Charmed s08e17 Episode Script

Generation Hex

Oh, I can't find my keys.
Oh, that's okay.
Because it's only an hour or so|before I leave for my honeymoon.
Sorry, Mrs.
Oh, no, no, no.
|I'm keeping my own last name.
Really? You're not even gonna|hyphenate it? Matthews-Mitchell?|I'm thinking it sounds like a law firm.
- Yeah.
|- Yeah.
So how's Cupid? You mean Coop?|He's fine, but don't ask.
What? I thought you said|he was cute.
He is cute,|but he's also a magical pain in the - Wow, look at this spread.
|- It is something.
Oh, it's nothing.
It's just kind of|to wish Paige bon voyage.
It has been like this all week.
Besides, it's nice having|company again, you know, considering everybody in my life|is moving on or moving out.
I'm thinking she means us.
Waffle, sweetie? When will you rescue me from this? - Christy.
|- Hey.
- No telepathy at the table.
|- Sorry.
Have you guys checked into|these rumours about students being attacked|at Magic School? - If you need any help, I can stay.
|- Paige.
I'm just saying.
I am just a jingle away|if you need me.
I'll be in Bora Bora,|which is two hours behind, so don't wake me unless you have to.
But it's okay if you have to.
|It's okay.
All right, stop it.
It's time for gifts.
Oh, yeah.
Happy honeymoon|from all of us.
There's nothing in here.
Exactly, nothing.
As in no demons.
And no warlocks, no complications.
A honeymoon that is completely|free of distractions.
Except Henry.
And before you say anything,|don't worry.
Phoebe, Billie and I have things|completely under control.
You know,|Christy's doing just fine too.
- You think?|- Oh, yeah.
Are you kidding? All the progress you've made.
What are you doing here? Your purpose is to lure your sister|away from the Charmed Ones, not become enmeshed yourself.
I don't need you|to tell me how to do my job.
Now go.
You're practically one of us.
Are you sure you need this much stuff|for Tahiti? Well, you know, it's kind of more|for me staying over at Henry's forever.
Well, I hope he's got a big closet.
Although that does leave more room|for your stuff.
Oh, I don't have any stuff.
You will have stuff.
|Every girl needs stuff.
We've got tons.
|You can have some of ours.
You gotta wear something.
I guess I'd better go.
|Don't wanna miss my honeymoon.
Are you sure you're gonna be okay|without me? Well, we won't know|until you're gone.
I'm just kidding.
Look, go.
Have a good time.
|Don't worry.
I'll go.
I'll have fun.
|I'll wear my sun block.
Bye, guys.
- She's gonna drive Henry crazy.
|- Yeah.
Oh, excuse me.
Are you okay? Yeah.
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
I just kind of feel like, you know,|that that should be us.
Yeah, moving out|and finding our own place.
What? Why? This place is great.
|We have the "Book of Shadows," - we have potion ingredients|- And Piper.
Look, she's great, okay? Really.
But part of me feels like|she's using us.
And I'm gonna explode|if she feeds me any more food.
- She's just trying to help.
|- I know, but she's not our mom.
Speaking of which,|Mom and Dad are in town right now.
They want to see you.
|They've already come out here twice.
- Billie.
|- Come on.
Can't you just, like,|meet them for lunch today? Their plane leaves tonight.
|Start to get to know them.
- I can't.
|- Why not? Because I'm still angry at them.
I know it doesn't|make any sense, but A part of me feels like|they abandoned me.
I'm just not ready|to see them right now, okay? Little guy is hungry.
|Hey, how about lunch? I can't, I'm meeting my parents.
Oh, okay.
|Christy, what about you? I swear to God,|I think she's trying to kill me.
It's like death by dinner.
Do you know how hard it is to smile|when you're nauseous? Then leave.
|And take your sister with you.
It's not that simple.
I have to draw Billie out|without her knowing it.
Or letting yourself be drawn in.
And the longer you take, the greater the chance you'll be|distracted from our ultimate goal.
That's not gonna happen.
|Piper's mothering will see to that.
The shoe's on the other foot now,|isn't it? - How does it feel, witch?|- What the hell is going on? No one is to be here.
