Chuck s04e19 Episode Script

Chuck Versus the Muuurder

ÿþ1 I'm Chuck.
Here are things you need to know.
I'm putting together a team.
I want you to lead.
Your idea? Use my father's program to make your own Intersects? Vicki, no! Don't shoot! You about to disarm a nuclear bomb using fruit juice? Agent Bartowski, you will oversee.
all aspects of the Intersect project from here on out.
- Mrs.
Woodcomb? - Yes? I believe that I have something of yours.
Great news.
I found my dad's computer.
Wow, Dad.
Ha, ha.
- Still at it, babe? - Yeah.
Did you get Clara down? - Um, hon? - What? Oh, my God.
I'm so sleep-deprived.
I'm not tired at all, though.
I feel totally awake, you know? You're in the zone.
- How's it going? - My dad's work is so amazing.
I've never seen such creative experimentation.
in neuroplasticity before.
His mind is incredible.
That's probably where Clara gets it.
She said "arthroscopic" yesterday.
Honey, if Clara can say "arthroscopic," she needs to stop pooping her pants.
You sure you should be digging around in your dad's computer? I mean, like you said, what if it's dangerous? Well, I don't know.
But I have never seen anything like this before.
He was working on getting the neural circuitry in the brain.
to reorganize itself.
- It's fascinating.
- Huh.
Don't worry, honey.
What's the worst that could happen? Good morning, team.
As you know, today begins the agency's new agenda: Find Intersect candidates.
who are as similar to Agent Bartowski as possible.
Thank you for joining us, director.
The Intersect clearly works better in Chuck.
than in anyone Director Bentley was able to find.
So sorry.
This time, our search will be led by the only man.
who knows what it's like to be an Intersect.
Chuck, we need you to find more Chucks.
Well, it's gonna be tough.
You know, broke the mold, et cetera.
A reminder, you are all to provide support.
to Agent Bartowski in any way he requires.
Chuck, you're in charge.
Thank you, general.
In charge.
Man, oh, man, I'm moved here.
- I'm so proud of you.
- I appreciate the sentiment.
Not that big a deal.
Although it seems like it's been four years in the making.
- Glad it hasn't gone to your head.
- Just saying, I may have saved the city.
disarming a nuclear bomb using a juice box.
Yes, you did.
Be careful because last time you were in charge.
you led our party of D&D adventurers to their fiery deaths.
Heh, heh.
We've been over this, Morgan, okay? If Tom had cast the spell of confusion.
we would've been out of that situation.
Neither here nor there.
I wanna address the elephant in the room.
which is "reporting to me.
" Which can be a little weird or awkward for some of you, uh.
- I think you're all very important.
- I hope you enjoy this.
I'll be back in charge as soon as you and your stupid pocket protector.
screw it up.
Um, excuse me, pocket protectors are not only very practical.
they are required Buy More attire, lady.
Well, using my own personality as a guide.
l've created an extensive psychological profile.
Langley culled their database for matches and sent me four spies.
that are perfect candidates.
They're gonna be here in an hour.
Good Lord.
Four more Chucks.
All right.
First up is Lewis.
Tech-ops specialist, star hacker by the age of 14.
His Warcraft Guild took down Deathwing, World First.
- No.
- Yes.
And the coolest part? Good afternoon.
He spent some time in England.
so he has a delightful English accent.
- Grr.
- Josie.
Psyops genius.
A real feeler and emoter with a scary sense of intuition.
Makes her great.
- .
in the interrogation room.
- Ah, I get it.
You had to get a girl to find someone as feely as you.
Heh, heh.
- Bogey.
Get down.
- No, no, no.
Not a bogey.
This is Damian.
Former Navy SEAL, Marksman award.
But because of his appearance, he's been typecast by the agency.
Spent the last 10 years embedded in one terrorist cell after another.
He's sick of the desert.
Kind of reminded me of when I was stuck at the Buy More.
I think he could really shine in an opportunity like this.
And last but the opposite of least.
The Brodster.
Nerdy, emotional, into his family and friends.
disarmingly attractive.
Dear God, there's another one.
Let's get to work.
Casey, you'll be handling physical testing.
Sarah, you'll handle psychological evaluations.
You're in the field, you have a conflict with your partner.
What do you do? You want me to say I'd talk about it right away.
What I'd really do.
is manipulate my partner into doing what I want.
