Buck Rogers in the 25th Century s01e22 Episode Script

Buck's Duel to the Death

The 500-year-old man who's going to save us from the Trebor? [Narrator.]
Buck frees a group ofbeautiful women from their tyrannical master, then faces the ruthless killer himself in an electrifying duel to the death: Our people have to fight the Trebor: Destroy him: So this is the indestructible Roshon? The Trebor has some kind of circuitry implanted under his skin: Are you sure you wanna meet him like this: : : Alone? No one kills the Roshon but the Trebor: [Man Narrating.]
The year is 1987, and NASA launches the last of America's deep space probes: In a freak mishap, Ranger 3 and its pilot, Captain William "Buck'"Rogers, are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life-support systems: : : And returns Buck Rogers to Earth: : : I still can't get over how much you've grown, Maya: Oh, I'm not that old, Vione: Old enough to turn the head of every young man in Gaan: The Trebor has asked for Maya: No: My father will never allow this: Prime Minister Darius? What is he gonna do? He's just like the rest of the Katarians, helpless and weak: [Grunts.]
Vione: Vione: [Cries.]
We must do something: What can we do against the Trebor? He totally controls us with his military power, his secret police: He's taken dozens of our women to add to his harem: He regularly murders our best warriors for sport: The people are terrified, Darius: They never resist him: Without their support, we're helpless: Darius, if the people had someone as great or even greater than the Trebor to believe in Greater than the Trebor? Yes: - I'm speaking of the Roshon: - The Roshon's a myth, Neil: The 500-year-old man who's going to save us from the Trebor? - A childhood fable: - Which many of our people still believe in: Darius, there's a Terran named Buck Rogers: He is said to be 500 years old: We need more than myths to defeat the Trebor and the police: Rogers is no myth: His age can be validated: That's impossible: We could bring him here to Katar: Present him to the people: The people need someone to rally them: Someone to give them faith in themselves: To move against the Trebor: Darius, you can't take this foolishness seriously? Well, it's more than we have now, Kelan: I'm ready to leave for Earth immediately, sir: If the Trebor finds out about this, his reaction could be very unfavorable: We have nothing to lose: Last one to the hangar's a rotten egg, Wilma: - A what? - You know, an egg, Wilma: It's, uh, white, kinda round: Uh, chickens lay them: Yeah, well, forget it: I guess you had to be there: Sorry I missed it: Tell me something, Wilma: You see what I see at about 2:00? - That guy's in trouble: - Yeah, and badly outnumbered: This is Colonel Wilma Deering, Commander of the Earth Defense Directorate: You are violating Terran airspace: Cease firing and identify yourselves: They're not talkers, Wilma: Let's give the guy a hand: I'm right behind you, Buck: You take the one on the right, Wilma: I'll take the other one: This is Deputy Minister Neil of Katar: Thanks so much for your help: It's our pleasure: Captain Rogers and Colonel Deering here: Glad we could be of assistance: [Wilma.]
Looks like you've sustained damage to your ship: Yeah: I guess I have: Well, we're on our way to New Chicago on Earth: - We'll escort you in and see about fixing your ship: - I'll follow you in: We still haven't determined the origin of those fighters, Deputy Minister: Any ideas? Pirates, I suppose: Well, more than likely: Please, be seated: Thank you: I wish there was some way I could repay you, Captain: Both of you: - Well, it's not really necessary: - I have an idea: Dr: Huer's offered me transportation back to Katar: Why don't you come with me? You and Colonel Deering: Be my guest for a few days in Gaan: It's an exquisite city: I'd love to, but I couldn't possibly get away: Thank you: Captain? It would be a great privilege: Well, I've never been to the 13th Quadrant: - Then it's decided: - [Chirping.]
I'll go get us packed, Buck: Twiki, your manners are showing, I'm afraid: I'm not sure that this is a weekend for two: Of course your friend can come: I'm sure my people would find him enchanting: - [Chirping.]
Naturally: - [Laughing.]
