Black Cake (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


BENNY: Previously, on Black Cake
BYRON: People don't always
get the jobs they want.
Your mother overcame so much, and
your father was a civil rights lawyer.
And you can't even summon the courage
to fight what is clearly
workplace discrimination?
Don't use my parents to shame me.
I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.
Except that is what you meant.
What about when Dad died? You
said you'd come to the funeral.
- We waited for you, Benny.
- [CRYING] I wanted to be there.
This is about my family.
I am your family!
- Stop! [GASPS]
BENNY: I came to Dad's funeral,
but I never got out of my car.
I couldn't face you or Mom
with my face all bruised and swollen.
I am proud of you.
You got that piece of shit,
Steve, out of your life.
It's a substantial offer, and
I think we ought to consider it.
I don't think I want that piece
displayed in someone's house, Steve.
I mean, it's personal.
Just tell me what you need.
MR. MITCH: Your mother
left you a message.
In the end, she decided to talk.
I didn't want to burden
you with the weight of it.
I'm sorry. No. No, please stop.
BENNY: I can't believe she
didn't tell Dad about Scotland.
The saddest part is I think
Dad would've wanted to know.
I wish I'd had the courage to
share the truth with you sooner,
because that's what all
three of my children deserve.
You heard me correctly,
you have a sister.
ELEANOR: I tried to forget, B and B.
Lord knows I tried.
But somewhere out there
was the little girl
who had made me a mother.
And how could I forget about that?
ELEANOR: The ache
that my firstborn child
had left in my heart
grew bigger after your father died,
while my world grew smaller
and lonelier.
You asked me before, Byron,
about that day on the beach,
and you were right.
It wasn't an accident.

As soon as I got the news
that they had found something,
and I realized that I was going to die,
I desperately wanted to live.
How strange it seemed,
when only hours before, I
had all but given up on life.
But what could I do?
I couldn't stop the
cancer from spreading.
And yet, still
I had to do something.
It might sound silly,
but I thought if I could change my diet,
start eating healthy,
that was one small
thing I could control.
And so I started
scrolling through recipes,
when out of the blue,
there she was in a cooking video
of all places.
WOMAN [ON VIDEO]: This chayote was
found in a rural market in Italy.
ELEANOR: For so many years,
I had been searching for a face I
wasn't sure I would even recognize.
A face with a small birthmark
at the top of her forehead.
But it was her voice that
actually struck me first.
And when I looked closer,
I knew in my bones
that she was my child.
And suddenly, the question became,
what would I do with that knowledge?

HAIRSTYLIST: Just tuck this. Perfect.
STAGE MANAGER: She's all set.
- We ready to go? Yeah?
Perfect. Okay, here we go.
Five, four, three, two
Welcome back to our
special travel episode,
here on location in beautiful Tuscany.
Today, we're talking
about Italian food culture,
and our next guest is Mabel
Martin, an ethno-food guru,
and author of Something True,
a bestselling book on traditional
foods from around the world.
Mabel, welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for having me.
Mabel, most of us who love coffee
have heard of the famous Italian blends,
but you write in your book that
there's no such thing as Italian coffee.
- Can you explain?
- Of course.
What I'm saying is there's no such thing
as Italian coffee
culture, strictly speaking,
because the beans are
imported from other countries.
So Italy can't really claim
ownership of this culinary tradition
without acknowledging the
role of these other countries.
In other words, coffee's a
- shared tradition across cultures.
- Absolutely.
Some foods are born and bred
within one specific culture,
but others come about
through commercial exchange,
or a history of exploitation.
I mean, the beans used in Italy
are grown in countries
like Ethiopia and Brazil,
and w-we can't ignore that fact
when we talk about
"Italian coffee culture."
Yeah, but your book focuses on recipes
- born and bred within one culture.
- MABEL MARTIN: That's right.
The diaspora of food, just
like the diaspora of people,
has influenced cultures
around the world.
But personally,
I am fascinated by highly-localized
indigenous traditions.
Sorry to jump in here,
- but, um, I have to ask
- Mmm?
