Cow and Chicken (1997) s02e13 Episode Script

Buffalo Gals

Dad, would you call
the kids to dinner?
Sure thing, bunny head.
Toasted wildebeest.
Come and get it!
Last one there
squirts sour milk!
Ha ha I win!
Cow squirts spoiled
For catching me, you
deserve a reward.
Mom, can we make
Cow into hen cheese?
Toasted wildebeest. Can I
have mine with cinnamon?
Who could that be?
Do we have company?
Well sort of.
Don't let them get me!
Don't let them get me!
They're not after you.
Excuse me, sir?
But who are you guys?
We're the Buffalo Gals.
Oh, the Buffalo Gals.
A motorcycle riding gang that
randomly bursts into people's homes
and chews on their carpet.
Buffalo Gals?
Move. Saddle up gals!
Say, nice outfit, kid.
You'd fit right in
with a gang like ours.
Here's my card.
Drop by any time.
Flying, flying,
flying biker princess.
Mom, Dad, Chicken,
I have found my ilk.
Aww, geez, Cow.
You can't go with them.
You don't even know how
to ride a motorcycle.
They will teach me.
Don't worry, big brother
I am following my dentistry.
What do you want, Heifer?
I have this
She's with me.
I'm glad to see ya, kid.
C'mon, join the fun.
Buffalo Gals, won't
you come out tonight? ♪
Come out tonight? ♪
Come out tonight? ♪
Buffalo Gals, won't
you come out tonight? ♪
And dance by the
light of the moon ♪
Oh yes pretty boys, ♪
we're coming out tonight ♪
Coming out tonight ♪
Coming out tonight ♪
Oh yes pretty boys, ♪
we're coming out tonight ♪
And dance by the
light of the moon ♪
I danced with a gal with ♪
a hole in her stockin' ♪
And her heel kept a-rockin',
and her toe kept a-knockin' ♪
I danced with a gal with ♪
a hole in her stockin' ♪
C'mon, Cow! Let's
cause a stampede!
I don't think I could.
Buffalo Gals, won't
you come out tonight? ♪
Come out tonight? ♪
Come out tonight? ♪
Come on, Cow! Move it!
Shake it!
I do not know. I bruise easily.
I gotta tell ya, kid. That
butt's not going to make it.
I gotta save my fat sister.
She's not fat, Mr. Man.
She's just big-boned.
Say it. Say it!
Hey, guys
look what I found spying on us.
We hate chicken!
How about a game of softball?
Got second base.
I'll pitch and you catch.
Batter up!
Ya-hoo! I'm going
for a two bagger.
Two bagger?
Chicken, are you okay?
Another double?
Are you tired of
being second base?
Okay, then. Batter up!
Stop it. Do not
hurt my big brother.
Well, Cow, you're
gonna have to choose.
Are you with us or against us?!
I told you she wasn't man
enough to be a Buffalo Gal.
Now there's a Buffalo
Gal if I ever seen one!
Say, stranger, want
to be on my team?
Super Cow! A la rescuettie!
You know, there's a moral to this story.
But it's a secret!
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