Blood & Treasure (2019) s02e12 Episode Script

The Year of the Rat

Previously on Blood & Treasure
Everything I've done
I've done for a reason.
She sent bioweapons
to these coordinates.
Frankfurt Bosch Conservatory. That's it.
We got to get the word
out to German intelligence.
Chuck, where are you?
I'm in Hong Kong tailing Cardinal Rossi.
You hang low. I'll have
Shaw come meet you.
Have him meet me at Jardine House.
That's where Rossi's going.
Father Donnelly!
The Khan sends her regards.
It was a biological attack.
The Khan's people released
an unknown toxin into the air.
There's more happening.
We started getting alerts
from across the globe,
about an hour ago.
Coordinated cyberattacks?
My army has dispersed
a biological agent
across the Western world.
Only those who share
the genetic bloodline
of Genghis Khan will be safe.
You have been conquered
by the Great Khan.
God, look at all this.
All this setup is for survivors.
Remember that.
Those cots could be body bags.
We saved a lot of lives by
finding out about this attack.
Unless they've already been
infected by the Khan virus.
The thing is, they don't look sick.
Simon said Violet was gonna attack
on the Chinese New Year.
So, either he was
lying to us surprise
Or she jumped the gun a day early.
Maybe we forced her to change her plan.
I just can't shake this feeling.
All this East vs. West,
this-this fanaticism, this terror.
- It's not Violet.
- Lexi.
It's not Something else is going on.
You need to see her for who she is.
Maybe she changed in prison
or maybe Violet's always
been wearing a mask.
I know who she is.
Ms. Vaziri.
Mr. McNamara.
Thank you for helping
with the interviews.Yeah.
Our FBI liaison says that
you have been involved
in the hunt for this terrorist.
Perhaps you will note
something that we have missed.
I'm happy to help.
Is this everyone that was
near the site of exposure?
Yes, within a three-block radius.
We're having them
brought here for quarantine,
so doctors can determine
who has been infected.
First hundred have arrived,
but we will be ready for
almost 30,000 by nightfall.
And how many infected so far?
Eight dead, 100 sick.
It presents itself like the flu
Mild fever, fatigue
but it is strange.
Ever since the initial attack,
no one is showing any new symptoms.
Did anyone directly witness the attack?
There is a witness who
may have some answers,
an executive from an office
building near the attack.
I should warn you, though,
even for a man in crisis,
he is unpleasant.
A German banker.
Normally they're so jovial.
Follow me, please.
You'd better be the ones
that are getting me out of here.
Sir, the authorities
are working on that.
We're here investigating the attack.
As I said,
I saw a guy run from that
truck right before the blast.
Now please go away.
A guy? One one guy?
Could you identify him?
Wouldn't I have done that already?
I couldn't get a good
look from my office.
It's up in the penthouse.
Do you have anything
more important going on
than stopping a worldwide terror attack?
As a matter of fact, I do.
So please
be useful and get me out of here
- so I can get back to work.
- You're good.
- Danny, I'm fine.
- Yeah.
If I could punch him, at
least I'd be doing something.
Look, I'm just as frustrated
as you are, believe me.
Your old friend didn't turn
out to be a mass murderer.
Really? Jay Reece?
Oh, yeah.
That only pisses me off
more that I didn't even see it.
Look, we won't stop her
by beating ourselves up.
We stopped this from being much worse
because we worked together, Lex.
- Let's keep it going.
- Okay, yeah.
Let's keep it going. Let's do this.
Uh, what are we doing?
Well, for starters, there's this
little voice in the back of my head
that keeps telling me
to focus on that guy.
I mean, he's the only one in here
not on his phone calling anyone.
The banker said he saw one attacker
at the moment of detonation.
Which means potentially one bad guy
could have been swept
up in the quarantine.
Didn't expect the German
police to be so close.
He got trapped.
There's only one way to find out.
Hey! Hey!
We want answers.
Don't shoot.
Don't shoot!
Please, we need him alive.
We need him alive.
Stop! Stop!
Damn it.