How can you put yourself
forward as a guru
on indigenous foods from African,
South American, and Asian countries
when, well, you yourself
are a white woman?
Well, like most people, I am
the product of multiple cultures.
Yes, I was born in London, but
I have roots in Wales and Italy.
And my grandmother spent
many years in Trinidad
where her parents were missionaries.
She brought back loads of local recipes,
which eventually inspired
my lifelong study of food.
So basically, your white
ancestors went to the Caribbean
to convert people to their religion,
and that makes you an
expert on those recipes?
Right. Oh. I've got it.
No, what I'm saying is that most
recipes can't be claimed by one culture.
Take, for instance, Caribbean rum cake.
Cane sugar is the primary ingredient,
which came from Asia
originally, not the Caribbean.
So whose cake is it exactly?
If it's a recipe made in the
Caribbean, by Caribbean people,
I would say it's Caribbean,
regardless of where
one ingredient is from.
Rum originates in the Caribbean.
There's no history of rum cake in Asia.
So I don't see how it can be
considered a shared tradition.
Well, I'm talking about
the recipe as a whole.
I just don't think we can always say
where one culture ends
and another begins,
especially in the kitchen.
You can't say, since you're
not a member of those cultures.
But I think you should be making
space for indigenous people
to comment on what is and isn't
a part of their own cultures,
rather than trying to whitewash them.
Okay, we'll have to
leave it there, ladies.
I want to turn now to James Kellen,
owner and executive chef
of some of the top
restaurants across the world.
James, what are your
favorite Italian recipes?
JAMES KELLEN: Oh, well, I don't
know that I'll be half as exciting
as your previous guests,
but I'll do my best.
Mom, listen.
If you start the chicken now,
it'll be done by the time I land.
And use the good olive oil I bought you.
None of that supermarket rubbish.
No. I haven't watched it yet.
I have half a dozen
messages from my publicist.
I just I don't I
really don't want to know
Well, thank you. Yes, the
lighting was quite forgiving.
Oh. Okay, my car is here.
I've got to go.
Tell Gio I'm bringing him the
bomboloni from that place he likes.
Okay. Alright, love you. Bye.
- Buongiorno.
- Ciao.

ELEANOR: I realize now that there
are certain moments in our lives
that come to define us, B and B.
Moments when we're confronted with
a question about who we truly are
on some fundamental level.
And when I found your sister,
I knew it was one of those moments.
I wanted so badly to
reach across the ocean
and be the mother I had never been
to this child I had
dreamed about for so long.
But I didn't want to shock her,
to frighten her,
to betray the people who had spent so
many years raising her and loving her.
And I was afraid of what it
would cost to tell the truth.
They've taken my comments
completely out of context,
as if I'm trying to
appropriate Caribbean culture.
That's ridiculous.
Talking about the origin of
a recipe, for heaven's sake!
And drawing attention to
the historical exploitation
of marginalized communities
within culinary traditions.
And now, somehow, I'm on
the verge of being canceled.
Well, you can't listen
to the internet, love.
People are just angry with the world
and looking for someone to blame.
I am an academic and a historian.
Can I help that I am also a white woman?
Does that disqualify me from
writing about other cultures?
MABEL'S MOTHER: Of course not.
You know, when I think of all the
years that you spent in grad school,
the time that you spent researching
your book so meticulously
MABEL: And yet, nobody
is mentioning that.
All they want to do
is make a snap judgment
and brand me as just another Karen.
When you're more qualified
than just about anyone
to talk about these things.
You should never have to
apologize for who you are, darling.
MABEL: What do you think, Gio?
I hope this backlash hasn't
made it into your circles online.
I mean, it's still trending on Twitter.
It's not like I can avoid it.
And honestly, I
I kinda get it.
What do you get, exactly?
Well, do you really know anything about
underpaid Ethiopian coffee bean pickers?
Look at where you grew up.
I mean, whether you like
to admit it or not, Mum,
you're privileged.
I'm not debating whether or not
I grew up with certain advantages.
Of course, I know our family
has been very fortunate.
But does that mean that I can only write
about foods people eat
in this neighborhood
or in this social class?
