Brilliant Minds (2024) s01e12 Episode Script
The Doctor Whose World Collapsed
Listen up! This is a search,
rescue, and recovery mission!
We got a 200-occupancy building.
Partial collapse.
There's no telling
if the rest of the property
will stay intact,
so everyone must be evacuated!
- Let's go!
- Yes, sir!
I know you're scared. I am, too.
But we are the closest hospital
to the scene.
In a matter of minutes,
we are going to be inundated
with dozens of trauma patients,
patients who have lost
everything that matters to them,
and they're going to be terrified, too.
So we cannot appear distracted.
But, Dr. Wolf, it's Ericka's building.
I understand this goes against
everything I've ever taught you,
but some days being a doctor
requires a certain level
of disassociation.
Today is one of those days.
Patient rooms are reserved
for critical cases!
Minor injuries
go wherever we have space.
We have chairs when we run out of beds.
We need an MBG test!
Is the pain sharp or is it dull?
Negative Hoffman's sign
and normal neuro exam,
but with that shoulder pain
and history of blunt trauma,
my bet's on high-grade
high-grade splenic lac.
He's hypotensive.
Let's do a FAST ultrasound.
He may need surgery. The O.R.
is swamped, but I'll scrub in.
Has my mom gotten here yet?
Uh, not yet,
but I'm sure she's on her way.
In the meantime,
why don't you borrow my mom?
She's the chief of surgery.
She'll take care of you.
We've got you.
Ambulance is waiting. Load him up.
Hey. Hey. We need some help in here.
Female victim, 40s.
Conscious. Critical condition.
No medication. No allergies.
She has a bad skull fracture.
Legs are pinned under the rubble.
- Help me! Help me!
It feels weird.
Ohh! Hold still.
What's your name?
Okay. Jenna, you're gonna be okay.
I just need you to hold still.
- And don't touch anything.
- Okay. I won't.
It hurts.
- Open your eyes.
- You found her just like this?
- Yeah. Trapped.
- We're doing everything we can.
We don't have the luxury of time
with an open depressed skull fracture.
I'm a doctor.
Unfortunately, I'm not a neurosurgeon.
We need one here right away.
Somebody help me!
They called for a neurosurgeon,
not a neurologist, Wolf.
You don't think there are people
here who need you?
The first responders
are undoubtedly overwhelmed.
Who knows what they're juggling?
What's the harm
in an extra pair of hands?
You sure that's all this is?
Look. You're worried
about Dr. Kinney. I get it.
If it were one of my interns,
I'd be doing the same thing,
and you'd be where I am,
telling me it's a bad idea.
Are you riding with me or not?
What? No! Absolutely not.
Motorcycles keep neurosurgeons
in business.
Wolf, did you hear
anything I just said?!
We'll be faster if we lane-split.
How long do you think your patient has?
Do not get me killed!
Okay, everyone, the best thing
you can do right now
is fill out information
about your missing relatives.
If you have any photographs
handy, that would be helpful,
but we are going to need
other identifying details.
In case they're unrecognizable
when you find them?
We are seeing a wide range
of injuries right now.
The more information you have,
the more we can help.
I'm Dr. Pierce. What's your name?
Betsy Chase.
Ms. Chase, did you want
to fill out a form for me?
Mnh-mnh. No.
Is there anyone you're looking for?
Is there anyone we can call?
Did you hurt yourself?
Oh, um not today. Three weeks ago.
It won't stop bleeding.
Dr. Dang, can we do
a full workup on Ms. Chase?
History and exam.
And let's clean up her arm.
Labs and any other imaging.
On it.
Hi. I'm Dr. Dang.
This is not an ideal situation
for my face blindness.
Got it. I'll let you know
if I see Kinney.
- Nichols, right?
- Yeah.
So, the woman's got severe head trauma
and her legs are pinned.
It's a real doozy.
- Is that a list of survivors?
- No. Deceased.
At least the ones
we've been able to identify.
Can you tell me, is there
an Ericka Kinney on that list?
No Kinney. Follow me.
Hey. Please wake up.
Come on.
What happened?
Is everybody alright?
Ladies, we we gotta get out of here.
I think the building's collapsing.
Help! Help!
Is anybody there?!
Call in all available staff,
including off-duty personnel.
Postpone any non-emergent
procedures and prep O.R.'s.
Let me see this. This lady here?
Hi. Excuse me. This is
probably gonna hurt, okay?
Alright. Femoral neck fracture.
Get ortho down here, get her in a bed,
and start her on pain control.
Ma'am, you have to let me go.
But I need to find my boyfriend.
I was FaceTiming with him,
and then everything went black.
I am going to help you, but I need you
to slow down for me, okay?
Uh, Nurse Carter?
Let's start with the basics.
What's your boyfriend's name?
Oscar. His name is Oscar Sanchez.
He's 22 years old. Like 6'1".
Brown hair, brown eyes.
And he was wearing a tan jacket.
Someone is going to come
to help you. Excuse us.
Page Dr. Pierce. Fill her in.
Delivering bad news, not my forte.
Okay. Let's start there
and work our way to the back.
Where the hell do you
two idiots think you're going?
Ericka could be hurt.
I mean, she could be alone.
She needs us.
- Yeah. We need to do something.
- I-I'm sorry.
You two actually think that Ericka
is stuck inside of the building
and thinking,
"If only Van and Jacob
were here to save my life"?
Take it from someone
who knows her better than that.
You two are the furthest things
from her mind right now.
She's not some damsel in distress,
a-and she's not in trouble.
And she's not stuck inside the building.
If anything, she is on
the scene being a doctor,
which is more than I can say
for the two of you right now.
Do your jobs!
Bring the trucks back up!
There she is.
This is worse than I thought.
There's no way to get her out?
Not yet.
Paramedics did what they could.
Triage is overwhelmed right now.
- Are you the patient's father?
- No, I'm a doctor.
I was on my way to see my wife.
