Buck Rogers in the 25th Century s02e03 Episode Script

Journey to Oasis

Since I'm to be escorted to the conference by humans, I would like to minimize any obvious differences in appearance between us: They tend to pounce on such things: [ Sighs .]
My priorities seem to be a bit out of order, don't they? The decision whether or not a disastrous war is to be declared::: may well rest with me: Here I am, concerned about meeting a few humans: That's very understandable, Lord Duvoe: Thank you, Rolla: But they will be under greater pressure than I: I hope they realize that if anything prevents me from attending that conference, the consequences for them will be devastating: - As indeed they should be, sir: - I think I will forego the rest of the decorations, Rolla: They might seem a bit pretentious: And I believe I will wear the cape: A very wise choice, sir: Have you ever encountered humans, Rolla? Yes, sir: I saw three of them once, at a distance: They looked remarkably like Zykarians to me: Yes, they do, but with a fundamental difference: they are one entity: I had that strongly impressed on me when I was a cadet: We were shown a holographic recording of human reaction::: to our simple act of separating head and body: They were repulsed by it: - Then they know how we differ from them? - No, I don't think so: Not anymore: One can only speculate on the truth of that, of course: Our contacts with the outside worlds have been limited for decades: But it does seem a reasonable suspicion:::: based on the fact that the incident I described::: was recorded long before I came to be: To my knowledge, there are no humans alive today::: who are aware of our duo-entity symbiosis: Still, sir, you have every right to be concerned: Earthlings are very treacherous: They've proven that time and again: Not all, Rolla: Not all: There was one Earthling, so captivating, so warm and unaffected: And I think the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen: A woman? We were young and alone among strangers: She was little more than a child: I was deeply moved by her: You, sir, a Zykarian noble, affected by an Earthling female? Strange, I realize, but true nevertheless: Have you seen her since then, sir? No, but perhaps I shall, and soon: I've been told she's aboard the Searcher: [ Man On Speaker .]
We're approaching the Earth ship that carries your escort, Lord Duvoe: Very well: Well, Rolla, do I pass inspection? I've never seen you look better, sir: The Earthlings should be honored by your presence: Especially, sir, I'm sure the lady will be pleased: [ Man Narrating .]
In the year 1 987, NASA launched the last of America's deep space probes: Aboard this compact starship, a lone astronaut, Captain William "Buck'"Rogers, was to experience cosmic forces beyond all comprehension: In a freak mishap, his life-support systems were frozen::: by temperatures beyond imagination: Ranger 3 was blown out of its planned trajectory::: into an orbit 1,000 times more vast, an orbit which was to return Buck Rogers to Earth::: But, Admiral, please: I would like to oblige you, Doctor, but this mission is entirely too sensitive: Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear: How do I make you understand? You see, a visit to planet R-4 is a scientific opportunity: It may never occur again: I implore you, Admiral: I'll give it some thought, but now that's all I can promise you, Doctor: [ Grumbles .]
[ Sighs .]
I don't want this to sound like a stupid question, but::: does anyone know how you address a Zykarian envoy? Hmm: You got me there, Admiral: Wilma, what about you? Um, what? Is something on your mind? You seem a little preoccupied today: Am I? [ Clears Throat .]
I'm sorry: Well, uh, Crichton? What about you? Anything on the Zykarians? Zykarians are quite human in appearance::: and very secretive: And-- And-- And? Go on: Zykarians are quite human in appearance: [ Buck .]
You already said that, Crichton: And they are very secretive: You've said that too, skillet head: What's the matter with you? If you persist in demanding information::: which is not in my memory banks, I must simply repeat the answer I have already given: What else can I do? Admiral, this is my fault, I'm afraid: My fault: I take full responsibility for Crichton's failure: I assure you: The minute we get back from the peace conference, I'll take care of this shortcoming in his memory banks: Very well, Goodfellow: Just see that you're-- Get back? I wasn't aware that we'd established you were going: Oh, my: I hope you're not going to change your mind: You know, I've always admired your extraordinary ability to make decisions::: and stand by them: Yes: Well, I have always found that indecisiveness was a dangerous flaw in an officer: [ Man On Speakers .]
Admiral, sir, the Zykarian envoy is ready to come aboard: He's here: Stand by: I think just a plain ''Mr: Ambassador'' will have to do: Have you no shame, Dr: Goodfellow? Yes, confusing our admiral like that: Tsk, tsk, tsk: I know it was naughty of me, but planet R-4 is so out of the way, I thought I might never get another chance: What have you got on planet R-4, Crichton? I'm glad you asked, Colonel: Up to now, this whole thing has been rather humiliating for me: If you will observe the master screen: Hawk! I thought you'd gone off on patrol: I had intended to, but the admiral's had a sudden change of heart: [ Chuckles .]
It appears that Dr: Goodfellow is now going with you: That's right: I am to go along and try to keep him out of trouble: [ Laughing .]
Well, you're just in time, Hawk, my boy: Crichton was about to brief us on planet R-4: I have been waiting for some time: Oh, do get on with it, Crichton: You really can be irritating at times: Very well, Doctor: You will note that the only civilized place on the planet is the city of Oasis: It exists exclusively as a neutral meeting place::: to negotiate galactic disputes: This is typical R-4 terrain: Before Oasis, the only use of this planet::: was as a depository for failed genetic experiments::: going back thousands of years: One could say R-4 is a kind of genetic garbage dump::: of the Cygnus system: I'd just as soon one didn't say it: Sounds absolutely fascinating: Oh, I'd better go and pack, get ready: There'll surely be survivors: Imagine the capacities they might have developed: Come along, Twiki: Come along, come along: Attention! Ambassador Duvoe, this is Captain Rogers, commander of your escort team, and team members Hawk and Colonel Wilma Deering: Ambassador: I prayed that I would find you here: Did you know it would be I? I wasn't sure, but I hoped it would: [ Duvoe .]