You know what? I don't care, okay?
Write about anything you want.
I hardly see you anymore.
Oh, that's not fair.
I work hard so you get to go to
the best school in the country.
Is that the reason?
Well, you can keep your money,
'cause after this term,
I'm not going back.
Excuse me? You're about to
start your A-levels, mister.
So? I don't even want
to go to university.
MABEL: Oh, really? Then what do
you want to do with your life?
I don't know. Travel, maybe.
Get a boat and sail around the world.
Gio, the whole point of doing well
in your A-levels and
going to university
is so that you have the
opportunity to figure out
what you want to do long-term,
not live your life on impulse.
I made sacrifices so
that you had options.
Look, I get it. Okay?
I-I know things haven't
been easy since Dad died,
but I just don't fit in
with any of those posh
English kids, okay?
I miss Rome.
I miss my friends.
And I'm old enough now
to make my own decisions.
Clearly, not good ones.
If you're worried about
passing your A-levels, Gio,
if it becomes an issue, we can
always get the exams reassessed.
Just like all the other rich
kids who pay their way to the top.
You do not speak to
your granddad like that.
Look, I don't want to
talk about this anymore.
You're not dropping out of school.
You're going to university.
And that's final.

JAMES: Mabel, hi.
It's James Kellen, your
fellow guest on the show today.
How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.
Apart from being pilloried online
and thrown into cancel jail.
[OVER PHONE] Thank you for
your help with that, by the way.
Did anyone actually listen
to what I was saying?
Because I was trying
to create a dialogue.
You know what? I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES]
Why are you calling me?
I wanted to tell you, I thought you
handled yourself well under fire today.
And I was wondering if I
could take you out to dinner.
You want to take me out to dinner?
[CHUCKLES] Are you trying
to get yourself canceled too?
No, I admire a woman
with strong opinions.
[OVER PHONE] Besides, I wouldn't
sweat this whole media blast.
It'll all blow over within
a couple of news cycles.
I wish I could share
your brazen optimism.
It's very American.
Yeah, well, it's the truth.
People have short memories.
Anyway, I think you're fascinating.
And I haven't been able to
stop thinking about you all day.
Well, that's a shame,
because I hopped on a plane to
London right after we wrapped,
so it seems we've missed each other.
Oh, London.
Ah, it's perfect. I have
business out there anyway.
What are you doing tomorrow night?
Oh, darling, it's so
good to have you home.
House just comes alive when you're here.
I missed you guys.
Did you know Gio felt
that way about school?
[SIGHS] Well, he may
He may have made a few
little comments here and there
during his last visit,
but nothing definite.
I knew I should've canceled
that stupid PR thing in Berlin.
I've missed three of his
school holidays now in a row.
You have a thriving career.
Sweetheart, there's
nothing wrong with that.
Oh, besides, he won't
be mad at you forever.
He's just going through
a rebellious phase,
like all teenagers do.
Um I never went
through a rebellious phase.
Well, no.
You were always my perfect little girl.
Perfect from the moment you were born.
By the way, you'll never
guess who asked me out.
That big restaurant
guy from the show today.
Oh, he was so handsome.
Good for you, darling. I liked him.
But he's American, though.
Never gone out with an American before.
Well, everyone has their flaws, dear.
Oh, I do want you to find
someone to settle down with.
My wish for you
[SIGHS] is to experience
the kind of love
that your father and I
have had all these years.
But I had that once. You know that.
With Paolo.
Well, yes, dear. But that
was different, wasn't it?
No, it was still love, whether
or not you and Dad approved.
Anyway, I'm not talking about the
past. I'm talking about the future.
Well, you deserve to find someone
who will love you for
the rest of your life
and appreciate you for
exactly who you are.
No matter what the internet says?

Well, I was always drawn to
food from around the world.
Even as a child, I loved
going to Brixton Market,
with all the stalls with
the the octopus tentacles
and the goats' heads
and the dragon fruit.
I was completely fascinated.
Yeah, you were a born foodie.
Well, I just wasn't a
fan of Yorkshire pudding
and steak and kidney pie,
the bland British standards
that the other children loved.
