Dallas s09e18 Episode Script

174118 - Blame it on Bogota

It could be the largest-producing emerald mine in the hemisphere.
What? It could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
I don't want to question you, but I don't want to see you risk Ewing Oil.
If your bank won't accept that as collateral I'll have to find another one that will.
I'm gonna deliver Jack.
You know that.
- Lf it is worth your while.
- Don't you trust me? - Are you okay? - I went to see Bobby before I came here.
I want you to buy more equipment than you'll ever need.
I want Pam to sink millions into this project before I pull the rug from underneath her.
Go on.
They are the messiest damn birds on Earth.
They ought to all be shot.
Oh, I forgot.
You like animals more than most people.
That's right.
I like animals more than most people.
Well, I'd sure like you to spend as much time as possible with them when you're down there in South America.
Well, I figure I can stretch this trip out to two weeks, maybe a couple days longer.
A couple of weeks? Is that all? I thought you said you were going into the jungle on foot.
We are.
Well, Matt, don't run.
Walk, son, walk.
Ha, ha.
Take your time.
Is everything else set up? We, uh, fly to Bogotâ, then we hop a light plane to the town of Los Gatos on the edge of the jungle.
I'll be picking up men and supplies there.
And from there on out, we head into the wilds.
I hope Pam likes what she sees.
Well, there, uh There won't be much to like at first.
Just a hole in the side of the mountain.
That's where we'll set up camp.
I'll, uh, show her how things are done, what equipment we need.
And then, if you've got what we talked about in that briefcase I should be able to give her a nice little going-away present.
Take a look at this.
If we can fool her into thinking these were found inside that mountain she should be willing to invest as much as we want.
Matt, I want you to buy more equipment than you'll ever need.
And pay those workers more money than they've ever seen in their whole lives.
I want Pam to sink millions into this project before I pull the rug from underneath her.
And once the world finds out that the mine's a bust I'm gonna drag her into court and prove that she can't handle her own money much less my little nephew Christopher's share of Ewing Oil.
Put those back in the bag.
Now, you won't be able to take them on the plane with you.
So I'll have them at your hotel when you arrive.
I hope so.
Ha, ha.
Don't worry.
All you have to think about is all the money you're gonna be putting in your pocket instead of in the ground.
I'm gonna be a millionaire.
Ha, ha.
How about that? And I never thought you'd amount to a hill of beans.
Go on, get out of here.
Go on.
But she's getting stronger? Oh, considerably.
Now, when am I gonna be able to talk to her? Well, she's still heavily sedated.
But by tomorrow, she should be alert and talkative.
How soon will she be able to go home, doc? According to Dr.
Kenfield, if everything keeps up at this pace, I'd say about a week.
A week? That soon? Oh, of course, she'll have to stay off her feet.
She still has a lot of healing to do internally.
But she can do that just as well, probably better, at home.
Hey, that sounds good.
Well, I have an appointment.
Kenfield will see you tomorrow.
- Thanks, doc.
- Goodbye.
Good to see you.
Thank you very much.
You going back to the office? No, actually I'm gonna go back to her room.
You know, just for a little while.
Uh, I gotta meet somebody from Marinos.
I'll check with you later.
Oh, how is that project going? Good, good.
Everything seems to be on schedule.
Even the preliminary drilling indicates that the field is gonna be at least as big as the geologist estimated, maybe even bigger.
Is that right? Preliminary drilling? Are you drilling already? - Yeah.
- How? Ha-ha-ha.
What do you mean, how? Well, I mean, how did you get the, uh, equipment the drills and all that stuff together so quickly? Well, you know J.
When it comes to making money, he moves pretty fast.
Excuse me.
- I'll call you later, huh? Yeah.
I don't usually drink this early in the day.
This is not drinking.
This is celebrating.
I'd like to propose a toast.
To the good news from off the coast of Venezuela.
You didn't have to ruin it by bringing those agreements with you.
Oh, there's no sense in getting upset just because I like everything down in black and white.
- Ha, ha.
A deal's a deal.
- And a deal has two sides.
I give you 20 percent of my share of the profits and you give me Jack in Martinique.
Fair is fair.