It's Colonel Deering now, I believe: Yes: May I have my hand back, Ambassador? Forgive me: Seeing you again has overwhelmed me, I'm afraid: I believe the admiral has already introduced our team commander: Mr: Ambassador: And this is Hawk: Well, shall we get underway? After you, Mr: Ambassador: Colonel Deering? Quite a surprise, Wilma knowing the ambassador: Yes, wasn't it? I have never before seen so regal a personage::: as the Zykarian ambassador: Why, oh, why must we stumble along with so little evidence::: of the kind of breeding and refinement::: he so clearly represents? It's uncanny: I know you're older: You should have changed: But you haven't, except to become more beautiful: - You've changed: - Oh? You're, uh, more imposing, I think: Hmm: The ambassador and I met at a planetary conference seven years ago: Uh-huh: I was a junior lieutenant attached to the consul's office: Lord Duvoe was kind enough to make things::: less difficult for me: You were the one who was kind, even allowing me to escort you to the grand ball: I was the envy of every delegate there: What a lovely coincidence: Do you realize, considering the size of the universe, it's almost miraculous that the two of you would meet by chance::: not once, but twice in seven years? I believe we thought about it: And your miracle, if I may say so, seems to have generously included a bit of good fortune for me: What good fortune is that, Doctor? Well, you see, Mr: Ambassador, I'm greatly interested in unusual life-forms: This trip affords me a unique opportunity::: to be close to, and observe, who knows what strange evolutionary convolutions: Reference point ''A:'' Mark: Oasis must be just below the horizon: That's some terrain, isn't it? I doubt if horned toads and sidewinders could make it down there: Buck, look: - [ Siren Blaring .]
- The instruments show overload: Looks like Saint Elmo's fire, but it doesn't act like it: Controls don't respond: [ Hawk .]
Buck, the ship's hull is glowing: Buck, what is it? I don't know, but every circuit we've got is jammed: Are we in danger of crashing, Captain? Hopefully we can call it a forced landing, Ambassador: - Hawk, it's gonna take both of us to hold her steady: - Right: Oh, my word: I think we've flown into a magnetic storm: Clearly charged particles of one kind or another: Shifting of magnetic fields, you know, can assert-- [ Buck .]
Doctor, check your safety belt: That desert's coming up fast:! - Try for that clear area: - Right: Crash positions! We're gonna ditch! - You all right? - All good here: - Anybody hurt back there? - No, I don't think so: Are you all right, my darling? Yes, I'm all right: What about you, Mr: Ambassador? Fine, Doctor: I guess we're all right: A bit shaken up is all: You two deserve a medal for that landing: Captain, I would like an explanation for this forced landing: It is obvious, Mr: Ambassador: Certain unknown elements are the cause of this situation: Indeed, but aren't allowances made for such unknown equations::: when one captains a craft such as this? No, no, no, no: There's a misunderstanding there, Mr: Ambassador: I'm perhaps more familiar with unpredictable radiation clouds than you are: I do assure you: They do exist on this planet: I was thinking that the delegates at Oasis, not to mention the crew of my own ship, will be acutely concerned about the delay: Mr: Ambassador, we have other priorities to worry about right now: Check the backups: Nothing: - The ship is dead: - Call Oasis and notify them of our situation at once: Communications are out as well: The energy core is gone: It's useless: Surely you must have some recourse for such exigencies: Without energy, no: Radiation in that cloud must have wiped this entire ship out: I can't believe-- Regardless of what you believe, all instrumentation and power on this ship are dead: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Oh, dear: What's happening? The ship's listing: Abandon ship! [ Wilma .]
We must be on a ledge of some kind: [ Grunting .]
[ Wilma .]
Oh, no: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Oh, my goodness:! Look at that:! If that ship disappears entirely from sight, we-- - We've got additional problems: - Trouble? In what way? The sensors on board the Searcher won't be able to tell we've been grounded, even if this radiation cloud disperses: Incompetence or treachery, Captain? Take your choice: It's you Earthlings who will suffer: Zykaria is poised to make war::: if you fail to deliver me to that conference in Oasis: Treachery? I meant that I'm not blind to the fact that there are many Earthlings::: who would like to see the failure of our mission: That's why I do not rule out sabotage as the cause of our crash: Ambassador, in my book, it was just plain hard luck: Now, why don't you put aside your suspicions::: and use the only option we have open to us, and that's to start walking: Start walking across that wasteland? What are you talking about? Surely the Searcher will send out a rescue ship::: the moment they're aware we've lost contact, won't they? They can't: Why not? The only atmospheric craft on board the Searcher are its fighters: And the first fighter to enter Oasis airspace::: during the course of a peace conference::: would be blasted out of the sky: Ha: Rather a strange way to promote peace, I'd say: But necessary, Doctor: There are many warmongers and hotheads::: on both sides of the conflict: - Let's move it out: - One moment, Captain: How can you be so certain that this is the best direction to take to Oasis? Because it was in range before the radiation cloud hit us: The city lies that way: I suggest we do a bit of scouting about, and from higher ground, before we decide which route is the best one to take: Ambassador, I'm the commander of this mission::: and I don't intend to waste precious time debating direction, sending out search parties or anything else: I will use my judgment to decide which is the best route for us to take: Indeed: Suppose I decide to strike out on my own? I'm afraid I can't let you do that: You see, it's my job to get you to that conference alive: That's exactly what I'm going to do-- whatever it takes: Now, shall we get started? [ Muttering .]
Still no word on the shuttlecraft: [ Sighs .]
We know it flew into a magnetic cloud that blacked out all communications, but no idea what happened behind that cloud: What I find strange, Admiral, is their insistence that the ship itself cannot be traced on their scanner: What about our scanners? Activated, Admiral: But the Earth ship may have had anti-scanning devices, which gave us a negative reading: You are suggesting that the Earthlings have abducted our ambassador: I did not say that, sir: I'm only suggesting that the possibility does exist: What kind of mentality would plot such an abduction? Those wanting war at any cost: We both know they exist on both sides: Yes, yes, they do: But a plot this dangerous? It would have to mean that everybody aboard the Searcher was party to it: Not at all: If we had planned this, it would, from the standpoint of everyone aboard the mother vessel, appear to be a perfectly legitimate mission: Only a handful of men in the high command would know that once the shuttle was launched, it would be taken or destroyed: You are a devious lot, you intelligence people, Raka: Thank God I'm merely a soldier: You are a splendid officer, Admiral, but as your intelligence advisor, I suggest that you do not lightly discount the possibility of human treachery: You have made your point: Still no sign of them: Nothing on the scanners, nothing on audio: Even if they crashed, they should have been able to get some kind of signal to us: The available data, which is minimal, indicates a disturbance characterized:::: by charged particles of unknown origin, possibly related to the presence of a double star::: in the same quadrant: Buck? What have you got? Footprints: Freshly made: Oh, dear: Then the creature may be within range of our voices: -[ Laughter .]
