Charmed s06e20 Episode Script

A Wrong Day's Journey into Right

Come on, I know we can|figure this out.
We've been saying that|for three weeks now.
Lady, can I get a little help|over here, please? Okay, but you don't have to yell at me.
|I feel bad enough as it is.
Look, it's not your fault that the|demon is one step ahead of us.
Yeah, but if I hadn't lost my powers,|we would've found him by now.
Well, you did, so we just have|to keep doing what we're doing.
You mean,|what you've been doing.
Which is pretty much everything.
You're like the last sister standing.
|I don't know how you're doing it.
I've just been taking lots of naps.
Yeah, I've noticed.
You know, part of me just thinks we|should let him do his thing, you know? I mean, a demon killing other demons.
|Is that so bad? Well, it is when we don't know|who it is or why they're doing it.
It could be some sort of power base|coming along to take us on.
Should we get Piper|out of Magic School? No.
She's safe there,|she stays.
There's just no rhyme or reason|to his attacks, you know? They're just wacky.
My gut says he's gonna go after|the Smoker Demons tonight.
- Why?|- Because Mercury is in retrograde, and that is when they surface.
That's an interesting theory.
Yeah, well, all I know|is that the sooner we nail this guy, the sooner I get back to my naps.
Dear God.
Not quite.
Guess again.
|Run! Potions worked pretty well.
But I still don't know why we didn't|use it on the old man instead.
Because we were told not to.
Now let's just get|out of here before - They show up.
|- Nuns? I don't think so.
Weapon thingy.
Thanks for saving my life again.
Yeah, no problem.
Well, at least we got a good look|at who's behind this.
And better yet a clue to find them.
Yeah, they gotta be working|for someone else.
I mean, what powerful demons do you|know that would dress that tacky? Good point.
- I'll go check the Book of Shadows.
|- No.
You've done enough already.
I wanna do it.
You just go home|and relax, take a load off.
If you insist, l|I think I will.
A perfect man, I summon now Another way I don't know how Bring him now into the light Come back to me, Mr.
Right Welcome back.
"Dear Sad in San Jose, try Viagra.
" Horrible.
- Long night?|- Leo! Yeah.
I'm just working on trying|to find that mystery demon.
Trying to come up with|some summoning spells.
- Any luck?|- No, but I gave that thing that they threw at us to Chris, hoping he could get a lead with the|underworld contacts, you know? "Dear Sad in San Jose, if your husband|is impotent, try a cold shower" - Nice spell.
|- Give me that.
- Don't ask.
|- I'm asking.
What's the matter? I don't know, I just feel like|I can't do anything anymore.
And I'm beginning to think|that maybe I relied on my powers more|than I realized.
No, your advice comes from your|heart, not from your powers.
Besides, you were an advice columnist|long before you were an empath.
Yeah, and before that, I was a witch.
And before that, I don't remember|what the hell I was.
I'm afraid I'm right back|to where I started.
Just because you don't have your|power doesn't mean you're not a witch.
You can still write spells,|make potions, kick ass.
You'll find your way again,|you just have to be patient.
- You promise?|- I promise.
And it wouldn't hurt to rely|on Paige for a while.
She relied on you for years.
Where is she, by the way? She's sleeping, don't wake her.
She's exhausted.
She was tossing|and turning all night last night.
Quiet, if my sisters find out, they'll Kill you.
I know.
Don't worry.
So, what did that throwing|thing look like? It's not in the Book, I checked.
Besides, I really wanna do this|without your help, okay? Well, I came down here to help,|remember? At least until the baby's born.
And what's gonna happen|after the baby's born? - What do you mean?|- Between you and Piper.
Have you guys even discussed it? Not exactly.
Okay, not at all.
It's just|Things keep getting in the way.
Well, Leo, you can't just|get the woman pregnant and pretend nothing happened.
I'm not, okay? It's just It's complicated.
But it's not gonna get any less|complicated after Chris is born.
- You talking about me?|- No, your foetus.
- You find something?|- Not something.
- Demonatrix.
|- What you do in your spare time The weapon belongs to a group of deadly assassins|known as Demonatrix.