I heard the collapse. I thought
I thought I could help,
but there wasn't much I could do
other than sit here with her.
Sometimes that's everything.
Hi, there. I'm Dr. Wolf.
This is my colleague, Dr. Nichols.
- We're here to help you.
- You're a wolf?
Am I dead?
You're very much alive.
And we're gonna keep it that way.
Her name is Jenna Driscoll.
What she's been able
to tell me, she's 41,
runs a nonprofit,
keeps calling for Stuart
boyfriend or, uh, fiancé, I'm guessing.
She's in and out
over the last ten minutes.
She's strong.
Jenna, I'm gonna go help the neighbors.
You're in good hands.
Our options are limited.
We either wait till she's freed,
get her to the hospital
If we wait, she's just gonna get worse.
Well, I know, but if we
intervene here, we'll risk
infection, catastrophic bleeding
we can't stop.
I mean, she could die, Wolf.
Are my legs okay? I'm a runner.
Please. Get me out of here.
The priority is evacuation.
You heard her.
She doesn't want us to amputate.
Look. This building
lost half its foundation.
It's not a matter if the rest of it
goes down. It's a matter of when.
What about the other residents?
We haven't accounted
for everybody still in the building.
My team's in the process
of getting 'em all out now.
Can't your team get Jenna out?
Problem is, moving this much rubble
can bring down the rest of the building.
We're working on evacuating
as fast as we can,
but it's gonna take some time.
Look, if this head injury can kill her
before I can give an all-clear,
we need to move her
but now, even if that means
she loses her legs.
We need to move.
We don't have much time.
Dr. Dugan, call 3-2-1.
Dr. Dugan, 3-2-1.
How's Betsy? What did her tests show?
I am not at liberty
to disclose that information.
I'm her neighbor.
Five years, I've never seen her
leave her apartment.
Rarely see any visitors. Poor lady.
Well, at least she didn't die alone.
Okay. Ah You're good to go.
I will prep your discharge papers.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Dr. Collins, call 2-3-4.
Dr. Collins, call 2-3-4.
Hey. It's Ericka.
Leave a message.
- [BEEP]
- Hey, Ericka. It's me again.
Uh, I-I know you're probably too busy
saving the day to call me back
and tell me you're okay.
But, uh
I really need to know
that you're okay.
Please call, text.
Get your perky ass back here.
We need you.
Come on.
I don't have service, either.
Hey, Grandpa. It's okay.
We're gonna get out of here.
- I'm sorry. He gets nervous.
- Don't apologize.
I'd be worried
if he wasn't nervous.
You're sweet to him.
Well, she needs to be out there
being sweet to a nice single man.
I was the same with my grandfather.
Used to spend every summer
with him in Florida,
chewing sugarcane in the backyard.
It was my happy place.
She just thinks
I can't take care of myself.
Grandpa Gene, it's okay to need my help.
I just want you to live your life!
Doing my laundry and
cooking for me, that's not it.
Well, then, who would
I watch "Sanford and Son" with?
Hmm? [LAUGHS] You're my TV buddy.
And besides, you can calm down.
I have a date tonight
with a really cute guy
I met on the subway.
Do they have a job?
Yes. He works in publishing.
Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Grandpa, what are you doing?
Making sure you get to that date.
I'm getting us out of here.
Uh, we should stay still,
wait for a rescue.
I used to work construction.
I know my way around this stuff.
- Grandpa!
- Step back, step back!
Give him space. Give him space.
I need to examine him. I'm a doctor.
The sweater in the in the chimney.
N-Not the
Not the one on the sailboat!
What's going on?
He's not making any sense.
Gene, can you tell me where you are?
The one on the pot roast.
I think he's having a stroke.
We need to make sure
he's getting enough blood to his head.
If we were at the hospital,
I would do brain imaging,
maybe give him some clot-busting meds.
But we are stuck here.
Then what do we do?
Help! We need help in here!
Jenna, can you squeeze my hand?
Declining neuro exam. Localizing
the pain on the right,
but no movement on the left.
Her right-sided brain
compression is getting worse.
This is when we tell them to
amputate and get her to the hospital!
Uh, Jenna, I don't think
we've got a choice.
If this gets any worse,
I'm gonna need to go in
and elevate the skull fragment
compressing on your brain.
Okay? It'll be a temporary fix, but
No. I don't want you
messing with my brain.
I want to go to the hospital.
Well, we we can't get you out yet.
But, Jenna, listen to me, okay?
You are in incredibly capable hands.
I've come across a lot of
doctors at a lot of hospitals.
Dr. Nichols is by far
the best neurosurgeon
I have ever worked alongside.
If I was where you are right now,
there is no one I would rather
have taking care of me.
No one.
I need Stuart first.
I can't do this. Not without him.
W-What does Stuart look like?
- Jenna? Did he live with you?
- Yes.
Jenna, we need you
to stay with us, alright?
Oh, pupils are dilated at 7 millimeters.
- Almost no reaction to light.
- She's already herniating.
We have ten minutes, tops.
Then we have to find Stuart fast.
We cannot do this against her wishes.
We don't have time
for this, Wolf. She will die!
If she were able to
understand the stakes,
- she would agree with us!
- The only one who can
tell us that is her proxy, Stuart.
We have to listen to our patient, Josh.
We have to find him. I have to try.
Five minutes. Go!
In the meantime,
I'll start draping her head.
Uh, does anyone know a Stuart?
We've got you.
You're okay. You're alright.
Are you okay? I'm looking for Stuart.
Jenna Driscoll's Stuart from 1B?
Sorry, man. Doesn't ring a bell.
Dr. Wolf? It's Katie.
I'm wincing a little less
these days. Can I help you?
Yeah. Of course. Katie.
Have you come across
anyone called Stuart from the building?
No, I haven't, but I can ask around.
Have you seen Dr. Kinney anywhere?
- Is she helping triage?
- This is her building.
We think she was inside
when it collapsed.
No, I-I haven't seen her,
but you should know
they're telling us
to go in at our own risk.