-[ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Good heavens, there's laughter:! [ Laughter Continues .]
Definitely laughter: We must try to induce the creature to show itself: Perhaps if we laugh back: What do you think? [ Laughing .]
- Sorry, Doctor: - What? We just don't have the time: You're gonna have to curb your curiosity until we get back to Oasis: I don't suppose you'd consider leaving me here to investigate: You could come back for me later: No: Let's move out: Well, it was just a thought: Is the captain always so peremptory? [ Laughing .]
No, you don't know Dr: Goodfellow: Once his scientific interest is aroused, it takes drastic measures to get his attention: Hardly seems to excuse Captain Rogers's dictatorial attitude: Dictatorial? No, you don't understand Buck: He'd give his life for any one of us: You call him Buck: Of course: He's a friend: A close friend: You, um-- You used to call me Aram: [ Chuckles .]
Remember? I haven't forgotten, Aram: [ Wild Laughter .]
Good heavens: Good heavens: Did you hear that? [ Laughter Continues .]
[ Echoing .]
I say, I say, won't you please come forward? We promise no harm will befall you! [ Male Voice .]
Beware Ezarhaaden:! [ Laughter Resumes .]
It speaks: It speaks: Wait, wait, wait: Wait, wait: Don't go: I implore you! - Ezarhaaden? - Never heard of it: Hard to beware of something when we don't know what it is: - Hawk, why don't you take a look in those rocks? - Right: Captain: Is it possible that the man in command of the Searcher::: has ulterior motives, is planning all this? Ambassador, you certainly are a man of high suspicions: My question is not without purpose: Admiral Zite, in command of the vessel which brought me here, is a man of very high suspicions, as you put it: He also has a great many weapons at his disposal: I get the message: If we don't get you to Oasis by the deadline, there may not be a Searcher for us to return to: I thought it worth mentioning: You see something? The laughing one is quite elusive: Let's be on our way then: Doctor, this way: Yes? Yes, I know: I know: It's very kind of you, but I can see, thank you very much: Oh: I can see, Hawk! I don't know why you have to treat me like a lunatic all the time: Now, Doctor, Doctor: I do know something about this business: We mustn't complain: No complaints: I know you're doing your duty: [ Male Voice .]
Beware Ezarhaaden:! [ Laughter .]
[ Laughter Continues .]
All right: Come on: Let's go: [ Woman On Speaker .]
Admiral Asimov, Admiral Zite requesting visual communication: Have you reestablished communication with your shuttlecraft? Unfortunately, I have not: I see: We have a problem, Asimov: I'd like to discuss it face-to-face right away: The air lock? At your service, Admiral: Fine: In two minutes: Strange request-- conferring in an air lock: Not strange at all: He wants neutral territory: At this point, neither of us has enough trust to board the other's ship: Let's go: Admiral? I've just had an ugly thought: Suppose we're walking into an ambush: Suppose they intend to kill both of us in that air lock and take over the Searcher: - But to what purpose, sir? - Well, I admit, it's an unlikely possibility: But up to now, we have been assuming that something has happened to our shuttle, some sort of natural disaster: And we're passively accepting responsibility for its disappearance: In fact, the Zykarians are thrusting the responsibility upon us: I-I'm sorry, sir: I still don't follow you: Just supposing, Devlin-- Suppose Ambassador Duvoe is a pawn, an expendable pawn: Suppose they put him aboard our shuttle with the intention::: of destroying it before it reaches Oasis: Now, if they did that, intending to place the blame for the ambassador's death on us, which they appear to be doing, wouldn't that give them the provocation for war, if that's what they really want? Good Lord, sir: Would they do something like that? I don't know, Devlin: But more terrible sacrifices have been made in the past to bring nations into conflict: What do we do, sir? Nothing: You go back to the bridge: Admiral-- There's nothing I can do except walk into that air lock::: and pray to God my suspicions are wrong: We are extremely concerned for the safety of our ambassador, Admiral: Just what measures have you taken to reestablish contact? I assure you, everything possible has been done: Everything? Crichton, explain our findings to Admiral Zite: Admiral Zite, I have conducted a meticulous analysis::: of all available data concerning the shuttle's disappearance::: and made a precise extrapolation from the results: My conclusion::: is that the frequency and amplitude::: of ambient energy in that magnetic cloud::: was sufficient to burn out every electrical circuit in the shuttle, including, of course, all communication devices: I appreciate your explanation for the lack of communication, but it does not explain why sensors cannot locate::: exactly where your shuttlecraft is at this very moment: Hmm: I'm afraid I have no explanation: Which opens up the distinct possibility::: of underhandedness on the part of Earthlings: Meaning? Meaning I find this situation intolerable, and the longer it continues, the more intolerable I'm going to find it: I suggest you locate our Ambassador Duvoe::: before I am obliged to take punitive action: [ Grunts .]
I'm all right: Thank you: You used to like to take my arm when we walked: Seven years ago when we parted, did you know that, uh, I was very much in love with you? Yes, I knew, and I was madly and hopelessly infatuated with you: You were the most brilliant and fascinating man I'd ever met: Nothing else had meaning for me then: Not the service, not my career: Only you: I would willingly have given up all the rest: I couldn't let you do that: You had to become who you are: Do you realize yours could be the one voice in the galaxy that could keep us from war? Perhaps: Someone has said, ''The seats of power can be lonely places:'' I can't tell you how happy I am::: right at this moment::: with you, even here in this godforsaken desert: [ Giggling .]
We'll rest over there: Buck: More footprints: Oh, these are different from the others: Take a look: - [ Gasps .]
- Ah! Oh, there you are! [ Grunting .]
