Canterbury's Law (2008) s01e05 Episode Script


1 Liz: previously on canterbury's law I want to have a funeral for sam.
He's not coming home.
I need you to testify for me.
Jasper hit tommy with his fists.
When did you lie, mr.
Foster? Then or now? I'm telling the truth.
Woman: defendant lied.
Happens everyday.
Twice a day in murder cases.
Except this time, canterbury told him to lie.
We have a warrant to search your house.
What the hell for? Any and all documents Pertaining to the trial of ethan foster.
You want to go after me?! That is fine! That's fun.
But do not use this trial to score your points with me! That's fantastic.
Everyone knows you have issues with canterbury.
With an indictment hanging over her head, I would call her the one with the issues.
You and i can deal with zach's indictment.
We have to find out what frank and ethan told the grand jury.
Frank didn't tell them anything.
You know that for a fact? I know frank.
Liz, cops searched both my apartment and my office.
They took the file on patty murphey.
Better known as juror number 7.
Matt? Matt: oh.
I didn't think you'd be home.
Well it had to happen sometime.
We can't keep avoiding each other.
They still talking about the fight? Well, let's just say tenure is out.
I'll probably go back to the u.
Attorney's office.
I already made some calls.
What about this indictment, beth? It'll go away.
Judges are hard-Nosed when it comes to jury tampering.
I hope you have the goods to beat it.
Russell is handling my defense.
Russell? You might want to go a bit bigger than russell.
Martin: "pre-Trial proceedings begin today, "With the fate of elizabeth canterbury's legal career Hanging in the balance.
" Whew.
Dude, what is it about women in jeopardy That is such a huge turn-On? The motions for the simmons case, where are they? I got you covered.
They're right here.
Thank you.
And this guy frank angstrom- Describes him here as elizabeth's full-Service private eye.
It's in quotations.
We all know what that means.
Where is this damn reporter getting her information? I don't know.
Dag: off the record? Canterbury knows frank angstrom's gonna take a bullet for her.
But not everybody's gonna be that loyal.
And there will be a hefty price to pay.
You'll get names.
You'll get names before you go to copy.
Do me a favor.
Write a letter to the rhode island bar Informing them that liz canterbury is under indictment.
I will try not to express your enormous glee.
Also write a letter to the massachusetts, To the connecticut and to the new york bars- Anywhere else she's been licensed to practice.
Sure you want to do that? Why? What's the problem? It might seem vindictive.
We have to notify our own bar, but the other states Do you think i'm being vindictive? It's a matter of public perception, zach.
You haven't won a case against liz- A big goose egg in the win column.
You know? Try not to sugar-Coat it too much, kate.
You asked.
If we kick her out of rhode island And then we leave it at that, We are dumping an unethical lawyer In somebody else's backyard.
In-House spin.
You are simply a public servant doing a public service.
So write the letter in the spirit in which it's intended.
Yes, sir.
Russell, how nice of you to stop by and see me.
Oh, right.
I forgot.
You work here.
So, i'm late.
I told you you'd have to share me with heidi klum.
Oh, hey.
Don't forget.
Suppression hearing today in moody's court.
You know? I had an idea.
Instead of trying to suppress juror 7's file, Why don't we let the judge see what a smoking hot babe she is? Still jealous, huh? Frank wasn't using her to get the inside dirt on the jury.
He was just on the prowl.
Dog's gotta hunt.
Come on, russell.
The cops had a good warrant to search frank's place.
I mean, suppressing that kind of evidence? We'd have to kill the judge.
Trust me.
I haven't ruled it out.
But there is an argument to be made.
On what grounds? Bad description.
Warrant describes frank's house as clapboard.
But it's really made of brick.
I have chester looking up a precedent.
I have chills.
It's like you're channeling bruce cutler.
Come up with something better.
There is nothing better.
I tampered with the jury.
They can prove it.
I'm screwed.
I don't see how we can win liz's case in court.
