Bomb Girls s01e01 Episode Script

Jumping Tracks

1 Hallelujah I'm ready to go Oh, careful, careful, the ring.
James, you know now that we're engaged, we could go a little further.
We're allowed now.
And I don't want to take something you're not ready to give.
Great bloody extravagance is what it is.
A whole heaping pork roast? Sunday dinner Bob.
Well we can't afford it.
Yes we can! Now that Mom and me's got paycheques, we got money to spend.
Sinners, our war is not merely It's not merely a fight against Hitler.
It's our path to deliverance.
Untold demons, they lie in wait for us overseas.
But have you battled your own demons, exorcised the evil inside.
Open the door to salvation! And vanquish the beast within! Lovely couple! - Congratulations you two.
- Today's a happy day! All this for us? My goodness, we were getting ready to report a kidnapping! Oh Mother, I was just stitching one of James' buttons.
Today's a big day! Look at you! Flush as a June poppy.
I'm excited about my new job tomorrow.
Working in the office together it will be a gas.
I think it's wonderful, you girls leading a shoulder to the effort.
If Hitler's coming, someone in this family needs to fight him.
I'll talk to you later.
Okay here's your money.
Mom, what if he finds me? We'll be up north tomorrow.
And your new name is Kate Andrews.
We've talked about this.
There's no life for you here.
I love you! Father! Father! Run! Run Marion run! Thou shall not stray! Marion.
You're going to burn, sister! You're going to burn! Gerald Morton, James Dunn.
He's joining my company to help Withams sang those plum military contracts.
An American! Guilty as charged.
Unfortunately, it seems my countrymen will never join the war.
Rollie tells us you're a "capital" man in every sense.
Yes, and patient, putting up with my little girl.
Even if the poor lad's marrying Ronnie the Bren Gun Girl.
Victory Munitions doesn't make guns, Father they do bombs.
Besdies, up in the office, the worst I should fear is a paper-cut.
I wouldn't get comfortable sweetheart.
You girls are only filler till the boys get home.
Like they have us using plastic instead of metal.
Go try some champers, it's the real deal! What the hell's got you all dingo? My lock Don't worry, there's a dead bolt on the front door.
I need this, to lock.
What, you think we're all a bunch of crooks here? Let me.
You just gotta pull up on the knob.
Piece of cake.
Thank you.
I'm a light sleeper.
I'm Kate.
Kate Andrews, pleased to -- I thought that was you on the streetcar! So I guess we're on the same shift.
The Blues.
Which I'll be singing if all my firsts are duffs like you.
Our whiz Betty here always gets hacked off on intake days.
She's a worker but she also trains you rookies.
I'm Vera.
Kate, ball of nerves.
Can't believe I'll have a real live bomb in my hands! Seems someone else wants to cop a feel.
I heard Mary Pickford might visit some factories, do her bit.
That's a movie star? Nope.
Just a poor little rich girl on a field-trip.
First broken nail and she's outta here.
Hi! Gladys Witham.
If I knew there was a morning confab, I'd 've got here early! Quite the ride.
My father's.
I won't be doing that again it's streetcars all the way.
Beautiful hair.
Wish mine were blond.
Oh, it will be.
The cordite explosive turns your hair yellow.
Which is why we tuck it under turbans Vera.
Well? Who can keep a lock from falling out here and there? Soldiers all want a factory girl.
I'm sure.
Hustle in, girls.
Green Shift can't finish until you take their place.
That would include you, Mr.
Go rustle your hens into their coop, Lorna.
This fox here is taking his time.
Gladys Witham? That's me! You can't wear your street shoes in the office.
You got nails in the soles? You get sparks.
Those are some gruesome twosomes.
Now your ring.
This is my engagement ring.
I don't care if it's the Hope Diamond.
Those are the rules-- no cigarettes, no lighters, nothing that can spark.
You'll get it back at shift's end.
I'll leave it at home tomorrow.
If you ever make it back.
Wait for me in there.
Here's the deal, ladies, if you do fine embroidery, you can assemble a time fuse.
If you sew buttons, you can thread a detonator.
If you can pour tea, you can pour amatol.
No big whoop.
Except some folks don't see it that way.