It's okay. We're gonna find your dad.
He'll be here.
You're bleeding!
Because your mother hurt me.
This is what I meant when I told you
that your father is sick.
I want to visit Dad.
I miss him.
I know, sweetie.
But where your father is,
it's just no place for a kid.
- You wouldn't have any fun.
- But
Besides, he'll be home soon.
Hey. Would you like to hear
about a triple bypass
I performed this week?
So, patient is 55 years old,
lifelong cyclist, with
familial hypercholesterolemia.
We need an EKG in here!
It's your Mirror-Touch, isn't it?
Jacob, can you just leave me
alone for one second?
I'm not sure you got a choice, bro.
It's not just how scared
they all are out there, okay?
It's the pain, too.
And emotional, physical.
It's too much.
You know, there was this kid,
and he was crying,
and he just needed a couple
of sutures, and I froze.
You know,
I can't do this without Ericka.
She was so calm under pressure,
so steady,
and focusing on her made me
a better doctor, you know?
She was my anchor. Is.
You know, and without her here,
I feel like
I feel like I'm coming undone!
Hey. Hey. Hey.
We're not thinking like that.
You heard Dana.
Ericka's gonna get through this.
But right now
Look. Right now I need you
here focused with me.
What for? You're the one
who always says I'm so delicate.
And you know what? Maybe you're right.
I was right?
Come on, man. Listen to yourself, man.
You're talking nonsense.
It's okay to ask for help.
I'll be your anchor. Yeah, man.
I'll be your anchor.
If things get tough out there,
if things get hectic, lean on me.
I'll keep it together for you,
for us, and for Ericka.
'Cause 'Cause, frankly,
she'll kick both of our asses
if we don't hold down the fort.
Gene, I'm just gonna check your pulse.
He's been doing that
tapping thing a lot lately.
I don't even know if he notices
that he's doing it,
but it seems like it could be
some sort of tic.
Shh. One second.
I know what's wrong with him.
It's pulsatile tinnitus.
The rhythm that he's been
tapping, it's his heartbeat.
He's been hearing it in his ears.
Which means this may not be
a stroke after all.
Thank you!
She started brady'ing down to the 40s.
Looks like Cushing reflex.
This building
is a ticking time bomb, Josh.
I don't want you to die in here.
Stuart. I found him hiding under a car.
Poor little guy must've been
scared to death.
It was a dog. Christ.
- Jenna.
Jenna, Stuart is here now with you.
Her vitals are getting better.
Then let's get to work.
I'm gonna have to extend
an incision from her laceration,
then we can get in around
the depressed skull fragment,
crack it outwards, relieve some
of the pressure on her brain,
and we hopefully get the okay
to free her from the rubble.
Okay. I'm here with you now.
Tell me what you need.
Pass me the ten blade.
Hey, little buddy. Ah.
Thank you for being so patient.
I'm sorry it took me so long
to come over here.
- Uh
- You're okay.
Uh, the good news is that
once we get you all fixed up,
you're gonna have,
like, a really cool scar
to show all your friends.
Alright. Here we go. Ready?
Here we go, buddy.
- Ow!
- I know, I know.
- You're doing great.
Okay. It's gonna be
all clean and better soon.
You're being so brave.
You're being so brave.
What are you doing? If I'm right,
your grandfather
has been tapping his hand
because he's been hearing
his own heartbeat in his ear.
It's called pulsatile tinnitus.
- It happens
when there's a problem
with the vessels in the brain.
What kind of problem?
When the vessels narrow,
sometimes instead of blood
going into the brain, it goes
into the arm when it's being used,
like when he was trying
to break open the vent.
This leads to
stroke-like symptoms,
but I don't think
he's actually having one.
So if we limit the blood flow
to the arm,
it should increase to the brain
and he should wake up.
It's a temporary fix.
What happened?
It's okay. You're okay.
You too.
Thank you.
They were able to get Jenna out.
Does that mean everyone's been
evacuated from the building?
I haven't got an official word,
but that's my guess.
I can't tell anyone apart.
Ericka's not over there. Sorry.
You okay to get back on your bike?
Yeah. I'm fine. Hey.
When I was outside looking for
Stuart and you were inside the building,
the thought that something would
happen to you because I was stubborn
It's okay. I'm still here.
- Okay. Go. Go.
- Okay.
Why are all those people
still sitting over there?
They need to be at the hospital!
I know, but there's not enough
ambulances to transport everyone.
Everybody back!
Hey! Stop!
I need you to take these people
to Bronx General!
I wanna visit Dad.
I miss him.
You want to give me your hand?
I thought you deserved a manicure.
We have your labs.
Your blood is having trouble clotting,
which explains why your cut didn't heal.
Your vitamin levels are all low,
vitamins that your blood needs
in order to clot.
Your blood pressure
and your kidney function
also suggests that you are
significantly dehydrated.
That sounds bad.
It could have been a lot worse
if we hadn't caught it.
At least now we can treat you.
But my colleagues and I are worried
that a lifestyle factor could
be contributing to your health.
Are you lonely, Betsy?
What does that have to do with anything?
Oh. A lot, actually.
Social isolation is linked
to a variety of health issues,
including heart disease and stroke.
Fun fact loneliness is as lethal
as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
When was the last time
you left your apartment?
I lost everything.
I know.
What happened, losing your home,
must be very difficult.
I wasn't always like this, Doctor.
I used to have a life.
I had a good job.
And a good husband. Clark.
We used to go dancing every weekend.
Salsa. Ballroom.
And then I retired.
And shortly after that, Clark died.
I was alone for a bit,
but I was managing.
But then the pandemic hit.
But you survived.
And you are still here in our care.
And if your world hadn't collapsed,
and forced you out of isolation,
it might have been too late.
I got a second chance.
Not everyone can say the same.
I don't want to be alone any
You're not.
And you don't have to be.
We should avoid making
any more sudden movements.
We've already heard two cables break.