Back off, old man.
I am Candor, a Triad, and I will not be disparaged|by the likes of you.
- Stop him.
|- Let him go.
Don't you know we're trying|to change the world here? Your witch is nothing|compared to that.
That witch spent a year torturing us.
We deserve our revenge.
And you shall have it.
But not here and not now.
Now, then, back to your sister.
Why wouldn't she want to see us? I just don't understand.
I know, Mom.
You know,|she's just been through a lot.
Well, it's obvious to me|she still blames us.
Then why can't she talk to us|and tell us that, then? Wait.
|Billie, is she still hearing voices? No, no.
But you know, Piper was just saying|how much progress she's made.
I don't know.
|When it comes to you guys, there's just something|holding her back.
You think there's a chance she might get over that something|by tonight? You can tell her we'll meet her|anywhere for however long.
I just I would just talk to her on the phone.
We just want some kind of contact.
I know, I know.
|And I've tried talking to her.
Let me just see what I can do.
Thank you, honey.
You're welcome.
Billie, look.
I need you|to tell Christy something for me, okay? Tell her we love her, we do, but that I won't keep|putting your mother through this.
I can't.
If she won't see us now, we're not flying out here again.
- Oh, no, not you again.
|- Yeah, me again.
Can't run from love, Phoebe.
|You know that.
Oh, does it look like I'm running? Because I'm not running,|I'm walking.
All right, so answer me this: When was the last time|you had a date? I have dates all the time,|thank you very much.
Come on.
I mean a real date.
You know,|one that takes your breath away, where it's the first thing|you think about - when you wake up in the morning.
|- Actually, it hasn't been that long.
Yeah? How long? Well, it's Okay, you know what?|Maybe it has, but so what? Because it's not natural.
Especially not for you.
I mean, you're all about love.
|You always have been.
Only now you're resisting|and don't even realise it.
You just have it all figured out.
It's my job.
It's what I do.
You know,|it's not your fault, Phoebe.
You made a lot of sacrifices|for the greater good and they've taken their toll.
But that's why the Elders|sent me to help.
Okay, what is that? - What are you doing?|- I'm not doing anything.
It's what you're doing.
|It's coming from your heart.
Have some kind of an energy field|on you, a block.
It's preventing you|from even being open to love.
- Well, any idea what's causing it?|- No, I didn't even know I had it.
Well, all the more reason|to get going.
Get going where?|Where are we going? Gonna figure out|what's causing the block.
Ready? Well, it's that time of year again.
The historic Golden Gate Bridge|is getting a makeover.
- And if it seems like only yesterday|- Are we in the past? We don't want to disrupt him.
|It could change the future.
With its signature red-orange paint - Can I come in?|- Yeah, sure.
Oh, if you're looking for Julie,|she's not here.
Well, that's not entirely true.
Sorry? I wish that there was an easy way|to explain this to you, to lessen the blow, but there isn't.
So I'm just gonna show you.
Show me what? Forgive me.
I guess mortals and magic|don't always mix, huh? Gee, you think? I mean, still,|it's just one little incident.
Not enough to cause a block|like the one you have.
Oh, believe me,|this is just the latest one.
There are many, many more.
Really? Show me.
- Oh, hey, look at you.
|- Yeah, look at me.
Oh, that dress looks great.
No, it doesn't.
It's Piper's, she altered it for me.
- That's so sweet.
|- No, it's not sweet.
I mean, okay.
Yeah, it's sweet, but it's just weird, you know? I mean, we're not her sisters.
|You and I are sisters.
Oh, she's just overcompensating,|you know.
It's that whole empty-nest thing.
Besides, Mom and Dad|would really like to see you in it.
- Again with Mom and Dad?|- Yes, and you know why? Dad said if you don't see them tonight,|they're not coming back.
From what you said, Billie,|that sounds like Dad being Dad.
No, it's not.
Look, they don't know|what's going on with you.
Neither do I.
But, Billie, I told you|what was going on with me.
Yeah, but you keep talking about|this whole family-bond thing.
Without our parents,|we're only half of what we should be.
Doesn't she look great? All right, already.
