Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e30 Episode Script
Flight to Atlantica
(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
his name, Captain Scarlet.
(upbeat music)
- Two minutes to zero.
- Well this is one little
gathering we mustn't be late for.
- Right, gentlemen, let's get
along to the conference room.
(soft music)
That's the third occasion
you've checked the time
in the last five minutes,
Have you some urgent
Urgent appointment, Colonel?
- Never mind, just get on
with your work, will you.
(upbeat classy music)
Where are the others?
- The Angels are on their way.
- Right, I'll tell
Lieutenant Green.
Lieutenant Green, I
have that report.
Will you come down
and collect it?
- I'll be right there,
Captain Blue.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Today is the first anniversary
of the Spectrum Organization.
And to mark this
auspicious occasion,
with the help of a well-wisher
who supplied the champagne.
We have arranged this
little gathering.
- Have you opened the
champagne yet?
I was just about
to Lieutenant.
(eerie music)
Lieutenant Green?
Lieutenant Green?
Where is he?
(upbeat classy music)
- Now, quiet.
Quiet, everyone.
I would like to propose a toast.
One year ago today,
Spectrum s inaugural
charter was drawn up.
And so I give you the
Spectrum Organization.
- [All] Spectrum.
(eerie music)
- I'm sorry, Paul.
- Oh don't worry.
Let me get you another glass.
- What in blue blazes is
going on here?
Colonel White?
- Well, who did you expect.
Well, no one sir.
That is.
- Drinking on duty is
a most serious offense.
Well, I'm waiting for
an explanation.
This is very special
champagne Colonel.
It's completely non-alcoholic.
And today's Spectrum's
first anniversary.
- And it'll be the last if
discipline isn't maintained.
Where did the
champagne come from?
- It was sent by a
Well wisher, sir.
It was cleared through security.
- And it is non-alcoholic.
- I don't care if
it's soda water,
This is an operational base.
- You'll all return to
your stations immediately.
And you haven't heard
the last of this,
I can assure you of that.
Yes sir.
- Yes, Colonel.
(dramatic music)
- [Mysterious Voice] This is
the voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you
can hear us, Earth men.
We intend to destroy the world
navy complex at Atlantica.
Atlantica will be annihilated.
(dramatic music)
(military music)
I have all the information
on the Atlantica
defense system, sir.
- Alright, Captain Scarlet,
let's have the
pertinent details.
Could we have the
display Lieutenant.
- Right away, Captain Scarlet.
- Now as you re all aware,
no aircraft is allowed to fly
within this outer circle
marked on the display.
The outer circle represents
the defense warning system.
The inner circle, marks the ring
of sea-to-air
missiles launch pads,
ready for automatic blast
off against any intruder.
- [White] Well an aerial
attack can be almost ruled out.
- What is the defense
control tower?
This is packed
with electronics
and controls the whole system.
And the killer submarines
would soon track down
and destroy any underwater
or surface raider.
Atlantica is just
about impregnable.
Nevertheless, the
Mysterons have announced
they intend to destroy it.
We must start an
immediate air patrol.
Lieutenant Green,
launch Angel One.
- Angel One, immediate launch.
- SIG.
- Proceed and patrol
to grid reference C48.
(dramatic music)
What is your present visibility,
Symphony Angel?
(dramatic music)
I can't make contact, Colonel.
(jet engines whirring)
Symphony Angel?
Yes, Lieutenant Green.
Visibility good,
approximately 15 miles.
- Captain Blue, Captain Ocher,
I have an assignment for you.
- Yes sir.
- Sir.
- The Air Force were due to
bomb and disperse a wreck
that is being carried by a
heavy current towards Atlantica.
In view of the Mysteron threat,
Spectrum are taking over
the operation.
We will use a V17 Air Force
bomber out at Maxwell Field.
But you, Captain Blue,
will act as pilot,
with Captain Ocher as
navigator and bombardier.
- Very good, Colonel.
We'll leave at once for
Maxwell Base.
I wont presume to
tell you about
the V17's instrumentation, nor
how to make the bombing run.
I'm familiar with your
outstanding records as pilots.
But the bombs
themselves are new,
specially designed for the task.
They should be dropped
from zero feet
and will explode on
contact with the ocean bed.
- Yes, yes, we get the picture.
- I think I ought to just--
- We are qualified pilots.
- Why, yes.
- Look, why don't we
just get going.
- Of course, so long as you
understand the situation.
Let's go.