Can't let her be disbarred.
He's gonna street fight.
Well the most aggressive defense i can come up with Involves getting a hold of a murder book.
Remember the santos case? Santos? Yeah.
The big arson fire.
A councilman's daughter was killed.
Oh, yeah.
You and zach williams were the prosecution.
Actually i was replaced.
But what's that got to do with liz's case? I always felt that there were witness statements That might've fallen through the cracks.
Zach might have known about it.
That's no different than what he's accusing liz of.
And that would be our leverage.
Tough to verify without the murder book.
And no cop's going to give that up.
It's got every detail of the crime, Including their own mistakes.
I'm kind of buddies with the detective who worked the case.
All right.
Oh, wait.
Liz doesn't know about this.
And we have to preserve her deniability.
My family, we know how to lock it up.
What the hell do you want? Mr.
Santos, i've been looking into your case- You put me here! Get out of my face.
I'm not with the a.
'S office anymore.
I'm doing defense.
Come on.
Sit down for a second.
Hear me out.
I have some doubts about whether you got a fair trial.
Why didn't you open your mouth when it mattered? I was taken off the case.
I will make it my priority now.
So, what? You believe i'm innocent? I believe the cops went after you Because you had a jacket.
I didn't burn that building.
I didn't kill that councilman's kid.
Cops were under a lot of pressure.
So was the a.
'S office.
And i don't think the proper procedure Were followed in your trial.
You can get me out of here? Let's start with a new trial.
Will you let me represent you? I can't pay you.
I'm prepared to do it for nothing.
What? I'm being straight with you.
Nobody gives you something for nothing.
You're clowning me.
Zach: how you doin', ethan? You don't have a warrant.
You have to leave.
Oh, hey.
That's very good there, ethan.
Canterbury has taught you well.
I said, go away.
Look, i know it wasn't your idea to lie your ass off on the stand.
All i need is a sworn statement from you Saying your lawyer was behind it.
She wasn't.
Everything i said was true.
I'm sure you're right.
I'm offering you full immunity.
Full immunity.
So, go ahead, arrest me.
Foster, i'm offering your kid a second chance - New life.
I'll take you off the sex offender registry.
No more mothers wanting to lynch you.
A fresh start.
You won't do that.
You think i'm a pervert.
Let's say that i was too quick to judge.
Teenage girl.
Sex was consensual.
You got a bum rap.
I'll go public with that.
Come on in.
Russell: happier if we at least had 50/50.
Oh, hey.
Glad you found the place.
It's easy to miss.
Hey, liz, where you going? Oh.
I'm sorry i'm late.
It doesn't matter.
The judge threw out the suppression motion.
Didn't buy the clapboard vs.
Brick argument.
I cited state vs.
Jeremiah - Don't worry.
You still get an "a.
" How did they even know to search frank's house? That's the real question here.
We should file a motion to reveal the informant.
Canterbury, we missed you at your hearing.
You're a busy, busy girl, according to the paper.
I apologize - Next time you're a no-Show at your own hearing, I'll issue a warrant for your arrest.
Well, i promise to show up.
If you promise not to fall asleep.
That's a great defense strategy, taking shots at the judge.
I think so.
Maybe we should go somewhere else.
Here comes the press.
Canterbury, shauna walters with the providence times.
You're accused- Russell: we have no comment.
Don't speak for me, russell.
' Ok.
Jury tampering.
Why don't you give me your side of the story.
In your own words.
That's funny.
"In my words" Coming out of zach williams' sock puppet.
I can't picture that.
Chester grant - We met at one of my dad's fundraisers.
Miles grant's son? Yes, ma'am.
So, alienating the press now? Interesting choice.
Oh, it's how i roll, russell.
So, let's see.
I've alienated matt.
Now the judge.
And i'm sure i'm this close to alienating you.
Admit it.
Oh, you underestimate me.
Ethan called.
Zach got to him.
He made a statement.