Well, maybe we should wait until you deliver your part of the bargain before I deliver mine.
Ha, ha.
I'm gonna deliver Jack.
You know that.
Oh, I know you will deliver Jack, if it is worth your while.
Don't you trust me? Of course I trust you.
I trust you every bit as much as you trust me.
To Martinique.
To Martinique.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Don't be.
How's your sister? - Better.
- Good.
Ha, ha.
I see you've made some friends.
I haven't relaxed like this since I left Greece.
- A little homesick? - A little bit.
What's that you're carrying? These are the Venezuelan, uh, geological reports.
I thought I'd better get them back to you.
Do they meet with your approval? Well, they are the best I've ever seen.
Have you seen many? Well, yes, I have seen many.
- Have you? - Yes.
- Where? - Marinos Shipping, of course.
Ah, ha-ha-ha.
Really? Are you, uh, interested in becoming an engineer? I am an engineer.
You know something? L I thought, uh I thought you were just a secretary.
No one is just a secretary for Marinos Shipping.
Either one is on her way up or on her way out.
Company policy.
Oh, boy.
Well, you are full of surprises.
Have you ever met Dimitri? When I got my scholarship to the national academy.
It was his endowment.
Every year, he pays for the top student's education and hires him when he graduates.
Not a dumb man.
He's not.
What's he like? There's another company policy.
You have too many policies.
Once you agree to work for Dimitri you also agree not to talk about him or the company.
Aren't you being a little paranoid? Aren't you being a little too curious? There are some things we're all better off not knowing.
Things are pretty bad when I can't convince you to stay and play.
I'm sorry, darling, I just I gotta go home, that's all.
Truth is, something's really eating at you.
You're tight as a drum.
Yeah, you're right.
Something is bothering me.
I just can't shake it, that's all.
What? Well, you know the sable coat I bought for you? With the money you got from Pam.
That's right.
Well, today my so-called experts reported to me that they made a rather serious mistake when they reviewed the geological surveys of that mine.
What did they mean, "serious mistake"? Remember I told you the mine was worthless? Well, it now it turns out it could be the largest-producing emerald mine in the hemisphere.
- What? - That's right.
Down the years, it could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
And I sold my share to that Barnes woman for a lousy fur coat.
That's incredible.
Her luck is what's incredible.
I keep telling her it's a bad deal, hoping that she'll back out of it.
But no, no.
She's just too stubborn for that.
And now she tells me she's gonna go down to South America to see the damn thing.
I tell you, if I had her luck, I'd be unstoppable.
Darling, I don't wanna bother you with this anymore.
I gotta go home.
I'll, uh I'll call you tomorrow.
How about the guys at Dallas Memorial? Mm.
Only Bob Gilbert.
I told you there weren't gonna be many people from the medical profession only about half a dozen or so.
Oh, great.
That's some party.
Just me and a hundred strangers, huh? Look, just make believe you're having a good time.
I have a better idea.
Why don't you make believe I went? And the next day, you can let me know how I did.
Let yourself go.
Look, it's nice meeting different people.
Besides, doctors get boring.
Boy, I'm sorry to hang you two up.
I thought Pam would be here by now.
She hasn't called you by any chance, has she? - No.
Do you want me to try her? - No, I'll do it.
Boring? You know what I mean.
You spend all day with them.
Why spend your nights with them? I like them.
I'm one of them.
Well, I think I'll freshen up.
Maybe she should meet us at the restaurant.
I'll get my jacket.
I'm starving.
Good evening.
Ewing Oil.
Phyllis, hello, it's Mark.
Is Pam in? Hi, Mark.
You just missed her.
She couldn't have walked out of here more than 30 seconds ago.
I was beginning to think she forgot about our dinner date.
You know if she's coming over here or going home? Home, I think.
She didn't say anything about dinner.
But she did say she had to pack.
Hold on a minute, Mark.
Matt wants to talk to you.
Mark, hi.
Matt Cantrell.
Listen, I'm sorry I kept your lady so late.
Oh? Yeah.
We had a lot of details to go over.
And I insisted that we get them out of the way before we left.
I, uh, didn't keep my eye on the clock.
I apologize.
I understand.