How many more do you think are left?
I'd rather not think about it.
Tell me about this guy
you're going on a date with.
I spotted him on the L train.
He was reading "Homegoing,"
one of my favorite books.
[CHUCKLES] Thought it was
some sort of a sign.
And then when he looked up at me
God, I nearly melted.
What about you? Anyone special?
Dispatch, 4-4-7.
Hello?! Oh, my God.
Come on, Grandpa. Quick.
There's someone in here!
Oh, my God. Thank you.
Give me your hand.
Gene Pomeroy, collapsed in the setting
of subclavian steal syndrome.
He's stable, but he needs
to get to a hospital.
- He may need surgery.
- Copy that.
I'll ride with you in the ambulance!
- Who's next?
- You go.
My grandpa needs you with him
in the ambulance.
- Well, he can wait for me.
- Please!
- No!
Ericka. Honey, you're bleeding.
I'm okay.
Now, I know getting
sewn up by a neurologist
is not your first choice,
but I did have a lot
of practice growing up.
I think that the chief wanted me
to follow in her footsteps.
You know, when I took this job,
the last thing that I wanted
to deal with was interns.
In fact, Carol conveniently
left that part of the job
description out entirely.
- Hmm.
- But now
I really can't imagine
coming to work without you.
Told you you'd want me around.
I'm gonna come back
and check on you soon.
Hey. It's okay.
You're here.
You're alive.
Not sure I deserve to be.
They pulled me out of the elevator.
And it dropped
with the woman I was
stuck with still inside it.
Her name was Celia.
I couldn't save her.
Her grandfather is here in the hospital.
How am I supposed to look at that man
and tell him
that his granddaughter didn't make it?
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Mr. Pomeroy. Hi. I'm Dr. Dang.
Do you mind if I sit with you?
Sure. Everything okay?
Please don't yell at me!
Please don't yell at me!
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Dr. Noah Wolf.
Oh, no!
[SOFTLY] Record-low temperatures.
O-ring failure.
Major malfunction.
Spacecraft breaks apart.
Major malfunction.
The spacecraft
73 seconds into flight
Mr. Reim's spinal stabilization
surgery was a success.
- Hm.
- And a handful of residents
will be staying on
under your team's care.
We've got Mrs. LaVal,
Mr. Ruiz, Ms. Silva.
What about Jenna, the patient
Dr. Nichols and I
It'll be a long road,
but she'll make it home.
Good point.
But West Bronx Community Church
has opened up their facility
to all those affected
to stay as long as needed.
So, there, I assume.
How's Dr. Kinney doing?
- Physically she's fine.
- Hm.
Think it's gonna take her some
time to shake off the trauma.
- Yeah.
- She's tough.
Your whole team is very impressive.
And that's a reflection of you, Oliver.
You're an excellent doctor,
and you've grown to be a true leader.
This hospital needed you.
Thank you for taking a chance on me.
I'm grateful to be here.
Hey, man. Thanks again for today.
- Hm.
- Talking me off the edge.
Helping me stay calm.
Now that things are officially
over between Ericka and me
you can be my anchor anytime.
Honestly, Marcus
I don't know if you need one.
You held your own today.
And, um
I'm really sorry about the way
things went down with Ericka.
It was messed up with me
to tell her about your kid
Ah. Water under the bridge.
Dad! Dad!
Anyway, I'm officially done
with keeping that part
of my life a secret.
- I got a new Batman!
- Wow! Hey!
- Thanks for bringing him.
- I figured you could use
a bright light after the day you've had.
- Yeah.
- You can drop him off in the morning.
And more than just Pop-Tarts
for breakfast, okay?
- Okay?
- Alright?
- Be good.
- Hey, peanut.
This is, uh, my buddy, Dr. Nash.
Dr. Nash, this little dude
right here is my son, Liam.
Nice to meet you, Liam.
You, uh, think we can trust
him with our secret handshake?
Oh. Oh!
Hey. That's pretty serious stuff
you got right there!
Wait, wait.
So it went something like this?
Unh. Unh. Ohh-hoo-hoo-hoo!
I'm part of the club!
There you are.
I come bearing gifts.
Ohh. My love language.
- Mm!
- Carbs and deli meat.
[SIGHS] Today was God-awful.
Yeah. Tell me about it.
Just when I thought I'd seen it all.
Luckily, I learned to compartmentalize
- from a young age.
- Not me.
It's all clutter,
no compartments up there.
You know what really helps me?
Beer and Beyoncé.
You have not lived
until you have seen me karaoke
"Two Most Wanted" at Flanagan's.
[LAUGHS] Okay.
I could use a duet partner.
Tonight, maybe?
Yeah. Uh I-I would love that.
I-I would. [CHUCKLES]
But, um, there's somewhere I need to be.
Rain check?
I'm-a hold you to that.
My number's under "Hot EMT."
- Yes, it is.
- I deleted all the other
Hot EMT's you have in there.
- Yay!
Dana filled me in about Betsy.
You really do have a soft spot
for self-isolating types, don't you?
You really helped her.
They're helping each other.
Aww! He's such a good dog!
Thank you for breaking
the news to Celia's grandpa.
I should have told him myself.
Everyone needs help sometimes.
Even you.
- Hmm.
- You went through hell today.
It was the least I could do.
It's all gone.
The painting I told myself
was an investment piece.
The toy stethoscope my mom
bought me when I was a kid.
All my med-school journals.
But I'm here.
You know, I've been
looking for a roommate.
Since when?
Since right now.
Sometimes in the face of tragedy,
we build walls to protect ourselves.
It feels safer to shelter in place,
to pretend we don't need
other people in our lives.
When, in fact, what we really want
is to find people
who can tear down our walls,
people who can strengthen
our foundation,
so that no matter what happens,
the ground won't fall out from under us.
I'm sorry about the window.
Old habits.
You can't be here!
It's good to see you, too.
Has he seen you? Oliver?
No. But I saw him.
You were right.