Hey, hey. Becker!
It's okay. They are with us.
It's the same antibiotic
we used at Aralsk-7.
We were protecting ourselves
against anthrax in Kazakhstan.
A bacteria, not a virus.
Violet would know that.
She would know that vancomycin
wouldn't work against the virus.
So, either she intentionally
gave her own soldier
something that wouldn't protect him,
Or there is no virus.
It was just some localized bacteria.
Oh, but that doesn't make
any sense, either. To what end?
To do all of this?
I think you were right before.
There's something else going on here.
And Violet's always one step ahead.
Forgive my tardiness, Cardinal Rossi.
I don't like being summoned.
And the Vatican will not be threatened.
Your Eminence, uh, we
both represent entities
far more powerful than ourselves,
and we hope to serve them well.
the Great Khan doesn't
want to threaten the Vatican.
Only you.
Which brings me to the
subject of our meeting.
The Great Khan has stolen information
from the giftschrank,
which features
your presence as a member
of the Arcanum Gladio.
The CIA and the
Vatican working together,
during the Cold War, to unleash
a genocide in the East.
What will it take to get that back?
I don't understand.
You want my ring?
Not your ring, per se,
but what it represents.
It means you control
the Vatican Bank, yes?
And my boss would
like to do some banking.
and to sweeten the pot,
we've kidnapped Father Charles Donnelly
just to make sure he doesn't blab about
the plan before it's done.
It would be helpful
if you'd make him disappear forever.
Happy to.
The accounts, as discussed.
Finish this today,
and you'll get this back.
Wake him up.
You're far from home, Father.
Technically, it's Bishop.
What are you doing in Hong Kong?
I'm not gonna tell you anything.
That so?
You think I'm scared of you?
I've dealt with worse than a roomful of
background rejects from
a Michael Bay movie.
I think we've really got a
martyr on our hands here.
Hey, man, don't
I wonder how tough you'll be
when I put this blade
under your kneecap.
I'm needed by the Khan.
Someone's really looking
out for you, Your Eminence.
Bring him downstairs.
If it was anthrax that
killed those people,
the symptoms would be similar.
It would take days to sort it all out.
So it's a bluff?
Backed up by records she stole
from the CIA and the
Vatican to make it look real.
The virus never worked,
but the world doesn't know that.
Why make up the virus?
Well, she's been inside our heads.
It's time we get inside hers.
Right, but what could
possibly be her game?
I mean, fake the virus
but carry out the real attacks?
Maybe she just wants chaos, uh
No, no, no, no. The
The Violet I knew,
she's a control freak.
She'd hate actual chaos. She's type A.
Only if she was controlling
the chaos for some purpose.
Okay, so the question is,
how does the chaos benefit her?
I don't know.
I can't see it.
It's hard to focus when the
whole bloody world is coming apart.
- What if that's the point?
- Hmm.
These videos that are
flooding social media right now.
This is Rome.
They're saying that was last night,
but this happened three years ago.
Chuck and I were at that game.
I remember 'cause we got
stuck on the subway for two hours.
Violet's posting these clips
to make it look like
society's falling apart.
So it's all coordinated.
Genghis Khan wasn't
just a great general.
- He was theatrical.
- Okay.
The idea that his army
were demons from hell
That was all him.
He would attack the
outer edges of an empire,
let people escape into
the center, spreading panic.
He used calculated rumors
and propaganda to stir up fear.
Now, fear sent people flooding
into the cities for protection,
slowing military response,
clogging the streets,
spreading disease along with the chaos.
I mean, the battle was half
over before he even arrived.
That's controlled chaos.
Overwhelming the system
is part of the strategy.
The virus isn't real, but the panic is.
It's a setup.
I think I know what her plan is.
This doesn't scare me, you know.
This isn't the first
time I've been tied up.
That didn't come out right.
You could at least offer me that chair.
It's just courtesy.
Should've offered me that chair.
It's just courtesy.
Dude, that was awesome.
I know, right? You were like Macho Man.
Oh, yeah. Let's go.