Find out who they work for? - No, but, Leo, check this, it's|- Dad.
Would it kill you to call him "Dad"? Apparently this demon gives|his assassins vanquishing potions.
Charmed Ones vanquishing potions.
What? - How is that possible?|- The Book? - They wouldn't be able to get it.
|- Then how? Well, one of them must read minds,|like the telepath did at Magic School.
- Magic School.
|- Mom.
I better go check on her.
No, we'll go.
You get underground, follow the assassins to the demon.
- But|- We'll take care of it.
We'll make sure nothing|happens to her.
I promise.
I'll go wake up Paige.
Just a minute.
Sweetie, I'm sorry to wake you up.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I'm fine, yeah, I'm up.
Leo and I are gonna go to Magic|School and check on Piper.
- Is she okay?|- Yeah, yeah, she's fine.
Don't worry.
We'll let you know|if we need you.
- We'll call you, okay?|- Okay.
Okay, go back to bed.
My thoughts exactly.
I really, really do have to go.
She said not to worry about it.
|So don't.
- I can't help it.
|- Yes, you can! That's why you made me.
|To focus on yourself for once.
But I still have responsibilities.
Yes, to yourself as well.
To your raison d'etre.
Which, if you keep ignoring, you're|gonna be useless to your sisters.
I think I made you|with too many pheromones.
No, you made me to understand you, to pamper you,|to fill your every neglected need.
- Yeah, but what I really need is|- A vacation.
Driving through Tuscany.
- Topless?|- Not you, the Porsche.
With the wind in your hair,|the sun on your face.
Free, unburdened, loved.
Okay, keep going.
Someday, I promise, I'll take|you away from all this.
But right now, you need to eat.
Voilá, just the way you like it.
Wait a second, you can do magic? I can do everything that you|made me do.
Remember? Well, then.
I don't mind if I do.
Three weeks ago I came to you.
And what did? What did I say? What was the first thing I told you? Anyone? No? Let me remind you.
Trust me! Trust in me, and my raison d'etre.
But one of you did not.
I specifically told you: The Smoker Demons would make their|move when Mercury was in retrograde.
And I told you the sisters|would figure that out.
I'm sorry, Vincent.
You know|that I live only to please you.
Shut up.
What once resided in this place|Shall soon be gone with no haste Make this girl age in time|As punishment for her heinous crime Well any questions? No? Good.
To reiterate I don't want the sisters finding me.
Especially Paige.
Not until I'm ready.
Which demon are we after next? Not a demon.
A Porsche.
Sorry, Piper, it must be checked out.
- Can I come down now?|- Not yet.
Check Lozordo's Book of Prophecies,|volume one.
Levitating, not my favourite.
|It's very high.
- Surprise!|- Hey! Hi, I didn't know|you guys were coming.
- Is something wrong?|- No, why would something be wrong? Does something have to be|wrong for me to come visit? Usually.
- Sorry to interrupt.
|- Good, you found it.
Float on down.
Oh, the good old days.
We don't wanna worry her,|remember? Yes, I know it.
- So, what you been doing?|- Oh, you know, same old, same old.
Trying to figure out|who turns Wyatt evil.
By the way, have you seen Chris? Yeah, we have him working|on something.
But nothing big,|nothing to worry about.
Just your everyday demon stuff.
Okay, well, if you see him, tell him I'd like to talk to him|when he has a chance.
- Where are you going?|- To pee.
Where do we start? Sigmund, is Gideon around? He's conferring with the other Elders, which, if I may say so,|is where you should be too.
Can I help you? Just trying to get a premonition,|see if you're legit.
You don't have premonitions anymore.
It doesn't hurt to try.
Sigmund, have you noticed|any breaches in security? Students, teachers,|anyone suspicious? - None that I know of.
Why?|- Never mind.
Just keep an eye out around Piper.
Of course.
Do you believe him? No reason not to, which means the demon could be|tapping into your mind or Paige's.
All right.
I'll go back to the house|and keep an eye on Paige.
You stay here and maybe|you and Piper can talk.
- What are you doing?|- Trying to orb.
