Dallas s04e01 Episode Script

189002 - No More Mister Nice Guy (1)

Wait outside.
Wait outside.
- How bad is he? - We're moving him into Intensive Care.
- Will he live? - Do you really care.
Sue Ellen? Your husband may be dying.
You're out gallivanting around someplace.
Sue Ellen was sick.
You mean drunk.
was right.
You need to be back in that sanitarium.
His blood pressure's falling.
That's what I was afraid of.
He must be bleeding again.
It's most likely the spleen.
Let's get him to O.
Clear the area.
Wait outside.
Clear the lobby.
Stand back.
Stand back.
Clear the area.
Have them stand back over here.
- Stand back.
- What happened? What happened here? What happened? Step back.
Step back.
Miss Ellie.
Is Jock around? I had some papers to give him.
he He drove over to Fort Worth.
He's with Punk Anderson.
Are you all right? Is there anything I can do for you? No.
Just some things I've got to work out myself.
I'll be around for a while if you need me for anything.
- You want me to get that? - Please.
- Hello? - Mr.
Ewing? No.
This is Ray Krebbs.
I'm the ranch foreman.
Can I take a message? I'm Detective Don Horton.
Dallas Police.
Ewing's been shot.
's shot? How bad is it? He's being taken to the Dallas Memorial Hospital.
Is he alive? I'm sorry.
I don't know any more than what I've told you.
Would you tell the family? Yes.
Where is he? Dallas Memorial.
I'll get my bag.
Get one of the hands to drive me into town.
Get on up here.
I need you right away.
What have we got? Two gunshot wounds to the abdomen.
BP out in the field was 4010.
Okay- We take it from here.
Code yellow.
Code yellow, ICU.
Code yellow.
Code yellow, ICU.
His pulse rate is elevated.
Blood pressure' s 60140.
He's hypovolemic.
Start another IV with lactated Ringer's.
Get a CBC and cross-match him for six units.
Let's see if we can stabilize him.
Call Jock at Punk Anderson's.
He ought to be there by now.
- Tell him to meet me at the hospital.
- What about the rest of the family? Well.
Lucy said something about studying.
Bobby and Pam are probably out of state by now.
Out of state? And Lord only knows where Sue Ellen is.
- Do what you can.
- Yes.
Anderson? This is Ray Krebbs.
Is Jock Ewing there? How many units of whole blood have we got? We're lucky to have two.
He has an atypical antibody.
We're searching with the computer.
It may take hours to find more.
He's responding very well to whole blood.
His pressure's coming up.
But he's still out.
He may have a concussion or a contusion.
His pupils aren't dilated.
That's good.
Let's get some x-rays: Skull.
And a kidney and spleen ultrasound.
I wanna find out where he's bleeding internally.
- He doesn't seem to have lost much blood.
- That buys us some time.
But who knows? He could change any minute.
We may need that blood.
His mother and father are here.
- Tell them I'll see them as soon as I can.
- Yes.
We don't know a thing yet, Mr.
We were hoping you could help.
- Help how? - I need a list of suspects.
Someone who may have wanted to take a shot at him.
Right now.
Detective Frost.
I can't help you.
I don't know whether my son's alive or dead.
and Mrs.
Ewing? How's J.
? - He's stable.
- I'll talk to you later.
I'm Dr.
How bad is he? Mrs.
I don't know if you want to hear all this.
I have to know.
We found two entry holes.
That means two bullets.
At the moment.
It looks like there's some internal bleeding.
Could be a bullet nicked a kidney.
Even the spleen.
We're running tests now.
Is he conscious? No.
He received quite a bump on the head when he fell.
That might account for his failure to regain consciousness by now or he may have a skull fracture.
We're not sure yet.
- When can we see him? - Not for a while.
In a way.
We're fortunate in that he doesn't seem to need immediate surgery.
He has blood that's hard to cross-match because of an antibody.
He had a blood transfusion before.
Didn't he? Yes.
He had a hunting accident last year.
That must have been it.
