Bomb Girls s02e06 Episode Script

Where There's Smoke

1 Eugene! Surprise, Ma.
Were you discharged? Ace Gunner promoted to Sergeant.
First leave, then a war bond tour.
What do you think you're doing? The message is simple, stay away from my son.
It's not the dying I'm afraid of, it's the killing.
Your fiancé might not be a war hero.
I'm sorry to hear about you and Betty.
Ivan asked me to go out with him, but I won't, not if you don't want me to.
- You could do a lot worse.
- Okay then.
Let go! Stop it! Gene! Stop please! That was close! Your heart beating like that, that's what it feels like to fly.
When James comes back home to you, he'll know.
And it'll cut through him like shrapnel.
Broadcasting live from Victory Munitions, it's the Freedom Cavalcade, brought to you by Witham Foods! To bring this war to end We make do and mend We lend our support to the crew.
Our boys are fighting hard While the home-front stands its guard At Witham Foods, We're with 'em just like you! Sing it like that on broadcast day; They'll be running to the store for baked beans.
I was a little sharp in the middle.
Aw, it was close enough for jazz.
But is it close enough for radio! You'll sing great, trust yourself.
And if you can't, trust me.
Oh Need a hand? Oh.
Yeah thanks.
Boy, you guys are pulling out all the stops for tomorrow.
Yeah, government's trying to double the take from the last bond drive.
Well, raising funds shouldn't be heavy-lifting at VicMu, we're all go-getters.
Hey, Princess! You see this? Gene's making time with DeeDee Burke.
And he called me a glamourpuss.
You hear from him since he left on the bond tour? Nope.
It's for the best, I suppose.
It was just a silly romp.
And your fiancé Well, he's having his own fun, that's what I tell myself.
Seems like things are changing for both of us.
I really don't know what to do.
In the meantime, how about lending your muscle? How big a bond should I buy? I tell folks to think hard about what they can spare and then double it.
And, as an added incentive, VicMu's top contributor gets this handy spatula set! And a chance to meet DeeDee Burke.
- Okay.
I'll do it.
- Great.
Is this a hundred dollars? Is that too low? Princess, you never fail.
You'll be flipping eggs in no time.
Her hotel room doesn't have a kitchen.
Well, if there's one thing the war has taught us, a gal can cook wherever she wants.
You said it, Sister! GLADYS: A spatula set Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Nat! They're coming, they're coming, they're coming! Ladies and gentlemen, here she is Miss Deedee Burke.
Sorry to keep you all waiting.
SHEILA:Introduce me, you numbskull.
Welcome to our humble hospital.
Deedee, meet my pipsqueak sis.
I'm weak in the knees.
You were amazing in Dancer Man.
Can you believe I haven't even seen it? Our patients are excited to meet you, a Hollywood star and a War hero.
We'll give them a lift, Doc.
DEEDEE: Golly, someone here looks banged up.
Yeah, plenty are a whole lot worse.
[Indistinct chatter.]
[Hearing distant sounds.]
PATIENT: This is my girl, back home.
WOMAN: I'm just a small-town gal.
[Machine gun sounds.]
[Ominous music.]
35 cents.
Just got off the horn with the radio folks.
What do you need? We gotta whoop Ajax.
Freedom Cavalcade broadcast from out there last week and they broke the record for bond sales.
When Witham's Freedom Cavalcade comes here, it'll be one damned humiliation if they announce from our yard, that Ajax beat us.
Ajax is bigger than us, how are we supposed to match their pledges? VERA: Maybe if we had a stunt or something that screams Vic Mu! Like what? Setting off a bomb in the bandstand? [Chuckles.]
Vera? Yes? Think of something! Good luck.
Hey! Some fellows are heading to the Jewel Box tonight, thought maybe you and some girlfriends might want to join? Sounds like fun Aren't we seeing The Sunset Embargo? Oh, I've seen it already.
DeeDee Burke is wonderful! You got your pick of hens here, why do you have to go after my best friend? - What can I say, she turned my head.