Thank you, Colonel, for your help: Doctor: Safe trip, Deputy Minister: Thank you, sir: Captain Rogers, I'd like to present Darius, Prime Minister of Katar, his Deputy Minister Kelan And my daughter, Vione: Captain Rogers, we owe you our thanks: It was no big deal: Really: You're much too modest, Captain: Your reputation has reached even the 13th Quadrant: - It has? - [Chirping.]
A legend in your own time: - And ours: - Mm-hmm: I suppose we might as well get right to the point: - And what point is that? - The reason we brought you here: [Chirping.]
Uh-oh: Brought me here? Prepare the combat area for broadcast: Oh, Maya: Maya, welcome: You're just in time, my darling: I shall dedicate this contest to you: Please: Please, make yourself comfortable: Yeah: Yes: - Neil reached Earth: - He survived? And returned with a Terran named Buck Rogers: A man supposedly born in the 20th century: Oh, yes: Yes: Darius cleverly resurrected an ancient myth that a 500-year-old man: : : Would duel the Trebor to the death and free the planet forever: [Laughs.]
People believe in the Roshon: Greta, the Roshon does not exist: [Whirring.]
However, if this Buck Rogers is giving them a false sense of courage, well, then he's a nuisance, and he should be removed: Gentlemen, I have a job for you in Gaan: Look, I am not your Roshon, or whatever it is you call it: I'm just me, Buck Rogers: Captain Rogers, all we're asking is that you appear to be the Roshon: Long enough for the people to find the courage to stand up to the Trebor: Look, I can't give your people courage or direction: They're gonna have to find that through themselves: Can't you see that? - The captain's right, Darius: - But the people can't do it: Not alone: They need help: Why? This is their planet: I don't understand: People of Katar: Attention: The contest is about to begin: This will help you understand why: Once monthly, the Trebor selects one soldier to fight to the death: The "contest" is broadcast across the entire planet: Doesn't anyone around here ever say no to this character? Acceptance is mandatory: It is the duel or summary execution: It has taken the cream of our officer corps: Begin, Katarian: - He is impressive: - We need your help, Captain: - Without it - Captain, we, of course, cannot make you do anything: But, please, think about this: I'm still not sure what I can do: It is late: Vione will show you to your quarters: We can talk tomorrow: [Chirping.]
That doesn't look like the welcome wagon, Buck: Are you all right, Captain? Yeah, I'm fine: Just not too impressed with Katarian hospitality: Oh, those weren't Katarians: Those were assassins sent by the Trebor: - Assassins for me? - The Trebor has learned of your arrival: What a nice welcome: Remind me to send him a thank you note sometime: [Woman Crying.]
[Crying Continues.]
What's the matter, Buck? [Crying.]
Vione, what's wrong? It's Maya, my younger sister: The Trebor's men took her to him: Took her? What for? The Trebor has many wives: He keeps them in the palace with him: He's going to force Maya to marry him: I'm so afraid we'll never see her again: [Sobbing.]
Captain Rogers, our people have to fight the Trebor: Destroy him: We need your help to get started: All right: I'll see what I can do: Buck, thank you: You're welcome, but I haven't done anything yet: [Chuckles.]
Yes, you have: You're so different from the men I've known: What are you doing? Getting a little help from my friends: - How's your vacation going, Buck? - It looks like it's gonna be a lot of work, Doc: Oh, really? How so? I'll fill you in later: Right now I need some information: On what? A guy called a Trebor: - He's a shogun up here a dictator: - Yes: What about him? Get me anything you can on him: Especially anything about what he does with electricity: Electricity? That hasn't been used in over 400 years, Buck: Wrong, Doc: This Trebor is using it right here in Katar: - Are you all right, Buck? - So far: Get back to me with that information as quickly as possible: Yes, of course: Be careful: Don't worry, Doc: I intend to be: Rogers out: The Trebor? Yes: I've never heard of him: Hmm: I think I better check this out at the archives: Good idea: Maya, how do you like your new home, girl? This isn't a home: It's a prison: Come: Come: It's a privilege to be here: Not for me: Maya: You're to be my bride in just a matter of days: I'd rather be dead: Well, that is an alternative: Don't be foolish, girl: Now, no one can help you here: You are mine, girl: It can be quite enjoyable: Take her to the women's quarters: Ah: You've decided to help us That's wonderful news, Captain: We should make plans to present you to the people as soon as possible: Well, that's fine: But it's just talk: What we need is action: - What'd you have in mind, Captain? - A lightning raid against the Trebor's palace: You supply me with a handful of your best men, show me a way inside, we'll free your women: : : And then we'll go after the Trebor himself: - That's ridiculous: - But bold: And imaginative: The last thing the Trebor would expect is an attack against his own palace: - It's a suicide mission: - Suicide, Kelan? Our daughters are experiencing a living death right now: There's a system of secret conduits underneath that palace: That could be our entrance: All right: I'll need transport, weapons, and a schematic of the palace: - I'll get them for you immediately: - [Chirping.]