The guys're crapping bullets, afraid they might not get their easy-street jobs back after you've helped 'em win the war.
You ignore 'em first, talk tough second and if that doesn't work, you slap 'em silly.
Miss Witham I've seen your files, you've all had the same good training as they have.
Kate Andrews.
What about you? Yes, here.
Here's my papers.
Okay then.
Unless it's lunch or tea-break, you do not leave you station until the next shift arrives.
We're fighting Jerries here, ladies, and trust me, Fritz ain't resting.
Now get busy.
Head in the game, Miss Witham.
We're in the catbird seat, Gladys up here where all the girls want to be.
At the rate he's going, Hitler will be coming up our beaches by Christmas.
He's bombed most of factories in England, means if we fall behind, the soldiers will be out there with no lead in their barrels.
And with Blue Shift six percent below quota, I'm catching flak over whether we can meet demand.
Perhaps if we had the right kind of people working here Good point.
It'd be good if I'd get me a few more husky girls.
They're more even tempered on the line.
I'm not talking about my girls, Mr.
I'm talking about certain men here whose hearts clearly are not in the fight.
As shift matron, it's my job to ensure the factory's safety and security.
For God's sake.
All you have to worry about is dressing your girls for their shifts.
An Italian's present-- Hitler's ally! Is that it, Lorna? 'Cause sure sounds like you've got a dog in this hunt.
I certainly do-- two sons overseas.
Secrets must be kept.
It's the only way we'll win this war.
Marco's a decent man, and a great materials controller.
I'm the one who vouched for him! So any breach will be on your head.
I'll tell you what's on my head: An extra three thousand casings a day I gotta produce.
We make quota or the axe falls.
So unless you want me to start with you, get your girls in order and get your big flapping face out of here.
You fill those babies right.
If it's not enough, you'll send our boys a dud.
If it's too much, it could blow up your boyfriend's face.
Hey, let me know if you like it hotter.
Good grace! You trying to get us killed?! You ladies need a firm hand? No we don't! Take a hike! I'm sorry I didn't know If your gravy-boat'd been full, you could've blown up the whole factory.
Go see Mrs.
You're out of here.
I've no money, my folks won't take me back.
This here, it's all I've got.
The boys've been dosing her.
Well? She's gotta take it, same as the rest of us.
For God's sake, Betty Save the water-works.
Don't pour so close.
Keep a hand on the crate till they're full.
Just keep doing it like that.
"Enhanced stockpiles," how thrilling! Maybe more of our boys will finally see battle.
The girls at tennis will go bananas when they hear.
This is no game, Carol.
You start chattering, brothers and sons will die.
You're right.
Loose lips sink ships.
But who am I going to tell? Who indeed? I mean, what good are we even doing up in that office? Let's fade before the Barbarians invade.
You go.
I'll be up soon.
Who cares what time shift starts tomorrow.
A dance-hall full of soldiers in uniform? Dazzle! I may be a married woman but while my Doug's over in England, I gotta keep my spirits up somehow.
The dances are a blast.
Not as sky-high as Kate nearly took us, but still So do soldiers dance with all the girls? Yeah! Dance with a dozen jive bombers and you'll go home with as many requests for marriage.
Oh, I hardly think Well you should.
I've accepted three proposals so far.
Truly Vera? How can you do that? Easier than falling out of bed.
Well? You would know! Boy, it'd sure get awkward if your three fiancés ever met overseas.
Saying you'll hitch up with a fellow is hardly immoral-- It's charitable.
Yeah fellow's shipped to the edge of the earth They only propose so they got someone to think about when they're off sweating in their bunks.
Isn't it cruel, leading them on? Of course not.
Let's face it, soon as those hunks of heartbreak set eyes on a khaki-whacky English lass, they forget we even existed.
How is it up in the office, Gladys? Yeah, Rapunzel up in your tower over there.
It's okay.
Though doing your jobs seems a whole lot more interesting than staring down Harold Akins' nose-hairs.
Gosh, I'd swap you, any old time.
The girls are talking about the dance tonight at the Sandy Shores Pavilion.
I wondered have you ever gone? I don't go anywhere near the ocean.
There's German submarines out there.
