Chicago Med (2015) s10e11 Episode Script
In the Trenches: Part II
- Gas explosion.
- 50 to 60 victims.
Keep it moving, people!
We gotta keep this area clear
for the first responders!
- I can't die yet.
- Not like this.
Are you looking for someone?
Whoever torched that server room
is responsible for this whole disaster.
You guys are lucky
you had those respirators on.
We've got two armed suspects
in CCT jumpsuits
in the subbasement.
- Shots fired.
- Sergeant Platt's been hit.
You see a guy in a jumpsuit?
Hey, where's Kidd?
The tunnel just
the whole thing just collapsed.
Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?
Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?
- Give me space, people.
- What do we got?
A lot of free fluid in the belly.
- She's hemorrhaging.
- We need more blood.
Get a second transfuser going
and a chest tray for a thoracotomy.
We got one hole here, right shoulder.
Another through the belly button.
You want me to open up the Hybrid OR?
Won't make a difference if we can't
get her heart beating again.
Push another milligram of epi.
Thank you.
Still asystole.
We gotta get this under control.
Give me a scalpel.
Trudy, can you hear me?
I'm right here, baby.
You just hang in there.
Mouch, man, we need some space.
I got you.
Randall, why don't you come with me?
Let's give the doctors some space.
Oh, yeah.
Must have been another gas pipe.
OK, go grab some cribbing and air bags.
Ah! Ah!
- Just stay calm, Jordan.
- It'll be OK.
I don't want to die.
That's not gonna happen.
Done three tours of duty
in theater, Officer.
Haven't lost a man yet.
Come on, let's get a monitor
over here right now!
One second!
Hey, hey, what did I say
about staying put?
I heard someone got their legs crushed?
That's what we're working on now, yeah.
Before my mom's dot disappeared,
it seemed like she was moving this way.
Ellie, your mom is not
in the rubble, I swear, OK?
But if you don't get out of the way,
I have to stick you on an ambo, OK?
Here's the last footage we have of him.
He's not responding to his radio.
Those don't always work in the tunnels.
Adam's gonna be fine.
- I know it.
- You're right.
He and Kidd both.
We just got to keep the faith.
It's gonna cave in on us.
- Hey.
Is everybody OK?
Everyone all right?
- You good?
- Hey.
You all right?
Yeah, think so.
Just banged my head on the window
when everything came down.
You the man that captains this ship?
I am. Name's Cory.
Cory, I'm Lieutenant Kidd,
CFD, Firehouse 51.
Is there a first aid kit on board?
Yeah, let me see if I can find it.
All right.
- 5021 IDA.
Squad, do you copy?
I already tried every channel.
It's not working.
5021 IDA area central.
Do you copy?
Does anyone got ears on?
Can someone give us a hand?
My arm is stuck!
Please, help me to get up.
I'm afraid I'm hurting her.
- What's going on?
- You got him?
- Ah!
Get the chair.
Oh, Esme, I am so sorry.
- It's OK, Mr. Cy.
- It's not your fault.
OK, I'm gonna lift you on three.
One, two, three.
- OK.
- OK.
I've seen something like that in
one of my mom's medical journals.
It looks like both the radius
and ulna are fractured.
Becca, stop showing off.
No, she's right.
All right, good thing is,
I can just pop that right back
into place for you.
How's that sound?
OK, all right, does anybody have
any painkillers of any kind?
Aspirin? Tylenol?
Something stronger?
I have a couple ibuprofen in my bag.
I've got some Valium.
Yeah. Thank you.
Good. Pop that open and give me one.
Here you go.
All right.
And then we'll just give it
a second to kick in.
[SIGHING] Let's just
get this over with, OK?
All right.
Ruzek, will you hold
her shoulder steady?
And then I'm gonna pull on her arm.
All right, Esme, on the count of three,
I want you to take a deep breath in.
One, two, three.
You did great. You did great.
All right, now I need something
for some kind of splint.
- I'll, uh
- I'll figure that out.
I'm gonna keep trying to get a signal.
All right.
Coming in.
Still nothing.
Why isn't more blood transfusing?
We've already got two lines going.
- Then hook up a third.
- OK.
One second, Trini.
At this rate, even if
we can get her to the OR,
she's bleeding too fast
to ever make it out of surgery.
So maybe instead of pushing
more and more blood in,
we should be thinking
about taking it all out.
If we can quickly
cool her body down below 50,
it might let us hit pause,
give you enough time to go in
and and patch the holes.
OK, everyone, listen up.
Stop MTP, and switch her resuscitation
to saline, cold saline.
Let's ready bypass
and call the perfusion team.
We're gonna try to freeze her.
OK, Jordan, these fine gentlemen tell me
they'll be ready to go
in a few seconds, OK?
Now, things are gonna move quickly
once we get this off you.
So is there anything we should
know about your health before we start?
I've been dealing with
some nephritis lately.
My doctor has me on dialysis.
And, uh, when is your next session?
I'm not sure, but
my last one was two days ago.
OK, stop, stop, stop, stop.
OK, all right. Hold on.
All right, guys.
All right, we need to rethink this.
The crush injury is gonna
cause a wave of potassium
to be released into his blood.
And combined with his kidney disease,
it could lead to a dangerous arrhythmia.
Meaning you move that slab,
and his heart's gonna stop.
Yeah, we can't take that chance.
OK, Jordan.
Listen to me now.
You probably don't want to hear this,
but we have no other option
but to amputate your legs.
[CRYING] Both of them?
I'm sorry, soldier.
I wish this wasn't necessary.
I really do.
OK, I'm gonna need
100 milligrams of ketamine,
a couple of tourniquets, and a saw.
- All right.
- Go, go.
- Nothing?
- No, nothing yet.
All right, come on now.
Adam, are you OK?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just really happy
to hear your voice.
What happened?
I don't know.
I chased the offender down here.
And I thought he hopped on
this stalled subway train,
and it was like the whole
tunnel collapsed on top of us.
I'm gonna put you on speaker.
Guys, it's it's it's Ruzek.
OK, you're on speaker.
Hey, buddy.
Where are you? You on the train?
Yeah, yeah.
Stella, is she all right?
Yeah, she's she's all right.
Kidd's with me. We've got some injuries.
She's tending to them now.
How many civilians you got down there?
I'd say 30, 40.
You guys got a plan
to get us out of here?
We're working on it.
Get us a proper headcount
when you got a chance.
Well, don't worry about getting
to the party too early, all right?
Just hang in there!
Kim, you still there?
Yeah. It's me.
It's me alone. What's up?
I think the offender that shot Trudy
is still on the train.
Did you ID him?
No, I never got a good look,
but there's about
five, six guys down here
that match the build.
All right, we're digging into it.
And listen, we're gonna be
down there soon, OK, Adam?
Adam? Adam?
Oh, what the hell?
Oh, guys, you got to back up.
- I was waiting first.
- I need you to step back.
I need to call my daughter.
Guys, everyone off your phones.
You just made my call drop.
You got to turn off your phones.
We need to preserve all of
the bandwidth we can find.
- Do you understand?
- That doesn't work for me.
I'm sorry.
I need you to get out of my way.
You have that backwards, my man.
Now step back.
Everybody, please.
Come on.
Listen, our rescue is contingent
on us being able to maintain contact
with emergency services.
So I'm gonna have to ask you
to power your phones down
so that we can keep this channel open.