You know, uh, Mark, it's gonna be a hell of a trip.
I wish you could come down with us.
Yeah, me too.
Well, good night.
Good night.
- You reach her? - Yeah.
But she's beat.
To tell you the truth, so am I.
I'm afraid we're gonna have to miss dinner tonight.
I hope you don't mind.
I don't if you don't.
No, no, no.
I'll just practice having a good time.
See you tomorrow, pal.
Love to Pam.
Love to Pam.
I knew you went to college with Mark, but I didn't know you were roommates.
It wasn't easy bunking with the most popular guy on campus.
Our room was a Mardi Gras every night.
I don't know how he did it.
So your aversion to parties began at an early age.
- I could never get any sleep.
- You're not supposed to sleep at parties.
Well, you're not supposed to party in bedrooms.
Who says? Oh.
Uh, ahem.
But, uh, you survived all that and went on to medical school and then on to become a famous doctor.
But I started out as an emergency room doctor.
It was a great job.
I didn't have to worry about anything but taking care of people.
Whoever came through the door, whatever was wrong with them that's all I had to think about: Help the people get better.
I was being a doctor.
I mean, a doctor.
It was the greatest feeling in the world.
Isn't it still? Well, it wasn't for a long time.
The years go by, and things change, goals change.
Maybe I changed.
I got caught up in medical corporations, professional associations large-staff hospitals, insurance.
I guess I was in the business of being a doctor.
I was as worried about billing as I was about healing.
Somewhere along the line, I'd lost that feeling.
Somewhere along the line something went wrong.
And then Mark came along.
And he wanted to start the research center and he needed my help.
Mark made it possible for me to feel like a doctor again.
A lot of boring doctor talk.
Waiter, may I have some more coffee, please? Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Bore me a little more.
There you are.
All settled in.
- What are you doing, John Ross? - Where'd it go? Where did what go? Tada! Oh, no, you don't.
Gonna get some sleep.
You're not gonna listen to these.
- This puts me to sleep.
- Yeah, sure it does.
It was Mama's idea.
Well, your mama has some good ideas sometimes.
But this is not what I call rocking you to sleep.
It's not rock.
It's your mother.
- It's for nights she can't tuck me in.
- Ah? She calls it filling my head with ideas.
Well, what's she saying? All kinds of things.
- Mama's really smart.
- Ha, ha.
It runs in the family.
All right, you can listen to her.
Ha, ha.
Good night.
- Night, Daddy.
- Good night, son.
Yes? Mr.
Horner, Mrs.
Farlow has arrived.
Show her in, please.
Miss Ellie, it's good to see you.
Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Franklin.
I, uh I know how busy you are.
Never too busy for you, Miss Ellie.
How's everyone at home? Oh, they're fine.
Well, uh, what can I do for you? I want to open up a line of credit.
I'll put up my 10 percent of Ewing Oil as collateral.
Well, that's not necessary.
We can extend you any credit you might need.
Well, I'm gonna need a great deal of capital available to me.
Perhaps it would be simpler if I arranged a loan for you.
No, I, uh I don't think so.
Well, maybe if you could tell me how much you think you might need, uh what you might need it for.
I've been doing some investing, Franklin.
And I plan to do some more.
But those plans call for cash beyond the value of my personal holdings.
Miss Ellie, that's a considerable amount of money.
Are you getting professional advice on this? Of course I am.
I'm sorry, Miss Ellie.
I don't want to question your business sense.
But I don't want to see you risk Ewing Oil either.
I appreciate that, and I realize your concern.
And I also realize that you know the value of 10 percent of Ewing Oil.
If your bank won't accept that as collateral I'll have to find another one that will.
Miss Ellie, the Ewing family is one of this bank's most valued clients.
If this is the way you want the matter handled, so be it.
Thank you, Franklin.
Have I told you how beautiful you are lately, huh? Well, you are.
Of course, you know that, don't you? Get on out of here now.
Hey, Clayton.
She's your favorite, isn't she? Well, don't tell the others, but yes, sir, she is.
Well, I'll tell you, Ray you're doing a wonderful job with these animals around here.
Well, I wasn't so sure you felt that way the other day.
I know.
That's why I'm here.