And, Morgan, you're in charge of evaluating.
the candidates' cultural knowledge.
Rush's best album? Ah.
"Caress of Steel.
" No.
I find that few conflicts come up if everyone can just be civil.
Charlton Heston sci-fi question for you.
What's cooler? Soylent Green or Omega Man? Trick question.
Bring Lewis an ice pack.
Favorite Bond.
Connery excluded.
I have no opinion about any of this.
Why do men care about these things? Nothing you're asking me matters at all.
What on Earth is she talking about? Talk about it right away, for as long as it takes.
Nothing should ever wait or be left unsaid.
Sometimes it's best to say things two or three times even.
Most important graphic novelist.
Grant Morrison or Moore/Gibbons? Kind of a Brian Vaughan man myself.
Actually, I've always secretly felt that way.
So time to pick a new Intersect.
You ready, Chuck? Ahem.
Yes, I'm ready.
I was honestly feeling kind of nervous earlier.
but I went upstairs, got a little fresh air.
Now I am ready.
I just feel bad for the others, you know? I mean, we've really started.
to become friends.
I'm the cool boss.
Yes, you are incredibly cool.
Now, who are you going to choose? Your vote? Just because I'm in charge doesn't mean I don't value your opinion.
My opinion is you're going to screw it up.
What is the.
? Man, she hates me.
Well, you did steal her job.
You're her nemesis.
I hate being a nemesis.
Maybe I should take her out to coffee.
- Yeah.
- Bentley is no joke.
Stop trying to befriend her.
Watch your back.
The only thing that's gonna make her look worse is you succeeding.
where she and I couldn't.
Now, who is the new Intersect? Any way you want it That's the way you need it Any way you want it Nice.
What are you doing? Wow, really, is it Big BM Day? That's the best kind of day there is.
Hand me some of them flyers, and let's sell some TVs.
Sorry, Big Mike.
Why are you wearing the Big BM? I thought that we retired it? It's for the new LED flat-screen TV sale.
The Large Mart has the same promotion going on today.
Those bastards.
They don't respect us.
The last five promotions that we've had, Large Mart has had the same ones.
If we don't do something.
they are gonna hand us our head in a handbasket just like always.
Don't know if that's the expression, but let me tell you: - You do not have to sell yourself like this.
- Say what? Other men wear collared shirts all day.
while I get to wear a great big BM on my chest.
That's job satisfaction.
- Lf you say so.
- You know, son.
as the leader of the Buy More, you set the tone.
I know you got a lot going on here.
But remember, the Buy More is a special place.
It can be fun here.
Okay, okay.
You're right.
You know what? Let's have fun, huh? All right.
- Hey! Hey! Hey! - Hurry! Get off me! - Hey! - I got him.
We got him.
Go, go, go! Hey, gang.
Say, uh, has anyone seen Brody? - Hmm.
- No.
Haven't seen him.
All right.
- I guess Chuck has made his choice.
- Nobody ever picks me.
Hey, Devon.
What's up? I have bad news.
Ellie has been working on your dad's computer.
What? That was supposed to be under lock and key.
How did she get it back? She said some woman brought it over, told her that the Buy More tech dudes.
gave it to her by mistake.
No, no, no.
Chuck, I would have told you sooner, but I didn't think she'd find anything.
But, Chuck, she's making progress.
Okay, look, it is very important, imperative even.
that we stop that work immediately.
You should see how happy she's been.
The work is making her feel close to your dad again.
I'm stuck here for a bit.
so I need you to take care of this right away.
Replace the hard drive with a blank one when Ellie is not looking.
She'll think it just broke again.
I'll take care of the rest.
Director Bentley? Did you give the Orion computer to my sister, Ellie? - No.
- Well, I don't mean to offend.
but I don't believe you.
- Heh.
You shouldn't.
I gave it to her.
I knew it.
I knew it, I knew it.
Maybe you were unaware.
that I feel very strongly about keeping my sister away from the CIA.
Now that you know, I hope that you respect it because I'm in charge.
Problem is, I don't respect you.
Resent me all you want, this is my project.
I'm gonna tell Brody.
he's the new Intersect, a choice I feel very confident will.
- What the.
? Unh.
- It's blood.
And there's so much of it.
And it's coming from over there.
Well, there goes your first choice.
Dear Lord.
There's been a murder! So Large Mart claims that this kidnapping is in retaliation.
