Blade (2011) s01e12 Episode Script

On the Dark Side

1x12 - On the Dark Side
What are you doing here?
I'm a student of Yagyu Tanba, too.
I will have vengeance for my master.
leave this to me, and go onward.
A giant, seven-headed snake
I, Mikage Kikyo, will face you.
Well, then
Let's go ahead and start the fireworks.
Welcome to my throne room.
I'm impressed you made it this
far. First, my congratulations.
Deacon Frost—!
Your plan is over!
Now, don't be hasty
There's some people I'd like to introduce you to.
Come forth, my children.
Eric this is your last chance.
Why don't you reshape the world with me?
You're one of my sons, as well.
Existence would be happy to have you.
I understand.
Why don't you roughhouse with your
brothers until they've killed you, then?
This is it
The heart of Armoroad.
Oh no!
Let's go, miss.
Let's give them a heart attack!
These things are my brothers?
That's a sick joke
As you perish
let me offer you this final strike.
Deacon Frost!
I've sent countless assassins after you
do you know why?
It was to get the Daywalker
blood within you pumping.
I would then let your concentrated blood
mingle with mine, that of the ultimate hybrid
and that let my sons become
Daywalkers as I had planned all along.
Still, I had no idea it would be this easy.
That reminds me whatever
happened to that girl?
I'd like to give her my thanks.
Don't tell me—!
You didn't kill her, did you?
Oh, Eric
You killed your mother and now
you've killed one of your human friends.
Vampire hunter? What a joke.
Looks like silver still works.
It's a trifling matter.
Worthless apes
In that case, I'll make full use of your power.
It's so warm
This warmth how nostalgic.
You too, huh?
I've even been able to conquer the sun!
The world belongs to me now!
I'm gonna kill you and your fucked up scheme!
The rage, and pain of all the
people who died because of you
have a taste of it!
I'm not done—!
It doesn't matter how much you struggle,
you'll never be able to stop me.
Idiot! Follow the girl's steps, and die!
Makoto! Let's do it!
You bastard!
My partner sent this for you! Take it!
You find him yet?
We need to get moving!
Got it!
Seeya. When things settle
down, let's go get a drink.
You survived!
We'll settle our debt later.
Now, where to next?
The Purebloods in Europe?
As long as there are vampires in the world
and as long as there are people
who need protection from them
I will fight them.
My name is Eric Brooks.
I'm a vampire hunter.
Yeah they're what goes bump in the night.
I hunted them down and cut
them apart, and it wasn't long
before they started to call me this:
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