Come on, little buddy.
Hey, you gonna call me that
every time you rescue me?
You said something more important
than terror was happening.
I work for the European Central Bank.
Yes, yes, the penthouse.
You told us. Get to the point.
And I was evacuated and
still not allowed back in,
which has made doing
my job nearly impossible.
Now, these attacks
have caused panic all across Europe,
but all of our emergency aid is failing.
What kind of emergency aid?
We should have been
flooding the branches with cash
to avoid a run on the banks,
but these maniacs have
attacked all our shipments.
So, what happens now?
In disasters like this
9/11 or even the 2008 crash
Friendly nations electronically transfer
large deposits to struggling banks
to prevent total collapse.
That's probably a big number.
Yes, it is.
$1.5 trillion.
This is why she picked Frankfurt.
She wants to clear out
the European Central Bank.
All these attacks, the
panic, the confusion.
This isn't about terror.
This is a heist.
- There is no DNA-based virus.
- Go.
The Khan is after money.
It's a robbery.
- What?
- Yes.
Look around you.
We're already dealing
with a biological attack.
- I can't chase theories.
- Agent Becker.
- Yes.
- We got the results back.
He's right.
Doesn't matter if the
DNA attacks are real or not.
It's as she planned. All of it.
- Wait, wait.
- Bugger.
I think you were right.
About everything.
The transfer isn't working.
The bank servers all over Europe
are being overwhelmed by DDoS attacks.
Now, there are countermeasures in place.
Hackers on government payroll
should have been called in.
No, they're all dead.
Violet's army wiped
them out across the globe.
- Still, there are backup systems.
- Destroyed.
By the Khan's attacks on
the server ships in the Atlantic.
Every single one of her attacks
had the appearance of terror
but actually disabled security
measures needed to stop her.
She played us from the very beginning.
Okay. If the U.S. can't
transfer to Europe,
what's the backup plan?
- They reroute.
- Where?
Right now the only
possible path for the transfer
- is through Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong.
That's it. Yes. That's where she'll hit.
You need to call, stop the transfer.
I-I don't have anywhere
near the authorization for that.
Even if I did, they wouldn't believe me.
This is disastrous.
You must understand.
If $1.5 trillion vanishes
from the economy, it
causes a downward spiral
that will crash the
West if not the world.
People will go to the bank
and their savings will be gone.
This will affect billions of people.
We need to get to Hong Kong.
All the airports are shut down.
If only we knew someone
local with a private jet.
Of course you do.
Let's go.
You'll be pleased to
know the Cardinal's in line.
It's so much easier to blackmail
someone that has no morals.
Almost everything's in place.
Lexi and Danny have
disappeared from Frankfurt.
But I'm sure that they still plan
on being a pain in my ass.
They're too far behind you
for them to stop you now.
Lexi's anger clouds her judgment,
and nothing makes her
angrier than being betrayed.
Which you brilliantly
engineered with Danny as well.
That's her other weakness.
They may have beaten you,
but they will not touch me.
Ah. The last chess piece.
You have one last task,
and then everything will be ready.
Whatever my Khan needs.
The priest escaped?
- What?
- How?
Treasure Squad, assemble.
- Wasn't sure you got our texts.
- Yeah.
- I'm glad you're okay.
- Get in here, tiger.
It's good to see you.
Yeah, we didn't get service back
- until we crossed over Pakistan.
- Hey.
I'm sorry about Kate.
- - I know.
Me, too.
Hey. Sorry.
I'm glad to see you're okay.
Look, all of Europe is in chaos.
Seems quiet here in Hong Kong, though.
Well, Chinese New Year starts tonight.
Violet's terror attacks in
Europe are a world away.
Look, the attacks,
they're not for terror.
She's stealing $1.5 trillion.
D-Damn. That-That's a lot of money.
Yeah. And she's forcing it
to route through Hong Kong.
She's gonna launder it somehow.
Which means she'll
only have a few options.
- Yes?
- Chuck.
I know how she's gonna do it.
We've been following Cardinal Rossi.