Well, wh-- Ooh: He's your friend, eh? Now, then, don't let's have any hostilities: Just a minute with you: Why don't we have a nice little chat, just the three of us? Oh! [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Oh, my word:! The doctor? Who else? Oh, dear, oh, dear: [ Grunting .]
Oh, no, no, no: Don't go: Don't go: Don't leave me alone: Please, please, please:! Don't go: Don't leave me alone: [ Both Groaning .]
Oh, my word:! Oh, dear, oh, dear: Oh, what's happening here? Just as we were beginning to-- [ Grunting .]
Oh, dear, oh, dear: [ Hawk .]
We cannot see you, Doctor: You must keep shouting: [ Buck .]
Say something:! Over here, dear boy: Over here: Dr: Goodfellow, keep shouting! I'm over here: I'm here:! Doctor? Doctor, keep shouting so we can find you! I'm here, in a pit of sorts: All Gaul is divided into three parts: Where are you, Doctor? Amo, amas, amat: Are you in there? Yes, I am, indeed, my boy: I'm in a trap of sorts: [ Grunts .]
We'll have to pry it off: We need a lever: I'll look around: Doctor, are you all right? Not hurt at all, my dear girl: A little surprised for a bit, but I'm fine now: [ Male Voice Cackling .]
I will try to look for that laughing one again: Dr: Goodfellow, how'd this rock get here? Some creatures placed it there: I tried to reason with them: I explained I meant no harm: But they seemed intent on violence, or so it seemed: [ Footsteps Approaching .]
They're so stupid, these humans: Imagine getting caught by an Atavar: I am Odee-x, the invincible! Release me! [ Laughing .]
Not until we have talked, little one: Let me down! Here: This may help: Let me down, you overgrown chicken! Let me down! This is Odee-x, the invincible: Invincible? Doesn't seem like much of a threat to me: Hasty judgment, human: [ Cackling .]
[ Dr: Goodfellow .]
He's the voice of the laughing one: Nice trick: No trick, Earth man: Odee-x can be a powerful foe if he wishes: I will demonstrate: Be my guest: Rise: Rise, stone! Rise! Rise! Rise: Oh, bravo: [ Laughing .]
It's good to see the light again: Steady: Steady: Settle, rock: Settle: I'm not finished: Stand back! [ Wilma .]
I don't believe it: I always finish what I start: I say, what a marvelous sensation: Well, Captain, what do you think? I've gotta hand it to you: Pretty good: Pretty good? Pretty good would've never kept me alive on this planet of egregious misfits and scoundrels: How long have you lived here, little one? I detest that term, ''little one:'' About 400 years: You mean you've actually been here for four centuries? You question the word of Odee-x? No, don't misunderstand me: Quite the contrary: ''Odee-x'' must stand for Ocular Dynamics Experiment, the first shipment sent here from Saturn: But how could the geneticists have discarded such a revolutionary development? Questions, questions: Twiddle-twaddle and hyperbole! Are you not gonna thank me for releasing you from the pit of the Atavars? Oh, yes, I forgot: I'm sorry: I thank you: Thank you very much, in fact: - Who are the Atavars? - The Atavars are a rapacious lot: - They are also the masters of Ezarhaaden: - Ezarhaaden? Ezarhaaden is guardian of the lair of the Atavar, the vile rabble who live beneath the sand in the bowels of the planet, surfacing to plunder and kill::: and then celebrate their evil with odious, savage ritual::: and place the heads of their enemies on poles and worship them: But they can't catch me: I'm too clever for them: [ Giggling .]
Oh, I'm sorry: It was an accident, birdman: I seem to slip more often as I grow older: [ Chuckling .]
Odee-x, we can make no demands on you, but it would please us very much if you could tell us::: if we're taking the shortest route to Oasis: Of course it's the shortest route, but you will never get there: Why not? Because the sands of the desert become quick: That is why not: A riddle: Quicksand in the way? Exactly: There is only one traversable route to Oasis from here: You must pass through the dreadful Cave of the Winds, the home of the Atavar: If the Atavars live there, will they allow us to go through? [ Chuckling .]
Probably not: You will doubtless be caught in the first trap you come to, a trap you can't avoid: Why can't we avoid it? Because it isn't there, that's why: Pay heed now that it may benefit you: To reach the pawl that frees the lock, conscious thought avails you not: Look, Odee-x: We're running out of time, and we've got to get to Oasis: So why don't you just tell us, what is the route to the Cave of the Winds? You travel straight that way: Maybe! [ Chortling .]
Mad little creature: Should we take him seriously? I think we're gonna have to trust him: So I'm for going by way of that cave: What about you, Mr: Ambassador? Seems to me, Captain, that you were determined::: that we were all to abide by your decisions: Have you suddenly lost your taste for command? We'll head for Cave of the Winds: We must be very careful here, Raka: Do you understand? I understand that very well, sir: You are in command of this vessel: My function here is merely to advise you: This Admiral Asimov-- One does want to believe him: Of course, but your decision to call in a battle cruiser was a very wise one: Perhaps, but if I were in Asimov's shoes, I would be more than a little offended by the arrival of a warship off my bow, particularly if I were simply an exploration vessel with limited armament::: and on a peaceful mission: Supposedly searching for the lost tribes of Earth: Exactly: One of the first things you learn as a commander is not to put a finger on a trigger::: unless there is no alternative: Damn it, Raka, that cruiser is a trigger: No, sir: That cruiser is a gun: Here is the trigger: Sealed orders? Why didn't you give me these when you came aboard? I was instructed to give them to you only if, in my opinion, the circumstances called for it: I believe that time has come: My God: Do you know what is in these orders? Yes, sir: If Ambassador Duvoe does not reach the Oasis conference at the appointed time, you are to destroy the Searcher and launch an immediate attack on Earth: Nothing but total, absolute silence: I know they're all right, Admiral: Buck always comes through: I wish I could share your certainty, Twiki, but I'm afraid the longer we go without hearing from them, the worse it looks: I realize you are already under great stress, Admiral, but I feel it my duty to remind you that Admiral Zite demanded::: that something be done: What will you tell him? What I've been telling him all along-- the truth: Admiral, look at this: [ Devlin .]
