Castle s05e05 Episode Script

Probable Cause

I'm home.
Tess, you here? Oh.
It's you.
Who'd you think it was? I don't know.
I heard rustling.
And you were gonna fight them off with that? This could be very What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming till next weekend.
I had to do laundry.
I ran out of clothes.
Already? It's only been two weeks.
Not that I'm not thrilled to see you, But don't they have washing machines on campus? They're not as nice.
And by "Nice," you mean "Free.
" - Pretty much.
- Right.
Uh, you're going to need more orange juice, by the way.
Thank you.
Oh, and, um, I finished the ice cream too.
And how long have you been here? Ten minutes.
Well, as long as you are here, how about a guitar hero tournament? I have been writing all weekend.
I could use a break.
Actually, I gotta go.
I'm meeting some friends for a study session and I'm already late.
Uh, well, what about your laundry? It's okay.
I mean, I'll get it later.
- Bye, dad.
- Bye.
I mean, she came home at least, right? Yeah, I just wish it was for more than laundry and supplies.
Did you get some writing done? With mother gone, are you kidding? Two chapters, but I gotta rewrite the crime scene.
Right now it's boring.
Maybe this will inspire you, Castle.
Pretty damn freaky.
Name's Tessa Horton, 29.
Roommate came home from a weekend away, found her up there.
Ooh, jeez.
Who puts a body on a ceiling? Beats me, but I probably won't sleep for weeks.
Looks like something out of one of your books, right? Cause of death? Ligature marks and petechia suggest strangulation.
What about this wound on her forehead? Well, it's nonlethal.
Given the detail, it looks like it was carved by some kind of razor.
It's a symbol of some kind.
Do you recognize it? No, but the killer went through a lot of trouble.
It must mean something.
It's not easy hanging a body, and she's at least 100 pounds.
I checked in with C.
they found prints in the hallway, but the apartment is spotless.
Looks like it's been wiped down.
This guy cleaned up after himself.
He didn't mind taking his time.
So the killer knew that the roommate was gonna be out of town.
What's the security like in this place? Buzzer on the front door, no doorman or security cameras.
But there's no sign of a forced entry, no sign of a struggle.
She knew him.
All right, canvass neighboring apartments for anyone that saw or heard anything, And I want to know what this symbol means.
You know, if Tessa knew our killer, it's possible that her roommate could shed some light on all of this.
Every time I close my eyes, I see her hanging there.
What did she do for a living? She was an insurance broker for commercial real estate.
Kurtzman insurance.
Did she have a lot of friends? She was shy And a workaholic.
I practically had to drag her out of the house.
So no boyfriend then? Actually, she did start seeing someone, maybe six weeks ago.
Do you know who? That's the thing, she never did say.
She She acted like it was some big secret, like maybe he was married or something.
But he bought her jewelry and took her to these fancy dinners.
She said no one's ever treated her that way before.
Did she tell you anything else about him, The way he looked, where they met? No.
All she said was he was every woman's fairy tale-- Rich, handsome, and generous.
Well, some fairy tale.
I'll tell you this much, there's a lot more to this story than an affair with a married man.
Maybe, but we won't know what until we find him.
Get on her phone records.
See if you can I.
this guy.
I'll have 'em pull her e-mails, too.
Anything on that symbol yet? Put a call into the feds.
They're running it through their database right now.
What? The way he left the body, the time it took-- whoever did this, He liked it.
If she had a boyfriend, nothing happened that night.
There are no signs of sexual assault or activity.
Death was by strangulation.
Looks like a rope or a scarf.
Were you able to narrow down a time? Somewhere between 2:00 and 3:00 A.
Saturday morning.
Lividity and pooling indicate the body was hung from the ceiling postmortem.
Why would he hang her body after he killed her? A ritual? That's not all that's weird.
Strangulation is a violent act, But there were no signs that she fought back-- No skin under the fingernails, no bruising-- So I did some checking.
She was drugged.
Lung tissue suggests exposure to chloroform.
