Black Lagoon (2006) s02e05 Episode Script

The Roanapur Freakshow Circus

1 I have a big gun, I took it from my Lord Sick with Justice, I just wanna feel you I'm your angel, only a ring away You make me violate you, no matter who you are! It's all up to you, no one lives forever Been burn in the hell, by all those pigs out there It's always been hell, from when I was born They make me violate them, no matter who they are! Get down on your knees! Get a good head on your shoulders! If it's for your guys, go to the end of the Earth Do what you think, give it with dedication I'll put out your misery! You made a mess! For Christ sakes, this rotten world! Shit out of luck! Go with my vision! Light up the fire! Right on the power! Weapon I have it all! Weapon I have it all! The noose hanging at the entrance of the city warns all who wish to go further that if you pass through this gate you will automatically be marked as a reckless one.
The worst of the worst villains from around the world gather here butting heads with each other.
This place was born in the midst of the Cold War.
It was nurtured by a continent that uses drugs as its secret weapon.
An evil city The end of this world.
A crucible of hypocrisy.
The stomping grounds for people whose souls have been destroyed and sent to hell.
The only reason I'm surviving is because I'm recognized as a member of the well-known Lagoon Company.
The name of this city is spoken of amongst the villains of the world.
But many of those who come to make a name for themselves never set foot on their home soil again.
A cruel fate awaits any halfhearted, small-time crook stepping foot into Roanapur.
Right now, there is a sacrificial lamb who has wandered into this city.
Okay guys! The night's just right to make our way to our clownish one-grand-a-person job.
Let's get going! Hey.
What in the world are we waiting here for? By my calculations, a total of about one million dollars.
As if there really is such a great deal.
It's just another gun fight.
A gunfight's coming.
I'd be grateful for a gunfight.
That rotten nun is just blinded by her own greed.
So who's gonna come? No one's coming.
Don't get all pumped up just because you're bored, Revy.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Right, handsome boy? But it's gonna be a gunfight, right? Come on, Rock, it's not like you're gonna get holes drilled in your body.
Hey, Eda.
Mind if I crack your jaw? Oh my, jealousy isn't like you.
Well, it's about the right time.
I guess I can tell you what's going down right now in a certain place in Roanapur.
You bitch! First of all, that certain place is the Ramsap Inn.
The place I introduced that girl to.
But you know what? Right about now a bunch of useless thugs are rushing into the place.
It's going something like this But the room they raid will be the one next to hers.
Why would something convenient like that happen? That's because I gave them the room number next to hers.
That stupid woman will be scared outta her bed because of the gunfire and run to the hallway to see what's going on.
Well, she naturally would in that situation.
That woman's instincts are devastatingly bad.
Right? Especially given the fact that her room is the only one behind a fireproof wall.
The moment she opens the door she'll be facing off with those bastards.
And the guys probably wouldn't have guessed that there's a room behind the fireproof wall.
You've gathered all the "ifs" in the world for this story.
Come on now.
If she gets killed now, then so be it.
But normally, one would be alert enough to close that fireproof door.
Although it's not much, it'll still buy her time.
And when the guys break through the door and burst into the room it'll be empty.
How come? As if things will fall into place for you like that, you dumb ass.
I've given her a way out, you see.
If you stretch out on that bed even once, you should be able to see it.
Although you'll only understand its meaning when the time comes.
That's way too simple.
That's like graffiti in bathrooms.
Look up.
Look down.
And that's fine.
It's better to keep it simple! Anyway, after that, she'll be able to make a touchdown like Brett Favre.
As long as she escapes according to the route marked by the signs.
How's that sound? I shouldn't have come with you.
Oh? Let's go home, Rock.
Turn the ignition.
Hold up, Revy.
That room's worked four times outta seven! - What?! - See?! See?! What did I tell you?! Bingo! Rock, after her! Hey, young lady.
Jogging this late at night? That's very impressive.
You! You tricked me! That's not nice.
How can you talk like that to your guardian angel? What do you expect! I thought I was gonna die! Oh, really? Well, whatever.
Do you want us to save you? Think hard.
If you don't wanna hand over the plates, I guess we have no choice.