- You don't orb.
|- Now is not the time to rub that in.
A little help here, please.
Hey, where did she go? Back to work.
Can I help? The Carrera S4.
Excellent choice.
Turbo styling, all-wheel drive,|zero to 60 in under five seconds.
You wanna feel the wind in your face?|This is definitely the car for you.
- May I?|- Oh, absolutely.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have|to ask you to put that out first.
Of course.
Thank you.
Beautiful, isn't it?|No other car sounds like it.
She'll love it.
We'll take it.
Cash or lease? - No.
We'll just take it.
|- What? No! Rolls.
I told you, we don't hurt innocents.
Well, that's a new one.
You! Stop him! He's trying to steal it! - Don't move.
|- Unbelievable.
I promise I will have the column|in by the deadline.
Yeah, I'm just|I'm finishing up.
I gotta go.
Ticktock, ticktock.
- Finally.
Where have you been?|- Jail.
- What?|- Don't worry.
It's fine.
Nobody saw me orb out and I talked|to Darryl.
He's gonna cover for me.
How did you end up in jail? Let's say I had a little run-in|with our mystery demon.
And when I say run-in,|I mean literally.
The guy, he tried to run me over|with his Porsche.
Not cool! A demon that drives a Porsche?|That's different.
So is one who can orb|and saves innocents.
Forget tapping into us.
|It sounds like he wants to be us.
- Why?|- Why else? To kill us.
- Did you find him? Where is he?|- Yeah.
He's here.
- Here? Where here?|- Paige.
Paige, are you oka? - What are you doing?|- You? Just napping? Paige, I don't even|wanna talk about this! I mean, how could you|do such a thing? Oh, what, like you've never|conjured stuff before? Yeah, well, never for myself|and never a sex toy! - I am not a sex toy.
|- Quiet, you.
- Well, we did it for Piper before.
|- Yes, but that was different.
We were trying to convince her to not|give up on love.
We were desperate.
Well, maybe I am too.
Excuse me, shouldn't we be focusing|on the bigger issue here? - How long has this been going on?|- About three weeks.
- Three weeks!|- Give or take.
You're the one who kept telling me|I needed a break.
Yes, but I meant take a day off,|you know, go to the spa, have a pedicure,|get a massage! I massage her.
Okay, what I|wanna know is, how come when we were scrying|for the demon, we got him? - I don't know.
|- You might wanna know because he looks a lot like|the guy who just tried to kill me.
What? Now, that is impossible.
Didn't the demon start killing the|other demons around the same time? I'm telling you, there is no way he's|a demon, I made him to be good.
Well, maybe you also made|one to be bad.
I don't know.
- No!|- How do you explain the scrying, then? And the fact that he makes potions|and has your powers? Talk about your|personal-gain consequences.
Personal gain.
I am so tired If I hear|those two words again, I tell you what Nevertheless, it's there for a reason.
|It's why Phoebe lost her powers.
Whose side are you on? I know what you know, Paige.
|And we both know they're right.
Well, did you conjure him|or clone him? Okay, this is so stupid.
Why don't we just un-conjure him|so they'll both go away? I can't.
I make him to last|for 24 hours.
The spell's not done yet.
Great, so how long|do we have to wait? Like till after midnight.
Well, let's just hope we find him|before he finds us.
Maybe that's another one of your|suitors you've conjured for your own personal|gain and pleasure.
Oh, I hope so.
No offence.
Hey, Darryl,|now's not really a good time.
I'm here about Chris.
Yeah, he told me you covered for him,|that was great.
- I'm taking him back.
|- What? Wait, what's going on? - Take him back to county.
|- Hey! - A little help, please?|- What do you want me to do? - Let's go.
|- Chris, don't worry, we'll figure it out.
- Darryl?|- No.
Don't even ask.
|This time it's by the book.
- Do you understand?|- Why? Why? Because I almost got killed|covering for you last time, that's why.
Okay, but we always|almost get killed.
Well, last time was different.
|Way different.
I'm not going through that again.
I'm not putting my family through|that again.
You understand? We'll just have to get him|out ourselves.
And risk exposing magic?|I don't think so.