Also your killer was careful.
He was wearing gloves.
How can you tell? Traces of talcum powder on the body-- The same talc used in surgical gloves Or the evidence gloves that you use at the crime scenes.
Whoever this person is, they knew exactly what they were doing.
He's done this before.
Ritualistic killing, takes pleasure in it, significant care exhibited at the crime scene All the hallmarks of a serial killer.
Yeah, but I've never seen this M.
Hey, bad news.
The feds struck out on the symbol.
It bears some similarities to some ancient alchemy signs, But they've never seen this one before.
Any luck on the phone records? No, but she spent a lot of time on the phone to a blocked number.
Phone company traced it to an unlisted burner phone with a stolen sim.
- So he planned ahead.
- Yeah.
What about her e-mails? Nothing from her mystery lover, So I had them take a look at her hard drive.
Turns out portions of it have been surgically wiped, like someone covering their tracks.
So we're back to square one.
Not necessarily.
Uh, Tessa's roommate said that he gave her some jewelry.
Maybe he left a fingerprint on one of those pieces.
I'll head to her place, see what I can find out.
I never would've thought of that.
I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up.
Why, detective Beckett, was that a hint you just dropped? Why, Mr.
Castle, I do believe it was.
Yo, Beckett, you got a second? I need a word.
So What's up? We got the C.
Report back.
The inside of Tessa's apartment was wiped clean.
Yeah, well, we expected that.
Yeah, but we didn't expect this.
were able to pull prints off the outside doorknob and from around the door frame.
And they found a set that didn't match Tessa's or her roommate's.
When they ran it, they found a match to someone else in the system.
Who? Richard castle.
Y--uh, that can't be right.
You know what? It w--it was probably just an accident.
He probably touched them on his way in before putting his gloves on.
Yeah, I mean, that would explain it, Except that C.
Collected them before either of you arrived.
Are you sure about this? Look for yourself, bro.
Castle, think.
Is it possible that you touched the doorknob or the frame on your way in? It was open when I came in, but I guess I must have.
Had you been in that building before? Not before today.
What about the victim? Are you sure you didn't know her? Javi.
What? You know I have to ask.
No, it's simple, okay? He touched the door when he walked in.
Got the time frame wrong.
That's the only explanation.
Unless I've got an evil twin.
Twins don't have the same fingerprints.
It's a common misconception.
This was you.
Yeah, I know.
I was joking.
A contaminated crime scene is not a joke.
I'll square this away with C.
You watch your hands next time, okay? Sorry.
Just be careful.
Yeah, yeah.
So I've been through all of Tessa's belongings.
No sign of any high-end jewelry, but from the empty spaces in her jewel box, there might be some pieces missing.
He took back the ones he gave her.
It's like he knew what we were looking for.
This guy really knows how to cover his tracks.
Oh, no, not all of them.
Canvass of the building turned up a neighbor who claims he saw someone heading to her apartment at 7:45 on Friday night.
Did the neighbor get a good look at him? Well, he got a clear shot right through his front door peephole.
I'm bringing in a sketch artist right now.
All right.
Get it over as soon as it's done.
The roommate might be able to I.
You got it.
The roommate identified him as Tessa's boss, Lloyd Kurtzman, C.
of Kurtzman Insurance Brokerage.
Any priors? Nothing major.
He's got a couple of harassment suits, but he does have a sealed juvie file.
A juvie file? Call Judge Markaway.
If Kurtzman was torturing puppies as a kid, I want to know.
Good-looking and rich, huh? Just like Tessa's mystery man.
And like Tessa's mystery man, he's married.
She was such a glowing presence.
You couldn't help but notice her.
You know, it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to kill her.
I'm sure it is.
Were the two of you close? As close as I am to any of my employees.
And when was the last time that you saw her? Friday morning at our staff meeting.
Friday morning? Are you sure? Yes.
Not friday evening? No, uh-- So you didn't go to Tessa's apartment at 7:45? Her--her apartment? No, no.