Some patients are unfortunate and pick up an atypical antibody through a blood transfusion.
We're trying to find more of the right type of blood just in case we need it.
- How bad is it? - It's too soon to tell.
I wish I could be more reassuring.
We're moving him into Intensive Care.
Go into the waiting room.
I'll let you know when you can see him.
- Thank you.
- Code green-Code green, ICU, stat.
- Hello? - Muriel.
This is Ray Krebbs.
What's wrong? Have you seen Lucy? She was here earlier.
She went out with a bunch of kids.
I had work to do.
If you see her, tell her to call home.
It's urgent.
Okay- I will.
I'm sorry.
The police haven't been able to locate anybody yet.
I just don't understand what happened to Sue Ellen and Lucy.
I got the highway patrol notified.
They're covering the whole state at this point.
They ought to be able to come up with somebody soon.
- How's J-R-doing? - Not good.
You take good care of yourself.
Ray - if you hear anything.
Let me know.
- You bet.
- Coffee.
Ray? - Yeah.
Thank you.
- Mr.
? - Not too good.
Did Lucy get home okay? No.
I haven't heard from her yet.
Muriel? Are you holding something that I should know? - You keeping something back from me? - Is it really urgent? Her uncle J.
has been shot and is in the hospital.
My God! I'm sorry.
Lucy said she was going to a seminar last night.
Who's the professor? Mr.
Greg Forrester.
Forrester? You know how I can get a hold of this guy? You got a number.
An address or something? He lives at 3350 Dunbar Lane.
Thank you.
We found the blood we need.
Just in case.
But he's been resting comfortably.
He's still unconscious.
But he seems to be more responsive.
Thank you for coming and telling us.
He'll make it.
Uncle Jock.
Miss Ellie.
I heard about J.
on the radio.
- I came as fast as I could.
- Kristin.
- Is he? - He's Well.
He's holding up.
Where's the rest of the family? Where's Sue Ellen? She didn't come home.
It's gonna be a terrible shock for her when she does.
Is there anything I can do? Go out to Southfork and wait for her.
It'll be easier if you break the news.
Whatever you think is best.
The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
Flight Two from Lubbock will be delayed one hour.
- Yes? - Ms.
Forrester? - Yes.
- My name is Ray Krebbs.
Is Professor Forrester in? No - Mama.
Come here.
- Just a minute, Stevie.
I gotta go.
I'm trying to find one of his students.
Lucy Ewing.
She was at his novel seminar last night.
Is that that little blond? Yeah.
I'm sure he's holding his novel seminar at the Sundowner Motel.
- Sue Ellen.
Where have you been? - Kristin.
What are you doing here? I can't believe you came back after what happened.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You don't remember what happened last night? - No.
- Nothing at all? No.
Sue Ellen J.
's been shot.
My baby.
My baby.
Come here.
Come see Mommy.
What are you eating? A cracker? Can I have a bite? Give Mommy a bite.
Sue Ellen.
Will you take little John downstairs and give him a proper meal.
Please? I'll take that.
You'll be all right.
You can't go busting in there.
Them people have a right of privacy.
They paid for that room.
Come back to the office with me and I'll ring the room for you and see if they really want to see you.
Just shut up.
- What do you want“? - Professor.
You're getting out of here.
- Ray! - You don't have any right to do this.
- Here's your clothes.
- Who are you? Get the hell out of here! I thought you had more sense.
To get involved with a married man.
- Married? - Get your clothes.
Your uncle J.
's been shot.
We're going to the hospital.
Sue Ellen? I have to talk with you.
Come on in.
Door's open.
Sue Ellen I want you to know that no matter what happens.
I'll stand by you.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I'm talking about the shooting.
Is this true.
Or is this just another one of your little stories? Don't you remember anything at all? I remember l I walked out of Dr.
Elby's office yesterday afternoon.
I walked across the street to get a drink.
L WES very nervous.
And l I honestly can't remember anything else until I woke up in the airport this morning.
The airport? Why? I don't know.
I don't know.
Kristin J.
is ls J.
alive? Yes.