He is his father's son.
Greg, move your head!
Listen up! This is a search,
rescue, and recovery mission!
We got a 200-occupancy building.
Partial collapse.
There's no telling
if the rest of the property
will stay intact,
so everyone must be evacuated!
- Let's go!
- Yes, sir!
I know you're scared. I am, too.
But we are the closest hospital
to the scene.
In a matter of minutes,
we are going to be inundated
with dozens of trauma patients,
patients who have lost
everything that matters to them,
and they're going to be terrified, too.
So we cannot appear distracted.
But, Dr. Wolf, it's Ericka's building.
I understand this goes against
everything I've ever taught you,
but some days being a doctor
requires a certain level
of disassociation.
Today is one of those days.
Patient rooms are reserved
for critical cases!
Minor injuries
go wherever we have space.
We have chairs when we run out of beds.
We need an MBG test!
Is the pain sharp or is it dull?
Negative Hoffman's sign
and normal neuro exam,
but with that shoulder pain
and history of blunt trauma,
my bet's on high-grade
high-grade splenic lac.
He's hypotensive.
Let's do a FAST ultrasound.
He may need surgery. The O.R.
is swamped, but I'll scrub in.
Has my mom gotten here yet?
Uh, not yet,
but I'm sure she's on her way.
In the meantime,
why don't you borrow my mom?
She's the chief of surgery.
She'll take care of you.
We've got you.
Ambulance is waiting. Load him up.
Hey. Hey. We need some help in here.
Female victim, 40s.
Conscious. Critical condition.
No medication. No allergies.
She has a bad skull fracture.
Legs are pinned under the rubble.
- Help me! Help me!
It feels weird.
Ohh! Hold still.
What's your name?
Okay. Jenna, you're gonna be okay.
I just need you to hold still.
- And don't touch anything.
- Okay. I won't.
It hurts.
- Open your eyes.
- You found her just like this?
- Yeah. Trapped.
- We're doing everything we can.
We don't have the luxury of time
with an open depressed skull fracture.
I'm a doctor.
Unfortunately, I'm not a neurosurgeon.
We need one here right away.
Somebody help me!
They called for a neurosurgeon,
not a neurologist, Wolf.
You don't think there are people
here who need you?
The first responders
are undoubtedly overwhelmed.
Who knows what they're juggling?
What's the harm
in an extra pair of hands?
You sure that's all this is?
Look. You're worried
about Dr. Kinney. I get it.
If it were one of my interns,
I'd be doing the same thing,
and you'd be where I am,
telling me it's a bad idea.
Are you riding with me or not?
What? No! Absolutely not.
Motorcycles keep neurosurgeons
in business.
Wolf, did you hear
anything I just said?!
We'll be faster if we lane-split.
How long do you think your patient has?
Do not get me killed!
Okay, everyone, the best thing
you can do right now
is fill out information
about your missing relatives.
If you have any photographs
handy, that would be helpful,
but we are going to need
other identifying details.
In case they're unrecognizable
when you find them?
We are seeing a wide range
of injuries right now.
The more information you have,
the more we can help.
I'm Dr. Pierce. What's your name?
Betsy Chase.
Ms. Chase, did you want
to fill out a form for me?
Mnh-mnh. No.
Is there anyone you're looking for?
Is there anyone we can call?
Did you hurt yourself?
Oh, um not today. Three weeks ago.
It won't stop bleeding.
Dr. Dang, can we do
a full workup on Ms. Chase?
History and exam.
And let's clean up her arm.
Labs and any other imaging.
On it.
Hi. I'm Dr. Dang.
This is not an ideal situation
for my face blindness.
Got it. I'll let you know
if I see Kinney.
- Nichols, right?
- Yeah.
So, the woman's got severe head trauma
and her legs are pinned.
It's a real doozy.
- Is that a list of survivors?
- No. Deceased.
At least the ones
we've been able to identify.
Can you tell me, is there
an Ericka Kinney on that list?
No Kinney. Follow me.
Hey. Please wake up.
Come on.
What happened?
Is everybody alright?
Ladies, we we gotta get out of here.
I think the building's collapsing.
Help! Help!
Is anybody there?!
Call in all available staff,
including off-duty personnel.
Postpone any non-emergent
procedures and prep O.R.'s.
Let me see this. This lady here?
Hi. Excuse me. This is
probably gonna hurt, okay?
Alright. Femoral neck fracture.
Get ortho down here, get her in a bed,
and start her on pain control.
Ma'am, you have to let me go.
But I need to find my boyfriend.
I was FaceTiming with him,
and then everything went black.
I am going to help you, but I need you
to slow down for me, okay?
Uh, Nurse Carter?
Let's start with the basics.
What's your boyfriend's name?
Oscar. His name is Oscar Sanchez.
He's 22 years old. Like 6'1".
Brown hair, brown eyes.
And he was wearing a tan jacket.
Someone is going to come
to help you. Excuse us.
Page Dr. Pierce. Fill her in.
Delivering bad news, not my forte.
Okay. Let's start there
and work our way to the back.
Where the hell do you
two idiots think you're going?
Ericka could be hurt.
I mean, she could be alone.
She needs us.
- Yeah. We need to do something.
- I-I'm sorry.
You two actually think that Ericka
is stuck inside of the building
and thinking,
"If only Van and Jacob
were here to save my life"?
Take it from someone
who knows her better than that.
You two are the furthest things
from her mind right now.
She's not some damsel in distress,
a-and she's not in trouble.
And she's not stuck inside the building.
If anything, she is on
the scene being a doctor,
which is more than I can say
for the two of you right now.
Do your jobs!
Bring the trucks back up!
There she is.
This is worse than I thought.
There's no way to get her out?
Not yet.
Paramedics did what they could.
Triage is overwhelmed right now.
- Are you the patient's father?
- No, I'm a doctor.
I was on my way to see my wife.
I heard the collapse. I thought
I thought I could help,
but there wasn't much I could do
other than sit here with her.