That's funny.
We, um, we have a witness that saw you there that night.
Kurtzman, where were you Friday night? I-I'd like to speak to my lawyer now.
He's not talking.
I guess a confession was too much to hope for.
Some story that might explain it all.
Yeah, we've got teams at his home and his office.
We'll know more after the search, but Esposito talked to his wife, and she said he didn't come home that night.
He was working late.
I'm guessing he wasn't at work.
I wonder if there were others or if she was the first, if her "Glowing presence" awakened something inside him.
What's wrong? It's It's just that crime scene.
What about it? The person that killed Tessa was meticulous, but when we questioned Kurtzman, he got all flustered.
So? So if he put that much thought into killing her, then why didn't he have an alibi prepared? Perhaps because he was so meticulous, he didn't expect to get caught.
What'd you find? Well, they're still processing, but so far there's nothing at his house or office that connects Kurtzman to the murder.
Did you check his e-mails? Yeah.
There's no mysterious deletions from his hard drive, no unusual activity, nothing in his phone records, either.
Okay, well, that's not a surprise.
I mean, if he's done this before, he knows how to cover his tracks.
What about his juvie record? A couple of fights, stole a neighbor's car.
Nothing that explains this.
So then all we have is the neighbor's I.
? That's not enough to make a case.
I think I might have found something that can help, Something Kurtzman may have missed.
A diamond earring? We found it in the couch.
couldn't pull a print off it, But you see the design? That's custom-- Erica Courtney.
And you know this how? I recognized it from when Jenny and I went ring shopping.
Anyway, I called up the showroom.
They confirmed it's one of theirs.
And do they have a record of who they sold it to? Yeah, I ran the name and the address.
They're both fake.
What about the credit card info? Well, buyer paid with a cashier's check.
12 grand.
So we have no way of tracing him or the payment.
No, but the store uses digital surveillance, And they just sent over the tapes.
Here's the time code for our point of sale.
That's our guy.
Look at his height, build, hair color.
That's not Kurtzman.
That's Castle.
There's another explanation.
Like what? I don't know, okay? It's somebody else.
Someone that looks like castle.
We found his fingerprints at the crime scene.
We got him on video buying jewelry for our victim.
It can't be a coincidence.
Javi, what are you saying, that Castle's a killer? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no, no.
None of us are saying that.
All he's saying is that If it were anyone else, we'd look into it.
We can start by looking at his financials, See if there's any unusual activity around the time of the purchase.
But we do it quietly, and he never finds out about it.
What are you doing? Uh, Javi, there's something you need to know.
Beckett and Castle? W--uh--w-when did they start? I'm not sure.
But I know they were together that weekend in the Hamptons.
Why wouldn't she tell us? I guess she was afraid Gates would find out, use NYPD regs to give Castle the boot.
I was gonna keep it a secret myself, but, ah, under the circumstances Normally, I'd be happy for them.
You don't really think that Castle had anything to do with this, do you? No.
Come on, man.
He's my friend, too.
The best thing we can do is try to prove this evidence wrong.
Hey, Javi.
Wait a minute.
Did I throw a party and forget again? It's not a party.
Search warrant, gloves Okay, guys, I get it-- the fingerprint thing.
I'm sorry.
Lesson learned.
You can all go home.
It's not a joke, bro.
Take him to the kitchen.
The kitchen? I just-- Beckett.
Beckett, what is this? We found a piece of jewelry in Tessa's apartment and we traced it back to the man that bought it for her.
Castle, it was you.
What are you talking about? It was purchased with a Cashier's check for $12,780.
Earlier that day, you withdrew the same amount of money from your pocket account as a cashier's check.
You looked into my financials? You're investigating me? - Castle - Kate, this is not me.
And I didn't buy any jewelry.
I certainly didn't use a cashier's check.
Then you need to explain it.
This, the withdrawal, the fingerprint-- You need to tell me what the hell's going on.
In here.
What is it? Guys, what is it? Kate.
