Charmed s08e05 Episode Script


Okay, three dead innocents,|three weeks, all near Memorial Hospital.
Yes, and one witch|is gonna vanquish a whole lot of - Nothing.
|- What? Nothing.
Look, all we|need you to do is surveillance, especially because|it's your first solo outing.
Oh, come on.
How can you vanquish a demon|until you know what you're up against? I'll bring extra potions.
You are going to go,|you're going to ID the demon, and then you're gonna come up|with a plan after that.
You know, I just have one question.
Are you guys really|this overly protective - or are you just afraid of letting go?|- What? I'm saying, there's gotta be|a reason you hold me back.
Or maybe you secretly|wanna be out there doing it yourself.
That's ridiculous.
First of all, I don't|wanna be fighting demons anymore, let alone teaching you|how to fight demons.
Why don't you loosen the leash|and let me show you what I can do? Because I'd really rather you not die.
Go get my car,|drive to the hospital, find out who's attacking|the innocents, okay? - We'll go from there.
|- Okay, you got it.
Billie, empty those pockets.
- What?|- Empty them, missy.
Back ones too.
You guys are so not fun.
Help me.
Somebody please help.
|My wife is having a kid - Buddy, what's wrong?|- I crashed my car.
My wife's pregnant,|she's pinned, I can't get her out.
- Where is she?|- She's down there.
Please help me.
Hey, where did you say she is? Gross.
Okay, come on, we need to get you|to a hospital.
Come on.
Oh, come on,|it's only for a few hours tomorrow, and you yourself said you haven't|been meeting any cute guys lately.
Okay, there are not gonna be|any cute guys there, because they're all desperate and|that's why they are doing speed dating.
That is not necessarily true.
Yeah? Then how come you're|so nervous about having it at the club? Hey, it wasn't my idea,|it was Dad's idea, as was bingo night.
I'm just trying to do|a little damage control.
Well, you cancelled that,|so cancel this.
I can't, it's too late.
Which is why I need your help.
Come on, I need to up|the babe quotient a little.
So you're pimping me out? What, do you wanna be homeless? Because that's what's gonna happen|if we lose our only source of income.
Thanks, Miss Guilt-Giver.
I will resort to whatever I have to.
Besides, you might actually|meet someone you like.
- Yeah.
|- Baby Tylenol? Top shelf.
How is he feeling? Well, the fever's going down.
|I'm gonna put him down early.
How's Wyatt? You know, doing better.
You know, I think he should stay|at your dad's another day or so, you know,|just to be on the safe side.
I think I like your other alias better.
Well, too bad.
Get used to it.
- Hey, can I borrow a suitcase?|- Closet.
So is Julie gonna be helping|with the speed dating? - Nope, I'm ovulating.
|- What? You know, eggs,|fertility, baby-making.
Yeah, I got it.
|I know what ovulating is, thank you.
Well, I'm supposed|to get pregnant by Dex, right? What better place to try than Napa.
I thought your premonition|was about you getting married to Dex? Well, one step at a time.
At least that's what|my star chart keeps saying.
- I gotta get to work.
|- Work? What happened to love? No time for that.
Destiny calls.
Is that what we've been reduced to? - Loveless sex, pimping?|- Yes.
- Billie!|- Yeah? Just the girl I was looking for.
|Are you, by any chance, single? - Why?|- Forget it, Piper.
She's not even old enough to drink.
So how did the surveillance go? The surveillance? Oh, it was fine.
|It was great.
It was totally fine.
Okay, did you ID the demon? You know, actually, I I'll get that.
Paige? - Hi.
|- Hi.
- Can I help you?|- Yeah, I think you can.
Agent Murphy, Homeland Security.
We need to talk.
It wasn't their fault, Antosis.
The witch surprised them.
They weren't prepared.
Except you told me|that they could handle surprises.
That's one of the reasons|why I brought you and your little pests here|in the first place.
Killing Good Samaritans, placing my mark|across entire neighbourhoods, and of course, the ever-present risk|of the unexpected.