We need to see Leo.
- Hello.
Who are you?|- Leo's students from Magic School.
Demons are trying to kill us.
Oh, okay.
Well, take it easy.
|Let's go this way.
Easy, easy.
Oh, easy.
Maybe we should call Paige|so she can heal him.
No, I'm fine.
You're not fine, Ryan.
|They nearly killed you.
- Who's "they"?|- The Noxon demons.
- Leo knows all about them.
|- Okay, well, humour me for a second.
He trapped them in Magic School so he could use them|for our Advanced Combat class.
- Didn't he tell you?|- You are Piper Halliwell, aren't you? Well, yeah, of course I am.
But you know, he didn't|He doesn't always tell me everything.
Okay, why are they after you? To get even with us.
|With the whole class.
Somehow, they got out|and now they're hunting us down.
By hunting, you mean? There were five of us in the class.
- But only Jen and I are left.
|- Barely.
Leo said if we ever ran into trouble|to come here.
So where is he? Well, he's not here right now and he probably won't be home|for some time.
Can't you call him? He doesn't have|his cell phone on him.
But you know what? That's okay.
I can handle this.
|Don't panic, don't worry.
Why don't you and Christy|go check the "Book.
" Okay.
But you don't understand.
They can't be vanquished.
|At least not permanently.
What does that mean?|What do you mean by that, exactly? Other demons experimented on them,|made them unvanquishable.
That's why Leo wanted them.
|So he could keep practising on them.
- Let's get out of here.
|- Wait.
You can't go anywhere,|you can barely walk.
Look, if we don't keep moving,|we're dead.
Leo was the only one who knew|how to stop them and he's not here.
Okay, well, what am I, chopped liver? Listen, Leo is my husband|and if he sent you here for help, then help is what you're gonna get.
Christy, come on,|Piper and those kids need help.
I just I can't be near any more|demons anymore, okay? Not after everything|I've been through.
Okay, I understand, but they're not after you,|so you don't have to worry.
Nothing is gonna happen to you,|I promise.
You said that last time.
Well, I know, but this time I mean it.
Look, Christy, you can|use your powers to help people now.
We can do it together.
|It's a great thing.
It can make up for a lot of bad stuff.
Now, can we just go back out there|and help Piper, please? I can't.
Because then we'll miss|Mom and Dad.
- What?|- You said they were leaving, right? We don't wanna miss them.
Piper can take care of them.
|Come on, let's go.
- It's not as bad as it seems.
|- No? The Triad sent us off|like a pair of low-level demons.
We are low-level demons.
He made us lose the witch, stood between us and revenge.
Still, we will make them pay.
Rondok, that was a Triad.
If we anger him again|he won't just banish us, he'll send us to a fate|worse than death.
Have you forgotten how we've been|made to suffer already, brother? Trapped, used, hammered with spells, splattered with potions,|vanquished over and over without a care for the humiliation|we had to endure.
No one could forget that.
We only have two witches left to catch|and make suffer.
We will find them.
We must.
Now where are we? This is your past.
|I'm just following your heart.
I've been looking all over for you.
- Nice.
|- Yeah.
You went back too far.
|This isn't my past, this is my past life.
Still, your past life|can inform your present one.
All right? This can be telling.
Oh, this is very, very telling.
Why must you tease me, Anton? Oh, that was very intimate.
Why didn't that one work out? My sisters had to vanquish him|because he was a demon.
Yeah, that would ruin a relationship.
That was the only demon|you dated, though, wasn't it? Hardly.
I couldn't think of a better day to die.
I also helped you find love, didn't I? Come on, I did, didn't I?|I did, sure I did.
- You did.
|- Close one.
If that doesn't get me into heaven,|I don't know what will.
- You liked him, didn't you?|- Yeah.
Too bad he only had a year to live|and this was his last day.
Yeah, that is too bad.
I guess I fell for the right guy|this time.
Alas, pumpkin time.
I don't need you|watching my messy demise.
Think of me when you dance.
I'll miss you.
I think I'm beginning to understand.
Well, you know, love wouldn't be love|without a few heartbreaks.
It's like a mating dance, you know? Helps you find|what you're looking for.