Richard Castle, You're under arrest for the murder of Tessa Horton.
Turn around.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
The bag is part of a set that he owns.
The wire and hooks are identical to the ones used to bind the victim.
There was also a shirt inside that had some blood spatter on it.
The lab says it's a match to tessa's.
What's he saying? That he's never seen any of it before in his life.
Sir, he's not a killer.
Then how do you explain all of this? The evidence isn't the whole story.
Castle's taught me that.
You know, I'm not always a fan of Mr.
Castle's, Detective, But even I'm having trouble believing He'd do something so heinous.
So then what do we do? Our jobs.
Check his e-mails, computer files, and phone records.
If he was involved with this girl, There's bound to be a record.
Beckett, you talk to the family, See if anyone else has access to his place.
Thank you.
Don't thank me yet, detective.
We're gonna follow the evidence no matter where it leads us.
You guys, when you look through Castle's phone records-- It's okay.
We know.
We won't tell Gates unless we have to.
You know? How? Well, I mean, it-- it's us, so We didn't say anything because we figured it was nobody's business, but we gotta ask, were you with him that night? No.
Uh He, uh I-I was supposed to be.
His, um, mom was out of town, And then he said that he needed time to write.
Where's Beckett? Under the circumstances, I think it's best if I handle the interrogation.
Come on, Captain.
This is insane.
I didn't do anything.
Well, we still need to investigate, and you know that, so let's start with your relationship to the victim.
I didn't have one.
Then any idea how your fingerprints ended up at the crime scene? Well, we went over that.
made a mistake.
They say they didn't.
Castle, if you knew her-- I didn't know her.
She was seeing someone, someone her roommate described as handsome and rich.
I'm flattered, but it wasn't me.
His family's here.
- Where's Richard? - What's going on? Of course it has my fingerprints on it.
It's my bag.
But I didn't put that stuff in there.
Then who did? What about Kurtzman? We know he was at her apartment that night, and he lied about it.
Kurtzman alibied out.
What? When? An hour ago.
His lawyer got him to cooperate.
- Turns out, he was lured there.
- Lured? By a text message Tessa sent, Only it wasn't from Tessa.
It was from a burner phone.
When Kurtzman showed up at Tessa's, she told him that she didn't send it, so she sent him on his way.
Well, then why did he lie about it? Because he spent the rest of the evening with a paid companion and didn't want his wife to know.
So What about you, Mr.
Castle? Where were you the night of the murder? I was at home writing.
And did anyone see you there? No, I was Alone.
So for the record, You're saying you have no alibi.
I think I'd like my lawyer now.
Well, this is madness.
This is just madness.
It's temporary.
We just need to find out the truth.
Now can anyone else access your apartment? Does anyone have keys? Well, Alicia, the housekeeper.
Yeah, but she's been with us for 15 years.
And there's a security system.
Even if someone had a key, the alarm would go off.
Have you noticed anyone out of the ordinary in the building lately-- a maintenance worker, delivery man, anyone that could've been casing the place? No, no, no, no.
I'll be here.
Castle, whoever is behind this, Whatever is going on, I will figure this out.
I promise.
I know.
In the meantime, you have some visitors.
Oh, Richard.
Oh, darling.
What? Tech just finished with Castle's computer.
Parts of it had been wiped, just like Tessa's.
Were they able to re-- recover anything? They found a file that he had deleted.
It was a story concept about how to commit the perfect murder.
Beckett, the character gets away with it by staging a crime scene so bizarre, The cops can't see he's hiding right under their noses.
It was like a-a dry run on paper, all the way down to the weird symbol that we found on the victim's forehead.
We found something else on his drive.
E-mails dozens of 'em, between Castle and the victim.
Beckett They've been having an affair.
They started up about eight weeks ago According to those e-mails.
He met her after one of his book signings, and he asked her out for coffee, and that was That was just a couple of weeks after we started seeing each other.
Oh, sweetie.
He told her that he needed to keep it a secret because he was with someone else.
