Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e17 Episode Script
Crater 101
(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
his name, Captain Scarlet.
(eerie music)
[White] Stop the picture.
There's no possible doubt,
that shot proves conclusively.
Crater 101 on the far
side of the Moon
houses a Mysteron complex.
- Yes, Colonel, we were shocked
when we saw it from
the Moon Mobile.
- Must of course be destroyed
as soon as possible.
- When do we leave, sir?
- Wait, there's something else.
Here's the plan.
It has been decided to
divide the operation
into two distinct assignments.
- Two assignments, Colonel?
- Yes, Captain Blue.
The second is to destroy
the Mysteron complex.
Arrangements have been made
with the Lunar Authorities
to carry this out.
- And the first?
- The first is more dangerous.
It involves a calculated
risk of the first magnitude.
If we try to destroy
that complex,
presumably the Mysterons
will use their powers
to reconstruct it.
Therefore it has been decided
to send a volunteer
party in to Crater 101,
into the Mysteron complex.
Objective: to find and
remove the power source
from the complex.
[Mysteron] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Although you have discovered
our complex on the Moon,
it will never reveal
its secrets.
Anyone who dares to
enter will be destroyed.
You have been warned!
We have not forgotten.
(dramatic music)
Right, you've all had
time to consider.
As I said, this assignment
is on a volunteer basis.
Your decisions can be made
in the strictest confidence.
I'm ready to go, sir.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.
As the electronics expert
you will play a vital
part in the operation.
Count me in, sir.
- Thank you, Captain, I
know I can rely on you.
- Well, Colonel, I am due for
48 hours furlough in Miami,
but I couldn't really relax
knowing the kind of trouble
these two would get
into without me.
I'm ready, Colonel.
- Thank you, Captain Scarlet
Well, gentlemen, no one knows
who or what you will
find inside that complex.
All that remains for me
to do is to wish you luck.
(eerie music)
[Nolan] This is a
scale model of Crater 101
and the surrounding area.
It was built up from extensive
aerial reconnaissance
over the past few days.
- What do we know
about the vehicles
which were building the complex?
- They are unmanned
lunar vehicles,
programmed to carry
out the task.
This larger one controls
the operation.
- We don't know how or
when all this was started?
- The Lunar Controller
was a Mysteron agent.
The secret died with him when
Lunarville 7 was destroyed.
- Well, the plan of
attack is obvious:
knock out the Control Vehicle
then tackle the complex.
- We have decided to use
a low yield atomic device
to destroy the complex
after you have had time to
investigate it.
- Good, when do we leave?
- At once.
You will travel by Moon Mobile.
The journey will take two hours.
Are the arrangements
for the atomic device finalized,
- Yes, Miss Nolan, I will
follow the Moon Mobile
in a Lunar Tank
carrying the bomb.
This will be positioned
in the crater
and the detonator set for
midnight, Standard Earth Time.
- Good, that gives you six
hours, Captain Scarlet.
Two to get to Crater 101,
and four hours to remove the
power source and get clear.
Right, were on our way.
- Captain Scarlet?
- Yes, Miss Nolan?
- I'd like you to take this.
It's a lucky charm.
I'm not really superstitious,
but please take it.
"To Linda Nolan, the CB29
Neptune Probe, July 10th, 2058.
We made it ahead of schedule.
- I remember, you were
the Project Controller
on the first Neptune Probe
launched from the Moon.
- Yes, Captain Blue.
Let's hope we re
as successful.
Be careful, Captain.
- Don't worry, we
intend to come back.
Let's go.
- A brave man, and very
good looking.
- Who?
Captain Scarlet.
Yes, I suppose so, I
didn't really notice.
- Yes, Miss Nolan.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- ETA Crater 101,
55 minutes.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- It's time for you to leave,
- Yes, Miss Nolan.
- Remember, set the
Detonator for midnight SET.
We must give them time
to get clear.
(tense music)
Frazer, are you alright?
- Yes, I'm fine, your
instructions will be carried.
(dramatic music)
I'm aboard the Lunar
Tank and ready to leave.
- Right, report in
an hour, Frazer.
Retracting walkway now.
(engine rumbles)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
I have Captain Scarlet on
the Interspace Radio Link, sir.
Good, let me speak to him.
- Captain Scarlet?
- Yes, Colonel, were about
to cross the lunar horizon.
We will then be on the far
side of the Moon from Earth
and well lose all
radio contact.
- [White] I understand, Captain
What's the latest situation?