The map reference of the
wreck and met reports.
Oh yes, the wreck.
- Are you going to
let them go, sir.
I'd say they're in no
condition to handle a job.
- I'm inclined to agree
with you, Sargent.
But they're
credentials are good.
The Mysteron detected
checked negative
and the order came
right from the top.
Hand the whole operation
over to Spectrum.
- Thanks buddy.
(dramatic music)
- [Radio] You're
clear to take off.
- Alright, friend.
(jet engines running)
- Is there still no contact
with Symphony Angel, Lieutenant?
- No sir, but her radio is SIG.
Latest wait our fix, sir.
200 miles off course.
- What in the world does
she thinks she's doing?
(jet engine running)
- Symphony Angel, come in
Symphony Angel.
It's no good Colonel.
She won't answer.
- I can only assume
she's unwell.
Send Angels Two and Three
to investigate.
Yes sir.
Angels Two and Three,
immediate launch.
(jet engines running)
(upbeat music)
I've got that map reference.
- Good.
- But I can't see any wrecks.
Who cares, we'll just
fly where the van sets.
Nice tune.
- It sure is.
- Are you absolutely certain,
- Yes, Colonel.
I can't get any answer
from any of the Angels.
- Something about this
situation I just don't like.
(jet engines running)
- That's it, follow me.
- You sent for me sir?
- Yes, Captain Scarlet.
We now have three Angel
aircraft miles off course
and apparently, out of control.
- Where are they
heading Colonel?
- What's their latest course,
Lieutenant Green?
- If this is some sort
of joke, Lieutenant.
- It's no joke Colonel.
He's obviously not
responsible for his actions.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Everyone except you and me
seem to be in the
same condition.
Yes sir.
Their whole behavior pattern
seems to be disturbed.
- If you weren't
unaffected, I would've said
it was something to do
with that champagne.
- But, Colonel, wait.
I dropped my glass.
You and I were the only
two who didn't have any.
It could be the champagne.
- It's the only explanation.
Bring the remainder of
that bottle down
to the auto analyzer in
the sick bay.
Do you know what these
orders tell us to hit?
Surprise me.
- Well, we drop the first bomb
on a defense system
control tower.
And the second?
It says here, we drop
that slap bang
in the middle of Atlantica base.
Well, if that s what it says,
that s just what we'll do.
(jet engines running)
(awkward music)
Right, feed it into
the analyzer.
Yes sir.
- It only takes a few
seconds to obtain the answer.
Here it comes now.
- The reference is 12847.
It's a manmade organic compound.
Colorless, odorless, used
in pest control.
Colonel, listen to this.
Even a small dose can result
in spasmatic amnesia and
general irresponsibility.
- Check Dr. Forns
reference books.
Find out all you can, I'm
going up to the control room.
- Yes, Colonel.
- First target range,
fifty miles.
- Tell me old buddy,
as bombardier,
how do you know you can hit
one tiny dot in the ocean?
- I don't have to,
we just leave it to the
onboard computers,
- Oh yes, yes.
My memory seems to be
getting worse and worse,
- Why worry?
- You're right, why worry.
Thank you Commander,
that's something anyway.
- I have that information,
The Angels have
landed and are safe,
but Captains Blue and
Ocher have altered course.
They're heading for
Atlantica Base.
- Colonel, that's a
restricted area.
The defense missiles
will blow them to pieces.
I've got to stop them.
- We've got to stop them,
You will be flying
as my copilot.
(jet engines running)
What's the latest
positional fix on the V17.
- 300 miles ahead of
us flying 138 magnetic.
It's going to be touch and
go whether we catch them
before they reach Atlantica.
- Has anyone managed
to make radio contact?
- The ground stations are using
every available waveband,
They just can't be listening.
(upbeat music)
- Computer reports bomb
release in 90 seconds.
Check altitude and time.
Maintain present course.
- Right.
Keep her steady.
- Switching to computer
for final attack approach.
We have a green light.
- Very good.
I still say that s a great tune.
(upbeat music)
- Maxwell Base to V17 Alpha.
It's no good sir, I
cant make contact.
- We've got to, keep trying.
- Captain Blue, come in please.
Captain Blue?
Captain Blue, come in please.
Bomb release, minus
ten seconds.
- What a bang.
Can we do that again?
- Sure.
That's what the order says.
- You know, I've always
wanted to fly a plane,
ever since I can remember.
I'm too tired to remember.
- Thank you Maxwell Field.
They've hit the defense
system tower.