By the way, thank you for saving my life
by chair-punching those
guys that kidnapped me.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, what?
Chair-punching? Without me?
We all lead very exciting lives now.
Listen, the point is,
the Khan's men showed
up to meet with the Cardinal.
And Rossi's on the
board of the Vatican Bank.
Ah, definitely nothing shady about
a church having its own bank.
Look, it's one of the
biggest banks in the world.
They've got massive
holdings, very little oversight.
And, to be frank,
a pretty shady history of
money-laundering scandals,
some of them even involving the Mafia.
Wait, Godfather Ill was real?
That film is so underrated.
No, it's not.
- Hold up.
- Guys!
Rossi has the power to oversee
a massive transfer of funds like that
and to break it up into so many pieces
that no one would ever notice.
And Violet has a criminal network
all over the world to make withdrawals.
From any of over 200,000
Catholic parishes around the world.
Whatever happened to all that guilt
Catholics are supposed to have?
Some of us carry all of it.
How's Violet going to get the money
from the Hong Kong bank to Rossi?
When I stayed back to clean
out Violet's HQ with the CIA,
we found a bunch of these.
This is a remote access tool,
or, for short, a RAT.
- Mm-mm. Shaw.
- Convergence.
Let me see that.
Th-There were all different sizes,
like she was trying
to fit it into something.
Uh, it can hack signals.
Remotely control devices.
- Like a nuclear bomb?
- No.
Not powerful enough.
It's more of a router to
bounce electronic messages
from one place to another.
Intercept them.
This whole time,
she's needed one
thing to pull off this heist,
and we've been chasing it down for her.
The Spirit Banner of Genghis Khan.
She needed a Trojan Horse.
A way to get the remote
access tool inside the walls
of the one place she
knew she couldn't go.
The impenetrable office of the head
of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority
who also happens
to be a Khan fanatic
and who is controlling the flow
of $1.5 trillion through
his office tonight.
Arthur Chan.
That's why she wanted me
to meet him instead of her.
She already knew him.
I bet she got the idea
for this whole heist
by being the one who sold him
the fake Banner in the first place.
So, we are saying "Jen-ghis" now?
She does.
It's the right way.
Mr. Chan, so good to see you.
With all this madness in the West,
I almost couldn't make it.
I'm surprised you picked
somewhere so public.
Yeah, I didn't choose the place.
I apologize about insisting
the sale of the Banner
has to happen today.
But it's not the best time, you know.
With the "most wanted
terrorists" and all.
Well, this Great Khan has
certainly taken over
that position from you.
I'm still very much a
wanted man, I assure you.
Just show me the Banner.
Someone else picked the case, too?
Uh, options were limited.
Finally mine.
Once I have it authenticated,
you'll have your money.
- Double the price, as we discussed.
- Yes, yes.
Just in time for me
to hang it on my wall,
right before the Year of the Rat begins.
Ah, yes.
So everything can be in
place before the New Year
ensures the coming year's prosperity.
To your continued
good fortune, Mr. Chan.
Vince's contacts told
him that Chan's throwing
a New Year's party tonight
at the Royal Starling Hotel.
He got us on the list,
but we'll need to change.
White tie only.
I, of course, can handle that.
It's best to have a tailor
on standby in every country.
Well, you guys go to the party,
convince Chan to cancel the transfer.
I'll deal with Rossi.
You'll need backup.
Chuck can handle himself.
Thank you.
He's not the same soft, mostly useless
cannon fodder you've always known.
He's a kick-ass bishop now.
You couldn't have said
that without the middle part?
No. You do heal slow.
She's right, though. I got this. 100%.
And there's no way in hell
that Violet doesn't have a backup plan
with Chan at the center of it,
so as always, race against time.
Well, you do your part, I'll do mine.
All right, let's give 'em hell.
Sorry, Chuck.
It's cool.
Your Eminence, this is an honor.
Apologies for interrupting
your New Year's.
Please. The Vatican's
accounts are always a top priority.
I'll need a
A private banking terminal.
What is the meaning of this?
Of this?