It's a warship: Zykarian battle cruiser, to be exact: I never suspected Zite would go this far: In my younger days, I would have accepted this as a challenge, a chance to prove my mettle as an officer: But now-- now I see it for what it really is: Representatives of different cultures once again blundering into tragedy::: because they can't learn to trust one another: It is characteristic of differing organic life-forms::: to suspect each other's motives, Admiral: I doubt that anything can be done to alter that fact: You may be right, Crichton: That doesn't mean I can't try: Devlin, I'm inviting Admiral Zite to dinner: Perhaps a face-to-face encounter over a good meal will reduce tensions: - Very well, sir: - Two things: Quietly pass the word that all members are to remain::: in battle readiness until further orders: Battle readiness? You heard me, kettle belly: And Devlin, I want you to make the arrangement for the dinner invitation: See that our table is set with the very finest of everything we've got: All V:I:P: Yes, sir: I'm on my way: V:I:P:? Very Important Person, dimwit: Ah, hmm? I must get to Oasis, and yet, I don't want this journey to end: Being with you again has opened doors inside of me::: that I thought had closed forever: How terribly sweet of you to say that, Aram, but how sad to think that::: you've been living with a part of yourself shut away: Perhaps, but true nonetheless: During the years since I saw you last, I seemed to have traveled further and further away::: from those romantic dreams I had as a young man: - What sort of dreams? - Oh: The ambitious, impractical dreams that all young men have: Young men are all alike, you know: They expect to have brilliant, important careers, to meet the woman of their dreams and to live happily ever after::: in the midst of a warm and loving family: Young men aren't the only ones to have dreams like that, Aram: - Young women have them too: - Do they? You're an officer on board one of the most advanced research vessels::: in this galaxy, any galaxy: A colonel: Must be an extraordinarily interesting career: It is interesting: And fulfilling? I suppose it depends on how you define ''fulfilling:'' Have you ever thought of sharing your life with a man, of having a home of your own and a family to love and love you back? Yes, Aram: I have thought about it: It's just-- Yes? I guess I'm not ready for it yet: [ Chuckling .]
I suppose I still have a few good years left: Unlike an old man like me, huh? Well, I've always thought of you as a very::: distinguished figure, but, uh, hardly old: You, um-- You never married, Aram: Why? I don't know: I suppose somewhere in the back of my mind::: was that wish, that hope that we would meet again: I hoped so too: I knew you'd be a great man someday: I, uh, tried to follow your career, [ Chuckling .]
but not much word gets out of the Zykarian quadrants: We must begin to be less insular: Otherwise, we will always mistrust each other: Hmm: - Wilma, Duvoe, watch out! - [ Wilma Gasps .]
Oh, my dear: What's happening? [ Gagging .]
[ Grunting .]
[ Wilma, Duvoe Coughing .]
I can manage myself, Captain: [ Grunts, Coughing .]
Heavens above: Do you realize what that was? A giant lichen: What an amazing creature: Please, please, might I just take five minutes to go and examine it, Captain? Please, please: [ Buck .]
I told you before, Doctor: We don't have time: Take cover! They're gone: Anyone hurt? Where's the ambassador? Oh, dear: I hope the ambassador wasn't hurt: I'll take a look: [ Coughing .]
[ Grunting .]
[ Buck .]
Ambassador Duvoe? Hurry: He's coming this way: Why do you look at me as if I were some sort of monster? Zykarians might well::: consider you strange::: and an undesirable being because you cannot remove your head: I've got no argument with that: Does Wilma know? I think, Captain, what transpires between Colonel Deering and me-- [ Wilma .]
Buck? Ambassador:! Where are you? Are you all right? Yes, Wilma! Over here: Oh, there you are: We thought you might have been hurt: Is anything wrong? Is anything wrong, Captain? Nothing that can't be remedied: I'm sorry you and Buck can't be friends: Perhaps it isn't that important: I think if you were together for any length of time, you would learn to respect each other: Possibly: Buck: - Have you noticed? - Yes, we're being followed: You want to check it out? - I will stay behind: - All right: But be careful: Don't take any chances: Yes, I'll stay with him: I'll keep him company: I'll keep you company: - No way, Doctor: - What do you mean? One of these days, Dr: Goodfellow, your curiosity's gonna get the better of you: Don't you understand? My curiosity's healthy: Keeps me in fine fettle, so to speak: So to speak: Yes, well, come on, Doctor: Come on: [ Grumbling .]
And this time, I will stay out till I find him: Why do you follow us, small one? I had nothing better to do: Did you see who sent the pikes down on us? I saw: You're getting sleepy, birdman: [ Yawns .]
Sleep, birdman: Sleep: Sleep, birdman: Sleep: The morrow brings adventure anew: Pleasant dreams! [ Chuckling .]
Fascinating, that lichen creature today: Do you know-- Are you aware, Ambassador, that a lichen is actually two entities? An amazingly successful symbiotic relationship::: between fungus, which supplies water, of course, and algae, which supplies food: What are you implying, Doctor? Implying? Oh, I say, was I becoming tedious? I am sorry: I'm afraid it's an occupational hazard: I-- I tend to share my enthusiasms, you know: Please forgive me: Of course: I simply want to know what's the matter, that's all: Why won't you tell me what happened between you and Ambassador Duvoe today? You know him well, do you? Does how well I know him have something to do with it? In a way, yeah, it does: Oh? In what way? - What do you really know about him? - Is there something I should know? Is it serious between the two of you? Either you tell me what you're getting at, Buck, or back off: You're trespassing: Is it his politics or the fact that he's a Zykarian? No:Just thinking about you, Wilma: I don't want to see you get hurt: You talk as if I need a guardian: Your attitude towards that man-- because I might be fond of him::: or because he cares about me? - Maybe we oughta just forget it: - Yes, I think we'd better: With one final word from me: I think Ambassador Aram Duvoe is quite a man: The roast is done to a turn, Admiral, and the sauce is superb: It looks like we're ready: I hope so: Our guests are about due: We all have got to stay on our toes tonight: A lot could depend on this dinner: [ Man On Speaker .]