I wanted color and spice and vibrancy.
And your parents indulged you?
Oh, they were marvelous.
- That's the advantage of being the only child.
- Yeah.
My mum, she bought me
this little spice rack,
and she just just let me experiment.
They encouraged me to study abroad.
And how exactly does one
become an ethno-food guru?
Okay, I did not create that
ridiculous term, I'll have you know.
We can thank my PR team for that.
Long story short,
I met someone in Rome,
but he ended up passing away.
And I suddenly found
myself a single parent,
barely eking out a living in academia.
I always wanted to write a book,
blending my love of history
and anthropology and food.
So I thought, life is short, why wait?
Grief has a tendency to put things
into perspective, doesn't it?
- Or give you tunnel vision.
- Hmm.
It was a ridiculous
gamble, but it paid off.
So what's next for you, anyway?
I'm in the early stages of
researching my next book.
Well, that's obviously a mistake.
- Excuse me?
- You should be thinking bigger.
I mean, expanding your
brand beyond books.
You have what most
authors can only dream of.
You're gorgeous,
very good on camera,
and after yesterday,
- you're already on people's radar.
All publicity is good publicity.
And you are a very good salesman.
- Oh. I'm sorry.
I think this has to
do with my book tour.
- I'll be right back.
- Sure.
- Hello?
- Yes, hello.
May I speak to Mabel Martin, please?
This is she. Who's calling?
Well, hello.
Uh, my name is Charles Mitch.
I'm an attorney in
Newport Beach, California.
Uh, representing one
of my clients' estate.
a good time to talk?
Not really, actually.
I think you have the wrong person.
I don't know anyone in California.
This is Mabel Mathilda Martin?
Your parents are Wanda and Ronald?
Okay. Um, what is this regarding?
I have some sensitive
information that pertains to you,
but if this is not a good
time, maybe we could
No. No, no, no. You have me now.
So just just tell
me what this is about.
My client passed away recently,
and she left me
instructions to contact you.
Her name was Eleanor Bennett.
Does that name mean anything to you?
No. Should it?
May I ask what you've been
told about your adoption?
[CHUCKLES] Excuse me?
Uh There must be some kind
of mistake. I'm not adopted.
[SOFTLY] Oh my goodness. [GROANS]
I, uh, apologize.
Eleanor assumed that you
knew that much, at least.
No, I'm sorry. You have
the wrong information.
I'm afraid I don't. Um
Eleanor was your birth mother.
Before she died, she had an
investigator confirm the relation.
She would've reached out to you herself,
but she was sick, and, um,
didn't want to burden you.
I have also been in contact with your
two half-siblings here in California.
Eleanor wanted me to
invite you to come here
- to meet with them
- Um
MR. MITCH: and review
some things about the estate.
Look, I I'm sorry,
I-I don't know [SIGHS]
I know this must be a lot
to process all at once,
and I truly apologize for
catching you off guard.
I'll tell you what, I'll
email you some information,
and that way, you can contact
me when you're ready to talk.
How does that sound?
Uh, I
I have to go.
ELEANOR: For so long, I had been
this child's mother in my heart,
but the world didn't see me that way.
It was as though I were living a lie.
Everything all right with the tour?
Oh, no. Uh
Everything's fine, thank you.
It's just, um
Just logistics.
I'm sorry. [CHUCKLES]
What were we talking about?
I was trying to say that you
should have your own show.
I think you'd be a hit in the US.
If you're open to getting a foothold
ELEANOR: And when you've
lived your whole life as a lie,
how on earth do you
redefine who you are?
How on earth can you
possibly start over?
It all makes sense now.
I spent my entire life feeling
like I wasn't good enough for Ma.
And now I get it.
Every time she looked at me, sh sh
She was probably thinking
about her other daughter,
first daughter.
Look at me.
Ma loved you, Benny.
Despite all this other shit.
You know she did.
It doesn't matter if she loved me.
I always thought that I was
just living in your shadow,
but it wasn't about that.
She was comparing
me to her.
How could she compare you
with this other person
who wasn't even in her life?