[Scarlet] When we
arrive at the crater
we will immobilize the
Control Vehicle
and then enter the complex.
After our investigation
the whole area will be destroyed
at midnight,
Standard Earth Time.
- SIG, Captain.
Report back as soon as the
radio link is restored, out.
- What are their chances, sir?
- They cannot be calculated.
Men have faced the
unknown before,
but I believe no man
has ever faced
what awaits them in Crater 101.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- It s just over this ridge.
- SIG.
Stop the Moon Mobile.
(eerie music)
- Well, it answers one
question, how to get in.
- You mean well go in
the same way?
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Lets get into the Moon Tractor.
(eerie music)
(radar beeps)
- We've been spotted!
We've got to knock out
that Control Vehicle.
- They're going to attack!
- Lieutenant Green, man
the missile gun.
Look out, Captain Blue!
(engines roar)
There's another, swerve!
Can you see the Control Vehicle?
- There s so much dust.
- There it is, dead ahead!
- Fire!
- Missed!
Don't lose sight of it.
(engines roar)
It won't take it, we're stuck.
Look, its coming back.
Keep trying.
- It's no good, it won't budge.
- It'll smash us to pieces!
There's the Control Vehicle.
- You'll have one chance,
Lieutenant, don't miss.
(atmosphere hisses)
- Do I get a coconut?
If we ever get out of this,
Ill buy you all the
coconuts you can eat!
- Lunarville 6 to Lunar
Tank, what is your position?
I am about to cross the
lunar horizon.
- Right, remember: set the
detonator for 12 o'clock SET.
- I am sorry, Earth woman.
- Earth woman?
The detonator is
already set for 10,
two hours earlier than
Spectrum think.
- Frazer, listen to me, Frazer!
- Captain Scarlet is
below the lunar horizon,
you cannot contact him.
He will die in Crater 101.
- Lieutenant Green's
freed the Lunar Tractor,
we re ready to go.
Good, and there's Frazer
and the atomic device
right on time.
(dramatic music)
Tell Lieutenant Green to
get back in here.
- SIG.
Captain Scarlet to Lunar
Tank, come in Frazer.
- I'm about to release
the atomic device.
- [Scarlet] Right, well
start the investigation.
- Good luck, out!
And goodbye, Earthmen.
(eerie music)
(engine roars)
(dramatic music)
(engine roars)
(eerie music)
- Alright, put on
the spacesuits.
Radio check, Captain Blue?
[Blue] Spectrum is Green.
[Scarlet] Lieutenant?
- [Green] Radio SIG.
- [Scarlet] Let's go in.
[Blue] Through the wall?
- [Scarlet] Through the wall.
(eerie music)
It's indescribable.
- Start the cameras,
let's move on.
(eerie music)
Take it easy, Lieutenant, you're
forgetting the low gravity.
- SIG.
- There's no radiation,
what s the temperature?
- Normal, gravity and
pressure fluctuation negative.
- [Blue] No trace of any X
ray or infra red emission.
- Well, nothing so far.
Where's Lieutenant Green?
Lieutenant Green?
(eerie chittering)
- Over there.
- Lieutenant Green,
what s wrong?
- Those lights,
they're hypnotic.
- You- I I mustn't look.
(gun shots)
(chittering device powers down)
Another few seconds and we
would have all been transfixed.
- I couldn't look away.
I tried, but I just couldn't.
- Let's move on, and
stay together.
Frazer is a Mysteron!
- Are you sure, Controller?
He told me as much himself.
He set the detonator for
10 o'clock instead of 12.
- What?
Well, isn't there some way
we can warn Captain Scarlet?
- No, he's out of radio range.
- Stay back.
- What is it, Captain?
- Some kind of weightless area
just in front of where
you're standing.
Captain Scarlet,
can you hear me?
Yes, it's alright,
you can come up.
I think I've found the
heart of the complex.
Through there, look!
[Blue] What is it?
- There's only one
way to find out.
(dramatic music)
- [Blue] My
instrumentation s gone crazy.
This is it, the power source.
- Get as many pictures as you
can, we've got to work fast.
Remember the 12
o clock deadline.
Well, a rockets the
only thing fast enough.
to get there before that
bomb explodes.
- An unmanned rocket,
could it work?
There's the slimmest chance,
but it's the only one.
Right, we've got enough
pictures, what time is it?
- 9.32 SET.
Good, two and a half
hours to detonation.
We've plenty of time.
- The rocket is ready on
the launch pad.
- Start the count
down immediately.
All we can do now is hope.
Five, four,
three, two, one,
lift off!