Admiral Asimov,your presence is requested on the bridge: Ensign, the Zykarians are due to arrive at any minute: This had better be important: It is important, sir: New arrivals: Two more Zykarian cruisers off our right flank: That makes a total of three, sir, all targeting us with photon cannons: [ Woman On Speaker .]
Admiral Zite and party are coming aboard: [ Sighs .]
I mustn't keep our guests waiting: I wish our chef had the recipe for that sauce: I think that can be arranged: Now, there's an example of, uh, cooperation at work: We, uh, need more of that: [ Admiral Zite .]
Perhaps: In fact, our joint mission out here was conceived in a spirit of cooperation: Shame we seem to have lost it: - Something on your mind, Admiral? - Yes: The presence of your cruisers: I would like to remind you, sir, that we are a search vessel, not a ship of war: We are no match for one Zykarian cruiser, let alone three: The warships are merely a precaution, Admiral: You do have the ability to summon aid: Yes, but if I did that, I might provoke the very conflict your ambassador came here to avoid: I point out to you, Admiral, it was not I who began the provocation: And I point out to you, Admiral, that it is not your ambassador who is missing: May I be blunt? I would appreciate it: We have evaluated the situation and have concluded::: that you abducted Ambassador Duvoe and are holding him hostage: What? Your shuttle disappeared from all our scanners, meaning::: it had to go into an underground landing pad, all well planned in advance: Why, that is a ridiculous assumption: If it had crashed, Admiral, our sensor would have picked up residual radiation from the wreckage: We get none: We believe you intend to blackmail us with our ambassador's life::: at some critical moment::: to keep us off-balance and give your forces a first-strike capability: That is not only preposterous, it is illogical: We both know that war is a world::: with its own special logic, Admiral, and very grim logic it is: Destroying a city to save it from the enemy::: makes perfect sense to a soldier, and I::: am::: a soldier: Will you accept my guarantee, on my honor as an officer, that if anyone survived the crash of that shuttle, they're at this very moment struggling to reach Oasis? I will refrain from opening fire until the conference begins::: and my ambassador is reported absent: Oh, and::: my compliments to the chef: The dinner was excellent: Good evening, gentlemen: Well, birdman: It looks like another beautiful day: [ Giggling .]
[ Giggles .]
[ Giggling Continues .]
Wilma: Something's disturbing you: Do you, uh, want to talk about it? Will you tell me what happened between you and Buck? We had a difference: Please, don't let it trouble you: It's not unusual for men of strong will to abrade each other, particularly when they each care about the same woman: Oh, Captain, Captain, just a minute: Do you think we might stop for a moment to cool off? Please, Captain: You've got it, Doctor: Thank you: Let's take a break! [Screaming Continues .]
Oh, I say: No wonder she screamed: Look at these severed heads: I can tell you what they are: Do you know what they are? These severed heads must be objects of worship to the Atavars that little Odee-x told us about: Which makes them every bit as murderous as he said too: Awful, awful: Oh! Marvelous: Look: Those stones: The patterns of those stones: It's a shrine of some sort: [ Buck .]
Doctor, we better get out ofhere: Just let me touch them: No, no: Come on: Let's get out ofhere: Oh, dear: Don't you want to know more about it? I'd love to: Some other time: Some other time: Small one? Nothing before has tracked me as you do: You give me no rest: Why do you not join the others? I want to talk to you: Stay back! [ Chuckling .]
I have watched you: You had a lot of problems obliterating the footprints: Your power has gone: Why do you follow us? Perhaps it amuses me: You could help us: I have already helped you: Besides, you're on the trail: You will find the Cave of the Winds: Once you leave the caves, you will see the spires of Oasis: You could lead us through the cave, past the Atavars: No, I've interfered enough in your fate: The desert may bleach your bones: Winds may rip you to shreds: Atavars may seek your noble head::: to crown a pole: Too bad: None of my business: But the Atavars are your enemy, are they not? When loneliness is measured by centuries, even an enemy for company is better than none at all: We need your help: If you will not come willingly, I will carry you: [ Laughing .]
You're too late! Energy, birdman: Storms of radiation! They destroyed your ship, but they fill me with power and glory: Big storms and little ones dance constantly across my planet: I know where to find them: [ Laughing .]
You can't touch me now, and after I'm through here, I'll be even stronger, and you can't touch me then either: So good-bye, birdman: [ Laughing .]
You win: Good-bye: Small one: Good luck: It is you who needs luck: There are many dangers in the Cave of the Winds: Of them all, Ezarhaaden is the deadliest: To best Ezarhaaden and seal his fate, give him the point of your argument straight: You talk in riddles again: What do you mean? It means you'll have something to think about while you catch up to your friends: Good-bye! Captain: Captain Rogers: I want to-- I want to thank you: [ Buck .]
Thank me for what, Mr: Ambassador? - It was decent of you not to tell Wilma: - I'm not gonna tell her: But I think you should: I understand: Of course she has a right to know, but considering the way you humans view our symbiosis, it will not be easy for either of us: I prefer to tell her when we are alone, prepare her, if that is at all possible: - Can you understand that, Captain? - Sure: There you are: Where were you all last night? What happened? It was the small one, Odee-x, who had been following us: Where is he? I could not persuade him to come: But we are on the trail to the Cave of the Winds: Beyond the cave, we shall see Oasis: He has given us another warning::: and another riddle: Ah, the first riddle: Now, how did it go? ''To reach the pawl that frees the lock--'' ''Conscious thought avails you not:'' [ Chuckling .]
There we go: This one makes as little sense: ''To best Ezarhaaden and seal his fate, give him the point of your argument::: straight:'' Well, let's move out: [ Duvoe .]
How much farther can it be? You don't suppose that Odee-x sent us in the wrong direction after all, do you? [ Wilma .]
I've been wondering the same thing, Buck: [ Buck .]
There it is: The cave up ahead: [ Buck .]
Well, here goes: Let's hope our little friend hasn't cooked up some more mischief for us in here: Well, at least the cave's lit: Cave of the Winds: It's not bad: Not up till now, no: [ Wind Howling .]