I was short with you and I wanna apologize.
- It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
I had a problem and I let it get between us.
And that's not right.
It's not fair to you.
It happens to the best of us.
I understand.
Ah, still, I feel I owe you an explanation.
It's not necessary.
You see, Farlow Industries well, they've gotten into some deep financial problems.
Clayton, really, I I don't want you to tell anybody about this, especially Ellie.
I've been forced to sell off some of the smaller companies to hold on to my refinery.
That's what's important to me.
I wish there was something I could do to help.
Oh, no, no, no.
As long as I can sell off the losing companies, everything's fine.
But I was worried for a while there.
- It's funny, isn't it? - What's that? Well, I started off with one company.
Looks like I'm gonna end up with one company.
Sometimes it makes you wonder what this old life's all about.
Are you absolutely sure about this? You are looking at the most expensive sable in the whole world.
One of the largest emerald mines ever discovered? I'm telling you, worth hundreds of millions.
Oh, my sister, God bless her.
Well, J.
Is still trying to talk her out of the deal.
He said he keeps telling her over and over that the whole thing's nothing but a bust and she ought to drop Cantrell and cut her losses.
But he said she's as hardheaded as ever and she refuses to listen to him.
Of course she is.
I mean, she's always been like that.
I mean, you tell her to go that way, she'll go that way just as far as she can.
I mean, she is stubborn.
Ha, ha.
She'll be the death of him.
Yeah, well, if I were you, I'd just make sure she holds on to what she's got.
Yeah, I'll make sure.
I'll make damn sure.
Isn't it fun? Are you enjoying this as much as I am? Ha, ha.
I hope so.
Hello, Dora Mae.
- Mr.
Hey, Dora Mae.
I have your table waiting.
Right this way.
Thank you.
Well, Jordan, Bradley, how you doing? - Hi, J.
, Jack.
- Howdy.
Say, J.
, talk on the street has it that Marinos deal of yours already has gone better than expected.
Yes, and that you Ewings may have found the largest discovery in the Caribbean in years.
If you can't believe what you hear, what are you gonna believe? Maybe we can get you to give us a straight answer.
Well, let's just put it this way.
It's probably gonna be the largest discovery in the Caribbean.
I don't know how you do it, J.
There was a time when I thought that you were just lucky.
Well, we know it's more than luck.
- We just don't know what it's more of.
Ha-ha-ha! Well, you know how luck runs.
You just hang in there.
You'll get your share.
In the meantime Dora Mae, put their lunch on my bill, would you? - Gentlemen.
- J.
- Good to see you, boys.
- Nice to see you.
- Yep.
Hey, Cassie.
I'll just have my usual.
Yes, sir.
Ewing? Oh, bring me your best beer, Cassie.
You know, Jack, when this Marinos field comes in we're gonna have a lot more things to keep track of.
You're gonna be chained to a desk for a while.
Well, Clayton and Ray both know that I'm yours for the next few months.
Good, good.
And when we get this Martinique trip out of the way, things will settle down.
Well, I hear that's a beautiful place.
Yeah, we'll have some fun, raise some hell.
Ha, ha.
I could go for that, I'll tell you.
You just stick with me, Jack.
Just stick with me.
Ha, ha.
Uh, Jackie, get ahold of Ann Haughton in Accounting.
Have her draw up a $2 million check made payable to Pam.
Then get Pam on the phone for me.
Cliff, what's going on? I'm gonna help out my sister.
I'm gonna be her new partner in an emerald mine.
Thanks for coming down, J.
I know you were on your way home.
It must be important if you couldn't discuss it with me on the phone.
It is important.
It's about Miss Ellie.
Mama? J.
, to some, this conversation might seem unethical.
But under the circumstances, and given your family's relationship with this bank I don't think I'm making a mistake.
Franklin, just get on with it, would you? Miss Ellie paid me a visit earlier today.
She asked to establish a very large line of credit.
How large? So large that she put up her 10 percent of Ewing Oil as collateral.
My God, that's a fortune.
- What would she want that money for? - I don't know.
- What do you mean? Didn't you ask her? - I asked.
I didn't get an answer.
She was evasive, insisted that her collateral spoke for her.
