Creeped Out (2017) s01e03 Episode Script


The Curious they say he collects strange tales and if you ever hear his whistle, you know something creepy is about to unfold.
No one knows where he's from or where he's going to.
But he collects a souvenir from every tale he witnesses.
Keeps it in that satchel of his.
Have a great night.
I live to babysit.
I live to babysit.
Yeah, that works.
If a job's worth doing, then it's worth doing right.
Take Esme, the world's worst babysitter.
If only she'd respected her job, things might have been okay for her.
You guys are going to have an amazing time.
Zucco's is the place to eat.
According to my mom, the tangerine gelato is a dream.
I've got the whole mapped out.
Proper girl's night in.
Hot chocolate, popcorn, DVD marathon.
Seriously, you guys are doing me a favour.
I live to babysit.
We'll be back 10:30 latest.
Be good, girls.
And help yourself to anything in the fridge, okay? Oh, so kind.
You guys seriously have nothing to worry about.
The twins are in very capable hands.
I think it's time for beddy-byes.
What do you think, girls? But it's 6:30.
They recommend you get at least 14 hours of sleep a day.
No, they don't, and you can't make us.
Just to understand.
It's for your own safety.
Tell me, girls, have you ever heard of the Night-night Man? Oh.
He's out there right now, waiting.
He lives in the gardens and awakens when little kids won't go to bed.
He's a master of camouflage, blending into the undergrowth.
Big, lanky, massive roots and thorns.
And only when you don't go to sleep does he strike.
How come I've never heard of the Night Shh.
Don't say his name, not even to your parents.
If you mention his name, he'll make his way up to the house.
Gnarly roots and thorns scraping on the concrete.
What was that? What was what? Oh, and when he gets real close, he'll tap to come in three times.
What will he do if we don't go to bed? Turn your flesh into compost.
He's here! Guys, quick, he disappears if you go to sleep.
Go, quick! Ah, like a charm.
Look, I'm not doing this again and I mean it.
This grass is messing with my allergies.
Wait, how's my hair? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, no touchy, okay? So, how many times you pulled this stunt? Lost count.
It's not always the Night-night Man.
Just whatever scares the kids.
And then, there's not a peep for the rest of the night.
What? Not Patty Pierson again.
Hey, look, don't get weird, Es.
I'm here with you, aren't I? So, I've got another booking Friday.
The Thorne house.
Wait, the big one on Elm? They have a 3D TV and an account with Zucco's.
All the pizza you want.
Okay, but it's the last time I wear this.
Hey, so, where's the fridge? And that is, uh, pretty much everything.
Yeah, we moved in, uh, gosh, what? Nearly a month ago now.
Thought it was time for a night out, grown-ups only.
Now, Mrs.
Tuthill said that you were the go-to girl for babysitting.
Yeah? Oh, she's sweet.
The twins are my absolute favourites to sit for.
Ashley's got the sniffles and is all tucked in.
Shouldn't give you any trouble tonight.
Don't worry.
We'll be just fine.
Yeah, they'll be just fine.
Look who's here.
You must be Ashley.
You don't look very sick to me.
What do you want, kid? What's your name? Esme.
But you can call me Miss Curtis.
Esme, you have a very big head in relation to your body.
Well, not nearly as big as your mouth, though.
Ice cream.
Excuse me? You asked me what I want.
I want ice cream.
You've already brushed your teeth, haven't you? Derp.
Of course.
Then, you can't have ice cream, now, can you? Think it through.
I want ice cream! Wait.
What was that? No, it can't be.
What? What is it? The Night-night man.
A creature, they say, made up of roots and thorns, who wakes up when kids don't go to sleep.
Of course, it's probably not him.
When the Night-night Man comes, he taps on the window three times.
And we haven't heard that, so Tell me he's not behind me.
, quick, before he gets in, he disappears when you go to sleep! Funny.
Another one.
I want another story.
How many more people have you got out there? Who is this kid? I live here, grass boy.
Who are you? Okay.
Enough with the fun and games.
Back to bed, kid.
You shouldn't be mean.
Kindlesticks doesn't like it if you're mean.
Kindlesticks? Who's that? Is he your imaginary friend? He's not imaginary.
He's real and he's standing right next to you.
Nice try, but we don't scare easily.
Where is he? Right here? Hey, how you doing, Kindlesticks? Look, we're best of pals.
He isn't always invisible, you know.
Sometimes you can see his bright red eyes staring into your soul.
Well, I think Kindlesticks would want you to go to sleep, Ashley.
What do you think? Kindlesticks isn't like grown-ups.
He doesn't have rules.
He protects kids.
And right now, Kindlesticks is starting to get mad.
Storytime's over.
Bedtime for you, mister.
And this is the last time we hear about this Kindlesticks guy.
Weirdo! Psh, Kindlesticks.
No! Chazzy, you're missing the movie.