I'm gonna contact each and
every one of your loved ones,
keep them appraised of
what's going on, all right?
- Thank you for understanding.
- Thank you.
- Hey, Cory.
- Yeah?
It would be real helpful
if you could gather
everyone's information.
Of course.
Hey, uh, start with the men, yeah?
OK, body temp's down to 65.
More ice and another 200 CCs of saline.
- Sharon!
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
What else was I supposed to do?
When I called to give you an update,
I didn't intend it to mean
that you should come in.
Well, I was planning on
coming back next week anyway.
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
I-I'm fine. How's Sergeant Platt?
Sorry I haven't been able
to update you till now.
As you've probably noticed,
things have been moving quickly.
All this ice? What's going on?
We were unable to restart
your wife's heart upon intake.
The ice is an attempt to
decrease her metabolism enough
to prevent damage to her brain.
Oh, my God!
We'll be taking her to
surgery in about five minutes.
And the hope is after,
when we've warmed her back up,
we will be able
to reestablish a heartbeat.
And I wish I could be more definitive,
but we're committed to a plan now,
and hopefully it's one
that leads to success.
She's tough,
and she's in very good hands.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Can I help you?
Are you related to this patient?
Can you help identify her?
Sorry, I can't.
Hey, anyone able to ID
our Jane Doe here yet?
Not yet.
How's the bronchoscopy look?
Well, she's got some pretty
substantial bronchial injury,
all right, but none that
appears to have been caused
by exposure to this fire.
Looks like the scar tissue in her lungs
predates today's events.
Tell radiology we're coming up for a CT.
OK, whoever did this was in the building
at the time of the explosion.
I want you to canvass every patient.
No one gets discharged
till you talk to them.
Oh, and Kiana, keep me updated on Trudy.
This stretch of track
runs right under where we're standing.
The collapse cut off access
from the north
and south for at least
100 yards in either direction.
That would take two weeks
to clear, at least.
No, we get we get a mole
machine, dig right through it.
Do that, we could bring the
whole building down above us
and maybe the one across
the street as well.
We can't take that risk.
What about the risk of people
being crushed to death,
running out of air to breathe?
There's over 30 people down there.
Do you have any estimate on
when they run out of oxygen?
I don't know. It's not my specialty.
I say we place a team here
in the sewer line
that runs parallel to the tracks.
Then we see if we can break
through somewhere.
Finally. A decision.
Both tourniquets fixed and clamped.
Ketamine's in.
All right, Jordan.
You want to keep your
eyes closed during this.
I've been doing some research online.
From what I can tell,
this hypothermic protocol
is entirely experimental.
It looked like it was only
extensively studied on animals.
In that particular trial, yes.
And there didn't seem
to be much success.
No, but the theory behind it
is is still valid.
You didn't just propose
all this on a whim?
Her heart wouldn't start, Mouch.
If there were a better option,
we would have taken it.
You have to trust me on that.
Why should I trust you?
Tell me you didn't just kill my wife.
Yeah, we are socked in.
At least I'm not detecting
any signs of more gas pockets.
All right, that's
Any news from up top?
No, not much.
I think they're still
weighing their options.
Hey, hey, Ruzek.
Look, you took control of the comms,
and I am fine by that,
but you're rationing out intel
like I'm on a need-to-know
basis, and that's not who I am.
Down here, I'm on your team.
I need to know everything.
Yeah, I respect that.
So when you came in here,
you had your hand on your weapon.
I'm assuming the guy
that you chased in here
is armed and dangerous?
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
I believe he shot Platt,
and under the circumstances,
I didn't think that would be
helpful information.
Platt got shot?
We split up when we were chasing him.
And then
I shouldn't have let her
go off on her own like that.
Oh, Ruzek.
Hey, I'm
God, I'm sorry.
Oh, I don't even know what to say.
Is she OK?
Ah, last I heard,
she's still in surgery.
Hey! My friend can't breathe over here.
Hey, Jacob.
Can you describe how you're feeling?
It's nothing.
It's probably just the air
getting stuffy.
No, no, he's really been struggling.
Slammed against the railing pretty hard.
Can you take a deep breath for me?
- No, it hurts.
OK. Hang on.
Be right back.
Gotta make a phone call.
Come here. Do me a favor. Sit with him.
You got this, right?
I am a trained paramedic.
I am not a doctor.
Another dead end, Lieutenant.
We got any sense of how far
we got to dig
until we get parallel to the train?
We're still about 100 yards out.
Save your energy, Severide, all right?
Hey. This is not the way in.
The kid's sternum, did it
take the brunt of the blow?
Yeah, there's a pretty big
bruise on his left side.
And his heart rate?
It's fast.
It's probably about 140 or so.
He's basically hyperventilating.
And how are his breath sounds?
His left side is pretty weak.
And if you percuss him,
does it sound solid or more like air?
It's more like air.
OK, so from what you're describing,
it sounds like a pneumothorax.
So you're gonna need
to aspirate his chest
and let that air out.
Can you find a needle
or or something sharp?
Anybody have anything sharp?
A knife? A needle? Some scissors?
I have a knife.
I'm an electrician.
I keep an IV start kit
for Cy just in case.
Thank you.
OK, Doc, we got something
to aspirate with.
All right, good.
Now, you're gonna need to find the gap
between the second and third rib
beneath the center of his clavicle.
That's where
you'll stick the needle.
Puncture the skin
at a 90-degree angle
until, hopefully, you get a gush of air.
- OK!
OK. Remove the needle,
but leave the catheter in place.
OK, Doc.
Yeah, I think we're good.
That was so much cooler than bio lab.
Good work down there, Lieutenant.
OK. All right.
Oh, hey.
Here you go.
You know what? Let's hold on to that.
You never know when we might need it.
Sergeant Voight.
Got everything I could collect
from the C-suite
personnel files, pension fund
financials, pertinent emails.
- Any word yet on Trudy?
- Nothing.
I blame this whole thing on the suits.
How's that?
What did they think was gonna happen?
Leave that much money out in the open?
You know, same thing
every time with these guys,
gambling with our retirement.
Well, that's a problem for another day.
Excuse me.
Torres says our guy Milken
appears to have clean hands.
Asset forfeiture ran him inside and out.
And there's no big changes recently
to his lifestyle or finances.
So we have Atwater running down
names of potential offenders
that Ruzek provided,
but we've got no hits yet.
- Nothing?
- No.
No hits yet, because there's
a lot of common surnames
down there Harris, Miller, Duffy.
So it's a lot to sift through.
These offenders just tripped
the loudest alarm in history,
and we're still chasing our tails.
I want to get ahead of this now.
CT just sent back a report.
Malignant mesothelioma.
Oncology estimates she had
less than 12 months to live,
and that was before all this happened.
Wow. Poor thing.
Burn is concerned about her skin
and wants to do an escharotomy,
so how much longer is this
debridement gonna take?
Uh, maybe 5 to 10 minutes.
- Send her up when you're done.
- OK.
Dr. Asher,
is there any chance
I can interview this one yet?
Oh, we're transferring to pre-op now.
At best, it will be a few hours out.
Why? You have any leads?
Nothing new.
We only know that
the offenders were ID'd
wearing Chicago City Transit jumpsuits.
- But thank you.
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
I can't believe I didn't
think of this earlier.
Think of what?