- Did she? Mess with her heart or put your hands where she don't want 'em? I'll kick you so hard you'll be tasting leather.
I think she's the one that gets to decide where my hands go.
Corbett? I just wondered if Gene was back safely? He's been on a War Bond Tour, Still, just the way we left it.
You thought you'd hear from him again.
Sadly, my son makes a Sherman Tank look like a tricycle.
I've seen him roll over many a tender heart.
So you haven't heard from him either.
Get back to work, Ms.
You're out here smoking? There's a whole ward waiting for you.
Drooling for DeeDee Burke, not me.
You're wrong.
For weeks I've been telling those men that my big brother the "Ace Gunner" was coming to visit.
They need to know, how good it's going.
How the work they did, the price they paid, it made a difference.
What if it didn't? You sound just like Dad.
What did you say? A crusty soldier wants his every crime excused, just because he went over.
Stop it.
Stop it, Gene! Don't.
Don't! Don't! [Grunts.]
Three weeks arrears? Front Desk? Gladys Witham.
I seem to have been billed in error.
My fiancé is overseas, and [muffled voice on the phone.]
Well then who has been making payments? Thanks for coming, Daddy.
What are we celebrating? I thought you'd might like to see what you've been spending all your money on.
James told you I've been paying? Oh no, he kept his word to you.
I won't have my daughter kept by another man.
That "man" is my fiancé.
And until you're his wife, you are my responsibility.
I've stopped paying because I want you to come home.
It will be different now.
You'll know you won.
Thanks, Daddy, but I'd rather pay my own way.
You might find out what this all costs before you commit to that.
[Band music playing.]
Betty, the boys will be there, it's easier if we're evenly matched.
You make it sound like a dogfight.
Well? Isn't it? Men! Princess! My point exactly.
Moira's on the phone in the hallway and I booked a person-to-person with James.
Except Moira actually lives here.
My hotel won't let me incur any more charges.
Sounds like someone's overdrawn.
Could I get an advance on my next paycheque? Not a chance.
What about that War Bond money I forked over, can I get that back? Yeah of course.
Thank heavens -- When the war's over.
She really needs to get off that phone.
This is starting to sound serious.
It is.
Aren't you making a mountain out of a molehill? You people treat sick folk all day.
Everyone looks ill to you.
Mom, someone who burns himself with a cigarette? Your son has combat fatigue.
He's shown a short temper, hurts himself I hear he crashed a car.
The car slipped into a ditch.
Honestly Sheila, if word got out, Gene could be demoted.
And if he goes back, Mrs.
Corbett, he's a danger to others.
Your son has faced more than his share of fear, awful things.
Now he can't feel alive unless his heart's in his throat.
He could get himself killed if we don't do something.
What, then? We've had success with medically-induced sleep.
For how long? Few weeks, maybe a month.
You want to knock my son out for a month? Just so that his brain can rest.
PATEL: We've seen some great results with this procedure.
The patient is well taken care of, totally at ease.
He'll be resting comfortably, fed intravenously; A pleasant time away from life's struggles.
[Fading voice.]
It may seem a strange course of therapy, but I assure you JAMES: Don't be mad.
You know how impossible it is to tell your father "No.
" And how hard it's been for me to break free from him.
I'll make good, I'll wire you the money.
Don't bother, I won't cash it.
You're being ridiculous.
Gladys I'm your fiancé.
I'll support you.
Gladys? Are you there? I'm not strong, James.
I haven't done right by you.
Gladys, let's not You deserve to know.
Please let me try to say this, James, this is difficult.
Look, you won't be coming back to the same girl you left behind.
When you Gladys, please.
They started manoeuvres in the south.
What are you talking about? We've gathered enough troops in England.
- It may happen soon.
- What will? We're heading to the front line.
Maybe North Africa, maybe even France it's an open secret.
This may be the last chance we have to talk before the war's finally done.
So please.