For example, now.
- Now?|- Do I kill you? Or do I give you|and your toothy friends another shot|at helping me get that territory? Well, of course,|if I have a choice, I would rather You don't.
We've helped you get this far,|haven't we? Replacing us now|might set you back.
Open up the territory|to other demons.
What about your witch? She won't surprise us again.
She can't.
We'll be waiting for her next time.
I've been following you, Billie.
For a while now.
You have? Why? I think you know why.
If I knew why,|I wouldn't ask why, would I? - Cute.
|- Thanks.
It wasn't a compliment.
Look, I'm just trying to solve|a mystery here, Billie.
In the process, you know,|maybe save a few innocent lives.
But I'm gonna need your help|to do that.
I'm gonna need you to come clean about what it is|that brought you here, and what you know|about the Halliwell sisters.
Who? Call anytime.
Call soon.
- Who was that?|- Oh, that? That guy? Just a guy " from" Homeland Security.
|- What? What did he say? What did he want? Well, he said|that he's been following me.
- Why?|- I don't know.
He thinks I know something|about you guys.
Great, just great.
- Did he follow you to the hospital?|- What hospital? You didn't use your powers, did you? I had no choice.
|The imps were attacking an innocent.
- Imps?|- According to the "Book," imps are these gremlin-like creatures,|but way nastier.
I know what imps are.
If he saw her use magic,|we're screwed.
Why? He can't prove you're alive.
|You don't even look like you.
He must have known|you were connected somehow.
Otherwise he wouldn't be|following you, right? You shouldn't have sent her out.
She was just supposed|to go and ID the demon.
That's all I did.
|Look, imps have an imp master, so if we attack|the imp master, we can No, Billie, they're guns for hire.
- They can be working for any demon.
|- That's what I'm saying.
We get the imp master|so he can tell where they are.
- No, we're not gonna do anything.
|- But I think No buts.
She's right.
If they're watching you, they're|watching us.
We need to be careful.
Well, what are we supposed to do? We just act normally,|and live our lives, and hopefully|he'll go away sooner or later.
We'll go to P3 tomorrow|just like we planned and Great.
And you'll go to Napa with Dex.
- Well, I can't go now.
|- Why? He's gonna be here|in a few minutes.
Well, let's just say|I'm not in the mood anymore.
This ruse isn't really|working very well, is it? Well, maybe we need to give it|a little more time.
You guys, I'm so sorry.
It's okay, sweetie.
It's not your fault.
So much for happily ever after.
Come on, come on, come on.
There's gotta be some way|to fix this.
I could put Murphy to sleep.
No, no.
That won't work.
Well, maybe at least|this one will help Phoebe out.
- Dex.
|- Hey.
What's wrong? I'm so sorry.
Hear these words|Hear my rhyme Bless these two|In this time Bring them both into the fold|Help them now cross love's threshold Please believe me, this has nothing|to do with you, it's just - It's just what?|- Well - What are we waiting for?|- I don't know.
Let's go.
- Make a little more room here.
|- Hi, listen, top 40 only.
One power ballad and you'll|never DJ in this state again.
You, come here,|come here, come here.
Table eight, water spots on a glass.
|Please fix it, fix it, fix it.
Okay, okay.
Jeff, did you do|the final sound check? Yeah, I sure did.
Okay, you need to relax|just a little bit.
I'll have plenty of time to relax|when this thing tanks.
Why are you worried?|This is not gonna tank.
Because it's what I do best, okay? Dave, where are the mints?|We need mints on the table if we're gonna matchmake here.
|Thank you.
And people, help me out.
Okay, so listen.
Be nice.
And try not to blow anyone off|until at least the second round.
I'm here, aren't I? Okay.
All right, let them in.
You so owe me.
- I love you, Mrs.
|- Say it again.
I love it.
I have to carry my bride|across the threshold, don't I? Oh, what happened? Well, you dropped me,|that's what happened.