And then when he tried to break it off about a week ago, she threatened to go and tell his girlfriend.
He offered to come over to her apartment to talk things through, and that was the night of the murder.
He had motive.
What did Castle say when you talked to him? He said that the e-mails were faked.
He said he never wrote that story, and that he was being framed.
You should've seen him, Lanie.
He looked like a little boy, he was so scared.
I know him, Lanie.
He is an immature, egotistical self-centered jackass sometimes, but he's not this.
Are you sure? They say dogs can smell fear.
Did you know that some humans can as well? You reek of it.
I prefer 3XK.
How long has it been since I left you and Detective Ryan in that motel room? Somebody! Help! Somebody! I need some help in here! They can't hear you or see you.
I'm afraid I'm much more thorough than that.
You did this.
You killed Tessa.
She's not my type.
I prefer blondes.
Remember? Here's a much more believable story-- You killed Tessa.
It practically writes itself.
After all, you commit murder every day in your mind for your books.
It's not hard to imagine that you'd eventually cross the line.
Why are you doing this, Tyson? Four years, Castle.
I gave up four years of my life planning the perfect vanishing act.
So that the cops would stop looking for me, So that I could begin again, Could begin killing again So that I could taste that fear again.
Four years.
You ruined it.
Well, if it's revenge you wanted, why not just kill me? Where's the fun in that? Oh, no, no, it's more fun to destroy you.
Why do you think I let you live that night in the motel? People think it's killing that I like, But murder's just an act.
It's all about the anticipation, the planning.
Watching you and your daughter taking a walk, You and Beckett making love Standing in your living room, being inside your life, Knowing that I'm gonna take it all away from you that's what I like.
You won't get away with this.
Oh, please.
What are you gonna do, you gonna tell 'em that I came here? You think that they're gonna believe the lies of a desperate man? Beckett will.
Well, even if she does She can't save you.
There's no time.
When the D.
files charges tomorrow, They're gonna send you to central booking-- The tombs.
I have people waiting for you.
You will not last the night.
And that'll be her punishment-- Believing that you were innocent, and not being able to stop it.
It'll haunt her for the rest of her life.
Lucky for you you'll be dead.
We went through the surveillance footage from last night.
There's no evidence that Jerry Tyson was in the station, and there is no evidence that the system had been tampered with.
Beckett, I swear to you, he was here.
- Castle.
- No, I know.
I sound crazy.
A desperate story from a desperate man, just just like he wanted.
You're right, it does sound desperate.
But it's the first time that this story has made sense.
You believe me? I never stopped.
He's gonna kill me, Kate.
I can't run, I can't hide.
What am I supposed to do? I'm telling you, it's the triple killer.
Strangulation, misdirects, planting evidence-- It's Tyson's M.
So why the change? Revenge.
That's the only thing that explains everything.
No, not everything.
Not that video of Castle.
Yeah, actually, it might.
Tyson did something similar in the Russo case.
He used a double for the cameras to throw us off.
Sir, the D.
has already filed charges.
They're gonna send him to Central Booking today.
We know that we can prove this.
We just need more time.
You want the D.
's office to do what? All we're asking for is a delay until we can sort all this out.
No, what you're asking for is preferential treatment for a murder suspect.
You want to sort this out, you sort it out after he's arraigned.
No, I don't think you understand.
There's not gonna be an after.
If it's his safety you're concerned about, we're prepared to put him in protective custody.
Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? Do you even know what Jerry Tyson has proven himself capable of? Who do you think met with the families of his victims and held their hands when he slipped through your fingers, detective? I'm very aware of what 3XK is capable of.
Then you should know that your protective custody isn't worth a damn.
If he wants to kill Castle, he's gonna find a way to do it.
Captain Gates, aside from your unsubstantiated claim from a murder suspect, can you offer the D.
's office one shred of evidence of 3XK's inolvement? Not at this time.
Then we're done here.
I've spent some time in Central.
I've seen the tombs, the way they stack bodies in those cells.