Listen to me, Phoebe.
|I'm not covering for you anymore.
I mean it.
Could this day get any worse? - Well?|- The car is waiting for you.
As you wish.
It's beautiful this time of year, isn't it?|In Florence.
As good a place as any|to kill a Charmed One.
It's not for killing one.
|It's for loving one.
For loving Paige.
But I thought you said that That's for after.
When she's by my side.
When I can give her what she wants|more than anything.
Freedom, independence, power.
But doesn't she already have power? Not the kind that gives|her independence.
Still, with all due respect,|how do you know what she wants? Because it's what I want.
We are one and the same.
I exist solely to please her.
And I intend on doing exactly that.
How will you get to her? I won't have to.
She'll come to me.
After all, she knows my every move.
What? Nothing.
What? Nothing.
I mean, thanks for helping with this.
Well, he's my son too.
Yeah, what about your other son? How are you and Chris|getting along? - Better?|- I hope so.
I don't know.
I mean, it is so hard|for me to wrap my mind around the idea|that he has issues with me because he hasn't even technically|been born yet.
Well, that's our boy.
And hopefully you'll get|a second chance with him.
What about with you? I mean, we haven't even really talked|about us since we, well, you know.
Yeah, I do know.
- Have you thought about it?|- Of course.
I have.
A lot.
But honestly, I can't even go there.
I mean, it's not an option, is it? You're still an Elder.
Hey, I'm not interrupting, am I? Actually, kind of.
|As a matter of fact, you are.
- Could you?|- Sorry.
See, I had to talk to Leo|about something real quick.
- Come with me.
|- All right, that's it.
- What is going on?|- Nothing.
Come on, I'm pregnant, not stupid.
|What is it? Well, we didn't want to alarm you.
But there is a demon consolidating|powers using Charmed knowledge.
- What?|- Yeah, and see the problem is, I kind of conjured him,|the Mr.
Right version of him, and Wait, wait.
Right, as in,|my Mr.
Right? No, that would be gross.
|My Mr.
- There are rules.
|- Oh, please.
You're confusing me.
|That's not why I'm here.
I came to tell you that Chris|has been arrested.
- But it's a long story.
|- Did you call Darryl? Yes, that would be|the other problem because Darryl arrested him.
|Longer story.
Okay, take me home.
No, no, no.
It's too dangerous.
|You stay here.
No, I can't stay here when all hell|is breaking loose there.
Stay here, you save one son,|I'll go save the other.
Can I come in? Shouldn't you be off peeling Paige|a grape or something? She doesn't like grapes.
|Actually, she's not back yet.
What are you doing? I'm making a vanquishing potion|for your evil twin.
- Or at least I'm trying to.
|- Maybe I can help.
No, I think you've done enough|already, thank you.
Look, I know you're mad at her and me|and you have every right to be.
I know.
But you know Paige.
She doesn't think it's fair for magic|to take away so much, without ever giving anything back.
- Yeah, but that still doesn't justify|- I know.
It doesn't.
She was going crazy.
She was overloaded.
She didn't wanna complain.
She didn't want you to have to feel|guilty for having lost your powers.
Just don't stay mad|at her too long, okay? It hurts her, Phoebe.
She looks up to you.
A lot more than you know.
- Really?|- Yeah.
I think you're missing one key|ingredient for this potion to work.
My blood.
After all, it's his too.
- Ouch, doesn't it hurt?|- No.
I only feel what Paige feels.
After all, I'm not real.
Although the more I come back,|the more I wish I was.
Phoebe, I thought about it, and I|just wanted to say that you're right Stop.
You apologized already.
|It's okay.
Okay, so we have the potion,|all we need is the demon.
Any idea who he'll go after next? - Kimoto Demon.
|- Kimoto Demon.
- I like the way you think.
|- Right back at you.
Looks like we're too late.
Actually, you're right on time.
- So glad you could make it.
|- Paige, throw the potion.
You wouldn't hurt me, would you? - Paige.
|- Give me that.
Paige didn't conjure me|to go away until it's time.
You can't resist me, remember? What's going on? Where am I? You're home, Paige.