- Look, I'm sorry.
|- You should be sorry.
What? L - Why was I just carrying you?|- What are you wearing? What am I wearing? Did we just do|what I think we just did? You I just I need What did you do to me? Tell me, was your dad a thief? No, why? Because he stole the stars|and put them in your eyes.
Yo, if I could rearrange|the letters of the alphabet, U and I would be together.
- You look like you need a break.
|- Yeah, I'm just a little overwhelmed.
You wanna sit this session out? No.
No, actually,|it would be perfectly great if you stayed.
Well, my name's Whit.
Hello, Whit.
Hey, I'm Nick.
Hi, I'm married.
Yeah, I know, I read your bio, Jamie.
I work for "415 Magazine," and I came here to do a piece|on failing clubs, but apparently,|I'm in the wrong place.
- Oh, yeah?|- Yeah, yeah.
It seems you made|speed dating cool.
And that's news.
|So I'd like to figure out how you did it.
What do you say I interview you|around 6:00 tonight? Six? - Yeah, sure.
|- See you then.
Billie did what? So I said, "How much for the tool?" And I've been working|at Homes For Humanity ever since.
I think you might|just be too good to be true.
Sorry to interrupt.
I just got a call,|and we need to go home.
Yeah, well, now's not really|a great time.
But it's a family emergency.
Excuse me.
Okay, I thought|we were done with those.
Well, apparently not.
Well, you take this one, - I'll take the next.
|- Listen, Jo Look, I did you a favour|by letting you drag me here, now you do me a favour|by letting me stay.
- Fine, be that way.
|- Fine, I will.
Sorry about that.
Where were we? This is not little.
|You made him marry me.
- Hi.
|- Hi.
Dex, right? - Right.
|- I'm Julie Jamie, Julie's cousin.
Where's the lucky bride? You weren't supposed|to make him marry me.
I was supposed|to make him marry me.
Excuse me.
What's the problem|if the end result is the same? - Who are you?|- You weren't thinking about the rest of us.
- I was just trying to help.
|- How is this helping? Well, I didn't mean for you|to get married.
Well, you know what? I did.
And I cannot believe|that you used magic when we specifically told you not to.
I thought you just meant demon magic,|not innocent magic.
Oh, really? And this is innocent? Well, you look fabulous.
You know what, don't try to butter|me up with a compliment, missy.
Are you out of your mind?|What did you do now? - Okay, do I have to start again?|- I can't believe you did this.
With Agent Murphy|watching our every move? Skip down, I already|went through that with her.
I still don't know what I did|that was so bad.
This is what's bad.
Wow, that's huge.
Look, you guys,|I am so sorry, all right? I know I screwed up|with the imps and Which, actually,|I really don't think that I did.
And then I felt bad,|like I ruined your lives.
I just wanted to fix it, that's it.
- By getting them married?|- Well, no.
No, not exactly, but she was supposed|to get married anyways, right? - Yeah, but normally, not magically.
|- How do you know? How do you know it wasn't|supposed to happen like this? I mean, she foresaw it, right?|She knew it was gonna happen.
That is completely besides the point.
- I don't think so.
|- Well, I do.
And I'm older,|so what I think counts more.
Maybe she's right.
I mean, maybe this is how|it was supposed to happen.
How else would you explain Dex|and I getting married so quickly? I'm confused.
Are we mad at her or not? - We're not.
|- Yes, good.
Now, can I go back to looking|for the imp demon? - No.
|- No.
No? What about the next innocent? What we have learned|about this specific demon is if we don't get him, he's gonna|keep going after these people.
Billie, if we get exposed, we may never|be able to help an innocent again.
- Do you understand that?|- Yeah, but don't you think? She's right.
|You gotta pick your battles.
And right now,|this is not one of them.
- I'm a nurse, where is he?|- My son.
He's at the bottom|of the fire escape.
- He's not moving.
|- Call 911.
Where's your witch? Maybe we scared her off last time.
If she came once, she'll be back.
Witches can't help|but help other people.
