Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e05 Episode Script


(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(dramatic music)
Temperature and
surveillance check, Sergeant.
- Surveillance check A-okay
Temperature now reading
20 below zero.
Boy, it's cold out there.
It's getting muggy in here,
- Yes, sir, I was
noticing it myself.
I wish this place had a window.
Yeah, these sealed
domes are fine,
but they have their drawbacks.
- Well, its getting a
little high, sir.
due to be checked?
Maintenance truck is scheduled
to call this morning, sir.
Yeah, well have them check
out the humidifier, will ya?
- Yes, sir, he should be
here in a couple of hours.
I reckon he's two or
three bases down the line.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- What the!
(tires screeching)
(dramatic music)
[Mysteron] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can
hear us Earthman.
Our next strike is imminent.
We will show you how weak
you really are.
Within the next four hours
we will destroy key links
in your Frost Line Outer
Space Defense System.
We will be avenged.
(dramatic music)
- Colonel it's the
commander in chief
of Frost Line Defense
for you sir.
- Thank you Captain.
(triumphant music)
- Hello General Ward.
- I'm speaking from
Frost Line Headquarters.
What's this I hear about a Mysteron threat,
Are they serious?
- They're waging a war of
nerves, General,
very serious.
- Now look Colonel, I've
got a 3000 mile line
of missile complexes,
observation posts, and feeder bases.
Can you cover all that?
It's a tall order, General,
but we'll do our best.
But first of all, I advise you
to put every base on the line
at full red alert.
We'll be poised for
takeoff at the first alarm.
- Well that's what the book says,
but don't worry about the army,
we have our own ways of dealing
with these attacks
from outer space.
- General don't take
this too lightly.
Believe me before
this day is out,
you'll need all the
help you can get.
- Goodbye Colonel.
They never learn.
(dramatic music)
- Everything check out, Eddie?
- You betchya.
Everything's just fine.
- You know Eddie the whole
base is on red alert.
you in so easy.
- That was your mistake,
- Eddie, what are you
doing Eddie?
Put that gun down.
(dramatic music)
(car engine)
Red Deer teletype sir,
emergency code.
- Check it out, Sergeant
Yes sir.
Central Command to Red Deer.
Come in please.
(wind blowing)
Central Command to Red Deer.
- It looks like this is it.
I'll tell the General.
- 250 men, Colonel.
The whole base went off
the air just like that.
- I see General.
We'll have the Angels sky borne
for an immediate investigation
- Investigation?
I said 250 men Colonel.
Investigation, retaliation
that's what I want.
- General we've no idea yet
We're just going to have
to wait for a report.
Well I don't like it.
We should hit back.
If we don't, they'll take
it as a sign of weakness.
I say hit them and
hit them hard.
- Not yet General.
Give us a chance to
get that report.
But I want some
action and fast.
- Launch the Angels, Captain.
- Destiny Angel
immediate launch.
- SIG.
(jet engine)
Angels Two and Three
immediate launch.
Your area reference
point is C82N.
(drum music)
Captain Scarlet and
Lieutenant Green will follow
the Angels in the
Spectrum passenger jet.
We must find out what happened
at Red Deer and quickly.
General Ward is ready to launch
his missiles against Mars
and the Mysterons.
If that happens, I hate to
think of the consequences.
(jet engines)
All Angels sky born sir.
- Request launch clearance.
- Spectrum is green.
(plane engine)
Captain Scarlet proceed
at speed ultimate
to Red Deer observation post.
Carry out aerial
surveillance and report.
- SIG.
Well Lieutenant this could
be a tricky assignment.
- Yes Captain, but I'm
sure glad Colonel White
gave me this chance to
see some action.
(dramatic music)
(jet engine)
That's the third sweep
Captain Scarlet.
I can see nothing unusual.
There's no one about.
Absolutely no movement.
- Thank you, Destiny.
We'll go down and investigate.
- SIG.
Colonel White, Captain Scarlet
and Lieutenant Green
are landing.
We'll maintain aerial patrol.
(gentle music)
- Well I suppose wed better
go through the airlock.
We use the respirators
just in case.
- Right Captain Scarlet.
(mysterious music)
room at Red Deer.
Something is very wrong.
- Proceed with extreme caution.
- Yes Colonel.
No sign of any external injury,
- Boy not a sound.
It's creepy.
- Let's take a look
through there.
(foot steps)
(mysterious music)
and toxic check?
- Both negative.
Come on.
(foot steps)
(mysterious music)
the way you want it.
I'll give you one last chance
to hand over that file.
I told you in the beginning
you'd never get away with this.
Won t you ever learn?
- The radio turn it off.
- Right Captain.
Radiation negative.
Toxics negative.
I can t understand it.
According to the
instrument reading,
it's just water vapor.
I'll call Cloudbase.
The base is still functional,
We could find no evidence
of any violence.
but it registers clean.
There s no radiation, no toxic.
There's no apparent explanation.
