Cells at Work! (Hataraku Saibou) (2018) s01e13 Episode Script

Hemorrhagic Shock (Part II)

1 We are now in a state of emergency.
We have detected life-threatening damage.
The tissue and blood vessels near the head area have been severely damaged.
All immune cells, prepare for an antigen invasion from the damaged areas, and hurry to the scene immediately.
EPISODE 13: "HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK" (PART 2) "Hemorrhagic Shock.
" Part 2.
Hey! WHITE BLOOD CELL Hey! Is anybody there? Hey! Anybody? Isn't anybody here? BLOOD VESSEL Hey, you guys! There are no blood cells! Hey you there! White Blood Cell? Hold up! Don't be afraid! Tell me what's going on.
WHITE BLOOD CELLS (NEUTROPHILS): Their main task is to eliminate foreign substances from outside, such as bacteria and viruses.
The cells that were here Don't tell me they're all Th-That's right! I saw it myself! Tens of thousands Hundreds of thousands Millions Help us! No, even more than that! Zillions of blood cells getting swept up and sucked toward the mouth of the wound! And the bleeding still hasn't stopped! You know what that means, don't you? There are no Red Blood Cells to distribute oxygen throughout the body! The oxygen that we cells need in order to live! The lungs and the secretion system I'm sure the tissue cells all over the body will do whatever they can, but there's just nothing anyone can do to fix this! NOW CONSTRICTING Eventually, the inside of this body will grow cold, and starting with the distal cells, we're all going to die from lack of oxygen! It's all over for this world! LUNGS FRAGILE CONDENSED GAS Cell! Are you all right? I've come to deliver your oxygen! Can't breathe! C-Cell? Oxygen! Give me some oxygen! Cell! Wh-What's the matter? Senpai, look! Everybody's acting strangely! CELL Still no oxygen delivery? I can't breathe! I'm gonna die! What's going on here? Are you all right? What happened? O-Oxygen! I can't breathe! Please get a hold of yourself, Cell! I'll leave this oxygen here! Please wait! I'll bring you some new oxygen right away! Come on, Li'l Kouhai! Senpai! Senpai! Senpai! I'm not seeing any of our friends around! What about you? C-Come to think of it WELCOME TO THE LUNGS What is this? The lungs! Why are they pumping so violently? What is this wind? Somebody please deliver this oxygen! The lungs are breathing so hard! And they're inhaling oxygen! Still Somebody please deliver this oxygen! It's not circulating to all parts of the body! Hurry! Please deliver this! So, there aren't nearly enough Red Blood Cells to deliver it? Heave-ho! S-Senpai? This is no time to stand around and gawk! We've got to deliver this pronto! The cells are all waiting for us after all! Senpai! Please hold up a second! How can you have such nerves of steel? Thank you for waiting! Here's your new oxygen! I've come to deliver today's oxygen! Sorry to keep you waiting! Here's your new oxygen! Thank you for waiting! I'll be bringing you more oxygen right away! Thank you for waiting! Here's your oxygen for the day! Thank you for waiting! I'm here to deliver your oxygen! I'll be bringing you some new oxygen right away! Please wait! This is the blood vessel leading to the wound area! DANGER WE ASK FOR YOUR COOPERATION PLATELETS Blood cells, please try not to get blown away! This is the entrance to the blood vessel! Please try not to get blown away! Blood cells, please be careful as you move forward! Let's go! Dammit! What's going on? There are fewer Red Blood Cells passing through this blood vessel than ever before! Hurry! Hurry! BLOOD PRESSURE We haven't been able to procure nearly enough, either! There aren't enough blood cells! What about oxygen transport? OXYGEN GAS GIVE ME OXYGEN! Not enough supply! CAN'T BREATHE If this keeps up, we're not gonna be able to send enough oxygen to the cells! Now that it's come to this, we're gonna have to provide backup! Use blood pressure to prod the Red Blood Cells! Make 'em circulate like there's no tomorrow! Right! Start prodding! Right! Attention.