Zach knows i suborned perjury.
There is no way to beat this.
I'm going to prison.
I'm in a hurry, russell.
5 minutes.
Just give me a heads-Up on liz's case.
What are you guys charging her with, witchcraft? Sedition? She broke the law.
I don't know.
I think maybe that qualifies her to be the d.
G? Watch it.
Come on, zach doesn't cross the line? What about the ethan foster case- Allowing a coerced confession into evidence.
Well, so think the worst of him.
It's a big club - Danny santos.
Oh please, you still not over that? Seriously.
Why do you think he took me out and put you in? Second chair.
Out of the blue.
Maybe you weren't doing your job.
Maybe i was doing it too well.
So he put me in as designated screw up? Thanks.
Just saying.
Anyone who's thrown in at that point- My work was outstanding.
Is that a direct quote.
He wasn't hitting on me, russell.
No, because we know that wouldn't have worked.
You don't know what you're talking about.
There's nothing fishy about santos.
No offense.
You had just transferred here.
You were scrambling to get up to speed.
1,800 pages of discovery.
Did you actually go through them all? Maybe you have problems that you don't even know about.
So, you and matt, any better? Madeleine ratted me out.
All your sister said was you were problems.
Waitress: here you are.
Come on, dad.
She told you that i don't think we're gonna stay together.
Your mother and i always favored matt.
Some of those other guys you brought home biker.
That was my bad boy phase, dad.
I want to think i've moved past it.
Let's hope.
We know what you and matt have been through.
If you need anything Thanks I need to tell you something before you read it in the paper.
The d.
Has added more charges to my indictment, Accusing me of further misconduct in the ethan case.
This is clearly a vendetta.
You should sue the city when this is over.
All these false accusations.
Like that woman reporter implying you broke the law.
She should be held accountable.
One battle at a time, dad.
You did the right thing standing up for that boy.
How many lawyers are like you, Trying to keep this damn system honest? That's-That's the end of my lecture.
Dad, it is Such a mess.
Russell: so, you ever run into another case like danny santos? Aye-Chi.
Hey, why'd you bail out on the santos trial? You and, uh, zach williams have a falling out or something? It was something like that.
One helluva prosecutor, old zach, man.
Wasn't surprised when they made him the dag Coming off that win.
Zach is one of a kind.
You ever have second thoughts about santos? What do you mean? Like what? Like he might not have been good for it? Are you kidding me? Man, look.
One week, the guy buys a building, and he insures it.
Next week after that, it conveniently burns down.
And eyewitnesses i.
Him on the scene.
Take that.
I heard rumors, though.
On the street.
I know i'm not as street as i look.
But, no.
People told me things.
Well, you're always gonna get a couple of witnesses Coming forward with some half-Baked story.
But That's always gonna happen.
Not a chance.
Not a chance.
Did you take their statements? Yes, i did.
And i passed it along.
What's wrong with you? Is there some kind of fixation on this? How about letting me take a look at that murder book? You're joking, right? That's never gonna happen, man.
10 minutes.
It wouldn't leave your sight.
It's not gonna happen, krauss.
Hey, man.
Let it go.
I can't.
I helped put santos away.
And i don't think it was a clean fight.
So, no chance, huh? No.
Not in this lifetime.
You gotta be kidding.
There's no openings in this firm, ms.
But you'll still keep my resume on file, mr.
Stitz? You're figuring that canterbury's going To soon be closing her doors? You're probably right.
Well and actually, i've been following your career since law school.
So So, you're desperate for a job? No, really, it's just - I've gone over some of your cases.
The santos trial- That was quite a defense.
Yeah, i gave it my all, and i lost.
Some things have surfaced recently that make me wonder.
You ever hear of any credible alternate theories? What is this really about, sweetheart? I'm sorry.
You're taking this the wrong way.
You're implying that i blew the case.
How else should i take it? I never said that.
I just-I was wondering if anything jogged your memory.