Yeah, but I've had more|than just a few heartbreaks.
I mean, it's been like this|for the last seven and a half years.
I'm just I'm tired of it.
Oh, come on.
|It couldn't have been that bad.
You must have had some successes|over that time, right? What was the longest relationship|you ever had? Cole.
Okay, so the next time|the Noxons attack, we'll be ready for them.
What about the whole|"unvanquishable" thing? You know, Magic School rules|don't always apply to the outside world.
It's kind of like Vegas.
Listen, really, if Leo was concerned, he would have|mentioned something to me before.
- Are you sure? Because|- Positive.
Just When they show up,|just stand back and watch out.
- You sure you don't want us to help?|- We can, you know.
Leo taught us Yeah, but that was school.
|And this is kind of real.
So, you know, look, you came here for protection,|so let me protect you.
Okay? That's that.
Get down.
He's coming back! Okay, so I may have underestimated|this unvanquishable stuff just a little bit.
Hey, there they are.
|What if I'm not what they expect? What if I'm not what they want? - Tell them I got sick.
|- No.
Billie You were held captive by demons|for 15 years.
You can handle 15 minutes|with Mom and Dad.
Come on.
I am so glad to see you.
Yeah, you too.
Oh, thank God.
Okay, come sit.
I just wanna look at you|for a minute.
You're so beautiful.
Really, you'd never know|anything ever happened.
Well, so how are you feeling? Okay? Yeah, I'm okay.
Yeah? Billie's taking good care of me.
Well, yes, and the sisters.
I'm not surprised.
|You two were always so close.
Oh, it's Piper.
Sorry, I gotta take this.
Don't leave me here.
Relax, you're doing fine.
- Hello?|- Billie? I need you.
Piper, I can't really talk right now.
I'm in the middle|of something important.
I know, and I'm really sorry,|but the Noxons just attacked here.
- And?|- Honestly? I have no idea|how to vanquish them.
Okay, I'm coming over.
You guys, I'm sorry.
|I really have to go.
Piper needs me.
- Is everything all right?|- Yeah, just one of many crises.
All right, I'll meet you guys|back at the hotel, okay? I hate you.
So Can I ask you a question? Of course you can, honey.
You can ask us anything.
How hard did you look for me? Oh, baby.
We tried everything|we could think of, honey.
We tracked down|every lead we could find.
But even with all that,|you were just You were someplace we couldn't go.
That's why this is such a miracle.
Yeah, it is.
What are you doing? Leave me alone.
Christy, are you all right? Do not go down this path.
Show yourself.
- How dare you interrupt me.
|- You gave me no choice.
Every step you take|toward your mortal family is a step away|from our ultimate goal.
I had to come see them.
Otherwise Billie|would've gotten suspicious.
But they're swaying you|and you know it.
Don't make me take matters|into my own hands.
Don't you threaten me.
You don't have the power|to destroy me, and you won't either,|until you're free of the ties that bind.
- Christy.
|- Baby.
What happened? What can I say? Desperate times|call for desperate measures.
Look, Leo's just seriously indisposed|at the moment.
We can't call him,|we can't ask him anything.
Then what do we do? We batten down the hatches|with the crystals - and come up with a new plan.
|- And us? You guys stay up here where|you're protected, I'll deal with the rest.
We could help.
Leo would want us Look, Leo is gone, okay?|I'm all you got.
Deal with it.
I do.
Hey, listen.
I gotta get back,|so, what's the plan? I know.
Here, take a crystal,|we're covering the house.
- That's it?|- Yes.
Apparently, Leo is the only one who knew how to vanquish|these demons and he didn't leave me instructions.
Well, maybe we should call Paige|and Phoebe.
No, Paige hasn't even|been on her honeymoon 24 hours yet.
I already called Phoebe.
|She's not answering.
- That's not good.
|- No, she's fine.
She's with Cupid.
Only God knows what they're doing.
So where's this? Where Cole and I first met.
- Cole.
|- Hi.
How's it going? The cute meet.
Yeah, he was just setting me up.
Wow, is this embarrassing.
L It's okay, I'm okay.
- Nice calf.
|- Oh, thanks.