"Use my blood," you said.
"It's his blood too," you said.
How was I to know|the potion wouldn't work? I thought you knew him.
No, I said I knew Paige.
|There's a difference.
What? Testicles? I thought you guys were like|three peas in a pod.
No, Paige is real, we're not.
|Remember? He's right.
She didn't make them|vulnerable.
She didn't want them to go.
Until it's time.
We have to find her|before midnight.
God knows what he'll do|to her by then.
He won't hurt her.
He loves her.
|That much I know.
- That's why she went with him.
|- But why is she staying? Why hasn't she orbed out of there?|She may want a lot of crazy things but she'd never|wanna be with a demon.
Don't count on it.
Paige has|a dark side like everybody else.
He's appealing to that.
|To what she secretly wants.
- And what is that?|- To be free, independent.
To be able to use her magic|without fear of consequence.
That's extremely seductive to her.
- And so are those pheromones I bet.
|- Especially when used by evil.
We gotta figure out a way|to vanquish this guy.
Yeah, but how?|She made him invincible.
Then why not make him real? Break our magical bond.
I'm sorry? It's what Paige would do|if she was here.
I mean, I know it's a wacky,|but it might work.
It would make him|vulnerable to a potion.
Guys, this is not Pinocchio.
|We can't just make things real.
You're not making things real.
|Just him.
And he's already halfway there|just by being conjured.
I know you can do it, Phoebe.
Thanks, Paige.
- Still, it doesn't help us to find her.
|- But maybe we can.
Or maybe Chris can,|like he did before.
Have you forgotten he's in jail? Not for long he's not.
Well, looks like I'm the last sister|standing now.
You, come on.
It's an exact duplicate.
Exactly as you know it.
Of course, given time, I can|re-create the entire house.
For you.
Well? What do you think? My head's still spinning.
It's hard for you to accept when good|things happen to you.
I know.
But this is everything you've|ever dreamed about, wanted.
Instead of fighting you,|the demons will bow down to your feet.
Instead of reining in your powers,|you can use them at will.
You're free unchallenged loved.
- Why, Vincent?|- You don't remember? The name of your first love.
|A boy who promised you the world.
Now you've got it.
- But, what about my?|- Your sisters.
They're a burden, aren't they? Forever forcing you to sacrifice|yourself, your needs for them.
You're right.
It's not fair.
No, it's not.
And unfortunately,|unless we do something, they'll try to stop us, won't they? We need to talk.
Hello, Leo, I knew you'd show|up sooner or later.
Darryl, Paige is in trouble.
A demon took her|and I need Chris to help find her.
I'm sorry.
I can't help you.
What is that supposed to mean? Exactly what it sounds like.
Look, I told the girls|and now I'm telling you.
I'm not doing any more.
|Forget it.
- Look, I understand|- No, hey! You don't understand.
It's over, Leo.
One of those beings|who erase memories allowed me to remember|what happened after last time.
I changed.
I saw the light.
This is your fight.
It's not mine.
Well, I am fighting to try|and save my sons.
All right, they are in trouble.
Wyatt might be in trouble too.
|You're a father.
I'm a cop! And all I know is All I'm supposed to know is,|Chris got caught stealing a car.
That's it.
Son or no son, he's busted.
Sooner or later they are gonna figure|out who he is and then what, huh? That's not my problem.
Excuse me.
- It took you long enough.
|- Not so loud.
- I'm getting you out of here.
|- Great.
- So Darryl's gonna cover?|- Forget about Darryl.
Come on.
We're just gonna orb out of here?|What about exposure? Right now I'm more worried|about them exposing you.
- Yeah, but|- Look, son, I'm not gonna let you hang here.
|Come on, you got an aunt to save.
Thanks, Dad.
- Does that mean it's done?|- Or overdone.
- I'm not so sure about this.
|- Well, why don't we try it out? - On me.
|- Are you kidding? It might kill you.
Well, then at least|you'd know I was real.
Look, if it works on me,|it's gonna work on him, right? Okay.
- How do you feel?|- Alive.
- What are you doing?|- Seeing how much I feel.