What jogs is the stink of some agenda.
What is it? Let's just forget it.
I'm sorry.
Next time, tell russell to do his own digging.
And don't send any amateurs.
Aah! Zach.
I need to talk to you.
Not without your lawyer here.
Just hear me out, please.
I will plead guilty to both charges.
2 years, no suspension.
But i get my license back.
A girl can dream, can't she? What the hell does that mean? 2 years of my life, that's not enough? No.
That's not nearly enough.
I want you disbarred up and down this coast.
When you get out of prison, You're gonna be lucky getting a teaching job At massasoit community college.
Wow So with you it's a sickness.
Hypocrite! You try to cut a deal with me.
And then you send your buddy russell On a scouting expedition up my ass.
I have no idea what you're talking about? Just got off the phone with nathan stitz.
Did you really think you could come after me, And i wouldn't find out? Can i drop you somewhere? Hairdresser? God.
You are such a bitch.
Is that a no? Danny santos' building was in a transitional neighborhood.
Artist's lofts next door to drug dealers.
Why'd a councilman's daughter end up there? Russell: boyfriend was a junkie.
He owed santos rent.
Could've owed dealers, too.
Russell? Who the hell is nathan stitz? No one you need to worry about.
Like hell.
I just tried to cut a deal with zach williams.
He shut me down.
Told me i was orchestrating some kind of plot against him.
What is it i'm i doing that i don't know i'm doing? Wait.
You tried for a plea? Yes.
And it blew up in my face.
What are you cooking, russell? Since when do you cut deals? I'm the pragmatic one.
Under the specter of prison.
I'm getting my life in order.
Putting the house up for sale.
And i'm disbanding this firm Today.
Meeting everyone! Look.
I appreciate the fact that you're all pitching in to defend me.
But you need to look for other places to land.
I will give you recommendations.
Merriwether marks- Very interested in you.
To hell with them.
I'm not going.
Chester, i'm folding up shop.
You're a fighter, liz.
That's why i signed on.
So can we please see the fight.
To hell with all of you.
Uh, liz.
Your real estate agent is on the line.
Says your husband won't let her in the house.
Spivak, i am so sorry.
I forgot to tell my husband i listed the house with you.
So i gathered.
You should find another realtor when you finally make up your minds.
We're putting it up for sale.
Not through me, you're not.
What the hell were you thinking, huh? Hey! What the hell were you thinking? What were you thinking?! We have to move now, matt.
If my legal troubles go public, We don't get a dime- Oh, please! Get down off the ledge.
Matt, i am going under.
What's your solution? We just sit around and wait for money To fall out of the sky to pay our mortgage? This right here is our home! Ok? Oh! How could you possibly think- - that you could just call a realtor- - Oh, i get it.
It's too soon to sell the house.
But it's not too soon to have a funeral for sam.
- You got a whole schedule worked out.
- Oh, here we go! Oh, yeah.
I should've known.
Don't bring that up.
I didn't file for papers yet.
Should i have done that? Was i supposed to do that? Just shut the hell up.
No really.
I want to meet at least one of your deadlines- Shut up.
You don't dictate to me anything ever.
Matt, you're hurting me.
Get off me.
Get off me! The murder book.
What made you change your mind? I didn't.
You didn't get that from me.
All right.
We clear? Absolutely.
Thank you.
You know what, man? You got me thinking.
There was this witness put a black s.
At the scene.
They said it took off right before the fire.
And it wasn't santos? No.
Santos- He drives a pickup.
This witness worked the streets.
He was real shaky, but - Thank you.
All right.
You know, krauss.
There'll be a helluva stink if it turns out you put the wrong guy in prison.
A lot of that fallout's gonna come back your way.
Whatever happens, happens.
Lot of foot traffic in this neighborhood.
Girls who party.
Here's a witness who claims 2 guys ran out of the building And took off in a black s.
Just before the fire.
2 guys.
There you go! Did they get an i.