Sometimes that's everything.
Hi, there. I'm Dr. Wolf.
This is my colleague, Dr. Nichols.
- We're here to help you.
- You're a wolf?
Am I dead?
You're very much alive.
And we're gonna keep it that way.
Her name is Jenna Driscoll.
What she's been able
to tell me, she's 41,
runs a nonprofit,
keeps calling for Stuart
boyfriend or, uh, fiancé, I'm guessing.
She's in and out
over the last ten minutes.
She's strong.
Jenna, I'm gonna go help the neighbors.
You're in good hands.
Our options are limited.
We either wait till she's freed,
get her to the hospital
If we wait, she's just gonna get worse.
Well, I know, but if we
intervene here, we'll risk
infection, catastrophic bleeding
we can't stop.
I mean, she could die, Wolf.
Are my legs okay? I'm a runner.
Please. Get me out of here.
The priority is evacuation.
You heard her.
She doesn't want us to amputate.
Look. This building
lost half its foundation.
It's not a matter if the rest of it
goes down. It's a matter of when.
What about the other residents?
We haven't accounted
for everybody still in the building.
My team's in the process
of getting 'em all out now.
Can't your team get Jenna out?
Problem is, moving this much rubble
can bring down the rest of the building.
We're working on evacuating
as fast as we can,
but it's gonna take some time.
Look, if this head injury can kill her
before I can give an all-clear,
we need to move her
but now, even if that means
she loses her legs.
We need to move.
We don't have much time.
Dr. Dugan, call 3-2-1.
Dr. Dugan, 3-2-1.
How's Betsy? What did her tests show?
I am not at liberty
to disclose that information.
I'm her neighbor.
Five years, I've never seen her
leave her apartment.
Rarely see any visitors. Poor lady.
Well, at least she didn't die alone.
Okay. Ah You're good to go.
I will prep your discharge papers.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Dr. Collins, call 2-3-4.
Dr. Collins, call 2-3-4.
Hey. It's Ericka.
Leave a message.
- [BEEP]
- Hey, Ericka. It's me again.
Uh, I-I know you're probably too busy
saving the day to call me back
and tell me you're okay.
But, uh
I really need to know
that you're okay.
Please call, text.
Get your perky ass back here.
We need you.
Come on.
I don't have service, either.
Hey, Grandpa. It's okay.
We're gonna get out of here.
- I'm sorry. He gets nervous.
- Don't apologize.
I'd be worried
if he wasn't nervous.
You're sweet to him.
Well, she needs to be out there
being sweet to a nice single man.
I was the same with my grandfather.
Used to spend every summer
with him in Florida,
chewing sugarcane in the backyard.
It was my happy place.
She just thinks
I can't take care of myself.
Grandpa Gene, it's okay to need my help.
I just want you to live your life!
Doing my laundry and
cooking for me, that's not it.
Well, then, who would
I watch "Sanford and Son" with?
Hmm? [LAUGHS] You're my TV buddy.
And besides, you can calm down.
I have a date tonight
with a really cute guy
I met on the subway.
Do they have a job?
Yes. He works in publishing.
Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Grandpa, what are you doing?
Making sure you get to that date.
I'm getting us out of here.
Uh, we should stay still,
wait for a rescue.
I used to work construction.
I know my way around this stuff.
- Grandpa!
- Step back, step back!
Give him space. Give him space.
I need to examine him. I'm a doctor.
The sweater in the in the chimney.
N-Not the
Not the one on the sailboat!
What's going on?
He's not making any sense.
Gene, can you tell me where you are?
The one on the pot roast.
I think he's having a stroke.
We need to make sure
he's getting enough blood to his head.
If we were at the hospital,
I would do brain imaging,
maybe give him some clot-busting meds.
But we are stuck here.
Then what do we do?
Help! We need help in here!
Jenna, can you squeeze my hand?
Declining neuro exam. Localizing
the pain on the right,
but no movement on the left.
Her right-sided brain
compression is getting worse.
This is when we tell them to
amputate and get her to the hospital!
Uh, Jenna, I don't think
we've got a choice.
If this gets any worse,
I'm gonna need to go in
and elevate the skull fragment
compressing on your brain.
Okay? It'll be a temporary fix, but
No. I don't want you
messing with my brain.
I want to go to the hospital.
Well, we we can't get you out yet.
But, Jenna, listen to me, okay?
You are in incredibly capable hands.
I've come across a lot of
doctors at a lot of hospitals.
Dr. Nichols is by far
the best neurosurgeon
I have ever worked alongside.
If I was where you are right now,
there is no one I would rather
have taking care of me.
No one.
I need Stuart first.
I can't do this. Not without him.
W-What does Stuart look like?
- Jenna? Did he live with you?
- Yes.
Jenna, we need you
to stay with us, alright?
Oh, pupils are dilated at 7 millimeters.
- Almost no reaction to light.
- She's already herniating.
We have ten minutes, tops.
Then we have to find Stuart fast.
We cannot do this against her wishes.
We don't have time
for this, Wolf. She will die!
If she were able to
understand the stakes,
- she would agree with us!
- The only one who can
tell us that is her proxy, Stuart.
We have to listen to our patient, Josh.
We have to find him. I have to try.
Five minutes. Go!
In the meantime,
I'll start draping her head.
Uh, does anyone know a Stuart?
We've got you.
You're okay. You're alright.
Are you okay? I'm looking for Stuart.
Jenna Driscoll's Stuart from 1B?
Sorry, man. Doesn't ring a bell.
Dr. Wolf? It's Katie.
I'm wincing a little less
these days. Can I help you?
Yeah. Of course. Katie.
Have you come across
anyone called Stuart from the building?
No, I haven't, but I can ask around.
Have you seen Dr. Kinney anywhere?
- Is she helping triage?
- This is her building.
We think she was inside
when it collapsed.
No, I-I haven't seen her,
but you should know
they're telling us
to go in at our own risk.
It's okay. We're gonna find your dad.
