Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e12 Episode Script

Lunarville 7

(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(eerie music)
- [Man] This is
lunar controller.
Since man's first successful
landing on the moon,
back in the 1970s, we have
gradually learned to live
on this barren, apparently
uninviting world
in safety and comfort.
At present, there are
some 4,000 men and women
living and working on the
lunar surface.
The Earth is engaged in
a savage war of nerves
with the Mysterons.
This is none of our doing
and we want no part of it.
I wish to announce that I
have been able
to contact the Mysterons
to communicate with them
and come to a
peaceful settlement.
This is not our fight.
The moon does not take Sides,
but we will not support
the earth against the Mysterons.
How was the transmission?
- It seemed fine.
Ask the computer, sir.
- [Man] How was the
transmission, SID?
- Transmission strength
and definition excellent.
Perfect reception around the
moon and on Earth exceptional.
(dramatic music)
- Members of Spectrum,
you have all heard or read
last night's transmission
by the lunar controller
in which he declared the
moon an independent world.
- Is he legally entitled
to do this, colonel?
- We are not concerned
with the legality
of the situation, captain.
The Spectrum's main purpose
is to counter the
Mysteron threat.
If that is our basic function,
one part of the lunar
controller's announcement
was of particular significance.
Lieutenant Green will
read the relevant Section.
- Quote "I have been able
to contact the Mysterons
"to communicate with them,
"to come to a peaceful
settlement," end quote.
- Can we believe what
he says colonel?
- I don't know, Captain Blue.
But I do know that we cannot
afford to disbelieve it.
Spectrum would be
very interested
to come to terms with
the Mysterons.
If the lunar controller has
succeeded, we want to know how.
If he hasn't, we want to know
the reason for his deception.
- Could he be a
Mysteron agent sir?
- This cannot be ruled out,
But there is only one place
we will find the answer,
in Lunarville Seven,
on a Moon.
- [Narrator] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Earth men.
We have no quarrel
with the moon,
and we accept their offer
of friendship,
but we will continue to take
our revenge against the Earth.
We will be avenged.
(dramatic music)
(horns blaring)
- T minus 10.
- XK5 to Control.
Internal countdown complete.
Five, four, three,
two, one, zero
- Standby for liftoff.
High 20,000 feet.
Speed, 6.5 miles per
second, escape velocity.
- Well we're on our way.
- SIG Captain Scarlet.
- We are leaving the
Earth's atmosphere.
Accelerate to 100,000 MPH.
(dramatic music)
- Colonel White, XK3 is
in orbit around the moon.
Lunar rocket separation
in four minutes.
- Right, put me in direct
contact with Captain Scarlet.
- SIG.
- This is Colonel White.
As the lunar controller
has banned personal radios
and all other equipment,
I'll give you
your final instructions now.
- [Man] Yes colonel.
- We have reports that a
new, unauthorized complex
is being constructed in
the Humboldt Sea
on the far side of the moon.
This must be investigated.
- I have the map reference sir.
We'll do everything possible.
- I don't have to tell you how
important this assignment is.
The future of the world
may well be in your hands.
Do you all understand,
lieutenant Green?
- SIG.
- Captain Blue?
- SIG.
- Captain Scarlet?
- SIG.
- The Spectrum personnel
in the moon rocket
have left the parking orbit.
They will dock at bay
three in four minutes.
- Thank you SID.
Go and meet them, Orson.
This is their first
visit to the moon.
- And their last, controller?
- Yes Orson, it could
well be their last.
(eerie music)
- Let's get into the airlock.
- [Man] The walkway is in
position, open the outer door.
- Right, opening now.
- My name is Orson, I am
the lunar controller's PA.
- We would like to see
the lunar controller
as soon as possible.
- I'll take you to
him immediately.
Please wear these
recognition discs.
- May I welcome you to
Lunarville Seven.
- Thank you sir, we're
glad to be here.
- You have already met
my personal aid.
Let me introduce our
control computer.
His code name is SID.
Speech intelligence decoder.
He is programmed to understand
and obey verbal instructions,
and can answer with his
own simulated voice.
Say hello, SID.
- Good day Captain Scarlet,
good day Captain Blue,
good day lieutenant Green.