? He's a nickel and dimer.
Onca martin.
I did not see this.
And sure as hell nathan stitz never got a copy.
He would've had a field day with this.
Check out the date-Stamp.
"Cherry pie" holtz waited until halfway through the trial To come forward.
I'm guessing cherry pie got busted for solicitation, And this was her best chance to cut a deal.
So zach figured it was a bogus statement.
I'm not making excuses for him.
This was straight up prosecutorial misconduct.
That hypocrite is going after liz For doing the exact same thing that he did.
You know there's got to be a receipt somewhere in here from providence p.
That'll prove zach saw this.
That would give danny santos a new trial.
Oh, this isn't good.
Russell, you signed it upon delivery.
I did? Yeah.
I did.
I signed it.
We have nothing we can use against zach Because of me, my signature.
Well, i don't know.
Zach doesn't know that.
He doesn't know we have any of this.
We can still put a scare on him.
I asked before about this sudden interest in me In providing something for you, We get something we need.
Boil it down.
I feel there were mistakes made at your trial.
Mistakes we can use to our advantage In my own problems with the a.
'S office.
In other words, i'm leverage.
Initially that's what brought us here- I had a moment where i thought Your concern was my innocence- It is, but- No.
I'm happy you have a stronger motivation than just me.
This could work.
I could actually get out of here.
See my boys everyday.
We'll try very hard to make that happen.
If your deal hangs on me, Does my deal hang on you? What happens to me if you go down? Then i write your appeal from behind bars.
I'm in.
Hey, you can't just walk in here.
I know, i'm rude.
Who do i think i am? Shauna: are you confirming that number? Can i quote you? You can quote me, shauna.
I have to call you back.
You can't barge in here - I'm giving you your next column, shauna.
My way of saying "thank you" for keeping That incident with liz out of the paper.
The agreement was i got a one-On-One with your dad.
Deal's a deal.
This is just a bonus.
I already have copy for tomorrow.
Give me a call.
We'll set something up.
That's ok.
I'll just go over to the examiner.
It's about zach williams.
You know, what makes the man tick.
Hey, wait a minute.
Are we talking personal or professional? Both.
I got the inside track on the a.
'S office.
You know, the female a.
Who doesn't go to happy hour with zach Doesn't get promoted.
Who's your source? Any female lawyer who disagrees with him on how to dispo her cases, Gets a transferred to traffic court.
You want names? Just say what you want.
Remember chelsea? This picture of her - This is the one you showed the jury.
Yes, sir.
Right before you showed them the autopsy photos.
Yes, councilman.
I remember.
You said you wanted them to see her face When they closed their eyes at night.
Now you're defending her killer? Where'd you hear that? Zach williams told me as soon as he found out.
I figured you for someone with a conscience.
Turns out you'll do anything for a buck.
How much do i have to pay you to walk away? I'm doing it pro bono.
I feel that santos might be innocent.
What are you talking about? You indicted him.
You know he's guilty.
I was sure at the time.
But i'm not anymore.
You swore he was the guy! Due process was not observed- Screw due process.
My girl is dead.
If his rights were violated, he deserves a re-Trial.
Oh, this isn't about justice.
You're after something else.
What are you selling yourself out for, russell? About what happened We need to stay away from each other.
I know.
I never I never ever should have done what i did to you.
Well I shouldn't have said what i said.
All right.
I'll- I'll get out of here, I can finish- You don't have to.
I'm gonna go upstairs.
I should have consulted you about the house.
The house- You can sell the house.
You're not ready.
Oh, i'm ready.
What am i hanging onto? Everything that was ever important to me here Is gone.
Cherry pie lives up to her name.
You want this one? You think i got the home team advantage.
Of course not.
You tracked her down.
That's all.
Didn't you do a ton of these as a prosecutor? Yeah.
All the time.
I'm good for this.
Hey, how's it going? You some kinda narc? No, no.