Don't you read the papers? Except I think that's not an ocean it's just a big lake.
I'm from the prairies, water's water.
I came here to battle the Axis, Mr.
I feel I can do more than just, alphabetize.
Miss Witham, why don't you go and let the soldiers fight Goebbels and GÃring.
There's two Airman here to see you, sir.
I need to speak with you.
Look at them women down there.
Who'd a thought.
You know, my situation up here is only temporary.
I'll be working the floor any day now.
The more bombs, the better.
Spot of bad news.
I'm afraid.
In a coordinated raid over Germany, squadrons lost seven Allied aircraft to Luftwaffe fire.
Two were Canadian fliers.
Lorna I need help telling Edith her husband died.
So my sons are alive? Yeah.
Of course.
You women, always thinking the worst.
I'I tell her myself.
She was talking about her husband, only hours ago Was it during a raid? We're not allowed to say.
At least not here.
But if you wanted I could tell you tonight.
There's a bash at Sandy Shores.
You like to dance? Oh I don't dance with soldiers.
Except we're all soldiers Gladys.
Every decent man in the country.
It's a lovely day tomorrow Life is short.
This world we live in now.
Anything could happen.
It's a lovely day Come and feast your tear-dimmed eyes On tomorrow's clear blue skies Come on.
In you get.
Nobody said we had to take showers.
It's to wash off the chemicals.
Plus it beats the tepid bath they got on offer back at the rooming house.
Your singing.
Bad habit.
Comes from being a preacher's daughter.
If I had a voice like that, I might actually believe in God.
Let's move it along, girls.
There are a couple fresh new faces in there today Yeah.
Nice to see 'em before the cordite turns 'em yellow.
At least it turns their hair blonde.
Too bad it doesn't loosen 'em up too.
You know who has it easy? Soldiers All them canteen cowboys just gotta start bawling about missing their mommies and up go the skirts.
Girls these days, it's more Down go the Trousers.
World's gone crackers.
You're the one storming in here.
What's this? An air vent? Oh well, it does let in the sunshine.
Proves you're spying.
Sure, if there are any Able Grables worth looking at.
You think this is a joke? An Italian building Allied bombs? Might as well throw out a welcome mat for Mussolini! I left Italy when I was two years old! Fox in the hen-house, isn't that what you said? Well I'm smoking you out.
I say two words about this? You're gone.
Bastards already got my father in some internment camp-- No good reason, except he's Italian.
This job feeds my family Say one word and I'll make sure you regret it.
How's my little worker bee? Someone died.
At the factory? No! Overseas.
They die there every day.
Yes and we just go on with our lives.
You're doing what you can.
Am I, James? Is filing paper all I can do? You should see the girls who work the factory floor.
They actually make something that matters! Stand down, soldier! You'd sock it to Hitler if you had the chance.
Did our resident patriot last the day? It was stupendous, father.
I need to borrow James tonight, cost projections to go over.
You mean take him to your club so you can gobble down filets and lobby for your big military contract.
That contract will pay for your wedding, young lady.
Well then, James and I will elope.
It's just some politicians at the club.
We gotta get them sauced.
I'll take you out for dinner tomorrow.
It's a guarantee.
Except these days, who can make guarantees? This world we live in anything could happen.
You wanna send this Macaroni packing, you'll need more dirt than a spy-hole.
It proves he can't be trusted.
It proves he's a red-blooded young man.
An Italian shouldn't be working at Victory Munitions, Danger is everywhere, Bob.
Just today I had to tell Edith McAllum her husband was shot down over Germany.
Better be blown to smithereens, than live as half a man.
How can you say that? German soldiers killed one of your countrymen.
With a bomb like the ones you make.
Well at least I'm doing something.
I fought 'em once, Lorna, I didn't asked for a re-match.
You sugarcoat it however you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're helping to kill someone else's boys.
I better take that on my own, Bob.
And nobody's gonna do that better than me.
I found this doing laundry.
Oh my God.
The ring.
It's so beautiful Don't! This is Gladys Witham's engagement ring.
They must think I stole it.
Poor girl must be at her wit's end.
"Poor"? I sure doubt that one.