But see, I know no one here would break a two-year prank détente.
with the Large Mart because I, as your leader, have forbid it.
Why? Because it's just that important.
But there you have it.
They claim we kidnapped Kevin Bacon.
What did you two do? Huh.
You put Kevin Bacon in a closet.
- Really? - Listen, we had to.
they would've dominated us, like always.
- Yeah! - Because, weirdly, an adorable pig.
attracts more customers than a man wearing a big yellow and green BM.
Call me crazy.
- Aw.
- Aw.
That's so sweet.
I'm buying whatever he's selling.
I can't believe he's dead.
How could this happen on my watch? Who would do this? Nobody's been in Castle for a week besides us, Bentley and the recruits.
That means the killer is still among us.
That's it.
And the one in your skivvies, mate.
D&D all over again.
Okay, you are still in charge, you need to be calm and confident.
But remember, we need to figure this out.
Calm, confident.
Here's the situation, people.
Castle is officially in lockdown.
which means all cell phone use is blocked.
We will be going over the surveillance footage.
and interrogating each and every one of you.
Casey, Sarah, sidebar.
- Looks like some are above suspicion.
- Why do they get to keep their weapons? Yeah.
Who the hell are they? Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay.
Enough of that.
Casey here has been a part of Team Bartowski, proudly.
for years now.
Saved my life countless times.
Oh, I get it now.
You're the Intersect's brainless heavy.
Colonel Casey would never kill anyone.
Who didn't deserve it.
What about her? Uh, I think I can safely say that my fiancée here.
would never kill anyone who didn't deserve it.
- Your fiancée.
Oh, now I see it.
- What is that supposed to mean? You go back over there.
You come over here.
As I was saying, it is not Casey nor is it Sarah.
Therefore, the killer must be one of you.
Let's blame the swarthy bearded guy.
I have friends who are terrorists.
This is just what my face looks like! I didn't spend the last 10 years in a cave for my country to have to deal with this.
I'm out of here.
Oh, and by the way.
l'm Greek.
I wouldn't have guessed that.
Wait! Don't shoot anyone, Casey.
Damian? Wait, wait.
Damian, halt.
Please halt.
Now, please.
- I'm leaving.
- Damian.
Damian, no! Just get me out of here.
- He's losing a lot of blood.
- I need a doctor.
I'm gonna grab some bandages.
Put pressure on the wound.
Everything is offline.
We can't access the surveillance videos.
and all communication channels with CIA are dark.
Good job getting the emergency lights back up.
That bomb was linked to three others.
Power grid is out.
The doors were already on lockdown, we're without support.
We're trapped? This is not going well.
The most important thing about leadership is to convince everybody.
you have everything under control.
- What if Casey was in charge? - You could be in charge? - Doesn't work like that.
I had my shot.
Almost nuked the Inland Empire.
These people have been following you for a week.
You're not in charge by accident.
You did disarm a nuclear bomb using fruit juice.
You can do this.
We're right behind you.
Okay, okay.
So here's the thing.
We are officially locked in now with a killer.
but, not to worry, I have everything under control.
I feel calm.
We're sitting here disarmed and the meathead has all the guns.
Casey, listen, we need to swallow this.
What's important is to support Chuck.
and he needs to look like the boss.
- Fine.
I still don't trust an American operative with a British accent.
Well, it's not my fault.
It's from my semester abroad.
Wait, one semester? You got an accent from four months in England? Yeah, that's really annoying, dude.
It's not that bad.
I'd like to thank all of the Large Mart representatives for coming.
I cannot apologize enough.
Just give us Kevin Bacon and peace can be restored.
I want my proof of life.
See, you have a certain human being of ours.
and, uh, I'd like to speak with him.
Uh, you won't be able to track the signal, so don't bother.
- Big Mike? - Hello, son.
Thank God.
Big Mike, so good to hear your voice.
I can't go a whole day without my number two.
- How are you doing? - I'm fine.
Whatever you do, don't give in to Large Mart's demands.
I'm gonna give in to their demands.
I gotta get you out of there.
Want me to call the police? Uh, the police have no jurisdiction here.
This isn't anything that can't be handled within the confines.
of the shopping center.
Anyway, I'm having a nice time.
They brought Subway flatbread breakfast sandwiches.
- Steak, egg and cheese ones? - With chipotle southwest sauce.