Oh, of this?
It's actually better
in the original Latin,
but, uh, I'll sum it up for you.
This is a papal interdict
prohibiting you from transferring
any funds into or out of
any Vatican bank account.
So, all of that blood money
that you were trying to launder
stays right where it is.
What can I say?
Me and Papa are tight.
You've been defrocked, Cardinal.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr. Rossi.
I underestimated you.
That's the last thing
Kate ever said to me.
She was my friend.
And she was murdered by
the person you decided to help.
You could've come clean
and stopped all of this.
She'd still be alive.
If the world finds out
what we did, what we covered up,
they'll all leave us.
I'm proof of that.
Take this man back to Rome.
He's got a lot to answer for.
These colonial hotels have been around
since the British took over
during the first Opium War.
And Chan chose to throw a party in one.
How appropriate.
We're guests of Tran Quoc Tuan.
That's funny.
Uh, Tuan was a
legendary imperial prince.
- Ah.
- Held off two invasions
by Khan armies in
the 13th century, so
History jokes.
They never get old.
Masks only.
Hey, I wanted to be the Tiger.
You can be the Tiger.
I don't care for it, anyway.
I've seen how that ends.
The Rat.
If you say "convergence," I'll kill you.
Tigers let their actions speak for them.
Oh, oh.
Chuck stopped the transfer
into the Vatican Bank.
Rossi's in custody.
That's my little buddy.
So, uh, we're done, right?
- No, no.
- W-We won.
Not even close. Violet's
getting the same news.
And if she can't get her
money with Rossi's connections,
she'll get it with Chan's blood.
She'll be coming after the Banner.
If she's not here already.
We need to find Chan first.
Stay alert, everyone.
Any one of these masks could be Chan
or someone trying to kidnap him.
Or just a bunch of rich brats.
God, I'd love to punch
them all in the face.
Lex, as per usual,
let's hold off on the punching
until we know who's who.
You don't have fun.
I am definitely getting the
vibe that we're not the only
partygoers working tonight.
I just clocked two sets of
bad guys pretending to drink
while eyeing the exits.
Spotted a shoulder holster
under this waiter's jacket over here.
We should assume everyone
in this room is working
for the Khan until we know otherwise.
Well, it might help
to narrow things down
if we focus on masks specific to Chan.
That's a good idea.
A man like Chan can't
help but make a statement,
even in disguise.
Hmm, monkey mask.
In the Chinese zodiac,
smart, quick, entrepreneurial.
And definitely not Chan.
Got a horse mask.
Chan does love the ponies.
Nope, dude's got a ponytail.
Really committed to the whole bit.
I got him. North end of the floor.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.
He's the only one in here wearing
not just a mask but an actual relic.
the Mongolian God of Wealth,
about 800 years old.
A little on the nose for someone
who currently has a trillion dollars
flowing through his office.
We need to get him out of
here without too much exposure.
Oh, darling, leave that to me.
Don't I know you?
Ah, yes, the stables.
Did you ever find your steed?
As a matter of fact,
I'm still on the hunt.
What are you doing here?
Well, this is my party.
Perhaps you can help me get a drink.
It would be my pleasure.
Why don't we go in here?
Arthur Chan.
We need to talk.
Help us,
or you'll be dead by morning.
You two know each other?
Put that together, did you?
Wait, you're that idiot that attacked me
in my parking garage.
Where's your stupid accent?
- That was pure Statham.
- Danny.
- I nailed it.
- Cut to the chase.
Chan, we're here to save your live.
Let me guess, earlier today
you bought the Soul of Genghis Khan
- from Simon Hardwick.
- How could you know that?
It's the only logical last
piece of the Khan's plan.
The largest heist of all time,
and you are at the center of it.
That transfer you authorized
It's not making it to Frankfurt.
You're insane.
That bailout's saving
the entire Western world
- from complete collapse.
- It's being robbed.
Simon Hardwick's
employer is the Great Khan.
Yeah, and she is using
the Banner Simon sold you
to hijack that transfer.
It's a Trojan horse, for
a remote access tool.