I suggest you run to a mosque next time.
What do you think? You are the worst.
Thirty thousand dollars! Rock, it's almost my bedtime.
Take me back to the church.
You monster! Ten thousand! Hand it over at no charge! Look, they're after you.
Okay fine! I'll accept your conditions! All right, contract complete.
If you don't actually save me, I'll haunt you! Don't worry.
If I went on with my evil ways, I'd only scare away my customers.
Hey, Eda! What are you doing here?! Hi! What's up? You guys out for a late night walk too? We have business with that woman! A senseless one-grand-a-person job! That's a nice way to get pocket change.
Isn't it? So how about it, Eda.
You want You bitch! What do you mean "bitch", you bastards? I'm on a big million-dollar job.
From here on in, she's ours.
We're her recently purchased getaway driver and body guard.
- Revy, eat 'em up! - Right on! Bring the cars around! After them! Get 'em! - We're coming out to the main road! - This is our job, Rock! Head for the ocean! Damn it! Looks like things are getting complicated.
Complicated is an understatement.
It's the Ripoff Church and Lagoon's gun-woman.
This isn't the same as going after a single amateur.
Deer hunting just turned into tiger hunting.
What are you doing?! Will you hurry up and go after them?! Cowboy! The situation's changed.
Unless you pay us 30 grand a head, we're leaving.
What?! You serious?! I did hear that two punks are now on her side! But thirty grand for that?! You're all unbelievable cowards! Cowboy, this is no Florida.
It's Roanapur.
Understand what I'm telling you? Our opponents are not like the punks you know that get off by scribbling on walls.
And neither are we.
We make a living by killing and offering to kill.
If you wanna continue being cheap, then go at it alone with your own men! Understand what I'm telling you? So you're full of confidence.
I pray it's not just bravado.
But wait a second! The way you're telling me, it sounds like you know them.
Of course we know them.
Anyone who doesn't know about those two fools can't be from this city.
Get my point, Cowboy?! You better hurry and call Lobos.
Got it?! Call him and you'll know exactly what I mean.
Where now? Where are you taking me now?! Is this another trap?! - Even if you try to up the price, I - I wouldn't do anything so roundabout.
I'll take you right into the getaway pod.
Once you're on, you can say goodbye to this wonderful Roanapur.
As soon as you can, please.
Eda, you promised me payment up front.
Yeah, I've got it here.
The ocean? A port? A boat?! Is it fast? Why don't you ask the handsome man in the tie? Eda.
You'll see in a minute.
Get this, it's a torpedo boat I hate to say it, Eda, but you won't see the boat.
Hey, hey! Hey! This isn't at all how it's supposed to go! The most important thing isn't here! Yeah, we're receiving a shipment.
We got a rush job a short while ago.
Want something to drink? You've only got piss.
I see that you've got Ardbeg Providence.
Gimme that.
Are you nuts? That's Dutch's.
You even lick that once, I'll throw you around and shove a beer up your ass.
Stingy bitch.
Will Jim Beam do? We have plenty of this.
If you're gonna be picky then you can help yourself to toilet water, you idiot.
Revy, is Eda there too? Yeah, she is.
Sorry to interrupt.
That's fine.
Now back to where we left off.
So the situation is neither good nor bad, right? Okay, we've got all the goods.
Yeah, that's right.
We have Eda and we have weapons.
I've also taken the two useless ones into account.
All right.
Wait a sec.
Benny's here.
I suggest we dump what we just picked up.
That'll get us to the port a little quicker.
I guess we'll have to.
We'll also need to compensate for breaking the deal.
I'll contact Isaac about that from here.
Anything and everything will be covered by the Ripoff Church.
Oh well, fine.
It's not much.
By the way, what's that girl up to? Her? She's been in the storage room ever since we got here.
She hasn't come out for about an hour.
Scan with box.
TSIG root-authority.
Auto one.
192, 168.
DNS server? Is this it? No good.
The port shell's being booted.
I feel so foolish not being able to get into my own bank.
Way to go, Theo.
I'm in big trouble, thanks to your valuable skills.
Sorry Dutch, I'm really sorry.
Yeah, Lobos.