Total destruct.
The ring of tracker
missiles has gone haywire.
- Wake up, old buddy.
Come on.
Hey, how about a little music?
- [Radio] Maxwell Base to V17.
(upbeat music)
- That's better.
Now to set this computer.
- There they are.
- They must be stopped.
The base is a maze of fuel
tanks, missile and torpedo silos.
A direct hit would
destroy it completely.
- Captain Blue.
Come in, Captain Blue.
- Bomb release,
minus 90 seconds.
Hey, come on old buddy, you're
gonna miss the big bang.
I've no alternative.
Prepare to launch an
air-to-air missile.
- You can't shoot them
down, Colonel.
- I've got to.
Fire that missile,
that's an order.
- There's still a little time.
Adam, for pity's sake.
(upbeat music)
- All set under
computer control.
- Fire that missile.
- Adam, Adam?
- Bomb release in 30 seconds.
Captain Scarlet,
launch that missile.
(dramatic music)
Captain Scarlet.
- SIG, Colonel.
- Now why did they have to
go and do that?
That was a great tune.
- Eject.
Why don t they eject?
- Well, old buddy,
they've smashed the radio.
(dramatic music)
- Come on, Captain Blue, eject.
- I think it's time for
us to get out of here.
- Members of Spectrum.
The Mysterons have had a
partial success.
And to show us how important
Spectrum's regulations are.
At present, Cloud Base
is fully manned.
The standby Angel is on duty
and the radar watch is
being maintained.
As the organizer of the
champagne party,
this is the way you should've
arranged it Captain Scarlet.
- Yes, Colonel.
- Also, as is not unusual,
you were too impetuous.
Spectrums charter was drawn
up on July 7th last year.
But the world president signed
the document three days later.
So, in fact, today July 10th
is Spectrum's first anniversary.
- Yes, Colonel, I'm sorry.
Well, Captain, if you'd
care to open the bottle
you will find on the table.
I'd like to propose a
toast to Spectrum.
This time, with real champagne.
Yes, sir.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
his name, Captain Scarlet.
(upbeat music)
- Two minutes to zero.
- Well this is one little
gathering we mustn't be late for.
- Right, gentlemen, let's get
along to the conference room.
(soft music)
That's the third occasion
you've checked the time
in the last five minutes,
Have you some urgent
Urgent appointment, Colonel?
- Never mind, just get on
with your work, will you.
(upbeat classy music)
Where are the others?
- The Angels are on their way.
- Right, I'll tell
Lieutenant Green.
Lieutenant Green, I
have that report.
Will you come down
and collect it?
- I'll be right there,
Captain Blue.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Today is the first anniversary
of the Spectrum Organization.
And to mark this
auspicious occasion,
with the help of a well-wisher
who supplied the champagne.
We have arranged this
little gathering.
- Have you opened the
champagne yet?
I was just about
to Lieutenant.
(eerie music)
Lieutenant Green?
Lieutenant Green?
Where is he?
(upbeat classy music)
- Now, quiet.
Quiet, everyone.
I would like to propose a toast.
One year ago today,
Spectrum s inaugural
charter was drawn up.
And so I give you the
Spectrum Organization.
- [All] Spectrum.
(eerie music)
- I'm sorry, Paul.
- Oh don't worry.
Let me get you another glass.
- What in blue blazes is
going on here?
Colonel White?
- Well, who did you expect.
Well, no one sir.
That is.
- Drinking on duty is
a most serious offense.
Well, I'm waiting for
an explanation.
This is very special
champagne Colonel.
It's completely non-alcoholic.
And today's Spectrum's
first anniversary.
- And it'll be the last if
discipline isn't maintained.
Where did the
champagne come from?
- It was sent by a
Well wisher, sir.
It was cleared through security.
- And it is non-alcoholic.
- I don't care if
it's soda water,
This is an operational base.
- You'll all return to
your stations immediately.
And you haven't heard
the last of this,
I can assure you of that.
Yes sir.
- Yes, Colonel.
(dramatic music)
- [Mysterious Voice] This is
the voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you
can hear us, Earth men.
We intend to destroy the world
navy complex at Atlantica.
Atlantica will be annihilated.
(dramatic music)
(military music)
I have all the information
on the Atlantica
defense system, sir.
- Alright, Captain Scarlet,
let's have the
pertinent details.
Could we have the
display Lieutenant.
- Right away, Captain Scarlet.