He'll be here.
You're bleeding!
Because your mother hurt me.
This is what I meant when I told you
that your father is sick.
I want to visit Dad.
I miss him.
I know, sweetie.
But where your father is,
it's just no place for a kid.
- You wouldn't have any fun.
- But
Besides, he'll be home soon.
Hey. Would you like to hear
about a triple bypass
I performed this week?
So, patient is 55 years old,
lifelong cyclist, with
familial hypercholesterolemia.
We need an EKG in here!
It's your Mirror-Touch, isn't it?
Jacob, can you just leave me
alone for one second?
I'm not sure you got a choice, bro.
It's not just how scared
they all are out there, okay?
It's the pain, too.
And emotional, physical.
It's too much.
You know, there was this kid,
and he was crying,
and he just needed a couple
of sutures, and I froze.
You know,
I can't do this without Ericka.
She was so calm under pressure,
so steady,
and focusing on her made me
a better doctor, you know?
She was my anchor. Is.
You know, and without her here,
I feel like
I feel like I'm coming undone!
Hey. Hey. Hey.
We're not thinking like that.
You heard Dana.
Ericka's gonna get through this.
But right now
Look. Right now I need you
here focused with me.
What for? You're the one
who always says I'm so delicate.
And you know what? Maybe you're right.
I was right?
Come on, man. Listen to yourself, man.
You're talking nonsense.
It's okay to ask for help.
I'll be your anchor. Yeah, man.
I'll be your anchor.
If things get tough out there,
if things get hectic, lean on me.
I'll keep it together for you,
for us, and for Ericka.
'Cause 'Cause, frankly,
she'll kick both of our asses
if we don't hold down the fort.
Gene, I'm just gonna check your pulse.
He's been doing that
tapping thing a lot lately.
I don't even know if he notices
that he's doing it,
but it seems like it could be
some sort of tic.
Shh. One second.
I know what's wrong with him.
It's pulsatile tinnitus.
The rhythm that he's been
tapping, it's his heartbeat.
He's been hearing it in his ears.
Which means this may not be
a stroke after all.
Thank you!
She started brady'ing down to the 40s.
Looks like Cushing reflex.
This building
is a ticking time bomb, Josh.
I don't want you to die in here.
Stuart. I found him hiding under a car.
Poor little guy must've been
scared to death.
It was a dog. Christ.
- Jenna.
Jenna, Stuart is here now with you.
Her vitals are getting better.
Then let's get to work.
I'm gonna have to extend
an incision from her laceration,
then we can get in around
the depressed skull fragment,
crack it outwards, relieve some
of the pressure on her brain,
and we hopefully get the okay
to free her from the rubble.
Okay. I'm here with you now.
Tell me what you need.
Pass me the ten blade.
Hey, little buddy. Ah.
Thank you for being so patient.
I'm sorry it took me so long
to come over here.
- Uh
- You're okay.
Uh, the good news is that
once we get you all fixed up,
you're gonna have,
like, a really cool scar
to show all your friends.
Alright. Here we go. Ready?
Here we go, buddy.
- Ow!
- I know, I know.
- You're doing great.
Okay. It's gonna be
all clean and better soon.
You're being so brave.
You're being so brave.
What are you doing? If I'm right,
your grandfather
has been tapping his hand
because he's been hearing
his own heartbeat in his ear.
It's called pulsatile tinnitus.
- It happens
when there's a problem
with the vessels in the brain.
What kind of problem?
When the vessels narrow,
sometimes instead of blood
going into the brain, it goes
into the arm when it's being used,
like when he was trying
to break open the vent.
This leads to
stroke-like symptoms,
but I don't think
he's actually having one.
So if we limit the blood flow
to the arm,
it should increase to the brain
and he should wake up.
It's a temporary fix.
What happened?
It's okay. You're okay.
You too.
Thank you.
They were able to get Jenna out.
Does that mean everyone's been
evacuated from the building?
I haven't got an official word,
but that's my guess.
I can't tell anyone apart.
Ericka's not over there. Sorry.
You okay to get back on your bike?
Yeah. I'm fine. Hey.
When I was outside looking for
Stuart and you were inside the building,
the thought that something would
happen to you because I was stubborn
It's okay. I'm still here.
- Okay. Go. Go.
- Okay.
Why are all those people
still sitting over there?
They need to be at the hospital!
I know, but there's not enough
ambulances to transport everyone.
Everybody back!
Hey! Stop!
I need you to take these people
to Bronx General!
I wanna visit Dad.
I miss him.
You want to give me your hand?
I thought you deserved a manicure.
We have your labs.
Your blood is having trouble clotting,
which explains why your cut didn't heal.
Your vitamin levels are all low,
vitamins that your blood needs
in order to clot.
Your blood pressure
and your kidney function
also suggests that you are
significantly dehydrated.
That sounds bad.
It could have been a lot worse
if we hadn't caught it.
At least now we can treat you.
But my colleagues and I are worried
that a lifestyle factor could
be contributing to your health.
Are you lonely, Betsy?
What does that have to do with anything?
Oh. A lot, actually.
Social isolation is linked
to a variety of health issues,
including heart disease and stroke.
Fun fact loneliness is as lethal
as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
When was the last time
you left your apartment?
I lost everything.
I know.
What happened, losing your home,
must be very difficult.
I wasn't always like this, Doctor.
I used to have a life.
I had a good job.
And a good husband. Clark.
We used to go dancing every weekend.
Salsa. Ballroom.
And then I retired.
And shortly after that, Clark died.
I was alone for a bit,
but I was managing.
But then the pandemic hit.
But you survived.
And you are still here in our care.
And if your world hadn't collapsed,
and forced you out of isolation,
it might have been too late.
I got a second chance.
Not everyone can say the same.
I don't want to be alone any
You're not.
And you don't have to be.
We should avoid making
any more sudden movements.
We've already heard two cables break.
How many more do you think are left?
I'd rather not think about it.