(rocket engines fire)
I m going to try and
remove the power source.
- Take it easy, Captain.
(rocket crashes)
- What was that?
- I don't know, I'll go
and find out.
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
- [Scarlet] Can you see
anything, Captain Blue?
[Blue] Yes, it's an unmanned
space probe, an old CB29.
- [Scarlet] It must have been
launched from Lunarville 6,
but why an obsolete CB29?
- Maybe it's some
kind of message.
- Or a warning?
- The lucky charm,
now what was it?
"To Linda Nolan, the CB29
Neptune Probe, July 10th 2058.
- We made it ahead
of schedule.
Can you see a connection?
Ahead of schedule?
Our schedule's 12 o'clock SET.
The bomb!
It could mean the bomb will
explode ahead of schedule.
Captain Blue, check the
detonator timing
on that atomic device.
- SIG.
Lieutenant Green, get
back in the Moon Mobile.
- But Captain-
That's an order, I'll
follow in the Lunar Tractor
when I've disconnected
this power source.
Get moving!
- SIG.
(tense music)
- Captain Scarlet, the
detonator is set for 10,
get out of there,
the whole crater will
go up in five minutes.
- Get into the Moon Mobile,
I'll follow as soon as I can.
- I'm coming back.
No, at least get the
cameras to safety.
- [Blue] Captain Scarlet!
- You know I'm right, Adam,
do as I say.
Spectrum is Green.
(tense music)
- Less than two minutes
to detonation.
We're safe here.
Any sign of Captain Scarlet?
- No, nothing.
(dramatic music)
He didn't make it.
He just didn't make it.
What a guy!
- Well, gentlemen, I'm glad
to be able to tell you,
mission accomplished.
- Our reconnaissance shows
it was a complete success.
- That's great news.
It means that the Mysteron
powers of reconstruction
are somehow connected
with this power source.
We must take it back to
Earth at once.
Well, I'm afraid it's goodbye.
Thank you for everything.
- Goodbye, Captain Scarlet.
- I almost forgot,
your lucky charm.
- I'd take it as a favor
if you'd keep it.
Thank you.
Let's go, Adam.
- A brave man, and so
good looking.
I suppose so, I didn't
think you'd noticed.
(cascading string music)
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
his name, Captain Scarlet.
(eerie music)
[White] Stop the picture.
There's no possible doubt,
that shot proves conclusively.
Crater 101 on the far
side of the Moon
houses a Mysteron complex.
- Yes, Colonel, we were shocked
when we saw it from
the Moon Mobile.
- Must of course be destroyed
as soon as possible.
- When do we leave, sir?
- Wait, there's something else.
Here's the plan.
It has been decided to
divide the operation
into two distinct assignments.
- Two assignments, Colonel?
- Yes, Captain Blue.
The second is to destroy
the Mysteron complex.
Arrangements have been made
with the Lunar Authorities
to carry this out.
- And the first?
- The first is more dangerous.
It involves a calculated
risk of the first magnitude.
If we try to destroy
that complex,
presumably the Mysterons
will use their powers
to reconstruct it.
Therefore it has been decided
to send a volunteer
party in to Crater 101,
into the Mysteron complex.
Objective: to find and
remove the power source
from the complex.
[Mysteron] This is the
voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Although you have discovered
our complex on the Moon,
it will never reveal
its secrets.
Anyone who dares to
enter will be destroyed.
You have been warned!
We have not forgotten.
(dramatic music)
Right, you've all had
time to consider.
As I said, this assignment
is on a volunteer basis.
Your decisions can be made
in the strictest confidence.
I'm ready to go, sir.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.
As the electronics expert
you will play a vital
part in the operation.
Count me in, sir.
- Thank you, Captain, I
know I can rely on you.
- Well, Colonel, I am due for
48 hours furlough in Miami,
but I couldn't really relax
knowing the kind of trouble
these two would get
into without me.
I'm ready, Colonel.
- Thank you, Captain Scarlet
Well, gentlemen, no one knows
who or what you will
find inside that complex.
All that remains for me
to do is to wish you luck.
(eerie music)
[Nolan] This is a
scale model of Crater 101
and the surrounding area.
It was built up from extensive
aerial reconnaissance
over the past few days.
- What do we know
about the vehicles
which were building the complex?
- They are unmanned
lunar vehicles,
programmed to carry
out the task.
This larger one controls
the operation.
- We don't know how or
when all this was started?
- The Lunar Controller
was a Mysteron agent.