If this bank couldn't handle it, she'd find another one that could.
You approved her line of credit? Well, I thought she'd prefer not to risk her Franklin, I want you to do me a favor.
Uh, charge whatever checks Mama writes to my personal account.
All right.
And I wanna know exactly who she's writing these checks to.
Consider it done, J.
I gotta find out what's going on here.
Oh, what a meal.
Miss Ellie, I can't tell you how long it's been since I've eaten this well.
It'll be a long time before you get another meal like this when you get to the jungle.
What do you eat in the jungle? Mostly whatever you can hunt.
It all sounds so romantic.
It sounds idiotic to me.
Especially the part about dragging that Barnes woman down there.
That was her idea.
Yeah, it was also her idea to invest in that emerald mine of yours.
- Shows you how smart she is.
- J.
Well, Mama, would you invest in something like that, huh? Bobby did.
What I'd like to know is how you found the emerald mine in the first place.
- Well - Bobby always loved emeralds.
When we were in high school, he used to tell me that he wanted to marry me and buy me the biggest emerald engagement ring.
Not diamonds like everyone else.
Well, Mama, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll stretch my legs.
You know, uh, Ray always said that jewelry was a waste of money.
I just said there were more important things.
- More important than Donna? - No, that is not what I meant at all.
Ha, ha.
- Nothing is more important than Donna.
- Mm.
Well, for that, I just might let you off the hook.
Well, how's everything with all those children of yours? Oh, it's going so good.
As a matter of fact, I wanted to ask you something.
Do you think that I could bring a bunch of them out here to Southfork for some fresh air and horseback riding? I think that would be wonderful.
Just name the day.
Oh, Miss Ellie, they'll be so thrilled.
Thank you.
May I pour you an after-dinner drink? Sure.
Yeah, I'd like that.
I'd like to thank you for spending the extra time with John Ross last night.
I really do appreciate it, and I know he loves it.
What he loves is that tape recorder you gave him.
Where'd you ever get that idea, anyhow? Well, I lost a lot of time with him when I was drinking.
And I don't wanna make the same mistake while I'm recovering.
So now when there are nights that I can't be here for him because of my AA meeting or anything else, he has me on tape.
I guess I'm trying to make up for all the lost time.
It wasn't all lost time.
Look at you now.
That was quite a romantic story you told in there.
Story? About Bobby and the emeralds.
But if they'd remembered to look at your hand they would've realized that Bobby thought diamonds were the most beautiful stones on Earth.
He didn't like diamonds more.
He liked emeralds more.
He loved emeralds! And he loved me! What do you know? What does anyone know? Jamie.
It's me.
Oh, God, I love you.
Are you in a lot of pain, huh? No, don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
You You were in an accident, huh? You remember? Some, uh, barrels.
Some oil drums.
And And when you were inspecting out on our loading dock But that's all right.
That's all right.
You're all right.
You just got banged up a little bit, but you're all right, I promise you that, huh? You're in the hospital.
And you've been here for a couple of weeks.
I've been here with you all the time.
Everyone has.
You've had some internal injuries and, uh, some broken ribs.
Hm? But you're okay.
I mean, even the doctors, they're surprised at how well you're healing.
And we all gave blood, hm? Everyone.
Yeah, I did and Pam and Mark and Jack and Sue Ellen.
And, ha-ha-ha, I think I think J.
Even gave some.
You know, you've got a very, very special kind of blood.
Did you know that? Boy, it was difficult to find somebody with that kind of blood.
But then Jack he has the same kind of blood as you do.
And, uh, that's what did the trick.
And we've just been waiting for you to wake up so we could have you back.
Uh, Cliff Jamie, don't ever leave me.
Ah, Mr.
Ewing is certainly a very greedy man.
You would've done the same thing, Nicholas.
He just took advantage of the situation.
Any good businessman would have.
Well, I'm just happy his new deal has no bearing on our real business with him.
We are lucky he did not know how close he came to the truth.
I'm depending on you not to let him get that close again.
Or Jack.
The only thing Jack is getting close to is me.
And he seems to be enjoying that.
And you don't think we'll have problems getting him to Martinique? Even though J.