The jumpsuit that
I scissored off our Jane Doe
when we brought her in.
OK, here we go.
I think I may have found
one of the bad guys.
Sarge, Cook says a doctor
ID'd a potential offender
the Jane Doe they pulled
from the subbasement.
- Who is she?
- We don't have an ID.
There's too much facial
scarring to get a visual.
We can't pull prints
'cause her fingers are well
All right, can we talk with her?
Not until she's out of surgery.
I'll keep trying to run it down.
I understand there's a chance
one of the burglars
is on board that train?
Well, we don't know that for sure.
Still, he might be in
possession of the hard drive.
I don't know if anybody
told you how much it's worth,
but I implore you to direct your team
to do whatever they can
to recover that drive.
34 people are still on board
that train, including my wife!
- You got that?
- Hey, easy.
Sev, you made your point.
Come on. Come on.
All right, and that should do it.
A couple of weeks,
you'll barely notice it.
My mom's dot was moving, you know?
I wasn't making it up.
I believe you.
She's probably still
down on that subway.
You know, I bet you're right.
And I told Chief Pascal to let me know
as soon as they ID everyone down there.
Her name is Greta, right?
OK, Ellie.
I rustled up the good stuff.
Thank you.
The case you have on your
phone, that's really pretty.
My mom and I got matching ones.
That's fun.
Is there anyone that we can contact
to come and be with you
until we find your mother?
A neighbor?
We just moved someplace new a week ago,
so we don't really know anybody.
What about your father?
He's been living in St. Louis,
you know, since he and my mom split up.
Might you have his number?
I think he'd want to know
that you're OK.
When I touched her hand
while they were trying to
bring her temperature down,
she was so cold.
It felt like she was already gone.
Hey, look, you know, Trudy's in a
she's in a tough spot, man, you know?
And I just I just hate
that you got to go through
this right now.
But here's what I know.
Ripley, in fact,
insanely good instincts
as a physician, all right?
And on top of that, your wife is,
among many other things,
a really, really tough lady.
I missed her birthday
yesterday, you know?
Worse, I I just forgot it completely.
I don't know where
my head goes sometimes.
Even now
Even now what?
- No, I can't.
- Mouch.
I'm a shrink, remember?
Nothing's weird to me.
Just talk to me.
Even now,
what I'm thinking,
I know I should be here for Trudy,
and I want to be.
But part of me [SIGHS]
Needs to get out there with my team
to help dig Kidd out of there.
Makes me a pretty
horrible husband, right?
No, buddy.
It makes you a "that's why
she married you" husband.
What, I got to explain
your own wife to you?
I don't know.
It feels like whichever choice I make
is gonna be the wrong one.
I don't know.
I mean, at least it's something.
Maybe we can connect Jane Doe
to someone on the train.
Well, let's hope so.
Adam, I was thinking if you wanted,
I could, um
I could pull Mak out of school
and give you a chance to speak with her.
No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Kim, this is not a "stuck
on Everest" type situation.
Fire's gonna come dig us out, I know it.
I'm gonna see you and Mak
tonight for dinner,
in person.
Yeah. I mean, we'll order in pizza.
Hell, yeah.
Yeah, whatever Mak wants.
Whatever you both want.
Severide wanted me to give you a message
- to deliver to Kidd.
- OK.
He said, tell her, you were right.
You have to make the time.
All right, I got it.
I got it, whatever that means.
It means he's scared.
Kim, I'm gonna be fine.
I know.
I love you, Adam.
And I love you, too.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
What's up? What do you got?
Security confirmed that there were
no unauthorized entry
into that server room
- before the robbery, right?
- That's right.
No signs of forced entry?
Yeah, why?
Watch this.
This is from about an hour
before the explosion.
Three men, all matching
the stats of our offenders.
That's them. What where is that?
CCT has cameras set up every
2/10 of a mile down there.
- OK.
- This is mile marker 3.2.
But they never show up on the
next camera, mile marker 3.4.
And they don't turn around.
So where did they disappear to?
You think the offenders tunneled in?
No way, it's too long of a span
for them to have dug
and gone undetected.
But what if they accessed
tunnels that already exist?
No, I don't think so.
We scoured every
documented tunnel down there
water, sewer.
What if they accessed
undocumented tunnels?
Are you guys talking about Al Capone?
What about Al Capone?
Um, urban legend has it that, you know,
he dug a network of secret tunnels
to move his booze around.
It's not an urban legend.
Me and Burgess pulled a body out
of one of those tunnels on patrol.
Yeah, that's kind of thin, guys.
You said it was around mile marker 3.3?
That stretch of track is
where the train's trapped.
So if they figured a way from
there to the server room
Maybe we can retrace their steps
and get back to the train.
We gotta recon the server room.
All right. Put together a team, yeah.
Hey, Meg, what's the matter?
We have a situation.
You hear that?
It sounds more solid now.
Uh-huh. Take me off speaker, all right?
I'm concerned there might
be blood now in his chest,
collapsing his lungs.
You need to drain it out.
With what?
Like a like a chest tube?
I I don't have one of those.
No, don't worry about that.
We'll find a way
to manufacture one.
Now, the first thing to do is
Can you hear me?
[LINE BEEPING] Aw, damn it!
Hold on.
We're good, everybody. We're good.
It's just the rubble settling.
Right, Lieutenant?
- Yeah, we're good.
- We're good.
All right.
Where were we?
Archer. Come on. No.
Can someone get him to shut the hell up?
Relax, buddy. He's in a lot of pain.
So am I.
Hey, hey, Jacob.
I need you to stay calm.
Take nice, easy breaths, OK?
With or without Archer,
we can do something
for this kid, right?
I was told you wanted
to speak to someone
about the system's comms?
Yeah, how do you communicate
back and forth
with your train operators?
Ordinarily via radio.
But we've lost signal with car 8247.
OK, how about non-verbal communications,
uh, traffic lights telling
them to stop and start?
We use bulbs and indicators,
as you would suspect.
But that's only built for
a one-way flow of information
from traffic control out.
The trains can't communicate
back the same way.
Why? What are you thinking?
- Hey, Cory.
- Yeah?
These lights on your board
just started flickering.
Those signal traffic.
They must be shorting out.
No, I don't think so.
That flickering isn't random.
- It's Morse code.
- Hold on now.
How do you know that?
My brother and I did a lot
of walkie-talkie-ing
when we were kids.
Can you tell me what it says?
Uh, anybody got a pen?
I have a pen.
Uh, let's see.
Uh, I believe it says,
"Can you read this?"
And now it's repeating.
Kidd, Archer's trying
to send us a message.
Cory, how do we send one back?
I don't know.
The system's not set up to do that.
Hey, Becca. Whoa, what are you
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Give me a second.
I can work with this.
What is that, young lady?
This is Theo, Jacob and mine's robot.
He took bronze in
the all-city last year.
Think I can maybe use his transmitter
to send a signal back
onto the same frequency.
If this doesn't work,
we might lose all chance
of regaining communication.
Do you got a better idea?
I do not.
I need, like, five minutes.
- Do it. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, this duct work goes
straight up and out.
So if they came in through this
way, it doesn't do us any good.
It's all brick and concrete behind here.
Hey, guys.
Let's move this thing over.
Would you look at that?
So they did dig their way
in there?
They came up through some kind of duct
running under the floor.