But it's very serious.
Sue Ellen.
Don't you remember coming to the condo? The condo? It was around 5 or 5:30.
I left Dr.
Elby's office about 3.
I was packing.
I knew that I'd overstayed my time in Dallas.
was angry at me.
You were angry.
And then I heard you knock.
- Where is he? - I don't know.
- Where is he.
Kristin? Sleeping it off? - He's not here.
Do you realize that you have destroyed my marriage? Well.
I ought to kill you too.
Sue Ellen.
There's nothing between J.
and me anymore.
He's not here.
He hasn't been here.
Get out of my way.
Because I'm gonna find out.
Sue Ellen.
That's not gonna solve anything.
Sue Ellen.
I don't know if I gave you the drink to calm you down or maybe to knock you out.
I was that frightened.
Put away the gun.
Kristin you know what I'm gonna do now? I'm gonna find him and when I find him.
I'm gonna kill him.
Because he's not gonna put me back in that sanitarium again.
Sue Ellen.
Don't! If Dusty were here.
He'd help me.
Dusty would help me.
Where is he? I tried to stop you, but I couldn't.
You said something about Dusty helping you.
I didn't understand.
I was gonna call the police.
But I couldn't.
You're my sister.
- Are you telling me the truth? - I swear.
My God.
I must have shot J.
I must have shot J.
- Sue Ellen.
Don't do anything foolish! - No.
I've gotta get cleaned up because we have to go to the hospital and I don't want Miss Ellie to see me like this.
And Jock and it's just it's time for us to go.
And in that close race, the incumbent refuses to concede and has asked for a re-count.
The weather in the Metroplex will be fair today with a high in the mid-70s.
Now, for a recap of our top story.
Oilman J.
Ewing was shot last night as he worked late in his office.
KGIM cameras were there shortly after the shooting.
We have these scenes for you as Mr.
Ewing was rushed from the Ewing Building to a waiting ambulance to be taken to Dallas Memorial Hospital.
There is no report on his condition and so far, no suspects have been taken into custody.
We will continue to update this story throughout the day.
Ewing was born in Dallas and is heir to the great Ewing fortune which includes Southfork Ranch in Braddock and the vast holdings of Ewing Oil.
Ewing 4, Ewing 4, please pull over.
State police business.
Who's talking about breaking the land-speed record? I think it's the bad company I keep.
I thought they just wrote down your license.
I think I'm gonna get a ticket.
- What's going on? - We were asked to take you to Dallas.
- What? - Sorry.
Your family wants you home.
- Mr.
Ewing's been shot.
- No.
- Oh.
- Well.
How bad is he? We don't know.
Why don't you both get in the chopper.
- I'll see your car back to Dallas.
- Thank you.
Come on.
Come on.
Put your head down.
I wanted you to know.
We may have to operate.
His pulse rate is up.
I've ordered another blood count.
- We're checking - Dr.
Pearson! Excuse me.
His blood pressure's falling.
That's what I was afraid of.
He must be bleeding again.
It's most likely the spleen.
Let's get him to O.
Code blue.
Code blue, CCU.
Code blue.
Code blue, CCU.
Sue Ellen.
We were worried about you.
Is he seriously hurt? He has two gunshot wounds.
He seemed to be doing all right.
And then Will he? - Will he live? - Do you really care.
Sue Ellen? - Jock! - Where were you last night? It doesn't matter now.
It damn well does matter.
Your husband may be dying.
You're out gallivanting around someplace.
I wasn't gallivanting.
Then where were you? - Sue Ellen was sick.
- Sick.
You mean drunk.
Isn't that right, Sue Ellen? Yes.
After I left Dr.
Elby's office.
I went across the street for a drink.
My nerves.
Then I don't remember anything until I woke up at the airport.
The airport? J.
was right.
Elby hadn't done you a bit of good.
You need to be back in that sanitarium.
Not now.
Excuse me.
Pearson will be out to talk to you right after surgery.
Thank you.
Uncle Jock.
Miss Ellie.