She was comparing me
to a fantasy of her,
which is even worse.
Did you get through to her?
I did.
She's gonna need some
time to sit with it.
She wasn't aware that she was adopted.
How is that even possible?
Why would her family
have kept that from her?
I suppose they must've
had their reasons.
But your mother
certainly never anticipated that.
- BENNY: Jesus!
- BYRON: Mm.
To find out something
like that over the phone,
from a stranger.
I know.
If your mother had known the situation,
she would've made a different plan.
Did Mabel say whether or not she
was planning on coming out here?
Not yet. But I emailed her.
Now we have to wait and see.
Oh, whatever.
She can take all the time she wants.
But now that you've
broken the news to her,
let's just finish the last recording.
I wanna get this over with.
I'm sorry, but your
mother was very specific.
She wanted us to wait
until Mabel decided
whether or not she wanted to join us.
BYRON: You've got to be kidding me!
After the bomb Mom just dropped,
she wants us to sit back
and twiddle our thumbs?
No. Give me this woman's phone
number. I'll call her myself.
Your mother wanted all
communications to go through me
out of respect for Mabel's privacy.
Well, fuck what Ma wanted!
- Byron.
- BYRON: No.
She wanted to die without
so much as a goodbye to me.
I don't care what Ma wanted anymore.
She left us a goddamn mess.
I know this isn't easy, but
I have to respect her wishes.
I'll call
as soon as I hear anything.
I'm not just sitting on my hands,
waiting for some stranger
to get her shit together.
We know her name. We
can find her number.
Why not?
I don't wanna know anything about her.
I don't want her
to be real yet.
But she is real, Benny.
I know.
I just need a minute to
wrap my head around it.
Hey, love.
How are things going with your family?
Oh, you know,
Yeah. Sorry you're going
through that right now.
- Thank you.
- So have you given any more thought
to what I mentioned yesterday?
About selling our piece?
Helena keeps bugging me about it.
She's already sent over a contract.
must really like the piece.
Well, of course.
- Fucking loves it.
who sees it loves it.
I think it's some of the best work
either one of us has ever done.
Maybe because it's so honest.
You know, it really
captures who you are.
Okay, what?
Okay, we can sell it.
I just need to see it one
more time before we do.
Yeah, sure.
Well, look, I'm on my
way to a thing right now,
- but I won't be back till late.
- BENNY [OVER PHONE]: Oh, it's fine.
How about I just let
myself into your place?
Because I still have a key.
STEVE [OVER PHONE]: That sounds nice.
Hey, we should crack open a
bottle of something to celebrate.
Our first sale as
collaborators. [CHUCKLES]
Hopefully, the first of many.
I'll see you later, then.
This ancient Roman soup is said
to have medicinal qualities.
Perfect for when you're
feeling under the weather.
To start with, we'll soak
our dry pulses overnight,
allowing them to fully
hydrate before cooking.
Now, here I have one cup
each of yellow split peas,
pearled barley, brown
lentils, and chickpeas.


How was your date, darling?
MABEL [SOFTLY]: It was fine.
Didn't expect you back until late.
Gio's upstairs. Come and sit with us.
We're having the rest of the bomboloni.
Where are you going?
I'm sorry about yesterday.
I got upset about the promotion because
it hurts me to see you get hurt.
Plus, I've just had a
lot on my mind lately,
so I've been a little extra testy.
But I was outta line, invoking
your parents like that.
I'm sorry too.
For snapping at you.
I think my fuse is a little
shorter than usual lately.
Can I come in?
I don't get it. You
mean she's light-skinned?
Mm-mm. I mean, she's white.
She's passing. She doesn't even know it.
She's living her life as a white woman,
and apparently, she had no
idea she was even adopted.
And your mother never
said who the father was?
Oh, God, By.
Her assault.
Do you think?
I just don't know.
I can't even begin to imagine
carrying that man's baby.
I can't go there.
It's just too much.
Anyway [SIGHS]
This woman is actually kind of a
big-deal cookbook author in the UK.
She's mixed up in some
controversy right now.
I guess she made some tone-deaf
comments about Caribbean food.