Reminds me of your mama.
Muy caliente.
I've heard enough.
He has heard enough.
Marvin, here we are.
Take your pig and.
Is this some kind of joke? Where is Kevin Bacon? Don't.
I don't know.
Okay, Marvin, you have my word, I will get to the bottom of this.
But you need to give me till midnight and I will find your pig.
Yeah, well, if you don't, I can't promise your friend's safety.
But I promise you this: A big, flaming BM on your doorstep.
Devon, I had a breakthrough.
What's going on? I had an epiphany between baby yoga and music.
I was trying to figure out how my dad's research added up.
Then I thought about Clara.
and about how she's learning stuff so fast.
My dad was trying to figure out a way to input knowledge.
into the human brain without having to learn it.
I mean, think about the implications, Devon.
He left that knowledge for me for a reason and I figured it out, but why? I just.
I don't know what he wanted me to do with it.
I just wish.
I wish he was here.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
We do.
So, director, the way I see it, you've got more motive than anyone.
You hate that I'm in charge, you want my program to fail.
and you've said very mean things to me all day.
- I would never do anything like this.
- Oh, wouldn't you? You've already gone after my sister, so you're willing to do anything.
to benefit your own project, including murder.
You're the only one who knew Brody was my first choice.
Brody made you light up like a 13-year-old girl.
Everyone knew he was your first choice.
Heh, what.
? Really? I don't know what else you want me to say.
I didn't do it.
I'm not buying this weepy thing.
Doesn't fit your profile.
You're not the only one who's trained in psyops.
You've been hiding something from us.
And you've been highly emotional.
For your information.
l'm emotional because I got dumped last week by my boyfriend.
for being too emotional.
Look, I don't do too well with girls and crying.
Maybe we should be a little easier on her.
She's trained to do this, Chuck.
Do not let her manipulate you.
Okay, fine, I won't.
I won't.
Aah! This is torture.
- You're torturing me! - We're not torturing you.
No torture going on here! Although there is no clear definition.
- Sarah.
- Ugh.
We're gonna get you painkillers.
but first, you're gonna answer a few more questions.
For example.
why is your bag covered in sand, huh? A great way to throw off our x-ray equipment.
Mighty convenient.
Or it's because everything I have is covered in sand.
Because the CIA won't send me anywhere.
where there isn't any sand.
Old school.
I like it.
It doesn't even work.
Because there's sand in it.
Oh, God.
My tech guy.
And, suspiciously, an elite bomb specialist.
You knew I had high hopes for you.
Maybe that was your motivation.
You knew Brody was my first choice and that you were my second.
I didn't know that, but thanks for not choosing me.
You didn't? You didn't know that.
Oh, lookie what we have here.
Can you explain this? Uh, it's my knife.
But why do you have a knife used by an IRA bomb maker in your bag? Because I killed an IRA bomb maker and I took it from him.
Walker, Bartowski.
You figure out who the killer is yet? No luck.
It could be any one of them.
All we know is that whoever the killer is, they were sitting in that chair.
Well, I'm not even sure that we know that much.
Actually, I'm pretty certain.
as there's a bomb strapped to the bottom of the chair.
We gotta go right now! Did you feel that? I haven't felt anything for years.
What's happening? My ears are ringing, can't hear anything.
Are you okay? Yeah.
Walker, glad you're still you alive.
I'm good too.
Thanks, buddy.
Damian caught another piece of shrapnel in the back.
Oh, my God.
We gotta get him to a doctor.
We will.
Unless we die here.
Then he'll have to wait.
Everyone is here except Lewis.
Of course.
The bomb expert.
He must have set off the bomb so he could get away.
Which means.
Lewis is the killer.
Seriously? He was my second choice.
This is not just our BM we're talking about here.
This is our Big Mike, okay? He's in real danger here, fellas.
Real danger.
Think about it.
What if these men were to take his sandwiches.
Hmm? He is not built for that.
So I have to ask you one more time, okay? Where is Kevin Bacon? Don't know what to say, my friend.
It's, uh.
It's a mystery.
It's an unsolvable mystery.
It is not a mystery! In fact, it is obvious what has happened.
You stole Kevin Bacon, and, therefore, you two hid him.
Hmm? Or.
did we? Okay, Damian is unconscious, but he's still alive.
For now.
The good news is we can trust each other again.