Can I get you some coffee? I'll go with you.
Sue Ellen.
You don't have to run away from Southfork.
We'll try and work out something together.
Thank you.
Sue Ellen.
The operation's gonna take a while.
Why don't we go to the cafeteria and get something to eat? - You look like you could use some food.
- Coffee's just fine.
Thank you.
- Miss Ellie.
- Everything will be all right, you'll see.
- Hey, Ray.
- Jock.
- Where'd you find her? - Kind of a long story.
- How's J.
doing? - Well.
He's in surgery right now.
- Is it very serious, Grandma? - I'm afraid so.
Ray told me about Bobby and Pam leaving Southfork.
Sue Ellen.
I am so sorry.
- Thank you.
- What are you doing here? I'm part of the family too.
There's a telephone call for you at the desk.
- For me? Who is it? - I don't know.
- Do you want me to get it, Grandma? - No.
But come with me.
Have you heard anything about Bobby and Pam? No.
Nothing yet.
- It's right there.
It's line three.
- Thank you.
- Hello? - Hello, Mama? Gary.
Valene heard on the radio that J.
had been shot.
- Yes.
It's it's true.
- Well, how bad? We We don't know.
Mama? Mama? Mama.
You still there? Daddy.
Grandma and Granddaddy have been up all night worrying.
She can't talk anymore.
- Where's Bobby? - Bobby and Pam left Southfork.
They left? What happened? I don't know.
Grandma needs you.
She really does.
Tell her I can get a plane that'll get me there about 6:00 tomorrow morning.
I'll pick you up.
Lucy, do they know who shot him? I don't think so.
Daddy, I'm so scared.
I understand.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Val.
I have no choice.
- I know.
I know.
- Did Lucy sound okay? - Yeah.
This is gonna be your first real crisis since Since my big drunk? Yeah.
Look I can't go through life without having to face a crisis.
Mama sounded terrible.
Bobby and Pam are gone.
They left the ranch.
- J.
finally drove them off too? - Now.
We don't know that.
Come on.
You know Bobby wouldn't leave for any other reason.
Sick or well.
's nothing but a troublemaker.
- Val - Look.
I know how that sounds but that's just how I feel.
If J.
was dead.
I honestly could not mourn him.
It's my family.
They're in trouble.
They need me.
I know.
Just hold me.
The splenic artery has been clamped.
The splenic vein.
- How's he doing? - Rocky.
But go.
Watch the tail of the pancreas.
You've got the short gastric vessels.
Let's take it out.
Can you get the bullet? Yes.
Got it.
You just made the police force very happy.
I hate to keep pressing you, but I need some names.
You mean to tell me that you don't have any clues? Any leads? Well.
So far there's no sign of robbery.
But we can't rule that out either.
Some of those maps you oilmen use are worth millions to a competitor.
I need someone who knows those things.
Who can go through your files.
I'm sorry.
But I can't leave till I know my boy is a lot better.
- Daddy.
- Hey.
Miss Ellie.
Any word yet? No.
He's still in surgery.
- Pam.
I'm so glad you're back.
- Thanks.
- Thanks for coming.
- How'd it happen? Well.
was working late.
And somebody put a couple slugs in him.
Is he all right? Not doing too good.
- This is Detective Frost.
- I'm working on your brother's shooting.
- How can I help? - I need a list of names.
- Someone who might wanna shoot him.
- J.
had a lot of enemies.
Let me start it for you.
The guy that committed suicide.
Seth Stone? - His widow has to be on the list.
- Sure.
Vaughn Leland was pretty mad at him too.
- The banker? - Yeah.
He dropped out of sight.
He also got Alan Beam fired.
You can get his address from Smithfield & Bennett law firm.
But I guess right at the top of the list would be the man hates us Ewings the most: Cliff Barnes.
- Pam.
Where you going? - Let's talk about it later.
- Honey, what's the matter? - Didn't you hear your father? Pam.
Cliff would have been a suspect even if Daddy hadn't said anything.
My brother isn't capable of physical violence.