[CHUCKLING] How uncanny is that?
Shit. Yeah.
What does Benny think of all this?
Benny ran off again.
I guess she feels like
her place in the family is
threatened by the existence
of another daughter.
And what about you?
Honestly, I'm pissed.
I mean, how many more
secrets was Ma keeping?
[GROANS] Marc's calling me.
Work can wait, By.
You're on family leave.
I'm sorry. Look, I'll be quick.
Hey, Marc.
Byron. Hey, sorry to bug you.
I know you got a lot going on.
That's okay. What's up?
Well, the Institute was just invited
to participate in a panel tomorrow.
I wanted to see if you're interested.
[OVER PHONE] I know it's last
minute, but it's right up your alley.
And I really think it'll bring
a lot more eyeballs to our work.
What kind of panel is it?
MARC: Diversity in the sciences.
UC Irvine's hosting.
There's gonna be a lot of press there.
Look, uh, I'd try to
find somebody else, but
Of course, man. Happy to represent.
MARC: Fantastic. I'll
send you the details.
And thanks, Byron. I knew
we could count on you.
Let me guess.
A diversity panel?
You really gonna go talk about
how inclusive your industry is
after everything that happened?
I can't afford to give them any excuse
to find fault with my
performance right now.
You remember when we first met,
when I was filming
that Trailblazers thing?
Just hearing the way you
talked, you were so passionate.
Not just about your work
but about making a real
difference in the world.
Come on.
I'm still passionate.
But I also have to
be realistic, Lynette.
Look, I have values
that I try to put into
action in my own life.
And I thought that's who you were too.
You say it's who you are,
but you can't seem to walk the walk.
You have worked so hard,
and yet you keep diminishing yourself
and making your colleagues look good.
And that's not who I thought you were.
It's not who I fell in love with.
Lynette, I can't
single-handedly take on racism.
I have to protect myself.
But I can't just wait around
for you to break through
whatever it is that's holding you back.
I need someone that I can count on
to fight for what they believe in.
I believe in us, Lynette.
Don't just blow up everything we
have over some diversity panel.
It's not just that, Byron. It's
What? Tell me. I'll make it right.
I love you.
But it's not enough.
I wanna respect you too.
Lynette, come on.
Are you kidding me?
Come on, let's talk about this.
I'm sorry. She's not
interested in a subscription.
Yes, I'm sure.
Because she's dead.


Uh, Mum, Dad, I need to talk to you.
What is it? Where's Gio?
No, uh, everything's fine. Gio is fine.
I just I need to talk to you both.
RONALD: What time is it?
Can't this wait till
the morning, pumpkin?
No, I'm afraid it can't.
Tell me again about the day I was born.
Oh, sweetheart!
[SIGHS] I take it the date with
the American didn't go well?
Just tell me, please.
I remember hearing you cry.
"A healthy cry," is what they said.
But the moment you
were placed in my arms,
you were so quiet and so calm.
It was as if you knew exactly
where you wanted to be.
[LAUGHS] And your little hand
grabbed hold of my finger.
And you had the most
lovely shock of dark hair.
And you were absolutely perfect.
And I knew I would love you forever.
My hair,
you always told me that was
the Sicilian in me from Nonna,
and my skin and my bone structure.
Well, you were lucky you got
the beauty genes in the family.
But there was only that one
photo of Nonna in the album,
and I could never quite
see the resemblance.
I got a phone call this evening
from a solicitor in California.
He said the strangest thing.
He told me my birth mother had died.

So it is true?
Mabel, please.
Must we really do this now?
Yes, actually. We must.
Apparently, I was born
to a 19-year-old woman,
a girl, really,
[SNIFFLING] at a home for unwed mothers.
Her name was Eleanor.
She was an immigrant from the Caribbean.
Did you know all that?
Mabel, it
It never mattered to
us where you were from.
waited for a child for so long.
And you were our little miracle.
Right, but did you know what I was?
What I What I am?
Well, we we knew that you
looked a little different,
and as you got older, we wondered.
Right, so you lied to me. [SNIFFLES]
And, apparently, you convinced
everyone that we know to lie to me too.
asked them to be discreet.