Yeah, baby! Come on up here! A few minxy girls here I wouldn't mind getting into some night manoeuvres with.
Well you'll need stealth moves if you wanna get past those soldiers onto the dancefloor.
God, Witham, Looking swell.
Surprised you'd slum it at a dirty hop like this.
Just one of the gals.
Are those silk stockings? Golly.
Better than the leg-stick I can afford.
"Just one of the gals.
" I think I'll get some punch.
Hey I thought you couldn't swing coming here.
My schedule opened up.
Wanna dance? Okay Our saviour! Sorry to barge in like this, I just thought the poor girl must be worried sick.
I try to behave, truly, but we women need our indulgences.
One advantage of my husband's trade.
I'm not sure if you know, but Withams Grocery Chain, yes.
We had the most marvellous roast just last night.
You have a large brood? I have two sons and one daughter.
My boy Gene is a gunner, Stanley's an infantryman.
My own son would've been heroically fighting alongside them.
He works with your husband? No.
He's dead.
Oh I'm so sorry.
Two years ago.
Lost control of our Packard, ended up in the ravine.
Now it's my daughter who's the brave fighter.
Vim enough to volunteer for your Auxiliary Meals Program tonight.
VicMu doesn't do Auxiliary Meals.
But she told us Oh perhaps she's with a different group.
After all, there are so many ways now for our young girls can serve.
I bet you know how to hoof it.
I don't like to break a sweat.
Then how 'bout a slow one? Hey greaseball.
Soldiers only.
Plenty of women here to go around.
If you don't have the guts to fight, at least respect the soldiers who do.
I would fight if you idiots'd let me.
Too bad the military's got standards.
Marco, just let it go This from a base-rat who needs to bomb the competition to click a girl.
You dance much? Oh lots by myself.
What a band! We've got to come back here.
That would be a gas.
When do you ship out? They won't tell us.
Soon though.
London first, then God knows where.
I went to London for my sixteenth.
We saw St.
Paul's and the palaces, had tea at the Ritz.
I heard they eat fish for breakfast.
I can't stand fish.
If they make me eat that, I'll get sick, and if I can't eat I'll be weak, - and if I'm weak - They have sausages and eggs too like we do.
Also have you tried yoghurt? You add jam and it's delicious.
I'm sorry, I know you're not that kind of girl No.
But thank you for the dance.
Do you wanna try a twirl? Truly! You're better than you think.
So long as folks couldn't see my feet.
Gladys, you can sure cut a rug.
I've never had a pair before.
May I? Be my guest.
My goodness.
They're so soft! And surprisingly warm.
Wanna help the war effort, Princess? Try not wasting silk.
You know? You sound like my mother.
I'm nothing like you rich gits, with your big silky security blankets.
Betty! You think you're all brave now because you walked inside a factory.
But what've you ever done in your whole life, one thing that ever scared you? That's right.
Take them.
They're yours.
Nothing wrong with nice things.
Care for a walk? Ya.
Is it true what you said, that Hitler may even invade America? He's on his way if we don't step in.
I hear that his armies are full of wild men, six feet tall and full of sinew and hate.
I could be dead in a month, or a leg ripped off.
Who'd think of me then? I would.
I'd think of you then.
I just wanna to feel alive before I'm shipped off.
Before I start doing the things I'll have to do just to survive.
Something to hold on to, you know.
I'm scared.
We all are.
Hitler turns to Russia.
It's about time they let up on England.
Anything in there about Italy? Well, I'm sure they're hungry and moaning over all the fire our boys are dropping on them.
What are you doing? You're not totally crippled Bob.
Your engagement ring.
I completely forgot about it.
Where were you? I told you, Auxiliary Meals.
VicMu delivers food after hours You're a goddamned liar.
Well you're snooping in my affairs.
I'm making sure this hellcat is worthy of walking down the wedding aisle! "Worthy?!" You don't give a damn.
You ignored me since Laurence died.
It's only now I'm bringing you a new son that you care at all.
Don't use your brother to justify your offenses.
And once I've snagged James, I'll be nothing to you again at least until I start popping out your grandsons! What the hell else would you do, play "office" for a few weeks till you're on to another ridiculous folly? This is not folly, it's war! You got that right.