Why is that not shown on the schematics?
Building underwent renovations
about four years ago.
They updated the entire HVAC system.
What'd that duct connect to?
I don't know, you know, the
rubble did cut off any access,
but trust me, it led up
to some kind of tunnel.
Ruzek thinks one of the offenders
is down there on the
train with him, right?
- Right.
- Whoever it is,
is gonna want to
come out of there alive,
even if it means getting busted.
Even if Ruzek is able
to smoke this guy out,
there's way too many ways
that this plan goes wrong.
Guy's carrying a weapon,
all those civilians on board
Yeah, let's just hold off
on that for now.
Kim, come on.
How's Sergeant Platt?
Uh, patched the aorta
and a grade 5 liver lac,
and miraculously, there was only hollow,
viscous injury to her stomach,
and her bowels remain fairly intact.
So we caught a break there,
but that was the easy part.
When do you think you'll
be able to restart her heart?
You mean try to restart her heart.
And it won't be for
a couple of hours at least.
We just started warming her up.
I understand everyone's desire
to hold on to as much hope
as possible, but the odds
are very long against.
How's our burn victim?
Well, apparently,
her escharotomy went well,
but as you know,
"well" is a relative term.
- Yeah.
- Excuse me.
Um, the Jane Doe being treated,
who's responsible for her care?
I'm the chief of the ED.
I'm responsible for every patient here.
Is there someplace we can talk?
So as you can see, we are
in desperate need of intel
to help the rescue effort.
So you want us to extubate
the patient now
so that you can interrogate her?
I need to ask her some questions, yeah.
I mean, the lives of
30 people are at stake.
I'm sorry, Sergeant.
That's not going to
be possible just yet.
Excuse me?
This woman just underwent
a horrific trauma
and extensive surgery.
Extubating her now would
run the near-certain risk
of jeopardizing her health.
You're you're kidding?
Jeopardizing her health?
You have any idea how many
deaths she's responsible for?
But didn't you say you hadn't
definitively ID'd her as a suspect yet?
Not definitively, no.
This all feels way too speculative
and borderline inhumane.
You know, we've got one of our own
down there on that train, Doctor.
I mean, he's family.
Fire's got one down there, too.
I'm I'm sorry,
but my responsibility
has to lie with the patient.
- I took an oath.
- You're responding as if
you're reciting from a textbook.
Are you even hearing us right now?
- I don't know what to say.
- I do.
I could arrest you for
impeding an investigation
and haul you downtown.
All right, Burgess, that's enough.
Thank you for your help, Dr. Lenox.
I'll talk with you later.
Those deaths,
they'll be on your hands.
Dr. Lenox, Voight and
Burgess are good police.
Sometimes they just
lead with their emotions.
I know everyone must be looking
at me as the villain right now.
Look, at the end of the day,
they all have to respect that
you have an ethic to maintain.
At least, most of them will.
I want to help. I do.
I just if I were to contribute
to that woman's pain
or suffering in any way
There's no need to explain.
We all need to honor
where our own limits lie.
One second, please.
I could technically lose my
license for disclosing this
it being a HIPAA violation and all
but it might be helpful for you to know
that the Jane Doe has mesothelioma.
I'm not sure how
that's pertinent, Doctor.
From my experience,
most mesothelioma patients
are swarmed almost immediately
by lawyers
eager to sue their place of employ
if there had been workplace exposure.
It's a long shot, I know
But there might be a court record.
Thank you.
I wish we had something stronger.
Unfortunately, that's all we got.
All right.
Down the hatch.
Good. OK.
Let's lay you down nice and easy.
Stay with me. Stay with me, Jacob.
This should create a vacuum
to help suck the blood out.
All right. Thanks.
All right, all right,
he says, once you're in, you
you need to push through
the first resistance
all the way into the pleural cavity.
Got it.
There you go. There you go.
- OK.
All right.
- Adam.
- Yeah.
I need you to come hold this.
You need to create a vacuum
to help with the drainage.
Just suck on the straw
connected to the water seal
till the blood starts to flow.
Hey. Doing OK?
Welcome back to the living, my friend.
- Nice work.
- You, too.
- Becca.
- Good job, Becca.
Yeah. Thank you.
You scared me.
Don't do that again, you dummy.
I don't know.
Half of me is wondering
who I'm even kidding,
trying to keep up
with these millennials.
At my age?
That's the part where you say
something brilliant.
I try to have these kinds
of conversations with you
in my mind sometimes, you know?
I say this, you say that, but
they always fizzle out because
I can't predict
or even fathom what it is
you're ever gonna say.
And that's one of the things
I love most about you, Trudy,
that I have no idea what's
gonna come out of your mouth.
If only I'd met you sooner,
maybe I'd have figured you out by now.
Oh, baby, you better not
quit like this on me.
Who the hell would I be left to talk to?
Hey, Sarge.
The tip Burgess got might have paid off.
Torres pulled the record of
every personal injury lawsuit
filed in Chicago over the last 10 years.
- OK.
- And most of it
didn't fit the profile,
but he did find a Margaret Simshaw, 38,
who had a case dismissed by the city.
- OK.
- Now get this
her last place of employment?
The City Employee Benefits Department.
Margaret Simshaw?
It would explain motive,
her holding a grudge.
That may be enough to get
a warrant to search her home.
We got an address?
No, her LKA is outdated.
Sounds like she moved.
But there might be someone here
who does know where she lives.
Yeah, the, uh, security guard
found it outside the building,
just before it collapsed.
You know, he put it in his pocket,
and he was on his way to,
you know, turn it in.
Well, that explains why
you saw it moving.
But it doesn't mean she's definitely
not on the train, though.
I mean, she could have
dropped it before she got on.
Ellie, we finally got
a full list of all the people
on board, and your mom's not on it.
By the same token, her name
also isn't among the victims
we've identified.
So, you know, there's
no reason to give up hope.
Look, we are going to find your mom, OK?
One way or another.
That, I can promise you.
The security guard who found this,
did he make it?
Jordan survived. Yeah.
He's with his family right now,
and the doctors think
his prognosis is good.
But his life is gonna
be different forever, right?
One sec.
What's up?
I need to ask her a few questions.
Really not the best time,
Hank, she's just
Sorry, it's really important.
It's a police matter.
OK, um, couple minutes, all right?
And please, just, you know, go easy?
I will.
Hi, Ellie.
I'm Ms. Goodwin from Patient Services.
Yeah, I'm Sergeant Voight
from the Chicago PD.
And he'd like to ask you
a few questions,
if that's OK with you.
- OK.
- Thank you.
your mom is Margaret Simshaw,
is that right?
She goes by Greta, but yes.
OK, Greta. All right.
I was told that you two moved recently.
Do you happen to remember
your new address?
Well, we think there could
be something in your new home
that could help us rescue the passengers
from that train collapse.
Why would my mom know
anything about that?
It's kind of complicated.
OK, um, you know what
I heard the nurses talking
to a cop about a Jane Doe.
You think that might be my mom?
We think there's a good chance, yes.
Well, my mom wouldn't be involved
in something like this.
I don't believe it's her.
I want to see her for myself.
Ellie, your mother was burned
very badly in the fire,
and we were hoping to save you
from seeing her like that
until she gets better.
Yeah, that's right. I just need
I'm I won't give you my address.
I won't give you a thing
until you let me see her.