It's going to be okay, James.
It means the world, you saying that.
There's more I want to say.
You have to let me say it.
[Sound of bombs.]
James? - James? - It's nothing.
Just a Stuka rattling our cage.
You'll be careful, yes? I love you, Gladys.
I love you too.
[Dial tone.]
Fireworks will make a splash for the bond drive.
Fireworks? We'd pack the Cavalcade if we got some, they're such a rare treat nowadays.
Not a "booming" business.
Hardy har.
Ever since I went to go visit my dad in the internment camp the police have been giving me a hard time.
Marco, there's nothing illegal, about a man buying fireworks during his off-hours.
I know.
It's just, they got me chasing my own tail, you know.
There's one place, Vinzo DiCarlo's son Frankie runs it.
Mhmm? I suppose I could ask him.
If we can't show 'em a bomb-blast, at least we can fire off some rockets.
Wow, look who's doing that right now.
[Jitterbug music playing.]
How goes the War Bond drive? Pulling out all the stops.
Looks like you're pulling yours back in.
We used to date.
Him or her? Him of course! Kate's a friend.
The way I see it, life's short.
Why not make it a happy one? I've got a great life.
Could it get any better? Good luck getting your pledges.
Gene: Ma! I saw the new Hally at Downsview yesterday.
She is a beaut! Hitler won't know what hit him.
Four 303's in the tail! With these babies, the war is going to be over in no time What happened to your hand? Uhm I cut it on a bottle cap.
Anyway, so Eugene, that's a lie.
What'd Sheila say? What'd she say, bloody little snitch? She's worried about you, honey.
And so am I.
Oh, come on.
Two years I've been gone, I can't let off a little steam? Come on! You got drunk out of your mind, - played a stupid game of chicken? - Ma.
Nearly killed a girl.
What is in you, it's not normal.
Who says I'm normal? Mmm? I kill people, Ma, I look through the dark at a man's face and I shoot him dead.
So if I want to whoop it up to forget? I damn well will.
- There's doctors, and they have treatments.
Treatments I already got one.
It's called going back.
- I'll see ya when the war is over.
- Gene! Gene! - I'll see you when it's over!! - Gene! Gene! [Door opens and closes.]
[Indistinct chatter.]
Hey, Moretti! I was just looking for you.
Haven't seen you in awhile.
Keeping a low profile these days.
Yeah, it's called being Italian.
Yeah, you and me both.
At least you scored a steady job.
Hey, look Frankie, I've been looking for some fireworks for the Freedom Cavalcade for the Withams.
Can you help me out? Trying to impress King and Country now? I can get DiCarlo's a mention or two on the radio if you could put together something special.
You got a load of TNT at your factory, what's wrong with that? Yeah It doesn't quite do the trick.
I understand, you can't help me.
Thanks, Frankie.
How's your Pa? His bronchitis? How'd you know about that? Just word got out I guess.
He shouldn't even be in there.
He got a raw deal, your old man.
Yeah, yes, you know.
Someone told some stupid lies.
Well, I ever hear anyone dishing dirt on your family, I'll let you know.
Hey, Moretti! I'll get you the fireworks.
I will pay the bill, sir, it just won't happen overnight.
What do you want me to do, hawk my jewelry? [Knock at the door.]
I tell you it's like blood Mine's boiling already.
Well look who thinks he can waltz right in.
[Muffled whistle.]
You gonna model these for me tonight? No! I spoke to James, I'll have you know.
Yeah? What'd tell him? Nothing.
Good call.
He's afraid the Allies might open up a new front.
I'll show you a new front.
Are you even listening to me? You don't make it easy.
I couldn't be honest with him.
And now he's going into battle.
Your guy doesn't want to hear about me, and I sure as heck don't wanna hear about him.
I can't.
I just need a little holding.
Okay, I can do that.
Rita Hayworth.
Can you believe it, that's who Ivan said I looked like.
I need to get myself some new needles.
He's such a great dancer, so confident.