Lewis clearly planted the bombs and killed Brody.
who probably caught him in the process.
We need all hands on deck.
Lewis is in Castle with nowhere to go.
Guy can build a bomb out of anything.
Watch for tripwires, booby traps.
Yeah, also, remember, it's important that we capture this guy alive.
We need to find out who he's working for, why he would try to sabotage Castle.
We're just gonna stand around and talk about it, leader? No.
I'm gonna find Lewis and I'm gonna take that bastard down.
Listen, director, I just want to apologize for accusing you of murder.
If you promise to stay away from my sister, we can get past it.
- Maybe even become friends.
- You know what your problem is? You want people to like you.
A good leader shouldn't care about that.
Sector 2, clear.
You don't understand, six years we were together.
I mean, how did you get the Intersect to commit? Sector 1, clear.
Clearly, you feel that way.
As you haven't made even the slightest of attempts to be liked.
That's not important to me.
Not even a little? Are you made of stone? Shh.
Did you hear that? I hear movement in the ducts.
Yeah, I hear it too, Chuck.
It's Lewis.
I lost him.
you got anything? I'm right underneath him.
Freeze, limey, if you wanna keep your boys.
What the hell? What is it? It's a pig.
A pig? You hid Kevin Bacon in the air ducts.
If you love something, let it go.
And if it comes back, you can eat it.
He lives by a strange philosophy of karma and diet.
He combines the two.
But it works for him.
- A pig? Did he really just say.
? - That means Lewis is still out there.
- And all I've got is you.
- Where are you going? I'm going to the Intersect room.
It's bombproof.
The safest place in Castle.
Don't you.
Director! Stop! I command you! Hey, hey.
I don't wanna pull rank here, but you can't just walk away like that.
You don't wanna pull rank because I may not like you? - What is that? - That is none of your concern.
That is absolutely my concern.
It's my father's research.
- It's a matter of national security.
- My sister using the.
- You're putting my family in danger.
- I am saving my project from you.
Do you see him? I see him.
We got you, Lewis.
There's nowhere left to go.
Well, I think we can safely say that Lewis is not the killer.
Brilliant deduction, Sherlock.
It was bad.
I mean, I've seen bad, but this was grisly.
That means the killer is still out there.
Just the ladies.
All right.
Let's finish this.
- It's not me, so that leaves you.
- My sentiments exactly.
Everybody shut up.
Put your weapons down.
Unless it's one of them.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Drop your guns.
You drop your guns.
- I want this to be over.
- This is a mess.
Okay, leader, what you got? Who's the killer? There's been a murder! - I know who did it.
- What? First, I thought Brody's killer had to be Lewis.
My second choice would wanna kill my first choice.
So I'm not your first or second choice.
That's good to know.
No, no, no.
Look, I loved all of you guys.
It's just that there can only be one number one.
and one number two.
They're both dead now.
If it makes you feel any better.
I did suspect you of being the killer for a little while.
Mainly because of your volatile emotional state.
But you're not a murderer.
Going through your things, I found the pregnancy stick.
You're expecting.
I hope you're blessed with a boy.
Which brings me to where my suspicions.
have been pointing the entire time.
You must be joking.
Only one person was unaccounted for during Brody's and Lewis' murders.
My opinion is you're going to screw it up.
And who has unique access to Castle's infrastructure.
I'd be very careful.
- I know it isn't you.
- What? She had ample opportunity to kill me and she didn't take it, okay? I just wanted everyone on this side of the room.
so I could quietly tell you it's Damian.
He's the killer and he's probably armed.
- Let's do it.
- I'll flank him on the left.
- I got your right.
- I got your back, Chuck.
How about we go with plan B, Chuck? You're gonna let me out of here.
You're gonna get me to a doctor.
Or I'm gonna blow us all up.
The boom box? Really? Actually, I should have expected that.
Be rational.
You wanna get out of here just as much as we do.
How do you know what I want? I wasn't even one of your choices.
Because you don't wanna die.
You've wanted out of here all along.
Brody caught you planting the explosives in Castle.
What are you doing? That's why you killed him.
You had to cover your tracks.
But when we locked down.
it was only a matter of time before we knew you were the killer.
That's when you really committed.
By blowing yourself up.
Knowing where the explosives were placed.
you used the door to shield yourself.
Bold move.
I had no choice.
The bombs locked the doors.
You tried a new method.
