Black Butterflies (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Come here.
Oh, shit.
Jesus Christ, my back.
You want some?
We kept quiet.
All right?
Ten years of construction work for me.
And for Solange,
the sale of her mother's house
after she passed away.
A nest egg, as we say.
Because we love Marrakesh.
They're just so welcoming.
They're completely different
from the ones we have here.
- Is the temperature okay?
- Yes, fine.
It was a business.
Not one of those new downtown salons,
but but it was ours.
I just need a trim.
And no one here knew us,
the little bastards from the sticks.
- Start with the neck?
- Sure, go for it.
- I'd like the usual.
- Perfect.
So she trained me.
And let me tell you a big secret. It
It really isn't that difficult.
Or maybe I had a knack for it.
- So, what do you think?
- It's perfect.
Very good.
I want your love ♪
I need your love ♪
I'll share my dreams ♪
And make you see ♪
I'm really there ♪
Your love I need ♪
I want your love ♪
I need your love ♪
Just like the birds ♪
Need sky above ♪
Your love I need ♪
A new life.
Simple, ordinary.
Damn, life was good.
Life was so good.
The Black Lion is having a soirée.
Wanna go?
No, I don't want to see anyone else.
Just you.
She won't come. Let's go.
Just five minutes.
- I'm not so sure anymore, Albert.
- Hold on.
Trust me, okay?
We talked about it. We agreed, didn't we?
We're fine the way we are, you and me.
And the salon?
Did you think about the salon?
It's It's just us two.
That's all.
And no one else.
Look at other people, how it changes them.
They stop loving each other.
You know that's not what we want.
We want to love each other forever.
Always, right?
Say it.
Say it.
No one followed you?
- No.
- Come in.
You, help.
Come on, quick.
Now, lay down.
- How long?
- Two months.
Move down.
Is it going to hurt?
Leave us, please.
No, I'm staying.
No, you can't.
- Yes, I can.
- He stays.
Well, you're here. Hold her!
August '72.
Our first holiday. Well-deserved.
I know.
- Let go! It's mine! Hey, don't pull on it.
- Oh, come on!
You break it, I swear to God.
This is nice.
Watch. Butterfly.
Excuse me.
Allow me to introduce myself.
Steven Powell.
What's up?
Life is just one great adventure.
I insist that you at least
allow me to buy you lunch.
Come, we'll take my car.
I don't know.
Well, come on in!
Welcome home!
Rasoio. These are high quality.
Oh, what are you? A barber?
You a photographer, Steven?
Some champagne?
- Of course, some champagne.
- Well, of course!
Real man!
Ah, Castelbajac!
Try it on if you want.
There you go, there you go!
All of it! Last drop! Last drop!
Come here!
Oh, wow.
Oh, not bad.
Hold your glass like that.
Wait. What are you doing?
Oh, that's very good.
That death stare of yours?
I almost feel spooked.
Hey, kiss each other.
I'm not here, okay? Just
Come on!
Let's make love here. Come on, now.
Love her to death. Come on.
To death.
Oh, man! Yes!
There it is. There it is.
Okay, stand up.
Come with me. Leave your wife.
She's on her own. Look at her.
Right there. She's happy like that.
- Okay, you, hold this up there. Up there.
- Okay.
- Ping, ping, ping!
- Okay.
You understand "ping"?
Your wife is gorgeous,
you know that, Albert?
You got a special one.
All right, Solange. Come here.
There you go.
That's it. Very good.
Oh, she could have a great career.
In exchange for what? Uh
Some small sacrifices, of course, but
There we go.
Yeah, that's it, like this.
This is great.
That's it.
Solange, go to the sofa and lie back.
You are so gorgeous.
Oh, this is sublime!
Oh my God! Okay.
Yeah, okay. Move your hand there.
With your hand like this. Like this.
Like this. Yeah, that's it. Okay.
That's it. Oh, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Perfect. Thank you.
Just keep going with me.
Stay with me. Stay with me here.
- No!
- Get off me!
There's only you.
Mrs. Mercier, early as usual.
Yes, always.
How was your vacation?
It was quite exciting.
So, what would you like today?
Could you believe what he did? That pig.
Just like all those motherfuckers.
He got what he deserved.
Only I had to do the dirty work, okay?
That's what I would've told the cops
if they had caught me, but
they never did.
And now it's too late.
The statute of limitations is over.
I'm saying this in case you want to
bring the law into this story.
But you do whatever you want anyway.
I don't give a damn.
'Cause I'm gonna croak.
And I don't give a damn about that either.
The only thing I care about
is finishing the story for Solange.
I don't believe a single word of this.
I don't know who you took me for,
but you can find someone else
to tell your stories.
That's it for me. I'm done.
And I'm keeping the money.
You got a problem with that,
call the cops.
You are?
Well, at my place. Pleasure.
Surprise! Abi, Mody. Mody, Abi.
Now you two know each other, huh?
If you say so, Julien.
- How are you doing?
- I'm well.
My really name is Abigail,
but everybody calls me Abi.
Abigail, you know, like in the Bible?
She's one of the wives of King David.