- Gas explosion.
- 50 to 60 victims.
Keep it moving, people!
We gotta keep this area clear
for the first responders!
- I can't die yet.
- Not like this.
Are you looking for someone?
Whoever torched that server room
is responsible for this whole disaster.
You guys are lucky
you had those respirators on.
We've got two armed suspects
in CCT jumpsuits
in the subbasement.
- Shots fired.
- Sergeant Platt's been hit.
You see a guy in a jumpsuit?
Hey, where's Kidd?
The tunnel just
the whole thing just collapsed.
Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?
Lieutenant Kidd, do you copy?
- Give me space, people.
- What do we got?
A lot of free fluid in the belly.
- She's hemorrhaging.
- We need more blood.
Get a second transfuser going
and a chest tray for a thoracotomy.
We got one hole here, right shoulder.
Another through the belly button.
You want me to open up the Hybrid OR?
Won't make a difference if we can't
get her heart beating again.
Push another milligram of epi.
Thank you.
Still asystole.
We gotta get this under control.
Give me a scalpel.
Trudy, can you hear me?
I'm right here, baby.
You just hang in there.
Mouch, man, we need some space.
I got you.
Randall, why don't you come with me?
Let's give the doctors some space.
Oh, yeah.
Must have been another gas pipe.
OK, go grab some cribbing and air bags.
Ah! Ah!
- Just stay calm, Jordan.
- It'll be OK.
I don't want to die.
That's not gonna happen.
Done three tours of duty
in theater, Officer.
Haven't lost a man yet.
Come on, let's get a monitor
over here right now!
One second!
Hey, hey, what did I say
about staying put?
I heard someone got their legs crushed?
That's what we're working on now, yeah.
Before my mom's dot disappeared,
it seemed like she was moving this way.
Ellie, your mom is not
in the rubble, I swear, OK?
But if you don't get out of the way,
I have to stick you on an ambo, OK?
Here's the last footage we have of him.
He's not responding to his radio.
Those don't always work in the tunnels.
Adam's gonna be fine.
- I know it.
- You're right.
He and Kidd both.
We just got to keep the faith.
It's gonna cave in on us.
- Hey.
Is everybody OK?
Everyone all right?
- You good?
- Hey.
You all right?
Yeah, think so.
Just banged my head on the window
when everything came down.
You the man that captains this ship?
I am. Name's Cory.
Cory, I'm Lieutenant Kidd,
CFD, Firehouse 51.
Is there a first aid kit on board?
Yeah, let me see if I can find it.
All right.
- 5021 IDA.
Squad, do you copy?
I already tried every channel.
It's not working.
5021 IDA area central.
Do you copy?
Does anyone got ears on?
Can someone give us a hand?
My arm is stuck!
Please, help me to get up.
I'm afraid I'm hurting her.
- What's going on?
- You got him?
- Ah!
Get the chair.
Oh, Esme, I am so sorry.
- It's OK, Mr. Cy.
- It's not your fault.
OK, I'm gonna lift you on three.
One, two, three.
- OK.
- OK.
I've seen something like that in
one of my mom's medical journals.
It looks like both the radius
and ulna are fractured.
Becca, stop showing off.
No, she's right.
All right, good thing is,
I can just pop that right back
into place for you.
How's that sound?
OK, all right, does anybody have
any painkillers of any kind?
Aspirin? Tylenol?
Something stronger?
I have a couple ibuprofen in my bag.
I've got some Valium.
Yeah. Thank you.
Good. Pop that open and give me one.
Here you go.
All right.
And then we'll just give it
a second to kick in.
[SIGHING] Let's just
get this over with, OK?
All right.
Ruzek, will you hold
her shoulder steady?
And then I'm gonna pull on her arm.
All right, Esme, on the count of three,
I want you to take a deep breath in.
One, two, three.
You did great. You did great.
All right, now I need something
for some kind of splint.
- I'll, uh
- I'll figure that out.
I'm gonna keep trying to get a signal.
All right.
Coming in.
Still nothing.
Why isn't more blood transfusing?
We've already got two lines going.
- Then hook up a third.
- OK.
One second, Trini.
At this rate, even if
we can get her to the OR,
she's bleeding too fast
to ever make it out of surgery.
So maybe instead of pushing
more and more blood in,
we should be thinking
about taking it all out.
If we can quickly
cool her body down below 50,
it might let us hit pause,
give you enough time to go in
and and patch the holes.
OK, everyone, listen up.
Stop MTP, and switch her resuscitation
to saline, cold saline.
Let's ready bypass
and call the perfusion team.
We're gonna try to freeze her.
OK, Jordan, these fine gentlemen tell me
they'll be ready to go
in a few seconds, OK?
Now, things are gonna move quickly
once we get this off you.
So is there anything we should
know about your health before we start?
I've been dealing with
some nephritis lately.
My doctor has me on dialysis.
And, uh, when is your next session?
I'm not sure, but
my last one was two days ago.
OK, stop, stop, stop, stop.
OK, all right. Hold on.
All right, guys.
All right, we need to rethink this.
The crush injury is gonna
cause a wave of potassium
to be released into his blood.
And combined with his kidney disease,
it could lead to a dangerous arrhythmia.
Meaning you move that slab,
and his heart's gonna stop.
Yeah, we can't take that chance.
OK, Jordan.
Listen to me now.
You probably don't want to hear this,
but we have no other option
but to amputate your legs.
[CRYING] Both of them?
I'm sorry, soldier.
I wish this wasn't necessary.
I really do.
OK, I'm gonna need
100 milligrams of ketamine,
a couple of tourniquets, and a saw.
- All right.
- Go, go.
- Nothing?
- No, nothing yet.
All right, come on now.
Adam, are you OK?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just really happy
to hear your voice.
What happened?
I don't know.
I chased the offender down here.
And I thought he hopped on
this stalled subway train,
and it was like the whole
tunnel collapsed on top of us.
I'm gonna put you on speaker.
Guys, it's it's it's Ruzek.
OK, you're on speaker.
Hey, buddy.
Where are you? You on the train?
Yeah, yeah.
Stella, is she all right?
Yeah, she's she's all right.
Kidd's with me. We've got some injuries.
She's tending to them now.
How many civilians you got down there?
I'd say 30, 40.
You guys got a plan
to get us out of here?
We're working on it.
Get us a proper headcount
when you got a chance.
Well, don't worry about getting
to the party too early, all right?
Just hang in there!
Kim, you still there?
Yeah. It's me.
It's me alone. What's up?
I think the offender that shot Trudy
is still on the train.
Did you ID him?
No, I never got a good look,
but there's about
five, six guys down here
that match the build.
All right, we're digging into it.
And listen, we're gonna be
down there soon, OK, Adam?
Adam? Adam?
Oh, what the hell?
Oh, guys, you got to back up.
- I was waiting first.
- I need you to step back.
I need to call my daughter.
Guys, everyone off your phones.
You just made my call drop.
You got to turn off your phones.
We need to preserve all of
the bandwidth we can find.
- Do you understand?
- That doesn't work for me.
I'm sorry.
I need you to get out of my way.
You have that backwards, my man.
Now step back.
Everybody, please.
Come on.
Listen, our rescue is contingent
on us being able to maintain contact
with emergency services.
So I'm gonna have to ask you
to power your phones down
so that we can keep this channel open.