Thinking if we had a killer in mind, we'd get you out.
So you planted a bomb under your chair during your interrogation.
Aah! This is torture.
You're torturing me! When the bomb went off, you used the chaos as cover to kill and hide Lewis.
But unfortunately for you, we found him.
Now we know what happened, but we don't know why.
Who are you working for, Damian? What are they after? I came here for you, Chuck.
Now, you're gonna get me out of here.
Chuck, you know what you have to do.
We can't let you leave.
You know that.
So just put the bomb down.
No, thanks.
It's your choice, boss.
- Sarah, the bomb has been activated.
- It's okay, you can do this.
Normally, yes, but not this fast.
So many security measures.
- I can't defuse it in that amount of time.
- Chuck, keep everybody away.
from the Intersect room.
- No.
Bentley! Bentley! What are you doing? Intersect room is the only room that can contain this.
- The power is out, the doors won't shut.
- There's a manual release.
No, no.
There's gotta be another way.
This is what a leader does.
I hot-wired the control panel using my pocket protector.
thank you very much.
- Come on, we don't have time.
- Let's go.
Congratulations on solving the murder mystery.
and saving Castle from destruction.
And a special commendation to you, Chuck.
You are a true leader.
Thank you, general.
But I'm only as strong as the team that surrounds me.
And, as always, Sarah and Casey were my eyes, ears and more today.
I'm glad you feel that way.
This is the team we're sticking with.
Following the breach.
it has been deemed too dangerous to put the Intersect into a new recruit.
At least for the foreseeable future, you are to remain the only Intersect.
Director Bentley, you will await reassignment in Washington.
General, if I could just add something quickly.
Director Bentley was invaluable today.
Well done, team.
So this is it, huh? You're a good spy, Chuck Bartowski.
I'm sorry for underestimating you.
Thank you.
It's good to not have a nemesis anymore.
You know.
your sister is incredibly smart.
If anybody can figure out the Intersect, it's her.
You might wanna reconsider keeping her away from her path.
Enough is enough.
We are not gonna let Big Mike.
- .
just sit there and rot.
- No! Who knows what those heathens could be doing to him.
I tell you what we're gonna do.
We're gonna break him out.
- Yeah! - Look.
He's alive.
Hey, how did you get free? Easy.
They had a couple of nerds watching me.
My shift was over.
I ain't staying late.
- Yeah! - I'm glad you're okay.
We're glad.
We're glad you're okay.
Large Mart rules! Our BM.
It's okay, son.
It was worth it to have some Large Mart fun again.
We can make another BM.
- Yeah.
- All right.
Hey, is this the Large Mart pig? Yeah, of course it is.
Oh, hey.
Let me guess.
Jeff and Lester stole the porcine victim.
Large Mart snatched Big Mike, he was able to liberate himself.
but they still torched the Big BM on your doorstep.
Yeah, you left out, uh.
- Nothing.
- Figured as much.
Yeah, pretty much.
What happened to you? - It's been a long day.
- Yeah.
Let's just leave it at that.
Here you go.
Here's Kevin Bacon.
- Oh, come on, buddy.
Come on.
- Hey.
Ha, ha.
- He also ate a lot, so just.
- Oh.
No, no, it's good.
I can kind of.
Oh, God.
Oh, no.
I'll, uh.
I'll be right in.
- Hey.
- So I took care of things on my end.
Ellie won't be bothered again.
How's everything going here? It's done.
- The computer is taken care of? - Kaput.
It's for the best.
Right? Totally.
So we're still not telling Chuck, right? No.
We don't want him to worry.
Well, guys.
I wanna apologize for all the grief you had to swallow to support me.
- That's not necessary.
- I think it is, though.
I would've fallen apart today if it weren't for the two of you.
It's not just the computer or the man.
The Intersect is all of us, it's the three of us working together.
That's why it works.
Don't ever forget that.
You're all here.
I wanted to get in touch with you right away.
We've interrogated Damian.
He wasn't trying to obtain the Intersect.
He was simply hired to bomb Castle.
Figured out who he was working for? It turns out Damian was wired $10 million.
by none other than Vivian Volkoff.
It appears she's going after the man who took down her father.
Wait, wait, wait.
Vivian Volkoff is trying to kill me? Your team will be contacted should any more information surface.
For now, remain on high alert.
I'm someone's nemesis? For real this time.

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