Blood pressure now rising.
Blood pressure now rising.
Heave-ho! Heave-hai! H-Hang in there, Li'l Kouhai! Hey, no pushing! It's not me! I'm getting shoved from behind by the rising blood pressure! Stop pushing! Watch out! Don't raise the blood pressure when there's a wound! Idiot! A SYMPTOM OF HEAVY BLOOD LOSS: RISING BLOOD PRESSURE: In the early stages, the sympathetic nerves grow agitated, and blood pressure rises.
A symptom of heavy blood loss.
Rising blood pressure.
In the early stages, the sympathetic nerves grow agitated, and blood pressure rises.
WARNING We're in trouble! Increasing the blood pressure has caused even more heavy hemorrhaging! Whaaat? Don't look behind you, Li'l Kouhai! We're almost there.
So let's hang in there! Okay? Please, just keep transporting! A SYMPTOM OF HEAVY BLOOD LOSS: TEMPERATURE DROP: Because of a decrease in the amount of circulating blood, body temperature drops.
A symptom of heavy blood loss.
Temperature drop.
Because of a decrease in the amount of circulating blood, body temperature drops.
S-Snow? A blizzard? Senpai! Hold up a second! In this snow, we can't But we've got to go! If at least you and I don't keep delivering oxygen, the cells will all die! Come on! Li'l Kouhai! My hands are so stiff! Li'l Kouhai? Li'l Kouhai! Are you all right? Give me your hand.
Will you stop already? Just look around you! Even if we try our hardest, do you really believe it'll change anything? At this point, there's no way we can supply enough oxygen in time! Aside from you and me, there aren't any other Red Blood Cells! You're just trying to show off in front of your kouhai, stubbornly trying to hang in there! It's so pointless! Haven't you ever heard of it? Death from hemorrhagic shock! Hemorrhagic shock.
HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK: When the body loses massive amounts of blood due to external injuries or internal bleeding from the digestive tract and such, it can no longer maintain blood pressure, and consciousness grows hazy, sometimes resulting in fainting.
Unless appropriate measures are taken, it can result in death.
It is said that the body goes into shock once it loses about a third of its blood supply.
When the body loses massive amounts of blood due to external injuries or internal bleeding from the digestive tract and such, it can no longer maintain blood pressure, and consciousness grows hazy, sometimes resulting in fainting.
Unless appropriate measures are taken, it can result in death.
It is said that the body goes into shock once it loses about a third of its blood supply.
Once it loses a third of its blood, the body dies! This body doesn't have a chance anymore! We should— Hey, stop! What are you I'm going to keep delivering oxygen until the very end! Because that's our job! S-Senpai Senpai! Wait! Please just stop! My hands feel heavy.
So do my feet.
Everyone's waiting.
I've got to I've got to hurry and deliver this oxygen! Die, you miserable germ! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! We're going to bulldoze right through them! Everybody is giving it their all! You idiot! Don't be such a wuss! Live! UNDER CONSTRUCTION Everybody, try not to get blown away by the wind! I have to do this, too! I've got to deliver this oxygen.
Senpai! Sorry for being such a lame senpai.
It's so dazzling.
Hey, you okay? Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Who are you? Where are we? Beats me! We're all together, right? What kind of cell are you? Jeez, this place is freezing! Hey, that girl is dressed like a Red Blood Cell.
What kind of work do you do? You're a young Red Blood Cell, just like us, aren't you? Huh? But that uniform design is a little different.
But she looks like us, doesn't she? Nice to meet you! So, why are you all worn out? You're covered with snow.
U-Um The thing is, there was this huge wound We all did our best, but we just didn't have enough people to deliver the oxygen! What? You mean, unless we do something, this body that we're in right now could be history? I mean, we got dragged here without any explanation, so this is really outrageous! Hey! Big trouble, you guys! Such-and-such, yadda yadda.