It's their fatal flaw.
What are you gonna say to him? - I don't know, I'm just gonna wing it.
|- Wing it? He's married.
Don't you think|he's gonna wanna know why? He doesn't have to know|it was magic.
But still, what is he gonna think? Maybe that he got really drunk.
I mean, the point is it happened.
So that's what I have to focus him on.
|For his sake and mine.
Wait, Phoebe, hold it.
|Hang on a second, hang on.
You're really gonna|go through with this? - I don't have a choice.
|- Yeah, but, Phoebe, you I know that this|is not my Cinderella wedding.
Okay? But I also know|that everything happens for a reason.
So I have to just go with it.
Till death do you part? Yes! Man.
Oh, man.
Gee!|Oh, man, did you see that move? Can you believe|he held on to that thing? Hi, how's it going? Good, watching the game.
|Did you know Dex used to play? No, I didn't know that.
Just a little college ball,|nothing really.
Oh, come on, nothing really.
Honey, I gotta get back to the club.
Okay, well, I'll see you tonight.
Don't you wanna walk me|to the door? Sure.
Nice meeting you.
Aren't you even remotely surprised|that they're married? Not at all.
She had that premonition.
Yeah, okay.
Forget it.
Listen, try and give them|a little space, okay? - I have to go, I've got an interview.
|- An interview? Really? About what? About P3 and me or, you know,|the me they think I am.
It's still the same you,|at least on the inside.
You should be excited.
I am.
Bye, baby.
You changed.
Those things aren't very comfortable.
Do you even remember|how you got it? - No.
|- Yeah, me neither.
Look, Julie, I don't know|what's going on here, but if you wanna go down|to city hall and get this fixed - To get it annulled?|- Well, yeah.
Is that what you want? Look, I don't know what I want.
|This is really weird.
I mean, one minute we're off to Napa,|and the next minute we're Yeah, I know.
- I mean, it's weird for me too.
|- Yeah? Yeah.
Somehow you seem, like, okay with it.
I mean, the fact|that we just got married.
I mean, I'm not okay with it.
It's just Things happen to me in my life|and I've learned to accept them.
You know, I've had to.
This sort of thing|happens to you all the time? Well, no, not exactly this,|but, you know, other things have.
And it always turns out okay.
And I guess|I've just learned to trust that.
Even though you have no idea|how we got married? Well, I kind of feel like|that part's irrelevant.
I mean, really, whether|we remember it or not, it happened.
And I believe that everything|happens for a reason.
So I don't know, maybe we should|just see this through.
It's not like we don't care|about each other.
And I guess if things don't work out, we can just have it annulled|in the future, right? True.
It's crazy, you know.
Yeah, I know.
Okay, wait.
Maybe we should|slow this down a little.
You're right, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Why don't you tell me|a little more about yourself? Well, I Screw it.
God, you're beautiful, Jo.
What's the matter? - I can't do this.
|- Okay, okay.
Was it something I said? No, absolutely not.
It's not you.
I'm sorry.
Phoebe? - Are you in there? Phoebe? Phoebe?|- What? So I think I found out|who the imp master is working for.
No, no,|you don't understand.
I cross-referenced demons|that go after Good Samaritans, and ones|that typically recruit others.
- Came up with a high-level demon.
|- Billie Then I narrowed it down to one demon|named Antosis.
We need the power of three|to vanquish him, so I have a plan.
- Forget it.
|- What do you mean forget it? I mean forget it.
|We are not doing this.
- That was before I found the demon.
|- A power-of-three demon.
- So?|- So we can't take that risk.
But what about the greater good? And everything you taught me|what you guys were about? Okay, you know what, Billie, you have|to understand this is hard for us also.
We are not doing this, and we'll talk|more about it in the morning, okay? No, it's not okay.
Is everything all right? No, it's not all right.
- Hey.
|- What are you doing? Just sitting here thinking.
Yeah? Mind if I join you? No, of course not.
Pull up a pillow.