Almost made me feel like I knew what I was doing.
Did you two ever jitterbug? No.
Come here.
Come here.
So first you face your partner, then you take their hands okay? All right.
Right foot.
Back step.
Right? Side.
Back step.
That's good! [Humming.]
I can't I can't do this anymore.
You were doing great! It's not what I mean and you know it.
Is it Ivan? You still have feelings for him? Of course I don't! Damn it, Kate.
You're not an idiot.
Betty don't, things are going so well.
For you, yeah.
You got all you want.
A boy who's falling for you and a girl who already has.
You've used this - You used me.
- That's not true.
I helped you make a whole new life.
And what are you doing? I'm living it, Betty.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Then you find someone else to dance with.
Woman's Quarterly? Got great romances, but not for the young girls.
I'd only stock a couple dozen.
Got it.
- What about Ladies' Monthly? - Ugh.
The recipes are awful.
Remember that breaded ham hock I cooked up? Enough said.
[She laughs.]
Got all these women's magazines.
Who'd a thought there was so much to say about "Ways to Cheer Your Fighting Boy.
" Hey, hey, bad choice of words, c'mon Lorna, you got caught in the boy's cross-hairs.
Don't let him get to you.
I called his officer.
Something's wrong and I don't know how to reach him.
We'd call it "soldier's heart.
" He's carrying more than he can handle but he's got nobody to admit it to.
I can't stand by and do nothing.
I'll talk to him, fighter to fighter.
Come on folks, lets shake a leg or we'll never be ready for show time.
Well things are looking pretty good for the Cavalcade today.
How's it going with your pledges? Need help? Sure.
You can help fold these forms.
Looks like we'll be in for a good turn-out.
Fireworks, starlet, and a war hero.
I see your friend is performing.
Kate? She's singing a jingle, part of the Witham Trio.
That's not why I'm here.
Got a thing for folding forms? Doing my bit for the war effort.
Well, you ask me, this war's given us more than we could dream of.
Now we fit right in.
For once we don't stick out like a sore thumb.
Shipping out soon, Dad.
Despite Mom's best efforts.
Did you tell them what's going on in there? Why? You never did.
Sit down.
One time in the trenches we'd been up to our armpits in mud for days.
Finally my buddy Billy Ford and me, we went over the top.
Straight into fire.
Shrapnel got Billy's throat.
I tried to help him but what can you do? And now I go to bed every night, I close my eyes and see my hands around Billy's throat trying to stop the bleeding.
Only to see that I've choked him instead.
Now I see his blood on my hands every night.
What do you see, son? Nothing.
Up in my glass bubble? No mud, no blood.
You hold men's lives in your hands, Gene.
You're no good anymore.
You got a customer, Pop.
And I got a show to put on.
Read your own papers, Pop! I'm an Ace.
Working out some bond drive jitters? Nice dress.
You're looking good in your uniform.
Could use a little ironing.
Trying to tame me, Gladys? You girls are all the same; You want a wild man then you want to chain him down.
Gene, you're here, what, a few more days? I know that I like you, that's all.
Do ya? There's someplace I gotta be.
What is wrong with you? That was Eugene Corbett.
He's a friend, father.
And a close one by the looks of it.
You checked out of the hotel.
I'm staying with friends.
You really think you'll last a week on your own? Enjoy your cavalcade, Daddy.
Come on everybody.
Eat those hot dogs, I made them myself.
Witham hot dogs.
Whoop, where you going? Where you going? Come on through! You winning any money here? I could use some to buy a War Bond.
Places! Two minutes to show-time! Knock them dead, people.
It'll be the best darned jingle they ever heard.
Sure hope so.
[Indistinct chattering.]
Family photo.
The Globe and Mail's doing a spread.
Ace Gunner and his proud mother, what could be finer? Is my hair okay? Your hair looks great, Ma.
Give us a smile.
I was worried you wouldn't make it.
I should probably get behind you, so you don't stab me in the back.