So you see, no road is long with good company! This was all meant to be! And since we're all Red Blood Cells, we've got to go with the flow! I see! You're absolutely right! You're so wise! We may have started out in different workplaces, but our job is the same.
All together now, let's take this oxygen! And deliver it! Yeah! These Red Blood Cells, who appeared out of nowhere, managed to send oxygen to every corner of the body in a flash.
Who are you? UNDER CONSTRUCTION Please plug it up with your fibrin! Okay! Who are you? I'm a Red Blood Cell! You don't have to hold your breath anymore! Who are you? What a nice place this body is.
Even if it's kind of in a shambles.
And then LAST WORDS: PLEASE HANG THE BEDDING TO DRY -CELL I'm done for— Don't be so prepared to die! Oxy gen Huh? I've come to deliver your oxygen! Please forgive me for being so late! You saved my life! Thanks to the efforts of this great horde of Red Blood Cells, and of each of the other cells, the dangers of hemorrhagic shock were averted.
I finally managed to make my deliveries.
Hey, hold up, you I got you! Hey.
Good job.
I wonder how many blood cells we lost.
I don't know the exact number, but probably too many to count.
Where did those new Red Blood Cells come from, I wonder.
Who knows? But thanks to them, we were saved.
BLOOD DONATION: To provide blood free of charge for transfusions and blood product manufacture.
As blood for transfusions has a short shelf life, blood donation is a constant need.
One day, out of the blue, we got sucked into a strange tube, and I don't know how to explain it, but we got twirled around, then they made us sleep in a huge room! And then, the next thing we knew, we were here! TRANSFUSION: A type of treatment in which missing blood components are replenished.
Among the components that can be replaced via transfusions are red blood cells, platelets, plasma components and clotting factor.
The appropriate blood product is selected and then transfused.
A type of treatment in which missing blood components are replenished.
RELAXING TEA How strange! This is a different body than the one we were in before, but we're glad to be able to work in a body again.
It's like they've always been here.
Wonder where they came from.
All right, now I'm going to go look for my li'l kouhai! Okay.
Thank you so much for the tea! Senpai! Senpai! Li'l Kouhai! There's something I'd like to say to you, Senpai.
- Y-You look so fierce! - Y-You look so fierce! Regarding my rookie training Thank you very much! Until now, I've always thought of myself as one of the more competent ones, but Oh, well, I actually am, but Yeah! But today, I learned something important from you regarding work, Senpai.
Work isn't just about knowledge, but also experience, and it's also important to have a passionate heart! Li'l Kouhai Thank goodness! I was afraid there wasn't anything I could teach you, but now that you put it that way S-Senpai, please don't cry.
I'm sorry that I'm such a lame senpai! But let's keep working together from now on, too! Okay? Oh yes, nice to meet you.
Who are you? Nice to meet you! Hey, right back atcha! S-S-S-Sorry, wrong person! Huh? Huh? Where are you, Li'l Kouhai? It wasn't long Hey you! Are you all right? before Red Blood Cell found herself getting flustered by her competent kouhai and this horde of new friends.
ARTERY Thank you for waiting! All right! Sorry! It's still under construction! Sorry for the inconvenience! Hey, Memory! How are you? Thank you for waiting! This is your oxygen for the day.
Thanks for your hard work! That was a massive amount again today! Hey you! Move it, you slowpokes! Huh? Huh? Hey, Red Blood Cell.
What are you doing in a place like this? White Blood Cell! Don't tell me you're lost.
O-Of course I'm not lost! I've matured, you know! Well, but your map's upside down.
H-Here! I was just about to make a delivery here! Antigens! I'll kill 'em all! Get back here, you antigen! Red Blood Cell, good luck to you! Right! Target sighted! Good luck to you, too, White Blood Cell! Um That I'm so sorry! Thank you for waiting! Here's your oxygen for the day! The cells are all working energetically again today.

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