Looks like all systems are go, Buck: Hello? Dr: Junius? Anybody here? [Man.]
Dr: Junius is out: I'm in: Dr: Albert: Oh: An early-model hand laser: We haven't figured out how it works yet: Uh, Dr: Albert, I spoke with, uh, Dr: Junius earlier this morning: : : About a man called, um, the Trebor: Trebor? Trebor: Trebor: Oh, yes, yes: Oh, yes: Junius left the information here somewhere: Uh, Trebor: Trebor: Trebor: Trebor: Oh, here it is: I got it: It's over here: Uh, what does it say? Oh: Your Trebor is the warlord on a planet called Katar: That's in the 13th Quadrant: He's the 17 th Trebor to rule over Katar: Uh, go on: What else does it say? Oh: This is rather extraordinary: It seems he spent several years on a planet called Volton: Volton? L Yes: Yes: He lived among a race of beings who existed only as electrical energy: Yes: Buck mentioned something about electricity: When he was there, he had minute electronic circuitry implanted under his skin: Well, he's apparently capable of creating enormous amounts of electrical power himself: - And directing it: - [Chuckles.]
What do mean by directing it? Well, your Trebor is able to hurl an electrical charge a surge: He's been known to use it as a very effective weapon: Yes: It's, uh It's considered to be quite dangerous: In fact, even-even deadly: Thank you: Thank you: Where are the rest of the men? They'll meet us at the shuttle: We'll land some distance from the palace and then walk in: We don't anticipate any problems with guards until we get inside: All right: Twiki, wait for me back in my quarters, all right? [Chirping.]
Okay, Buck: But don't be too long: Stay near the comm center, Kelan: If an emergency arises, contact us immediately: Of course, Darius: Safe journey: [Beeping.]
Central Communications: Yes, Deputy Minister? My vid-phone: There's something wrong with it: I'm getting nothing but static: It's not the vid-phone, sir: The static is due to violent sunspot activity on Solon: I must complete this transmission: Our data indicates the storm should be lessening in approximately one hour: Normal communications will be possible then: The women's chamber is this way: The way to the Trebor's quarters is to the left: You'll see a vacuum discharge conduit on your right: I saw the schematic: We'll meet back at the ship: Go ahead: Good luck: [Ticking.]
[Blow Landing.]
You guys just drew snake eyes: That's the emergency access to the women's quarters: I can see the door: It's clear: You stay here and keep an eye on things: [Whispering.]
Right over here: Father: Maya: You're safe: I hate to break this up, but we gotta get back to the shuttle: Where is the Trebor? Transmission has been disrupted for three hours, and it's imperative that I talk to him: That's impossible: He's occupied: I have strict orders not to: Tell him that Darius and Rogers have brought a combat team into the palace: They plan to kill him and take the women: Don't move, Trebor! You fool: You forget where you are: : : And who you're dealing with: Kill him, Minister: What are you waiting for? No: We're taking the Trebor back to Gaan to stand trial: Let the people see that he's mortal after all: - Buck Rogers is somewhere on the grounds: - Search the complex: Greta, you come with me: I wanna check the women's quarters: Stay with them, Darius: Where are you going? I'm going back for Neil and the others: All right: That's all, Captain Rogers: Neil, the women are inside: Where are the others? Stunned: All four are wounded: What about Buck? He was coming after you: I don't know where he went: I can't leave Buck: He didn't ask for this: Maya, take the controls: But you'll be stranded: If Buck's alive, we'll get out okay: Now, do as I say: Quickly: Come on: So this is the indestructible Roshon: The warrior who is to free Darius and his rabble from the tyranny of the Trebor: [Chuckles.]