- Can I have it back?|- Sure.
Still, I can tell|you were attracted to him.
And him to you.
Just another demon.
Come on, he couldn't have been just|another demon.
You married the guy.
You had to have at least loved him.
I did.
So, what happened? Same thing that always happens.
Phoebe, are you crazy?|Throw it before he shimmers out.
There, go.
She's not gonna throw it, are you? Throw the potion.
We've been through|so much together.
Haven't we? Our love's so strong,|nothing can destroy it.
Not even this.
We're meant to be together.
I don't think so.
No! No! Seen enough? To understand the block, yeah.
But now I need to show you|why they say that it's better to have loved and lost|than to have never have loved at all.
I just knew something terrible like this|was going to happen.
Well, you know, I don't think Leo knew|the demons would escape.
I feel like there was so much|about his life that I didn't know.
His past life, this life.
|And it's bad enough - my kids don't have a dad to play with.
|- It's gonna be okay.
Come on, you have powers,|I have powers, the boys are safe.
We can handle this, don't worry.
Oh, don't worry.
It's virgin.
Paige, what are you doing here? You know, I just had some time|in my spa schedule and I thought I'd kind of come by|and check on things because I missed you guys|a little bit, maybe.
Why are there crystals|kind of all around? Crystals? You know, it's nothing.
It's just to|make sure we don't have any trouble.
Are you expecting trouble? - Nope, not at all.
|- No.
No, it's just precaution, you know,|while you're on your honeymoon.
- Hey, how's that going?|- It's fantastic.
Good, good, good.
|You should get back to it.
- Go, you know.
Go see your husband.
|- Golly.
"Husband," that sounds weird.
|You're right.
Bye, guys.
Back to our demons.
I know we can do this, Pator.
Just like I knew the students|would lead us to Leo.
But to go back so soon His wife's a Charmed One, and the vanquishes are excruciating.
Still, even she can't make them last,|otherwise she would have.
Attacking again|is the only way to draw Leo out for our ultimate revenge.
Unfortunately, it is a revenge|beyond your reach.
You don't have the power to destroy|a Charmed One.
Not without my help.
So now you're willing to help us.
If you first help me|remove a small obstacle to my goals.
One that even you can handle,|I assure you.
Then we'll all get what we want.
Interested? - You all right?|- Yeah.
I figure if we can't vanquish them, might as well give them something|to think about.
Unless maybe you found something.
No, just Magic School memos,|course studies, field trips Leo was planning.
I guess I should have asked him|how his day was more often.
Well, you guys had busy lives.
Yeah, but at least|if we had talked a bit more, I might be closer to finding|a solution for this.
- We've got a solution.
|- To what? Vanquishing the Noxons|once and for all.
We use the astral plane.
- Wait, the astral what?|- Astral plane.
According to Leo,|in the astral plane, time stops.
Which means anyone transported|there can't move forward in time.
What does that have to do|with the Noxons? If we vanquish them|and send them to the astral plane before they can regenerate,|they'll be trapped there forever.
In perpetual vanquish.
Okay, but we can't even|get close enough to them to send them anywhere.
We could if they were distracted.
- By what?|- By what they've been after.
You guys want to|use yourselves as bait? Leo always said|to use our powers for good.
Well, we want to use them|to stop these demons.
Look, I understand the enthusiasm,|really, I do.
- But I can't risk it.
|- Why not? We're willing to take the risk.
I don't think Leo|would want you to do that.
- I think he would.
|- You don't know that.
And you do? You know what?|I don't want to do this anymore.
- Wait, there's something else.
|- What? The way all your relationships|have ended, I'm surprised your block's|not as big as a house.
That's what|I'm talking about, thank you.
Well, what about|the way they all started? - What?|- Oh, come on.
The way that love begins.
You know, when your eyes meet|from across the room for the first time and you see each other.
|Everything is just right.
You know, there's that moment,|there's the spark.
I have no idea|what you're talking about.
Yeah, I know, that's my point.
With everything|that's happened to you, that is what you've forgotten.
And that is what|you need to remember.
You are looking at 6 pounds,|8 ounces.