Who you texting? What? Yeah, sure.
Here, just take one.
They're good.
Help me! Hey, shift over, will ya? Your thigh is crushing me.
What? What? You just tapped my shoulder.
No, I didn't.
Okay, seriously, what? Chaz, I didn't do anything.
I just want you to know, I'm not finding this funny.
Ow! What is wrong with you? Don't deny it.
You flicked my ear and it really stings.
Did you just eat my sandwich? No.
That kid.
Looking for someone? Messing with us might seem funny to you, Ashley.
But at my age, it's about as funny as a toenail in your cheesecake.
It was Kindlesticks.
Kindlesticks messes with naughty people.
Listen to me, your happiness depends on my happiness.
I make or break kids in this town.
You understand? You talk funny.
Esme, come quick! Chaz! What is it?! Another spider? No.
And I'm cool with spiders.
There's just Something yanked my hair.
I felt it.
No, he couldn't have.
We were upstairs.
What? So, I'm lying? Wait, did you see that? I saw something, in the garden.
Something moving.
Maybe it was the Night-night Man.
You can zip it.
I'll stick the kid back in bed and we can finish the movie in peace.
What is happening?! The piano! Kindlesticks wants to play.
Duck! Esme, what kind of house have you brought me to?! Chazzy, look.
What is that? What is that? Forget this! Chaz, you You can't just leave me! Now do you believe in him? Say I did, what does Kindlesticks want? To play.
What if I don't want to play? Kindlesticks doesn't like no for an answer.
This is getting serious now.
How do I stop him, Ashley? Be nice.
Kindlesticks doesn't like it if you're mean.
You want some ice cream? I'll get you ice cream.
Getting him ice cream! Not just me.
Kindlesticks knows.
He sees into you.
But I'm not mean.
Kindlesticks disagrees.
What are you doing? Calling 911.
Kindlesticks won't stop until you play.
Please no, no, no.
Don't hit send.
Please! No! Kindlesticks did you a favour.
He was a loser.
I didn't take those photos.
Kindlesticks did.
Who are they? Other kids that I sit for.
They don't look like they found your stories funny.
I don't want to see anymore! What? Kindlesticks doesn't usually go this far.
I thought he was your friend.
I thought he just wanted to play.
I think now, Kindlesticks wants to make you pay.
We're trapped.
Go talk to him.
Tell him to stop! Somewhere deep down, I think she's maybe a good person, Kindlesticks.
Let me in! Let me in! Please, please! Let me in! Let me in! He doesn't like that I'm friends with a meanie.
He's mad at me, too.
Okay, we'll just stay here till your parents come home.
They'll know what to do.
They won't be home for hours.
You're supposed to look after me.
What do we do? Shh.
Ashley, don't speak.
I need to tell you something.
Sometimes I lose control of him.
Esme! No! Ashley? Ashley? Ashley? Esme! Help me! Ashley? Ashley? Ashley, where are you? Ashley What? Esme! Please, give him back.
He says you don't deserve me.
He says you did this.
Ashley Please, don't hurt him.
His parents'll kill me if anything happens to him.
I'll never work again.
Kindlesticks says that's the wrong answer.
What is the right answer? What do you want me to say? That I'm a terrible sitter? That the only person I look after when I babysit is myself? K-Kindlesticks? It's true.
I am selfish.
I-I just wanted Chaz to like me.
Boys never like me.
And he's cruel and he's a loser and I see that now.
But I'm no better.
No kid deserves my stories.
and no one deserves to be so scared.
No! Please! I promise I'll never be mean again! Kindlesticks please! Ashley? Surprise.
It was you all along? You're Kindlesticks? So, he's not real.
But, wait.
Why? Everyone knows about you at school.
I thought you needed a lesson to see what it's like to be little.
Are you mad? No.
I'm not mad.
Good job, kid.
So, what did you put on the end of those? Red marker pen.
Nice touch.
But what about the rest of it? I'm guessing it was some sort of fishing line system? Tell me next time.
You best head upstairs before your folks get home.
Need help clearing up? You've done enough.
Thanks, though.
How was Zucco's? Ah, your mom was spot on with the gelato.
Hope the little monster didn't give you too much trouble.
A few moments, but it all worked out in the end.
You are definitely invited back.
Ash normally hates bedtime.
Oh, out like a light and through the storm, too.
She looks so peaceful.
Uh, she? That's right.
She's a proper little night owl this one.
No, you said "she.
" Yes.
Well, why would you Esme, are you okay? Who's that? That's Ashley, of course.
It's okay, Ash.
Back to sleep.
Ashley's a girl? Wait, no, no.
If that's Ashley, then Then who's What are you looking at? Kindlesticks.
Did you ever have an imaginary friend? Are you starting to wonder whether they were so imaginary after all? Because if it's true for one of them, then surely it's true for all of them.
Maybe it's still standing next to you right now.

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