- Now as you re all aware,
no aircraft is allowed to fly
within this outer circle
marked on the display.
The outer circle represents
the defense warning system.
The inner circle, marks the ring
of sea-to-air
missiles launch pads,
ready for automatic blast
off against any intruder.
- [White] Well an aerial
attack can be almost ruled out.
- What is the defense
control tower?
This is packed
with electronics
and controls the whole system.
And the killer submarines
would soon track down
and destroy any underwater
or surface raider.
Atlantica is just
about impregnable.
Nevertheless, the
Mysterons have announced
they intend to destroy it.
We must start an
immediate air patrol.
Lieutenant Green,
launch Angel One.
- Angel One, immediate launch.
- SIG.
- Proceed and patrol
to grid reference C48.
(dramatic music)
What is your present visibility,
Symphony Angel?
(dramatic music)
I can't make contact, Colonel.
(jet engines whirring)
Symphony Angel?
Yes, Lieutenant Green.
Visibility good,
approximately 15 miles.
- Captain Blue, Captain Ocher,
I have an assignment for you.
- Yes sir.
- Sir.
- The Air Force were due to
bomb and disperse a wreck
that is being carried by a
heavy current towards Atlantica.
In view of the Mysteron threat,
Spectrum are taking over
the operation.
We will use a V17 Air Force
bomber out at Maxwell Field.
But you, Captain Blue,
will act as pilot,
with Captain Ocher as
navigator and bombardier.
- Very good, Colonel.
We'll leave at once for
Maxwell Base.
I wont presume to
tell you about
the V17's instrumentation, nor
how to make the bombing run.
I'm familiar with your
outstanding records as pilots.
But the bombs
themselves are new,
specially designed for the task.
They should be dropped
from zero feet
and will explode on
contact with the ocean bed.
- Yes, yes, we get the picture.
- I think I ought to just--
- We are qualified pilots.
- Why, yes.
- Look, why don't we
just get going.
- Of course, so long as you
understand the situation.
Let's go.
The map reference of the
wreck and met reports.
Oh yes, the wreck.
- Are you going to
let them go, sir.
I'd say they're in no
condition to handle a job.
- I'm inclined to agree
with you, Sargent.
But they're
credentials are good.
The Mysteron detected
checked negative
and the order came
right from the top.
Hand the whole operation
over to Spectrum.
- Thanks buddy.
(dramatic music)
- [Radio] You're
clear to take off.
- Alright, friend.
(jet engines running)
- Is there still no contact
with Symphony Angel, Lieutenant?
- No sir, but her radio is SIG.
Latest wait our fix, sir.
200 miles off course.
- What in the world does
she thinks she's doing?
(jet engine running)
- Symphony Angel, come in
Symphony Angel.
It's no good Colonel.
She won't answer.
- I can only assume
she's unwell.
Send Angels Two and Three
to investigate.
Yes sir.
Angels Two and Three,
immediate launch.
(jet engines running)
(upbeat music)
I've got that map reference.
- Good.
- But I can't see any wrecks.
Who cares, we'll just
fly where the van sets.
Nice tune.
- It sure is.
- Are you absolutely certain,
- Yes, Colonel.
I can't get any answer
from any of the Angels.
- Something about this
situation I just don't like.
(jet engines running)
- That's it, follow me.
- You sent for me sir?
- Yes, Captain Scarlet.
We now have three Angel
aircraft miles off course
and apparently, out of control.
- Where are they
heading Colonel?
- What's their latest course,
Lieutenant Green?
- If this is some sort
of joke, Lieutenant.
- It's no joke Colonel.
He's obviously not
responsible for his actions.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Everyone except you and me
seem to be in the
same condition.
Yes sir.
Their whole behavior pattern
seems to be disturbed.
- If you weren't
unaffected, I would've said
it was something to do
with that champagne.
- But, Colonel, wait.
I dropped my glass.
You and I were the only
two who didn't have any.
It could be the champagne.
- It's the only explanation.
Bring the remainder of
that bottle down
to the auto analyzer in
the sick bay.
Do you know what these
orders tell us to hit?
Surprise me.
- Well, we drop the first bomb
on a defense system
control tower.
And the second?
It says here, we drop
that slap bang
in the middle of Atlantica base.
Well, if that s what it says,
that s just what we'll do.
(jet engines running)
(awkward music)
Right, feed it into
the analyzer.
Yes sir.
- It only takes a few
seconds to obtain the answer.
Here it comes now.
- The reference is 12847.