Ow! "Ow" is good, though, right?|"Ow" means you're I'm real! I can't believe it.
This is amazing.
You have no idea what|you've done for me, Phoebe.
I hope you didn't trick me|into doing that.
No, but I did help you realize you're|not as powerless as you thought.
- Chris, you're out!|- Yeah.
Thank God.
So how's that potion coming?|Did it work? - Perfectly.
|- Okay, great.
Chris has an idea|on how you can find Paige.
- Me?|- You're gonna have to sneak in.
And then once you're in, we'll bring you|the potion that makes the demon real.
And how exactly|am I gonna sneak in? - You're right on time.
|- My aim is to please.
- Where's Paige?|- Coming.
You know that she can't|be a part of this.
At least not directly.
- They are, after all, still her sisters.
|- I understand.
Paige, what are we doing here? You know how I've always|felt tied down? Well, I thought you'd like|to know how that feels.
Rope! What the hell are you doing? Paige.
Paige? Leo? Chris? I missed.
- It's just me, it's Phoebe.
|- Phoebe? Are you here to save me or kill me? I haven't decided yet, turn around.
Okay, is there a plan involved|in any of this? Well, there was until Chris and Leo|didn't respond to your call.
Something's wrong,|I can't sense her.
- I'm going back.
|- You can't.
Leo, she needs the potion,|all right? It's too dangerous.
|I'm not risking you too.
Phoebe will figure it out,|she always finds a way.
Let me see if I can get a clear shot.
And risk exposing the baby,|absolutely not.
This is what we'll do.
I am going|to go after the two on the right first.
- Okay, then what?|- Then go after the two on the left.
Oh, sure.
- Okay, ready?|- No.
- Go!|- No! Hey, not bad for a chick|who can't levitate.
- We're not done yet.
|- You said you didn't have the potion.
We don't need it.
All right, break it up, you two! Phoebe! I'm impressed.
- I underestimated you.
|- Really? Well, that means she did too, and I'm|not quite sure how I feel about that.
Blow him up.
You can't, I'm not real.
Remember? I'm betting on if Mr.
Right is real,|then so are you.
Just do it.
What are you wearing? - Dada.
|- Hey, slugger.
How's your Mommy doing?|Is she all right? As long as one of her sisters doesn't|try to kill her again, she'll be fine.
Well, now you know why|we didn't tell you about it.
I'm glad you did.
Otherwise,|I would be totally in the dark when Paige kidnapped me.
- Have you forgiven her yet?|- No, not to her face anyway.
But that's okay.
|She can suffer a little bit.
So, what's going on with Chris? The car salesman dropped|the charges.
He had a sudden loss of memory.
- Wouldn't testify.
Go figure.
|- Leo.
Magic was already exposed,|so I had to do something, right? - You know, you're a good father.
|- Yeah? Thanks.
I hope you say that again|in 23 years.
I wonder where we'll be then.
Me too.
- Hey, sweetie.
|- Hey, how you doing? How's the column? Did you finish? I did, just barely.
But at least Sad in San Jose|won't be so sad anymore.
See, you didn't need your powers|to give good advice.
Wait a second, you didn't get|your powers back, did you? No.
And I'm not in any|hurry to either.
I think we've both been relying on our|powers a bit too much, don't you? Oh, subtle, very subtle.
|That's what I like about you.
All the same, I'm not entirely sure|what I was thinking.
Well, you were thinking|that you needed a break.
And those needs came|from a real place, you just have to figure out a way|to honour them without using magic.
Got any advice for him? No, you're on your own|with that one.
- Good luck.
|- Thanks.
- Hey.
|- Hey.
You all set? To tell you the truth, I'm not sure.
I'm a little nervous.
Well, don't worry.
Leo will take good care of you.
He's the best.
And he's come and|gone from this world several times.
So have I.
Thanks to you.
Well, don't thank me just yet.
If you're anything like me, and I have|a sneaking suspicion that you are, you might get into a little|bit of trouble out there.
Well, if I'm anything like you,|I can handle it.
Right? Will I ever see you again? Only if you get in too much trouble.
Well - Take care.
|- Take care.

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