What's the matter? Oh, it's just been|a very interesting day.
Tell me about it.
What? I take it Dex didn't like|not being able to go away? Boy, are you behind in the news.
Oh, my gosh.
|He asked you to marry him? No, we're actually already married.
It's not what you think.
- Billie cast a spell.
|- She did what? I know, I know,|and we already yelled at her.
Besides, I actually don't think|she did anything wrong.
In fact, I think she's the only one|doing anything right around here.
If you're trying to confuse me,|you're doing a bang-up job.
Do you ever wonder that maybe we made a mistake|faking our own death? Funny you should ask,|I met this guy today and I kind of could have liked him.
That's great, Paige.
No, actually, it's not.
How am I ever supposed|to be with someone when they're not with|the real me? Yeah.
I keep asking myself|the same exact question.
Only it's not just about guys,|it's everything.
I mean, you know, who we used to be,|the whole "greater good" thing.
And I just worry|that the more we ignore it, the more we're just|not gonna be able to.
What are we gonna do? Thanks to Billie, we're gonna have|to come up with a plan pretty soon.
I'm sorry, what do you mean,|thanks to Billie? Yeah, she made me feel pretty guilty|about not helping her with this demon.
- And she was right.
|- Well, where is she? I don't know.
|She stormed out of here.
Maybe she went to her dorm.
No, she's probably after the demon.
- I'd really like to help you, Agent|- Murphy.
But I have an interview.
You know, if I showed|these photos to most people, more than likely,|they'd be shocked or repulsed.
- But not you.
|- I internalize a lot.
Or you're more used to seeing these|kind of victims than you let on.
Agent Murphy,|I just run a nightclub.
That's all.
Just like Piper used to, right? I've been watching you ever since|she and her sisters disappeared.
Don't you mean since they died? You tell me.
Look, I'm not the hard-ass|Agent Keyes was, all right? He left me behind because he didn't|believe the Halliwells were really dead.
Even though we both think you know|exactly what really happened.
The difference is,|I don't wanna bust you or them.
I just want help.
I need it.
For the past month,|people have been showing up dead for reasons|no one can really explain, but I think you and your cousins know|exactly who or what is responsible.
By what, you mean? You know exactly what I mean.
|Things beyond normal.
Powerful things like yourself.
Of course, like everything else, there are good things|and bad things.
But if you're not doing anything|to stop this, then, as far as I'm concerned,|you're on the wrong side.
And I don't know|how you could live with yourselves.
I'm sorry, but I really need to get this.
Billie has my number.
Here, get him to a hospital fast, okay?|Hurry up.
Like a moth to a flame.
Any sign of Billie? Well, just that she's in the area.
What do you mean,|she's in the area? She's moving around so much|it's hard getting a lock on her.
You know, we should upgrade|to her GPS scrying system.
Well, if she survives this,|we'll ask her how.
At least we know|what we're up against.
She left the "Book" open to the demon.
The problem is only the power-of-three|spell is going to vanquish him.
I don't understand why she'd go up|against a demon she can't vanquish.
I'll make sure to ask her that|if she's still alive.
I can't believe we're doing this again.
Well, Agent Murphy thinks|we never should have stopped.
Wait, does he know|who we really are? No, but he's getting warmer.
Guess who? - Looking for me, are you?|- Antosis.
I'm flattered.
And of course,|you've already met my friend.
- Or rather, his friends.
|- What do you want? You, alone and out of my way.
- No, wait.
|- Are you kidding me? - There's demons in the house.
|- But she said she has a plan.
I am curious.
What made you think|you could take me out all by yourself? I know I can't take you out.
|But I can take them out.
Only the Charmed Ones|can vanquish you.
Too bad they're dead.
Are they? Hear us now, the witches call|He who makes Samaritans fall We speak as one, the sisters three|And banish you to eternity No! No! - I wanna learn how to do that.
|- You know what? Are you crazy? Really?|You could have been killed.
I would've been if you guys|would've gotten home earlier.