- How old is he?|- Three weeks today.
You look pretty good for a woman|who had a baby three weeks ago.
Jason Dean.
The spark.
You've got me, Jason Dean.
|I'm yours.
Remember that one? I better call you back.
I hope it's okay.
|I just wanted to get started.
- Leslie?|- Surprise.
You can call me Les.
Oh, not again.
Okay, enough, enough.
Don't you see? Phoebe, it's about the way|love begins.
When it's uncensored, unmatched.
|When it's pure.
And that's what you need|to believe in.
- Is it gone?|- Oh, yeah.
You're ready.
- For what?|- To begin again.
Well, it looks like you've|done a lot for yourself, huh, Dad? Yeah, but I would have traded it all|for you in a second.
Know that, honey.
I know.
Well, I better go down|and settle the bill.
I'll be right back.
Oh, I just don't want this to end.
You know, maybe next time, you|and Billie can come back home, huh? Yeah, maybe.
There's just a few things|we have to deal with first.
But it would be nice.
Honey, are you sure|everything's okay? After what happened|in the park, I'm Yeah, everything is fine.
There's just some things|that I have to shake from my past.
But I will.
Yes, you will.
- Hello?|- Christy, it's Piper.
Billie needs you right away.
- Why, what's wrong?|- I'll explain when you get here.
Is everything okay? I don't know.
I gotta go.
- Christy|- I gotta go.
Wait I love you.
Leo, what am I supposed to do? I can't let these kids risk their lives,|but I'm running out of options.
And if I do let them do this, how am I supposed to know|if it's gonna work anyway? Let them try.
Daddy would.
Okay, we do it your way.
I got it.
I got it.
- Billie, are you okay?|- Yeah, what are you doing here? Piper called me.
|You said that you needed me.
- No, I didn't.
|- Yeah, you did.
You called me on the phone,|you told me that you Christy, what's going on? Oh, my God.
Mom and Dad.
|Come on, let's go.
Okay, we're all set.
Mom, Dad.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
Who would do? Who did this? Who would do something like this? - Billie, come on.
|- No.
Billie, we gotta get out of here.
Billie, come on.
Come on, come on.
We have to do something,|we have to call the police.
No, you have to go to your dorm|and wait for me.
- What?|- Listen to me.
The manor is being targeted|by demons, and I can't risk losing you too.
- But I|- No.
I know what I'm talking about, okay?|Trust me.
- Just go.
|- But where are you gonna go? I'm gonna figure out who did this.
- Let it go, brother.
|- I can't.
Why not? We served the Triad.
When evil reclaims the world,|we'll be rewarded.
Then let the reward be|killing Leo and his students now.
It's over.
- The Triad|- Forget the Triad.
How can you just walk away? Because it's the only thing to do.
Maybe for you|but I will have my revenge.
You guys are sure|you're ready for this? - We won't know until we try.
|- Leo taught us well.
Here's hoping.
Let's do this.
There he is! - Now!|- Demon of fire, demon of pain We banish you to the astral plane No! - Piper.
|- Are you okay? Oh, yeah.
I've been worse,|I've been worse.
It's all right.
Guess that was a pretty good plan|after all.
Yeah? You think so? I do.
I think Leo would too.
All right.
Oh, jeez.
Okay, since when does healing hurt? Since you lied to me.
Well, because I did, you had a demon-free honeymoon|for at least one day.
Thank you.
But even still,|you should not have done that alone.
I wasn't alone.
I had Billie, and I had some students|that weren't too shabby and I had Leo.
- I'm sorry, did you just say Leo?|- It's a long story.
Henry's off scuba diving, you know.
|He's got a full tank of oxygen.
I've got time.
It's nothing, really.
|I just felt his presence a little, that's all.
It's nothing.
Hey, found your keys.
Actually, that's not all I found.
Let me guess: Cupid's arrow.
Sort of.
Hey, what happened in here? Why are you back?|What did I miss? Piper didn't call me.
It was you, wasn't it? I did what was necessary.
They were my parents! They were distracting you|from taking the final step.
Now, thanks to me,|they no longer are.
Bastard! Congratulations.
You just passed the final test.

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