I think I spoke too soon: It's coming from other tunnels: I wonder what would happen if that terrible wind came into this tunnel: Good heavens: Something like that, perhaps: Look at that: Someone's bones are embedded in the rock: By the force of the wind: [ Duvoe .]
It doesn't seem possible: Let's go: [ Howling Continues .]
There's one of them: That must be the entrance to the home of the Atavars: Dr: Goodfellow, will you get out of here? What? Do it: Get out of here: Oh: Thank you very much: What's happened? There's no sound coming from the tunnels: It's as if we walked into a tomb: Very strange: Most unnatural: [ Quiet Thud .]
[ Thudding .]
The pike goes right through it: Let me check over here: It will not move: It's solid all around: Let's try digging down a few feet: It doesn't look good, Captain: Perhaps we should go back and try another tunnel: You're right, Mr: Ambassador: It's another invisible wall: Trapped between them: Yes, that's why there's been no sound from the tunnels: [ Buck .]
Why is it this pike will go through, but we can't? It's an exquisite trap, Buck: Really most ingenious: Whoo: I say, doesn't it seem rather close in here? As a matter of fact, it does: Oh! The torch-- it's dying: We're running out of air: Doctor, do you have any idea how these force fields are generated? No, no, no idea: I haven't the remotest idea: I've never encountered anything like it before: Of course, it is possible that it isn't going on: May be not physical: - It's just existing in our minds: - You mean we could be imagining this? If this is my imagination, then it doesn't really exist: And that torch isn't going out: How can we overcome that which does not exist? Doctor, the logical extension of your hypothesis::: is that we are caught in a trap that isn't there: Now, if you persist in this absurd position-- The trap that isn't there: Odee-x said we couldn't avoid the trap because it isn't there: You're quite right: Now, you're quite right: You clever girl: Now, what's the rest of that riddle? ''To reach the pawl that frees the lock, conscious thought avails us not:'' ''Conscious thought avails us not:'' A pawl: Pawl: A pawl? There's a lever: Maybe that's our pawl: It's too far: ''Conscious thought avails us not:'' That's just gibberish, isn't it, Doctor? Not necessarily, my dear: Not necessarily: The operative words are ''conscious'' and ''not:'' Doesn't that lead us to unconscious thought? Of course: Obviously: Oh, my, yes: Now, let me see: - Colonel Deering, I think it must be you: - Be me what, Doctor? You will be our unconscious thinker: Now, do what I tell you: Fix your eyes on that torch: Yes, don't take your eyes off it, child: Just relax: Watch the torch: Now,your eyelids will get heavy: They're getting heavy, are they? Yes: Now they'll get heavier and heavier: Now, let them close: That's a good girl: Very good, child: You're going into a deep, deep, blissful state of unconsciousness: I want you to open your eyes in a minute: Not yet: Open your eyes, but you'll remain sound asleep: Do you understand? I understand: Open your eyes: Now, I want you to go over to that lever: See it over there? Yes, you can see it: Yes, I see it: Good, good: Fine: Go over to that lever and pull it down: [ Hawk .]
There's the wind again: [ Buck .]
You did it, Doctor: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Fresh air:! Now, thank you, thank you: Now, at the count of three, Colonel, you'll wake up and feel absolutely fine: One, two, three: [ Sighs .]
[ Chuckles .]
We're out of the trap: [ Duvoe .]
That was brilliant, Doctor: By mind trance, he deprived you of conscious thought: Oh, you're a genius, Doctor: Well, I must say I agree with you: Thank you, thank you: Come on: Let's move out: We've lost a lot of time: Genius indeed: I gave her the answer: I must make my riddles more obscure: [ Boiling .]
[ Wilma .]
Oh: Snakes: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Yes, and a very poisonous species, my dear girl: Looks like the bridge is the only way over: Oh, no! Here it comes again! Stay low and hang on: [ Wilma .]
It's like a hurricane:! All right: Stay here: I'm gonna try and cross it: [ Hawk .]
Careful, Buck: [ Wilma .]
Are you sure it can support you? I'm not sure of anything at this point: [ Duvoe .]
Try not to move too quickly, Captain: I'll keep that in mind: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Steady, dear boy: Steady: [ Wood Creaking .]
[ Hawk .]
Easy, Buck: Easy! -[ Wilma .]
Buck? -[ Hawk .]
Hang on, Buck: Hang on: [ Wilma .]
Buck, try to hold on: We'll steady the bridge: Oh, my goodness! It's coming up again, Captain: I can hear it: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Hang on, dear boy: It can't last for long: -[ Hawk .]
Pull, Ambassador: Pull:! -[ Wilma .]
Buck, I can hardly hold it:! -[ Wilma .]
Hold on, please:! -[ Buck .]
I'm trying to: The wind's too strong: [ Wilma .]
Hold on:! [ Hawk .]
You must! Try, Buck, try! [ Wilma .]
Oh, thank God: [ Deep Male Voice .]
Beware Ezarhaaden:! -[ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Oh, my word:! - It's a sword! He needs help: Buck:! I am Ezarhaaden, sword of death, guardian of the place of the Atavars: The cavern there is dark and deep: Who falls within forever sleeps: [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
We're with you, my boy: Don't despair: Give him a good fight: [ Wilma .]
Oh, no: Buck! Ezarhaaden:! - You, Odee-x:! - Yes, you demon! You ogre:! You dismal coprolite:! You crapulous misanthrope:! Oh,you missed: You hideous-- [ Grunts .]
[ Ezarhaaden .]
The noisy one has met his fate: Come, Earth man, now::: and feel the weight of Ezarhaaden's blade ofhate: The riddle-- When we have to get past Ezarhaaden: ''To best Ezarhaaden and seal his fate, give him the point of your argument straight:'' Point of your argument? Try for the heart, Captain! Buck, go for the heart: No heart, no head, no body: Point: The point of the argument: Buck, it's the point of that pike: Use the point! [ Laughing .]
Now, Earth man-- Now you, too, will find the cavern dark and deep::: and end in its depths forever asleep: [ Ezarhaaden Laughing .]
Fiend! You, Odee-x, now prepare to die: [ Laughing .]
Another point to win the argument: Another point: [ Grunts .]