If there's a bounty on Castle's head, protective custody ain't gonna do jack.
That's assuming Tyson paid off a prisoner.
It could be a guard.
So we can't protect him, not there.
We have to stop that transfer.
We need evidence that 3XK was involved.
Yeah, but we got nothing to go on.
Okay, to pull this off, he needed access to Castle's loft.
So get teams over there and tear that place apart.
Find me a fingerprint, a hidden microphone, a broken window jamb, anything that puts him there.
Tessa was seeing someone.
If it wasn't Castle Then maybe it was Tyson.
Hit her office.
Look for files, schedules, client lists.
There's gotta be something that ties back to him.
I just heard from the team at Castle's loft.
Nothing yet.
So it's gonna happen just like Tyson said, huh? I'm not gonna be able to save him in time.
Well, we're not done yet.
How secure is holding? What? Whoa.
You're not even thinking about that.
We're talking about his life.
We can't let them take him.
Are you crazy? It would never work.
You'll never even get out of holding.
Tyson did it.
Because nobody was looking for him.
He had weeks to plan it, maybe even longer.
Y-- I know how you feel about the guy.
I love him, too.
But there's nothing we can do.
They're here.
This is so much less fun than the other night at your place.
Do you remember the first time you handcuffed me? We were at the New York Public Library.
Remember how angry you were that I wouldn't stop investigating that case? Yeah, I remember.
What I wouldn't give to be there now.
Castle This isn't over.
I promise you, I will get you out.
It's okay.
Whatever happens, It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
I don't need sorry.
I need to find this son of a bitch and put him in the ground.
Detective Beckett.
What? We're here to transport one of yours to Central-- A, uh, Richard Castle? Yes, I'm looking at the transfer No, the paper work said the bedge number was 871324.
The Central Booking said it never arraived, they don't know where the hell it is.
The badge numbers on the paperwork don't exit.
They were imposters.
It's gotta be Tyson.
He sets this up.
He isn't gonna have Castle killed.
He's gonna kill him himself.
Well, the D.
is calling it a prisoner escape.
What? They think Castle did this? As far as their concern, he's well connected, knows our procedure, and has substantial resources.
That's ridiculous.
You two keep working the Tyson angle.
I've got this.
Can you believe that? Branding Castle a fugitive when he's probably being held captive by a serial killer? So what's our next move? Oh, thank God you're okay.
Thank God you understood my message.
The first time that I cuffed you-- What you wouldn't give to be back there now.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
I knew I couldn't call once I left.
Castle, how did you do it? How did you escape? - I've got a great lawyer.
- Come on.
Someone owned me a favor.
The less you know, the better.
But the good news is, I'm still alive.
The D.
has branded you a fugitive.
Every cop in New York is looking for you.
Yes, well, they won't be the only ones after the 5:00 news.
And by now they've tagged my phone, my house, my accounts.
I'm not gonna last long out here.
We have to act quickly.
I've got teams at your place looking for any trace of Tyson.
Ryan is wading through paperwork at Tessa's office to see if there's a connection.
Well, that could take weeks.
I think I got something better.
Sitting in holding, I kept thinking, how could he possibly pull this off? How could he get video of me buying those earrings? And then it hit me "Broadway Casting"? You want someone to play a role, you cast it.
Look at this notice from four months ago by a celebrity lookalike firm.
"A private book club party.
" Look who they're looking for.
"James Patterson, Stephen King, J.
Rowling" And me.
Yeah, we placed that ad.
Sent a couple of headshots over to the client's P.
Box, but never heard back.
Uh, could I get the address? Sure.
And did you send over any Richard Castles? Let me check.
Just one.
We'll need his information as well.
Okay, thanks.
So the P.
Box the agency sent the headshots to was paid for in cash and rented for a month.
The owners gave no forwarding address.
It's a dead end.
Well, Tyson might be a dead end, but Richard Castle isn't.
Look, it's me.
Yeah, people come up sometimes, asking me to sign your books.
So I figured I'd submit.