Might try to double-cross us? The trip is a month away.
As the time nears I'm going to suggest that he and I take off for a few days ahead of everyone else for some rest and relaxation.
The quiet island, the sun, the beach and me, might do him some good.
So when the conference starts, he'll be with you, not with J.
Just one island hop away.
Well, I hope you know what you're doing, because if you don't, we're through.
Well, I've got to get to the airport.
I should be in our Athens office late tomorrow.
I'll call you.
Don't worry so much about us.
I'll try.
Are you going to see Jack? Talking about that desert island got my pulse going.
I'm a woman who enjoys her work.
Just as long as you don't forget that it is work.
I don't want you thinking with your heart instead of with your head.
- Have fun.
- Thanks.
Flight 66 to Phoenix is now ready for boarding at Gate 45.
Air Oklahoma Flight 37 to Oklahoma City is now ready for boarding.
I'd say things are pretty good.
Back in business with Pam.
Even though it is a bit of a gamble.
And Jamie, boy, she's getting better by the hour.
I mean, what more could I ask? I've gotta go over there.
I'm gonna stop by the hospital on the way in to see her.
- So I'll see y'all later.
- Give her my love, will you? - Tell her I'll come by tomorrow.
- I'll do it.
Mark, now that you're baching it, why don't you and I have dinner this week? Yeah, sure.
I'll see you, Cliff.
Mark, I don't get it.
You don't want her to go.
She knows you don't want her to go.
If you had put your foot down, she would've stayed.
It's not for me to tell her what to do.
- But you can tell her how you feel.
- She knows how I feel.
But she's doing this for Bobby.
She loved Bobby very much.
She loves you very much.
She searched all over the world for you.
I know.
I traveled over half of it with her.
She wanted to marry you, remember? Well, that was then.
Mark, nothing has changed.
Look, there's something you don't know something Pam hasn't told anyone but me.
She and Bobby were gonna get married again.
He was leaving Pam's house to tell Jenna when he was killed.
She couldn't tell anyone.
She never wants Jenna to know, of course.
You see, I have to let her get this trip out of her system.
She's doing it for Bobby.
It may be the last trip she needs to take or it may be only the first.
I love her very much.
I wanna be with her right now.
But this is the only way for me to find out if I belong in her future.
- Here you are, Mr.
- Oh, thank you, Cassie.
- Would you like to order lunch now? - No, no, I'm waiting for somebody.
Well, if it isn't the, uh The, uh, former owner of an emerald mine.
Well, it didn't take your sister long to shoot her mouth off, did it? No, it didn't take her long to find a partner either.
Matter of fact, you're looking at him.
I am now the proud part owner of a spectacular new emerald mine.
And I don't know how I'm ever gonna thank you.
Don't mention it.
Oh, I'm gonna mention it.
Yeah, I'm gonna mention it everywhere I go.
Have a nice day.
- Here you are, Mr.
- Thank you, Dora Mae.
- Ah, Franklin.
- Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.
No, no, I was just enjoying myself.
Horner, something from the bar? Uh, club soda, Cassie.
Thank you.
Well, you got some news for me? You wanted to know when your mother started drawing funds.
Well, she started.
This morning, we issued her a draft in the amount of $ 7 million.
Seven million dollars? And that's just a deposit toward a purchase.
A deposit? What's she buying, Texas Stadium? I'm not sure.
We were requested to make the draft out to a broker.
Erickson Investments of Houston.
Have you ever done business with them? No.
I've never even heard of them.
I wonder what she's doing down in Houston.
Would you like me to pursue it, contact someone at the brokerage? Uh, no, no, I better take care of this myself.
If I give her the opportunity, she just might tell me what she's up to.
I'll call you if I need any help.
They weighed me this morning and told me that I lost 10 pounds.
That would be good news any time, but the best part about it is they insist I gain 5 pounds back.
- They insist.
Ha, ha.
Twist my arm.
- Ha, ha.
The doctors recommended that I eat a lot of cheesecake.
Do you remember how much I love cheesecake? Ha, ha.
Do I remember? Of course I remember.
I mean, I think I love this place.
I could almost vacation here.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Ha, ha.