You didn't meet with much success on your first campaign, did you? Let me see, four wounded officers, and Neil is probably captured by now too: Well, at least Darius escaped with the women: Yes: Yes, and he'll die for it too: Oh, it will be enjoyable: : : To start over again with the cream of Gaan's maidens: Greta, what should we do with him? If he's the Roshon, then he must fight the Trebor: Why, of course: Of course: A duel to the death: Does that appeal to you, Roshon? - Not particularly: No: - [Laughs.]
Call Kelan: Alert him: Tell him I'll be bringing their hero to Gaan tomorrow: This little adventure of yours could prove to be a harsh lesson for Darius and the people: But most of all, for you: Place him in a cell until we're ready to leave: Where's Father? He stayed behind, Vione: They couldn't find Buck: [Chirping.]
Oh, boy: Buck's missing: I'm sure they'll be all right: Really, I am: Thanks: Quick, I know where we can steal one of their ships: Do you always travel with Buck? [Chirping.]
He'd be lost without me: Maya! Vione! Oh, Father: Boy, am I glad to see you, Buck: Took the words right out of my mouth, Twiki: I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you for saving Maya: That's all right: I think we're even: Your father saved my skin back there: That's between my father and you: Darius: Captain Rogers: - I can't tell you how we worried: - I'm sorry you won't have a chance: Take the deputy minister to his quarters: He's under arrest: You can't resist the Trebor: Don't you see that? Neil and the women, are they safe? Neil's badly wounded: But he's going to live: All of the women are fine: - The Trebor will be following us: - More specifically, the Roshon me: And you can be sure he'll do everything in his power to set the odds in his favor: Karem and the secret police will be there to help him: All right: We've got to find a place where I can face him, and we can cover ourselves: The hangar: It's big and it's close: He'll have to go through it: Let's take a look at it: Ladies: They are going to pay for this: All of them: Get me Karem: This Buck Rogers, the Roshon: Most of all, I want him: He's going to die: But not easily: : : And not quickly: Where will the Trebor enter from? Over there at the far end: Well, when he does enter, the first thing he's gonna see is the Roshon: [Sighs.]
Buck: The Trebor's a deadly killer: Are you sure you wanna meet him like this, alone? Well, that's what it's finally going to boil down to, isn't it? The Trebor against me? Besides, if it doesn't work out, you can take over: All right, I've seen enough: Let's go: Buck, it's your friends on Earth: Doc, where've you been? We've been trying, Buck, but we haven't been able to get through to Katar for hours: - What have you come up with? - Buck, the Trebor has some kind of circuitry implanted under his skin: It produces an enormous amount of electricity: You're probably more familiar with what it is than we are: I've got a good idea how it works: He uses it to create something called "surge:" Then he directs it through his hand: It's quite deadly: Yes, I know: I've seen it in action: - What exactly are you doing? - Doc, someday when we got plenty of time, I'll be glad to sit down and talk to you about it: - Right now, let's just say I'm up here helping out: - This fellow Trebor sounds dangerous: - Yes he is, Doc: - Need any help? We could send a squadron: No, Doc: Not right now: There's not enough time: Thanks anyway: I'll be talking to you: Twiki, you and I are gonna have to have a little talk: [Chirping.]
Your place or mine? The Raven is waiting: I'm ready: [Chirping.]
You're giving me heartburn, Buck: It's just an improvised transformer, Twiki: What's it for? Well, I'm hoping we can use this to give the Trebor a taste of his own medicine: [Chirping.]
That's great, but why me? Because you're better equipped to handle electricity than I am, pal: Besides, this transformer will help take some of the sting out of it for you: [Door Slides Open.]
Vione, what is it? Buck, we picked up the Trebor's force on the scanner: They'll be here in minutes: All right: [Chirping.]