- He recognizes you by
the badges you're wearing.
Ask him a question, go ahead.
- What is the outside
- Two degrees centigrade.
35.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
275.16 absolute.
- Very thorough.
- Yes, SID controls
everything in Lunarville.
The air conditioning, air
locks, power supplies,
even the rockets and
moon mobiles.
- A very important
piece of equipment.
- Assembled entirely on the moon
by our own technicians.
- But designed and
developed on Earth.
- The Earth may have helped us,
but now we are self-reliant,
democratic, and free,
Well, forgive me gentlemen.
Now, I was told you have
message from the world president.
- Yes sir, they asked me to
hand you this letter personally.
- Thank you, I will study
it and give you my answer.
If there is anything you
need, please ask Orson.
- Well gentlemen, I'm
at your service.
- As this is our first visit,
we would appreciate a trip
out on the lunar Surface.
- Certainly, SID?
- Yes Mr. Orson?
- Have a moonmobile ready
at airlock number
three immediately.
- [SID] The moonmobile
will be available
at airlock three at once.
- If you will follow me,
Please fasten your safety belts.
The unusual motion can
be disturbing
until you become used to it.
- It's certainly a novel
method of transportation
and surprisingly smooth.
- The Earth's gravity is six
times stronger than the moon's.
A machine like this would
be useless on Earth.
The force of impact on
landing would be too great.
- Look, another lunar station.
- Lunarville Four, most of
our food is grown there.
- That must use a great
deal of water.
- The moon has no natural water.
At first, all supplies
were transported from Earth
but the component elements,
hydrogen and oxygen,
are present on the moon.
We can now synthesize more
than enough for our own needs.
- Let see, if l remember
the map correctly,
our present course would
take us to the Humboldt Sea.
- What was your
interest in that area?
- Oh a natural curiosity.
It's on the far side of the
moon, never visible from Earth.
- It's 200 miles away.
- We have plenty of time.
- I'm afraid not.
- We would appreciate--
- No.
I'm sorry, maybe another time.
It's late.
We should return to
Lunarville Seven.
This will be your suite for
the duration of your stay.
- [Scarlet] I'm sure
we'll be most comfortable.
- I'll leave you then.
You must be tired .
If the Earth light
is too bright,
the control for the polarity
window is near the door.
- Did you notice his reaction
when you mentioned the
Humboldt Sea?
- Hold it, Il think I'll
just take a look around.
The room is probably bugged.
Keep talking.
- You know I found that trip
in the moonmobile
most interesting.
I never realized how complex
the installations on
the moon were.
Lieutenant Green do you agree?
- Yes, the synthesis of water
from its component elements
must have been a great
- How many people do you
think the moon
is capable of supporting?
- Well, all the elements
vital to human life
are found on or near the
lunar surface.
So I think the number
is very high.
- I think I found it,
keep quiet.
Goodnight Orson!
Right, I think we can
now discuss the situation
without being overheard.
- What is it Orson?
- Scarlet discovered
the microphone.
He ripped it out.
- Leave them, let them
make their futile plans.
I have programmed SID to
accept only my authorization.
He will keep all exits sealed.
Let them plot, Orson.
They're trapped on
Lunarville Seven.
We will deal with them
at our leisure.
(dramatic music)
- Who is there?
Identify yourself or I
must sound the alarm.
- I am Captain Scarlet.
- Thank you Captain Scarlet
Can I help you?
- I require a
moonmobile immediately.
- I am sorry, your
recognition disc
cannot authorize a moonmobile.
- Who has the authority?
- In the case of emergency,
only the lunar controller.
- Emergency?
- The lunar controller
has a state of emergency.
Lunarville Seven has
been evacuated.
All except class B instructions
need his authorization.
- I see.
I'll ask for his
permission when he wakes.
- This would be in order.
Good rest, Captain Scarlet.
- Goodnight SID.
Captain Blue, wake up.
- What is it?
- The lunar controller
has declared an emergency.
Lunarville Seven has
been evacuated.
- Looks like he's a
Mysteron agent.
If only we had a Mysteron
detective, we could be sure.
- Yes, but we'd never have
been allowed to land with one.
- Well, what do you suggest?
- We must get a moonmobile,
and check out the Humboldt Sea.