I'm gonna contact each and
every one of your loved ones,
keep them appraised of
what's going on, all right?
- Thank you for understanding.
- Thank you.
- Hey, Cory.
- Yeah?
It would be real helpful
if you could gather
everyone's information.
Of course.
Hey, uh, start with the men, yeah?
OK, body temp's down to 65.
More ice and another 200 CCs of saline.
- Sharon!
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
What else was I supposed to do?
When I called to give you an update,
I didn't intend it to mean
that you should come in.
Well, I was planning on
coming back next week anyway.
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
I-I'm fine. How's Sergeant Platt?
Sorry I haven't been able
to update you till now.
As you've probably noticed,
things have been moving quickly.
All this ice? What's going on?
We were unable to restart
your wife's heart upon intake.
The ice is an attempt to
decrease her metabolism enough
to prevent damage to her brain.
Oh, my God!
We'll be taking her to
surgery in about five minutes.
And the hope is after,
when we've warmed her back up,
we will be able
to reestablish a heartbeat.
And I wish I could be more definitive,
but we're committed to a plan now,
and hopefully it's one
that leads to success.
She's tough,
and she's in very good hands.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Can I help you?
Are you related to this patient?
Can you help identify her?
Sorry, I can't.
Hey, anyone able to ID
our Jane Doe here yet?
Not yet.
How's the bronchoscopy look?
Well, she's got some pretty
substantial bronchial injury,
all right, but none that
appears to have been caused
by exposure to this fire.
Looks like the scar tissue in her lungs
predates today's events.
Tell radiology we're coming up for a CT.
OK, whoever did this was in the building
at the time of the explosion.
I want you to canvass every patient.
No one gets discharged
till you talk to them.
Oh, and Kiana, keep me updated on Trudy.
This stretch of track
runs right under where we're standing.
The collapse cut off access
from the north
and south for at least
100 yards in either direction.
That would take two weeks
to clear, at least.
No, we get we get a mole
machine, dig right through it.
Do that, we could bring the
whole building down above us
and maybe the one across
the street as well.
We can't take that risk.
What about the risk of people
being crushed to death,
running out of air to breathe?
There's over 30 people down there.
Do you have any estimate on
when they run out of oxygen?
I don't know. It's not my specialty.
I say we place a team here
in the sewer line
that runs parallel to the tracks.
Then we see if we can break
through somewhere.
Finally. A decision.
Both tourniquets fixed and clamped.
Ketamine's in.
All right, Jordan.
You want to keep your
eyes closed during this.
I've been doing some research online.
From what I can tell,
this hypothermic protocol
is entirely experimental.
It looked like it was only
extensively studied on animals.
In that particular trial, yes.
And there didn't seem
to be much success.
No, but the theory behind it
is is still valid.
You didn't just propose
all this on a whim?
Her heart wouldn't start, Mouch.
If there were a better option,
we would have taken it.
You have to trust me on that.
Why should I trust you?
Tell me you didn't just kill my wife.
Yeah, we are socked in.
At least I'm not detecting
any signs of more gas pockets.
All right, that's
Any news from up top?
No, not much.
I think they're still
weighing their options.
Hey, hey, Ruzek.
Look, you took control of the comms,
and I am fine by that,
but you're rationing out intel
like I'm on a need-to-know
basis, and that's not who I am.
Down here, I'm on your team.
I need to know everything.
Yeah, I respect that.
So when you came in here,
you had your hand on your weapon.
I'm assuming the guy
that you chased in here
is armed and dangerous?
Yeah. Yeah, he is.
I believe he shot Platt,
and under the circumstances,
I didn't think that would be
helpful information.
Platt got shot?
We split up when we were chasing him.
And then
I shouldn't have let her
go off on her own like that.
Oh, Ruzek.
Hey, I'm
God, I'm sorry.
Oh, I don't even know what to say.
Is she OK?
Ah, last I heard,
she's still in surgery.
Hey! My friend can't breathe over here.
Hey, Jacob.
Can you describe how you're feeling?
It's nothing.
It's probably just the air
getting stuffy.
No, no, he's really been struggling.
Slammed against the railing pretty hard.
Can you take a deep breath for me?
- No, it hurts.
OK. Hang on.
Be right back.
Gotta make a phone call.
Come here. Do me a favor. Sit with him.
You got this, right?
I am a trained paramedic.
I am not a doctor.
Another dead end, Lieutenant.
We got any sense of how far
we got to dig
until we get parallel to the train?
We're still about 100 yards out.
Save your energy, Severide, all right?
Hey. This is not the way in.
The kid's sternum, did it
take the brunt of the blow?
Yeah, there's a pretty big
bruise on his left side.
And his heart rate?
It's fast.
It's probably about 140 or so.
He's basically hyperventilating.
And how are his breath sounds?
His left side is pretty weak.
And if you percuss him,
does it sound solid or more like air?
It's more like air.
OK, so from what you're describing,
it sounds like a pneumothorax.
So you're gonna need
to aspirate his chest
and let that air out.
Can you find a needle
or or something sharp?
Anybody have anything sharp?
A knife? A needle? Some scissors?
I have a knife.
I'm an electrician.
I keep an IV start kit
for Cy just in case.
Thank you.
OK, Doc, we got something
to aspirate with.
All right, good.
Now, you're gonna need to find the gap
between the second and third rib
beneath the center of his clavicle.
That's where
you'll stick the needle.
Puncture the skin
at a 90-degree angle
until, hopefully, you get a gush of air.
- OK!
OK. Remove the needle,
but leave the catheter in place.
OK, Doc.
Yeah, I think we're good.
That was so much cooler than bio lab.
Good work down there, Lieutenant.
OK. All right.
Oh, hey.
Here you go.
You know what? Let's hold on to that.
You never know when we might need it.
Sergeant Voight.
Got everything I could collect
from the C-suite
personnel files, pension fund
financials, pertinent emails.
- Any word yet on Trudy?
- Nothing.
I blame this whole thing on the suits.
How's that?
What did they think was gonna happen?
Leave that much money out in the open?
You know, same thing
every time with these guys,
gambling with our retirement.
Well, that's a problem for another day.
Excuse me.
Torres says our guy Milken
appears to have clean hands.
Asset forfeiture ran him inside and out.
And there's no big changes recently
to his lifestyle or finances.
So we have Atwater running down
names of potential offenders
that Ruzek provided,
but we've got no hits yet.
- Nothing?
- No.
No hits yet, because there's
a lot of common surnames
down there Harris, Miller, Duffy.
So it's a lot to sift through.
These offenders just tripped
the loudest alarm in history,
and we're still chasing our tails.
I want to get ahead of this now.
CT just sent back a report.
Malignant mesothelioma.
Oncology estimates she had
less than 12 months to live,
and that was before all this happened.
Wow. Poor thing.
Burn is concerned about her skin
and wants to do an escharotomy,
so how much longer is this
debridement gonna take?
Uh, maybe 5 to 10 minutes.
- Send her up when you're done.
- OK.
Dr. Asher,
is there any chance
I can interview this one yet?
Oh, we're transferring to pre-op now.
At best, it will be a few hours out.
Why? You have any leads?
Nothing new.
We only know that
the offenders were ID'd
wearing Chicago City Transit jumpsuits.
- But thank you.
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
I can't believe I didn't
think of this earlier.
Think of what?