The secret died with him when
Lunarville 7 was destroyed.
- Well, the plan of
attack is obvious:
knock out the Control Vehicle
then tackle the complex.
- We have decided to use
a low yield atomic device
to destroy the complex
after you have had time to
investigate it.
- Good, when do we leave?
- At once.
You will travel by Moon Mobile.
The journey will take two hours.
Are the arrangements
for the atomic device finalized,
- Yes, Miss Nolan, I will
follow the Moon Mobile
in a Lunar Tank
carrying the bomb.
This will be positioned
in the crater
and the detonator set for
midnight, Standard Earth Time.
- Good, that gives you six
hours, Captain Scarlet.
Two to get to Crater 101,
and four hours to remove the
power source and get clear.
Right, were on our way.
- Captain Scarlet?
- Yes, Miss Nolan?
- I'd like you to take this.
It's a lucky charm.
I'm not really superstitious,
but please take it.
"To Linda Nolan, the CB29
Neptune Probe, July 10th, 2058.
We made it ahead of schedule.
- I remember, you were
the Project Controller
on the first Neptune Probe
launched from the Moon.
- Yes, Captain Blue.
Let's hope we re
as successful.
Be careful, Captain.
- Don't worry, we
intend to come back.
Let's go.
- A brave man, and very
good looking.
- Who?
Captain Scarlet.
Yes, I suppose so, I
didn't really notice.
- Yes, Miss Nolan.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- ETA Crater 101,
55 minutes.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- It's time for you to leave,
- Yes, Miss Nolan.
- Remember, set the
Detonator for midnight SET.
We must give them time
to get clear.
(tense music)
Frazer, are you alright?
- Yes, I'm fine, your
instructions will be carried.
(dramatic music)
I'm aboard the Lunar
Tank and ready to leave.
- Right, report in
an hour, Frazer.
Retracting walkway now.
(engine rumbles)
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
I have Captain Scarlet on
the Interspace Radio Link, sir.
Good, let me speak to him.
- Captain Scarlet?
- Yes, Colonel, were about
to cross the lunar horizon.
We will then be on the far
side of the Moon from Earth
and well lose all
radio contact.
- [White] I understand, Captain
What's the latest situation?
[Scarlet] When we
arrive at the crater
we will immobilize the
Control Vehicle
and then enter the complex.
After our investigation
the whole area will be destroyed
at midnight,
Standard Earth Time.
- SIG, Captain.
Report back as soon as the
radio link is restored, out.
- What are their chances, sir?
- They cannot be calculated.
Men have faced the
unknown before,
but I believe no man
has ever faced
what awaits them in Crater 101.
(eerie music)
(metal legs flex)
- It s just over this ridge.
- SIG.
Stop the Moon Mobile.
(eerie music)
- Well, it answers one
question, how to get in.
- You mean well go in
the same way?
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Lets get into the Moon Tractor.
(eerie music)
(radar beeps)
- We've been spotted!
We've got to knock out
that Control Vehicle.
- They're going to attack!
- Lieutenant Green, man
the missile gun.
Look out, Captain Blue!
(engines roar)
There's another, swerve!
Can you see the Control Vehicle?
- There s so much dust.
- There it is, dead ahead!
- Fire!
- Missed!
Don't lose sight of it.
(engines roar)
It won't take it, we're stuck.
Look, its coming back.
Keep trying.
- It's no good, it won't budge.
- It'll smash us to pieces!
There's the Control Vehicle.
- You'll have one chance,
Lieutenant, don't miss.
(atmosphere hisses)
- Do I get a coconut?
If we ever get out of this,
Ill buy you all the
coconuts you can eat!
- Lunarville 6 to Lunar
Tank, what is your position?
I am about to cross the
lunar horizon.
- Right, remember: set the
detonator for 12 o'clock SET.
- I am sorry, Earth woman.
- Earth woman?
The detonator is
already set for 10,
two hours earlier than
Spectrum think.
- Frazer, listen to me, Frazer!
- Captain Scarlet is
below the lunar horizon,
you cannot contact him.
He will die in Crater 101.
- Lieutenant Green's
freed the Lunar Tractor,
we re ready to go.
Good, and there's Frazer
and the atomic device
right on time.
(dramatic music)
Tell Lieutenant Green to
get back in here.
- SIG.
Captain Scarlet to Lunar
Tank, come in Frazer.
- I'm about to release
the atomic device.
- [Scarlet] Right, well
start the investigation.
- Good luck, out!
And goodbye, Earthmen.