Tell me about this guy
you're going on a date with.
I spotted him on the L train.
He was reading "Homegoing,"
one of my favorite books.
[CHUCKLES] Thought it was
some sort of a sign.
And then when he looked up at me
God, I nearly melted.
What about you? Anyone special?
Dispatch, 4-4-7.
Hello?! Oh, my God.
Come on, Grandpa. Quick.
There's someone in here!
Oh, my God. Thank you.
Give me your hand.
Gene Pomeroy, collapsed in the setting
of subclavian steal syndrome.
He's stable, but he needs
to get to a hospital.
- He may need surgery.
- Copy that.
I'll ride with you in the ambulance!
- Who's next?
- You go.
My grandpa needs you with him
in the ambulance.
- Well, he can wait for me.
- Please!
- No!
Ericka. Honey, you're bleeding.
I'm okay.
Now, I know getting
sewn up by a neurologist
is not your first choice,
but I did have a lot
of practice growing up.
I think that the chief wanted me
to follow in her footsteps.
You know, when I took this job,
the last thing that I wanted
to deal with was interns.
In fact, Carol conveniently
left that part of the job
description out entirely.
- Hmm.
- But now
I really can't imagine
coming to work without you.
Told you you'd want me around.
I'm gonna come back
and check on you soon.
Hey. It's okay.
You're here.
You're alive.
Not sure I deserve to be.
They pulled me out of the elevator.
And it dropped
with the woman I was
stuck with still inside it.
Her name was Celia.
I couldn't save her.
Her grandfather is here in the hospital.
How am I supposed to look at that man
and tell him
that his granddaughter didn't make it?
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
Mr. Pomeroy. Hi. I'm Dr. Dang.
Do you mind if I sit with you?
Sure. Everything okay?
Please don't yell at me!
Please don't yell at me!
Excuse me.
I'm looking for Dr. Noah Wolf.
Oh, no!
[SOFTLY] Record-low temperatures.
O-ring failure.
Major malfunction.
Spacecraft breaks apart.
Major malfunction.
The spacecraft
73 seconds into flight
Mr. Reim's spinal stabilization
surgery was a success.
- Hm.
- And a handful of residents
will be staying on
under your team's care.
We've got Mrs. LaVal,
Mr. Ruiz, Ms. Silva.
What about Jenna, the patient
Dr. Nichols and I
It'll be a long road,
but she'll make it home.
Good point.
But West Bronx Community Church
has opened up their facility
to all those affected
to stay as long as needed.
So, there, I assume.
How's Dr. Kinney doing?
- Physically she's fine.
- Hm.
Think it's gonna take her some
time to shake off the trauma.
- Yeah.
- She's tough.
Your whole team is very impressive.
And that's a reflection of you, Oliver.
You're an excellent doctor,
and you've grown to be a true leader.
This hospital needed you.
Thank you for taking a chance on me.
I'm grateful to be here.
Hey, man. Thanks again for today.
- Hm.
- Talking me off the edge.
Helping me stay calm.
Now that things are officially
over between Ericka and me
you can be my anchor anytime.
Honestly, Marcus
I don't know if you need one.
You held your own today.
And, um
I'm really sorry about the way
things went down with Ericka.
It was messed up with me
to tell her about your kid
Ah. Water under the bridge.
Dad! Dad!
Anyway, I'm officially done
with keeping that part
of my life a secret.
- I got a new Batman!
- Wow! Hey!
- Thanks for bringing him.
- I figured you could use
a bright light after the day you've had.
- Yeah.
- You can drop him off in the morning.
And more than just Pop-Tarts
for breakfast, okay?
- Okay?
- Alright?
- Be good.
- Hey, peanut.
This is, uh, my buddy, Dr. Nash.
Dr. Nash, this little dude
right here is my son, Liam.
Nice to meet you, Liam.
You, uh, think we can trust
him with our secret handshake?
Oh. Oh!
Hey. That's pretty serious stuff
you got right there!
Wait, wait.
So it went something like this?
Unh. Unh. Ohh-hoo-hoo-hoo!
I'm part of the club!
There you are.
I come bearing gifts.
Ohh. My love language.
- Mm!
- Carbs and deli meat.
[SIGHS] Today was God-awful.
Yeah. Tell me about it.
Just when I thought I'd seen it all.
Luckily, I learned to compartmentalize
- from a young age.
- Not me.
It's all clutter,
no compartments up there.
You know what really helps me?
Beer and Beyoncé.
You have not lived
until you have seen me karaoke
"Two Most Wanted" at Flanagan's.
[LAUGHS] Okay.
I could use a duet partner.
Tonight, maybe?
Yeah. Uh I-I would love that.
I-I would. [CHUCKLES]
But, um, there's somewhere I need to be.
Rain check?
I'm-a hold you to that.
My number's under "Hot EMT."
- Yes, it is.
- I deleted all the other
Hot EMT's you have in there.
- Yay!
Dana filled me in about Betsy.
You really do have a soft spot
for self-isolating types, don't you?
You really helped her.
They're helping each other.
Aww! He's such a good dog!
Thank you for breaking
the news to Celia's grandpa.
I should have told him myself.
Everyone needs help sometimes.
Even you.
- Hmm.
- You went through hell today.
It was the least I could do.
It's all gone.
The painting I told myself
was an investment piece.
The toy stethoscope my mom
bought me when I was a kid.
All my med-school journals.
But I'm here.
You know, I've been
looking for a roommate.
Since when?
Since right now.
Sometimes in the face of tragedy,
we build walls to protect ourselves.
It feels safer to shelter in place,
to pretend we don't need
other people in our lives.
When, in fact, what we really want
is to find people
who can tear down our walls,
people who can strengthen
our foundation,
so that no matter what happens,
the ground won't fall out from under us.
I'm sorry about the window.
Old habits.
You can't be here!
It's good to see you, too.
Has he seen you? Oliver?
No. But I saw him.
You were right.
He is his father's son.
Greg, move your head!