill Taylor.
Well, l had no idea l had a reputation that preceded me.
Well, you do.
Derek speaks very highly of you.
Derek Driscoll? lf half of what he says is true, l know my life savings is in the right hands.
How do you know Derek? Right over -there, miss.
-Thank you.
oh, Kelly, honey.
Hi, sweetheart.
How's my girl, huh? Valerie, what the hell are you doing here? Um, it's nice to see you, too.
Just having dinner with my financial adviser.
l thought we were having dinner.
We are, honey.
Uh, uh, Valerie called about some, uh, investment advice earlier, and l told her to meet me here.
You invited her? Yeah, l thought it would be fun.
l never get a chance to spend any time with your friends.
My friends.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
No, l don't think so.
Look, uh, honey, l should have called you and told you about this.
Now, l caught you by surprise.
l'm sorry.
Look, why don't you sit down, and we'll all have dinner together, huh? Sounds good.
Kel? Valerie, excuse me.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Hey, Steve, you up? No.
Huh? What are you doing here? Brandon let me in.
Listen, if you haven't talked to clare about that, uh well, my alumni award, you don't have to.
oh, great, that's a relief.
Don't you want to know why? No.
Well, l'm going to tell you.
l got it.
They're giving it to me.
That's great, Dad.
l'm really happy for you.
oh, yeah, l can see that.
Well, l just don't understand how you can be so excited about some stupid award after what you did to me.
What l did to you? You cut me off.
Gave me a few books and told me to have a nice life.
You took away my security.
ooh oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Excuse me, young man.
l put you through college.
That is your security.
Well, thanks for nothing.
Steve son l am what l am because of cU.
That's why l stay so involved.
lt's why that-that, uh ''stupid award'' means so much to me.
lt's also why l know you're gonna be just fine.
oh, that's comforting.
lt should be.
Look, you got a problem, you give me a call later.
l got to get back to the office.
We're breaking in a new junior partner.
come on, take care.
Dodgers won.
Saw that.
Three runs on two hits.
They did the little things.
You know, advanced the runner, hit and run.
Stuff that doesn't show up in the box score.
Kind of like you freaking out yesterday.
You know, l would explain that to you, but you wouldn't understand.
How could you let Rush in? Was he on the list of undesirables? l didn't realize.
How could you do that to me? Brandon, you have everything.
You've got grades, girls, a future.
Must be tough being a Beverly Hills bonus baby.
Must make being a guy from Minnesota with little margin of error look pretty easy, huh? You do make it look easy.
Well, look a little closer, Steve.
lf l fail, l've got no safety net.
Step out on that ledge with me one time, and then talk to me about easy, okay? So, how do you do it without a safety net? l do have a safety net, Steve.
My friends.
And sure, they're frustrating and annoying sometimes, but l don't know what l'd do without them.
What about after we graduate? We're graduating from school, bro, not from each other.
So, that means l'm stuck with your ugly face.
The feeling's entirely mutual.
With minimal knowledge, consumers rely primarily on? Name brand, price, quality, image of the store.
Tell me the three methods of developing designer label merchandise.
Three methods? That's what l said.
Well, um companies can make exclusive outlet deals.
And they can pay a premium for the product.
Um l'm not sure of the other.
You have ten seconds.
l don't know a third method.
Why not? l don't understand this.
l studied so hard, and l only know two.
Relax, Ms.
There are only two.
Then why did you ask me for three? l wanted to see how you'd handle uncertainty, misinformation; it's a part of life.
lt's also a part of this business.
Why are you so mean to me? Now is not the time.
Next question.
No, l don't like being treated this way.
Why are you out to get me? l'm tough on all my students.
That's the only way any of you are gonna survive in this field.
l've been particularly tough on you, because you've got what it takes to actually make a career in fashion.
-l do? -Yes, you do.
You're very, very talented.
l think you're a natural.
And if you're afraid of the next step, you shouldn't be.
'cause if anyone's ready for it, you are.
All you lack is confidence.
Now, can we get on with the next question? Fire away.
Got a minute? Are you going to Paris, clare? lt's tempting.
lt is Paris.
Are you going? No.
l'm not.
Then l've got a minute.
You know, l might have gone if you reacted differently.
Well l'll have to act like a maniac more often.
lt showed me that you cared, and l was touched.
So, no on Paris? What are you going to do? You're asking me about the future? That's a switch.
Well, l figure four years of living for the moment, l figure it's time l ought to plan ahead.
Although l'm not exactly sure how to do that.
Would it help if we did it together? Yeah.
lt would.
congratulations, Ms.
You did great.
Well, thanks to you.
No, you did the work.
You deserve the credit.
l simply believed in you.
Now, it's time you start to believe in yourself.
l'll never forget you.
They all say that.
You will.
What's going on? Nothing.
Just trying to forget about yesterday.
Yeah, l know we didn't discuss it, but, uh, l kind of thought you'd come over last night after dinner.
Not after what happened.
What'd your father do this time? lt wasn't just my dad this time.
When l got to the restaurant, Valerie was there having dinner with him.
Valerie and your father, how did that happen? l don't know.
And l don't really care.
l just can't decide who l hate more.
oh, babe.
l'm sorry.
You know, Brandon, you've always stuck with me through all the tough times.
Well, that's not going to change.
l know.
oh, Valerie.
Thank you so much for coming.
Thank you for inviting me.
After last night, l wasn't sure that you'd ever want to see me again.
You know, l wanted to invest with you so badly that l guess l kind of overstated my friendship with Kelly.
oh, no, no, no, no, please.
l'm the one that owes an apology.
l didn't think she'd get that upset.
So did she tell you why? No, she wouldn't talk to me.
We're not as close as l'd like to be.
Yeah, l was never very close with my dad before he died, either.
Let's get back to business, shall we? l was starting to tell you about Derek Driscoll.
Ah, he's a real charmer, a hustler.
Probably brings in a lot of business.
He hasn't worked for me in over three months.
What do you mean? He's not on salary or something? Just works on commission? He doesn't work for me at all.
But that's impossible.
Not since l caught him embezzling money from clients.
Driscoll is a crook, Valerie.
He talks people into giving him their money, and then he disappears.
No, no, no, wait see l met him here, in your L.
l don't have an L.
l gave him a hundred thousand dollars.
That's all the money l have.
l mean, without it, l have nothing.
l am so sorry.
l just wish there was something l could do.
Absolutely nothing.
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