Did you not think I would
want to know the truth?
Did it not occur to you
that I might want to know?
We were trying to protect you.
From what?
Well, we didn't want you to
be confused or [SIGHS]
to be treated differently.
Right. Treated differently.
So were you trying to
protect me or yourselves?
Oh! No, we tried to give you
the best life that we could.
We may not have been
perfect, but we did our best.
And we didn't tell you certain things
for the same reasons
that you haven't told Gio
the whole truth about his father.
That is not the same, and you know it!
Oh! Why don't you tell him
the truth and see what happens!
You don't get to tell me
how to parent my child.
I'm leaving in the morning.
- No
- Let's not overreact.
- Sweetheart. Please. No, wait.
- MABEL: No! No!
This is not some little thing.
This is my life. This is my identity.
I can't be around you.
I can't be around you.
What the hell, Mum?
It's creepy.
I'm sorry.
I just got into a big fight
with your Gran and Grandad.
You guys are like best friends. What
What was it even about?

Hey. I just found Ma's phone.
And you know what I found?
Outgoing calls to Mabel.
Can you just stop talking
and listen to me for a second?
I'm at Steve's house.
Wait, Steve-Steve?
Yeah, the guy I told
you about yesterday.
What? You said he was your ex.
What are you doing at his house?
It's a long story. I came
here to take care of something,
and-and I was gonna be
gone before he got here,
- [OVER PHONE] but he just pulled up.
- Shit, Benny.
What the hell? Come on!
Look, I'm gonna handle it, just
I just dropped you a pin, okay?
So somebody knows where I am,
just in case anything happens.
Listen to me. You need
to get out of there now.
It's too late, Byron. I gotta go.
Oh, there you are.
Are you ready to celebrate?
I threw a bottle of Veuve
into the fridge before I left.
We can't sell the sculpture, Steve.
Look, I know it's sentimental,
but it's a lot of money, Benny.
I know you could use it.
Besides, we can always make another one.
Don't touch me.
What's wrong?
Do you know how many
years of my life you stole?
Do you have any idea how much
I missed out on because of you?
Wh-Where's this coming
from all of a sudden?
You don't own me,
or my body,
or my art,
or my talent.
But you got in my head and
let me think that you did.
You convinced me that I was
weak for loving my family.
And now, my mother is dead.
And I will never get to say the
things that I should've said to her.
And I will never get to ask her the
questions that I should've asked,
because you robbed me of that chance,
you manipulative, lying,
pathetic piece of shit!
But not anymore.
'Cause I'm done.
So you can lose my number.
Oh, and forget about the
fucking sculpture, Steve,
because it's gone.
I just smashed it into a million pieces.
Wait, Benny, please.
You're right. I am a piece of shit!
- And I don't deserve you.
- No. You don't.
But you're the love of my life.
And I don't wanna lose you.
I know! I fucked up a lot.
But I'm sorry, Benny.
And I want to do better.
I swear to God, I want to be
the kind of man that you deserve.
But look at my life.
It's a fucking mess! And you know it.
Pretty soon, I'll just
be another has-been.
But you're the best thing
that ever happened to me.
And if you walk out on me right
now, I don't know what I'll do.
So please, Benny, I'm begging you.
Don't go.

What the hell are you doing,
Benny? Get away from him!
Byron, it's okay. Look, I
was We were just talking.
I was just making sure he wasn't
gonna do anything stupid once I left.
Calm down, mate. Everything's fine.
- You good?
- Yes.
Was everything fine
when you beat her so bad,
she couldn't even show her
face at our dad's funeral?
What? You think you can just
swoop in now like a hero,
when you haven't even
said one word to her
- for eight fucking years?
- Alright.
Well, where were you when she
needed a shoulder to cry on, huh?
Or when she couldn't make rent?
You're not a brother to her.
You're just a fucking joke.
- BENNY: Please!
BENNY: Byron, no!
Stop it!
- No!
- Somebody's gonna c-call the cops!
- No!
Just give him room!
Put your hands where we can see them!
Put your hands up, now!
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