It took over your computer
to reroute all that money.
But we stopped it.
Now we need you to put the
money back where it belongs
- before the whole bloody system
- I can't.
I can't access the money.
Wait, what do you
mean? Where-where is it?
If she's using a remote
access tool as you say,
and it can't complete the transfer,
it will store the information,
so the money is stuck right there.
Millions of SWIFT bank
deposits locked inside the Banner.
You mean $1.5 trillion
is trapped inside the
Soul of Genghis Khan?
It was already priceless.
Well, now it's
priceless plus a trillion.
We need to get that banner before
Violet finds out what we've done.
Uh, guys.
I think we're too late for that.
The Khan's already here.
We're running out of time.
May I say, I think you look
like a vision this evening,
even if you do have a knife
strapped to your inner thigh.
I'll just ask, is that a
standard accessory?
Are you planning to use it?
- Both.
- Great.
Rossi gets caught on
the night of our transfer?
It's no coincidence.
You don't think McNamara and Vaziri
have got anything to do with it?
They're on the other side of the
world by now, chasing their tails.
They're here. I know it.
Tell our men to find Chan.
And kill Danny and Lexi on sight.
You're the only person
who can get inside that room.
Come with us now,
and we can stop this
before anyone else gets hurt.
My security can deal with her.
She's got a bloody army with her.
And she won't leave until she
gets what she came here for.
Well, technically all she needs is
your eye and your hand.
The rest of you just,
well, slows her down.
I accept your offer.
- Smart move.
- Okay.
Let's see if we can get out
of here without a gunfight.
I got an idea.
Shaw, we need a way out.
That's him.
In a priceless Namsrai.
Hey, Arthur.
What's going on?
We're too late.
They've already got him.
Hey, hey. Where are you going?
The Dragon Gate.
You can't go. I'll go.
There are cameras everywhere.
I thought the whole plan is
that nobody's supposed to
know who the Great Khan is.
You head out there, and everybody will.
I'll send a detail with you.
For your protection.
I look forward to
celebrating with you later.
This is so much easier
to do while walking.
What does that mean?
It's a long story. We should hurry.
Don't touch anything.
The transfer was initiated.
But it was halted before it completed.
$1.5 trillion, and it's all in there
because I had to possess this relic.
The global economy will
crumble, and it's all my fault.
Hey, Arthur. It is not too late.
We get the Banner to the authorities,
and all that money goes back
to where it's supposed to be.
And the Khan is defeated.
All right.
Let's go.
Shaw, we have the Banner
and we're headed down.
Figure Violet's not far behind,
so I planned a more subtle escape.
Meet me down below.
That's a good idea. We'll
see you in two minutes.
We have to be careful.
Once we're outside,
the streets will be filled with people.
Perfect for trying to steal away
with a priceless
eight-foot golden spear.
The subbasement's
right around the corner.
I need to contact the bank,
the international authorities,
everyone, as soon as possible.
We need to get as far
from here as we can first.
What happened?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
Poor Arthur.
At least he got to see the
New Year off with a bang.
Hong Kong Police!
Put down your weapons!
- Did you call the cops?
- I thought you did.
Actually, I called them.
On your knees, Khan!
I am not the Khan.
I-I am not the Khan! Okay?
Wait, he's
He's actually telling the truth.
Yeah, I've been on
your side this whole time.
You've been on your
side this whole time.
We'll get this all
sorted out at the station.
Of course she set me
up to be her fall guy.
She set me up right from the start.
And this was my one chance to escape.
Well, I did warn you, didn't I?
Guys, I just followed a bunch
of her men through the caves.
They didn't see me,
but I've got bad news.
What, worse than Chan being
killed and us getting arrested?
Way worse.
That attack on the
Russian military base,
she definitely stole a nuke.
- Oh, boy.
- Oh, God.
Violet's going after that
banner with everything she has.
And once she has it,
she'll blow up Hong Kong
to cover her tracks.
We found where they're taking
Simon Hardwick and my banner.
My Khan.
I want it back.
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