I never heard back.
You know, uh, now that I'm up close, I really don't see it.
Uh so, uh, I-is this you? Yeah.
That was for a reality show on store security.
It was an odd gig.
They sent me in to buy earrings.
And was this man involved somehow? He looks a little like the show's producer.
You wouldn't happen to have his contact information, would you? What do you mean, he's with you? How did he escape? Espo, not now.
I need an address.
All right, well, the address for the show's producer is another dead PO box and the phone number's defunct.
Okay, what about his paycheck? Well, I talked to the bank, and the corporate account that cut the check is closed.
And the corporate contact, Joseph Vacher, well, doesn't seem to exist.
Yeah, he exists, all right.
Or at least he used to.
Joseph Vacher is a famous French serial killer from the late 1800s.
So he's got a sense of humor.
Have any other checks been written from that corporate account? Yeah, cut to a Kurtzman Insurance.
Tessa worked for them.
So there's no mention of Vacher in her policy files but there was an entry in her calendar.
Yeah, here it is.
Six weeks ago-- site visit with a J.
Well, that's him.
It has to be.
Did she write anything else with it-- a phone number, e-mails, an address? No phone number, but there is an address.
Maybe where they went for the site visit.
Looks like it's in northern Manhattan near the bridge.
Castle, he was posing as a building owner looking for insurance.
He probably found an empty property.
Could be worth a look.
Kev, hook up with Espo and meet us there.
You got it.
Someone saw the news.
We gotta go.
Owner says it's unoccupied.
Hasn't been a tenant for nearly a year.
Then who's up there? Could be someone or it could be just a light.
- Did you just see that? - All right, guys.
Let's move.
Come on.
It was nothing.
Just a sheet.
You guys.
Over here.
Once he'd obtained Castle's print from his loft, he used a binding agent and some rubber cement to build a latex model of his fingerprint.
Surveillance photos, architectural plans for Castle's loft A precinct map, including the locations of all of our video cameras-- He orchestrated everything right down to the last detail.
He even implicated Kurtzman to make it look like Castle was covering his tracks.
I don't get it.
Why go through all this just to set you up? Because death only takes a moment.
The preparation and pageantry, that's what he loves.
Well, Mr.
Castle, it looks like you're off the hook.
I've spoken to the D.
, and they'll be dropping all charges.
Thank you, sir.
For this, at least.
There's still the matter of your escape from custody.
However, under the circumstances, I'm pretty sure you can negotiate down to time served.
Uh, detective, why don't you take him down to the station, start the paperwork? So the tactical team searched the whole building.
No sign of him.
When C.
finishes, fall back and put the building under surveillance.
What if he's already seen us and he doesn't come back? Every cop in this city is looking for him.
He won't get far.
You okay? Yeah.
Just finding that stuff of Tyson's It seems lucky.
Yeah, well, sometimes luck is all you need.
He can't hide now.
We'll find him.
Thank you.
For what? Believing in me.
I mean, given my reputation, my history when you saw those e-mails, it would've been real easy not to.
Yeah, well, things have never been easy between you and me.
Maybe that's what makes it all worth-- It's Tyson.
Castle, get down! Come here, Kate.
Come here.
Castle! I got your girl! Are you watching? I want you to see this.
You think that I'd let you live after everything you've done? Castle! Come on.
I want you to watch.
I want you to watch as I take her life.
Over here.
The water's pretty murky.
Haven't seen anything yet.
They still haven't found the body.
They won't.
He's not dead.
Castle, what are you saying? This was never about me.
This was about him.
Those initials in her date book? He's not that careless.
He wanted us to find that place.
He wanted us on this bridge.
Tessa's murder, the frame up-- all of it was to get us here so we could help him do what he couldn't do for himself-- disappear so he can start killing again.
You think he planned this? How does a wanted man stop being wanted? It has to be public and it has to be final.
Do you know how crazy that sounds? No one's gonna be looking for him anymore.
You shot him.
He's dead.
It's over.
For now.

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