He had a motive.
shut down Ewing 23.
That cost Cliff a half a million dollars a year and a whole lot of pride.
Cliff couldn't shoot anyone.
Including J.
- Pam - I'm gonna talk to Cliff and I'm gonna hear his side of the story.
Okay? - How is he.
Doctor? - He seemed to handle the surgery well.
He'll be in the recovery room for several hours.
Is he going to be all right? That's a little hard to say right now.
He's had a pretty rough time.
We removed one bullet.
It bruised a kidney and nicked the spleen.
Causing a lot of internal bleeding.
We removed the spleen.
But that's nothing to worry about.
He can lead a perfectly normal life without it.
What about the other bullet? Our first concern was saving his life.
You must understand that.
The second bullet appears to be lodged in the spinal canal.
To remove it is very.
Very delicate surgery.
And we're not sure yet how much damage that bullet has done.
When will you know? Mrs.
Ewing you've been up all night.
I suggest some rest.
You won't be able to talk to J.
until this evening.
Thank you.
Why don't you take Mama back to the ranch.
You both look dead tired.
Bobby's right, Ellie.
Let's go.
I don't wanna be that far from J.
We can check into the Fairview Hotel for couple of hours and the hospital can contact us there.
All right.
Sue Ellen? I'm going to stay here for a while.
Don't worry.
I'll stay with Sue Ellen tonight.
Let's go, Ellie.
Maybe you'd better get back to the ranch.
Keep it running for me.
- Right.
- I've got some things I've gotta do too.
- Bye.
Sue Ellen.
- Good night.
Ewing? Detective Horton is at the Ewing offices.
He needs to meet to go over the files.
See if anything's missing.
Come on.
Let's go.
Let's walk.
It's only a couple of blocks.
- Are you sure that you feel up to it? - Yes.
I feel like an overwound watch.
It's sure been a lousy night.
Now that Bobby's back.
You've got to find a way to keep him here.
I don't know how.
He was mad as hell at me when he left.
That was because he felt that you'd given him a job to do - and then you didn't stand behind him.
- Well.
I couldn't.
When he opened Ewing 23.
he made Cliff Barnes a partner in the profits.
After what that man's done to us.
No way.
Does Ewing Oil have to cost us another son? Jock.
I know how important the company is to you but I've lost Gary.
And now.
Unless you stop him Bobby will leave again.
Ewing Oil has been my life.
And J.
may be dying because of it.
I don't think the company is worth my family.
I want Bobby home no matter what it costs Ewing Oil.
Have a seat.
Have a drink“? - How'd you find me? - Your secretary told me you'd be here.
What are you doing out here.
Drinking in the middle of the afternoon? - Nothing for me.
- I'll have another, please.
Well? - What? - Why aren't you at work? Pam.
I don't have to account to you for my time.
Okay- Cliff.
Does this have anything to do with J.
? You know what? It seems like everything in my life.
One way or another has something to do with J.
I want that.
Have you been to the hospital yet? J.
was still in surgery when I left.
You know.
Bobby and I left Southfork.
We were on our way to California.
You left? What.
You were going on a vacation? No.
We left Southfork.
Bobby couldn't stand J.
's underhanded deals anymore.
His closing down Ewing field 23 was the last straw.
He didn't want anything to do with doing you out of your share of the profits.
That's nice.
But it's pretty academic now.
The field is closed.
There are no profits.
The reason I came to see you is because Jock has named you as a prime suspect in J.
's shooting.
I said to my boss.
The DA: “I'm probably a prime suspect in this case.
I certainly had enough motive and if anybody deserves shooting.
It's J.
“ But you tell me.
You're closer to me than anybody else: Do you think your brother's a killer? How is he.
Mama? He's very weak.
The doctor said just a few minutes.
Where's Daddy? He was exhausted.
I let him sleep.
we're here.
Mama? Mr.
We gotta know something.
Can you understand me? Did you see who shot you? Horton.
I think this can wait.
Who shot you, Mr.
Ewing? To be continued.

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