The answer may be there.
- Easier said than done.
- I'll take care of it.
Wake lieutenant Green and
meet me at airlock three.
- How did you get SID
to let us out?
- I'll explain later.
Do you think you can
handle the controls?
- Yes, I'll manage.
- Lieutenant Green, have
you got that map reference?
- Yes, Captain Scarlet.
- Right.
You will act as navigator.
- SIG.
- Let's go.
(eerie music)
What's our ETA at the
Humboldt Sea?
- 04:00 hours.
- Two hours.
We might just have
time to get back
before the lunar controller
discovers we're gone.
(dramatic music)
- Well we've covered
the whole area
and found absolutely nothing.
- Another 10 minutes,
then we'll start back.
- I thought I saw a light.
- Where?
- About two miles ahead.
15 degrees to port.
- I don't see anything.
- Wait, look.
There it is again.
- Yes, it's coming from
a small crater.
Must be here.
It's marked, but unnamed,
crater 101.
Let's get over there
and investigate.
(eerie music)
- What can it be?
- From the amount of dust,
there's a lot of
activity down there
- We'll soon know.
Stop the moonmobile.
- Those vehicles there are
moving in such strange patterns.
- You're the electronics
expert, lieutenant.
What do you think?
- They must be unmanned.
The pattern is a
complicated program.
They've been programmed
to carry out a set task.
- They seem to be
building something.
There's no possible
doubt, exactly as the film
from the MED on Mars Showed it.
- A Mysteron complex
And it looks near completion.
We've seen enough.
We must get back to
Lunarville Seven
and report this to Cloud Base.
(dramatic music)
- Gone?
They can't have gone.
- I assure you sir.
- When, how?
- I don't know.
I went into their room--
- I'm not interested in details.
Send out every available man.
They must be found.
- You ordered the evacuation
of Lunarville Seven, sir.
Everyone's left.
- A moonmobile has just
docked at bay three.
Captain Scarlet, Captain
Blue, and lieutenant Green
have entered Lunarville Seven.
- [Orson] They've come back.
- Orson, bring them
here at once.
- Yes sir.
- What they have seen must
never get back to Earth.
Bring them here.
- There is no need,
lunar controller.
On the assumption that
his first note
will be rejected and subject
to our investigation,
the world president
authorized me
to place you under close arrest
and escort you back to Earth.
- Arrest me?
You are fools, Earth men.
Already a complex is
being built.
Soon the Mysteron will
come to take over the moon,
and then the Earth.
- We have seen the complex,
and it will be destroyed.
- No, you will never leave
the moon alive.
Any of you.
- SID, prepare a lunar
rocket for immediate launch.
We are leaving at once
for the Earth.
- Don't waste your breath.
- A lunar rocket is
ready at bay three.
- No SID.
This is the lunar controller.
Seal all exits.
- Come on.
- SID, I am giving you an order.
Orson, seize them.
- Let's go.
- I command you, seal all exits!
- It's no good,
lunar controller.
SID cannot identify you.
I changed recognition
discs with you last night.
- SID, this is the
lunar controller.
Stop them, seal all exits!
- I'm sorry, your
recognition disc
cannot authorize that.
- Obey, obey, seal all exits!
- I am sorry, your
recognition disc
does not authorize that.
- Into the airlock, the
rocket's ready for launch.
- This is your last chance, SID.
Seal all exits!
- I am sorry, your
recognition disc--
(gun fires)
I am sorry.
- What was that?
- Come on, let's get
out of here.
- Obey!
- [SID] 10 nine eight seven
four three
- Take off!
- Well gentlemen, Lunarville
Seven is totally destroyed.
We Shall never know how
the lunar controller
and his personal aid were
taken over by the Mysterons.
They both perished in
the holocaust.
Captain Scarlet, Captain
Blue, lieutenant Green
I have here a note from
the world president,
which he has asked me
to read to you
Quote, "I have read your report.
"Please convey my thanks
to Captain Scarlet
"and the other
members of Spectrum .
"Because of their efforts,
the attempt
to take over the moon by
the Mysterons has failed.
"We are indebted to them,"
Well, we have won the
round but not the fight.
This will continue
until the Mysterons
decide to end the war of
nerves against the Earth.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
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