I am actually here to ask you a couple of questions.
If that's ok.
I'm uh Get lost.
Before i hurt you.
You're up.
You cherry pie? What special thing can i do for you, baby? Man: hey, cherry! Oh, look.
I gotta go party with my friends.
But keep it warm.
I'll be back.
Chester: i'll pay you twice what he gives you.
All you have to do is talk.
Twice the pay.
Easy time.
I'm all yours.
Man: cherry! Russell, have you lost it? Prove me wrong.
Get me zach's copy of the cherry holtz statement.
See if he annotated it.
If he didn't, i will join a holy order.
Listen to yourself.
Even if it's true - If it's true, we both know it's prosecutorial misconduct.
You go after zach, you are implicating me.
No one's implicating you.
How are you going to separate me from it? Remember, i'm the one who replaced you So zach could have someone he could handle.
You aren't to blame any more than i am.
We both got used.
Ok? And this is our chance to make it right.
And if i lose my job and my career in the process, So be it.
Forget my help on this.
And leave me alone.
Canterbury, drop the santos case.
What is that smell? Is that sweat? You got nothing on me.
I'm just tired of you digging in my business.
Like hell.
Santos is guilty as sin.
Everybody knows it's where he belongs.
The thing is, zach, i have doubts about his guilt.
Reasonable doubts.
Hey, russell.
Do we have cherry holtz's witness statement? We submitted it to court along with our motion for a new trial.
Hearing's tomorrow.
Consider yourself noticed.
We got the right man.
We gotta witness who says different.
Cherry pie holtz? That she-Male? Testimony wasn't even worth the paper it was written on.
But you want to go with that, ok.
Do we have a problem with this witness? No.
Nothing i can't take care of.
Holtz, what happened after you gave your statement About the dealer running from the arson scene? The a.
'S office wasn't interested.
My lawyer called a couple times - Objection! Hearsay.
Judge: sustained.
Are you being compensated for your testimony today? I'm losing income, sitting on my moneymaker.
Your witness, counselor.
Holtz, uh Mr? Is it mr? Chester: your honor! Miss? You honor! Move on, counselor.
Isn't it true That you came forward After being arrested for solicitation? You wanted to reduce your sentence.
You bet.
Why give it away for free? It was 6 months after the crime.
Onca martin was already serving a prison term.
There was really no risk in you naming him.
But you don't know onca.
He's got reach.
But you know onca, right? You're on the streets together.
Correct? Yes, sir.
No further questions.
Judge: redirect, mr.
Grant? Thank you, your honor.
Did you know the 2 victims who died in the fire? Yes.
The girl was sweet.
But her boyfriend stole money from me a couple times to pay off onca.
How did you know it was onca martin running from the building? It was dark.
It was late.
I size people up fast.
Tell me about judge moody.
She wears the same ol' robe everyday.
She spends money on her blouses.
The one she's got on now cost her a 100 bucks.
How about the prosecutor? Big feet, size 11.
He'll spend money for good shoes.
Suits-Not so much.
And onca martin running from the scene wearing a $500 silk jacket.
He favors those.
What do you stand to gain by giving your testimony today? The truth.
I may be a street ho, but i saw what i saw.
Santos is in prison for life, and that is wrong.
Thank you.
Judge: remand is lifted.
A bail is imposed of $500,000 cash or secured bond.
Case will be adjourned for 2 weeks.
And on that date, a new trial day will be set.
We're gonna appeal this.
And we're gonna get conviction.
I assure you.
My wife and i are counting on you.
We'll get the conviction.
You know what? You're a scumbag.
Because you know this guy- A scumbag? You bury an innocent man and i'm a scumbag? You know what? If you re-Try this case, You're gonna be doing immigration law From a taco stand in tierra del fuego.
for speeding 5 blocks from the site of the fire.
Let's interview all the hookers.
Have a nice day.
We'll get some other names, you freak.
Yesterday was a start, but we still have a problem.