I'll catch you later, Buck: Okay: Thank you for everything: It seems like I'm always standing here thanking you: Well, don't stop on my account: I brought you something: It's beautiful: In the past, our women gave their men medallions before going into battle: They were always worn close to the heart: : : For protection and strength and love: Vione Wear this close to your heart, Buck Rogers: May my love protect you and give you strength: Always: [Man On P: A:.]
A situation red alert is now in effect: Situation red: All set? Yes: I've got a squad of my best men at this end of the hangar: If anything should go wrong, they're prepared to fight: What about the Trebor? His Raven just docked: He should be here any [Trebor.]
Roshon:! Roshon, the Trebor is here: - [Chirping.]
Good-bye, Buck: - Twiki: For victory, Captain: Long life, Darius: Are you ready, Twiki? [Chirping.]
As ready as I'll ever be: All right: Let's go: You came to me, Roshon: I thought I would repay the compliment: I didn't think good manners was one of your strong points: Laser rifles, Roshon? Why not be more sporting? - As you see, I am unarmed: - In a manner of speaking: You-You wouldn't shoot an unarmed man, would you, Roshon? Behind me, Twiki: Fast: Stop! No one kills the Roshon: : : But the Trebor: Stay close and be ready, Twiki: [Chirping.]
Be careful, Buck: Roshon, drop your weapon: Face me like a man: - I repeat, I'm unarmed: - Except for that power plant you're wired with: I could've killed you just then: But I want you to last awhile: Twiki, get over here: What [Chuckles.]
What is that? He's my ambu-quad, Twiki: We do everything together: - Even die? - We haven't tried that yet: No: No, of course not: You're the man who has lived 500 years: : : And is about to die in seconds: [Quietly.]
Get ready, Twiki: [Chirping.]
Okay, Buck: [Weakly.]
How-How did you do that? A little 20th-century Yankee ingenuity: : : And basic electronics: You should've paid your light bill: [Chirping.]
Why, you turkey: - Uh-oh: - [Grunting.]
Oh, you are clever, Roshon: But you're stupid to have stayed: Why did you do that? Was it duty? Honor? Ah, perhaps love: Knowing you Terrans, it was probably love: [Chirping.]
He's down for the 10-count: Get these stunned men to the med techs: Buck, are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine: Well, he's all yours: I can't tell you what a pleasure it's going to be to deal with the Trebor: Thank you: Well, like I said, I owed you one: We're more than even: Get him out of here: We've taken the Trebor's palace: Without the Trebor, there was no resistance: For the first time in centuries, Katar is a free planet: In many ways, Buck, you have become the Roshon: Darius, you know as well as I do I know, but the people believe in the Roshon and you: They've gathered all around the planet waiting for their Roshon to address them: - Will you? - All right: This is Buck Rogers: The Trebor has been defeated: I offer you my congratulations and my hope that you'll never again live in the shadow of fear and tyranny: But, you, the people of Katar, are the only ones who can guarantee that: : : By finding the courage and the strength to be free: I am not the Roshon: You are: Each and every one of you: You are what is real: The future of your planet is in your hands: Good luck: Thank you, Buck: - Well, Twiki, are you ready to go home? - [Chirping.]
All packed: I'll be right with you: [Door Slides Closed.]
Now it's my turn: For what? To say thank you: For what? For this: : : And all the thoughts behind it: They're still there: I know: That's what makes this very special for me: Thank you: Good-bye: Good-bye: That's an extraordinary story: Mm: Well, I only wish we could've been there: So do l: But, everything worked out, so - [Toy Guns Shooting.]
- [Chirping.]
Reach for the sky: I've been telling Twiki about some of the myths I grew up with: I'm afraid he's taking them too seriously: Excuse me while I deal with Billy the Kid: [Chirping.]
This galaxy ain't big enough for the two of us, bub: Maybe we can make a deal: You take the horses, the girl, and I'll be out of the galaxy before sundown: [Chirping.]
Some deal: - All right, you take the money and the horses: - [Chirping.]
You're getting warmer: You want the money, the horses and the girl? [Chirping.]
You've got it: - [Chuckling.]
- [Buck.]
No way, my friend: I'd rather die with my boots on: [Chirping.]
Well, uh, okay: You keep the horses: [Laughs.]

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