(eerie music)
(engine roars)
(dramatic music)
(engine roars)
(eerie music)
- Alright, put on
the spacesuits.
Radio check, Captain Blue?
[Blue] Spectrum is Green.
[Scarlet] Lieutenant?
- [Green] Radio SIG.
- [Scarlet] Let's go in.
[Blue] Through the wall?
- [Scarlet] Through the wall.
(eerie music)
It's indescribable.
- Start the cameras,
let's move on.
(eerie music)
Take it easy, Lieutenant, you're
forgetting the low gravity.
- SIG.
- There's no radiation,
what s the temperature?
- Normal, gravity and
pressure fluctuation negative.
- [Blue] No trace of any X
ray or infra red emission.
- Well, nothing so far.
Where's Lieutenant Green?
Lieutenant Green?
(eerie chittering)
- Over there.
- Lieutenant Green,
what s wrong?
- Those lights,
they're hypnotic.
- You- I I mustn't look.
(gun shots)
(chittering device powers down)
Another few seconds and we
would have all been transfixed.
- I couldn't look away.
I tried, but I just couldn't.
- Let's move on, and
stay together.
Frazer is a Mysteron!
- Are you sure, Controller?
He told me as much himself.
He set the detonator for
10 o'clock instead of 12.
- What?
Well, isn't there some way
we can warn Captain Scarlet?
- No, he's out of radio range.
- Stay back.
- What is it, Captain?
- Some kind of weightless area
just in front of where
you're standing.
Captain Scarlet,
can you hear me?
Yes, it's alright,
you can come up.
I think I've found the
heart of the complex.
Through there, look!
[Blue] What is it?
- There's only one
way to find out.
(dramatic music)
- [Blue] My
instrumentation s gone crazy.
This is it, the power source.
- Get as many pictures as you
can, we've got to work fast.
Remember the 12
o clock deadline.
Well, a rockets the
only thing fast enough.
to get there before that
bomb explodes.
- An unmanned rocket,
could it work?
There's the slimmest chance,
but it's the only one.
Right, we've got enough
pictures, what time is it?
- 9.32 SET.
Good, two and a half
hours to detonation.
We've plenty of time.
- The rocket is ready on
the launch pad.
- Start the count
down immediately.
All we can do now is hope.
Five, four,
three, two, one,
lift off!
(rocket engines fire)
I m going to try and
remove the power source.
- Take it easy, Captain.
(rocket crashes)
- What was that?
- I don't know, I'll go
and find out.
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
- [Scarlet] Can you see
anything, Captain Blue?
[Blue] Yes, it's an unmanned
space probe, an old CB29.
- [Scarlet] It must have been
launched from Lunarville 6,
but why an obsolete CB29?
- Maybe it's some
kind of message.
- Or a warning?
- The lucky charm,
now what was it?
"To Linda Nolan, the CB29
Neptune Probe, July 10th 2058.
- We made it ahead
of schedule.
Can you see a connection?
Ahead of schedule?
Our schedule's 12 o'clock SET.
The bomb!
It could mean the bomb will
explode ahead of schedule.
Captain Blue, check the
detonator timing
on that atomic device.
- SIG.
Lieutenant Green, get
back in the Moon Mobile.
- But Captain-
That's an order, I'll
follow in the Lunar Tractor
when I've disconnected
this power source.
Get moving!
- SIG.
(tense music)
- Captain Scarlet, the
detonator is set for 10,
get out of there,
the whole crater will
go up in five minutes.
- Get into the Moon Mobile,
I'll follow as soon as I can.
- I'm coming back.
No, at least get the
cameras to safety.
- [Blue] Captain Scarlet!
- You know I'm right, Adam,
do as I say.
Spectrum is Green.
(tense music)
- Less than two minutes
to detonation.
We're safe here.
Any sign of Captain Scarlet?
- No, nothing.
(dramatic music)
He didn't make it.
He just didn't make it.
What a guy!
- Well, gentlemen, I'm glad
to be able to tell you,
mission accomplished.
- Our reconnaissance shows
it was a complete success.
- That's great news.
It means that the Mysteron
powers of reconstruction
are somehow connected
with this power source.
We must take it back to
Earth at once.
Well, I'm afraid it's goodbye.
Thank you for everything.
- Goodbye, Captain Scarlet.
- I almost forgot,
your lucky charm.
- I'd take it as a favor
if you'd keep it.
Thank you.
Let's go, Adam.
- A brave man, and so
good looking.
I suppose so, I didn't
think you'd noticed.
(cascading string music)
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?