[ Groans, Thudding .]
[ Wilma .]
You got him:! [ Duvoe .]
Well done, Captain:! Are you all right? Go away! Aah: Then tell me if you're all right: I'm all right: [ Grunts .]
You ungrateful little-- All right, Hawk: Brace this bridge: I'll have to repair it so you can get across: Never thought I'd be sorry to see the Zykarians pull away: I do not comprehend how the move, in and of itself, is particularly significant: Well, it's significant enough for me: They've moved off to give their cruisers a clear field of fire: Any change in deployment? No, sir: The three cruisers are still standing by, in firing position: - Distance? - Eighth of a quad: Eighth of a quad: Tell Lieutenant Devlin to meet me in the engine room: Yes, sir: Lieutenant Devlin to the engine room: I think you know what's on my mind, Devlin: Yes, sir: You disapprove? No, sir: A very long time ago, when I was a lieutenant like yourself, I commanded a squadron of seven ships off the tip of a quadrant: We had this accident, if you will: A laser punctured our cruiser: Holed the engine room: We, uh-- We had to abandon ship: From a quadrant and a half away, we saw what happened: The loss of seven of our vessels: An entire quadrant vaporized: You lost all those ships, sir? Strange how we look back, keep something in our minds, hoping we'll never have to use it: And yet, Devlin, we are going to rig the Searcher::: to become a booby trap: [ Wood Creaking .]
Odee-x, why didn't you use your powers to defeat Ezarhaaden? Why didn't I indeed? Could you see Ezarhaaden? No: Nor could I: Since my power is in my eyes, my eyes were useless against him: He was my nemesis: That's why I needed a champion: As you can see, I'm very good at picking champions: What I'd like to know is why you didn't tell me straight out what I was in for: Why that riddle? You almost got me killed: But that would be taking unfair advantage of Ezarhaaden, not to mention my riddles going to waste: We must not dull the appetite for a zestful life, Captain: - You are really something: - Thank you: Now there's one important thing left to do: I've waited 400 years to do that:! [ Chortling .]
Small one, you must co-- You will come with us: You must have help: Fiddle-faddle and folderol: Do you think in the hundreds of years I've been here, this is my first wound? Tut! Rest and quiet for a few minutes-- or a few years-- I'll be good as new: At least I shall live, which is more than I can say for you: What are you talking about, Odee? When death is sure, no way out, an angry god puts death to rout: More riddles: I swear, if you weren't hurt, I'd throw you in there after that sword: Just because you championed my cause does not entitle you to take liberties: Odee-x, excuse me: Does this new riddle pertain to, uh-- No more: Go! If I'm ever to mend, I must do it right now: - Go! - Not without you, my little friend: Touch me now, you'll lose a lot more: Have it your way: Are you sure you're going to be all right? Thank you: Whee! Whee! You're so pretty! To save your lives, remember me::: and most of all, my riddle three: All right: Let's go: Oh, power that sweeps Oasis dread, my strength is gone, my magic fled: I hurt, I weep, I need my bed: Please help me soothe this aching head: - This is the relay detonator to our photon core? - Yes, sir: The moment you order it activated, the Searcher will become the equivalent of a star exploding, incinerating everything within the quadrant: The deadline is only hours away: Yes, sir: The warship awaits your command to open fire: And I do have my orders: I trust, and yet, distrust: I will follow orders: There are the spires of Oasis: We're gonna make it in time after all: What do you suppose Odee-x had in mind with that last riddle? [ Dr: Goodfellow .]
Well, that's a difficult question to answer, you see: In many ways, that nice little fellow was a bit mad: I think I heard you say so yourself: [ Wilma Laughing .]
[ Hawk .]
The spires of Oasis: [ Wilma .]
Aren't they beautiful? Oh, my! [ Rhythmic Grunting .]
- Are they bluffing? - Not two bits' worth: They'rejust working up their courage: - What do you think, Hawk? - Without any weapons, there's no way we could all get through: Odee-x said, ''To save your lives, remember me and, most of all, my riddle three:'' Riddle three: The third riddle, my dear: ''An angry god puts death to rout:'' We happen to be a little short on angry gods right now, Doctor: Wilma, we're gonna try to force an opening: You and Dr: Goodfellow grab the ambassador, make a run for it: - Ready, Hawk? - Ready: Go! [ Duvoe .]
Stop:! Stop:! I command you:! You who worship heads, bow down:! Bow down before an angry god:! Bow down before the living head, lest the wrath of this god visit you with fire and destruction:! Back: Go back! I command you: Heed! Heed or you will burn: Go:! Now: Now! And trouble no more strangers to your world: I had hoped you would not have to see this: Not this way: We go on to Oasis now: You knew: That's what you wouldn't tell me: Yeah: Working together with these humans::: to get me to this conference::: has shown me::: that the gulfs which separate us::: can be bridged, that understanding comes::: with communication, and that war is not, in any sense, a viable alternative: [ Applause .]
I agree: Let's never come so close again: Amen: That was profound, Ambassador: Any credit must be shared with my escort, Admiral: It was truly inspirational, Mr: Ambassador, being present while history was made: I'm seldom present in the present, you know: Usually by the time I get to it, the present's passed into the past: [ Duvoe .]
I believe I understand, Doctor: We must forego, once and for all, this policy of isolation, which has bred mistrust and suspicion::: between Zykaria and the other nations of this system: We must live in peace, learn to know each other: Ignorance breeds suspicion: With communion comes knowledge::: and understanding: [ Woman On Speaker .]
Ambassador,your ship is ready: Gentlemen: I was hoping that you would be here::: to at least say a good-bye: Instead of good-bye, I'd rather say, ''Until we meet again:'' Of course: I hope you understand: It was only the shock: It wasn't a judgment: Good friends needn't question: I meant it: It will never shock me again: A very big step, isn't it? For both of us: Perhaps another time, there will be a grand ball: I'll be escorting you, to the envy of all there: Another time: Dreams aren't only for children, are they? No, Aram: They're for all of us: I'm very glad to have known you, Captain: I do hope that you feel the same: I most certainly do, Mr: Ambassador: You're right: He is quite a man:
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