Aah! Jamie, are you all right? - Are you okay? - Yeah, yeah.
I never thought I'd say this, but it only hurts when I laugh.
Ha, ha.
You didn't say that, did you? No.
Ha, ha.
You know, Jack, when I think about how they told me how hard it was to find you I realize how lucky I am to be alive.
Well, I'm sorry I created such a panic.
You were up in the mountains fishing? Didn't catch much.
Why not? Wrong bait, I guess.
Why'd you go up there in the first place? You couldn't tell me when you left.
Can you tell me now? Can't you guess? Jenna.
Yes, Jenna.
But it's pretty simple, really.
We started dating and then we stopped.
And somewhere in between, you fell in love.
Oh, boy, did I.
And you still love her.
Well, that doesn't matter anymore.
Well, maybe there's a chance that you'll get back together.
Not until she gets over Bobby.
If she ever gets over Bobby.
She's having a rough time, isn't she? I think she's having a rougher time than anybody.
And I truly feel sorry for her because as much as I may be hurting I know that she's hurting a lot, lot more.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Well, I thought maybe you'd gone on to lunch without me.
Lunch? Uh No.
Actually, I just got here a little while ago myself.
Are you okay? I'm a little tired, that's all.
L I didn't get much sleep last night.
Oh, that's why you were late.
You overslept.
I went to see Bobby before I came here.
I lost track of time.
Uh Maybe this isn't a good time for us to have lunch, huh? Probably not, no.
We can do it some other time? You don't mind? No.
Are you sure you're okay? Oh, I'm fine.
Well, okay, I'll let you get back to work.
Now, Charlie, not too much water.
He'll catch pneumonia.
John Ross, really rub now, rub.
You won't hurt him.
He's tough.
Hey, kids, Mama.
Hi, Daddy.
- Hi.
Hey, son.
Well, you've been out for an afternoon ride? I took the children for a ride around the pond.
Oh, yeah.
What brings you home so early? Well, you, actually.
- Me? - Yeah.
Yeah, I was sitting in my office this morning.
Been looking at a mound of work.
All kinds of drilling reports and, you know, God knows what else.
My eye caught your picture.
Bobby's picture too.
Well, I got to thinking, you know we just haven't been spending a lot of time together, and that's not good.
No, that's not good.
I guess we've just both been so busy.
Well, that's for sure.
But it's no excuse.
We just gotta find the time to be together to catch up.
Say, uh, what do you say we go for a ride around the pond? Hmph.
You, ride? Well, in the car of course, you know.
You know, I just got word that our drilling off Venezuela is just going wonderfully.
Yes, sir, that deal we made with those Greeks is about the best one we've ever done.
Ha, ha.
Ewing Oil's done it again.
You did it again, J.
Yeah, well, same thing.
Mama, we're gonna have more money than we know what to do with.
Oh, you'll think of something, I'm sure.
I suppose so.
Hey, why don't you let me buy you a birthday present, huh? I don't have birthdays anymore.
- How about an early Christmas present? - And spoil Christmas morning? Oh, Mama, please.
You're not letting me have any fun.
Ha, ha.
I'm sorry.
Now, come on.
I wanna spend some money on you.
Isn't there anything you want? Well, yes, there is.
I wonder if you could talk to Christopher later.
He misses his mother.
Maybe you could You could tell him a story.
A story? Yes.
You know, something about the jungle or something.
Try to cheer him up a little bit.
I don't know anything about jungles.
Hey, that's a good idea, though.
I'm gonna send you on a safari.
Oh, J.
, I don't want to go on a safari.
I don't want anything.
But what a nice idea this was, J.
What was that? Oh, J.
, this little talk we've been having.
Oh, yeah.
What an odd place for the middle of nowhere.
Once, this was somewhere.
You look exhausted.
I just want a hot bath.
You got it.
Matt Cantrell.
You better go get that bath started.
I've got a couple of phone calls to make.
Oh, I'll see you later.
Well, look what the dog dragged in.
What the cat dragged in.
And what did he drag in with him? A rich American lady, yes? A business partner.
Too bad.
I was hoping you were on vacation.
The last time you did business in our city, you made many enemies.
They remember you well.
Be very careful, amigo.

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