My higher-ups told me you tried to get me discharged.
Lookin' good, you two.
I thought they should know what I know.
Which ain't much.
I talked my way out of the whole mess which is more than you can do here.
Perfect family! Gene, I was only trying to help you.
You tried to sabotage me.
I can't stand by, while you fall apart.
I don't fly with folks I can't trust.
Have a nice war.
Welcome listeners, here and home! This is Witham's Freedom Cavalcade.
Broadcasting live from outside of Victory Munitions in beautiful East Toronto.
And now, here is the President of Witham Foods, Mister Rollie Witham! But first the Witham Trio.
To bring this war to end We make do and mend We lend our support to the crew.
Our boys are fighting hard While the home-front stands its guard At Witham Foods, we're with 'em Just like you! [Clapping.]
Greetings, Radioland.
This week we're at Victory Munitions! [Clapping.]
I built Witham Foods being honest with customers, and I'm not going to beat around the bush today.
Freedom costs money, lots of it.
So buy a War Bond.
The more money we raise today, the sooner our boys will come home.
RADIO: Whether you're here with us watching or listening That was great for someone whose head's not in the game.
Something with your fellow? It's Betty, she has these feelings.
Yeah, she's very fond of you.
What she feels, is sin.
It says so in the Bible.
The Bible also tells us to stone a man for working Sundays.
I can tell in my heart when something's wrong.
If you can't love her the way she wants, just love her the way you can.
When I think about sacrifice, I think about my daughter.
Not only does she build the bombs that strafe the enemy, but she's committed herself to her fiancé fighting overseas.
Lovers investing in their bond, deferring easy happiness, knowing that greater rewards await.
Three minutes to Miss Burke, people! We can't just sit in silence waiting for her to grace us with her presence.
We can do a filler act.
Yeah, well you know, Leon, unless you're whipping out a fiddle No.
But I've got a darned good singer.
That honey? She sang a jingle.
I'm ready.
I promise.
Give me a shot.
Sergeant Corbett! Who's seen this joker? You rehearsed for this? Only my whole life.
Gene? Ladies and gentlemen.
The beautiful and talented Miss Kate Andrews.
All our friends keep knocking at the door They've asked me out a hundred times or more But all I say is leave me in a gloom And here I stay within my lonely room Cause I don't want to walk without you Gene? A class-act.
I wanted to say I let things go too far but you beat me to it.
It's not like I broke a promise here.
No, just onto the next distraction.
You're the one, dropped your lily-livered "officer" for a joy-ride.
James Dunn is more man than you will ever be.
What's he done to prove it? What have you done? A dozen dead Germans and a hundred hearts shot down in flames.
You had me fooled.
But you're nothing but a sad, frightened boy.
Turn off all that sunshine Oh, Baby, please come back or you'll break my heart for me 'Cause I don't want to walk without you No, siree [Clapping.]
And with that stellar song, our bond pledges are up to Four hundred and fifty dollars! [Clapping.]
Gladys! Gladys! Gladys! [Machine gun sounds.]
Gladys! [Machine gun sounds.]
Gladys! [Sighs deeply.]
TERESA: Sure am glad my shift's over so I can see your place.
Well, here you got a wall.
Fan, dresser, another wall.
A wall.
And a picture I've never actually looked at until right this moment.
And well bed.
That's a lot of walls.
Hey, it's okay, we don't need to do anything here.
No, I want to.
It's just how can this happen so fast? Seems to me you've waited a long time.
Our pledges are now up to five hundred dollars.
Okay, let's thank DiCarlo's Fireworks for sending us out with bang! [Clapping.]
And now speaking of celestial bodies, here's the moment I know I've been waiting for.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The exquisite, the remarkable, Miss DeeDee Burke! [Wild cheers.]
Hi, everyone! I have meet so many soldiers on this tour.
And each and every one of them has touched me.
Gene! Mrs.
Corbett? Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Yes? What? Oh my God! [Anti-aircraft gunfire.]