Connecting the dots to prove that zach read cherry's statement? I am so on top of things today, i'm scaring myself.
I'm glad you see the humor in this.
We'll subpoena zach's copy of that document.
He'll have to produce it at trial.
I'm not sure he will.
I already filed a discovery demand.
Hey, russell.
Kate cooley just called.
And then when i finally realized what i was listening to Zach shredded the entire file, piece by piece.
It's- It's all over.
I can't believe it.
I'm done.
Liz is done.
I'm so sorry, russell.
It was foolish of me not to listen to you.
How is zach going to explain that his murder book went missing?! Claim he left it at the car wash? The a.
'S don't have to sign their files out.
He'll say it was lost in, you know, area 51.
It happens.
That'll look suspicious to the trial judge.
Suspicion's not proof.
The bottom line is, we have no proof That zach ever saw cherry holtz's statement.
No proof exists.
Oh this So, ahem I'm going to prison.
Not right away.
They'll age the case as long as possible.
After that.
You'll figure some way out.
You always do.
Zach williams had a shredding party last night.
Very important evidence we were gonna use against him.
You know what the evidence looks like? I have a copy.
But without zach's margin notes, i can't prove he saw anything.
And now his copy is confetti.
So technically, it hasn't been destroyed.
There are shreds? Yeah, there are shreds- Yeah.
Of course.
Guy from the third floor saw us going through the trash.
Gave us a dirty look.
I told him we're burning it to stay warm.
You want small piles, liz? Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm texting zach a personal invitation to view my photo gallery.
Before sending it to the attorney general.
Really nice job, you guys.
Here he comes.
Right on cue.
What kind of stunt is this? You're desperate.
You're going through my trash now? You got a problem.
It's government property.
Not after you've dumped it.
Russell, tell him the precedent.
I believe it's "finders keepers.
" You know, life would've been so good if you'd taken deal that i offered- Your offer sucked, zach.
Are you here to sweeten it? No.
I'm not dropping the charges.
Then i will use this evidence to take you down.
Take me down.
Take me down! We'll take each other down.
That'll be great.
Hold on, zach.
You wouldn't walked through the door If you didn't want to make a deal.
Don't waste our time.
Russell, what is it, buddy? You feeling strong? You don't have to re-Try santos.
Dismiss the case.
Cut him loose.
The whole thing goes away.
No, no, councilman hendricks will have my ass.
And you know it.
Not if you put the blame for santos on somebody else.
Leave kate cooley out of this.
I'm not talking about kate.
Russell, i won't let you do that.
I'm the perfect scapegoat.
Everything's already in place.
Signed the receipt for the evidence.
I left the ag's office.
Forget it! I'm not asking permission.
What do you say? I keep my partnership.
You come out a hero who cleaned up his own house.
Or everyone goes to prison.
Your call.
You know how i'm gonna play this, right? Ok, we got a deal.
I'm shocked.
Now get out.
I am appalled by the wrongful conviction of mr.
Danny santos.
It is a true injustice.
And my heart goes out to him and his family.
I promise you that the extreme negligence exhibited by a member of my staff- The incident which created this unfortunate situation- Will not be repeated.
That colleague, who was removed from mr.
Santos' trial, Has been forced to leave the a.
'S office.
I'm happy to announce that i have arranged for daniel santos To be released from prison immediately.
Thank you.
How long you think before the bar comes after me? They won't come after you.
Zach made it pretty clear who he was talking about.
Shauna wrote a glowing article about how you left the ag's office Because you're a champion the underdog.
Committed to fighting injustice.
Slick move.
Thank you.
What's a partner for? I've been planning on telling you how truly, deeply grateful i am for what you've done - You can stop now.
But i know how much you hate displays of affection.
I prefer pithy innuendo, or in a pinch, total disregard.
So you'd prefer if i wouldn't refer to this again - Exactly.
Drop it like it's hot.
I will.
But only because i care so very much.

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