One of the four most beautiful
women in the world.
- If only they knew how right they were.
- Hm.
How are you, honey?
Come on, you could at least
try to pretend you're happy to see me.
I mean, just from
a professional perspective.
Because I have many writers,
but you only have one publisher, right?
Hang on. It's not about that.
I'm happy to see you,
but you never come to Roubaix.
There something going on?
Oh, really You really happy to see me?
'Cause it doesn't seem like it.
Oh, sit down. Come on.
All right.
Okay. There, I'm sitting.
- Wine?
- Perfect.
Well, now, uh,
what are you up to at the moment?
Because when you stop calling to whine,
it means something's cooking.
Just constructing and deconstructing.
Okay then, I suggest we jump straight
into the real discussion.
I read it.
All right. What did you read?
Well, The Story
of Albert and Solange.
By the way, you'll have to find
a better title, because
The Story of Albert and Solange
is not much of a title.
The Bastards.
Catchy. The Bastards, huh?
Okay, fine, look.
Nora sent me the first chapters.
It's not the end of the world.
Fuck, I knew you'd make a fuss
if I said it was awful, but
but I don't think so.
Adrien, it's incredible.
It's It's beautiful,
it's forceful, it's romantic,
it's innocent, it's disturbing.
It's a work of pure A pure Mody.
The comeback. Holy shit.
That scene at the beach. Fuck!
I got fucking blown away.
And I have a feeling you got something
in store for those little bastards.
I can just feel it when I read it.
I know you.
Focus on your work.
Also, I made some phone calls.
Henri can free up some cash.
- Stop your bullshit jobs with old farts
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Be right back, okay?
Well shit.
He's such a pain.
Could've been worse.
Does he look all right to you?
What are you up to?
What am I up to?
What's up is, one,
you're doing things behind my back.
But that's how you do things now.
And two, I'm quitting writing that book.
- So stop with your little schemes, okay?
- What are you saying?
I stopped!
What's it that you don't understand?
- What do you care?
- But have you even thought this through?
You've been going downhill
these last years, believing in nothing.
Everything you do bores you.
To you, everything is shit.
And when you finally write
something great, and everyone tells you,
you're giving up again?
Please, Adrien, this isn't like you.
Actually, it's not about you.
It's not just about you.
It's about us. We're We're stuck, okay?
Do you even realize that,
or are you just totally out of touch?
Or do you just not care?
Do you? Come on.
We've stopped evolving.
When that happens, we die.
It's just the law of nature, you know?
Do you understand, Nora?
I'm not writing that book.
Yeah, but you haven't even explained why.
Please don't do that.
- When you were writing A Great Silence
- Jesus!
A Great Silence was a fluke! You got that?
Everybody fell for it! Me most of all!
I want to go back to the way things were.
And what about opening a bar?
We can enjoy life. How 'bout it?
Everything I was good at before,
everything that was easy, goddammit.
I just want to be the man
I used to be, you understand?
Before you got sent to prison?
Then choose, because the man
you were before? I'm not interested.
I didn't think it was
going to turn out like this. I'm sorry.
Well, neither did we. Uh, what can I say?
We know how he is.
Better we get going before
we upset him more.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, we're leaving.
What What are you doing?
Well, my publisher
has a new contract for me, right?
And a new one
is gradually coming from
the northwest of the country.
Some precipitation in the form of rain
currently along the Mediterranean region.
Hardly any signs of snow.
Only light snow in the Roussillon,
the Pyrenees, as well as the south part
of the Massif Central
will remain temporarily calm
before the arrival
of the next weather front
tomorrow arriving from the north.
nothing but cool air
throughout the course of the day,
this northern weather front
is going to spread across
Come right in, Adrien.
I mean, ready, uh
I mean, ready to take it seriously?
Four, five, six, seven, eight.
Go! Hey! Back.
Arms up high.
That's it. Now turn.
Now get down.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
There you go, nice and relaxed.
Let it flow.
Come on, let it flow.
And smile! Keep smiling!
Very good!
There you go.
Come on, relax your body. Good.
It's not bad, it's not bad!
Try to be synchronized.
Mainly try to be synchronized.
And you, look.
Move more. Gotta be like here,
let your hips move.
Come on, bam!
Throw your hips, there.
Bam! Great. And arms up high.
There you go.
Don't be scared to be sensual.
Let's start again!
There are places around here
that only locals know.
For insiders only,
and I am an insider.
- Yeah.
- I love waterfalls.
I love waterfalls too.
Isn't that amazing?
There's the Monkey Waterfall.
It's magnificent.
A little piece of paradise.
I can take you there if you want, but
mum's the word.
'Cause it's the best kept secret
in the area.
All right, today. Why not? Two o'clock?
I'll pick you up
at the campsite entrance? How's that?
And mum's the word.
Because I'm the best kept secret
in the country.
And him over there.
What about him?
But you're married, right?
You got a problem with that?
Uh, no. No problem, it's just
He's great. He won't bother us.
It's not the Middle Ages.
We're liberated.
That's what true love is.
Letting your other half be happy.
Oh, how I agree.