He's from my country but I'm having trouble with him, too.
They don't realize they're like countrymen from afar in this lawless world.
I guess not.
Roanapur is where the worst of the worst villains gather.
Hell, even we've been thoroughly tainted by it.
Those guys need to be refined by true villainy as well.
So please, give me more time.
All right.
- Benny-boy, did you hear that? - Yeah, every word.
There are men playing with fire, unaware of the demonic energy of this city.
It's dangerous.
Anyway, let's hurry.
Of course! So, everyone is tainted by the villainy of this city, huh? I had always thought Rock and I were exceptions.
What are you saying, Benny? I've sensed it all along.
Even what's deep down within you guys.
Thanks a lot.
Shit! Damn it! How long will this take you?! Would you hurry and One more try.
TSIG, root-authority.
It's from here that - You forgot to say, "good evening".
- You idiots.
Damn it! What's up with that?! - They're using our car as a shield! - Sorry for your loss.
Damn it! They just finished fixing it after that damn maid tore it up! Hey, it's leaking gas! - Oops, you've done it.
- Rock! Yeah! Damn it, more guys?! Rock! Can you make it to the back door with that girl? I'll give it a try! As long as you hold them there.
Leave it to me! All right, let's go! - Wait! - Come on! That's pretty manly of him! He's still got a ways to go.
This way! - We can't go this way! Revy! - What's wrong, Rock?! What are you doing?! Hurry up and shoot her! I can't! I don't have a gun! Are you stupid or something?! I was thinking the same thing.
Rock! - Rock! Damn it.
- Hey, Revy! Rock! Damn it.
Are you all right, Rock?! Don't have an answer for you.
No! Come back! That door leads down to the dock! You've gotta be kidding! If I stay up here, it wouldn't matter how many lives Hi.
I've got one favor to ask.
Will you let me get past you? Do you like grill parties, young lady? Rock! Rock, get away from her! Shoot! Shoot 'em all! Revy! The guys across the street are being a nuisance! Can't you do anything?! Hey! Girl! Give that box to her! What's this? If you've got something this nice, bring it out to begin with, you monkey.
- It was for sale! - Doesn't matter! We've only got one life! Damn.
Now, hurry! Revy, you too! Go ahead, Rock! Shit.
If we stick our heads out, we'll be targets at a firing range.
It's the same with the front door.
There are two or three snipers positioned out there.
Oh? Something smells burnt.
Gimme a break.
That just isn't fair.
Some idiot set fire to the dock exit.
We really have no choice but to go to the roof.
Bad idea.
That'll be our last stop.
I know.
But our enemy shares the same concerns.
Unless they do something, the moneymaker they're after will perish along with the building.
So what would you do if you were them? That's obvious.
I'd force my way in and take out the guards, of course.
And the timing? They'll spray us all at once any second now.
Once we're pinned to a spot, they'll rush in to this second floor.
But we're not just gonna sit and wait.
Revy! Is that you, Shen Hua?! Oh, good guess! Who's that? You know her? Yeah.
She's the worst to face as part of their shock troops.
"Yes it is" lady! Is your partner here?! Oh, Leigharch? He relaxed too much and finally couldn't make it back home from Mars.
He's living happily with his live-in nurse! That's a shame! - Eda.
Listen up.
Say "Hi" to him for me! - Okay! She's using the duct as a foothold.
Yeah, but knowing that isn't gonna help us much.
That fire down below isn't a joking matter anymore.
Damn it.
It's a matter of time.
This place isn't gonna last much longer.
I hate endurance contests.
I'll draw her out before she draws us out.
I'll chase out that female fox on the duct to the front.
Can you nail her? Of course, blockhead.
If you just draw her out I can easily do my part.
- Then here I go.
- Got it.
She's headed your way! What do we do now? I'm thinking about it.
We can't go up any higher.
Do you have a plan? - I'm thinking about it.
- So that's your plan? Oh, how dependable of you.
Let's see Shall we pray and pray and pray our hearts out until a golden chain comes down from above? Shut up.
I'm thinking about it.
Next Episode I am here to take your life! My name is Wizard! Lotton the Wizard!
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