It's a manmade organic compound.
Colorless, odorless, used
in pest control.
Colonel, listen to this.
Even a small dose can result
in spasmatic amnesia and
general irresponsibility.
- Check Dr. Forns
reference books.
Find out all you can, I'm
going up to the control room.
- Yes, Colonel.
- First target range,
fifty miles.
- Tell me old buddy,
as bombardier,
how do you know you can hit
one tiny dot in the ocean?
- I don't have to,
we just leave it to the
onboard computers,
- Oh yes, yes.
My memory seems to be
getting worse and worse,
- Why worry?
- You're right, why worry.
Thank you Commander,
that's something anyway.
- I have that information,
The Angels have
landed and are safe,
but Captains Blue and
Ocher have altered course.
They're heading for
Atlantica Base.
- Colonel, that's a
restricted area.
The defense missiles
will blow them to pieces.
I've got to stop them.
- We've got to stop them,
You will be flying
as my copilot.
(jet engines running)
What's the latest
positional fix on the V17.
- 300 miles ahead of
us flying 138 magnetic.
It's going to be touch and
go whether we catch them
before they reach Atlantica.
- Has anyone managed
to make radio contact?
- The ground stations are using
every available waveband,
They just can't be listening.
(upbeat music)
- Computer reports bomb
release in 90 seconds.
Check altitude and time.
Maintain present course.
- Right.
Keep her steady.
- Switching to computer
for final attack approach.
We have a green light.
- Very good.
I still say that s a great tune.
(upbeat music)
- Maxwell Base to V17 Alpha.
It's no good sir, I
cant make contact.
- We've got to, keep trying.
- Captain Blue, come in please.
Captain Blue?
Captain Blue, come in please.
Bomb release, minus
ten seconds.
- What a bang.
Can we do that again?
- Sure.
That's what the order says.
- You know, I've always
wanted to fly a plane,
ever since I can remember.
I'm too tired to remember.
- Thank you Maxwell Field.
They've hit the defense
system tower.
Total destruct.
The ring of tracker
missiles has gone haywire.
- Wake up, old buddy.
Come on.
Hey, how about a little music?
- [Radio] Maxwell Base to V17.
(upbeat music)
- That's better.
Now to set this computer.
- There they are.
- They must be stopped.
The base is a maze of fuel
tanks, missile and torpedo silos.
A direct hit would
destroy it completely.
- Captain Blue.
Come in, Captain Blue.
- Bomb release,
minus 90 seconds.
Hey, come on old buddy, you're
gonna miss the big bang.
I've no alternative.
Prepare to launch an
air-to-air missile.
- You can't shoot them
down, Colonel.
- I've got to.
Fire that missile,
that's an order.
- There's still a little time.
Adam, for pity's sake.
(upbeat music)
- All set under
computer control.
- Fire that missile.
- Adam, Adam?
- Bomb release in 30 seconds.
Captain Scarlet,
launch that missile.
(dramatic music)
Captain Scarlet.
- SIG, Colonel.
- Now why did they have to
go and do that?
That was a great tune.
- Eject.
Why don t they eject?
- Well, old buddy,
they've smashed the radio.
(dramatic music)
- Come on, Captain Blue, eject.
- I think it's time for
us to get out of here.
- Members of Spectrum.
The Mysterons have had a
partial success.
And to show us how important
Spectrum's regulations are.
At present, Cloud Base
is fully manned.
The standby Angel is on duty
and the radar watch is
being maintained.
As the organizer of the
champagne party,
this is the way you should've
arranged it Captain Scarlet.
- Yes, Colonel.
- Also, as is not unusual,
you were too impetuous.
Spectrums charter was drawn
up on July 7th last year.
But the world president signed
the document three days later.
So, in fact, today July 10th
is Spectrum's first anniversary.
- Yes, Colonel, I'm sorry.
Well, Captain, if you'd
care to open the bottle
you will find on the table.
I'd like to propose a
toast to Spectrum.
This time, with real champagne.
Yes, sir.
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
? Captain Scarlet ?
? He's the one who knows
the Mysteron game ?
? And things they plan ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? To his Martian foes, a
dangerous name ?
? A superman ?
? They crash him, and his
body may burn ?
? They smash him, but
they know he'll return ?
? to live again ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? As the Angels are flying
wing to wing ?
? Into the scene ?
? Spectrum is Green ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? Though the Mysterons
plan to conquer the Earth ?
? This indestructible man will
show what he's worth ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?