The jumpsuit that
I scissored off our Jane Doe
when we brought her in.
OK, here we go.
I think I may have found
one of the bad guys.
Sarge, Cook says a doctor
ID'd a potential offender
the Jane Doe they pulled
from the subbasement.
- Who is she?
- We don't have an ID.
There's too much facial
scarring to get a visual.
We can't pull prints
'cause her fingers are well
All right, can we talk with her?
Not until she's out of surgery.
I'll keep trying to run it down.
I understand there's a chance
one of the burglars
is on board that train?
Well, we don't know that for sure.
Still, he might be in
possession of the hard drive.
I don't know if anybody
told you how much it's worth,
but I implore you to direct your team
to do whatever they can
to recover that drive.
34 people are still on board
that train, including my wife!
- You got that?
- Hey, easy.
Sev, you made your point.
Come on. Come on.
All right, and that should do it.
A couple of weeks,
you'll barely notice it.
My mom's dot was moving, you know?
I wasn't making it up.
I believe you.
She's probably still
down on that subway.
You know, I bet you're right.
And I told Chief Pascal to let me know
as soon as they ID everyone down there.
Her name is Greta, right?
OK, Ellie.
I rustled up the good stuff.
Thank you.
The case you have on your
phone, that's really pretty.
My mom and I got matching ones.
That's fun.
Is there anyone that we can contact
to come and be with you
until we find your mother?
A neighbor?
We just moved someplace new a week ago,
so we don't really know anybody.
What about your father?
He's been living in St. Louis,
you know, since he and my mom split up.
Might you have his number?
I think he'd want to know
that you're OK.
When I touched her hand
while they were trying to
bring her temperature down,
she was so cold.
It felt like she was already gone.
Hey, look, you know, Trudy's in a
she's in a tough spot, man, you know?
And I just I just hate
that you got to go through
this right now.
But here's what I know.
Ripley, in fact,
insanely good instincts
as a physician, all right?
And on top of that, your wife is,
among many other things,
a really, really tough lady.
I missed her birthday
yesterday, you know?
Worse, I I just forgot it completely.
I don't know where
my head goes sometimes.
Even now
Even now what?
- No, I can't.
- Mouch.
I'm a shrink, remember?
Nothing's weird to me.
Just talk to me.
Even now,
what I'm thinking,
I know I should be here for Trudy,
and I want to be.
But part of me [SIGHS]
Needs to get out there with my team
to help dig Kidd out of there.
Makes me a pretty
horrible husband, right?
No, buddy.
It makes you a "that's why
she married you" husband.
What, I got to explain
your own wife to you?
I don't know.
It feels like whichever choice I make
is gonna be the wrong one.
I don't know.
I mean, at least it's something.
Maybe we can connect Jane Doe
to someone on the train.
Well, let's hope so.
Adam, I was thinking if you wanted,
I could, um
I could pull Mak out of school
and give you a chance to speak with her.
No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Kim, this is not a "stuck
on Everest" type situation.
Fire's gonna come dig us out, I know it.
I'm gonna see you and Mak
tonight for dinner,
in person.
Yeah. I mean, we'll order in pizza.
Hell, yeah.
Yeah, whatever Mak wants.
Whatever you both want.
Severide wanted me to give you a message
- to deliver to Kidd.
- OK.
He said, tell her, you were right.
You have to make the time.
All right, I got it.
I got it, whatever that means.
It means he's scared.
Kim, I'm gonna be fine.
I know.
I love you, Adam.
And I love you, too.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
What's up? What do you got?
Security confirmed that there were
no unauthorized entry
into that server room
- before the robbery, right?
- That's right.
No signs of forced entry?
Yeah, why?
Watch this.
This is from about an hour
before the explosion.
Three men, all matching
the stats of our offenders.
That's them. What where is that?
CCT has cameras set up every
2/10 of a mile down there.
- OK.
- This is mile marker 3.2.
But they never show up on the
next camera, mile marker 3.4.
And they don't turn around.
So where did they disappear to?
You think the offenders tunneled in?
No way, it's too long of a span
for them to have dug
and gone undetected.
But what if they accessed
tunnels that already exist?
No, I don't think so.
We scoured every
documented tunnel down there
water, sewer.
What if they accessed
undocumented tunnels?
Are you guys talking about Al Capone?
What about Al Capone?
Um, urban legend has it that, you know,
he dug a network of secret tunnels
to move his booze around.
It's not an urban legend.
Me and Burgess pulled a body out
of one of those tunnels on patrol.
Yeah, that's kind of thin, guys.
You said it was around mile marker 3.3?
That stretch of track is
where the train's trapped.
So if they figured a way from
there to the server room
Maybe we can retrace their steps
and get back to the train.
We gotta recon the server room.
All right. Put together a team, yeah.
Hey, Meg, what's the matter?
We have a situation.
You hear that?
It sounds more solid now.
Uh-huh. Take me off speaker, all right?
I'm concerned there might
be blood now in his chest,
collapsing his lungs.
You need to drain it out.
With what?
Like a like a chest tube?
I I don't have one of those.
No, don't worry about that.
We'll find a way
to manufacture one.
Now, the first thing to do is
Can you hear me?
[LINE BEEPING] Aw, damn it!
Hold on.
We're good, everybody. We're good.
It's just the rubble settling.
Right, Lieutenant?
- Yeah, we're good.
- We're good.
All right.
Where were we?
Archer. Come on. No.
Can someone get him to shut the hell up?
Relax, buddy. He's in a lot of pain.
So am I.
Hey, hey, Jacob.
I need you to stay calm.
Take nice, easy breaths, OK?
With or without Archer,
we can do something
for this kid, right?
I was told you wanted
to speak to someone
about the system's comms?
Yeah, how do you communicate
back and forth
with your train operators?
Ordinarily via radio.
But we've lost signal with car 8247.
OK, how about non-verbal communications,
uh, traffic lights telling
them to stop and start?
We use bulbs and indicators,
as you would suspect.
But that's only built for
a one-way flow of information
from traffic control out.
The trains can't communicate
back the same way.
Why? What are you thinking?
- Hey, Cory.
- Yeah?
These lights on your board
just started flickering.
Those signal traffic.
They must be shorting out.
No, I don't think so.
That flickering isn't random.
- It's Morse code.
- Hold on now.
How do you know that?
My brother and I did a lot
of walkie-talkie-ing
when we were kids.
Can you tell me what it says?
Uh, anybody got a pen?
I have a pen.
Uh, let's see.
Uh, I believe it says,
"Can you read this?"
And now it's repeating.
Kidd, Archer's trying
to send us a message.
Cory, how do we send one back?
I don't know.
The system's not set up to do that.
Hey, Becca. Whoa, what are you
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Give me a second.
I can work with this.
What is that, young lady?
This is Theo, Jacob and mine's robot.
He took bronze in
the all-city last year.
Think I can maybe use his transmitter
to send a signal back
onto the same frequency.
If this doesn't work,
we might lose all chance
of regaining communication.
Do you got a better idea?
I do not.
I need, like, five minutes.
- Do it. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, this duct work goes
straight up and out.
So if they came in through this
way, it doesn't do us any good.
It's all brick and concrete behind here.
Hey, guys.
Let's move this thing over.
Would you look at that?
So they did dig their way
in there?
They came up through some kind of duct
running under the floor.