No Captain,
but you can rest assured
there is an explanation.
The Mysterons are
carrying out their threat.
(dramatic music)
(car engine)
I didn't expect you today,
There's been a lot of trouble.
Yeah I heard all about it.
we re on red alert.
I'll have to check your pass.
- I understand.
There you.
- Okay see you later.
(car engine)
(dramatic music)
- This is Base Cariboo, Cariboo.
I can t breathe, I, I.
(dramatic music)
(wind blowing)
- It's just like Red
Deer all over again, sir.
How many men there, Sergeant?
- 70 sir.
- Let's see what Spectrum
has to say about this.
(regal music)
positive yet, General.
- Nothing positive?
Deer for the last hour,
and they've discovered
absolutely nothing.
In the meantime,
the Mysterons have
knocked out another base.
- General someone's gaining
entry into those bases.
We've first got to find him.
- Those bases are on red alert.
the sentries.
It's obvious even to me,
First, Red Deer then Cariboo.
Next is Big Bear.
ordered my missiles
out of the launching plataform.
One more strike against the
Frost Line and they launch.
Destination Mars.
- Trigger happy.
Captain Blue tell Captain
he finds out how the Mysterons
are knocking out these bases.
It must be stopped before
it is too late.
- SIG.
- I can't understand it.
I just can't understand it.
Every test we try is negative.
- Can we take off our
- Yes Lieutenant I
don't see why not.
The poisonous gas
test check out.
- I can't breathe.
- Lieutenant.
Get that respirator
back on fast.
- Phew I couldn't breathe I.
- Wait a minute.
Did you test for oxygen?
- Oxygen, oxygen negative.
- That explains it.
Colonel I think we know
what's happened.
Somehow the Mysterons have
removed the oxygen from the air.
These men have all suffocated.
Right, its all
beginning to fit.
Destiny Angel has just
reported sighting
the reck of a maintenance truck.
The same truck called
at Red Deer and Cariboo.
It services the air
The next base on
route is Big Bear.
Requisition an SPV and
whatever you do,
get to Big Bear
before that truck.
- [Captain Scarlet] SIG.
(dramatic music)
(somber music)
- Entree.
Can I help you monsieur?
- Captain Scarlet, Spectrum.
We want SPV 503.
Uh huh and your
identification monsieur?
Oh it is outside
monsieur in the shack.
(dramatic music)
That truck has a long start.
- Let's try a shortcut.
- SIG.
(dramatic music)
(car engine)
(quick music)
- Frost Line HQ are
still locking us out, sir.
- So General Ward has
definitely decided to retaliate.
Come on Captain Scarlet,
(dramatic music)
(tires squealing)
Has the maintenance truck
been through here yet?
I've got strict orders.
This base is off limits
to all Spectrum personnel.
- Listen Corporal, if
that trucks been here,
the whole place is in the
greatest danger.
Okay so he was here, but he
left a couple of minutes .
Which way was he heading?
- He turned left.
I thought it was
funny at the time.
- Where does that road lead to?
- Only one place, Frost
Line Headquarters.
Have a quiet word with
the sentry Lieutenant.
- SIG.
Corporal I was wondering
if I could use your phone.
Well I guess it
- Sorry buddy but it just
had to be done.
- Right Lieutenant.
Get to the air
conditioning unit.
You should find
something in there
I'm going after that truck.
- [Lieutenant] SIG.
(dramatic music)
- I've got it Captain Scarlet.
I located a cylinder in
the main inlet.
The reaction was just starting,
so oxygen loss is negligible.
- SIG Lieutenant, great work.
I'm right behind the
Mysteron truck.
(dramatic music)
(tires squealing)
Colonel White, I've
crashed the SPV.
- [Colonel] You alright Captain?
- Yes the rear facing
seat saved me.
That truck must be full
of liquid oxygen.
The road was like glass.
Liquid oxygen.
If the driver rams the
Frost Line Command Base
with that truck hell
blow it sky high.
You've got to stop it
Captain Scarlet.
(dramatic music)
- There's one chance.
(dramatic music)
- Thank you gentlemen
very dangerous situation.
I feel sure if one more
base had been attacked
by the Mysterons, General
Ward would have launched
those missiles against Mars.
The results of such an action
cannot bare consideration.
- I have General Ward
for you sir.
- I supposed he wants to
congratulate us.
- Were not in this business
for congratulations, Captain.
Hello General Ward.
[General] Colonel I
just called to say.
I'm prepared to let
bygones be bygones.
- That s very good of
you General.
- I know you fellows
do a lot of good work,
but you this time you see
it needed a show of force.
These Mysterons knew I
meant business.
That did the trick.
They called off the attack.
Sometimes things are a lot
simpler than you guys make out.
- I see.
- Well anytime I can help
you out just say the word.
Goodbye Colonel.
- Goodbye General.
Well of that the trigger
happy pig headed.
As you were saying Colonel,
we're not in this business
for congratulations.
(triumphant music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
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