I will not let you stand at the wedding altar, yellow as custard, your new friends a pack of hacking canaries in the pews.
I'm not going to sit around keeping my hands soft until I get married.
Where on earth are your stockings? It's what I do, Mother.
I give away my precious things.
Stockings to hacking canaries, fiancés to greedy fathers You may think playing the brave adventuress would get you attention.
But I promise you, Gladdy, you are courting disgrace.
Keep this up and your fiancé will walk away.
You will lose your marriage, your fortune, your reputation.
You will walk out of the rubble with nothing.
Gladys! Lewis! Oh my goodness.
How did you I thought you'd be inside by now.
No, I just came to return my ID card.
I'm quiting.
Why? We need you girls to fight with us! I can't talk to you, not here I'm shipping out tonight.
I didn't want you to think that I was the kind of fellow who'd just disappear.
That's very gallant of you.
But reputations being what they are Last night was the best of my life.
Well thank you.
Mine too.
Marry me.
Please get up.
Please get up.
I have no ring but you'll have all my love.
Be my wife, Gladys, the one I can cling to when I'm over there.
I'll marry you, Lewis.
Yes! Thank you.
I'm going to make you so happy, I promise! You're gonna write me? You have my battalion? Of course.
Gladys, thank you so much.
Not with everyone I'll think of you all the time.
I'm glad.
Come back safe.
You build me a good bomb in there.
I will.
I promise.
That eye must smart something awful.
I admit, my noggin was the last place I expected the blood to be rushing last night.
But one day we'll have that dance.
I don't think that would be impossible.
Ladies! The line waits for no one.
He's swell.
Shut the line! Shut the line! Shut the line! Someone over there shut the line! Get the medic! Sheila.
Tell me they'll fix her.
They'll reattach the scalp, what's left of it, then once the rest scabs over a wig.
Can't they do some kind of graft? It won't be a priority operation.
Doctor, regarding Vera Burr's treatment We'll do the best we can.
My daughter told me this hospital is a leader in skin what is it? Plastic surgery.
But Ma'am-- You'll do that surgery on Vera.
We have countless pressing needs You can't let her leave here deformed.
It it will destroy her future.
With limited resources, priority must be given to the soldiers.
Vera is a soldier.
Mother, please don't Vera risked her life every day to help win this war.
Do not turn your back on her.
If you want to see our boys with bullets in their guns and bombs in their planes, you will show her the same respect.
You go in there, you book the operating room, and you do the surgeries no matter how expensive or lengthy.
You do your best for that girl.
Poor Vera, to live like that, disfigured for the rest of your years terrible.
Seems you've faced some of that yourself.
Those bruises the scars on your back Kate, what happened? That's none of your business.
Whatever you're running from you're safe here now.
I'll make sure.
It's a damned disgrace! What is what have you heard? What? You can't guess? Carol told me about the day's funhouse disaster.
The accident.
I don't give a damn about the accident Gladys! It's you, signing up to be the next bomb girl blown to bits! Vera Burr had her scalp torn off.
It's not a joke.
Well laugh or cry, you're not working the floor.
You're in the office, that was the deal.
I want to do more.
When I think of what thousands of soldiers do on our behalf Enough with the damned soldiers, Okay?! All their uniforms and their badges and their kit-bags they're just someone to hang things on.
He doesn't fight because he wants to.
He fights because he needs the job, he doesn't know a better way to win.
This family, your father and I? We do.
What am I supposed to do? Just sit back while the rest of the world fights? They don't need you.
Today a woman's life was ripped away.
And maybe I'm crazy to want to step in her shoes, but I've seen more these past days done more I've never felt so alive.
I won't go back to just drifting around this house all day.
I'm going to work the floor.
Your father will kill you.
So we never tell him.
Why do you want to do this? To see what I'm capable of.
It won't be like this forever.
This war will end, we'll all go back to normal.
So let's just live for now.
Come on.
Life is such a great adventure Learn to live it as you go No one in the world can censure What we do here below Don't save your kisses, just pass them around - You'll find my reason - Go get 'em.
is logic'lly sound Who's going to know that you passed them around A hundred years from today A hundred years from today.

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