Why is that not shown on the schematics?
Building underwent renovations
about four years ago.
They updated the entire HVAC system.
What'd that duct connect to?
I don't know, you know, the
rubble did cut off any access,
but trust me, it led up
to some kind of tunnel.
Ruzek thinks one of the offenders
is down there on the
train with him, right?
- Right.
- Whoever it is,
is gonna want to
come out of there alive,
even if it means getting busted.
Even if Ruzek is able
to smoke this guy out,
there's way too many ways
that this plan goes wrong.
Guy's carrying a weapon,
all those civilians on board
Yeah, let's just hold off
on that for now.
Kim, come on.
How's Sergeant Platt?
Uh, patched the aorta
and a grade 5 liver lac,
and miraculously, there was only hollow,
viscous injury to her stomach,
and her bowels remain fairly intact.
So we caught a break there,
but that was the easy part.
When do you think you'll
be able to restart her heart?
You mean try to restart her heart.
And it won't be for
a couple of hours at least.
We just started warming her up.
I understand everyone's desire
to hold on to as much hope
as possible, but the odds
are very long against.
How's our burn victim?
Well, apparently,
her escharotomy went well,
but as you know,
"well" is a relative term.
- Yeah.
- Excuse me.
Um, the Jane Doe being treated,
who's responsible for her care?
I'm the chief of the ED.
I'm responsible for every patient here.
Is there someplace we can talk?
So as you can see, we are
in desperate need of intel
to help the rescue effort.
So you want us to extubate
the patient now
so that you can interrogate her?
I need to ask her some questions, yeah.
I mean, the lives of
30 people are at stake.
I'm sorry, Sergeant.
That's not going to
be possible just yet.
Excuse me?
This woman just underwent
a horrific trauma
and extensive surgery.
Extubating her now would
run the near-certain risk
of jeopardizing her health.
You're you're kidding?
Jeopardizing her health?
You have any idea how many
deaths she's responsible for?
But didn't you say you hadn't
definitively ID'd her as a suspect yet?
Not definitively, no.
This all feels way too speculative
and borderline inhumane.
You know, we've got one of our own
down there on that train, Doctor.
I mean, he's family.
Fire's got one down there, too.
I'm I'm sorry,
but my responsibility
has to lie with the patient.
- I took an oath.
- You're responding as if
you're reciting from a textbook.
Are you even hearing us right now?
- I don't know what to say.
- I do.
I could arrest you for
impeding an investigation
and haul you downtown.
All right, Burgess, that's enough.
Thank you for your help, Dr. Lenox.
I'll talk with you later.
Those deaths,
they'll be on your hands.
Dr. Lenox, Voight and
Burgess are good police.
Sometimes they just
lead with their emotions.
I know everyone must be looking
at me as the villain right now.
Look, at the end of the day,
they all have to respect that
you have an ethic to maintain.
At least, most of them will.
I want to help. I do.
I just if I were to contribute
to that woman's pain
or suffering in any way
There's no need to explain.
We all need to honor
where our own limits lie.
One second, please.
I could technically lose my
license for disclosing this
it being a HIPAA violation and all
but it might be helpful for you to know
that the Jane Doe has mesothelioma.
I'm not sure how
that's pertinent, Doctor.
From my experience,
most mesothelioma patients
are swarmed almost immediately
by lawyers
eager to sue their place of employ
if there had been workplace exposure.
It's a long shot, I know
But there might be a court record.
Thank you.
I wish we had something stronger.
Unfortunately, that's all we got.
All right.
Down the hatch.
Good. OK.
Let's lay you down nice and easy.
Stay with me. Stay with me, Jacob.
This should create a vacuum
to help suck the blood out.
All right. Thanks.
All right, all right,
he says, once you're in, you
you need to push through
the first resistance
all the way into the pleural cavity.
Got it.
There you go. There you go.
- OK.
All right.
- Adam.
- Yeah.
I need you to come hold this.
You need to create a vacuum
to help with the drainage.
Just suck on the straw
connected to the water seal
till the blood starts to flow.
Hey. Doing OK?
Welcome back to the living, my friend.
- Nice work.
- You, too.
- Becca.
- Good job, Becca.
Yeah. Thank you.
You scared me.
Don't do that again, you dummy.
I don't know.
Half of me is wondering
who I'm even kidding,
trying to keep up
with these millennials.
At my age?
That's the part where you say
something brilliant.
I try to have these kinds
of conversations with you
in my mind sometimes, you know?
I say this, you say that, but
they always fizzle out because
I can't predict
or even fathom what it is
you're ever gonna say.
And that's one of the things
I love most about you, Trudy,
that I have no idea what's
gonna come out of your mouth.
If only I'd met you sooner,
maybe I'd have figured you out by now.
Oh, baby, you better not
quit like this on me.
Who the hell would I be left to talk to?
Hey, Sarge.
The tip Burgess got might have paid off.
Torres pulled the record of
every personal injury lawsuit
filed in Chicago over the last 10 years.
- OK.
- And most of it
didn't fit the profile,
but he did find a Margaret Simshaw, 38,
who had a case dismissed by the city.
- OK.
- Now get this
her last place of employment?
The City Employee Benefits Department.
Margaret Simshaw?
It would explain motive,
her holding a grudge.
That may be enough to get
a warrant to search her home.
We got an address?
No, her LKA is outdated.
Sounds like she moved.
But there might be someone here
who does know where she lives.
Yeah, the, uh, security guard
found it outside the building,
just before it collapsed.
You know, he put it in his pocket,
and he was on his way to,
you know, turn it in.
Well, that explains why
you saw it moving.
But it doesn't mean she's definitely
not on the train, though.
I mean, she could have
dropped it before she got on.
Ellie, we finally got
a full list of all the people
on board, and your mom's not on it.
By the same token, her name
also isn't among the victims
we've identified.
So, you know, there's
no reason to give up hope.
Look, we are going to find your mom, OK?
One way or another.
That, I can promise you.
The security guard who found this,
did he make it?
Jordan survived. Yeah.
He's with his family right now,
and the doctors think
his prognosis is good.
But his life is gonna
be different forever, right?
One sec.
What's up?
I need to ask her a few questions.
Really not the best time,
Hank, she's just
Sorry, it's really important.
It's a police matter.
OK, um, couple minutes, all right?
And please, just, you know, go easy?
I will.
Hi, Ellie.
I'm Ms. Goodwin from Patient Services.
Yeah, I'm Sergeant Voight
from the Chicago PD.
And he'd like to ask you
a few questions,
if that's OK with you.
- OK.
- Thank you.
your mom is Margaret Simshaw,
is that right?
She goes by Greta, but yes.
OK, Greta. All right.
I was told that you two moved recently.
Do you happen to remember
your new address?
Well, we think there could
be something in your new home
that could help us rescue the passengers
from that train collapse.
Why would my mom know
anything about that?
It's kind of complicated.
OK, um, you know what
I heard the nurses talking
to a cop about a Jane Doe.
You think that might be my mom?
We think there's a good chance, yes.
Well, my mom wouldn't be involved
in something like this.
I don't believe it's her.
I want to see her for myself.
Ellie, your mother was burned
very badly in the fire,
and we were hoping to save you
from seeing her like that
until she gets better.
Yeah, that's right. I just need
I'm I won't give you my address.
I won't give you a thing
until you let me see her.