I completely agree with you.
Hey there!
You look beautiful.
- Let's go.
- Yeah.
It's a ten-minute walk and we're there.
Hey, I assure you
they all had a chance.
At this point,
they all could have lived.
And, actually, a few of them did.
A few of them cooled down, backed off.
They left and
I don't want to.
Can we go back to the campsite?
Hey, hey! What's this about?
Get off!
- What?
- Get off me!
What the fuck? Who do you think you are?
- What do you think you're doing?
- Let go of me! I don't want to!
I said no! Do you understand?!
You think you can do this to me? Hey!
But all the others,
the majority of them,
the swines
If they knew now,
down to a split second
One small decision.
One less swine on this planet.
Jacky Denvers.
We'd find out his real name
in the next day's papers.
Delmas. Jacques Delmas.
Hey, look. A couple of lovebirds.
He's my brother, not my lover.
Shut up!
Shut up or I'll show you!
You fucking
Love, love, love, love ♪
Love attack
Love, love, love ♪
Love attack ♪
Whoa, whoa, whoa! You're cool!
Love attack
It's just love ♪
Love attack ♪
A little love, love, love, love ♪
Love, love
Love, love, love, love, love ♪
Love attack ♪
It's just love ♪
Love attack ♪
A little love, love, love, love
Love, love ♪
Love, love, love, love, love
Love, love ♪
You wanna stop?
If you don't want to, then me neither.
Love attack ♪
The rest of the year,
we were back to our little life
at the salon, and
- Thank you, Mrs. Gallon.
- we liked it too.
- Here.
- No one noticed a thing.
That's all for you.
We had understood
the rules of the game, and
See you in a month.
we were playing it perfectly.
Rule number one of the predator
Blend in.
Now, did I know
back then when she
Had I realized
what she'd been struggling with?
Or was I just burying my head in the sand?
I don't know. I don't remember.
All I know is that
it couldn't have been otherwise, you know.
I don't understand
how you managed to get away with it.
That is, without an investigation.
- Didn't the police look for you?
- They did.
Every time.
The local police.
But you know,
today you have DNA, you have
They're called
special investigation units.
You see them on TV. The profilers.
Back then, they didn't exist.
But at the same time, nobody thought
guys like me existed either.
And obviously we weren't stupid,
which is why every summer
we headed out to a different area.
And we always tried to keep clean,
to clean things up a little.
But I think we must have
left prints almost everywhere.
But no, nothing.
Oh, yes. Yes, once.
It was close.
But wait.
I'll tell you just a little bit later.
In chronological order.
In chronological order, we said.
Could you give me a photo of Solange?
I like putting faces to names.
It helps me write.
I don't have any photos.
No pictures. Nothing more of Solange here.
I'll tell you about that later.
I'm sorry, you'll have to
use your imagination.
But understand this.
I'm, uh
I'm giving you dates, places, names
I'm describing scenes,
I'm giving you, uh, the details.
But that's not the most important thing.
What's most important
is what was going on in our heads.
And that is not something
that can be explained.
You have to have lived it
to understand it.
And that's where
your talent comes in, Adrien.
It's your job to put it all into words,
to imagine it, to to immerse yourself.
To feel it.
That's why I asked for your help.
Eventually, Solange got pregnant again.
Nature knows best.
Life always finds a way in.
She tried to hide it from me, but
nobody knows a woman's body
the way I knew Solange's body.
Would that be a life for a child?
Of course not.
You can look at it any way you want.
I don't know.
There's boundaries, things you can't do
Come in.
- Hi there.
- How long have you been there?
Oh, ten minutes.
I didn't want to distract.
- It's coming along?
- Well, it's tricky.
I'm trying to immerse myself
in the context of the time.
Yeah, I can see that.
Well, I'm off.
My taxi is waiting.
Where are you going?
I'm going to Zurich.
Flight leaves in two hours.
Wait, that's today?
I said it was tomorrow yesterday,
so, yeah, it's today.
Going with Mr. Handsome?
- Yeah, that's right.
- Ah. Ah.
I'm sorry, okay? I'm really focused.
But that's what you wanted, isn't it?
Thursday is when I'm coming back,
so you'll have plenty of time to focus.
I know I've been a bit tense lately.
I'm sorry.
It'll pass, okay?
When I'm back, it'd be good for us
to have a talk.
Like a relationship talk?
That's right.
Oh, I can't wait.
There's things you can't do.
Having a child when you kill people
is just not right.
So I convinced Solange,
and we went back to see the woman.
And after that, we carried on.
Mr. Morel?
Well, this is Jean-Philippe Durandeau
of the Department of Infrastructure.
I'm calling you because the department
is currently considering
a bypass for Route 405 by Kermolon,
and we are consulting the locals.
Yes, well, actually, I Yes, yes, I did.
I managed to talk with one
of your neighbors this past week. Uh
Mr., um
Albert, uh
His last name is Italian, uh
Desiderio? Yep, absolutely.
An old man, right?
Oh, in his thirties?
Oh, okay.
Mr. Sarfati?
Well, hello. Jean-Philippe Durandeau.
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