I've been walking around outside|for like an hour.
You took a huge risk.
For all of us.
Thank you.
- Morning.
|- Morning.
What's the matter? I don't know, I guess the same thing|that's been bothering you guys.
What makes you think|something's bothering us? Thin walls.
You've been eavesdropping? Well, only from the bathroom.
Yeah, and the hallway,|but don't worry, I haven't been listening|to any, you know, funny stuff.
How long has this been going on? Since like the fourth or fifth grade.
- I'll fix it.
|- Basically, I don't think this whole thing|is working for any of us anymore.
I don't think it ever worked.
It helped you find a life|outside fighting demons.
Which is something we need|to keep trying to do.
Well, we've got Billie,|so that's gonna make it easier.
Yeah, but it doesn't solve|our bigger problem, which is how we're gonna|get out of this mess.
I am so tired of pretending|to be someone else.
I miss me.
Maybe that's what|your premonition was for.
Maybe you wouldn't have realized|if you hadn't married Dex.
Yeah, but I didn't marry Dex.
|Julie married Dex.
I think that's her point.
I think that's everyone's point.
|You want your old identities back.
Are we sure|we really wanna do this? - Positive.
|- Absolutely.
All right then.
You sure you can rework the spell? Oh, I already have.
I call upon the ancient powers|To unmask us now and in future hours Show us well and thoroughly|Reveal ourselves so the world can see Now, that's more like it.
It's good to be back,|although Dex is gonna freak out.
Everyone's gonna freak out,|because technically we're still dead.
How exactly|are we gonna explain this? Well, it's nice to know|they can't overhear everything.
Hi, how's it going? By any chance, is Agent Murphy in? Who should I say is asking? Oh, I don't know, girls,|maybe we should just surprise him.
- What the hell?|- What's the matter, Agent Murphy? You look like you just saw a ghost.
Leave us.
Keyes was right.
So were you.
Did you mean when you said|you just wanted our help? You weren't here to bust us? Wait, how'd you know I said that? Because you weren't talking|to Jamie Bennet.
You were talking to me.
We were all magically disguised.
Come on, don't look so surprised.
You yourself said|we were these powerful things.
Powerful witches, to be exact.
Who did exactly what you wanted.
Getting rid of that bad, bad demon who was hurting|those good Good Samaritans.
Demons? He seems awfully shocked for a guy that claims to know|about the supernatural.
You're right, maybe we should go.
No, no.
Look, it's just It's one thing to believe in this stuff,|but another to actually see it.
- Fair enough.
|- Okay, here's the deal.
You wanna know more|about who we are and what we do, we'll tell you.
And help you out|with a few cases along the way.
If you help us.
- And you don't get too greedy.
|- And if you protect our secret.
Or else what? What, is that some sort of threat? You don't wanna know.
What do you want me to do? I can't talk about|the specifics of the case the sisters were involved in, okay? All I can say is it involved|a threat to national security, and that our agency got involved|to protect them.
That's it.
What kind of threats? What kind of threats, sir?|What kind of threats? I already said|they were witness to a crime, an attempt was made on their lives.
We only falsified their deaths|in order to flush out the perpetrators.
All right? No more questions.
Up next, our local weather|is in for some big changes.
Plus, I'll take a trip to an area - Phoebe?|- Hi.
- Hi.
|- Can I come in? Yeah, sure.
I was just I mean, I can't believe|you're actually - Alive?|- Yeah.
It's crazy, huh? Yeah.
If you're looking for Julie,|she's not here.
Well, that's not entirely true.
Sorry? Look, Dex, I wish that there was an easier way|to explain this to you, to lessen the blow, but there isn't.
So I'm just gonna have to show you.
Show me what? Forgive me.
How do I look? Not bad,|considering you've been dead.
Well, I just hope this blows over|sooner rather than later.
Don't count on it.
|We're not that lucky.
All right, we can do this.
|We are back and better than ever.
I'll hold you to that.
There they are! Welcome back! We're back.

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