There he is.
The police, we should call them.
It'll only spook him, then God knows what.
He does this, goes somewhere.
Then, Mrs.
Corbett, you bring him back.
I don't I don't know how.
You're his mother.
Of course you do.
- I don't - You do.
He loves you, more than anyone else I bet.
[Airplane engine, tailgun.]
[Anti-aircraft gunfire.]
Watch your step you got it.
Eugene? It's Ma.
Anti-aircraft gunfire.]
What a view, hey? Come on, Gene, let's go.
Gotta go be a hero, remember Gene? Gene! [Fireworks in the background.]
They need you, honey.
Down there.
This is where I belong.
High enough to touch the hand of God! Gene, don't! Enough! You need to be careful up here! Things only make sense when I'm not.
Gene! The girl's right.
All I'm good for is shooting things down.
LORNA: No, that's not true.
I'm a loon, Ma.
That's what you keep telling me.
- I know - That's what everyone's telling me.
I know you wouldn't hurt anybody.
I hurt them all the time.
All the time.
[Machine gun sounds.]
Tell him he can go.
Over there, maybe he has enough purpose to keep him going.
What if you're wrong? Either way, Mrs.
Corbett you can't hold onto him.
You help the boys too though, don't you? Up gunning from the tail? Help 'em get home safe.
And this mission's almost done.
It's good work.
Come on, Gene.
It's time to land this one.
You promise you'll let me go back? Of course I will.
I know-- I promise.
[Machine gun sounds.]
[Fireworks explosions.]
(Lorna softly sighs) I'm keeping you safe too, Ma.
I know you are.
I appreciate it.
I saw Harold Aikins looking at those bouquets and spinners with tears in his eyes.
That felt good.
It was you that made me do it; Thank you.
Hey, you're the one who put on the show.
You know, Vera.
I'm so tired of towing the line and feeling second-class.
When am I going to get my life back? When the war's over.
I can't wait that long.
It's a good day.
You celebrating tonight? - Maybe.
- Yeah? Off to break some lonely hearts? Wouldn't you like to know.
Yes, I would.
Here I was thinking I'd gone and missed the fireworks.
Oh you soldiers are fast-talkers.
Don't tell me you haven't heard it before.
I haven't.
This was my first time.
First time it felt right.
Felt safe.
Now's the time you ask me how soon before I ship out? And so? When do you? I'm heading out on a bond tour but I'll be back.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure I would have done this with you if I knew I'd have to see you again.
Oh Is that what you're looking for? I wasn't looking for anything.
But I'm glad you found me.
I gotta tell you, seeing you onstage doing your thing, was like watching a whole new person.
How'd you do it? Helped having the right folks out there to sing to.
Ready for some Chinese food? My favourite.
[Muffled Laughter.]
You coming? [Kissing sounds.]
You bet.
Could we have some privacy, please? You'll want to keep that on a low heat.
And keep them moving.
LORNA: Are you staying here now? GLADYS: For the time being at least.
Gene's gone, I suppose.
Thank you for helping me with him.
I'm sorry you didn't get a proper goodbye.
I've lost my taste for teary farewells.
I'm not here about Gene.
You're not? Your hotel, you gave them VicMu as a forwarding address.
And ah A telegram.
It may not be bad news.
No soldiers delivering it.
Because James serves another country.
Thing is, we just spoke.
Oh, do you want me No.
I can't.
Will you? Please, Mrs.
"The Secretary of War desires me to express his deepest regret that your fiancé Lt.
James Dunn was killed during a bombing raid in Canterbury England, June 6, 1942.
Please accept our sincere sympathies and gratitude for your fiancé's brave service" Damn it! It's okay.
No it's not.
Help me do this right.
Use the fork kind of like this.
Lift it up.
Perfect, good.
That's good.
Then, I Then, I find a little milk helps, just a dash.
make them light.
That's good.
And salt and pepper.
[Gladys sighs heavily.]
by shalex
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